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Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 1

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Exchange, Inc.

P.O. Box 490
Fayetteville, TN

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 - Vol. xxix No. 10 (931) 433-9737
Published Every Wednesday Fayetteville - Lincoln County Copyright 2008 Exchange, Inc.

Check Out Our New Spring Line

At Eva’s!
In Stock Citizen
Great deals await
40% off
ts you in Eva’s
da l Se Inventory Clearance New Spring Collection
Br i o ff Showcases! arriving soon!

55 % Hurry in
before it’s over!

1 ct. Journey

14K Gold Earrings

50% off
70% Off
Clearance Showcase
Featuring: Pendants, Charms,
Slides, Men’s Rings, Gemstone &
Diamond Rings &
85% Off Much More!*
Sterling Silver
Inventory Clearance

* All sales final on clearance items • Sale good from March 5 - 19, 2008

Eva’s Gold & Diamond Outlet Financing
Available “Where All Your Gold & Diamond Dreams Come True” Available
12 months 1816 Huntsville Highway, Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-3039 • Eva Cowan, Owner 12 months
SAC - WAC Apply for Eva’s Gold & Diamond Outlet Charge Card • Same Day Financing Upon Approval SAC - WAC
Store Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9:00-5:30
Page 2 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

We offer:
Invitations ♦ Napkins
Informals ♦ Thank you notes ♦ Programs
Ribbons ♦ Candles ♦ Guest books ♦ Gifts ♦
Toasting glasses ♦ Balloons ♦ Plumes ♦ Matches
Cake servers ♦ And much more

404 Main Ave South

Fayetteville, TN 37334
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 3

Time again for ...

The Great American Cleanup
and Household Hazardous
Waste Event
The Great American Cleanup
runs from
March 1 - May 31
Citywide Cleanup
Saturday, March 15, 2008 • 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Meet at the Recycling Center, pick up litter around
Fayetteville until 1:00 P.M., then come back to the
Recycling Center for a free lunch.
Prizes for most littler picked up, number of bags and most volunteers.
Come out and help us make a difference!

Household Hazardous Waste Day

April 5, 2008 • 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Lincoln County Fairgrounds
Go to or watch the paper, for a list of accepted items.
Latex paint and electronics accepted at the Recycling Center everyday!
Take used oil, antifreeze and batteries to Advance Auto any day!

Fayetteville Office: 931-433-5855 Park City Office: 931-433-9124

Pulaski • Ardmore • Belfast • Lewisburg • Lynnville • Huntsville
Time & Temperature: 931-433-5100 24 Hour Banking: 931-433-9400
Page 4 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

Spring Shopping Brick House - Full Basement

Extravaganza Corner Lot - 1.15 Acres
March 8th Price Reduced $5,000
8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Plainview Church of Christ
Fellowship Hall
(Next Door to Griner’s Foodland)

• Arbonne
• Avon
• Home Interiors & Gifts
• Longaberger
• Pampered Chef Lincoln
• Princess House Located in the heart of Lincoln on the corner of Lin-
• Southern Living at Home coln Road and Old Lincoln Road, we have a brick house
• Stampin’ Up! with a full basement on a spacious 1.15 acre lot to offer
• Tastefully Simple you.
• Thirty-One The house (1,656 sq. ft. living area plus full basement)
has 3 or 4 bedrooms, depending on your needs, large
• Tupperware living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 baths, and single car
- Door Prizes - garage on main level, nice basement with double garage
and storage rooms, central heat and air, county water.
The 1.15 acres on the corner let allows room for
numerous desires.
$84,000. Several financing plans available.
Referrals Trusted
has a full line of these and more!! from
Stop by and see our many se- 4 National Since
lections of personalized statio-
nery and other business items.
Companies 1939
404 South Main, Fayetteville,
Tenn. (931) 433-9737. Mon-Fri,
433-2352 433-5757
8:00-5:00. Proudly selling Fayetteville & Lincoln County Real Estate for over 65 years.
108 North Main - Fayetteville, TN
KENNETH EDWARDS BULL- Jack Richardson • John Richardson • Paul Richardson
DOZING: With 850 John Deere. email us at
30 years experience. Free esti- Web Site
mates. Reasonable rates. (931)


Super Crew, 4x4, 4.6L, automatic,
Lariat, 96,000 miles, towing pack-
FARM BUREAU age, hard cover, sunroof, needs
new tires, asking $12,000. (256)
MEMBERS!! 714-4434; (256) 721-7394; (256)
You trust us for all of your insurance needs.
Why not bring your tax preparation needs to us? Nat’l organization now hiring. Avg.
This is Mary Touchton’s third year pay $20/hour or $57K/yr. including
federal benefits and OT. Offered
as our Lincoln County Tax Practitioner. by USWA. 1-866-483-5634.
Professional, Reliable Service At Reasonable Prices!
210 E. Market Street • Fayetteville, TN 37334 the EXCHANGE for prices on
Call 931-433-5789 or Stop By Today! wedding invitations, thank you
notes, napkins & other wedding
accessories.We can assist you
in your selection. 404 South
High school diploma. Fast, afford- FOR SALE: THREE chicken Main, Fayetteville, Tenn. (931)
able, accredited. Free brochure. barns with 10 or 50 acres. (931) 433-9737.
Call now! 1-800-532-6546, ext. 937-6455.
532; www.continentalacademy. KILN - WILL KILN dry your lumber;
com. Hondas from $500! Police im- also, dry and green lumber for
pounds for sale! Many makes/ sale. (931) 433-6594.
FOR SALE: 1975 mobile home, models available. For listings call,
two bedrooms, one bath, newly re- 1-800-706-1759 x6445. HAVING A REUNION? Order
modeled, must be moved, $2,000 personalized napkins to be used
or best offer. (931) 937-7987; FREE: NEUTERED CAT, ex- for a keepsake. EXCHANGE,
(931) 625-4724. tremely affectionate, scared of 404 S. Main, Fayetteville. (931)
cats/children. (931) 433-6396. 433-9737.
acreages. Our demand is great
and our supply is short. We will  
get you top dollar. The J. Paul
America’s favorite coffee dist. PRE-SPRING SPECIAL
Guaranteed accts. Multi bil-
Richardson & Son Realty Co., We would like to thank those who attended our
• Riding Mower Service $3995 w/o Oil Filter, $4995 w/Oil Filter (931) 433-2352.
lion $ industry. Unlimited prof- Service includes oil change, fuel filter, blades sharpened, spark plug and belts ham breakfast and to those who gave of their
it potential. Free info. 24/7,
checked. Any additional parts needed are extra. FAMILY FUN BOUNCE Rentals: time to help us. We appreciate you.
• Push Mower Service $1995 Birthday parties, church/school
Service includes oil change, new air filter, spark plug and blade sharpened. events. Moon bounces/slides/  
• FREE Pick Up And Delivery Available waterslides. (256) 468-4674;
bales, horse quality, $5 each. www.familyfunbouncerentals.
(931) 433-6132; cell, (931) • We Do All Types Of Mower/ATV Repair com. GROOMING BY PENNY: Profes-
625-7219. DON GATLIN BACKHOE, Dozer
• Call Early And Beat The Rush sional dog and cat grooming, and Dump Truck Service: Top
REMODELED MOBILE HOME by appointment. 465 Ardmore soil delivered. Crushed rock
1,000 envelopes = $6,000 guar-
anteed! Receive $6 for every en-
Backyard Pit Stop For Sale: One bedroom, new Hwy. (931) 433-3735. hauled. (931) 433-5847.
kitchen cabinets, hardwood
velope stuffed. 24 hr. information,
1-888-423-3820 code 701.
ATV/Mower Repair floors, must be moved, $6,000 or LICENSED, INSURED. FRAM- CREDIT NOT PERFECT? Rent
best offer. (931) 205-6174. ING, unlimited home renovations. to own - New three bedroom, two
931-433-0312 Free estimates. One call for all bath house. Down payment, $650
**Awesome Career** Govern- WANTED: WELLS TO drill. Free
ment postal jobs! $17.80 to $59.00 your home needs, from foundation month. Days, (931) 659-9377;
MATURE LADY WITH small TANNING BEDS FOR Sale: estimates. (931) 659-9325; (931) to finish. (256) 651-1856. nights, (931) 659-9375.
hour entry level. No experience 659-9327.
required/now hiring! Green card indoor dog looking for house Wolff tanning beds as low as
to rent. (931) 438-4595, leave $28 a month! Free DVD player Get a new computer. Brand MALTIPOO PUPPIES FOR Sale:
O.K. Call 1-800-913-4384 ext. FOR SALE: 1994 Impala SS LT-1,
message. - Order by 3/14/2008. Call ETS new laptops and desktops. Two, CKC registered, white,
103. Closed Sundays. power, leather, 57,000 original
Tan today! 888-839-5160; www. Bad or no credit - No prob- non-shedding, $300 each. (931) miles, near new Z-rated tires, lem. Smallest weekly payments 659-6400.
original black paint, excellent, available. It’s yours now - Call
POST OFFICE NOW Hiring. Avg. $12,750. Jim, (256) 783-2870. 1-800-624-1557. FOR SALE: 1991 Cherokee Jeep,
4x4, $2,200. (931) 625-5222.
Parker Construction Co. pay $20/hour or $57K annually
including Federal Benefits, OT. Owe the IRS or State?? Haven’t
filed tax returns???Get instant
Offered by Exam Services, not bedroom, two bath, large kitchen FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2002
affiliated with USPS who hires. relief. Call Mike 1-800-487-1992; and breakfast nook, open floor Pontiac Grand Prix, 4-dr., nice
Now has 3 dozers for your 1-866-795-4072. Hablamos plan, mostly hardwood floors and clean car, 101K miles, STK#H120.
custom bulldozing needs! espanol. 10’ ceilings, nice yard, walking Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931)
distance to Fayetteville Square, 625-3434.
D-3 • D-5 • D-6 Cat $560 month with $500 security
At the corner of W. College
ve, N. & N. deposit. (931) 993-7757. NOW HIRING: TRUCK drivers.
rg an A Mo Local delivery, guaranteed salary,
0 Mo r ga
10 n GARAGE SALE: SATURDAY, weekly pay, benefits available.
• Trackhoe work • Underground utilities 38 Shelton Rd., off Old Lincoln Class A CDL required. Contact:
• Trackhoe clearing • Septic/water lines Rd. Betty Boop; Dolphin; baby Charles Williams & Associates,
with thumb • Ponds, lakes items; tables. (931) 732-4774.
• Remove old & burned • Land Clearing
buildings • Roads & Pads Pittenger Home Improvements
Let us turn your farm into a showplace 931-433-5499 Metal & Shingle Roofs • Leak Repairs
Good rates - In business since 1974 Troy Simmons, Owner Vinyl Siding & Replacement Windows
Ho . All Types of Remodeling
Call Jeff Parker urs P.M
:M 12 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured
Office: 931-732-4760 • Cell: 931-703-3701 on. -
Fri.: 8 A A.M. -
.M . - 5 P.M. • Sat.: 8 (931) 425-0107
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 5


