t on the property of any other business transaction, inheritance, grants and wills while maintaining physical resources, for charity with the intention to draw closer to God S waqif. WT "
Some sense / another definition: 1) Definition of Waqf on the side of Abu Hanifa: - That hold a valid asset or property owners waqif and charity benefits to road kabajikan. 2) Definition of endowment Majority side Scholars: - The arrested property items to be seized and permanent assets - to decide on the adoption of the assets of the waqif or a host of others-to the use to be - or be applied toward production betterment and welfare - as mayest receive to God. 3) Definition of endowment Maliki side: - That makes the benefits owners possession - though possessed by renting - such production or used money - to those in need - with-berlafaz road for long periods prescribed by waqif. With that - alongside endowment Maliki is not decided right owner at the waqf assets-just decided to adopt right away.
PILLARS of Waqf a) waqif (waqif). Between waqif conditions are: - Must have full property like endowed, meaning it is free for dedicating the property to anyone he wanted. - Sanity (perfect common sense) and rational thinking. - Harlequin. - Own choice and not be forced to berwakaf (bi effort nafsih).
b) mawquf (waqf property). - The property must be things that could be useful. - The property has a value of waqf (mutaqawwim). - The waqf property is owned by the berwakaf perfect (waqif). - Endowed for that purpose only and does not violate the law.
c) mawquf 'Alaih (receiver endowment). - People who can to have the property (ahlan li al-tamlik) - Muslim, infidel dhimmi independent and can own and benefit waqf. Whereas people of unsound mind, slaves, and illegal lunatic receive endowment. - Receiver endowment could make a case taqarrub endowment benefit (nearness) to Allah) and it is intended only for the sake of Islam.
d) mawquf 'Alaih (receiver endowment). - Statement made waqf whether oral, written or co-utterance signal. - Through the pronouncement of whether or kinayah soreh. Soreh pronouncement: a clear pronouncement of a specific meaning like "I endowed my house for poor people". Kinayah utterance: utterance that carries many meanings such as "Hartaku is charity to the poor". Must have full property like endowed, meaning it is free for dedicating the property to anyone he wanted. Sanity (perfect common sense) and rational thinking. Puberty. Own choice and not be forced to berwakaf (bi effort nafsih). Must have full property like endowed, meaning it is free for dedicating the property to anyone he kehendaki.Berakal (perfect common sense) and pemikirannya.Baligh.Pilihan own sense and not be forced to berwakaf (bi effort nafsih).
Evidence on Waqaf a) AL-QURAN Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 261: Means: Parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah (spending donations) is like a seed that grows and produces seven ears, each stalk bearing a hundred grains. And (remember) Allah gives manifold increase (reward) for whom He wills, and Allah is Ample (blessings) of His bounty, Knowing. Surah Ali 'Imran, verse 92: Means: You never reach the charity (perfect), before you spend sehahagian of what you love. And whatever you spend, Allah is Aware.
b) Hadith NABAWIYAH From Abu Hurairah, may Allah, the Prophet said: Means: "When the son of Adam dies, will terhentilah practice except for three things: alms deeds (waqf property), which appropriates knowledge and righteous children who pray" Hadith Narrated by Muslim Hadith of Umar son r.a. Hadith of Umar son r.a. he said: 'Umar acquired land in Khaibar and he came to the Prophet to ask views on land, then he said, which means: "Messenger of Allah, indeed I got a piece of land in Khaibar, where I did not get the property more valuable to me than himself, (although I aspire to attach themselves to Allah Almighty), what shall you command me to him?" Then the Prophet says to the effect: "If you want to refrain (freeze) the land, and charity benefits." Umar then remit benefits to soil conditions (maukuf) is not accessible to, not hibah (berry) and not passed on (inherited). Waqf land for the poor, relatives, freeing slaves, sabilillah, ibnissabil and guests. And there are no barriers for people who manage (ie keeping authorized
Inspectors) to take the wage portion of it in a proper manner and take his wages without assuming that the land was his own.
