., - , Methods - , ,, and - , ,, With The Need .
., - , Methods - , ,, and - , ,, With The Need .
., - , Methods - , ,, and - , ,, With The Need .
Emphasizes supranational form of Union and especially advocates the idea of political union in the form of a European federation, and a common currency. He noted the necessity of such a transformation Union only on the basis of the legal constitution which will clearly define the relationship between EU institutions and national states as members. Speech is picked up many critics, especially in the direction of Great Britain, which in no way wishes to supranational character of the EU, while the speech is relatively positively received in the French high politics.
(Posebno naglaava nadnacionalni oblik unije a pogotovo zagovara ideju politike unije u obliku
europske federacije te zajednike valute. Napomenuo je i nunost takvog preoblikovanja unije samo na temelju pravnog ustava gdje de se jasno definirati odnosi EU institucija i nacionalnih drava kao lanica. Govor je pobrao mnoge kritike, pogotovo u smjeru Velike Britanije koja nipoto ne eli nadnacionalni karakter EU, dok je govor relativno pozitivno primljen u francuskoj visokoj politici) Declaration of the Future of the European Union (Deklaracija iz Leakena)
The answer to the state in the Union with proposals for solutions. It was so called Laeken Declaration, which is based on the gap between citizens of the EU and its institutions. The Declaration contains a discussion of the objectives of the future, methods and precisely set deadlines for their realization. One of the new methods was the European Convention, whose task was to prepare proposals for institutional reform for the upcoming Intergovernmental Conference. In the first part of the Declaration, which bears the name of Europe at the crossroads, analyzes the history of the Union and the effects of the integration process, and in addition highlights the globalization framework and the necessity of approaching the Union to its citizens. In the second part, Challenges and Reforms in the restored Union, the starting point was that the Union must become more democratic and transparent operation of its institutions and effective, with the need to regulate relationships and responsibilities of the Member States and EU institutions. The third part of the Declaration of Laeken analyzes issues associated with the work of the Convention.
(Odgovor na stanje u Uniji s prijedlozima rjeenja. Bila je to tvz. Deklaracija iz Leakena, koja polazi od
jaza izmeu graanina EU i njezinih institucija. Deklaracija sadrava definirane ciljeve rasprave o bududnosti, metode i precizno utvrene rokove za njihovu realizaciju. Jedna od novih metoda rada bila je Europska Konvencija, iji je zadatak bio pripremiti prijedloge institucionalne reforme za nadolazedu Meuvladinu konferenciju. U prvom dijelu Deklaracije, koji nosi naziv Europa na raskriju, analizira se povijest Unije te uinci procesa integracije, a pored toga naglaava se globalizacijski okvir te nunost pribliavanja Unije njezinim graanima. U drugom dijelu, Izazovi i reforme u obnovljenoj Uniji, polazno je stajalite bilo to da Unija mora postati demokratskija, a rad njezinih institucija transparentan i uinkovit, uz potrebu da se urede odnosi i nadlenosti drava lanica i institucija EU. U tredem dijelu Deklaracije iz Leakena analiziraju se pitanja povezana s radom Konvencije. )
The Convention should serve as a method for making changes in the basic agreement of the Union, such as it being a relatively new method. Using this method and the acceptance of the Declaration of Laeken European Council sought to involve the public in the debate on the future of Europe. One of the main directions in which the Convention wanted to go was to request simplification of the basic contract. A major focus being on the importance of establishing the Forum. Through this body, civil institutions were able to publish their views and proposals regarding certain issues from the work of the Convention. Convention participants shared a triple membership - institutional, national and party.
(Konvencija je trebala posluiti kao metoda za pripremanje promjena temeljnih ugovora Unije, kao takva ona biva relativno nova metoda. Koritenjem ove metode i prihvadanjem Deklaracije iz Leakena Europsko je vijede nastojalo ukljuiti javnost u raspravu o bududnosti Europe. Jedan od glavnih smjerova u kojima je Konvencija htjela idi je zahtjev za pojednostavljenjem temeljnih ugovora. Veliki naglasak biva na vanost uvoenja Foruma. Kroz to su tijelo civilne institucije mogle objavljivati svoje stavove i prijedloge glede pojedinih pitanja iz rada Konvencije. Sudionici konvencije dijelili su trostruku pripadnost institucionalnu, nacionalnu i stranaku.) Europska politika elita i Lisabonski ugovor
The elite has reached an agreement that the content of the European Constitution translate into a contract and to expel it from any constitutional characteristics in order to avoid a referendum on ratification. The draft Reform Treaty was made away from the public eye (as opposed to the European Constitution) so the Constitution would be poured into a contract to convince citizens that it is a different document. Lisbon Treaty would not be comprehensible to ordinary citizens unless they had agreements that amendments were changing before them. It was a continuation of the project to strengthen European integration without questioning the will of citizens. That is why Angela Merkl is for ejection from all elements of the reform agreement that Union citizens associated with the European super state.
