It Hardware
It Hardware
It Hardware
Every project big or small, is successful largely due to the efforts of a number of wonderful people, who have always given their valuable advice or helping hand. We sincerely appreciate the inspiration; support & efforts of all team members making this project a success. We would like to express our gratitude to our irector !rof. ".
#hinnam $eddy, for his inspiration to do this project and get a wonderful & beneficial experience of learning things in an innovative way. %y doing this project & sharing the knowledge, we can gain insight about different industries which will make us &'ack of all trades(. We would like to thank our classmates to help us in finding information & preparing the report. Without their help it could not be a complete project. )t helps us to work in team & motivate us to give our hands for development of others.
IT Hardware Industry
*he )ndian Electronics & )* )ndustry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the )ndian )ndustry. )ndia has the potential to develop and manufacture Electronics + )* hardware for the global markets and gain higher global share besides meeting the country,s future re-uirement. *he )* & *elecom hardware industry now, operating under a .ero duty regime from the year /001 onwards as a result of implementation of )nformation *echnology 2greement 3)*2456 of W*7. *his project is a study of the )ndian 8ardware )ndustry to see how it was working, what the current situation is, after )*245 & what may be the strategic steps of the big companies in future. We have taken five big players under our study. *hese are9
8#: *echnologies ell )ndia :td. Wipro )nfotech 2cer )ndia :td. )ntel
IT Hardware Industry
1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. 5. 6. Industry Profile Industry Analysis ( Porters Model) Company Profile Dell India Ltd. Wipro Infotech Acer India HCL Infosystems Intel uture Prospects ! "ro#th $usiness %pportunities for India $i&lio'raphy
IT Hardware Industry
;rom wealth creation to improving the -uality of life for all sections of the society, )* has come to be recogni.ed as a key4leveraging factor in <ational evelopment. Electronics is the enabling technology of the information economy and accounts for about => of the global ? !. Electronics+)* is not only the fastest growing industry worldwide but also work. has a profound effect on other industries in increasing productivity, changing cost structure and even the way we live and
Government Initiative
With the formation of a new ministry for )*, ?overnment of )ndia 3?7)6 has taken a major step towards promoting the domestic industry and achieving the full potential of the )ndian )* entrepreneurs. #onstraints have been comprehensively identified and steps taken to overcome them and also to provide incentives. *hus for example, venture capital has been the main source of finance for software industry around the world. 8owever, majority of the software units in )ndia is in the small and medium enterprise sector and there is a critical shortage of venture capital kind of support. )n order to alleviate this situation and to promote )ndian )* industry, the ?overnment of )ndia has set up a <ational *ask ;orce on )* and "oftware evelopment to examine the feasibility of strengthening the industry. *he *ask ;orce has already submitted its recommendations, which are under active consideration. <orms for the operations of
IT Hardware Industry
venture capital funds have also been liberali.ed to boost the industry. *he ?overnment of )ndia is also actively providing fiscal incentives and norms for ; ) and raising capital abroad. $ecently, an )* committee was set up by the @inistry of )nformation *echnology, ?overnment of )ndia, comprising <on $esident )ndian 3<$)6 professionals from the Anited "tates to seek expertise and advice and also to step up A.". investments in )ndiaBs )* sector. *he committee is chaired by @inister of )nformation *echnology, ?overnment of )ndia, and the members include "ecretary, @inistry of )nformation *echnology and a large number of important )ndian 2merican )* entrepreneurs. Electronics and )nformation *echnology is the fastest growing segment of )ndian industry both in terms of production and exports. *oday, the electronics industry is completely delicensed with the exception of aerospace and defence electronics, and along with the liberali.ation in foreign investment and export4import policies of the entire economy, this sector is attracting considerable interest not only as a vast market but also as potential production base by international companies. )n recent times, Csoftware development and )* enabled services, have emerged as a niche opportunity for )ndia in the global context. *he ?overnment is taking all necessary steps to make )ndia, a ?lobal )nformation *echnology "uperpower and a front4runner in the age of )nformation $evolution. *he ?overnment has announced promotion of )nformation *echnology as one of the five top priorities of the country
IT Hardware Industry
and constituted a <ational *ask ;orce on )nformation *echnology and "oftware evelopment.
*o cater to information needs in the field of electronics of the )ndustry, Entrepreneurs, )nformation !lanners and ecision4@akers; ata %ank and ivision 3 %) 6 of epartment of )nformation *echnology
has developed and maintains a large integrated information base called "LIPS In ormation S!stem". )t covers production, exports, foreign collaborations, manufacturers, and other macro level statistics relating to )ndian Electronics )ndustry. Electronics 8ardware #ommittee focuses on working in close
association with the industry to facilitate industry issues and concerns and provides business solutions to industry problems with the help of the ?overnment. )t plays a proactive role in interacting with the industry and provides industry 4 government interface to help them evolve and implement all major policies and issues of the industry. *here are perspective group of experts from the industry to provide a boost to the hardware sector and work towards the growth and development of the economy as a whole.
In"ian PC Mar#et
*he )ndian desktop !# market grossed 5/.1D lakh units in the six months ended "ept /00E, registering a growth of E/ percent over the
IT Hardware Industry
same period in the previous year, according to @2)*, the association of hardware, training and $& services sectors of the )ndian )* industry. *his is the first time first4half sales have crossed the 5 million mark. @2)* expects !# sales for the full year to touch E million. @2)* cites Fsound macroeconomic conditionsF and Fbuoyant buying sentiment in the marketF as the reasons for its revising its !# sales growth projections for ;G /00E40= from the earlier /0 percent to E0 percent. !# sales in /00/40E were /.E million. *hese figures are contained in @2)*Bs industry performance review for the first4half of /00E40=. 2ccording to @2)*, the boost has come from sectors such as telecom, banking and financial services, )*4enabled services and the central and state governments. 2nother factor was the drop in prices, especially for entry4level products, which has perked up purchases by small and medium enterprises and homes. *he trend of increased !# sales in smaller towns and cities, witnessed last year, has continued undiminished. Entry level !# prices have dropped to $s./0,000; and those for notebooks to $s.10,000, and servers to less than $s.5 lakh. *he prices of inkjet and laser printers have also declined. @2)*Bs half4yearly )ndustry !erformance $eview, or )*7!s, is
conducted by the )ndian @arket $esearch %ureau. @2)* also reviews the industryBs -uarterly performance. *he )*7!s study for the first4half of ;G /00E40= involved face4to4face interviews with over /0,000 respondents selected randomly from 5H cities in )ndia. *he @2)*4)@$%
IT Hardware Industry
surveys, initiated in 5IIH4IJ, cover five broad product segments 4 computers, networking products, printers, other peripherals and the )nternet.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
period last year, reflecting the demand for low4cost computing solutions. )n terms of operating systems, D= percent of the !#4based businesses bought Windows I1+ID, and only / percent bought :inux. )n the case of the server4owning enterprises, 50 percent bought :inux, A<)K, <ovel and other non4Windows4based operating systems, and the rest Windows4based systems. Windows <* accounted for 5E percent, Windows I1+ID for =1 percent, and Windows /000 for /1 percent. 2ccording to the @2)*4)@$% study, overall printer sales in 85+/00E40= grew /0 percent on a year4to4year basis. ot4matrix printer sales shot up // percent with increased off take from the household and retail segments. )nkjet printer sales grew /5 percent, led by a 50/ percent increase in household purchases; inkjet sales in the business segment dropped // percent. :aser printers recorded I percent growth due to significantly higher sales in the retail segment. @2)* has revised its growth projection for ;G /00E40= for overall printer sales to /0 percent from 51 percent; sales are expected to cross 5 mn. #ommenting on the findings of the study, @2)* executive director Linnie @ehta says, FWhile the mood in the industry is upbeat today, we are still lagging in terms of volumes re-uired to be internationally competitive. 2nd this becomes even more critical when the health of the )* industry and its proliferation is a key indicator of the competitiveness of a nation. *he hardware industry in )ndia, today, has to grapple with one of the highest taxation levels in the world as a result of which !# penetration is among the lowest 3nine per thousand
IT Hardware Industry
people6 while the prices are the highest; E0 per cent more than that of the global average.F :ow market consumption and a large grey market have made it unattractive for investments. *o emerge as a true superpower in )* we need not only to sustain the competitiveness of the software industry through a robust hardware industry but also spur the domestic consumption and provide information access to the masses by making )* and !#s more affordable. *he domestic )* is on the anvil of revolution and this can be achieved through a reduction in excise duty from 5H percent to D percent, an increase in depreciation from H0 percent to 500 percent, and removal of the = percent "2 or making the products F#E<L2*ableF. *hese recommendations are also necessary to remain competitive in the near .ero duty regime which we will encounter due to the implementation of the )* agreement in /001.
