Evaluation of Elbow Pain in Adults

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Evaluation of Elbow Pain in Adults

SHAWN F. KANE, MD; JAMES H. LYNCH, MD, MS; and JONATHAN C. TAYLOR, MD Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina

The elbow is a complex joint designed to withstand a wide range of dynamic exertional forces. The location and quality of elbow pain can generally localize the injury to one of the four anatomic regions: anterior, medial, lateral, or posterior. The history should include questions about the onset of pain, what the patient was doing when the pain started, and the type and frequency of athletic and occupational activities. Lateral and medial epicondylitis are two of the more common diagnoses and often occur as a result of occupational activities. Patients have pain and tenderness over the affected tendinous insertion that are accentuated with specic movements. If lateral and medial epicondylitis treatments are unsuccessful, ulnar neuropathy and radial tunnel syndrome should be considered. Ulnar collateral ligament injuries occur in athletes participating in sports that involve overhead throwing. Biceps tendinopathy is a relatively common source of pain in the anterior elbow; history often includes repeated elbow exion with forearm supination and pronation. Olecranon bursitis is a common cause of posterior elbow pain and swelling. It can be septic or aseptic, and is diagnosed based on history, physical examination, and bursal uid analysis if necessary. Plain radiography is the initial choice for the evaluation of acute injuries and is best for showing bony injuries, soft tissue swelling, and joint effusions. Magnetic resonance imaging is the preferred imaging modality for chronic elbow pain. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography allows for an inexpensive dynamic evaluation of commonly injured structures. (Am Fam Physician. 2014;89(8):649-657. Copyright 2014 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
CME This clinical content conforms to AAFP criteria for continuing medical education (CME). See CME Quiz Questions on page 623.

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etermining the underlying etiology of elbow pain can be difcult because of the complex anatomy of this joint and the broad differential diagnosis. As with other musculoskeletal problems, the keys to diagnosing elbow pain are a history to include mechanism of injury or exacerbating movements, and a focused physical examination. The patients

occupation and recreational activities can be important clues to diagnosis. Table 1 provides the differential diagnosis of elbow pain by anatomic location. Anatomy The elbow is primarily a hinged joint, but possesses the unique ability to rotate the distal arm in pronation and supination (Figure 11). These unique motions, along with a wide range of dynamic exertional forces, predispose the elbow and its structures to signicant injuries, particularly with repetitive motions. Understanding the anatomy and the physical forces of movement will aid in diagnosis.2 Anterior Elbow Pain

Table 1. Differential Diagnosis of Elbow Pain Based on Anatomic Location

Anterior Anterior capsule strain Biceps tendinopathy Gout Intra-articular loose body Osteoarthritis Pronator syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis Lateral Lateral epicondylitis Osteochondral defect Plica Posterolateral rotatory instability Radial tunnel syndrome/posterior interosseous nerve syndrome Medial Cubital tunnel syndrome Medial epicondylitis Ulnar collateral ligament injury Valgus extension overload syndrome Posterior Olecranon bursitis Olecranon stress fracture Osteoarthritis Posterior impingement Triceps tendinopathy

The biceps tendon is a relatively common source of pain in the anterior elbow. Although distal biceps tendon ruptures are rare, comprising 3% of all tendon ruptures, distal biceps tendinopathy is more common.3 This condition presents with an insidious course of anterior elbow pain, especially with resisted exion and resisted supination of the forearm. Patients with biceps tendinopathy may present with vague anterior elbow

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Elbow Pain

pain. History often includes repeated elbow exion with forearm supination or pronation, such as in dumbbell curls. On physical examination, with the elbow exed to 90 degrees, passive supination and pronation of the forearm should reveal a normal piston-like movement of the biceps muscle belly. Absence of this motion indicates a complete tear. Resisted supination typically recreates pain deep in the antecubital fossa. The hook test, which involves the examiner hooking the biceps tendon with his or her ngertip, will conrm an intact tendon and may assist in localizing the pain generator (Figure 2). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or musculoskeletal ultrasonography can be used to demonstrate continuity and changes in caliber of the tendon.4

Figure 2. The hook test is used to assess the continuity of the biceps tendon. The examiners nger is used to hook under the distal biceps tendon. The distal biceps tendon is ruptured if the examiners nger does not meet resistance.