2003 Ford 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 2004 Nissan Frontier XEE 2002 Jeep Grand 2005 Ford Focus 2003 Dodge Caravan 2004 Ford Freestar
Taurus Quad, SLT, V8, auto Auto Cherokee Laredo ZX4, SE, auto SXT, rear bucket seats SES, 1 owner
Stk. #3G246263 Stk. #1M562392 Stk. #4C465397 Stk. #2C311910 Stk. #5W163431 Stk. #3B233648 Stk. #4BB17272
Was $9,899 Was $9,999 Was $11,999 Was $11,499 Was $11,199 Was $11,899 Was $12,299
Now 8,799
Now 8,198
Now 9,999
Now $9,999 Now $10,499 Now $10,999 Now $10,999

2006 Ford Focus 2005 Ford Taurus 2004 Ford Mustang 2004 Ford Escape 2003 Ford Explorer 2004 Nissan 2005 Ford Escape
ZX4, SE, auto SE, V6, auto Auto, leather XLT XLT Quest SL XLT, V6, 4WD
Stk. #6W209845 Stk. #5A203120 Stk. #4F208415 Stk. #4KA23311 Stk. #32A15332 Stk. #4N333204 Stk. #5KB49373
Was $11,999 Was $12,899 Was $13,499 Was $13,499 Was $13,799 Was $14,499 Was $14,999
Now $11,199 Now $11,699 Now $11,799 Now $11,899 Now $12,499 Now $12,999 Now $12,999

2007 Chevrolet 2005 Ford Ranger 2005 Ford Explorer 2002 Lincoln LS 2007 Ford 2007 Ford 2007 Dodge
Impala LS XLT, super cab XLT Leather, loaded Fusion Fusion SE Grand Caravan
Stk. #79371774 Stk. #5PA24373 Stk. #UA33966 Stk. #2Y713951 Stk. #7R201665 Stk. #7R201665 Stow N Go, sliding doors
Was $14,499 Was $15,299 Was $15,899 Was $15,899 Was $16,588 Was $16,989 Stk. #7R189771
Now $13,999 Now $13,999 Now $13,999 Now $14,399 Now $14,999 Now $14,999 Was $17,299
Now $15,499

2008 Ford Escape XLS 2007 Mercury Grand
With Every 2005 Honda Accord LX 2007 Jeep Liberty
Stk. #8KA29697
Marquis LS
Leather - Stk. #7X637785
Pre-Owned Purchase! Auto
Stk. #7G713694
Sport, 4WD
Stk. #7W513108
Was $16,888 Was $17,998 Was $16,999 Was $18,499
Now $15,788 Now $15,998 Now $15,999 Now $17,499

2007 Mercury Milan 2003 Ford F-150 2007 Mercury Milan 2004 Ford F-150 2003 Ford F-250 2007 Dodge Charger 2004 Ford F-150
Premier, leather FX4, 4WD Premier, leather, roof XLT, 4WD FX4, 4WD, Lariat, leather SXT XLT, 4WD, FX4
Stk. #7R626173 Stk. #A10778 Stk. #7R655993 Stk. #4KC76608 Stk. #3EC07242 Stk. #7H808512 Stk. #4NA10809
Was $18,999 Was $17,988 Was $19,499 Was $19,899 Was $18,988 Was $19,999 Was $20,299
Now $16,499 Now $16,988 Now $17,599 Now $17,899 Now $17,988 Now $18,599 Now $18,699

2006 Dodge Ram 2003 Chevrolet 2007 Ford Explorer 2 Ford Escape Limited
2008 2006 Ford F-150 2004 Ford F-150 2007 Ford Crew Cab
SLT, 4WD, 20 in. wheels Tahoe Z71 XLT Leather Super cab, XLT, 4WD Lariat, 4WD, leather XLT, auto
Stk. #65586341 4WD, leather - Stk. #3R200114 Stk. #7UB78174 Stk. #8KA88092 Stk. #6NB20980 Stk. #4KD87692 Stk. #7KC36907
Was $19,899 Was $20,499 Was $20,999 Was $20,988 Was $21,999 Was $22,999 Was $22,999
Now $18,699 Now $18,799 Now $19,488 Now $19,488 Now $19,999 Now $20,399 Now $20,699