IT Hardware Industry
there is a constant threat from the new entrants who emphasi.e on the low price structures in order create a market for themselves. *he new entrants like Menith !#, 2cer )ndia have adopted this strategy.
T&reat o +,!ers
of various products & tight competition the consumers have a lot of options to select as per their re-uirements.
T&reat o S,--%iers
supplying the microprocessors to the maximum market which leads them to dominate the hardware market.
T&reat o S,$stit,te
technology & constant innovations the hardware industry is also facing threat. :ike substitute for !#s are laptops, & ;loppy is substituted by # s & !en drives.
Wipro etc. are facing competition from the new entrants like 2cer, Menith & 8#: in !# as well as other hardware sectors. )ndian Electronics+)* hardware sector has grown at a #2?$ of 55.H> during 5II54/00/ reaching a production of $s. EJ,000 crores during
IT Hardware Industry
the year /00/40E. ?rowth in production during the L))) !lan 35II/4IJ6 and )K !lan 35IIJ4/00/6 was51N> and 50.E> respectively. uring the L))) plan, investment came mostly in high growth areas like #olour *elevisions, picture tubes, and glass shells, audio & video components. 8owever, during the )K plan, domestic electronics hardware companies have started loosing their dominance in market share and have resorted to trading with sliding of duties on end products. "hare of imports in the total Electronics+)* hardware consumption is progressively increasing. *his trend indicates that overall manufacturing in the country is declining despite the growth in production. India, presently accounts for about 0.6% of the global Electronics/IT hardware production of US !"00 billion #"00!$. 2s per the *enth !lan projection 3realistic scenario6, Electronics+)* hardware production in terminal year 3/00H40J6 is targeted at $s. HI,000 crores 3#2?$ 51>6. *he removal of duty protection coupled with the relatively small domestic market and the domestic market orientation of )ndian manufacturers has resulted in the closure of many of the domestic manufacturing units. *his trend needs to be reversed. India has the potential to de%elop and &anufacture Electronics/IT hardware for the global &ar'et and gain higher global share besides &eeting the country(s future re)uire&ent in the con%erging areas of infor&ation, co&&unication and entertain&ent.
#ountries like *aiwan, Oorea, @alaysia and of late #hina have recorded much higher growth in Electronic+)* hardware and are exporting
IT Hardware Industry
worldwide. !resently, these = countries together account for /0> of the global Electronics+)* hardware production. #hina has already emerged as the Erd largest manufacturer after A"2 and 'apan. *he electronics hardware manufacturing in the above countries is significantly contributing to their country,s ? ! and also helping them in creating wealth for their people, improving the efficiency of doing business, generating employment and moreover providing them better information infrastructure. *he )nformation *echnology 2greement 3)*24)6 of the W*7 3World *rade 7rganisation6 to which )ndia is a signatory, makes it mandatory to make the customs duty .ero on select imported electronics components and products. 2ccordingly, the ?overnment of )ndia has been reducing customs duties on these items gradually over the last five years and the customs duty applicable on /5J tariff lines will be eliminated from the year /001. $ the potential of Electronics+)* industry, the !rime
@inister,s 7ffice set up a <ational *ask ;orce on )nformation *echnology and "oftware evelopment in @ay, 5IID under the #hairmanship of "hri 'aswant "ingh, then External 2ffairs @inister.
IT Hardware Industry
!rivate "tate4 owned @ajors )ndividual #ustomers
Pro",/t *ariet!
:aptop esktop "erver
)ndustry segments exist due to differences in structural attractiveness and differences in value chain of firm as well as value chain of buyers in different segments. %uyers buying behaviour also change in different segments. ;or example !rivate @ajors are sophisticated buyers of computers and they have strong buyer power. Where as )ndividual customers have lesser buyer power. "tate4owned majors are focused on cost and buy computers through bidding procedure. Whereas individual customers focus more on features and technology. "o companies should employ different strategies for different industrial segments to gain competitive advantage over competitors. !roper selection of industry segments in which to compete is very important for firm to become successful. )n case of computer hardware industry all major companies are competing with broad competitive scope and serve almost all industry segments.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
De%%)s Insi'&t
)n todayBs business world, technology changes at supersonic speed. *hatBs why ell )nsight frames enterprise computing topics in a ell )nsight, we cut through the on business technology business perspective, discussing the facts, trends, and solutions that matter to business )*. 7n the pages of clutter and deliver the straight story
E:: understands customer needs for robust *echnical "upport "ervices that will support their home or "mall %usiness computers. Without the proper "ervices, there can be serious problems if they do not have proper access to experts who can help solve their technical issues. 7ne of the biggest levers in *#7 reduction is standardi.ation. ell!lus
offers a number of ways to efficiently ensure the integrity of their uni-ue hardware configurations. *hey can benefit from the high -uality and great dependability of having their hardware installed and configured at one that time, results in one from place. having *he your across4the4board hardware image standardi.ation
consistent in every
and transition to new software. )n addition, increased standardi.ation helps simplify system administration, training, and compatibility issues. 8ardware integration services cover9
)nstallation of industry4standard hardware components and the appropriate drivers, including9 <etwork interface cards, modems,
IT Hardware Industry
video cards, sound cards, internal storage devices, and hard drives. ell is globally recogni.ed for award winning products and outstanding services. 7ur philosophy of dealing direct enables us to anticipate, understand and address customers, uni-ue needs and supply them the customi.ed solutions that provide the maximum return on )* investment. 7ur dedication to customer satisfaction means that customers can count on us for a single, accountable point of contact and a responsive, reliable, -uality service.