Uncommon etiologies of anterior elbow pain include intra-articular processes such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Medial Elbow Pain

Medial epicondylitis is much less common than lateral epicondylitis and typically occurs in athletes or workers who participate in activities that involve repetitive valgus
A Humerus Olecranon fossa Medial epicondyle B

stress and exion at the elbow, as well as repetitive wrist exion and pronation. It is a tendinopathy of the common exor tendon, usually the exor carpi radialis and the pronator teres.1,5 Patients typically report the insidious onset of pain at the medial elbow with or without accompanying gripstrength weakness. The point of maximal tenderness is usually at the insertion of the exor-pronator mass, 5 to 10 mm distal and anterior to the medial epicondyle. Pain during resisted pronation is the most sensitive physical examination nding. The pain can also usually be recreated with resisted wrist exion.6

Lateral epicondyle Capitellum

Head Radius C


Head Radius



Capitellum Head

Radius Ulna

Figure 1. Bones of the elbow: (A) anterior view, (B) posterior view, and (C) lateral view.
Reprinted with permission from Chumbley EM, OConnor FG, Nirschl RP. Evaluation of overuse elbow injuries. Am Fam Physician. 2000;61(3):692.

The anterior bundle of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is the primary restraint to valgus stress during overhead throwing (Figure 3). UCL injuries commonly occur in athletes participating in sports that involve overhead throwing, such as baseball, javelin, and volleyball.7-9 Injury to the UCL results in signicant valgus elbow instability and may predispose an athlete to secondary injuries.8,10 The history should include questions about the onset of pain, what the patient was doing when the pain started, sports played, and the frequency of participation. Patients with an acute UCL injury usually report the sensation of a pop followed by the immediate onset of pain and bruising around the medial elbow. Tenderness over the UCL has a sensitivity of 81% to 94%, but a specicity of only 22% for UCL tears.11
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The most important examination for a possible UCL injury is assessment of the medial joint space laxity or instability against valgus forces. The medial joint space of the symptomatic elbow should be compared with the asymptomatic side for the amount of opening, the subjective quality of the end point while a valgus force is applied across the joint, and pain. A normal joint space will open less than 3 mm, with a rm end point.7,8,12 The moving valgus stress test (Figure 4) has a 100% sensitivity and a 75% specicity for 3,7,8,11,13-17 diagnosing UCL injuries (Table 2 ). This test is performed with the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation. While maintaining constant valgus torque on the elbow, the elbow is quickly exed and extended. A positive result is dened as pain between 70 and 120 degrees of exion.11 A video of the moving valgus stress test is available at http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=plk7G2s8V30. The milking maneuver (Figure 5) can provide additional information on the possible presence of a UCL injury. This maneuver is performed with the forearm supinated, shoulder abducted, and elbow exed beyond 90 degrees. The examiner then pulls the patients thumb posteriorly, creating a val3,7,8,11,13-17 gus force (Table 2 ). Patients with a UCL injury will have pain, instability, and apprehension.11

Ulnar nerve Medial epicondyle of humerus


Ulnar collateral ligament Posterior bundle Intermediate bundle Anterior bundle

Figure 3. Course of the ulnar nerve at the medial elbow and the three distinct bands of the ulnar collateral ligament.

