1.1 Principles of Cryogenics Engineering: Boston, MA 6/14/10 - 6/18/10 USPAS Cryogenics Short Course 1

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1 Principles of Cryogenics Engineering

This is an introductory (graduate level) course in the principles and practices of cryogenic engineering. Topics to be covered include:

The practical element of the course will consist of application of the principles and theory to the design of cryogenic systems. Specific examples to be discussed will include:

properties of materials and fluids commonly used in cryogenic systems large-scale and cryocooler systems for refrigeration and liquefaction heat transfer and fluid dynamics in cryogenics cryogenic instrumentation & measurement techniques elements of cryogenic system design safe storage and transfer of cryogenics fluids.

design of low heat leak structural supports thermal mass considerations thermal insulation systems storage of cryogens cryogenic heat exchangers instrumentation for cryogenics, temperature measurement uncertainties.
Boston, MA 6/14/10 6/18/10

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course


Steven Van Sciver, PhD National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Florida State University

John Pfotenhauer, PhD Departments of Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Physics University of Wisconsin-Madison
Boston, MA 6/14/10 6/18/10 2

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course

Course Outline/Lectures
Day 1: Properties of cryogenic fluids and materials (Van Sciver) Thermal state properties of solids (codes: Cryocomp) Transport properties of materials Mechanical properties of materials Properties of cryogenic fluids (REFPROP) Unique properties of hydrogen Properties of helium including superfluidity (HEPAK) Day 2: Refrigeration and liquefaction systems (Pfotenhauer) Large scale refrigerators / liquefiers Refrigeration Cycles Refrigeration hardware Cryocoolers Regenerator design (REGEN) Day 3: Cryogenic heat transfer and fluid dynamics (Van Sciver) Fluid mechanics of cryogens Heat transfer mechanisms Boiling heat transfer Two phase flow and natural circulation Superfluid helium (He II)

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course

Boston, MA 6/14/10 6/18/10

Course Outline/Lectures
Day 4: Instrumentation & measurement techniques (Pfotenhauer) Temperature measurement Pressure measurement Flow metering Level measurement Day 5: Elements of cryostat design (Van Sciver, Pfotenhauer) Thermal insulation systems Design of low heat leak structural supports Instrumentation and current leads Thermal mass considerations Safe storage and transfer of cryogenics fluids Evaluation: Homework (daily) Final Exam (Day 5)

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course

Boston, MA 6/14/10 6/18/10

Major components of a cryogenic system

Low temperature environment Source of refrigeration Heat exchange medium Thermal insulation Structural support Instrumentation and control
Vacuum Radiation shield







All these components need to operate in concert, reliably and safely

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14/10 6/18/10 5

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