Wor#in' Pro/e",res
Apgrade to new technology in one easy step with the help of the
ell 2sset $ecovery !rogramme.
environmentally friendly manner, maximising the value of the e-uipment. ell works in conjunction with world4class service providers to offer asset recovery services extending from logistics management to data security and compliant environmental disposal. *hese organisations work to specified standards and are monitored by basis to facilitate the highest possible service levels. ell on an ongoing
IT Hardware Industry
gain wider acceptance. 8igh4performance computing cluster 38!##6 development has followed the product stages of other technology components9 what began as proprietary, big iron systems has evolved to components that use standards4based technologies. <ow, the ell*@ 8!## bundled solution moves entire configurations of standards4 based clusters ever closer to becoming standardi.ed items.
ell clusters are in the trailing part of the standardi.ation stage. *heir goal is to continue pushing toward the industry standardi.ation of 8!## so that it becomes fully understood and widely available, with a very attractive total cost of ownership 3*#76.
#ontinuous improvement in price+performance #apture and grow the market share Evangeli.e to push the technology *he ability to integrate new technology -uickly Strate'! 20 Pri/in' an" Its E e/ts
!rice is going down, performance is going up, and these trends will continue. *heoretically, the )ntelP Keon*@ processor technology lets us
IT Hardware Industry
easily deliver close to I gigaflops per node with a two4processor server. )n the prior generation, performance was close to /.D gigaflops at the same price point. *he )ntel Keon processor offers advanced features such as "treaming ")@ 3single4instruction, multiple4data6 Extensions / 3""E/6, which provides the ability to execute multiple instructions using the same pipeline. *hat capability is very welcome in 8!##. 2s the term high4performance computing implies, applications are still hungry for processing power. We can now offer servers that have four times more processing power per processor than we could with the )ntel !entiumP ))) processor. )n the 8!# arena, there has been a significant decrease in the cost of deploying a cluster configuration. )n 5IIJ and 5IID, the systems and services to achieve 5 gigaflop cost QE,000 or QE,100. *oday the cost is almost a third, approximately Q5,000. "o certainly we have shown dramatic progress in regard to price+performance, and ) believe weBll reach a price point under Q5,000 in the next year.
IT Hardware Industry
available shared secondary storage and we now see the integration of large storage farms within the 8!##. ;inally, we see the creation of more software bundles that will run in cluster environments.
IT Hardware Industry
*hey have seen a wide spectrum of opportunity. *he configurations can be as small as D servers or as large as /,100 servers or more. "ome customers such as academicians and researchers are very hands4on and just want the hardware with the operating system. 7ther customers such as oil companies want not only the hardware, but also all the elements that go around it9 services, support, software version control, and so forth. 2nd we can provide those services for them.
IT Hardware Industry
supercomputer clusters. 8ighly available, reliable, and scalable storage is not particularly new, but this example illustrates how the technical or the computational segment of the market is re-uesting technology traditionally used in data processing environments. "imilarly, commercial entities are re-uesting the high availability and scalability that comes with these clusters. Enterprise re-uirements such as reliability, availability, and
serviceability are becoming re-uirements for all customers. #luster architectures provide these features at a reasonable cost, and in some cases, at no cost. )f you have a cluster of 10 nodes configured in a standby or hot4shadow configuration, you basically have the high availability and scalability at no additional premiums.
Strate'! 40 Evan'e%ism
*hey are working with several organi.ations to move the technology forward. *o begin, their partnership with the #ornell *heory #entre, @icrosoft, and )ntel helped them launch their 8!## offerings. technology, and make sure the intensity continues. uring the past three or four years, they have come a long way in cluster architectures. *hey have actively participated with research organi.ations and a few other companies in the 7pen "ource #luster 2pplication $esources 37"#2$6 project. *his project drives the injection of best utilities and best practices for deploying and managing cluster configurations. ell recently announced that it will invest more money, evangeli.e the
IT Hardware Industry
*hey are funding four to five universities to work with them to further develop the technology and help them accelerate the movement of supercomputer clusters into different application domains, such as energy services, bioinformatics, automotive, finance, and environmental sciences. 2t the World @ulticonference on "ystemics, and #ybernetics experts and from
)nformatics 3"#) /00/6, they hosted a one4day session where they gathered scientists, practitioners, industry commercial and educational institutions for a discussion of 8!## trends, best practices, and experiences in the field. *he event was very successful, and they certainly plan to continue driving those kinds of activities. *hey are determined to function as evangelists and in the future they expect they will work with and fund more universities and national labs.
Strate'! 50 Stan"ar"i1ation
*he last component is the integration of new technologies into the 8!## solution and responding to customer demands rapidly. ;or every new technologySwhether it is a server, a processor, or an interconnectSthat they feel is appropriate and that is demanded by the customer, we can respond.
IT Hardware Industry
*he ell engineering organi.ation can test and benchmark basic
technologies and configurations, and integrate them very -uickly. 2 typical 8!## configuration contains many variables. & They believe the best way to serve their customers is to generate knowledge and information, so they can jointly build the optimal configuration for their applications. That's their engineering strategy. *hey donBt create technology just for the sake of technology; they create technology solutions to help customersSif the customer wants it and if the price is right.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
?lobally recogni.ed for award winning products and outstanding services service because customers can count on for a single,
Apgradation to new technology because we can test and benchmark basic technologies and configurations, and integrate them very -uickly
#ontinuous improvement in price+performance because prices are going down, performance is going up, and these trends will continue
"tandardi.ation 9
solutions that simplify the design, ordering, and deployment of cluster architectures
$e-uires technical experts to solve the problems 8igh costs of the products 8ardware peripherals not available easily. $e-uires only branded peripherals.
IT Hardware Industry
)nterconnect the mechanism that allows cooperation and collaboration between the cluster nodes Evolution in price and performance *hey can cater to the smaller clients. 2nd make a larger market share in home !# segment.
