Candace Young
Candace Young
Candace Young
and the Have Nots by Tyler Perry, I have observed the main character, Candace Young. Candace has deep emotional scars from her childhood, which has turned her into a vengeful woman. In this paper, I will uncover and further examine Candaces psychological problems. To summarize, Candace Young is the main character in The Haves and the Have Nots. She had a very traumatic childhood. Her father left her; she was raped, and then became estranged from her mother. She also got pregnant at a young age. The childs father is currently in jail. She refuses to admit where her baby is. Candace is clearly traumatized and expresses it through her anger. She may be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), as well as Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). She refuses to show her feelings, and has trouble doing so. After the scene where her brother died, whom she dearly loved, she still showed no remorse. Candace only has one emotion, anger. According to The American Psychiatric Association, individuals with NPD are generally grandiose, need much admiration, and feel no empathy with others (APA, 2013.) Individuals with ASPD persistently disregard and violate others rights (APA, 2013). Di Currently, Candace is an escort, who is blackmailing one of her clients, Jim Cryer. Jim is a wealthy judge with an heiress wife. They live in a magnificent and extravagant mansion. This has always been Candaces dream, having grown up in
Dibbini 2 the ghetto. Candace makes it her mission to get that house and make the Cryer family miserable. According to Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, individuals with NPD are very choosy about their friends and associates (R. Comer 422). They also believe that their problems are unique and can only be appreciated by other special, high status people. (R. Comer 422) Candace blackmails Jim into getting $100,000 dollars and a red convertible. If Jim hadnt given it to her, she threatened to notify the whole town that Jim (who is very well known) had been seeing an escort. This is an indication of Candaces ASPD. This paper is organized into five sections. These sections are all parts of Candaces life. They contribute to Candaces current psychological problems. Candaces past and trauma, Candaces relationship with her mom, Candaces present life, Candaces dark future, and treatment. Candaces past: Candace Young was born in Savannah, Georgia. She grew up with her mother, Hannah Young, and brother, Benny Young, who has recently passed away. Candace has always been close to her brother. She has a terrible relationship with her mom. Candace, being an extremely rebellious girl, has betrayed her mother in many ways. Individuals with NPD appear as tough minded or unemotional, according to (Mayo clinic 2011). When Candace was a teenager, she would run away with older men, to avoid staying with her mother. She was street smart. She knew how to manipulate people to get whatever she wanted. She started prostituting at a young age, while keeping it from her mother and brother. According to The Fundamentals of Abnormal
Dibbini 3 Psychology, individuals with ASPD have displayed patterns of misbehavior before they were 15, one including running away (R. Comer 408). Candace despises having grown up in the ghetto. Her dream was to always be rich. She knew the easiest way to make that happen would be to sell her body. She is using this money to pay for law school. I believe that deep down inside Candace, there is a curious, innocent little girl that just wants a better future. According to, individuals with NPD have low self-esteem underneath all their behavior. They may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. (Mayo clinic 2011) Candace was raped at a young age, this was her first traumatic experience to kick start her rage. Candace wants revenge for all the people that hurt her. She also had a child with one older man she was dating at the time. Hannah constantly asks her where the child is; Candace refuses to tell her because Candace doesnt know herself. She is full of secrets, pain, anger, and vengeance. According to, early childhood abuse is an environmental factor in causing ASPD ( Pyschcentral 2013). Candaces relationship with Hannah: Candaces bad relationship with her mother is a big part of her psychological issues. Psychodynamic theorists have theorized that NPD begins with cold, rejecting parents (R. Comer 422). Candace never felt that her mother could forgive her. To cope with all the disappointment from her mother, Candace reacts with anger. As quoted in The Haves and the Have Nots, I only have one emotion, rage. (Beautifully Dysfunctional Episode 3) Hannah is a polar opposite of Candace. She is an extremely religious woman, who is devoted to her faith in God. However, she is also human, and occasionally has bouts