2006 Jeep Wrangler 2004 Chevrolet 2005 Ford FF-150

150 2007 Ford Edge SEL+ 2006 Ford Mustang GT 2006 Ford FF-350
350 2006 Ford FF-250
Unlimited, 4.0 Suburban Z71 crew cab, Lariat, 4WD Sunroof, leather Leather, auto Lariat, 13K miles Lariat, dsl.
Stk. #P727190 4WD, sunroof, DVD Stk. #5FB03675 Stk. #7BA64959 Stk. #65219908 Stk. #6ED33552 Stk. #6EB47147
Was $23,699 Stk. #4G307157 Was $24,999 Was $25,999 Was $25,999 Was $32,199 Was $35,999
Now $21,599 Was $23,999 Now $22,599 Now $24,199 Now $24,399 Now $29,599 Now $34,499
Now 21,899
Sales Hours: Service/Parts Hours:
M-F 8:30 A.M.-7:00 P.M.; 2626 Huntsville Hwy. • Fayetteville, TN 37334 M-F 7:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M.;
Sat. 8:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. 931-433-3595 Sat. 8:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
All prices include $299 doc fee. Plus TTL. All rebates applied. WAC. Must present ad before negotiations. All vehicles are preowned.
Page 6 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

Attention Buyers! Keith (Cricket) Buchanan

In Memory of

Recently cut mortgage rates make today a great September 9,1978 ~ February 3, 2008
time to purchase a house. With these recent cuts, I thought of you today, but that is nothing new;
I thought about you yesterday, and the days before that, too.
money is available for those who meet basic I think of you in silence, I often speak your name;
requirements. Give us a call today and we will Now all I have are memories, and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part,
help you every step of the way! God has you in His keeping, and I have you in my heart.
Sorrow is a memory of a happy yesterday and
Memories live on and on while sorrows fade away.
We would like to thank everyone for the cards,
gifts, money, food and even if you just thought about us.
We offer our special thanks to the
Police Department, Lincoln Regional Hospital;
the Street Department, and Gallant Funeral Home
who showed such love and compassion
Paint Rock Valley! Large solid oak barn measur- Just Minutes to Huntsville and Madison! for our family at this difficult time.
ing 65x65 with concrete footers, ten stalls and two Large, five bedroom full brick home with two
leantos. County water and electricity available at full and two half baths on 7.24 acres with a 40x30
The Family of Keith (Cricket) Buchanan
the road. What a beautiful back-drop! $25,000. metal building/barn with an attached 30x30
MLS #927075. shed. She's a beauty! $269,000. MLS #875687.
Investment We Need
Properties! Listings! FOR SALE: NEW three bedroom,
two bath house, approximately
$659 month includes taxes and in-
Two homes situated side-by-side within Spring is just around the corner surance. No money down, no clos- Saturday, March 8 • 4:00 P.M.
the Fayetteville City Limits. One is a three ing cost. Days, (931) 659-9377;
bedroom, one and one-half bath home with and we need to be ready for the nights, (931) 659-9375.
Tony From Ohio Plus Local Estate Pieces!!
Burl- Walnut Victorian Bookcase • J&P Coats Spool Cabinet (Cherry) • Oak
newer roof, vinyl windows, vinyl siding, buyers. Cathedral Showcase • Super Victorian Dresser • W.E. Everett Huntsville Hotel
plumbing fixtures and kitchen cabinets/coun- DOZER, LOADER, BACKHOE Bar Bottle • Oak Walking Cane Display Case • Victorian Sofa • Wrought Iron
Service. Ponds; land clearing; Fencing (100 ft.) • Wrought Iron Fencing (28 ft.) • Oak Slant Top Floor Show-
ter-tops. The other one is a two bedroom, one Don't forget Daylight Savings Time pads; all types of dirt work; river case • Victorian Marble Top Table • Roseville, Hull, Warwick • Gallon
bath older home in need of renovation. Can U-Sav-It Jar • Jack Daniel No. 7 Whiskey Bottle • Oake 4 Stack Bookcase
begins Sunday, March 9th! bottom topsoil; fill dirt; brown Leaded Glass Windows • Oak 3 Door Ice Box • Nickel-Silver Cathedral Show-
be purchased together of separately. $57,500 river rock; crusher gravel. Gary case • J&P Coats Spool Cabinet (Walnut) • Mahogany Lyre-Base Game Table
and $22,500. MLS #940336 and #940384. Spring Ahead! Damron. (931) 937-8709. Mahogany Game Table • Curved Table-Top Showcase • Oak Ice Box • Oak
Curved-Glass China Cabinet • Bally Pinball Machines • Atwater Kent Dome-
GIFFORD BROTHERS CON- Top Radios • 253 pc. Royal Albert • TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST!!!!!!
We are currently working with several buyers looking for land and homes/farms in CRETE. Nothing too big - Noth-
various price ranges. Please give us a call if you are considering selling. ing too small. Free estimates. 29
B&W Auction
years experience. Dale Gifford, 356 Capshaw Rd, Madison, AL
We would love to earn your business! (931) 469-7401. No Buyers Premium • Major Credit Cards Accepted
500 to 600 Lots For This Sale
FOR RENT: APARTMENTS - One Climate Controlled • Smoke Free Facility
furnished efficiency, one furnished
256-837-1559 or 256-837-8377
one bedroom, no pets, deposit
required. (931) 433-7385; (931) ID #5484 for pics
993-8353. Wilson Hilliard, SL #97 • Bill Ornburn, SL #683 • Charles Thorpe, SL #392

Licensed in TN & AL Pattie Kosik Debbie Myrick Jim Langston Casi West Danny Bryant
216 South Main Ave. Broker/Owner Affiliate Broker Affiliate Broker Affiliate Broker Affiliate Broker
e n t ury l e a n ing s
training. English or Western.
Fayetteville, TN 37334 931-993-4772 931-625-1246 931-652-7735 931-625-5075 931-993-1715
1 s t C p e t C s t e m Colts started. Problems kindly Phone: 931-433-0305 • Fax: 931-433-0309 2 Car Sy solved. Kent Greenough, (931)

FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL hand FOR SALE: NIKE Shox baseball FOR SALE: 7’ & 8’ cedar fence
America's Latest Technology in Professional Carpet Care FOR SALE: IN Dellrose, 23.5
acres, no restrictions, water.
quilted quilts, several patterns
available, $250 each, two or
(metal) cleets, men’s size 10,
royal with white logo, $35. (931)
post, $4; corner post, $6; barn
poles available. (931) 703-2283;
30 Minute Drying Time Several home sites, creek,
open/wooded, secluded, great
more - $200 each. Can be seen
at Magaline Edwards, 10 Patrick
433-5136. (931) 433-8019.
Eliminates Shampoo or Water Soaked Carpet Methods hunting. Nice trailer, out-
buildings. $119,000. (931)
Rd., off of E. Prospect. Residential • Locally Owned • Licensed • Insured 993-7768.
Fayetteville, TN
Mystery shoppers - Get paid to
shop! Retail/dining establish- SINGING! 931-433-2351 • 931-993-0400 • in AL 256-420-6094 FOR SALE: 3500 KW generator,
ments need undercover clients Bellview Church Of God $225; dune buggy, $1,500; 5’
to judge quality/customer ser- box blade, $225; 6’ Taylorway
vice. Earn up to $70 a day. Call, March 9, 2008 • 1:30 P.M. finishing mower, $950; 1984
888-731-1179. FOR RENT: THREE bedrooms, I WOULD LIKE to babysit in my
two baths, $650 month. First home, 25 years experience. New Cutlass Supreme, $1,500; 8N
Featuring: month-last month, deposit re- Market/Hazel Green area. (256) tractor and 5’ bushhog, $2,500;
$$$$Get cash now! We buy 18’ inboard/outboard boat, $700.
structured settlements and insur- The Happy Melody Boys quired. Days, (931) 659-9377; 828-9825; (256) 755-1485.
(931) 227-7330.
ance annuities. Call 123 lumpsum nights, (931) 659-9375.
today!!! 1-877-966-8669$$$$$. Of Huntsville, AL Everyone Mystery shoppers! Earn up to
TURN YOUR STUMPS into $150 daily. Get paid to shop PT/ HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED FOR
Pastor: Invited!! mulch, flat or turned over. Call FT. Call now 800-690-1272. home and business, minimum 8
Paul’s Stump Removal. (931) hours/week, references required.
Ford Freestar van, 4-dr., red, Alton Ray Pitts 852-2076; (931) 242-9882. HAIR SALON BOOTH For Rent: (931) 433-5873.
all power, third row seat, very
nice, 49K miles, $10,900 plus ttl, Established clientele preferred.
STK#H008, TNDL #2248. (931) 316 Old Huntsville Rd. COMPUTER PROBLEMS? JUST Call Amanda, (931) 703-0589. Earn $500+ daily, part-time.
call Jason for the solution to all Much more full-time! Provide a
625-3434. Fayetteville, TN of your computer needs. (931) Affordable health benefits from simple service every home and
227-4344; Jason@justcalljason. $85.90 - $289.90 monthly for business must have! Free report.
net. family. Includes doctors, dental, Call Drytech: 1-800-507-7222,
Gospel Church, March 8, 2008,
hospitalization, accident, medical, #CL8002.
7:00 p.m. Featuring: True Heart.
Everyone welcome. Pastor: Har- FOR SALE: 2002, 4.6 5-speed prescriptions, vision, life. Become
Mustang GT, convertible, fully healthy, call today. Everyone’s TURNER’S PAINTING & pres-
old Boggs. sure washing. Cabinet refin-
loaded, in excellent condition, accepted! 800-930-1796.
83,000 miles, $11,500. Call, (256) ishing. 20 years experience.
CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Stump 658-4312. Viagra/Cialis, Viagra/Cialis. 40 for Licensed and insured. (931)
grinding. Free estimates. (931) $99; 40 for $99. www.WESAVEO- 425-6578.
438-9874. FOR SALE: 1995 Ford F-150, NDRUGS.COM; 888-942-2262.
Eddie Bauer, 300 6-cylinder, WANTED: LAND FOR lease for
Nurses Call For Details CUSTOM HOUSE PLANS. 5-speed, 212,000 miles, very HOMES FOR RENT: 3 bd., 2 local hunter. (931) 205-1049;
(931) 937-6334.
Licensed contractor. 30 years nice truck, $3,000 firm. (931) ba. home, $199/month; 6 bd., 2
Caris HealthCare is seeking full time RN experience. (931) 759-7529. 993-9406; (931) 433-4433. ba., only $229/mo. More 1-4 bds.

