May 1 This Week at FBC

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May 1, 2014

Church Leadership
Our ministers and lay leaders are available to answer any questions you may have to help you connect with the ministries of First Baptist Church. Rev. Matt Sturtevant Senior Pastor, x. 202 Rev. Dr. Meredith Holladay Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation, x. 204 Jenny Purvis Office Manager, x.203 Nathan Benfield Volunteer Building Manager, x.201 Jim Davidson Chancel Choir Director Holly Grassy Bookkeeper John Pauls Moderator Evelyn Falen Organist Buddy Langford Custodian Church Office: 785/843.0020

Preparing for Worship May 4, 2014

City on a Hill

Rev. Meredith holladay

Scripture: Luke 24.13-35

Vacation Bible School June 9-13, 2014

Registration Forms now Available!

Join us for City on a Hill: A Light to this City, a worship series in partnership with congregations around Lawrence, gather our voices and prayers in shared mission and commitment to our community. Congregations of various theologies and worship styles come together in a unified call to justice, asking how we can together meet the needs and tackle the injustices that we see in our midst. Prayerfully join us as we answer this call together. May 4 Around This Table (Luke 24.13-35) May 11 Lifting Up the Lowly (Luke 1.46-56) The theme is Workshop of Wonders: Imagine & Build with God, and VBS will be in the evenings, June 9-13, 2014 located at Trinity Lutheran Church. Each evening will begin with a meal for children and parents. The week will conclude with a concert and pot luck picnic at South Park. The cost is $15/child, $45/family max. Registration deadline: May 23. Registration and Volunteer forms are now available online and at the church. Contact Pastor Meredith for more information:

We Want to Hear From You!

The Spiritual Leadership Team wants to hear your thoughts about our congregations priorities and programs. Why? After several years of focusing on big projects (i.e. decisions concerning the building, staff changes, and bylaws revision), it is time to look at the sustained weekly and daily ministry and programs of our church In a world that is constantly getting busier, we have begun to ask how we will engage in spiritual formation to prepare for a life of faith. As good Baptists, we recognize that this is not a decision of only staff members or SLT leaders, but the entire congregation. We want to hear from you as we discern our priorities together. How? Over the last several months, the SLT has met, discussed, and partnered with the Fredrikson Center for Faith and Church Vitality at Ottawa University in order to create a process for hearing your thoughts and opinions. After meeting with the SLT and engaging our needs, the Fredrickson Center has designed questionnaires, and will confidentially administer, collect, and prepare the feedback for dissemination. I get one of these questionnaires? The Fredrikson Center (who has done this process with several other churches in other places) suggests that the best way to assure confidentiality and to avoid duplication is for every congregation participant to request a questionnaire by a) emailing the church office to request a digital copy or b) calling or giving your name to Jenny in the office to receive a paper copy and instructions via the Fredrikson Center. You may do either, starting this week. Who? YOU! We want to hear from you as we continue to together seek Gods vision for our congregation and our community.


The May selection is The Case for the Psalms, by N. T. Wright. This book is a study of the Psalms as a guide for how to worship, pray and live. Unfortunately it is not available at the Lawrence library, but there are several copies in the Johnson County public library system. Discussion: May 12, at 7:00 pm., at the home of Sandy & Bob Heacock (3007 Trail Road) The June selection is The Center of Everything by Laura Moriarity. This book is also the 2014 Common book for incoming freshmen at the University of Kansas, and the story takes place in Kansas. The meeting will be on June 9 at 7:00 pm at the home of Lee & Carolyn Carlson, 1905 Crossgate Dr. The First Baptist Book club reads a wide variety of works including fiction, non-fiction, biographies, memoirs, and poetry. Members suggest the books to be read. If you love books, please join us!

Mission Ministry Meeting

Thursday, May 8 7:00 pm Sojourners Room We will be discussing two key items:

Dezo Update: JCCC Graduation plans, Summer course plans, Avila Medical school update; details on Dezos summer trip to Haiti, and more!