(Elita je postigla dogovor da se sadraj Europskog ustava pretoi u jedan ugovor i da se iz njega izbace sva ustavna obiljeja kako bi se prilikom ratifikacije izbjegao referendum. Nacrt Reformskog ugovora raen daleko od oiju javnosti (za razliku od Europskog ustava) kako bi se Ustav pretoio u ugovor a da se graane uvjeri da je to drugi dokument. Lisabonski ugovor nede bit razumljiv graanima osim ako pred sobom ima i Ugovore koje amandmanima mijenja. Bilo je to nastavljanje projekta jaanja europske integracije bez propitivanja volje graana. Zato se Angela Merkl zalae za izbacivanje iz Reformnog ugovora svih elemenata koji bi graane Unije asocirali na europsku super dravu.) Europeam Council (Europsko vijede)
It came ahead of the summit of European leaders in Paris 1974th. Upon entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon European Council became formal EU institution. The work of the European Council has played an important role in strengthening the process of European
integration. It played a crucial role in the presentation and adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the creation of monetary union. President of the European Council has the mandate of 30 months with possibility of reappointment. The European Council has no legislative function. It only determines the direction of political development of the Union and its most important tasks. The European Council shares with the European Commission (and European citizens) the right of political initiative. The European Council consists of the Heads of State or Government of Member States, together with its President and President of the Commission. EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Policy, participates in its work. The European Council meets twice during every 6 months.
(Nastalo uoi summita europskih elnika u Parizu 1974.. Stupanjem na snagu Lisabonskog ugovora Europsko vijede je i formalno postalo europskom institucijom. Rad Europskog vijeda odigrao je vanu ulogu u jaanju procesa europske integracije. Odigralo je presudnu ulogu u predstavljanju i prihvadanju Lisabonskog ugovora, stvaranju monetarne unije. Predsjednik Europskog vijeda ima mandat od 30 mjeseci s mogudnodu ponovnog izbora. Europsko vijede nema zakonodavnu funkciju. Ono samo odreuje smjer politikog razvoja Unije i njezine najvanije zadade. Europsko vijede dijeli s Europskom komisijom (i europskim graanima) pravo politike inicijative. Europsko vijede ine efovi drava ili vlada drava lanica, zajedno s njegovim predsjednikom i predsjednikom Komisije. Visoki predstavnik Unije za vanjsku politiku i sigurnosnu politiku sudjeluje u njegovom radu. Europsko vijede sastaje se dva puta tijekom svakih 6 mjeseci.) European Parliament (Europski parlament)
The European Parliament is the only EU institution whose members have been directly elected by the citizens of countries of the Union in the elections since 1979.. The EU parliament has no right of legislative initiative. Together with the Council of the European Union participates in the legislative process. Its role was strengthened by the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in three aspects: the legislative process, the process of adopting budgets, and the election process of the President of the European Commission. Parliament in accordance with the idea of European integration as a super-state is no longer composed of representatives of the people of the state community, but of representatives of EU citizens. EU Parliament and Council of the European Union are two legislative bodies of the European Union. Parliament has the possibility of indirect impacts on the Commission the adoption of a legally non-binding resolution, by pressuring the public through the media, etc. The Treaty of Lisbon, the dominant process in the process of legal acts of the Union became the regular legislative process. It consists in the joint adoption decrees, directives and decisions by the EU Parliament and Council, upon the recommendation of the commission.
(Europski je parlament jedina institucija Unije ije lanove od 1979. neposredno biraju graani zemalja Unije na izborima. EU parlament nema pravo zakonodavne inicijative. Zajedno s Vijedem Europske Unije sudjeluje u zakonodavnom procesu. Njegova je uloga ojaana nakon stupanja na snagu Lisabonskog ugovora u tri aspekta: zakonodavnom postupku, postupku usvajanja prorauna i postupku izbora Predsjednika Europske komisije. Parlament se sukladno ideji europske integracije kao super drave vie ne sastoji od predstavnika naroda iz drava zajednice, nego od predstavnika
graana Unije. Eu parlament i Vijede Europske unije dva su zakonodavna tijela Europske unije. Parlament ima mogudnost neizravnog utjecaja na Komisiju donoenjem pravno neobvezujudih rezolucija, pritiskom na javnost putem medija i sl. Ugovorom iz Lisabona dominantnim postupkom u procesu donoenja pravnih akata Unije postao je redovni zakonodavni postupak. Sastoji se u zajednikom donoenju uredbi, direktiva i odluka od strane eu parlamenta i vijeda, a na prijedlog komisije.) The European Commission (Europska komisija)
The Commission is a supranational institution that its members do not act on behalf of their countries rather than represent the interests of the whole Union, and advocate for them. In its structure it maintained one member from each member country. Commission is often referred to as guardian of the treaties, which in fact have the weight of the constitutional regulations of the Union. The European Commission is the EU institution which has an executive function. It is an institution independent of the national Union member states. It oversees the application of Union law under the supervision of the EU Court of Justice. The Commission has the right of legislative initiative for the adoption of legislation to the Council and European Parliament. An initiative of the Commission will take account of the images shared interests of all Member States and should not result in a privileged position of any country or interest group.
