General Theory of Relativity
General Theory of Relativity
General Theory of Relativity
etc. behave as if in free space. So, if he should fall inside a closed box, he
would not be able to tell whether he was plunging to his death (or, at least,
severe discomfort), or whether he was in outer space on his way to Pluto at
constant speed.
This is reminiscent of Galileo’s argument: the observer lets go of some
objects which remain in a state of uniform motion (with respect to him!).
This behavior is independent of their chemical or physical nature (as above,
air resistance is ignored). The observer (Wile), as long as he confines his/her
observations to his/her immediate vicinity (that is, as long as he/she does
not look down) has the right to interpret his state as ‘at rest’. Just as
Galileo argued that experiments in a closed box cannot determine the state
of uniform motion of the box, Einstein argued that experiments in a freely
falling small2 closed box cannot be used to determine whether the box is in
the grip of a gravitational force or not.
Why would this be true? The answer can be traced back to the way in
which gravity affects bodies. Remember (see Sect. ??) that the quantity we
called m (the mass) played two different roles in Newton’s equations. One
is to determine, given a force, what the acceleration of the body would be:
F = ma (the inertial mass). The other is to determine the intensity with
which the said body experiences a gravitational force: F = mM G/r2 (the
gravitational mass). As mentioned before these two quantities need not be
equal: the first “job” of m is to tell a body how much to accelerate given
any force, a kick, an electric force (should the body be charged), etc. The
second “job” tells the body how much of the gravitational force should it
experience and also determines how strong a gravitational force it generates.
But, in fact, both numbers are equal (to a precision of ten parts per billion).
What does this imply? Well, from Newton’s equations we get
= ma so that = a;
r2 r2
this equation determines how a body moves, which trajectory it follows,
how long does it take to move from one position to another, etc. and is
independent of m! Two bodies of different masses, composition, origin and
guise will follow the same trajectory: beans, bats and boulders will move in
the same way.
So the equality of the two m’s was upgraded by Einstein to a postulate:
the Principle of Equivalence; this one statement (that the m in ma and
the m in mM G/r2 are identical) implies an incredible amount of new and
The reasons behind the requirement that the box be small will become clear soon.
The Special Theory of Relativity is equally nice, it is based on the one statement that
all inertial frames of reference are equivalent.
are different. The principle of equivalence then implies that the observer
will believe that he/she is an inertial frame of reference...until disabused of
the notion by the crash with the surface.
The principle of equivalence is of interest neither because its simplicity,
nor because it leads to philosophically satisfying conclsions. It’s importance
is based on the enormous experimental evidence which confirms it; as with
the Special Theory, the General Theory of Relativity is falsifiable.
The lesson is that for any gravitational force we can always choose a
frame of reference in which an observer will not experience any gravitational
For any gravitational force effects in his/her immediate vicinity (the reason for this last qualification
we can always choose a will become clear below). Such a frame of reference is, as stated above,
frame of reference in which
an observer will not
experience any gravitational
effects in his/her immediate
freely falling.
Conversely one can take the box an attach it to a machine that accel-
erates it (Fig. 7.3). If an observer drops an apple in such an accelerated
box he/she will see the apple drop to the floor, the observer will also feel
hi/her-self pressed against the bottom of the box, etc. The observer can-
not distinguish between this situation and the one he/she would experience
in the presence of gravitational forces! As long as we do experiments in a
small region, the effects produced by a gravitational force are indistinguish-
able from those present in an accelerated reference frame. In a small region the effects
produced by a gravitational
Does this mean that the gravitational forces are a chimera, an illusion?
force are indistinguishable
Of course no. Consider for example Fig. 7.4, two apples fall to the Moon from those present in an
inside a box which is also falling. If they are separated by a sufficiently accelerated reference frame
large distance an observer falling with the apples and box will find that the
distance between the apples shortens as time goes on: this cannot be an
inertial frame he argues (or else it is, but there is some force acting on the
This same set-up can be used to distinguish between a box under the
influence of a gravitational force and one being pulled by a machine; again
we need a very big box (planet-sized). An observer places an two apples at
the top of the box and releases them, he/she carefully measures its initial
separation. The apples fall to the bottom of the box and the observer
measures their separation there. If it is the same as above, and is the same
irrespective of their initial separation, the observer is being pulled by a
machine (box and all). If the separation is different, he/she can conclude
that he/she is experiencing the effects of a gravitational force.
7.3 Light
A very surprising corollary of the above is that light paths are bent by
gravitational forces! I will argue this is true in a slightly round-about way.
