regurgitation Ans: A: 2 About NEURAL TUBE a) Forms primitive streak b) Forms notochord c) Cns develops from it d) Forms three germ layers e) Ans; C ( ) 3 SACRALIZATION a) Union of 1st sacral vertebra with 5th lumbar b) Union of 5th lumbar with 1st sacral c) Fusion of all sacral vertebra to form sacrum d) Flexion at sacrum e) Ans: B tion_of_the_l-5 4 Stroke volume a) Cardiac output depends on it b) Heart rate determines stroke volume c) Increases in haemorrhage d) Independent of venous return e) Ans; DNT KNW EXACTLY 5 Central venous pressure a) Inc. in haemorrhage
b) Dec in gram negative septicemia c) Dec in heart failure d) e) ans; b during+gram+negative+sepsis&hl=en&ei=LSEp TPu_NMaAlAeNmY2ACA&sa=X&oi=book_resul t&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CE0Q6AEwCA#v =onepage&q=cvp%20is%20decreased%20durin g%20gram%20negative%20sepsis&f=false 6 What change occurs from lying to standing position? a) Venous pressure inc b) Arterial pressure inc c) Sweating d) Cutaneous vasoconstriction e) . Ans; A ction/CF017.htm 7 A simple senario of hurshspring disease 8 Which hepatitis dangerous in pregnancy a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E Ans; e 9 A lady, whos been deliverd in a remote village, presents with shock, septicemia, bleeding from venae sites.whats diagnosis
DIC 10, Most common cause of pulmonary embolism? a) Heart failure b) Dvt c) Cancer lung d) Pneumonia e) ans; B 11, Regarding vit. D synthesis a) 1 hydroxylation ocurs in kidney b) 25 ocurs in kidney c) 1 ocurrs in liver d) 25 in lung e) Both in skin Ans; A 12, Treatment of erythroblastosis fetalis? a) Exchange transfusion with b +ve b) With b _ve c) Ab +ve d) Anti D e) ans;
a) Formed by retromandibular and ant. Auricular v. b) Content of carotid triangle c) Pierces deep fascia behind sternocleidomastoid d) e) ans; c 15, Cephalic vein a) Present in deltopectoral groove 16, A lil senario of cervical rib i, e weakness and paresthesia along ulnar nerv course 17, A qs about CSF findings, which 1 true etc 18 Diagnosis of typhoid in 1st week Ans blood culture 19, Most common cause of SUBACUTE BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS a) Staph aureus b) Sterp. Viridans c) Strep pneumonae d) Staph epidermiditis e) ans; b 20, Cause of gas gangrene (C. perferringens ws not givn) a) C.botulinum b) C. C. ljungdahlii c) Tetanus toxin 2
13, WHICH IS NOT SUPLIED BY OCULOMOTOR N. a) Medial rectus b) Lateral rectus c) Inf oblique d) Sup rectus e) Inf rectus 14, About external juglar vein
d) C. septicum e) ans; d 21, Type of omental necrosis? a) Caseous b) Gangrene c) Fat d) Coagulative e) Fibrinoid Ans; C HrniEC&pg=PA25&dq=omental+fat+necrosis& hl=en&ei=8iopTKykIaWlsQaB9JzEBA&sa=X&oi =book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDY Q6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=omental%20fat%2 0necrosis&f=false 22, Most of bicarbonate absorption ocurs in a) Proxial c. tube b) Distal c. tube c) Loop of henle d) Collecting duct e) . Ans; A WUKzMoC&pg=PA414&dq=bicarbonate+reabs orption&hl=en&ei=oCspTPu0CIO0lQftobDBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum= 1&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=bicarbo nate%20reabsorption&f=false 23, There were 4_5 qs about aldosterone 24, Stimulus for aldosterone release
a) Hypernatremia b) Hypokalemia c) Hyperkalemia d) Alkalosis e) ans; c 25, Aldosterone causes a) Hypercalcemia b) Hyperkalemia b) Acidosis c) Hypernatremia d) ans; c
26, Dec aldosterone will lead to a) Hyponatremia 27, ADH acts on a) Loop of henle b) Distal c. tube c) Collecting duct d) Bowman capsule Ans c 28, For circardian rhythm optic nerve sends fibers to a) Optic chiasma b) Medial geniculate body c) Lateral geniculate body d) Suprachiasmatic n. e) Upraoptic n. Ans; D 3 m
29, A person suffering from dehydration, which ion replacement is most important? a) Ca b) Mg c) Na d) K e) Cl Ans; C 30, What to give to Inc vitamen in diet a) Nuts b) Yougurt c) Egg d) Green vegetables e) Margarine (sumthin like it) Ans; D 31 Natural anticoagulant a) Heparin b) Warfarin c) Aspirin d) Plasminogen e) Fibrin Ans; D 32, Endogenous pigment in chronic hemolysis a) Hemosiderin b) Lipofuscin c) Anthracotic pigment d) e) Ans