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a compressive or traction neuropathy of the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel of the medial elbow (Figure 3). After carpal tunnel syndrome, it is the second most common compressive neuropathy of the upper extremities.18 Approximately 60% of patients with medial epicondylitis have a concomitant compressive ulnar neuropathy.19 Patients will have medial elbow pain with repetitive activity. The pain is usually associated with numbness and tingling in the ulnar border of the forearm and hand, and in the ring and little ngers. If the condition exists for an extended period of time, weakness of the intrinsic muscles of the hand may develop.19 Patients may also have nighttime pain from sleeping with the elbow fully exed. A physical examination of the upper extremities
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Figure 4. The moving valgus stress test is performed with (A) the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation. (B) While constant valgus torque on the elbow is maintained, the elbow is quickly exed and extended. A positive result is dened as pain between 70 and 120 degrees of exion.

and cervical spine is essential to rule out other compressive neuropathies.14,20,21 A positive Tinel sign at the cubital tunnel has a specicity of 48% to 100% and a sensitivity of 44% to 75% 12,21 3,7,8,11,13-17 for a compressive neuropathy (Table 2 ). Physical examination should focus on muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve distal to the cubital tunnel: the exor carpi ulnaris, the exor digitorum palmaris, the hypothenar eminence, and the intrinsic muscles of the hand. Wartenberg sign (the inability to adduct the little nger), a clawhand deformity, and exion of the proximal interphalangeal joint and the distal interphalangeal joint of the ring and small ngers may also be present (Table 23,7,8,11,13-17). The ulnar nerve should be palpated in
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Elbow Pain
Table 2. Selected Diagnostic Tests for Elbow Pain
Test Elbow abduction stress test Hook test How performed Valgus stress applied against an elbow held in 20 to 30 degrees of exion Shoulder abducted to 90 degrees with the elbow in 90 degrees of exion Examiners nger attempts to hook behind the distal biceps tendon Middle nger test With an outstretched arm, the patient attempts to extend the middle nger against resistance Forearm supinated, shoulder abducted, and elbow exed beyond 90 degrees Valgus stress is placed on the elbow by pulling on the thumb Modied milking maneuver Moving valgus stress test Shoulder adducted and externally rotated Shoulder abducted and externally rotated While maintaining a constant valgus force, the elbow is quickly exed and extended through a complete range of motion Gentle tapping over the course of a supercial nerve Tingling, paresthesias over the distal course of the nerve Apprehension, instability, and medial joint pain Pain between 70 and 120 degrees Ulnar collateral ligament injury Ulnar collateral ligament injury Weakness or inability to resist force Pain isolated at the lateral epicondyle Apprehension, instability, and medial joint pain Posterior interosseous nerve compression syndrome Lateral epicondylitis Ulnar collateral ligament injury Positive ndings Absence of a rm end point and movement of the articular surfaces of the medial epicondyle and ulna Finger does not hook onto the biceps tendon Suggested diagnosis Ulnar collateral ligament injury Distal biceps tendon rupture

Milking maneuver

Tinel test

Cubital tunnel syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome

Information from references 3, 7, 8, 11, and 13 through 17.

the cubital tunnel during exion and extension to detect any subluxation or dislocation of the nerve.19 Lateral Elbow Pain

This overuse tendinopathy occurs in approximately 1% to 3% of the population annually, and although it is commonly called tennis elbow, only 5% to 10% of tennis players develop the condition. Most patients are in their

30s and 40s and develop lateral epicondylitis as a result of occupational rather than recreational activities.14 The lateral elbow is affected four to 10 times more often than the medial side.22 The lateral epicondyle of humerus serves as the common extensor origin for the active supinators of the forearm, including the extensor carpi radialis brevis (Figure 6). Physical examination reveals maximal tenderness approximately 1 cm distal to the epicondyle at the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis. Pain and decreased strength with resisted gripping and with wrist supination and extension are often present.22

Figure 5. In the milking maneuver, (A) the elbow is exed to 90 degrees while a valgus force is applied to the elbow by (B) gently pulling the patients thumb in the posterior direction. A positive nding is pain, instability, and apprehension.