Consider an elevator being pulled by a crane so that it moves with con-
stant acceleration (that is its velocity increases uniformly with time). Sup-
pose that a laser beam propagating perpendicular to the elevator’s direction
of motion enters the elevator through a hole on the left wall and strikes the
right wall. The idea is to compare what the crane operator and the elevator
passenger see.
The crane operator, who is in an inertial frame of reference, will see the
sequence of events given in Fig. 7.5. Note, that according to him/her, light
travels in a straight line (as it must be since he/she is in an inertial frame!).
The elevator passenger will see something very different as shown in Fig.
7.5: the light-path is curved! Thus for this simple thought experiment light
paths will be curved for observers inside the elevator.
Now we apply the equivalence principle which implies that we cannot
distinguish between an elevator accelerated by a machine and an elevator
experiencing a constant gravitational force. It follows that the same effect
should be observed if we place the elevator in the presence of a gravitational
Light light paths are curved force: light paths are curved by gravity
by gravity
That gravity affects the paths of planets, satellites, etc. is not something
strange. But we tend to think of light as being different somehow. The above
argument shows that light is not so different from other things and is indeed
affected by gravity in a very mundane manner (the same elevator experiment
could be done by looking at a ball instead of a beam of light and the same
This does not mean, however, that this effect is completely unobservable
(it is small for the case of the elevator because elevators are designed for
very small accelerations, but one can imagine other situations). Consider
from example a beam of light coming from a distant star towards Earth
(Fig. 7.6) which along the way comes close to a very massive dark object.
The arguments above require the light beam to bend; and the same thing
will happen for any other beam originating in the distant star. Suppose that
the star and the opaque object are both prefect spheres, then an astronomer
on Earth will see, not the original star, but a ring of stars (often called an
“Einstein ring). If either the star or the massive dark object are not perfect
spheres then an astronomer would see several images instead of a ring (Fig.
7.7). This effect has been christened gravitational lensing since gravity acts
here as a lens making light beams converge.
Figure 7.6: Diagram illustrating the bending of light from a star by a massive
compact object. If both the bright objects and the massive object are prefect
sphere, there will be an apparent image for every point on the “Einstein
How do we know that the multiple images which are sometimes seen (Fig.
7.7) are a result of the bending of light? The argument is by contradiction:
suppose they are not, that is suppose, that the images we see correspond to
different stars. Using standard astronomical tools one can estimate the dis-
tance between these stars; it is found that they are separated by thousands
of light years, yet it is observed that if one of the stars change, all the others
exhibit the same change instantaneously! Being so far apart precludes the
possibility of communication between them; the simplest explanation is the
one provided by the bending of light. It is, of course, possible to ascribe
these correlations as results of coincidences, but, since these correlations
are observed in many images, one would have to invoke a “coincidence” for
hundreds of observations in different parts of the universe.
The bending of light was one of the most dramatic predictions of the
General Theory of Relativity, it was one of the first predictions that were
verified as we will discuss below in Sect. 7.12.
Figure 7.8: An accelerated clock. The circle denotes a pulse of light which
at the initial is sent from a source; after a time it reaches the top of the the
box and is reflected. The time it takes to do the trip is longer than for a
clock at rest.
On the trip up the distance covered by light is larger than the height
of the box at rest, on the trip down the distance is smaller. A calculation
shows that the whole distance covered in the trip by the pulse is larger than
twice the height of the box, which is the distance covered by a light pulse
when the clock is at rest.
Since light always travels at the same speed, it follows that the time it
takes for the pulse to go the round trip is longer when accelerating than
when at rest: clocks slow down whenever gravitational forces are present.
This has an amazing consequence: imagine a laser on the surface of
a very massive and compact planet (so that the gravitational field is very
strong). An experimenter on the planet times the interval between two crests
of the laser light waves and gets, say, a millionth of a second. His clock ,
however, is slow with respect to the clock of an observer far away in deep
space, this observer will find that the time between two crests is larger. This
implies that the frequency of the laser is larger on the planet than in deep
space: light leaving a region where gravity is strong reddens. This is called Light leaving a region where
the gravitational red-shift (see Fig. 7.9). gravity is strong reddens
Figure 7.9: The gravitational redshidft. Since clocks slow down in a strong
gravitational field then light, whose oscillations can be used as clocks, will
be shifter towards the red as it leaves a region where gravity is strong.
