Teacher Diversity Revisited: A New State-by-State Analysis

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1 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited

Teacher Diversity Revisited

A New State-by-State Analysis
By Ulrich Boser May 2014
In the fall of 2011, the Center for American Progress released an issue brief looking at
teacher diversity, and the fndings were stark. We found that the demographics of the
teacher workforce had not kept up with student demographics. In that study, we showed
that students of color made up more than 40 percent of the school-age population. In
contrast, teachers of color were only 17 percent of the teaching force.
Since we released our frst report on teacher and student demographics, the nation has
only grown more diverse. One factor driving this trend is birth rates among populations
of color; there has also been a 50 percent increase in the countrys Hispanic population
over the past 20 years.
Immigration has also played a signifcant role in our nations
changing demographics, which include a marked uptick in the number of people mov-
ing to the United States from abroad since the Great Recession.

At the same time, states have not being doing nearly enough to increase the diversity
of their teaching ranks. In 2011, for instance, North Carolina slashed funding for its
Teaching Fellows Program.
Te program had a dedicated focus on recruiting people of
color, and experts had hailed it as an important way to get more teachers of color into
the nations classrooms.

Given these trends, we decided to revisit the issue of teacher diversity, and we calculated
again our groundbreaking Teacher Diversity Index, an approach we pioneered in our
frst paper that ranks states on the percentage-point diference between teachers of color
and students of color. For our analysis, we relied on data from the 2012 Schools and
Stafng Survey, a nationally representative survey of teachers and principals adminis-
tered every four years by the National Center for Education Statistics.
We also relied on 2011 data from the Common Core of Data, which is also administered
by the National Center for Education Statistics. And for the frst time, we looked at
teacher diversity within some select states. It should be noted that in this brief, we defne
nonwhite as anyone who is African American, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American.
2 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
Among our fndings:

The gap between teachers and students of color continues to grow. Over the
past three years, the demographic divide between teachers and students of color has
increased by 3 percentage points, and today, students of color make up almost half of
the public school population. But teachers of color are just 18 percent of the teaching
profession. Tis is a 1 percentage point increase from three years ago. When we looked
more closely at the state-level data, we found similar issues, with the diversity gap
growing larger in most states. In New York, for instance, the demographic diference
between teachers and students has jumped 5 percentage points since 2011.

Almost every state has a significant diversity gap. In California, 73 percent of stu-
dents are nonwhite, but only about 29 percent of teachers are nonwhite. Maryland
has the same problem, though the numbers are a bit beter: In the Old Line State,
more than 55 percent of students are nonwhite, while just around 17 percent of
teachers are nonwhite.

When we looked across racial and ethnic backgrounds, we found that the Hispanic
teacher population had larger demographic gaps relative to students. In Nevada,
for instance, just 9 percent of teachers were Hispanic. In contrast, the states student
body was 39 percent Hispanic.

Diversity gaps are large within districts. For the frst time, we examined district-level
data in California, Florida, and Massachusets. Tese three states account for 20 per-
cent of all students in the United States, and it turns out that the gaps within districts
are ofen larger than those within states.
Consider these examples of teacher-diversity issues uncovered by our research:

In the Chelsea Public Schools in Massachusets, there is a 76 percentage-point gap
between the percentages of Hispanic teachers and students.

In the Hardee County Schools in Florida, 58 percent of students are Hispanic, while
only 8 percent of teachers are Hispanic.

In the Randolph Public Schools in Massachusets, 52 percent of students are African
American, but less than 5 percent of the districts teachers are African American.
3 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
Implications for teachers and students of color
Taken together, these fndings have signifcant ramifcations for students and schools.
Teachers of color can serve as role models for students of color, as we noted in our previ-
ous report, and when students see teachers who share their racial or ethnic backgrounds,
they ofen view schools as more welcoming places.

