C Programming Important Questions
C Programming Important Questions
C Programming Important Questions
b)What are the different steps followed in program development? 2. a)What are the symbols used for flowchart?Draw the flow chart for withdrawing Rs10000/from bank. b)What are constants in C?Exlain about various constants used in C? 3. What are different types of operators in C with examples? 4. a)What is problem solving explain about various problem solving techniques with examples? b)List out differences between interpreter and compiler? 5. a)Write brifely about machine,symbolic and highlevel languages? b)Describe four basic data types?how could we extend the range of values? 6. a)Explain different steps involved in creating and running programs with neat flowchart? b)Write a program to find largest of three numbers using ternary operator? 7. What is an expression in C?Explain various types of expressions in C? 8. a)Explain the working of uniary operator with Examples b)Explain the working of Binaryoperator with Examples c)Explain the working of Ternary operator with Examples d)Explain the working of Assignment operator with Examples 9. Explain In detail about structure of C program?
C PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL-II _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What are different types of control statements available in C?Explain with Examples? 2. a)Write a program to print the given number in words using switch ststements? b)Write a program to find max and min elements from the array? 3. a)Explai about multiway selection statemnts with suitable examples b)Write a program to award grade to the student based on average marks using switch statements. 4. a)write a program to find roots of the quardatic equation b) write a program to find whether a given number is palindrome or not? c)write a program using do while stsatement to print the following format? 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5. a) Write a program to find Biggest of four Numbers? b)Wite about string handlling functions with examples? 6. a)Explain in detail about 2-dimensional array declaration accessing elements,initilization with suitable example? b) write a program to find trace of a matrix? 7. What is an array? What are its advantages? Explain declaration ,accessing elements,initilization with suitable example?Write a program to perform multiplication? 8. a)Write a C program to print multiplication table upto n with proper format? b)Write a C program to perform substraction of two matrices? 9. a) Write a C program to count number of characters in any string? b)Write a C program to print the following format? J JN JNT JNTU JNT JN J 10. a)Write a program for the reverse of given string with out using strrev() function? b)Explain about multidimensional Arrays? 11. a)Whar are advantages of for loop?List the differences between for and do-while?Give an example of on break and continue statements? b)Write a program to arrage characters of given string in ascending order?
C PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL-III 1. Explain different categeories of functions in C with examples?Write a C program to calculate factorial of given number using function? 2. Discuss with suitable examples the storage classes available in C?write a program for finding gcd of two numbers using recursion? 3. a)What is need for user defined functions?give an example on parameter passing and static storage class? b)Write a program to generate fibonacci series using recursive function 4. a)Define actual and formal parameters?what is meant by local and global varibles explain with an example? b)Write a program to generate fibonacci series using recursion? 5. Can array be passed from a function to the calling portion of a program via return statement Explain? 6. a)Explain in detail about various MATH functions with C programs as examples? b)Write in-detail about Tips and common errors in functions with examples? 7. a)Write a program C program to evaluate sin() function b)Write a program C program to evaluate cos() function 8. a)Write a program to find the sum of given series by using function with argument and return type e=2+3/1!-6/2!+9/3!-12/4!+! b)write a program to implement towers of hanoi using recursion? 9. a)What is recursion write a program to search an element in an array using recursion? 10. Define function? Explain functions with return type and non-return type with suitable examples?
C PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL-IV 1. a)Write short notes on pointers?write a program and explain working of malloc(),calloc() and free() function? b)write a program to implement matrix multiplication using pointers? 2. a)expalin the syntax with suitable examples the dynamic memory allocation functions available in C? b)write a C function to find the length of a string passed as an argument using pointers? c)what is pointer?give an example on call by address? 3. List the differences between array and pointer?writea program to concanate two strings using pointers? 4. Discuss neatly the following pointers i)pointer pointing to a variable ii)pointer pointing to a constant iii)constant pointer pointing to a variable iV) constant pointer pointing to constant 5. a)What are advantages of using pointers? b)Explain static and dynamic memory allocation 6. a)write a program to compare two strings using pointers? b)What is a pointer?Describe call by value and call by address with suitable examples? 7. What is dangling pointer?give an example on pointer to pointer and passing by address? 8. a)Explain about dynamic memory allocation function and use of command line arguments? b)what is a void pointer ?explain array of pointer with an example? 9. a)What is difference between character pointer and integer pointer? b)Write a program using pointer to pointer with function ? 10. a)Explain the concept of dynamic storage and arrays? b)write a c program to implement dynamic storage of one dimensional arrays i.e to read elements and print the elements? 11. a)Write a program that uses pointer as a function argument? b)explain the concept of dynamic storage of character strings
C PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL-V 1. Write a c program using structures to display the following information for each customer Customer name,accno,street,city,oldbalence,currentpayment,newbalence,accstatus. 2. a)list the differences between structures and unions? b)how to copy one structure to an other structure of a same data type?give an example? 3. a)write short notes on union with example? b)describe about the bit wise operators with suitable examples? 4. a)What do you mean by bit fields?how they are different from structures? b)suppose or oppose the statement in C a structure contains a union inside it?give suitable example? 5. What is an enumerated type?how it can be declared?what are the different ways one can initialise enumeration? 6. a)Dfferentiate between self referential and nested structures with suitable examples? b)How many possible ways one can access the members of a structre using structre variable and a pointer to a structure variable.illustrate with examples? 7. a)Differentiate between array of structures and structure containing arrays with suitable examples? b)How can entire structure be passed to a function explain with suitable examples? 8. Describe structure declaration,initilization and accessing elements? 9. What is nested structure write a program to print the details of employees of an organisation like name,dateof join,salary using nested structure? 10. a)Difference between structure and arrays? b)Write syntax for defining nested structure?
C PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL-VI 1. A)What is purpose of feof()?how feof() be utilized with in a program that updates an unfomated data file explin? 2. b)Write a progranm to copy one file data into an other file 3. a)Explian the following operations a)fseek() b)ftell() c)rewind() d)ferror() 4. b)Write the syntax for opening a file with various mode and closing a file? 5. Explain about file handlling functions? 6. a)Distinguish between getc() and getchar() fun ctions b)Write a C program to merge the contents of file a and file b and dsiplay its contents in file c? 7. a)what is purpose of feof() and ferror() functions. b)What are the possible ways to set the file pointer to the beginibg of file? 8. Write a c program to found the number of words in a given file 9. Explain synatx with examples the functions that support readind and writing formated data to and functions 10. a)write a program to reverse the first n characters in a file? b)What is text and binary files?explain formatted i/o with examples