Case Managers to provide compassionate

available! 5% down, 20 years @
8%. For listings, 800-546-3120 Eagle Carports
and caring end of life services for our
Columbia patients.
Best Food In Town!! x5269.

18'x21' Metal 2-Car
Excellent Career Opportunities! Home of the And Pregnancy Counseling:
All calls confidential. Call (931)
Other Sizes & Styles Available
Harve Owens 931-433-8322
Excellent Salary & Benefit Package! JJ's Wonderchips 433-5433. Cell: 931-607-1274
Learn how you can make a difference in a Visit JJ's
patient's life.
Our nurses love our laptops, Add Your Happy
Fax Number To
they are really saving time! Our List To
Receive Our
Send resume & salary request to: Daily Specials

Fax#: 865-329-7283 Brooke Lester

Delivery Mon. - Fri. 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. • $15 minimum on March 4, 2008
Phone#: 866-694-4848 JJ’s Quick Stop We Love You Very Much,
Mom, Dad, Brandon, Barry 1050 Winchester Hwy. (next to Pendergrass Supply) & all the rest of your family & friends!
Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334 • 931-433-1111
Equal Opportunity Employer Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 5 A.M. - 7 P.M.; Fri. 5 A.M. - 9 P.M.; Sat. 6 A.M. - 9 P.M.
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 7
Page 8 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

2280B Thornton Taylor Pkwy. 1287 N. Ellington Pkwy.

Fayetteville Lewisburg
931-433-9113 931-359-6500


sale or trade for “what have you?” Gov’t & bank repos! $0 to low Need A Car?
Will finance. (931) 937-1052. down! No credit OK! Call now! • Bad Credit
FOR SALE: 1996 Dodge
• No Credit
van; building stones. (931) Post office now hiring. Avg. • Slow Credit
433-9534. pay $20/hour or $57K annually
including federal benefits and 1-888-795-9382
BULLDOZING, $60 PER hour, OT. Offered by Exam Services,
within 35 miles of Huntland, TN. not aff. with USPS who hires.
Milton Stover, (931) 469-7894. 1-866-574-4781. WHAT IS COMPACT fluorescent
lighting? It is a way you can
conserve energy and save on
One Week Only Sale your monthly electric bill. To
purchase these bulbs, go to
March 5th - 11th
Vinyl + Carpet
$ 99
For All Your FPU’s office, 408 West College
Street, Monday-Friday. Stop
by this week to start making
4 /sq. yd.
Carpet - Pad - Installation + Tax
1199/sq. yd.
Feed & Seed Needs! a difference in your wallet and
community. A joint conserva-
tion effort between Fayette-
ville Public Utilities and the
D-MAN says "Sell it all!"
Bag Feed & Farm Chemicals Exchange.
Lynn’s Carpet Liquidators SCIVA
LLY Bulk Corn Glutton FOR SALE: 1994 Nissan Path-
Top of Park City Hill in Fayetteville, TN finder LE, 4x4, roof rack, off road
931-433-7652 • 931-433-9728 CORN & Soybean Pellets lights, PW, PDL, leather, CD, tint,
$2,900. (931) 433-6463.


Mercury Grand Marquis, 4-dr.,
FOR SALE: 1990 GMC 4WD BENEFIT SPAGHETTI SUPPER Scivally Grain Company loaded, leather, 100K miles,
pickup, bad transmission, $800 or for Alan Tedders, Saturday, March STK#H117. Will finance. TNDL
best offer. (931) 425-0758. 8, 4:30-6:30 p.m., $5 donation, 643 Ardmore Hwy. • Fayetteville, TN #2248. (931) 625-3434.
Christian Fellowship Church, on
DAVIS & SON lawn mower Lincoln Rd. 931-433-6855 H&L HOME IMPROVEMENT:
All types of painting, spraying,
repair, you break it, we fix it.
(931) 438-2804. FOR SALE: 2000 Lincoln Con- remodeling, roofing, metal and
tinental, ivory, sunroof, 85,000 asphalt. Licensed and insured.
FOR SALE: WHIRLPOOL dryer, miles, great shape, $6,500. (256) Fred Holder, (931) 433-2686;
$100. (931) 307-0916. 828-6441. WE BUY GOLD and silver. Call FOR SALE: REGISTERED Angus High School Diploma!!! Graduate Greg Lester, (931) 438-8402; Bret
Micky, (931) 433-1131. bulls and heifers, excellent blood- in 4 weeks! Call toll free now! Holder, (931) 937-7077.
lines. (931) 433-0696. 1-866-308-2165 Ext. 503; www.
Are you planning an ANNIVER- YOU NEED STORAGE? We offer
First Month Rent Free! SARY RECEPTION for your
friends or relatives? Stop by the
EXCHANGE. We can order invi-
camper, 26’, new tires, all acces-
sories included, great condition,
5x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20 and
10x30 units at great prices.
Our convenient location in
10x10 or 10x15 tations, napkins, guest books & $4,000. Call, (931) 937-7347.
Sharon Stewart, home burned
and claimed her husband’s downtown Park City makes us
Hwy. 64 Storage other party accessories. 404 S.
Main, Fayetteville. Hours: Mon- MOBILE HOMES FOR Rent;
life. Fayetteville Recreation
Center, Winchester Hwy.,
the right choice for your stor-
age needs. Call, (931) 273-9737,
1802 Pulaski Hwy., Fayetteville, TN • 931-993-4119 day through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 also, mobile home lots and RV Saturday March 15, 6:00 p.m. for more information. Your
p.m. (931) 433-9737. spaces for rent. Morrows in Park For more information call, Extended Attic.
City. (931) 433-3159. (931) 433-0949.
Need a loan? No credit - Bad
credit - Bankruptcy - Reposses-
FOR RENT: OLDER two bed- sion - Personal loans - Auto loans
room mobile home, new carpet, - Consolidation loans available!
tile floors, $250 month, $250 “We have been helping people
deposit, 216 Ardmore Hwy. (256) with credit problems since 1991”.
732-3977. Call 1-800-654-1816.