33, In a ward, at a children hospital, all the children there have some permanent disabilitythe parents of such children are suffering from a) Denial b) Anger c) Bargaining d) Depression e) Acceptance 34, Square root of variance a) Mean b) Variation c) Standard deviation d) Median e) Acuracy Ans: C 35, Mean Inc with a) Inc in sample size b) Dec in sample size c) Inc in standard deviation d) e) ans; b ml/SampleDist.htm 36, What is therapeutic index of a drug? 37, Drug contraindicated in renal failure a) Amikacin b) Chloramphenicol 4
c) Vancomycin d) Pencillin e) ans; a 38, Drug for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy a) Methimazolepropylthyrouracil b) Ppu c) Radioactive iodine d) Total thyrodectomy e) Ligol solution Ans B 39, Which will not b present in a lung hamartoma (it ws senario of pulmonary hamartoma and qs ws asked at the end of senario) a) Coin lesion on xray chest b) Mostly asymptomatic c) Mostly Discovered incidently d) Benign e) Cartilage in lesion area Ans E 40, Difference BW hyperplasia and benign tumor a) Hyperplasia invades surrounding tissues b) Benign tumor metastasize to tissues c) Benign tumor shows aggressive growth d) Hyperplasia shows pleomorphisim e) Benign tumor is surrounded by capsule Ans E 41, Atrophy means a) Dec in cell size
42, Premalignant condition of oral cavity a) Erythroplakia b) Leukoplakia c) SCC d) Lichen planus e) ans b 43, A senario was about sturge webber syndrome in which he gave neurological symptoms I,e seizures and convulsions then asked that what other symptom can be found in that child and ans ws GLUCOMA . Point to note that they did not talk about PORT WINE STAIN (birth mark) on face or forehead 44, Submucosal glands are present in a) Stomach b) Gall bladder c) Duodenum d) Small intestine e) Pancreas Ans C
45, After gastrectomy what can happen a) Malabsoprtion b) Steatorhea c) Anemia d) e) ans c 46,
After gastrectomy B12 is not absorbed due to deficiency of a) Parietal cells b) Chief cells Ans A 47, Gastroparesis treatment (last part1 me b tha) a) Metoclopramide 48, Absorption of long chain fatty acids? a) Ileum 49, Bile salts are absorbed where? a) Terminal ileum 50, Bile acids are conjugated with which amino acid to form bile salts a) Taurine 51, Which hormone Inc gastric contraction? A) GASTRIN B) CCK C) Secretin c) Gip Ans A 52, Rupture of post wall of duodenal ulcer will damage a) Gastroduodenal artery 53 Left renal vein relation to aorta a) Ant b) Post Ans A 54,
Final common motor pathway a) Corticospinal tract b) Alpha motor neurons c) Upper motor neurons d) Cerebral cortex e) ans b 55, There was a qs about injury at T4,T8 level and dy askd about wat will happen , choices were not straight forward e,g askin sum tract lesion etc dts y not remeberd 56, Stretch reflex maintains a) Muscle tone b) Balance c) Length d) e) ans c 57, There was qs in which options were (forgot qs) a) Pancinian corpucles b) Messiners corposccles c) Ruffinis end organs d) Golgi tendons e) . 58, Regarding pulmonary wedge pressure a) Called so cz measured by a wedge shaped catheter b) Usually bw 10-15 mmhg c) Measure of rit atrial pressure d) e) ans
b 59, During systole a) Both ventricles contract simultaneously b) 50% filling of ventricles occurs c) Blod flow inc in coronary arteries d) .. e) .. ans a 60, Fastest conducting fibers in heart a) Purkinje 61, Glomerular pressure inc due to a) Afferent constriction b) Efferent constriction Ans b 62, A senario was about dijoxin toxicity 63, Treatment of acute asthma a) Terbutaline 64, Isoniazid side effects can be prevented by a) Pyridoxine 65, Not a cause of cardiogenic shock a) Cardiac temponade b) Mi c) Arrythmias d) Hemorrhage e) Aortic dissection Ans d 66,