(Komisija je nadnacionalna institucija u kojoj njezini lanovi ne djeluju u ime svojih zemalja nego prestavljaju interese itave Unije i zalau se za njih. U svojoj strukturi zadrala po jednog lana iz svake zemlje lanice. Komisiju esto nazivaju uvarem ugovora, koji faktiki imaju teinu ustavnih propisa Unije. Europska komisija institucija je EU koja ima izvrnu funkciju. Ona je institucija Unije neovisna o nacionalnim dravama lanicama. Nadgleda primjenu prava Unije pod nadzorom Suda pravde EU. Komisija ima pravo zakonodavne inicijative za donoenja akata Vijedu i Europskom parlamentu. Inicijativa Komisije mora voditi rauna o zajdnikim interesima svih zemalja lanica i ne smije dovesti u povlateni poloaj niti jednu dravu ili interesnu skupinu.) European court of justice (Sud pravde Europske unije)
Is the institution of the judicial authorities of the European Union. Judicial precedents did not only regulate the legal system, but it also influenced the political underlining of its own position by ensuring supremacy of European law over national law. It is responsible for the direct application of law, interpretation of its rules reviewing the legality of acts of the Council, Commission and European Central Bank, but cannot take the initiative for the procedure alone, but on the proposal of the states or European institutions. It consists of the Court of Justice, the General Court and specialized courts. To date only one has established a specialized court - civil service tribunal.
Institucija sudbene vlasti Europske unije. Sudskim presedanima nije uredio samo pravni poredak ved je utjecao i politiki uvrstivi vlastiti poloaj jamedi time prevlast europskog prava nad nacionalnim.Odgovoran je za izravnu primjenu prava, tumaenje njegovih normi. Preispituje i zakonitost akata Vijeda, Komisije i Europske sredinje banke, no ne moe preuzeti inicijativu za
postupak samostalno ved na prijedlog drava ili europskih institucija. Sastoji se od Suda pravde, Opdeg suda i specijaliziranih sudova. Do danas je osnovan samo jedan specijalizirani sud Slubeniki sud.) The European central Bank (Europska sredinja banka)
Formed in 1998. The Lisbon Treaty the ECB became the official institutions of the Union. Only the ECB may allow printing Euros, is independent of the opinions of other institutions. The aim is to ensure price stability, and their annual increase to a maximum of 2%. Members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Council of the European Union.
(Formirana je 1998. Lisabonskim je ugovorom ECB postala slubena institucija Unije. Samo ECB moe dopustiti tiskanje eura, neovisna je o miljenjima drugih institucija. Cilj je osiguravanje stabilnosti cijena, odnosno njihovo godinje povedanje na maksimum od 2%. lanove izvrnog odbora bira Vijede Europske unije.) The Court of the Auditors (Revizorski sud)
Formed 1977th based in Luxembourg, the only treaty of Maastricht has become the fifth European Union institutions, received a new set of responsibilities: verifies the income and expenditure of all bodies, offices and agencies established by the Union if they do not because of the component instruments disabled. Its main task is to prevent financial fraud.
(Formiran 1977. sa sjeditem u Luksemburgu, tek je ugovorom iz Maastrichta postao peta institucija Europske unije, dobio je novi niz nadlenosti: provjerava raune prihoda i rashoda svih tijela, agencija i ureda koje je osnovala Unija ako im to zbog sastavnih instrumenata nije onemogudeno. Glavna mu je zadada sprjeavanje financijskih prijevara.) The council of the European Union The legislative institution that is organized on the model of inter-state organization. Since the beginning of the process of European integration to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon suggestions for making politically important legal acts had to receive prior approval of the Council to be accepted. This Council has had a political role. The Council has always been composed of representatives of Member States who are in that institution wanted to achieve the goals that were important to their zemlje.Vijede together with the European Parliament carries out legislative activities related to the budget. Acts to bring in regular and special legislative procedure. Majority decision rule becomes in the process of voting in the Council. Council decides by qualified and simple majority. The Lisbon Treaty introduces a system of double majority voting over. (Zakonodavna institucija koja je organizirana na meudravnom modelu ustroja. Od poetka procesa europske integracije pa do stupanja na snagu Lisabonskog ugovora svi prijedlozi za donoenje politiki vanih pravnih akata morali su dobiti prethodnu suglasnost Vijeda da bi bili prihvadeni. Time je Vijede imalo i politiku ulogu. Vijede je uvijek bilo sastavljeno od predstavnika drava lanica koji su u toj instituciji htjeli realizirati ciljeve koji su bili vani za njihove zemlje.Vijede zajedno s Europskim parlamentom obavlja zakonodavnu djelatnost i djelatnosti vezane uz proraun. Akti se donose u redovnom i posebnom zakonodavnom postupku. Vedinsko odluivanje postaje pravilo u procesu
glasovanja u Vijedu. Vijede odluuje kvalificiranom i obinom vedinom. Lisabonski ugovor uvodi sustav dvostruke vedine tijekom glasovanja.)