!roducts having lower costs will capture the dell market share. @ajor other )ndian )* hardware companies are a threat to their home market.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
Wipro )nfo*ech is the )* "ervices, "olutions & !roducts division of the $s.D5.J billion Wipro :imited. #hairman of Wipro :td. is @r. !remji. Wipro was set up in the backdrop of the small town of 2malner in @aharashtra in 5I=1. !rimarily an oil factory, the chief products were "unflower Lanaspati and JDJ laundry soap 3a by4product of the Lanaspati !radesh. )t was in the early eighties that Wipro made its foray into the )nfo*ech arena. 2n energetic, committed team of professional $ & and marketing managers came together in %angalore in 5ID0. With this began the Wipro )nfo*ech story. )n a small lab at the )ndian )nstitute of "cience 3))"c6, the team developed the first )ndian D0DH chip. Wipro has transcended from being a service provider to being a consultant, guide and trusted partner. *oday, Wipro stands at the firmament, as a trusted and experienced provider of a comprehensive range of )* services, solutions and products. 2n experience that now spans the globe. ;or the year ended @arch E5, /001, the revenues touched $s. 5E.IH billion, an increase of =E> year on year. !rofit %efore )nterest & *ax 3!%)*6 grew by E/> year on year to $s. 5.0= billion. operations6. *he company was called Western )ndia !roducts :imited, with a modest presence in @aharashtra and @adhya
IT Hardware Industry
*here are more then 5I00 employees and /J1 business partners serving over =0000 customers Wipro has stamped its presence on the )ndian market and leads the )ndian )* industry. 8ead-uartered at %angalore, our business spans )ndia, 2sia !acific and the @iddle East. %y collaborating with Wipro, organi.ations garner the power of tried and tested frameworks, strong domain knowledge, a large pool of certified technology specialists and best of breed alliances. We bring to market tailor4made, industry specific solutions that help meet your business challenges while increasing operational efficiency. We help architect, implement and manage the entire )* lifecycle of customers through a complete portfolio of )* "ervices. Wipro services are backed by over two decades of experience handling complex integration projects in )ndia and abroad. @ulti4platform expertise, extensive reach and tested delivery mechanisms help us deliver reliable, high4-uality, cost4effective )* services. Wipro )* services are crowned by in4depth #onsulting "kills that are reinforced by a keen understanding of the key role that technology plays in enabling business. *he #onsulting portfolio includes "trategic #onsulting "ervices, )* ?overnance & 7ptimi.ation #onsulting, !rocess #onsulting, %usiness #ontinuity and $isk management #onsulting. Wipro bring to their customers every component of )* infrastructure T servers, storage, networking and software product T through a host of 2lliances with global technology leaders. *hese leading technology
IT Hardware Industry
offerings are complemented by Wipro,s all round skill in planning, building, integrating and supporting the )* infrastructure. Wipro,s twenty4year4old computing business completes the product portfolio with a comprehensive range of desktops, servers, thin clients and notebook computers. Wipro )nfo*ech also bring the innovation business to business 3%/%6 model to enterprise in )ndia through e4 procurement services, solution and consulting offered by 05@arkets Wipro,s position of leadership in the )* business is built on a strong foundation of -uality processes 3"ix "igma and )"7 I0006, Onowledge @anagement )nnovation & !eople processes 3!4#@@9 !eople #apability @aturity @odel6. Wipro )nfo*ech was also one of the earliest adopters of "ix "igma. Ruality is focused on the product and service that touches our customers, and also internal processes. @oreover, there are -uicker deliveries, higher reliability, simplified processes for customers and employees, call response and productivity. Wipro have extended their expertise to customers in 2sia !acific and the @iddle East. Wipro bring to these markets a uni-ue combination of domain knowledge, experienced skill sets and a high thrust on -uality. Wipro have established offices in 2ustralia, @iddle East, 8ong Oong, *aiwan and "ingapore, besides )ndia. Wipro provides customers an advantage over time to meet every )* infrastructure need with a deep4rooted service delivery structure. Wipro reaches customers through 1 regional offices, // area offices, 5H= service centres and partners across the country. WiproBs Simpal
IT Hardware Industry
onnect, a /=xJ toll free customer support service, provides easy access and faster online resolution.
Wi-ro o
#all #enter !ractice ata #enter !ractice Enterprise @anagement "ervice <etwork )ntegration !latform )ntegration "ecurity "ervices "torage !ractice
*o ensure maximum availability of )* infrastructure, Wipro,s 5H= "ervice #enters and 5/1 "pare locations across the country providing reliable /=+J support. &"imple #onnect( 3*oll free
IT Hardware Industry
customer support6 enhances the support system further, for faster and effective online resolutions to reduce downtime along with taking its reach even to remote locations. WiproBs commitment to deliver excellent )* maintenance and support services revolves around customer needs and is tailored to suit every business re-uirement.
"oftware support covers operating systems, office automation and other packaged software. E. U-'ra"es0 Wipro helps you take the technology leap that fulfils varying needs of your !ersonal #omputing environment. With WiproBs relationship with global technology majors and 7E@s, you could be
IT Hardware Industry
assured that you get nothing but the latest technology !# upgrades which is well supported across the country. =. *a%,e a""e" Servi/es0 *o ensure Bcontinuous availabilityB of )* infrastructure, Wipro offers a range of value added services to cover entire )* infrastructure. *hese services can be customi.ed to )* re-uirement.
47 Mana'e" IT Servi/es
@anaged )* "ervices from Wipro enables enterprises to focus on their core competencies, lowering the cost of managing )* infrastructure through improved productivity and operational efficiencies. WiproBs @anaged )* "ervices provide an effective combination of people, processes and tools to ensure that your )* infrastructure is always up and running. Wipro,s stringent -uality processes like )*):, "ix "igma, ;lexible service delivery and convenient service options are integral ;eatures of WiproBs @anaged )* services.
IT Hardware Industry
via a dedicated link or secured L!<, while expert teams across the country provide on4site support.
Enter-rise Servi/es
*oday, bu..word amongst enterprises is F#ontinuous 2vailabilityF, Wipro is capable of preventing infrastructure breakdowns, averting information loss, ensuring system uptime and safeguarding the )* environment against calamities. Wipro extends a full portfolio of Enterprise "ervices that span every facet of mission critical enterprise )* infrastructure to deliver seamless availability operations, of )* continuous data accessibility and high *his translates into higher infrastructure.
productivity and cost optimi.ation. *he Enterprise "ervices team at Wipro works in partnership with some of the world,s leading hardware and software technology players to deliver solutions that meet customersB uni-ue needs. Wipro taps its vast experience, and alliances with global technology leaders to offer single point, vendor neutral support services. Wipro offer a bou-uet of Enterprise "ervices for a suite of servers, storage devices, operating systems, middleware applications and security software.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
Sustained &ptime: 2 proactive approach help enterprise in reducing downtimes that is brought about by deploying the right tools and following stringent -uality standards
S'( !ased )elivery: 7ne can count on the reliability of the service through well4defined ":2s. ustomer Satisfaction with T(*: *echnical 2ccount
@anagement services enable a single point of contact and tighten integration with your )* environment.
+orkforce :
specialists skilled in multiple products & platforms bring forth expertise to address
1. A--%i/ation Deve%o-ment 9 Maintenan/e
)n today,s competitive business scenario, strategic objectives of a typical customer for outsourcing information systems solution delivery are based on the following imperatives9
@eet customer commitment @aintain and improve service -uality $educe operational expenditure
Wipro offers its core competency for successfully designing and developing innovative solutions using global delivery model. With over 51 years of extensive experience in 2pplication & @aintenance 32 @6 services using proven evelopment framework,
methodology and experience, Wipro is a pioneer in offering state of the art solutions addressing customer needs.
IT Hardware Industry
World,s best delivery process "trong partnership and governance model "peciali.ation in different business verticals of the industry #ontinuous improvement using six sigma methodology
$esponsibilities 4
"ervice offerings 4 ":2 based delivery, consolidation and !roductivity improvement using six sigma tools &
+,siness A--%i/ation
IT Hardware Industry
and devise strategies to increase revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction.
outsourcing of application implementation and maintenance. 2t Wipro, success stories in the area of business intelligence and data warehousing span a wide spectrum of solutions and organi.ations like <ike, *ransco, *hames Water and <ationwide.
IT Hardware Industry
$educes systems+)* total cost of ownership investments in existing systems )mplements !rovides business change in underlying of information and
technology systems
IT Hardware Industry
*here are so many strengths with Wipro because of the company is on top. o *he first and foremost strength for the company is the trust of the customers on Wipro. *he company earns lots of faith and trust from the customers. o Wipro has strong %rand <ame which is also one of the strong strengths for the company o Wipro has always tried to satisfy the customers and their needs. "o Wipro always try to give good services to the customers. o Wipro has very good, "killed Engineers. With the help of them Wipro can solve complains and problems of the customers. o %ecause of ?ood #ommunication and $egular )nteraction with the customers, the faith of the customers is always with Wipro. o Wipro !rovide /= hours *oll ;ree, complain lines especially for the customers so they can easily inform about their complaints to the #ompany.
With the lots of "trengths, #ompany has also some Weaknesses which can improve.
IT Hardware Industry
"ome time customers are not fully satisfied with the service of Wipro, they need to improve more in service area. %ecause of so many customers and complains, sometimes company can,t deliver service on time. *here are so many customers with Wipro so it also create problem in *oll ;ree complain lines. *he company has to find out some solution for it.