c) ijma ' - Imam Al-Qurthuby said endowment Caliphate is consensus (already agreed) among the Companions of the Prophet; such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Aisha, Fatima, Amr ibn Al`As ibn Zubair, and Jabir, whole practice sharia endowment and endowment-waqf, whether in Mecca or Medina, already known by the popular crowd. (See: Tafsir Al-Qurthuby: 6/339, AlMustadrah 4/200). - Jabir said: No one of the companions of the Prophet who has the ability and leisure provision, but certainly never mewakafkannya. (See: al-Mughni 8/185, Al-Zarkasyi 4/269). - Imam Tirmidhi states: Endowments have been practiced by the scholars, both from among the companions of the Prophet or the other, I do not see no difference of opinion among scholars about possible mutaqaddimin waqf, or endowment good land given to another.? (See: Sunan Tirmidhi 5/13 after hadith no. 1375).
PROPERTY FEATURES on Waqf Waqf property operated as a catalyst in the economic development of Muslims as it has some of the following characteristics: 1. The uniqueness of the concept of separation between endowment in the ownership and benefits of its use. Pewakafan estate property ownership will cause the power removed from the property. Stops in principle is an enduring and waqif contract can no longer owns the property in any whatsoever, except as waqf property manager. In majazinya waqf is the property of Allah. 2. Endowments are ongoing charity which not only enables continuous waqif rewarded, but continued benefit recipients. With the parties rely endowment can arrange institutional financial planning effectively for the long term. Besides the parties do not have to worry waqif possible declassification sabotage as waqf land by the government as the legal maxim states: "Conditions are as nas waqif Islam." 3. Use of the waqf is for the welfare and the things that are required by the Shari'ah. Therefore not required to determine those who benefit from adequate endowment and says: "I wakafkan this property because of God." This feature allows the development of waqf properties to various modern forms as long as they meet the objectives of the endowment.
TYPEs of Waqf Endowments are divided into two main categories: General waqaf (AM) - refers to the practice of submitting to the waqf did not say anything specific purpose in consecration property. Property can be developed for any purpose, as long as not contrary to Islamic law. Special/specific waqaf (SPECIAL) - the practice of dedicating property where waqif specifically stated that the purpose of waqf during menwakafkan property. Waqf property shall be used only for the purposes stated specifically that. For example endowed special land for the construction of mosques, prayer, burial and so on.
Condition of waqaf 1. The property must be things that can be taken benefits. 2. Waqf property to endowment recipients exist then. 3. The waqf property can provide long-lasting benefits and benefit. 4. Well endowed for the purpose only and does not violate the law. 5. Determined waqf property type, form, place, area and volume. 6. Waqf property belongs to the waqif perfect.
CONDITIONS for waqaf receiver Waqif is: 1. Islamite 2. Of age (puberty) 3. Sane (perfect common sense) 4. Members tasarruf / tabaruk 5. Own choice (optional) 6. independent
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Waqf AND CHARITY(sedekah) Alms given to the needy and the endowment intended for use by the whole community in general, despite the needy given preference. Charity is something that can be transferable. When a property is a waqf, waqif had no right and no interference in the property. Alms can be given in any manner while the endowment is restricted to a property where the property can generate revenue or generate more benefits on an ongoing basis or form results can be stored.
Property that can be waqaf Possessions and property shall belong properly endowed the waqf endowment in the form of the following:
A) Waqf Al-I'qar (Immovable Property) of the property can not be transferred as: Provide land for building or community activities that are useful for the growth of Islam. Provide for the use of school buildings, hospitals and so on.
B) Waqf Al-manqul (Movable Property) That the property can be transferred as cash, books, books, desks, clothing, weapons, agricultural tools, animal milk can be taken and so on.
C) Al-Musya Endowments' According to most scholars to be endowed shared or owned property jointly with another person that can not be divided as two people have the right to a home and a car. If one of the owners mewakaf part, then this is a valid endowment.
D) Stops Irtifaq Haq (Storey Building Ownership) The Shafi'i and Hanbali this endowment requires that endowed one-story building consisting of several levels, such as an endowed the upper floors of the building or floor. It can be done so without endowed all buildings. Endowments are valid according to the Shafi'i and Hanbali sect.
E) Waqf Al-Irsod That endowment made by the government to the public interest as a piece of land to be used as schools, hospitals and so on according to Islamic law.