There is some controversy about whether radial tunnel syndrome and posterior interosseous nerve syndrome are two separate entities or a continuum of the same condition. A small percentage of patients who present with lateral elbow pain and are thought to have lateral epicondylitis on initial presentation actually have an entrapment neuropathy of the radial nerve.15,23 For both syndromes, patients typically present with a history of repetitive forearm supination and pronation (e.g., carpenters,
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Extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor carpi radialis brevis


history of minor trauma to the elbow and a boggy, nontender mass over the olecranon without redness, warmth, limited range of motion, or other signs of infection.26 Because aspiration of bursae can be associated with complications such as introducing infection, this should be performed only when the diagnosis is uncertain or to relieve symptoms in refractory cases.24

Olecranon Lateral epicondyle Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum communis

Tendinopathy at the triceps insertion occasionally occurs in weight lifters or industrial workers in whom repetitive elbow extenFigure 6. Lateral epicondyle and the origin of the common extensor sion against resistance is required. Diagnosis is fairly straightforward in the setting of a tendon. suggestive history. On physical examinamechanics) and have insidious, poorly localized pain tion, the patient reports pain at the posterior elbow in the forearm. Physical examination typically reveals with resisted extension, and tenderness at the triceps a positive Tinel sign at the radial tunnel. The point of insertion.27 maximal tenderness usually resides over the anterior radial head. The presence of weakness with resisted supi- POSTERIOR IMPINGEMENT nation of the forearm and extension of the middle nger Valgus extension overload syndrome is a condition that (middle nger test; Figure 7) is common with posterior presents in younger athletes who are subjected to repetiinterosseous nerve syndrome20 (Table 23,7,8,11,13-17). In con- tive valgus stresses while in hyperextension (i.e., javtrast, radial tunnel syndrome typically presents as a pure elin throwers). This stress causes impingement of the pain syndrome without any objective clinical muscular olecranon tip in the olecranon fossa, which may cause weakness.15,19,23 osteophyte formation and a xed exion deformity over time. A similar condition exists in older persons with OSTEOCHONDRAL DEFECT (OSTEOCHONDRITIS osteoarthritis. On physical examination, the patient will DISSECANS) have posterior elbow pain when forced into full elbow The articular surface most commonly injured within the extension.27 elbow is the radial aspect of the joint, which can presTable 3 summarizes key aspects of the diagnosis and ent as lateral elbow pain. Athletes in overhead throwing treatment of selected causes of elbow pain.4,14,15,17,24-36 sports or sports that require repetitive valgus stress or compressive forces on the elbow (e.g., gymnastics) are prone to these types of injuries. Occasionally, separation of the osteochondral fragment may occur, resulting in a loose body. Symptoms may include locking, catching, or inability to fully extend the elbow.16 Posterior Elbow Pain

Olecranon bursitis is the most common supercial bursitis and is a common cause of posterior elbow pain and swelling.24 Olecranon bursitis can be septic or aseptic. Patients with septic olecranon bursitis present with pain, swelling, warmth, and erythema over the olecranon; roughly one-half will have a fever. Diagnosis is conrmed by bursal uid analysis.25 By contrast, patients with aseptic olecranon bursitis may present with a
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Figure 7. With the middle nger test, the patient attempts to resist a downward applied force to the fully extended middle nger. American Family Physician653

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Table 3. Diagnosis and Treatment of Selected Causes of Elbow Pain

Diagnosis Anterior Biceps 4,28 tendinopathy Vague anterior elbow pain; history of repeated elbow exion with forearm supination and pronation Much more common than medial epicondylitis; insidious onset of pain because of increase in occupational or recreational activities; tenderness to palpation over the common extensor tendon Resisted supination recreates pain deep in the antecubital fossa Relative rest, ice, short course of NSAIDs, physical therapy Clinical presentation Diagnostic approach Treatment