)n this global world there are so many 7pportunity with which company can always improve. 2fter globali.ation, there are great chances for )* company to improve & expand more. #onsidering the present scenario, in every sector the companies are using )* so Wipro can take advantage of it. )n present time, each and every person need computer for their personal use so it,s also big opportunity for company. *he demand of )* products is high and it,s increasing day by day so company have lots of opportunity to grow more. %ecause of globali.ation and with high demand company can increase their work in foreign countries.
IT Hardware Industry
With the lots of opportunity, there are some threats also about which company has to take care. %ecause of globali.ation, there are many companies working as competitors. %ecause there are many companies as competitor, the customers are divided among many companies. %ecause of high competition, the post sale service has become more important and if company fail to do it then they lose their customers. Working in foreign countries in global environment is full of risk.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
A/er .istor!
Established in 5IJH, 2cer is among the worldBs top ten !# vendors, offering a broad range of !# products from industry4leading high4end !# servers and multimedia desktop computers to notebooks, computer peripherals and components. 2cer is also a major )nternet enabler, providing )nternet component technologies, devices and services. *hese include end4to4end solutions, mobile phones, plasma displays, *;*4:# s, projectors, wireless communications, and e4corp solutions. *he 2cer ?roup employs E1,000 people in /E/ enterprises spanning =5 countries worldwide, supporting dealers and distributors in over 500 nations. 2cer ?roup revenues were A" QI.I billion in /000.
IT Hardware Industry
esktop !#s from 2cer are ready to use Bstraight out of the boxB offering a wide range of value priced configurations for diverse segments. "ervers from 2cer cover the gamut from work4group users to enterprise users are specifically geared to cope with the rigors of local conditions. *he 2cer 2ltos range of "ervers offers a cost4of4 ownership that is unmatched in its class. With its focus on $eliability & @anageability it has become a brand of choice on various critical applications. unbeatable *he innovative that and intelligent these power sleek management technological systems available on 2cerBs range of <otebooks are but one of the features have made masterpieces global bestsellers. *he )nternational *raveller,s Warranty gives all road warriors complete peace of mind, almost anywhere in the world. 2t 2cer, we consider much more than the tangible hardware when we create these marvels. 2 total product perspective, efficient support infrastructure, needlepoint focus on the customerBs needs and constant innovation bring to you 4 ;resh *echnology. )tBs no wonder then that we are the worldBs Erd largest !# producer and the market leaders in more than 5/ countries across the regionU 2cer )ndia has its head-uarters in %angalore, with branch offices in <ew elhi, @umbai, #hennai and 8yderabad. 7ur 500 man strong team in )ndia comes with over 5000 man years of )* experience, geared to listen and provide to the )* user in )ndia the very best in "ales & @arketing support, 2fter4"ales support backed up with infrastructure to bring fresh technology to )ndia.
IT Hardware Industry
Within a year of operations, 2cer )ndia has managed several accolades in its endeavours9 2 state of the art reconfiguration centre for fast and flexible offerings to different customer needs; 2cer #are #linics to service notebooks in the top nine cities in the country and a uni-ue unmatched guarantee within the warranty period to provide peace of mind to the customer. 2n extremely robust service coupled with the ability to make the latest technology affordable makes 2cer )ndia a force that shapes the dreams of millions of people.
IT Hardware Industry
Innovative Pro'ress
)ntellectual !roperty 3)!6 is the valuable assets created by innovation. )n fact, 2cer thrives in innovating for progress as is evident in the 5000 patents against its name. 7ne of these is the 2cer invented ,-hip.Up, technology, which made it possible to upgrade a !# by simply replacing the #!A on the motherboard. *his technology was an inspiration for the development of other similar technologies. 2nother example of )! is /cer,s 0euristic Ther&al 1ower
2anage&ent3 syste& #0T23$. *his system, specifically developed to increase notebook battery life, intelligently monitors how you use your notebook and turns off any facilities or programs that you regularly do not use. <aturally, longer battery life is highly desirable in any notebook. 2nother )ntellectual !roperty that 2cer has developed is
Ti&e2achine3, which is a revolutionary approach to the problem of system recovery. With *ime@achineV, the user or system manager can literally Fgo back in timeF, returning to a condition when the system functioned as desired. )n other words, it is a uni-ue facility enabling a -uick and simple fix in the event of a software problem.
IT Hardware Industry
2cer has become the only notebook vendor in )ndia to offer a complete spectrum of security solutions on its notebooks targeted at specific segments. %esides the ;inger !rint *echnology on *@ JEI series, 2cer has the "mart #ard $eader on *@ E10 and *@ H55 series of notebooks and password protection on all the notebooks. *he launch of *@ JEI "eries completes the broad spectrum of 2cerBs notebook offering, starting at the entry level, value conscious customer to state4of4the4art desktop replacement notebooks. With a market share of H.I per cent in )ndia, 2cer is among the top five
IT Hardware Industry
notebook vendors & wants to replicate its current 2!2# standing within the next two years, in )ndia.
2cer has invested in notebook technology for over eight years now and its technology offering vi. battery, thermal and security management is incomparable to any other player in the world. 7ther *echnology solutions from 2cer on its *ravel@ate range of notebooks include the # $ead Write4 L #ombo, a uni-ue combination of # $ead Write and 2"!, a L , )EEE 5EI= !ort, a "tate of the isk 2nti "hock !rotection system for
2rt communication interface giving very high data throughput rates 3of upto =00 mbps6 and the enhanced ruggedness. 2ll 2cer *ravel@ate notebooks have a standard one year )nternational *raveller Warranty. 2dditionally, 2cer notebooks are backed by 2cerBs service and support toll free call centre.
2cer products carrying and supporting WindowsP /000 will encompass the 2cer!ower commercial !#s, *ravel@ate mobile !#, 2ltos server, and W* E00 Windows P4based terminal lines. *he 2cer!ower commercial esktops will support and are fully compatible with the Windows /000 !rofessional 7perating system. *he full range of 2cer 2ltos servers will carry WindowsP /000 logo support, indicating readiness for WindowsP /000 "erver versions, as will W* E00 WindowsP4based terminals.
IT Hardware Industry
o 2cer )ndia gears up for )ndian market with strong channel partnerships
o 2cer was the first vendor to adopt an aggressive pricing strategy for their notebook segment o ?ains top third position according to latest ) # results o 2cer introduced their entry level #eleron notebook, *ravel@ate /=0 series, at sub $s. 10,000 in "eptember /00E. o *hey launched their !entium based *@/=E4;K!= at sub $s. 10,000 in ecember /00E. *he pricing of these notebooks have again been dropped to sub $s. =1,000 and sub $s. 10,000 respectively, post the pre4budget in ;eb /00=. o "everal new products were added to 2cerBs product portfolio in the last two -uarters. *he 2cer ;errari E000 notebook, the !entium based *ravel@ate *@/=E;K4!= notebook, Lalue desktop 2!"le, the multimedia powerhouse 2spire *E50 consumer desktop and the 2cer Leriton JH00?* commercial !# are some products with completely new technical specifications. o 2cer )ndia has been granted certification to meet )"7 I0059 /000 standards for their manufacturing facilities at !ondicherry. *he certification approves 2cer )ndiaBs -uality management systems for design and development of products to meet international standards established by the )nternational 7rgani.ation for "tandardi.ation.