A pt with deformed nose, AFB +ve a) Leprosy 67, Most imp point of exudative inflamation a) Sp gravity < 1.020 b) Neutrophils c) Protein >2g| dl d) . e) ans c 68, Monocytes a) Most abundant cells in circulation b) Do not go out of vessels c) Not phagocytic d) e) 69, Tuberculous meningitis a) Inc lymphocytes in csf 70, Bladder ca caused by a) Schistosoma haematobiam 71, Which tumor does not hav bone metastasis? a) Thyroid b) Liver c) Lung d) Breast e) Kidney Ans b 72, ESTROGEN OCPs can cause a) Breast ca b) Ovary ca The FCPS past papers blog 7
c) Endometrial ca Ans a 73, Residual vol. a) Amount of air left in the lung after a max exhalation 74, Vital capacity a) After a max inspiration, max expired volume is vc 75, Cardiac output a) Measured by fick principle 76, Regarding sup parathyroid gland a) Located in close proximity to INF thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve at the level of cricothyroid junction. (Remembr that sup glands hv more constant position while INF r variable in position.thats y dy askd about sup glands location.its imp) 77, Digastric triangle a) Bounded anteriorly ant. Belly of digastric, posteriorly by post. Belly 78, Which is not covered by deep cervical fascia a) Thyroid b) Parotid c) Sternocleidomastoid d) Submandibular gland e) Sublingual Ans e 79,
Circumduction a) Combination of flexion, extension, aduction and abduction 80, For surgery tibia should b aproached from medial side, why a) Dnt remember choices, sory B) C) D)
81, Micturation reflex centre is located in a) Brainstem (pontine micturation centre). There s also a sacral micturation centre but it ws not in the choices 82, Diagnosis of pneumothorax? a) Xray chest 83, Approach to intercostal space for pleural effusion drainage a) Lower part of space (neurovascular bundle in upper part os SPACE but lower part of RIB) 84, Pt having uppr respiratory tract INF, then chest pain that relieved by sitting up a) Pericarditis 85, In nephron fluid which substance conc is higher than plasma a) Na b) Bicarbonate c) Glucose d) Urea 8
e) Albumin Ans d 86, Renal plasma flow is determined by a) PAH 87, WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT UPPER HALF OF ANAL CANAL A) Options wr about epithelium, nerve sup, lymph, blood suply. Dnt remember exactly 88, Jaundice, hepatitis, diarrhea 10days after bone marrow transplant a) Graft vs host disease 89 Erythroblastosis fetalis, type of hypersensitivity reaction? a) 2 90, WHICH VACCINE IS NOT LIVE A) Measles B) Mumps C) Rubella D) Yellow fevr E) Tetanus Ans e 91, Tissue for HLA typing (there were two same qs in each paper) a) Buccal mucosa b) Leukocytes c) Skin d) Bone marrow Ans
b 92, LP done at a) L4-L5 (l3-l4 also correct but it ws not in choices, thanks ALLAH Dy did NT gv both choices simultaneously :-) 93, Cauda equina a) Collection of nerve roots and rootlets
94 Pilocarpine is nicotinic a) Agoist b) Antagonist 95 Diagnosis of klinefeltrs syndrome a) Barr body 96 Which drug interers with warfarrin a) Cemetidine 97 Adverse effect of chlorpromazine a) Extrapyrimidal 98 Mechanism of action of captopril a) Ace inhibitor 99 Feature of ca a) Plomorphisim b) Nuclear ratio c) Hyperplasia d) Invasion Ans 9
d 100 Most cancers hav which fillament in them a) Kerratin b) Desmin c) Vimentin d) Neurofibrilary e) ans a 101 Paraneoplastic syndrome is associated with a) Ca breast b) Adeno ca lung c) Small cell ca lung d) Ca prostate Ans C
a) Secretin b) Cck c) Somatostatin d) Glucagan e) Vip Ans c (As a general rule all git hormone stimulate insulin release and knwn as INCRETIN) 105 MOST IMP STRESS HORMONE (it was also in last part1) a) Epinephrine b) Insulin c) Growth d) Cortisol e) Acth Ans d 106 In Cushing syndrome a) Neutrophils are Inc, lymphocytes and eiosiniphils are Dec 107 A simple senario of graves disease 108 Whats pattern of antibodies in multiple myeloma (options were vry weird, nt exactly remembrd) a) They hav igA, M, G in different ratios and %ages e, g IgA 5gm, M 15gm, G 20gm b) IgM: igG S 1:20 109 HLA type in RA a) HLA DR4 110 ABSOLOUTE LYMPHOCYTOSIS NOT PRESENT IN a) Sle b) Inf. Mononeucleosis 10
102 Hepatitis b INF is monitored by a) Surface antigen b) Srface antibody c) Core antibody d) E antibody 103 Hepatitis A inf, which test to perform a) Hep A nd B VIRUS b) Bilirubin c) Sgpt d) Albumin Ans c 104 Which hormone inhibits insulin secretion?