Lateral Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)14,29-32 Pain and decreased strength with resisted gripping and with wrist supination and extension; pain at the lateral elbow with isolated resisted extension of the middle nger Relative rest and watchful waiting, ice, bracing, short course of NSAIDs Stretching and strengthening with or without formal physical therapy Bracing (consider wrist extension brace instead of commonly used counterforce traction brace) Injections of corticosteroids, autologous blood, or platelet-rich plasma; prolotherapy; dry needling Topical nitroglycerin Surgery for recalcitrant cases Posterior interosseous nerve syndrome15 Painless loss of the ability to extend the middle nger against resistance Positive result on the middle nger test (the inability to actively extend the middle nger against resistance) Cessation of inciting activity Splinting to maintain forearm supination and wrist extension Physical therapy focusing on ergonomics, stretching, and then strengthening Surgery may be considered for refractory cases Radial tunnel syndrome15 Medial Cubital tunnel syndrome33 Insidious onset of pain and paresthesias down the medial aspect of the forearm into the ring and little ngers Insidious onset of pain because of increase in occupational or recreational activities; tenderness to palpation of exor-pronator mass Positive Tinel sign at the cubital tunnel; may feel the ulnar nerve subluxate over the medial epicondyle with exion and extension Pain with resisted wrist exion and pronation Conservative treatment: cessation of inciting activity, night splint to keep arm in extension, physical therapy with nerve gliding exercises Surgery for recalcitrant cases that fail to respond to four to six months of treatment Relative rest, ice, bracing, short course of NSAIDs (topical or oral) Stretching and strengthening with or without formal physical therapy Injections with corticosteroids (may be more effective than NSAIDs in the short term), autologous blood, or platelet-rich plasma; dry needling Topical nitroglycerin Surgery for recalcitrant cases Ulnar collateral ligament injury17 Sensation of a pop over the medial elbow Positive result on moving valgus stress test or milking maneuver; lack of end point with valgus stress Rest, ice, sling, short course of NSAIDs Grade 1 and 2 partial tears should be treated with relative rest and prolonged guided rehabilitation Surgery should be considered early on for elite level/professional athletes

Pain in the lateral aspect of the forearm in the absence of any motor symptoms

Pain only, with no motor ndings

Same treatment as for posterior interosseous nerve syndrome

Medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow)17,29

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Table 3. Diagnosis and Treatment of Selected Causes of Elbow Pain (continued)

Diagnosis Posterior Olecranon bursitis Aseptic24,26,34-36 History of minor trauma to the elbow; boggy, nontender mass over the olecranon Bursal uid analysis; absence of redness, warmth, limited range of motion, or other signs of infection Ice, compressive dressings, avoidance of aggravating activity For failed conservative treatment, aspiration of the bursa followed by two weeks of compressive dressing Surgical bursectomy may be required for refractory cases persisting longer than three months Intrabursal corticosteroid injection may be considered but can be complicated by infection and skin atrophy Septic25 Pain, swelling, warmth, and erythema over the olecranon; approximately 50% of patients have fever Pain at the posterior elbow, especially at full extension Bursal uid analysis Aspiration, mechanical rest, systemic oral or intravenous antibiotics directed by bursal uid culture Avoidance of offending movements If conservative treatment fails, arthroscopic osteotomy of osteophytes on the posterior elbow is effective Relative rest, ice, short course of NSAIDs, refer for physical therapy Surgery is rarely indicated Clinical presentation Diagnostic approach Treatment

Posterior impingement 27

Posterior elbow pain when forced into full elbow extension; radiography to evaluate for osteophyte formation Pain at the posterior elbow with resisted extension; tenderness at the triceps insertion

Triceps 27,28 tendinopathy

Pain at the posterior elbow, especially with extensor use (pushing motions)

NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs. Information from references 4, 14, 15, 17, and 24 through 36.