Students of color also do beter on a variety of academic outcomes if they are taught by
teachers of color.
Or, as education professors Richard Ingersoll and Henry May have
argued, minority students beneft from being taught by minority teachers, because
minority teachers are likely to have insider knowledge due to similar life experiences
and cultural backgrounds.
Whats more, it is important for all students to interact with
people who look and act diferently than they do in order to build social trust and create
a wider sense of community. In other words, the benefts of diversity are not just for
students of color. Tey are also important for white students.
Given these benefts, why are there such large diversity gaps between teachers and
students? In other words, if teachers of color bring so much to the academic table, why
dont states and districts do more to bring them into the classroom?
Tere is no single reason for this disconnect; multiple factors are at play. Part of the issue
is market forces, as we have noted in previous reports, and today, people of color have
far more job choices than ever before. Furthermore, the K-12 system itself is partially
to blame; there are large racial gaps in high school graduation rates, which means that
fewer people of color atend college relative to their white peers.
Moreover, the structure of the teacher career ladder further complicates this issue. Te
fact that the profession currently has signifcant incentives for people to stay in the
teaching profession for long periods of time means that white teachers who entered the
profession 20 years ago ofen stay until they retire. Tis lack of churn means that there is
less opportunity for teachers of color to enter the teaching workforce.
Whatever the root cause of the lack of diversity among the teacher workforce, one thing
is clear: States and districts have not done enough to address the issue. Few states have
created rigorous programs to help individuals of color enter the teaching profession. Not
nearly enough districts have ofered bonuses or other benefts to people of color who
are interested in becoming educators. To make maters worse, in some cities, such as
Boston, the number of black teachers is actually declining.
4 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
Looking deeper at the problem
To gain a beter handle on whats happening across the nation, we ranked states on
the demographic diferences between their teacher populations and their student
Arizona, for instance, has an index score of 37. To obtain that fgure, we subtracted the
percentage of nonwhite teachers20 percentfrom the percentage of nonwhite stu-
dents57 percentin the state. For specifc breakouts by state, see Appendix A.
Tis index ranks states on the percentage-point diference between the percentages of
nonwhite teachers and nonwhite students. Also, please note that the student data came
from the Common Core of Data and dates back to the 2010-11 school year. Te teacher
data is from the Schools and Stafng Survey and is from the 2011-12 school year. Both
datasets are the most recent available.
State Diversity index
Vermont 4
Maine 5
West Virginia 6
New Hampshire 8
Wyoming 10
North Dakota 12
Kentucky 13
Montana 14
Idaho 14
Missouri 16
Iowa 17
Hawaii 17
Arkansas 18
Ohio 18
South Dakota 18
Utah 19
Indiana 20
Alabama 21
State Diversity index
Minnesota 21
Wisconsin 22
Oregon 22
Michigan 22
Tennessee 24
Washington 24
Pennsylvania 25
Florida 26
Louisiana 26
Nebraska 26
New York 27
Kansas 27
Mississippi 27
Oklahoma 27
South Carolina 28
District of Columbia 28
Massachusetts 29
Rhode Island 30
Teacher Diversity Index
State Diversity index
New Mexico 31
New Jersey 31
Connecticut 31
North Carolina 31
Virginia 31
Colorado 31
Georgia 32
Illinois 32
Alaska 34
Texas 34
Delaware 35
Arizona 37
Maryland 40
Nevada 42
California 44
National 30
Note: By nonwhite, we mean all populations that are nonwhite, including the African American, Hispanic, Asian American and Pacifc Islander, and Native American populations.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, School and Stafng Survey: Teacher Questionnaire, 201112 (U.S. Department of Education, 20112012).
5 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
As part of this study, we also looked at district-by-district data in the few states that
make this information available, and what we uncovered was troubling. In fact, in some
school districts, the teacher workforce looked almost nothing like the student body.
In the Santa Ana Unifed School District in California, for instance, 93 percent of stu-
dents are Hispanic, while only 26 percent of teachers are Hispanica nearly 67 percent-
age-point gap. Or think of it this way: In Santa Ana, fewer than 3 percent of students are
white, while 65 percent of teachers are white.
Te lack of teacher diversity was particularly high in the largest school districts in the
three states where data were available. In the Los Angeles Unifed School District, for
instance, 74 percent of students are Hispanic, while just around 34 percent of teach-
ers are Hispanic. In Boston, nearly 40 percent of students are Hispanic, while only 10
percent of teachers are Hispanica 30 percent percentage-point gap.
Tere are also large gaps between black students and black teachers in Boston, and
the citys percentage of black teachers has fallen so lowits currently at 21 percent
that the city is currently in violation of a federal court order to ensure diversity in its
teacher workforce.