Get A New Home This Year! You Love It At Work... Love It At Home...
100% Loans • FMHA Loan • Conventional Loans • VA Loans Great For Business or Residential Usage!
THDA Loans • Conventional 100% Financing Program No Fluoride Added! Healthy & Affordable!!
*** Protected by Micron Filtration, Ozonation & Ultraviolet ***
Home Loans, L.L.C. Bottled at the source! Collinwood, Tennessee

Lissa Burton, Owner Under New Ownership

2300 Thornton Taylor Parkway, Suite A
Fayetteville, TN 37334 Scott & Julie Rowdon, Owners
931-438-4922 • 1-888-732-3355 931-433-1504 Premium Tennessee Jim Bowers, Sales
Lissa Burton Brandi Winsett Glenda Honey
Cell: 931-625-0850 Cell: 931-625-1051 Saturday appointments available on request • Serving TN, AL & FL Cell: 931-993
931-993--6010 Spring Water Cell: 931-652-4340
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 9

Butler Realty
Wade Boggs Donnie Cornelison Kay Cornelison Jay Butler Jimmy Butler
256-520-8384 256-653-3267 256-653-3267 256-527-4412 256-527-4411 •
Licensed in Tennessee and Alabama
26875 Main Street • Ardmore, TN 38449 Lincoln County & Northern Madison County Properties For Sale
931-427-4411 • 256-423-4411

T-383 - 49 Pepper Rd., Taft. Nice mini farm w/7.94 acres T-298 - 179 Minnie Brown Rd., Ardmore. Bring your horses T-377
-377 - 33212 Ardmore Ridge Road, Ardmore, TN. 194 T-396 – Highway 110, Ardmore. Nice 5.3 acre building
and fenced pasture for cattle or horses. Full brick, 3 BR, 2 BA to this nice gentleman’s farm containing 58.74 acres. Property acre farm with 3,600 sq. ft. colonial home overlooking nice lake. tract with good road frontage. Power, water & natural gas
house has 1,817 sq. ft. Kitchen appliances stay, large laundry is both open and wooded and features a year around stream, Farm has stream, spring, ponds, fenced and cross fenced for available. Convenient location, level pasture and some fencing.
room w/sink & cabinets, pantry, bar area, Pella windows, spring, a riding arena, 30x40 detached garage and 2 other barns. cattle or horses. Magnificent high hill views, near I-65 at Exit $45,000.
laminate flooring, carpet, rock fireplace & gas logs. 30x36 Home has 1,676 sq. ft with a new metal roof and large master #1. 40x100 equipment shed/workshop, large barn & inground
detached garage w/power & gas heater, 9 ft. doors & storage bedroom closet. $309,000. MLS #239549. pool. House has lots of character and is ready to be decorated
area. Covered back porch overlooking above ground pool and to your taste. Just $1,100,000. MLS #257205.
deck. $237,900. MLS #259032

338 - 65 Partin Rd., Taft. Beautiful and private less than

T-338 384 - Old Quick Rd., Fayetteville. Privacy with off road
T-384 299- Ardmore Schools w/tuition, nice restricted subdivi-
T-299- T-393
393 - 49 Bolling Rd., Ardmore. Spacious 5 bedroom, 2.5
1 yr. old, custom built full brick with oversized garage, under- setting. Approximately 4,000 sq. ft. 2-story brick home with 5 sion, like new, 2 story brick home. 4 or 5 BR, 2 car attached bath, full brick house situated on 5 acres. House features lots of
ground safe room, open split floor plan, 2,424 sq. ft. Corian acres, 25x40 detached brick/garage/shop, 20x20 utility build- garage, beautiful yard, 15x31 workshop, cul-de-sac street, large closets, wrap around porch, large garage and gas log fireplace.
countertops, maple cabinets, black kitchen appliances stay, tile ing/shop. Open floor plan. New hardwood floors throughout. utility room from garage w/bath and lighted vanity, large fam- Private, dead-end road setting with fenced pasture and treed
baths & laundry. 3-dimensional roof shingles, Rinnai tankless Granite countertops. Fireplace with gas logs. Front porch, ily home. Window treatments stay. Nice foyer that opens into yard. 3,120 square feet. $199,900. MLS #263663.
water heater, one year homeowners warranty. 13.74 acres, large deck in back. Master bedroom downstairs with glamour great room & kitchen. Nice patio that looks into back yard with
fenced and cross-fenced, 36x44 horse barn w/power and wa- bath. 3 bedrooms + bonus room could be 4th bedroom/media a country view. Very convenient to Huntsville, Athens, Pulaski
ter, 30x52 shop & garage, 2 septic systems, RV parking with room/exercise room. Recently updated. Additional acreage & Fayetteville. $229,900.
hook-ups. Reduced to $399,900. MLS #247984. available $350,000. MLS #260707.

T-358 - Lees Creek Rd., Fayetteville. 20.18 acres, several T-162 - Fairway Dr. in Crest Haven Subdivision, Fayette- T-386 - Strickland Lane, Ardmore. One of the nicest hunting A-238 - 869 Macedonia Rd. 2,400 sq. ft. full brick home in
nice building sites including perked hilltop homesite, open pas- ville. Great building lot w/or without basement. Restricted. tracts in south Lincoln County. All woods with long road front- Madison Co. NW, Ardmore, AL. Perfect home for a growing
ture & wooded, wildlife, water & power available, new survey. $42,500. MLS #208405. age, hill views and some fencing. Several excellent building sites, family! Well designed layout features 4 bedrooms w/an isolated
Property overlooks Riverbend Farm. $242,160. power nearby and county water avail. 92.78 acres. Only 24 miles master suite. The great room boasts a gas log fireplace. There is
MLS #252541. to Huntsville, located on a private dead end road. $417,510. also a formal dining as well as an office/study. Fenced backyard
MLS #262217. w/playset. $169,900.

T-394: Main St., Ardmore, TN. South Lincoln County. 4 T-305 - Highway 431, Fayetteville. Runway Centre in Park T-178 - 304 College St., Fayetteville. 5,696 sq. ft. former T-355 - Franklin Hayes Rd., Pulaski. 25.67 acres w/beau-
acres, 175 ft. front acreage zoned for business. Property also City. This 120± acre commercial/industrial development pro- bank building, great potential for many businesses with ex- tiful hill view, great building site w/long road frontage. Excel-
features 20x32 detached 3 car garage, 2,079 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, vides multiple opportunities. Tracts range from 1.7 acres and ceptional visibility and access. Reduced to $329,000. MLS lent hunting. Property could be divided into 2 or 3 building
2 bath, nice frame 2 story home. $195,000. up. Sites can be designed to accommodate purchaser’s needs. #211829. sites. $115,000. MLS #252046.
MLS #242309.

347 - 19 Power Station Rd Rd., Taft
Taft. 4 bedroom
bedroom, 2 bath full listed, beautiful
T-370 - 911 Lofton Hall Rd., Ardmore. Just listed T-395
395 - 763 Loyd Rd., Pulaski. 51.75 acres w/high hill T-390 - 35 Slaughter Pen Rd, Ardmore. New construction,
brick on 1.35 acre lot on dead-end road. 1,827 sq. ft. Home has 42 acre secluded TN farm, convenient to Huntsville, Athens panoramic view, privacy, nice lake, wildlife galore, horse barn, full brick, 1,935 sq. ft. 3 BRs, 2 BAs with one year home warranty.
hardwood & tile floors, oak cabinets, concrete driveway and & I-65 near Ardmore, 2,400 sq. ft., 2-story 3 BR, 2.5 BAs on fenced and cross-fenced, paved drive, beautiful rock and west- 5.84 acres, ½ woods, ½ open includes landscaping pkg. Glamour
patio. $139,900. MLS #250054. an off road setting. 23x49 barn, 30x48 pavilion, 30x54 equip- ern cedar home w/wrap around porches and gorgeous view, BA w/ Aquaglass jacuzzi & tub w/ marble surround, Mohawk
ment shed, 24x64 wood shop & paint room, large lake, woods, gazebo and storm cellar, large great room w/vaulted ceiling, carpet. Computer room, large laundry room, spacious master
pasture, fencing and lots of wildlife. Reduced to $479,000. rock FP, tile and wood, stainless steel Thermador appliances, closet, oak cabinets, dishwasher, oversized 2-car garage with
MLS #254372. granite counters, large walk-in closets, spacious bath w/jacuzzi, storage room. Concrete patio & brick steps. Convenient location,
basement w/storage, wine cellar, generator. $699,900. Ardmore schools w/tuition. $247,900. MLS #262767.