As for time dilation, the slowing down of clocks in the presence of gravi-
tational forces affects all clocks, including biological ones. A twin trveling to
a region where gravity is very strong will come back a younger than the twin
left in a rocket in empty space. This is an effect on top of the one produced
by time dilation due to the motion of the clocks. The gravitational forces
required for a sizable effect, however, are enormous. So the twin will return
younger...provided she survives.
Figure 7.10: Illustration of the horizon surrounding the black hole. The
black holes is represented by the small heavy dot, the light rays or particle
trajectories which cross the dotted line cannot cross it again.
and into the nearest black hole and let us follow his observations. The first
effects that becomes noticeable as he approaches the event horizon is that
his clock ticks slower and slower with respect to the clocks on his spaceship
very far from the black hole (see Sect. 7.4) to the point that it will take
infinite spaceship time for him to cross the horizon. In contrast it will take
a finite amount of astronaut time to cross the horizon, an extreme case of
the relativity of time.
As the astronaut approaches the horizon the light he emits will be more
and more shifted towards the red (see Sect. 7.4) eventually reaching the
infrared, then microwaves, then radio, etc. In order to see him the spaceship
will eventually have to detect first infrared light, then radio waves, then
microwaves, etc.
After crossing the horizon the astronaut stays inside. Even though the
crossing of the horizon might not be a traumatic experience the same cannot
be said for his ultimate fate. Suppose he decides to fall feet first, then, when
sufficiently close to the black hole, the gravitational pull on his feet will be
much larger than that on his head and he will be literally ripped to pieces.
So far black holes appear an unfalsifiable conclusion of the General The-
ory of Relativity: their properties are such that no radiation comes out of
them so they cannot be detected from a distance, and if you should decide
to go, you cannot come back to tell your pals whether it really was a black
hole or whether you died in a freak accident. Doesn’t this contradict the
basic requirement that a scientific theory be falsifiable (Sect. ??)?
Figure 7.11: Artist’s version of a black hole accreting matter from a compan-
ion star. The Star is on the left of the picture and is significantly deformed
by the gravitational pull of the black hole; the object on the right represents
the matter which surrounds the black hole and which is being sucked into
it. The black hole is too small to be seen on the scale of this picture
Well, no, General Theory of Relativity even in this one of its most ex-
treme predictions is falsifiable. The saving circumstance is provided by
the matter surrounding the black hole. All such stuff is continuously being
dragged into the hole (see Fig. 7.11) and devoured, but in the process it gets
extremely hot and radiates light, ultraviolet radiation and X rays. More-
over, this cosmic Maelstrom is so chaotic that the radiation changes very
rapidly, sometimes very intense, sometimes much weaker, and these changes
come very rapidly (see Fig. 7.12). From this changes one can estimate the
size of the object generating the radiation.
On the other hand astronomers can see the gravitational effects on near-
by stars of whatever is making the radiation. And from these effects they
Figure 7.12: X-ray emission from a black hole candidate (Cygnus X1)
can estimate the mass of the beast. Knowing then the size, the manner in
which matter radiates when it comes near, and the mass one can compare
this to the predictions of General Theory of Relativity and decide whether
this is a black hole or not. The best candidate for a black hole found in this
way is called Cygnus X1 (the first observed X ray source in the constellation
Cygnus, the swan).
All the ways we have of detecting black holes depend on the manner in
which they affect the matter surrounding them. The most striking example
is provided by some observation of very distant X-ray sources which are
known to be relatively compact (galaxy size) and very far away. Then the
very fact that we can see them implies that they are extremely bright objects,
so bright that we know of only one source that can fuel them: the radiation
given off by matter while being swallowed by a black hole 5 . So the picture
we have of these objects, generically called active galactic nuclei, is that of
a supermassive (a billion solar masses or so) black hole assimilating many
stars per second, and in disappearing these stars give off the energy that
announces their demise.
All this from the (apparently) innocent principle of equivalence.
mass m, by its very existence, carries and energy mc2 (Sec. ??). There is
no way, however, in which we can associate a mass with light; for example,
we can always change the speed of a mass (even if only a little bit), but this
cannot be done with light.
The force of gravity affects both light and all material bodies; since
both carry energy, but only the bodies carry mass, it follows that gravity
Gravity will affect anything will affect anything carrying energy. This conclusion lies at the root of the
carrying energy construction of Einstein’s equations which describe gravity.
Note that this conclusion has some rather strange consequences. Con-
sider for example a satellite in orbit around the Earth, when the Sun shines
on it it will increase its energy (it warms up), and gravity’s pull with it.