As in the state-by-state data, there are few Hispanic teachers in our nations class-
rooms relative to the number of Hispanic students. Te San Diego Unifed School
District, for instance, has a 30 percent percentage-point gap between the percent of
Hispanic students and the percent of Hispanic teachers. In Californias Long Beach
Unifed School District, there was a nearly 35 percent percentage-point gap between
Hispanic students and teachers.
Although the numbers are stark, there are solutions that will work to ensure that the
teachers standing in the front of the classroom mirror the students flling the seats, and
we can do far more as a nation to improve the diversity of our teacher workforce. As
researchers Saba Bireda and Robin Chait argued in the 2011 CAP report, education
leaders have a wide number of policy options that have been shown to improve the
demographics of the teaching profession.

Bireda and Chait suggest, for instance, that states should do more to fund teacher-prep-
aration programs. Tey also argue that the federal government can do more by creating
fnancial aid programs for low-income students to help them deal with the costs of teacher
preparation. Perhaps the most successful approach, though, has been providing students of
color with supportsincluding mentorship and practicumsand fnancial incentives.
6 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
But in the end, the solutions to improving teacher diversity might boil down to some-
thing more fundamental: political will. Afer all, its clear that we need to do far more
to bring teachers of color into the classroom. Te question is, when will our political
leaders step up to make sure that this issue gets addressed? Even more importantly,
when will parents, activists, education leaders, and other reform advocates demand that
classroom teachers refect the communities they serve?
Ulrich Boser is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.
Te author wishes to acknowledge the invaluable research assistance of Rob Hanna and Bo
Morris. Hanna and Morris did much of the data analysis for this report. Other staf at the
Center also ofered a great deal of generous feedback and support, including Glenda Partee
and Vanessa Crdenas.
7 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
State White Black Hispanic Other*
Two or more
Alabama 79 19 1 1 1
Alaska 86
Arizona 80 3 13 3 14
Arkansas 82 14 1 1 3
California 71 3 17 7 20
Colorado 88 1 7 2 8
Connecticut 93 3 3 0 4
Delaware 85
District of Columbia 36 52 7 5 7
Florida 69 14 16 1 17
Georgia 76 17 2 3 3
Hawaii 32 0 4 63 5
Idaho 93 0 3 1 6
Illinois 83 7 7 2 8
Indiana 93 4 3 0 3
Iowa 99
Kansas 95 1 2 1 3
Kentucky 94 4 1 1 1
Louisiana 74 20 4 1 5
Maine 97
Maryland 83 12 1 3 2
Massachusetts 97 1 1 1 1
Michigan 92 4 2 1 3
Minnesota 95 2 1 1 2
Mississippi 73 25 1 0 1
Missouri 91 7 1 1 2
Montana 96 0 1 2 2
Nebraska 97 0 2 1 2
Nevada 81 4 9 5 11
New Hampshire 98
New Jersey 82 7 9 1 10
New Mexico 57 2 37 4 38
New York 76 9 10 4 11
North Carolina 84 10 3 2 3
North Dakota 96 0 1 3 1
Ohio 93 5 2 0 2
Teacher demographics by state and race
Appendix A
8 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
State White Black Hispanic Other*
Two or more
Oklahoma 82 4 1 9 6
Oregon 89 1 6 3 7
Pennsylvania 96 2 2 0 2
Rhode Island 95
South Carolina 81 15 2 1 2
South Dakota 98
Tennessee 91 5 3 1 3
Texas 65 9 23 2 24
Utah 97
Vermont 97
Virginia 85 10 2 2 3
Washington 87 1 4 5 7
West Virginia 98
Wisconsin 96 1 2 1 2
Wyoming 91 1 5 1 7
National 82 7 8 2 9
Percentages may add up to more than 100 percent, as teachers could indicate Hispanic or Latino as their origin separately from other racial designations.
* Columns were combined in order to suppress data that do not meet Institute of Education Sciences reporting standards.
Data suppressed, as Institute of Education Sciences reporting standards were not met.