c) Walders (sumthin like that) granulomatosis d) e) ans a (nt sure) 111 Pt with arithritis, butterfly rash, photosensitivity (these symptoms wr in the form of a simple senario), WATS diagnosis a) SLE 112 Platelets contraindicated in a) Splenomegaly b) Acute immune thrombocytopenia c) Coagulopathy d) Dic Ans b 113 Water moves through a) Pores b) Membrane matrix c) Protein channels d) Fascilitated difusion Ans A (water channels) 114 Fascilitated diffusion a) Passive transport trough protein channels or carier protiens 115 Which factor strenthen pt doc relationship a) High professional skills b) High social skills c) Highly qualified d) Logical answers to qs
e) Active listening Ans E 0512robinson.pdf+active+listening+for+a+doct or&hl=en&gl=pk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShL3ae ncNeNL6PcDL75akSth1myGNOsIBbWqXMOBxP5X7QKVmiu16qKkAOUhwMcNerrFuT2xkVNZZz84Xr5Gy1K7AJJfrUhJoOWFb7PnEI52oZ3VXT9 v3ZAKmA31w_EhEa0&sig=AHIEtbTDPrtyezt44aYcvJMnrIDzau8oZ w 116 Which is more aggressive (also in last part1) a) Basal cell ca b) Squmaous cell ca c) Melanoma Ans b 117 Nissel bodies are a) RER b) SER c) Mitichondria d) Golgi bodies Ans a 118 Greatest area of cerebral cortex is covered by a) Elbow b) Knee c) Thumb d) Shoulder e) Ankle 11
Ans C
119 Deviation of tongue on protrusion, which N. is damaged a) Fascial b) Hypoglossal c) Submandibular d) Edenger westphal e) ans b
123 Which is pierced during LP A) Dura matter 124 Inf spreads retroperitonealy, which will b infected a) Spleen b) Jejunum c) Transverse colon d) Descending colon e) ans d
120 A pt with diastolic murmur in aortic area and colapsing pulse, diagnosis a) Aortic stenosis b) Mitral stenosis c) Aortic R. d) Mitral R e) ans c
125 Ant pituitary loss will result in Dec in size of a) Zona glomerulosa b) Zona fasiculata c) Parafolicular cells of thyroid d) Adrenal medulla e) ans b
126 Factor Dec wound healing a) Vit c deficiency 127 How thrombocytes play role in thrombosis a) Sorry forgotn the choices The FCPS past papers blog 12
128 Accomoation reflex intact, light reflex absent. Damage to? a) Edenger westphal n. b) Optic nerve c) Optic tract d) Optic chiasma e) Pretectal area Ans E
133 Virulence of bacteria is associated with a) Dose b) Duration of exposure c) Toxin production d) Body resistence e) ans c
129 Part of portal system draining esophagus a) Azygous v. b) Hemiazygous c) Rit gastric d) Lft gastric Ans D ArL7hQC&pg=PA18&dq=portal+system+draini ng+esophagus+is&hl=en&ei=N7w0TNLEDKjon QefitGDBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&r esnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q &f=false
134 For a blood donor what is not required (choices not well remembrd.actualy dy askd that which factor should not b there in a GENERAL HEALTHY DONOR) a) Age b) Sex c) Systemic disease 135 Which one is not a epithelium tumor a) Adenocarcinoma b) Sq ca c) Liposarcoma Ans C
130 Bronchopulmonary segment a) Anatomical and functional unit iof lung 131 Temp set point is in a) Ant hypothalamus b) Post hypothalamus 132 Antibodies are produced by a) Plasma cells
Which is present in slow wave sleep a) Dopa b) Acetylcholine c) Serotonin d) Norepinephrine e) ans c and d
d) Cortisol Ans B
143 Ph 7.4 po2 65 pco2 33 hco3 19 a) Metabolic acidosis b) Metabolic alkalosis c) Compensated resp alkalosis d) Resp alkalosis 144 What happens on mountain aclimitization? a) Ventilation inc 145 Syphil dignosis material taken from a) Blood b) Urine c) Semen d) Genital sores (lesion) e) Saliva Ans D
138 Hemibalismus due to damage to a) Subthalamic N. 139 A child having dyspnea when lyng down a) Retrosternal goiter 140 Best buffer of body a) Protein b) Hb c) Hco3 d) Phosphate Ans C
146 Best indicator of serum iron stores a) Serum iron b) Serum ferritin c) Hemosiderin d) TIBC Ans B