When the satellite is in darkness it will radiate heat, lose energy and the
force of gravity on it will decrease 6 .
Again let me emphasize that this argument is not intended to imply that
light carries mass, but that gravity will affect anything that carries energy.
hours, each time the victim dies of the same thing irrespective of his/her
age, occupation, habits, color, political persuasion or taste in Pepsi vs. Coke;
animals suffer the same fate, being insects of whales. If a rock is sent flying
in, it comes out with a dent of the same characteristics as the ones suffered
by the people and animals.
The police finally shrewdly concludes that there is something in the room
that is killing people, they go in and... But the result is not important, what
is important for this course is the following. We have a room containing
something which inflicts a certain kind of blow to everything going through
the room, I can then say that this inflicting of blows is a property of the
Consider now a region of empty space relatively near some stars. Assume
that the only force felt in this region is the gravitational pull of these stars,
hence all objects, people, animals, etc. going into this region will accelerate
in precisely the same way. Then I can state that the region in space has a
property which generates this acceleration 7 .
Remember however that the region considered was in empty space (it
only contains the objects we send into it), yet some property of this re-
gion determines the motion of anything that goes through it; moreover this
property is a result of the gravitational pull of nearby heavy objects. The
conclusion is then that gravity alters the properties of space, we also saw
that the rates of clocks are altered under the influence of a gravitational
force, it follows that gravity alters the properties of space and time. Space Gravity alters the properties
and time is in fact very far from the unchanging arena envisaged by New- of space and time
ton, they are dynamical objects whose properties are affected by matter and
energy. These changes or deformations of space and time in turn determine
the subsequent motion of the bodies in space time: matter tells space-time
how to curve and space-time tells matter how to move (Fig. 7.13). Matter tells space-time how
to curve and space-time
tells matter how to move
I assume that the objects coming into this region are not too heavy, so that their
gravitational forces can be ignored and that the start from the same spot with identical
radius? The answer to the last question is yes...provided you draw the circle
on a flat sheet of paper. Suppose however that you are constrained to draw
circles on a sphere, and that you are forced to measure distances only on
the sphere. Then you find that the perimeter measured along the sphere is
smaller than 2π×radius (with the radius also measured along the sphere,
see Fig. 7.15).
Figure 7.15: The distance from the equator to the pole on a sphere is larger
than the radius. For being constrained to move on the surface of the sphere
this distance is what they would call the radius of their universe, thus for
them the circumference is smaller than 2π×radius and they can conclude
that they live in curved space.
Conversely curved space and time generate effects which are equivalent
to gravitational effects. In order to visualize this imagine a world where
all things can only move on the surface of a sphere. Consider two beings
labeled A and B as in Fig. 7.16, which are fated live on the surface of this
sphere. On a bright morning they both start from the equator moving in a
direction perpendicular to it (that is, they don’t meander about but follow
a line perpendicular to the equator).
Figure 7.16: Two beings moving on a sphere are bound to come closer just
as they would under the effects of gravity
As time goes on the two beings will come closer and closer. This effect
is similar to the experiment done with two apples falling towards the moon
(Fig. 7.4): an observer falling with them will find their distance decreases
as time progresses; sentient apples would find that they come closer as time
goes on.
So we have two descriptions of the same effect: on the one hand grav-
itational forces make the apples approach each other; on the other hand
the fact that a sphere is curved makes the two beings approach each other;
mathematically both effects are, in fact, identical. In view of this the conclu-
sion that gravity curves space might not be so peculiar after all; moreover,
in this picture the equivalence principle is very natural: bodies move the
way they do due to the way in which space is curved and so the motion is
independent of their characteristics 8 , in particular the mass of the body Bodies move the way they
does not affect its motion. do due to the way in which
space is curved and so the
motion is independent of
their characteristics
Figure 7.17: Just as bugs fated to live on the surface of a sphere might find
it peculiar to learn their world is curved, so we might find it hard to realize
that our space is also curved.
Now the big step is to accept that the same thing that happened to the
above beings is happening to us all the time. So how come we don’t see that
the space around us is really curved? The answer is gotten by going back
to the beings A and B: they cannot “look out” away from the sphere where
they live, they have no perception of the perpendicular dimension to this
sphere, and so they cannot “see it from outside” and realize it is curved.
