New Peoplesoft Resume

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PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY 7+ years of experience in PeopleSoft HCM modules Core HR, Workforce admin, Position Management, NA Payroll Core

A Payroll Core HR !e"ef#ts and Self Services in fit gap analysis, build and review technical and functional specifications and provide comprehensive solution based on core technologies Participated in all phases of ERP life cycle like Implementation, Customi ation, !evelopment, Production Support and "pgrade# $bility to interface with hiring managers and break down technical details# Solid working knowledge of reporting tools like PS $uery %xcellent troubleshooting and problem&solving skills# 'eam player with excellent interpersonal communication skills and technical documentation skills# Capable of multitasking, good team player with excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication, and documentation skills# (uick learner with great approach towards solving business problems through ERP# %xtensive experience in different HCM $pplication versions of PeopleSoft %&'( )&)( )&*( )&+& %xpertise in People ,ools )&-., People code and PS $uery& %xperience in upgrade of People Soft HCM )&) to %&' in )it gap, $nalysis, design, development, testing and implementation# %xcellent 'echnical, Communication and Interpersonal Skills with strong Customer *rientation and Cl#e"t I"terfa/#"0 S1#lls& !evelopment of Interfaces and +eports re,uired as a part of the implementation and Maintenance of the PeopleSoft payroll system, both NA payroll and 2lo3al Payroll -eading the *ffshore 'eam, for the Production Support# Communicating with the Customer as well the *nshore 'eam on a day&to&day basis in resolving action items .asic /nowledge of Campus Solutions, 'ime 0 -abor and Pay(!#ll modules&

,ECHNICAL S4ILLS PeopleSoft 1+MS21CM 34#5, 4#6,7#4, 7#7, 7#89 $pplication !esigner People Code PS (uery P-2S(-

)":C'I*:$- %;P%+I%:C% Huma" Cap#tal Ma"a0eme"t with speciali ation in +ecruiting Solutions, Nort5 Amer#/a" Payroll and Workforce $dministration OPERA,IN2 SYS,EMS Windows <666, :', "nix

6A,A!ASES *racle 55g256g24i272=#x MS S(- Server

APPLICA,IONS Workforce $dmin .ase .enefits 'ime and -abor >lobal Payroll Payroll for :orth $merica Self Services >lobal Payroll PROFESSIONAL E7PERIENCE Page 1 of 4

HCM (HRMS Co"sulta"t

6ell Ser8#/es !osto" MA Role; Sr& PeopleSoft Fu"/t#o"al Payroll Co"sulta"t Pro<e/t; Up0rade(Re=Impleme"tat#o" a"d E"5a"/eme"ts of HRMS %&' Respo"s#3#l#t#es; Was part of team of almost ?6 People Soft resources doing a brand new Staffing implementation which involves real time front office integration between A6AP, and People Soft )ront *ffice and back office customi ations associated with )inancials3Contracts, .illing, AR, AP, 2L, Pro<e/ts E>pe"ses? HR@2lo3al Payroll ,A-9 Working closely with a team involved in implementation of Pay2.ill Management# Working closely with the business users to understand the .usiness +e,uirements, Creating )it&>ap $nalysis documents, Preparing )unctional and 'echnical !esign documents# Working +evisited the Set "p2Modifications to Maintain Core HR !e"ef#ts a"d Payroll ,a3les = #"/lud#"0 organi ation tables, @ob , NA Payroll, compensation and earnings tables, deduction tables, pay calendar tables, tax tables and compared the existing system and current system codes and remapped as needed !etermining the benefit program for which each employee is eligible and determining eligibility for each plan option within a benefit program# Set up the system so that a participant can be eligible for only one benefit program at a time# !efined eligibility based on a wide range of personal and Aob information, as well as geographic location 3age, empl type, emplB/lass, regulatory region, F,E, full2part time, State etc#9 $ctively participated in day to day tasks, high level meeting with upper management and business users to discuss the scope of the proAect on daily basis# Implemented Position Management business module which helps client defines 1uman +esources by position# Involved in configuration of position management module which involves create and track positions data and history, process employee appointments by position Cerified and +esponsible for running the biweekly @O"=Cy/le a"d Off=Cy/le? payroll by providing analysis support on PeopleSoft 'ime 0 -abor and Payroll modules# !eveloped HR Self Service 'ool which enables users to generate transactions to be inserted 2 deleted into2from @ob, .onus, Payroll and %mployment# 9u"e .+'* : Prese"t