142 A pt has fluid loss, now his urine is concentrated. Its due to a) Aldosterone b) Adh c) Acth
147 Why more oxygen goes to alveoli at apex than at base? a) Inc compliance The FCPS past papers blog 14
152 Normal fetal heart rate a) 40. 60 b) 60. 100 c) 100. 120 d) 120. 160 e) 160. 200 Ans D
148 Urinary incontinence with overflow and excessive voiding, damage to (qs nt remembrd well) a) S2, 3,4 b) S2, 3 c) L2, 4,s1 149 Hypospedias is due to defect in a) Urogenital tubercle b) Urogenital fold c) Urachus Ans B
153 One qs was about CVP.about its inc or dec in specific condition 154 Inc in systemic filling preesure causes a) Inc venous return 155 Beta-blockers do not cause a) Inc renin b) Vasoconstriction c) Bronchiodilation d) e) ans a 156 Lidocaine a) Inc PR interval b) Dec AP c) Dec automaticity Ans A
150 Cephalic vein a) Begins in anatomical snuff box b) Lies lat. To radial a. c) Lat. To biceps d) Ends in axilla Ans C
151 Upper part of anal canal is a) Lined by stratified sq epi b) Drained by sup inguinal nodes c) Drained by inf rectal vein d) Sensitive to touch e) Sensitive to pain
157 A diabetic pt with BS 20mmole\l , obese,no complication,its 1st visit to a doc. What shold be the treatment? a) Insulin b) Insulin + sulphonylurea c) Sulphonylurea d) Biguanides e) Biguanides +sulphonylurea Ans D
an a
161 Antibody to TB bacteria is (dnt remember exact choices but they did ask regarding antibody against TB) a) Cell bound b) Membrane bound c) in plasma d) In saliva e) 162 In which phase os cell dividion the chromosomes are arranged in chromatids a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase 163 Atrial contraction coresponds to a) C wave b) P wave c) Qrs
158 Pendulous knee jerk, cause a) Cerebellar lesion b) Upper motor neuron c) Lower motor neuron d) S2, 3,4 Ans A
159 In which parasite the respiratory symptoms predominate? a) Ascaris b) Cystecercosis c) d) e) 160 Diagnosis of H.influnzae meningitis a) Csf culture b) Blood culture c) Inc lymphocyte in csf d) e)
164 Dorsal roots supply which musscles? a) Internal intercostal b) Externat intercostal c) Innermost intercostal d) Some back musscle 165 Internal spermatic fascia is derived from a) External oblique b) Internal oblique 16
c) Transvesalis fascia d) Transversus abdominus Ans C 166 Inputs to cerebellum a) From vestibular system 167 Resolving power of lens a) That enables to see closely related subjetcs seperatly 168 Parasympathetic stimulation causes a) Ciliary muscle contraction 169 RTA, 1.5L blood loss, skin is calm and cold due to a) Vasoconstriction b) Vasodilation 170 Most common manifestation of septic pt a) Tachycardia b) Hypotension c) Inc GFR Ans B
173 A female having very high levels of prolactin, suffering from homonymous hemianopia. Its due to a) Compression of optic nerve b) Damage to optic tract c) Damage to optic radiation d) Compression of upper part of optic chiasma e) Compression of oculomotor n. Ans D
174 What u find in primary hyperaldosteronism a) Inc k b) Dec k c) Hypotension d) Inc renin e) Inc angiotensin 2 Ans B
171 Premalignant condition a) Basal cell nevus b) Dysplastic nevus syndrome Ans B 175 Which take part in synthesis of aldosterone a) Angiotensin 1 b) Angiotensin 2 c) Cortisol d) e) The FCPS past papers blog 17
e) Acidosis 176 Inc k causes a) Inc aldosterone b) Inc ADH c) Dec aldosterone d) Dec ADH 177 HYDROCHLORTHIAZIDE CAUSES A) Inc k B) Inc ca C) Inc mg D) Inc na 178 Hydrops fetalis occurs to RH ve mother and RH +ve father. What type of hypersensitivity reaction occurred? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 179 Blood supply of eye except cones and rods a) Central artery of retina 180 They gv senario of klinefeltr and askd what u will find most common a) Gynecomastia 181 Aldosterone causes a) Hyperkalemia b) Hyponatremia c) Hypercalcemia d) Hypokalemia The FCPS past papers blog 18