Dibbini 4 of foul language. For example, when Hannah asked Candace if she was sleeping with Jim Cryer. Candace responded, Im screwing him all the way to his money (Beautifully Dysfunctional Episode 3). Candace fantasizes about power, success and attractiveness, a symptom of NPD, according to (Mayo clinic 2011). There are many times Candace tries to love her mother, but Hannah is disillusioned to Candaces behavior and assumes it is just another scam. There is a scene where Benny is on life supports. Bennys father comes in the hospital room with a court case to take him off life supports. I will use everything in my power to make your life a living hell (What Are You Doing Here? Episode 13). Candace clearly is reacting out of fear. Because of her NPD, she is expressing disdain for those she feels inferior to, according to (Mayo clinic 2011). Candace is scarred from being raped; Hannah was not around to defend her. This was when Candace felt she could no longer trust her. Candace wants to have a good relationship with Hannah, but knows Hannah doesnt trust her either. To cover up the pain and frustration, she releases her anger. Candace makes herself feel better by blackmailing others into getting her whatever she wants. Candaces present life: Candace is currently escorting. Her goal as of right now is to manipulate Jim Cryer, a wealthy client of Candace. She wants to use her sexual power as much as possible to get whatever she wants from him. She eventually wants to have his house all to herself. Candace is also very close to Jims daughter, Amanda, who is being corrupted by Candace. Candace discovered that there is a will for Amanda that withholds a lot of money. Candace encourages Amanda to demand her parents give her the money. Individuals with NPD expect others to go along with
Dibbini 5 their plans, according to (Mayo clinic 2011). When Amanda asks if Candace will come with her to ask, Candace quotes, Girl, I will be will you until the end (A True Friend Episode 7). It is very hard to tell whether Candace is being genuine, or she is being facetious. A professor raped Amanda. Candace encouraged her to dress provocatively to get a better grade. The professor showed up at Amandas apartment and took away her virginity. Amanda was so traumatized; she overdosed on sleeping pills in a suicide attempt. When Candace found her lifeless, she took her to the hospital. When Amanda finally woke up, she told Candace why she took the sleeping pills, and that she had been raped. Amanda expressed her anger at Candace, because she was the one who encouraged her to dress provocatively. Amanda had also heard that Candace is an escort, which is true, and asked Candace if it was true. Candace replied with the quote, Amanda, you know me, that is ridiculous (A True Friend Episode 7). Amanda is an easy victim for Candace, and usually believes what everyone tells her. She is an innocent nave girl, who finds it hard to reason. Candace loves to manipulate her. According to, individuals with ASPD have reckless disregard for the wellbeing of others, as well as lack of remorse ( PyschCentral 2013). Candaces future: If Candace doesnt get psychological help; she may be faced with serious complications. According to, individuals with narcissistic personality disorder, risk becoming addicts, suicidal, and depressed. (MayoClinic 2011).
Dibbini 6 Treatment: Candace requires treatment for NPD and ASPD. According to, ASPD can be treated with psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, medication, and in serious cases, prison. Psychotherapy helps individuals understand the consequences of their behavior. Cognitive therapy is helpful to the individual only if they are motivated to change. Lithium has been the most effective drug in reducing aggression. (PyschCentral 2013) According to Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, NPD can be treated with psychotherapy, where psychodynamic therapists help people recognize and work through their insecurities and defenses (R. Comer 422).
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Work Cited:
Comer, Ronald J. "Chapter 13- Personality Disorders." Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. 7th ed. New York: Worth, 2014,2011,2008,2005. N. pag. Print. "Psych Central." Psych Central - Trusted Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD and Psychology Information . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. "Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic." Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. Perry, Tyler. "Beautifully Dysfunctional." The Have's and the Have Nots. N.d. Television. Perry, Tyler. "What Are You Doing Here?" The Have's and the Have Nots. N.d. Television. Perry, Tyler. "A True Friend." The Have's and the Have Nots. N.d. Television.
Psychological Analysis of Candace The Haves and the Have Nots- A series directed by Tyler Perry