IT Hardware Industry
o *he certification marks that the Ruality @anagement "ystem of 2cer )ndia has been assessed and approved in accordance with the re-uirements of )"7 I0059 /000. *his has been achieved during the first audit conducted by the certifying agency without any major or minor non conformance.
Com-an! Strate'ies
o 2cer #omputer )nternational :td., has announced the
incorporation of its )ndian subsidiary. *he company, 2cer )ndia 3!vt6 :td. will operate out of the head-uarters in %angalore. )t may be recalled that 2cer got its ;)!% 3;oreign )nvestment !romotion %oard6 clearance in 'uly this year to set up a fully owned subsidiary for manufacturing, marketing and selling the 2cer brand of !# products in )ndia. o 2cer )ndia 3!vt6 :td.,s immediate focus is to consolidate its sales, marketing and support initiatives for the 2cer brand of !ersonal computers, <otebooks, "ervers and 8ome !#s. )t offers a complete line of !# products, from desktops, servers to notebooks, with new product introductions positioned most attractively. FWith a current installed base of over 5/1,000 2cer computers in the country today, )ndia, to 2cer, offers an accessible, potential market. We will strive to make 2cer a leading !# brand in )ndia,F said 2run "inha, @anaging 2cer )ndia 3!vt6 :td. irector,
IT Hardware Industry
o 7n the "ystem )ntegrator front, 2cer is also working closely with ")s, who will address large accounts directly. )n addition to Wipro, these ")s include #@#, <elito, !#" and @7:. 2 strong synergy is being worked out to focus on the ;inance, %anking, 7il & ?as, #orporate and the ?overnment user segments.
o 2cer )ndia 3!vt6 :td. plans to offer customi.ed support plans for various segments of customers. FWe wish to be seen as a service company selling products and therefore, our marketing initiatives will be purely customer centric. *hrough our B#ustomer4#entricB framework, we will place customer satisfaction in everything we do. #all centres and web4enabled services will be launched soon to enhance ease in customer+partner interaction with 2cerF said %harath ?opalakrishnan, 3!vt6 :td. o 2cer )ndia has a wide range of notebooks in the *ravel@ate "eries; *@ /=0 "eries, *@ /10 "eries, *@ /I0 "eries, *@ D00 "eries, *@ #555 3*ablet !#6 and the 2cer ;errari E000 notebook. Entry4level 2cer notebooks are targeted at the "@E, "787, and educational sectors while the high4end tablet notebook and the 2cer ;errari E000 is targeted at top4level management. o 2cer )ndia has a wide range of notebooks in the *ravel@ate "eries; *@ /=0 "eries, *@ /10 "eries, *@ /I0 "eries, *@ D00 "eries, *@ #555 3*ablet !#6 and the 2cer ;errari E000 notebook. Entry4level 2cer notebooks are targeted at the "@E, "787, and eputy @anaging irector, 2cer )ndia
IT Hardware Industry
educational sectors while the high4end tablet notebook and the 2cer ;errari E000 is targeted at top4level management. o 2cer was the first vendor to adopt an aggressive value for money strategy for its notebooks, desktops and servers. 2cer introduced their entry level #eleron notebook, *ravel@ate /=0 series, at sub $s. 10,000 in "eptember /00E and subse-uently the price has been dropped to $s. EJ,III in 'une /00=. 2cer also introduced the *ravel@ate !entium = 4 sub $s. 1=,III notebook into the market in ecember /00= and is currently priced at $s. =H,III.
o @icrosoft has launched four editions of their new operating system, entitled WindowsP /000 !rofessional, "erver, 2dvanced "erver, and ata#enter "erver. WindowsP /000 !rofessional is designed for commercial desktop and mobile !# use. WindowsP /000 "erver and 2dvanced "erver support entry4level and advanced server use, such as departmental or application server function. WindowsP /000 ata#enter supports extreme task4 intensive server environments. o 7perations & "upport, F. *he focus of the -uality systems in 2cer has been on producing F ependableF and FEasy to AseF products by offering fresh technology to its customers. )t is achieved by empowering employees to work towards better -uality in all transactions.F. )t has been possible for 2cer )ndia to achieve these results in such a short time by employing 2cerBs global strength in manufacturing and implementing the same in )ndia with modifications needed to suit local re-uirement.
IT Hardware Industry
o 2cer has several models in its !#, notebook and server range to suit varied customer segments and re-uirements. *hese products are focused at home segments, "@Es & large enterprises.
Strate'i/ Partners
Com-an! Gro(t&
o 2cer has climbed to the fourth position in !# unit sales according to the latest )nternational ata #orporation 3) #6 results. *he
company grew over /00> in R5 /00= compared to the previous -uarter of R= /00E, selling over E/,1D1 units comprising laptops, desktops and servers. Gear on year, 2cer has shown J0> -uarter growth in R5 /00= compared to R5 /00E. "everal new products were added to 2cerBs product portfolio in the last two -uarters. *he 2cer ;errari E000 notebook, the
IT Hardware Industry
!entium based *ravel@ate *@/=E;K4!= notebook, Lalue desktop 2!"le, the multimedia powerhouse 2spire *E50 consumer desktop and the 2cer Leriton JH00?* commercial !# are some products with completely new technical specifications. 2cer was the first vendor to adopt an aggressive value for money strategy for its notebooks, desktops and servers. 2cer introduced their entry level #eleron notebook, *ravel@ate /=0 series, at sub $s. 10,000 in "eptember /00E and subse-uently the price has been dropped to $s. EJ,III in 'une /00=. 2cer also introduced the *ravel@ate !entium = 4 sub $s. 1=,III notebook into the market in ecember /00= and is currently priced at $s. =H,III.
2cer ranks among the worldBs top ten branded !# vendors, designing and marketing easy, dependable )* solutions that empower people to reach their goals and enhance their lives. 2cerBs product offering includes desktop and mobile !#s, servers and storage, displays, peripherals, and e4business solutions for business, government, education, and home users. Established in 5IJH, the pan 2cer ?roup employs EI,000 people supporting dealers and distributors in over 500 countries. $evenues reached A"Q5/.I billion in /00/. *hese include end4to4end solutions, mobile phones, plasma displays, *;* screens, projectors, wireless communications, and e4corp solutions. *he 2cer ?roup employs nearly E=,000 people in 5IE enterprises spanning =/ countries worldwide, supporting dealers and distributors in over 500 countries. 2cer ?roup
IT Hardware Industry
revenues in 5III were A"QD.= billion. ;or more information about the 2cer ?roup.
IT Hardware Industry
"trong market position :arge range of products )nnovation
<ot yet established in the )ndian 8ardware @arket. %rand name is not yet well known in )ndia.
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
*ision Statement
of tomorrowF WW F*ogether we create the enterprises
Mission Statement
their customers betterF
<,a%it! Po%i/!
and solutions to meet the re-uirements of our external and internal customers, the first time, every timeF
Peo-%e O$=e/tives
:td. share in the companyBs successes, which they make possible; to provide job security based on their performance; to recogni.e their individual achievements; and help them gain a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from their work.