392 – Vanzant Rd,

T-392 Rd Dellrose.
Dellrose 53.96
53 96 very private and isolat
isolat- T-400 Road, Lincoln County
400 - Hellums Road County, Ardmore
Ardmore, TN TN. 389 – 3 Curtis Church Road,
T-389 Road Dellrose.
Dellrose One owner mo- T-371
371 - 42 Monks Rd Rd., Fayetteville
Fayetteville. Like new
new, totally up-
ed acres with lots of wildlife and spring fed lake. Great getaway Nice level property with mixture of pasture and woods. Great bile home, upgraded with extra insulation. Upgrades include dated 1,550 brick home. New appliances, kitchen cabinets,
or permanent home overlooks the lake. 3 BRs, 1 bath. Hilltop for horses and cattle. Located at the dead-end of a road, it of- oak cabinets, insulated double hung windows, ceramic edging flooring, water heater, windows, deck and paint. 3 or 4 BRs
elevation of 900 feet. Convenient to I-65 and Huntsville. 30x50 fers privacy and some seclusion. Several nice building sites. 50.5 on countertops, small wall safe, glamour bath in master. GE with 1.5 BAs. One year homeowners warranty. $109,900.
metal barn with concrete floor. $265,000. MLS #262851 acres. $227,250. MLS #265837 appliances to stay. Move in ready!! $54,900. MLS #254501.

A-164 - Alabama Hwy 53, Ardmore. 3 acre tract has fantastic A-923 - 3006 N. Meridian St., Madison Co, Huntsville. A-979 - Vacant lot located near the intersection of West Lime-
commercial potential with 200± feet of frontage on Hwy 53 and Large 1.8 acre commercial tract zoned for light industry. Re- stone (Joe Quick) and Hwy 431 in Hazel Green. Lot is 177’ x
600± feet deep. The proposed Hwy 53 bypass is planned to turn duced to $179,000. MLS #169108. 338’ and fronts West Limestone Road. $100,000.
west at this property. $115,000. MLS #223323.
Page 10 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

Wayne Simms Kay Brewer Corona Towry Landon C. Sawyer Linda May Lucy Cowley Janice Towry
AAA Associates, LLC 931-993-9043 931-993-9086 931-205-1688 931-993-6374 931-607-2104 931-433-5982 931-652-5000
1822-C Huntsville Highway
Eddie Helton Michele Hall Kathy Feaster Jill Hobson Jerry Yates Marc Schrimsher
Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334
931-307-8251 931-993-4415 931-993-8308 931-993-6332 931-703-5419 931-652-2742
931-433-3021 Quality Service Award Winner Two Multiple Listing Services
Each office independently owned & operated Toll Free 800-223-6356 2004 , 2005 & 2006 Visit our website at

#1764 Pick Out Colors Now!! - 3 bedroom, 2 #1760 New Home! - Stainless steel appliances. #1761 3 BR, 2 BA Brick Home With Custom #1720 - Great Investment Property! - 2 Du- #1739 Great Hunting Property East Of Town
bath home to be built in Southern part of Lin- Custom cabinets. Custom exterior stone. LR has Arbor Stone - Hardwood, tile, & carpet floor- plexs only 8 years old, all brick. 1885 sq. feet - 50± acres, mostly wooded with abundant
coln County. Stainless steel appliances. 24'x24' vaulted ceilings, fireplace w/custom shelving. ing. Double trey ceilings in living room and per duplex. 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom per unit. wildlife, pond, public water available and good
garage. Hardwood, tile, & carpet flooring. All Dining room & master BR have double trey master BR. Vaulted ceilings in BR 2. Bullnoze $22,800 per year income. All appliances stay. building sites. $150,000. MLS #792168.
brick. $209,000. MLS #900008 ceilings. Master bath has whirlpool tub & double throughout. Double vanity sinks. Stainless Convenient to Huntsville and Fayetteville.
vanities. Rinnaii energy saving hot water heater. steel appliances. $159,000. MLS #899969. $275,000. MLS #866673.
Insulated garage. $214,000. MLS #899958.

Spring Has Sprung RM Enterprises  Fresh Flowers  Silk Flowers 

Balloons  Plants

Stuffed Animals
Tree Trimming and Removal
Come See All Our New Garden Decor, She's Got Baggage 20+ Years Experience Come By And See Our
Licensed • Insured • Bucket Truck
Purses & Totes, and Picture Frames
TN: 931-433-1434 • AL: 256-508-0062 New Merchandise!
Bridal Registry Free Estimates • Rex Moss, Owner