The same thing happens to us, we are inside space, in order to see it curved
we would have to imagine our space in a larger space of more dimensions
I am assuming here that the moving things are not massive enough to noticeably curve
space on their own.
and then we could see that space is curved; Fig. 7.17 gives a cartoon version
of this.
7.9 Curvature
When considering the beings living on a sphere it is easy for us to differen-
tiate between the sphere and some plane surface: we actually see the sphere
being curved. But when it comes to us, and our curved space, we cannot see
it since this would entail our standing outside space and looking down on
it. Can we then determine whether space is curved by doing measurements
inside it?
To see that this can be done let’s go back to the beings on the sphere.
Suppose they make a triangle by the following procedure: they go form the
equator to the north pole along a great circle (or meridian) of the sphere, at
the north pole they turn 90o to the right and go down another great circle
until they get to the equator, then they make another 90o turn to the right
until they get to the starting point (see Fig. 7.18). They find that all three
lines make 90o angles with each other, so that the sum of the angles of this
triangle is 270o , knowing that angles in all flat triangles always add up to
180o they conclude that the world they live on is not a flat one. Pythagoras’
theorem only holds on flat surfaces
We can do the same thing: by measuring very carefully angles and dis-
tances we can determine whether a certain region of space is curved or not.
In general the curvature is very slight and so the distances we need to cover
to observe it are quite impractical (several light years), still there are some
special cases where the curvature of space is observed: if space were flat
light would travel in straight lines, but we observe that light does no such
thing in regions where the gravitational forces are large; I will discuss this
further when we get to the tests of the General Theory of Relativity in the
following sections.
The curvature of space is real and is generated by the mass of the bodies
in it. Correspondingly the curvature of space determines the trajectories of
all bodies moving in it. The Einstein equations are the mathematical em-
bodiment of this idea. Their solutions predict, given the initial positions and
velocities of all bodies, their future relative positions and velocities. In the
limit where the energies are not too large and when the velocities are signif-
icantly below c the predictions of Einstein’s equations are indistinguishable
from those obtained using Newton’s theory. At large speeds and/or energies
significant deviations occur, and Einstein’s theory, not Newton’s, describes
the observations.
7.10 Waves
A classical way of picturing the manner in which heavy bodies curve space
is to imagine a rubber sheet. When a small metal ball is made to roll on
it it will go in a straight line at constant speed (neglecting friction). Now
imagine that a heavy metal ball is placed in the middle of the sheet; because
of its weight the sheet will be depressed in the middle (Fig 7.13). When a
small ball is set rolling it will no longer follow a straight line, its path will
be curved and, in fact, it will tend to circle the depression made by the
heavy ball. The small ball can even be made to orbit the heavy one (it will
eventually spiral in and hit the heavy ball, but that is due to friction, if
the sheet is well oiled it takes a long time for it to happen). This toy then
realizes what was said above: a heavy mass distorts space (just as the heavy
ball distorts the rubber sheet). Any body moving through space experiences
this distortion and reacts accordingly.
Now imagine what happens if we drop a ball in the middle of the sheet.
It will send out ripples which spread out and gradually decrease in strength.
Could something similar happen in real life? The answer is yes! When there
is a rapid change in a system of heavy bodies a large amount of gravitational
waves are produced. These waves are ripples in space which spread out form
their source at the speed of light carrying energy away with them.
A computer simulation of a gravitational wave is given in Fig. 7.19. The
big troughs denote regions where the wave is very intense, the black dot
at the center denotes a black hole, the ring around the hole represents the
black hole’s horizon.
Can we see gravitational waves? Not yet directly, but we have very strong
indirect evidence of their effects. Several systems which according to the
General Theory of Relativity ought to lose energy by giving off gravitational
waves have been observed. The observations show that these systems lose
energy, and the rate at which this happens coincides precisely with the
predictions from the theory.
Observing gravitational waves directly requires very precise experiments.
The reason is that, as one gets farther and farther away from the source these
waves decrease in strength very rapidly. Still, if a relatively strong gravita-
tional wave were to go by, say, a metal rod, its shape would be deformed
by being stretched and lengthened periodically for a certain time. By ac-
curately measuring the length of rods we can hope to detect these changes.
7.11 Summary.
The conclusions to be drawn from all these arguments are,
• Space-time is a dynamic object: matter curves it, and the way in which
it is curved determines the motion of matter in it. Since all bodies are
affected in the same way by the curvature of space and time the effects
of gravity are independent of the nature of the body. Changes in the
distribution of matter change space-time deforming it, and, in some
instances, making it oscillate.