Core *a%,es
*o uphold the dignity of the individual *o honour all commitments *o be committed to Ruality, )nnovation and ?rowth in every *o be responsible corporate citi.ens
IT Hardware Industry
8#: draws itBs strength from /I years of experience in handling the ever changing )* scenario, strong customer relationships, ability to provide the cutting edge technology at best4value4for4money and on top of it, an excellent service & support infrastructure. *oday 8#: is countryBs premier information enabling company. )t offers one4stop4shop convenience to its diverse customers having an e-ually diverse set of re-uirements. %e it a large multi4location enterprise, a small+medium enterprise, a small office or a home, it has a product range, sales & support capability to service the needs of the customer. 8#: has /D000 employees with 100 global clients. )t has operations spanning in 51 countries where major delivery centres are A"2, AO, @alaysia, "ingapore & E/ centres in )ndia. :ast /I years apart from knowledge & experience have also given us continuity in relationship with the customers, thereby increasing the customer confidence in us.
IT Hardware Industry
"cansoft, "#7, E@#, Leritas, #itrix, #)"#7, 7racle, #omputer
*hese alliances on one hand give them access to best technology & products as well enhancing their understanding of the latest in technology. 7n the other hand they enhance their product portfolio, and enable themselves to be one stop shop for their customers.
Te/&no%o'! Lea"ers&i8#: )nfosystems is known to be the harbinger of technology in the country. $ight from their inception they have attempted to pioneer the technology introductions in the country either through their $& through partnerships with the world technology leaders. Asing their own $&
they have9
#reated their own A<)K & $ %@" capability 3in D0s6 eveloped firewalls for enterprise & personal system security :aunched their own range of enterprise storage products :aunched their own range of networking products
*hey strive to understand the technology from the view of supporting it post installation as well. *his is one of the key ingredients that go into their strategic advantage. 8#: )nfosystems has to its claim several technology pioneering initiatives. "ome of them are9
#ountryBs first
#ountryBs first branded home !# 4 %eanstalk in 5II1 #ountryBs first !entium = based !# at sub =0k price point
IT Hardware Industry
.CL En"orsements
6 ' Technologies ranked among +orld,s Top 7 $T Services #roviders #@! 3or companies that want to form a joint venture in $ndia:..: 6 ' is a top choice. $t is also a top choice for embedded systems engineering and product development work 3orrester research 6 ' Technologies positioned as 'eaders in /ffshore /utsourcing *0T(SpectrumS* , ;<<= 1atings os.
.CL Di
erentiators are
Wider service offerings ?reater economic benefit to #ustomers4 8ighest level of 7ffshore Exhibited ability to manage multi countries culture *rack $ecord of epartmental carve outs
IT Hardware Industry
Wi"er Servi/e O
!roduct Engineering "ervices 2pplication %!7 $emote )nfrastructure "ervices @anagement "ystems )ntegration evelopment and @anagement
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
IT Hardware Industry
;oundation of the #ompany laid. )ntroduces microcomputer4based programmable calculators with wide acceptance in the scientific + education community
:aunch of the first microcomputer4based commercial computer with a $7@ 4based %asic interpreter Anavailability of programming skills with customers results in 8#: developing bespoke applications for their customers
IT Hardware Industry
)nitiation of application development in diverse segments such as textiles, sugar, paper, cement, transport.
;ormation of ;ar East #omputers :td., a pioneer in the "ingapore )* market, for ") 3"ystem )ntegration6 solutions.
8#: launches an aggressive advertisement campaign with the theme B even a typist can operateB to make the usage of computers popular in the "@E 3"mall & @edium Enterprises6 segment. *his proposition involved menu4based applications for the first time, to increase ease of operations. *he response to the advertisement was phenomenal. 8#: develops special program generators to speed up the development of applications.
%ank trade unions allow computerisation in )ndian banks. 8owever, a computer can only run one application such as "avings %ank, #urrent account, :oans etc. 8#: sets up core team to develop the re-uired s+w 4 2:!@ 32dvanced :edger !osting @achines6. *he team uses reusable code to reduce development efforts & produce more reliable code. )t becomes largest selling s+w product in banks.
IT Hardware Industry
8#: designs and launches Anix4 based computers and )%@ !# clones 8#: promotes Erd party !# applications nationally.
8#: enters into a joint venture with 8ewlett !ackard 8! assists 8#: to introduce new services9 "ystems )ntegration, )* consulting, packaged support services 3basicline, teamline6 8#: establishes a $esponse #entre for 8! products, which is connected to the 8! $esponse #entre in "ingapore. *here is a vertical segment focus on *elecom, @anufacturing and ;inancial "ervices.
8#: )nfo systems & "un @icrosystems enters into a Enterprise istribution 2greement $ealigns businesses, increasing focus on domestic )*,
%ecame the first vendor to register sales of 10,000 !#s in a -uarter ;irst )ndian company to be <umero Ano in the commercial !# market Enters into partnership with 2@ :aunched 8ome !# for $s 5I,III
IT Hardware Industry
8#: )nfo systemsB )nfo "tructure "ervices I0059/000 certification :aunches )nfiniti @obile
5st to announce !# price cut in )ndia, post duty reduction, offers E.eebee at $s. 5JII0 ) # )ndia4 R #ustomer "atisfaction 2udit rates 8#: as <o.5 %rand in esktop !#s esktop !# segment for year /00E @aintains <o.5 position in the
Enters into partnership with !ort Wise to support & distribute security & L!< solutions in )ndia !artners with @icrosoft & )ntel to launch %eanstalk <eo !# %ecomes the 5st company to cross 5 lac unit milestone in the )ndian esktop !# market with Anion %ank to make !#s more affordable, !artners
:aunched $!/ systems to overcome power problem for !# users $egisters a market share of 5E.J> to become <o.5 company for year /00= esktop !#
IT Hardware Industry
:ong standing relationship with customers !lan )ndia support & service infrastructure %est4value4for4money offerings )t offers one4stop4shop convenience to its diverse customers having an e-ually diverse set of re-uirements. 8#: )nfosystems has alliances with global technology leaders like )ntel, 2@ , *oshiba, Ericsson, @icrosoft, <okia and "un @icrosystems, "2!, "cansoft, "#7, E@#, Leritas, #itrix, #)"#7, 7racle, #omputer 2ssociates, $ed8at, )nfocus, <ovell. uplo, "amsung,
#ustomers seek cost reduction and solution improvement 8#: has assumed product development risks on a reward basis with O:2 *encor, %oeing etc. 8#: has invested in epartmental carve outs
IT Hardware Industry
7ther major competitors in )ndian & ?lobal @arket like Menith #omputers, )%@ etc.
IT Hardware Industry
2t )ntel, we believe in innovation. WeBre driven by it. We live by it. 2nd itBs this principle that led us to create the worldBs first microprocessor back in 5IJ5. $ead below to see how )ntelBs commitment to innovation continues to shape the worldBs future.
G%o$a% Comm,nit!
"ee how )ntel fosters learning and diversity in its communities worldwide through creative programs encourage the spirit of innovation. 2 major barrier to greater )* efficiency has been removed by )ntelP 2ctive @anagement *echnology 3)ntelP 2@*6. Asing built4in platform capabilities and popular third4party management and security applications, )ntel 2ctive @anagement *echnology allows )* to better iscover, 8eal, and !rotect their networked computing assets. and exhibits designed to
Te/&no%o'! 9 In",str!