Erin Williams & Rob Marks More

ore Than Flowers
like to babysit in my home, Park reasonable rates, free estimates,
Fayetteville's "Not So Ordinary" Florist & Gift Shop
Lincoln Farmers Co-op City area. (931) 438-0375. 113 Main Ave. S (West Side Square)
references available. (931)
1205 Winchester Highway 438-7768; (931) 625-6444. Fayetteville, TN 37334
Fayetteville, Tennessee FREE: WE WILL remove old 931-433-9872
931-433-4508 junk cars and trucks from your
property. (931) 433-8699.
sleeps 4 or 5, good condition,  Candles  We Deliver  Gifts 
serious inquiries only, good
for montains/river, $600. (931)
DirecTV free 4 room system! $500 police impounds. Cars/ WATER WELL DRILLING,
Checks accepted! 250+ channels! trucks from $500! For listings call, pumps and pump service.
Starts $29.99! Free Showtime + Buy Timeshare Resales. Save 1-800-706-1759 x6461. General Contractors in Ala-
Starz, 90+ HD channels! Free 60-80% off retail!! Best resorts & bama and Tennessee. (256)
DVR/HD! We’re local installers! seasons. Call for free timeshare LYNCHBURG, STORYBOOK 828-1892.
1-800-973-9044. Bringing magazine. 1-800-639-5319; www. LODGE Nursery, Preschool and
experience Child Care Center is now enrolling Considering adoption? Talk with
WANT TO DO: Painting (inside/ & integrity children ages 2 years and up. We caring agency specializing in
out), window replacements, re- to the FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004 try to accommodate parents work matching birth mothers with fami-
modeling, room additions, decks, industry Chevy Cavalier, red, 4-dr., very schedules, offer nutritious meals lies nationwide. Living expenses
vinyl. Jim King. (931) 433-7234. nice, 48K miles, STK#H078. in a safe, nurturing, learning en- paid. Call 24/7. Abby’s One True
Gates • Mailboxes • Fence •Interior & Exterior Railings Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931) vironment. 24 years experience, Gift Adoptions. 866-910-5610.
GOSPEL SINGING: HWY. 64 leader in phonemic awareness,
Benches •Aluminum & Stainless Steel Welding 625-3434.
Church of Jesus, March 8, 7 p.m. nationally accredited and dedi- BLACK TOPSOIL: TILLED, no
When praises go up, then bless- 575 Lynchburg Hwy., Mulberry, TN 37359 • 931-433-5342 FOR RENT: THREE bedroom cated to you and your children. rocks/roots. Creek gravel. Single
ings come down. Pastor: Stanley Mike Thomas, owner • house, 606 N. Bellview, com- Call today to see how we can axle. Days, (931) 205-4163;
McKin. Everyone welcome. pletely remodeled, $600 month serve your family. Mrs. Earlene, (931) 703-2283; nights, (931)
plus deposit. (931) 732-4532. (931) 759-5184. 433-8019; (931) 433-1135.
Spa/hot tub must sell. MSRP,
$2,499. New, never used, no FOR RENT: TWO bedroom, two Old guitars wanted! Fend- Need cash quickly? $$$ Stay at
maint. Cabinet. Includes cover. bath mobile home, located in er, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin. home and make money. Best
Will deliver. $1,999. Full warranty.
Call, 866-920-7089.
Crossroads area. No pets, inside
or outside. (931) 937-6073.
1930’s-1960’s. Top cash paid.
Fayetteville Adult Softball program free video. Go to www.
Now is the time for you to get your team together for the
Tennessee Mountain Acreage. 14TH ANNUAL SOUTHLAND CLOWN-A-GRAMS DELIV- Increase male performance. No
upcoming Adult Softball Season. The Fayetteville Adult
Two acre beautiful home site, ERED FOR birthdays and prescription needed. Clinically
tor-Engine Swap Meet and special occasions to home Softball Board will meet on March 30 at 3:00 p.m. at the
million $ view! Secluded, utilities, tested. Guaranteed to work. Call
overlooking Tennessee River. Show, March 15, 2008. Down- or care facility; also, gen- Recreation Center on the Winchester Highway. now for a private, risk free trial.
Close to marina, schools, shop- town Madison, AL. Visit www. tle clown for parties and This will be the time for all coaches, scorekeepers, umpires 888-383-0018.
ping! $49,900, low down, owner; or even appearances. (931) and other interested persons to attend this meeting.
financing! 330-699-1585. call, (256) 527-0988. 227-7108. Coaches will need to pick up team packages with all 16 YOU-TAKE-IT ROAD House
information for the season at this meeting. For Sale: Three bedrooms,
FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Explorer, PARK CITY PRESCHOOL, a two baths, 2-car carport,
4-door, V-8, loaded, one owner, Tennessee State Rated 3-Star FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2003 If you are interested in being an umpire or scorekeeper, 1,300 square feet, two sheds
68,000 miles, excellent condition, Preschool, has openings for F-150 XLT, V-8, 4-dr., crew cab, please contact Jackie Hamlin at 931-433-7182 Ext. 130 with power, 100’x100’ lot,
V-8 engine, priced to sell - $9,995. 1-12 years. For more information, red, power everything, cloth or Diane Hall at 931-732-4479 Blanche Schools, $79,900. (931)
(256) 536-9406. please call, (931) 433-1252. interior, 57K miles, STK#H131, 425-0170; (931) 625-1607.
$13,900 plus ttl, TNDL #2248.
(931) 625-3434. INSIDE FLEA MARKET: Fur-
New Construction & Remodeling $$Cash$$ Immediate cash for
letter from Medtronic, concerning
Joe Shaver, “I’m Gonna Live
niture; pottery - McCoy, Hull
cookie jars; antiques; tools;
Commercial Licensed structured settlements, annuities, a Sprint Fidelis defibrillation lead? Forever”. (931) 433-8548. books; etc. New items weekly.
& & lawsuits, inheritances, mortgage You may be entitled to compen- Thursday-Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Residential Insured notes and cash flows. J.G. Went- sation. Contact Attorney Charles FOR SALE: 14x7.5 slot aluminum - 3:00 p.m., 108 S. Morgan Av-
worth #1. 1-800-794-7310. Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. wheel, older RWD - Ford, Chevy, enue, Fayetteville. Questions,
Dodge, $40. (931) 433-7261. (256) 431-7239.
Diesel engine, hydraulics, trucks, Receive $10 for every enve-

No Job Too Small

trailers, tires, farm equipment and
irrigation experience necessary.
lope stuffed with our sales
material. Guaranteed! Free
Rack Of
Starting pay $10 per hour or based
"Your Acoustical and Drywall Specialist"
Acoustical & Custom Wall
on experience. Benefits available.
Long hours and weekends can
information: 24 hour recording,
1-800-291-8990. Childrens Clothes
931-625-7201 be expected during peek season. $$$$$$NEED CASH$$$$$$
Everything $1999 & Less
Wall Systems & Ceiling
Contact: Charles Williams & As-
Metal Studs 931-433-2560 Textures
sociates, (931) 732-4774.
CASH paid for junk!! Cars, lawn-
mowers, washers, dryers, refrig-
erators, batteries and any other ** Get Your Leanin’ Tree Cards & Magnets **
type of scrap metal. We pick up!
oy and 1708 Huntsville Hwy.

Call Bob at, (931) 732-5466.
Fayetteville, TN 37334
RADWAY & SONS Lawn & Land- oger 931-438-4052
scaping. Complete lawn service:
Cut, edge, trim. (931) 732-4272;
or, (931) 993-0137.
R Western Apparel, Inc.
Owners: Roy
& Mary Ann Gray FISH DAY SPECIAL: Pond/

lake stockers. Wednesday,
14 N. George Rd., Flint- March 12, Co-op in Petersburg,
ville, TN - Extremely nice 10:00-10:45 a.m.; Co-op in
2 story 3,500± sq. ft. brick Fayetteville, 12:00-2:00 p.m.;
home on 10.05 acres. 3 or Harvest Feed Mill, 3:00-4:00
4 bedrooms and 2½ baths p.m.; Clarks Feed & Hardware,
plus bonus room. Excel- Ardmore, 5:00-6:00 p.m., (870)
lent views and lovely land- 697-3550.
scaping. 2 car garage and
above ground pool. Lots WILLIAM’S HOME REPAIR,
of porches and patios for entertaining. Call for your own no job too small. Remodeling;
private showing. $369,000. MLS #917132. floors; painting and trim; vinyl
siding; roofing and concrete. (931)

Licensed in
Each office independently owned and operated
Need A Car?
•Bad Credit
Edward Jones Investments held its Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Thursday, February EQUAL HOUSING
OPPORTUNITY Laurace H. Lackey •No Credit
28. Investment representative John Karby cut the ribbon. Also present were Kim Du- Real Estate Service beyond Expectation!
931-625-0416 •Slow Credit
mont, Chamber Members and friends. Edward Jones Investments is located at 1231 1-866-889-3775
Huntsville Hwy., Suite C in Fayetteville. 1-888-795-9390
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 11

Bringing Buyers & Sellers Together

ERA Ben Porter • Two Multiple Listing Services
• Homes of the Valley TV Show
REALTOR® • Homes & Land Magazine
101 Main Avenue South • Six Worldwide Web Sites
SM West Side Square, Fayetteville • Five Offices w/150+ Agents Covering
The Tennessee Valley
Bill Newman Blake Wilkerson Brenda Pinkston Glenn Beech Frances Ring
Always There For You™
931-993-8915 931-993-6851 931-625-4311 931-993-1023 931-993-6140

Hudson Hills Subdivision - This 2 bedroom, 2 bath home features study 25.4± Acres Just North Of Hunts- Huntsville Hwy. at Riverside Dr. The New South Pointe Subdivi-
with walk-in closet. Trey ceiling in master bedroom. Stainless steel stove ville, AL - Frontage on Hwy. 53 1.84 acre commercial lot with 230' sion - 49 beautiful lots located just
and microwave. 2 car garage. Landscaped yard on choice lot at end of cul- and Gatlin Rd. near Ardmore. frontage on US 431-231. Corner lot with off US 431-231 in South Lincoln
de-sac. South Lincoln School District. $118,900. MLS #949924. Level to gently rolling. Excellent traffic light. Great visibility & access. County, TN. Convenient to Hunts-
subdivision or commercial potential. $375,000. Owner/Agent. ville & Fayetteville. Prices range
$492,000. Some restrictions apply. MLS #765461. from $25,000 to $33,000 & lots are
MLS #835506. marked w/prices. Contact agent for
more information.