Note: By nonwhite, we mean all populations that are nonwhite, including the African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Pacifc Islander, and Native
American populations.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, School and Stafng Survey: Teacher Questionnaire, 201112 (U.S. Department of Education, 20112012).
State White Black Hispanic Asian
Indian/ Alaska
Two or more
Alabama 58 35 5 1 # 1 0
Alaska 52 4 6 6 2 23 7
Arizona 43 6 42 3 0 5 1
Arkansas 65 21 10 1 0 1 1
California 27 7 51 11 1 1 3
Colorado 57 5 32 3 0 1 3
Connecticut 62 13 19 4 0 0 1
Delaware 50 32 12 3 # 0 1
District of Columbia 7 78 13 1 0 0 1
Florida 43 23 28 2 0 0 3
Georgia 44 37 12 3 0 0 3
Hawaii 14 2 4 35 34 1 8
Idaho 79 1 16 1 0 1 2
Illinois 51 18 23 4 0 0 3
Indiana 73 12 8 2 # 0 4
Student demographics by state and race
9 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
State White Black Hispanic Asian
Indian/ Alaska
Two or more
Iowa 82 5 9 2 0 0 2
Kansas 68 7 16 2 0 1 4
Kentucky 82 11 4 1 0 0 2
Louisiana 49 45 3 1 0 1 1
Maine 92 2 1 1 0 1 2
Maryland 43 36 12 6 0 0 3
Massachusetts 68 8 15 6 0 0 2
Michigan 70 19 6 3 0 1 2
Minnesota 74 9 7 6 0 2 2
Mississippi 46 50 3 1 0 0 0
Missouri 75 17 5 2 0 0 1
Montana 82 1 4 1 0 11 2
Nebraska 71 7 16 2 0 1 3
Nevada 39 10 39 6 1 1 4
New Hampshire 90 2 4 3 0 0 1
New Jersey 52 17 22 9 0 0 1
New Mexico 26 2 59 1 0 10 1
New York 49 19 22 8 --- 1 1
North Carolina 53 26 13 2 0 1 4
North Dakota 84 2 0 1 0 9 3
Ohio 74 16 3 2 0 0 4
Oklahoma 55 10 12 2 0 18 3
Oregon 66 3 21 4 1 2 4
Pennsylvania 71 16 8 3 0 0 2
Rhode Island 65 8 21 3 0 1 2
South Carolina 53 36 6 1 0 0 2
South Dakota 80 2 3 1 0 12 1
Tennessee 67 24 6 2 0 0 1
Texas 31 13 50 3 0 0 2
Utah 78 1 15 2 2 1 1
Vermont 93 2 1 2 0 0 2
Virginia 54 24 11 6 0 0 4
Washington 63 5 18 7 1 2 5
West Virginia 92 5 1 1 # 0 1
Wisconsin 74 10 9 4 0 1 2
Wyoming 81 1 12 1 0 3 1
National 52 16 23 5 0 1 2
--- Not available. # Rounds to zero.
Note: By nonwhite, we mean all populations that are nonwhite, including the African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Pacifc Islander, and Native American populations.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, School and Stafng Survey: Teacher Questionnaire, 201112 (U.S. Department of Education, 20112012).
10 Center for American Progress | Teacher Diversity Revisited
1 Anna Brown, The U.S. Hispanic population has increased
sixfold since 1970, Fact Tank, February 26, 2014, available at
2 Jefrey S. Passel, DVera Cohn, and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera,
Population Decline of Unauthorized Immigrants Stalls,
May Have Reversed (Washington: Pew Research Hispanic
Trends Project, 2013), available at http://www.pewhispanic.
3 Steve Sbraccia, Loss of NC Teaching Fellows program
causes concerns,WNCN, July 30, 2013, available at http://
4 North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program, Policy Manual,
available at http://www.teachingfellows.org/theprogram/
PolicyManual.cfm (last accessed April 2014).
5 Ana Maria Villegas and Tamara F. Lucas, Diversifying
the Teacher Workforce: A Retrospective and Prospective
Analysis, Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of
Education 103 (1) (2004): 70104.
6 Richard Ingersoll and Henry May, Recruitment, Retention
and the Minority Teacher Shortage (Philadelphia, PA:
Consortium for Policy Research in Education, 2011), avail-
able at http://www.cpre.org/sites/default/fles/researchre-
7 Ibid.
8 James Vaznis, Ofcials in Boston seeking black teachers,
The Boston Globe, January 20, 2014, available at http://
9 Ibid.
10 Saba Bireda and Robin Chait, Increasing Teacher Diversity:
Strategies to Improve the Teacher Workforce (Washington:
Center for American Progress, 2011), available at http://

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