*he innovative products, cutting4edge research, and strategic alliances that have helped )ntel lead advancements in technology for the past E1 years. *echnologies & *rends *echnology & $esearch at )ntel
o o
IT Hardware Industry
o )ntel ual #ore !rocessors
o o
I0 <anometre *echnology
o o
8yper4*hreading *echnology
o o
Com-,tin' At Inte%
)ntel is architecting the future of computing by developing and accelerating platforms that are making new uses of computing a reality. 8isco%er9 )ntelP 2ctive @anagement *echnology 3)ntelP 2@*6
stores hardware & software information in non4volatile memory. With built4in manageability, )ntel 2@* allows )* to discover the assets, even while !#s are powered off. With )ntelP 2@*, remote consoles do not rely on local software agents, helping to avoid accidental data loss.
IT Hardware Industry
0eal9 )ntel 2@*Bs built4in manageability provides out4of4band
management capabilities to allow )* to remotely heal systems after 7" failures. 2lerting & event logging help )* detect problems -uickly to reduce downtime. 1rotect9 )ntel 2@* helps to protect your network by making it easier to keep software and virus protection consistent and up4to4date across the enterprise. *hird party software can store version numbers or policy data in non4volatile memory for off4hours retrieval or updates. 8ow valuable are these new built4in manageability capabilitiesX %ased on extensive proof4of4concept testing, )ntel,s own )* organi.ation estimates annual savings of at least Q/=@.
>56+it So%,tions
IT Hardware Industry
H=4bit computing gives headroom for growth, with the ability to support more memory, larger data sets, more capable operating systems and more demanding applications. With millionBs of H=4bit processors already shipped, )ntel offers a proven track record, extensive enabling experience and industry4leading software tools to smooth your transition and optimi.e the return on your investment.
enterprise computing.
H=4bit )ntelP KeonV processor4based servers 5 support the broadest range of applications for all4purpose computing. )ntelP )taniumP /4based servers provide cost4efficient $)"# replacement for mission4critical computing solutions.
Reso,r/e Center
*his comprehensive online resource will help you plan and implement a successful migration to H=4bit server computing based on your specific applications, workloads, )* environment and business drivers. )t is divided into four categories9 /bout 6+.bit Ser%er -o&puting9 ?et the facts about the benefits and limitations of H=4bit server computing. 6+.bit Ser%er 2igration Strategies9 Anderstand your migration options, so you can reduce your cost and risk, and improve the return on your H=4bit server investment.
IT Hardware Industry
6+.bit Software Support9 ;ind out which enterprise applications and operating systems are H=4bit4ready, and learn how you can simplify migration for your custom applications. 6+.bit Ser%er 1latfor& :eco&&endations9 :earn about the key differences between H=4bit server platforms based on the )ntel Keon processor and the )ntel )tanium / processor, and find out how you can use them most effectively to address your specific application re-uirements.
<iche markets are not being catered.
IT Hardware Industry
)ntel can expand its product line and leverage its existing brand image.
2@ 2thlon is a major competitor gaining market share. 2ny major technological advancement by competitors can erode competitive advantage of )ntel in *echnology.
IT Hardware Industry
!romote the growth of human resource development in the )* sector with the aim of creating -uality4based education; !romote $& in the sector by identifying thrust areas and drawing up a blueprint for action.
)ndia,s most pri.ed resource in today,s knowledge economy is its readily available technical work force. the A.". )ndia has the second largest English4speaking scientific professionals in the world, second only to )t is estimated that )ndia has over = million technical workers, over 5,DE/ educational institutions and polytechnics, which train more than HJ,JD1 computer software professionals every year. ?overnment of )ndia is stepping up the number and -uality of training facilities in the country to capitali.e on this extraordinary human resource. )t is the knowledge industry that will help take the )ndian economy to a sustained higher rate of growth and the policy makers are fully aware of this.
IT Hardware Industry
#ompanies, both )ndian and @<#s, are beginning to take, some serious first few steps towards setting up manufacturing operations in the hardware sector in )ndia, however, a lot more needs to be done for opportunities are immense and time is short. *he most important imperative for focusing on manufacturing comes from significance of world trade and its linkages to economic development. *he )* hardware sector has potential of employing over 1 million people in )ndia, against current employment level of about 5.1 million. /0 million mobile phones are added every year and
2uto manufacturing has been a great success in )ndia. With both domestic and global demand going strong, )ndia has potential to build 500 billion plus hardware industry, over the next few decades. "emi4conductor industry has been trend setting, bench4mark industry in the world. We should try to capitali.e on the reduction of time, to design a product. We can have engineers in the A" be working by day on a product design, we can have engineers, here in )ndia working, if we are talking about A" time .ones, at night, on a design and
IT Hardware Industry
reduce the amount of time, it takes us to develop and put a particular element of our products or a whole product in the manufacturing. When we can do that, we get a competitive advantage over our competition.
*here were J00 million cell phones sold in the world, last year. 7nly about E0 million of them, sold here in )ndia. *hereBs a much greater potential than a 500 million per year. *hatBs dramatic amount of electronics demand that would have to be imported to the country but when you start thinking about the volume of a hundred million units, a year, you think that, you have to have the assembly, much of the assembly of those units here and certainly the amount of electronics that it demands, may be 10 dollars per unit, that is 1 billion dollars of electronic components alone that will be delivered in cell phones, per year, maybe in three or four or five years from now. *hat alone could fill several semi4conductor manufacturing factories. %ut cell phones arenBt the only thing that is hot, computers are still hot, white band, Wi4;i, Wi4@ax, evolution of white bank data communications is just starting, only /> of the worldBs population has access to high speed data, that number has to increase and should increase to a high percentage of the worldBs population and it has a unifying affect in data and communications and video.
*here is this *L industry here today manufacturing industry today. )t is going to be able to move the times and manufacturing :# panels and make that transition, drive the
cost down of those products so that, everybody who wants to have a flat panel *L can afford one, have access to one and
IT Hardware Industry
these are the kind of things that are changing in our lives and then, you just have to think about the emerging markets of the world, the developing economies of the world, this has been one, #hina another, one4thirds of world population but $ussia, the @iddle East, 2frica, these are economies that are going to be growing over the next twenty or thirty years and are going to want to have the impact of the electronics industry occur in their cultures, in their environments.
*hen there is computing. 7nly E million computers are sold in )ndia during a year. *he cost should come down so more are sold, however, that number is so small relative to the overall /00 million computers that are sold in the world. "emi4conductor manufacturing is the most sophisticated or one of the most sophisticated manufacturing capabilities in the world. "emi4conductor manufacturing has moved really around the world from A" and Europe to 'apan, to *aiwan, to Oorea, to "outh East 2sia, to #hina but not to )ndia. )ndia has so many advantages and a great workforce. "emi4conductor electronics manufacturing is really the foundation can help. of We manufacturing. 2pplied @aterials
support every semi4conductor manufacturer. 8owever, we have been the first mover, as the semi4conductor has moved around the world and with our already existing presence here. We are in an excellent position to support, to enable and ensure the success. ) am just waiting for the opportunity to help and work with you to enable that reality, here in the country.
IT Hardware Industry
"ource9 )nteractive @eeting with @r. @ichael $ "plinter, !resident & #E7, 2pplied @aterials, )nc.
IT Hardware Industry
356 Websites9 3/6 @aga.ines9 a. igit b. !#Ruest c. #hip
IT Hardware Industry
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Hi'h Production Capacity Ad(anced )echnolo'y Inno(ation *eduction in +,cise duty Dominant source of tyre supplier for some company
Infrastructural deficiency Less control o(er the price Hi'hly capital intensi(e industry
Increase in input cost *eduction in import duty