E"8#ro"me"t; PeopleSoft 1CM 3Core 1+, Security :$ Payroll, .ase .enefits, Position Management and (uery9 4#5, People 'ools v7#D5, Windows :' St& 9osep5 Healt5 System = Ir8#"e CA Role; Sr& PeopleSoft Fu"/t#o"al Payroll Co"sulta"t Pro<e/t; Up0rade a"d Produ/t#o" support of PeopleSoft HCM 8 %&'()&) Respo"s#3#l#t#es; %xtensively worked with the HCM "pgrade team and functional users in order to develop, support and resolve technical issues in Workforce Adm#" Payroll a"d !e"ef#ts# $ctively involved in all stages of upgrade of PeopleSoft HRMS from 8ers#o" )&) to %&' !eveloped technical specification documentation for the new changes brought out in version %&' Involved in +etrofitting of several customi ed obAects like $pplication %ngines, (ueries, Pages and Components in the process of "pgrade $s a PeopleSoft Developer, was involved in designing the Payroll and Benefits Systems, paycheck generation, setting up of employee payroll data, calculating pay, and customizing payroll and tax reports. Involved in development of .enefit plans, associating benefit plans, enrolling employees in benefits and calculating deductions in eBenefit module. Setup %% information in Payroll Module to calculate EE %arnings and ,a>at#o" of their %arnings and .enefits# Involved in organi ing the Payroll Process using Pay >roups, Pay Calendars and Pay +un Ids# $lso created Pay Sheets which are the repository data re,uired for employees Pay Calculations for each pay period# Involved and worked as payroll administrator in Payroll process to verify the pay sheets, paycalc and pay confirm activities on by weekly basis# May .+''= 9u" .+'*

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HCM (HRMS Co"sulta"t

Conducted multiple )it >ap $nalysis sessions and prepared detailed design documentation Set up knowledge transfer sessions with employees to go through issues, which could come up in future# Interacted with the client to implement setup issues related to .enefits and Nort5 Amer#/a" Payroll /o"f#0urat#o"&

E"8#ro"me"t; PeopleSoft 1+MS2'$M 4#5, People 'ools 7#D5, Workforce $dmin, Staffing, MSS, Payroll, and .enefits, "nix C#t#0roup Sa/rame"to CA Role; PeopleSoft Fu"/t#o"al Payroll Co"sulta"t Pro<e/t; Impleme"tat#o" of HRMS )&% +esponsibilitiesE Implementation of PeopleSoft HCM a"d 2lo3al Payroll Configuring payroll elements such as %arnings !eductions, )ormulas $rrays, Cariables, $ccumulators, etc# according to /l#e"tBs payroll processes# Migrating data from le0a/y systems Integrating $bsences Management with 2lo3al Payroll& Configuration of PeopleSoft A3se"/e Ma"a0eme"t; %ntitlements and accruals for vacations# Interaction with hiring managers to break down technical details# Meetings with the SMEBs to discuss their business needs and re,uirements $bsences types 3-eave of absence, unAustified, vacations, P,O9and 'akes 3defining rules for each absence type9 %ntry, approval 3self&service functionality9 $bsence elements 3element types, earning and deduction elements9 $ccumulators 3defining and set up for balances9 Processing $bsences to generate computed absence results to >lobal Payroll by employee and pay period# !efinition of segmentation for half period hiring or salary increase# %xecuting payroll processes in a parallel way comparing results between PeopleSoft and the payroll system of the client# Provided 'raining 0 Conducted Practice 0 $dditional .usiness +e,uirements sessions# Participating and conducting 'esting sessions with end&users# Coordinating all the activities needed to make go&live and Post implementation support 6e/ .+'+ : May .+''

E"8#ro"me"tE PeopleSoft 1+MS 7#7 31+, Security and Payroll9, People 'ools 7#??, People Code, *racle 4i, ":I; ,a"la Solut#o"s Hydera3ad I"d#a Role; PeopleSoft Fu"/t#o"al Co"sulta"t Impleme"tat#o" a"d Custom#Cat#o" Respo"s#3#l#t#es; !esigned, customised, tested, and implemented PeopleSoft delivered obAects i#e# records, pages, components, menus# Worked extensively on integration of PeopleSoft 'ime and -abor with 1+, .ase benefits, and Payroll# Set up 'ime Periods, Shifts, +eason Codes, 'ask Profile 'emplates, 'ask %ntity Codes, and 'ask >roups# !efined overtime limits, tracked overtime balances and assigned overtime limits to workgroups# !eveloped several processes in Payroll such as -oading data from CSD f#les to +apid !ata %ntry tables and then loading to Pay L#"es# !eveloped new reports for 6#sa3#l#ty !e"ef#ts L#fe !e"ef#ts a"d Healt5 !e"ef#ts& No8 .++): 6e/ .+'+

E"8#ro"me"t; PeopleSoft 1+MS 7#8 3Payroll, 'ime and labor, .enefits $dministration9, People 'ools 7#5D, $pplication %ngine, People Code, *racle 7x, Windows <666 Page 3 of 4

HCM (HRMS Co"sulta"t

A/ro" ,e/5"olo0#es I"d#a Role; Huma" Resour/es Asso/#ate HR Operat#o"s /oord#"at#o" Respo"s#3#l#t#es;

O/t .++E= No8 .++)

Proven success record of recruiting and hiring for high, mid and low level positions# Partnered with senior management team to align their business needs with appropriate staffing# Provided benefits administration, performance management, employee relations, employee counseling2coaching and HRIS administration in PeopleSoft# $dministered new employee orientations which included meeting with new employees to review general office procedures, health benefits, company policies etc# $ssisted Senior *perations Manager with the development, implementation, and communication of company policies and procedures# %nsured all licensing and employer labor re,uirements were met# Processed payroll and tracked time off for staff in region# $ssisted with performance review process and rollout to employees# +esponsible for HR report generation, analysis and data trending# Completed PeopleSoft data entry for all Aob and salary changes# Central processing for terminations and new hires#

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