Imaging Plain radiography is the initial choice for the evaluation of acute injuries and is best for showing bony injuries, soft tissue swelling, and joint effusions. Plain radiography also has a role in the evaluation of chronic conditions such as enthesopathy, bone spurs, and osteochondral diseases.18 At a minimum, anteroposterior and lateral plain radiography should be performed at the initial visit.37 Most conditions that cause chronic elbow pathology are clinical diagnoses; imaging may be used to conrm the diagnosis before further intervention or referral. MRI is the preferred imaging modality for chronic elbow pain.37,38 MRI can identify pathologic conditions such as bone marrow edema, tendinopathy, nerve entrapments, and joint effusions. Magnetic resonance arthrography may be performed in patients without an effusion to identify ligament tears, osteochondral defects, or loose bodies18,37 (Figure 839).
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Figure 8. T1-weighted image of the lateral epicondyle demonstrating a partial tear/tendinopathy (arrowhead) of the common extensor tendon (arrow).
Reprinted with permission from Stadnick ME. Lateral epicondylitis. MRI web clinicNovember 2003. http://www.radsource.us/clinic/0311. Accessed March 12, 2014.

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Clinical recommendation If an ulnar collateral ligament injury is suspected, the medial joint space of the symptomatic elbow should be compared with the asymptomatic side for the amount of opening, the subjective quality of the end point while a valgus force is applied across the joint, and pain. In patients with signs of compressive ulnar neuropathy at the cubital tunnel, a physical examination of the upper extremities and cervical spine is essential to rule out other compressive neuropathies. To avoid introducing infection, aspiration of olecranon bursitis should be performed only when the diagnosis is uncertain or to relieve symptoms in refractory cases. Magnetic resonance imaging is the preferred imaging modality for chronic elbow pain. Evidence rating C References 7, 8, 12


14, 20, 21 24 37, 38

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.

Compared with MRI, computed tomography has a limited role in the evaluation of chronic elbow pain. It may be superior to MRI in detecting soft tissue calcication, such as myositis ossicans or intra-articular bodies. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography is more operatordependent than MRI but allows for an inexpensive dynamic evaluation of commonly injured structures. Ultrasonography is less expensive than MRI and, in skilled hands, has a sensitivity of 64% to 82% for the diagnosis of medial and lateral elbow tendinopathy, compared with a sensitivity of 90% to 100% with MRI.38 Electrodiagnostic studies, such as nerve conduction studies and electromyography, are helpful in conrming the diagnosis of a peripheral compressive neuropathy and ruling out conditions such as plexopathies and cervical radiculopathies. Because it takes time for the compressive or traction neuropathy to result in a positive electrodiagnostic study, false-negative results can occur if the testing is performed before symptoms have been present for six to eight weeks.12,18
The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as ofcial or as reecting the views of the U.S. Army Medical Department, the U.S. Army at large, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government. Data Sources: A PubMed search was completed in Clinical Queries using the key terms elbow pain, epicondylitis, bursitis, radial tunnel, cubital tunnel, and impingement. The search included meta-analyses, randomized clinical trials, clinical trials, and reviews. Also searched were the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evidence reports, the Cochrane database, Essential Evidence Plus, the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse database. Search dates: January 15, 2012; June 27, 2012; and December 5, 2013.

JAMES H. LYNCH, MD, MS, is a staff family physician/primary care sports medicine physician at Womack Army Medical Center. JONATHAN C. TAYLOR, MD, is a staff family physician at Womack Army Medical Center. Address correspondence to Shawn F. Kane, MD, USASOC(A), Attn: AOMD, 2929 Desert Storm Dr. (Stop A), Fort Bragg, NC 28310 (e-mail: shawn.f.kane.mil@mail.mil). Reprints are not available from the authors. REFERENCES
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The Authors
SHAWN F. KANE, MD, is a staff family physician/primary care sports medicine physician at Womack Army Medical Center in Fort Bragg, N.C.

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