Justice Ministry Update: Update on how we might be involved as a congregation in the coming months and how we might covenant with other churches to answer Gods call to justice.

Remember in Prayer Cheryl Wonnell, mother Lucy Seaver hospice care International Ministries Missionaries: Katherine & Wayne Niles, serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Regional Minister: ABC of Michigan, Rev. Ronald Cary, serving in Saginaw, Michigan. Local congregation: First Southern Baptist Church

Bruce Arnold May 1 Scott Murphy May 3 Bill Arnold May 4 Dave Nordlund May 5 Sandy Heacock May 7 Mike Leipzig May 7 Kira Simmons May 7 Jessie Heinz May 8 Jerry Jarrett May 9 Sherry Bernhardt May 11 Jane Miller May 11 Brenda Schenkel May 13

Malachi Hite May 14 Corbin Robinson May 14 George Templeton May 15 Claire Robinson May 17 Andrew Lord May 19 Amy Munsterman May 22 Kimberly Sturtevant May 22 Catherine Lehrman May 25 Tony Se May 28 Melissa Lumpkin May 29 Jim Lewis May 30 Steve Yoder May 31

Womens Groups in May

Friendship Square
We will be meeting Tuesday, May 13th, 6:30 p.m. at La Tropicana, 434 Locust in North Lawrence. We will sit in outside dining area if weather permits. Last meeting of season. If anyone needs ride you may call Elaine Hite at 8871026.

Evening Womens Group

We will meet on Monday, May 12 from 7-9 p.m. It will be a social outing , so no need to bring your book. Location TBA.

Afternoon Womens Group

Our regular meeting time is 2 p.m. at Perkins Restaurant, 1711 W. 23rd St., the second Tuesday of each month. Please join us this month on May 13!

Attention Graduates!
May 4recognition of college graduates in worship May 18recognition of high school graduates in worship Are you, or someone you know, a soonto-be graduate? We would like to know who you are! Please contact the church office by May 1st. For those furthering their education, you may wish to apply for the Raber P. & Ruth B. Stringham Scholarship. Contact Jenny for more information. Deadline to turn in application is June 1.
Chupper Schedule: 5/4: Johnson 5/11: No ABY (Youth Retreat-Mothers Day) 5/18: End of ABY Celebration/Youth Sunday May 4We will be working on Youth Sunday! Spring RetreatMay 9-11. Watch e-mail for more details.

First Baptist Church 1330 Kasold Drive Lawrence, Kansas 66049 785/843-0020 785/843-0021 (fax)

Wednesday Night Supper

Life of the Church

Sunday, May 4 Food Pantry In-Gathering, Deacons Fund Offering, Celebration of Communion 8:30 a.m.Worship 9:30 a.m.Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Worship 5:00 p.m.ABY Tuesday, May 6 11:00 a.m.Newsletter announcements due Wednesday, May 7 No Church-wide meal, instead On Tap Discussion group meets at Tortas Jalisco (6:00p.m) Thursday, May 8 7:00 p.m.Chancel Choir Friday, May 9 ABY Spring Retreat at Tall Oaks

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Nursery 9:30 a.m.Amy Munsterman 11:00 a.m.Amy Munsterman Extended Care Krissie Druen

May 7 On Tap at Tortas Jalisco

Looking Ahead: May 18Youth Sunday May 25One Service, 11:00 a.m. June 1Summer Worship schedule begins June 29Church Birthday annual picnic

By the Numbersas of April 27, 2014

GENERAL OPERATING Weekly Receipts: $7,779.00 YTD Receipts: $117,496.62 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Weekly Receipts: $1,243.00 Cumulative Giving: $246,795.50 If you would like more detailed financial information, please contact our bookkeeper at Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to make our many ministries possible.

Weekly E-mail Announcements

If you would like to be added to the weekly announcements list, This Week at FBC, please send your email address to Jenny in the church office:

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