70± Acres With An Old Hand Hewn Chestnut Log Cabin (18x49) 36+ Acres - Water, electric & natural Get Ready To Move Into This 3 BR, Recently Remodeled and Updated
Log cabin was built sometime prior to 1867 and has a living room, bath, gas available. Beautiful, pastured 2 BA Home Located In The City Large bathroom, screened-in back
kitchen & bedroom. The farm offers privacy, views, seclusion, pond, spring, hilltop homesites with wooded hill- Limits - There is a large yard & a porch, storm cellar/basement. Large
barn and lots of rock fencing. It also has a 2,432 sq. ft. modular home w/4 sides. Great investment property or a storage building our back. $94,000. landscaped backyard. Detached work-
bedrooms & 3 baths. 600± ft. of blacktop road frontage and is within 45-50 secluded estate. Convenient to Hunts- MLS #920547. shop. 1 yr. home warranty. $76,500.
minutes of Huntsville. Better hurry if you want this one! $490,000. MLS ville. Restricted. Call for appointment. MLS #930574.
#899674 & 899676. $173,000. MLS #895051.

Dragonfly Farms
All Types of Mechanical Work,
Megan Hollis Spring Break Horse Camp
Flats Fixed, Tune-ups,
& Quality Brake Repair
Is Now At
We Carry Kelly, Summit Klass Act Salon *ALL INCLUSIVE*
March 17th - 21st
& Goodyear Tires In Park City 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Daily
Wilson Bros. Auto Center Call and book Mindy Watt, Certified Instructor
S. Main St. • Fayetteville, TN an appointment today
931-433-9922 (931) 425-6833
for the latest styles in
cuts, colors & highlights!
CARPENTRY WORK - HOUSE THE WOOD SHOP: Specialized GRANDMA MISSING HER grand Are you worried about your
or mobile home. Additions;
carports; siding; replacement
cabinetry. Quality craftsman-
ship. Free estimates. Danny
Klass Act Salon kids would like to care for your
child, 6 weeks - 2 years, reason-
debt? InCharge can help you
become debt free, lower your
windows; doors; decks; weath- Pigg & Debbie Kilpatrick. (931) 2736-A Huntsville Hwy. • Fayetteville, TN 37334 able rates. (931) 438-1657. interest rates, payments and stop

erizing; remodeling. Licensed. 937-9213. the collection calls! Call today!
Free estimates. Call Gary, (931) SEWING MACHINE & vacuum 1-877-697-0069.
433-9077. Memory Foam Thera-Peu- repair, bags, belts and parts
tic NASA mattress: Q-$399, for all brands, including Kirby, FOR SALE: RESTAURANT, fully
FOR RENT: TWO bedroom K-$499. Free delivery. Warranty. Rainbow, Electrolux. Jim’s Sew- equipped, on square in Lynch-
house, 410 West Maple, washer/ 1-888-287-5337. (60 night trial) FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004 FOR RENT: LIMESTONE Road burg, lots of tourists. Call Elin,
ing & Vacuum Center, 111 W.
dryer hookup, $315 month plus Toyota Sequoia Limited, loaded, Mini Storage currently has stor- (931) 607-5540; (931) 759-5674,
age units for rent, Elora. (931) College St., Fayetteville. (931)
deposit. (931) 438-4073. 4x4, 4-dr., black with tan leather, home.
937-8728. 433-2885.
Airlines are hiring: Train for high 44K miles, STK#H094, $19,900
NICE UPSTAIRS ONE bedroom paying aviation maintenance plus ttl, TNDL #2248. (931) Airlines are hiring: Train for high FOR RENT:TWO 10x15 storage
apartment for rent. Stove, refrig- career. FAA approved program. 625-3434. FOR SALE: 4-PIECE sectional units, first month’s rent free. 64
sofa, neutral color, recliner on paying aviation maintenance
erator, washer/dryer furnished. Financial aid if qualified - Job career. FAA approved program. Storage, Highway 64W. (931)
$300 plus security deposit. (931) placement assistance. Call Avi- BAKE SALE AND Easter Basket one end, chaise on other end, 438-9909; (931) 993-4119.
Sale: At Save A Lot, 301 West great condition, $500. (256) Financial aid if qualified - Job
433-5643. ation Institute Maintenance. placement assistance. Call Avia-
College, Fayetteville, March 8, 8 828-6245.
Attend college online from home.
a.m. Proceeds benefit House of tion Institute of Maintenance. Wolaver Seamless Gutters
Truth Building Fund and Youth Buried in credit card debt. We (888) 349-5387.
Medical, Business, Paralegal, HAZEL GREEN, AL mobile Seamless Aluminum Gutters
Computers, Criminal Justice. Job Projects. can save you thousands & lower Gutter Cleaning • Leaf Guards
home for sale on large lot, your monthly payments! Call the FOR THE BEST deals on auto
placement assistance. Computer three bedrooms, two full Free Estimates
FOR SALE: BRYANT 3-1/2 ton Debt Relief Hotline for your free insurance, call Massey Insurance
available. Financial aid if quali- baths, central heat and air, central unit, propane heat/electric consultation. 800-934-9187. Agency. Also, home, life, SR-22, Jimmy Wolaver
fied. Call 800-494-3586. www.
$25,000. Sherry Norton, (256) AC, good working condition, re- truck, mobile home, and more! 931-993-6410 • 931-433-9934
520-7136; placed with more energy efficient Home refund jobs! Earn (931) 433-8686. Day or Night unit, ideal for shop or rental prop- $3,500-$5,000 weekly process-
$$$Access lawsuit cash now!!! As
seen on TV. Injury lawsuit drag- erty, $500. Call, (931) 937-7782; ing company refunds online!
ging? Need $500-$500,000++ FOR SALE: GIRLS’ size 8 Guaranteed paychecks! No
within 48/hours? Low rates. Apply sage pageant gown, $50. (931) experience needed! Positions
now by phone! 1-866-386-3692; 433-8456. Drivers: A great career! Swift available today! Register online Transport now offers on the job now!
64 CONSTRUCTION - ENERGY- CDL training. No credit check.
SAWMILL: WILL SAW custom SAVING metal roofs, vinyl siding, No cosigners. No contract. WANTED: LADDER RACK for
lumber from your logs or mine. pole barns, carports, garages, 1-866-619-6081 Ad #3110. long bed extended cab truck.
JC’s Mobile Sawmill, (931) sunrooms. Call today, (931) (931) (256) 479-0734.
433-6594. 808-8167.
2582 Charity Lane, March
good town, $35,000, good road S
Our New Arrivals Are In!
14, 2008, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For access, beautiful mountain area, Hand Painted & Leather Trunks, Powell®

more information call Shana Vintage


$1,000 down, $475 monthly.


Verandah® Hand Painted Screens, Accent

Romano, (256) 828-7100. Owner, (806) 376-8690.

Lamps Tables
& Much More

“Our Most Important Policy Is Trust” 14450 Hwy. 231/431 N.

Auto • Home • Life • Boat • ATV • Motorcycle Hazel Green Trojan Plaza
Everything 50% off & More
Patrick W. Baugh - Senior Agent
As usual, the unusual!
Patrick Baugh Agency
11733 Hwy. 231/431 N.
Meridianville, AL 35759
The 50% Off Store The Trojan Shopping Center
office: 256-828-6124 (Next to Griner's Foodland)
cell: 256-655-6750 An Affiliate of
Hazel Green, AL • 256-828-1188 COUNTRY® Financial Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Serving AL & TN
Page 12 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

ves ! Hot nai Tan
t o Wa kl
ks ck Now ter Hea ess
Coo In Sto In S t
tock ers
Now !

We're clearing the floor to make room for 2008 merchandise!

Great selections of fireplaces, logs, heaters and inserts
15% off certain merchandise
Don't let winter pass you by without checking us out!
Come by and talk to us about changing your propane
supplier today! We would be glad to have you!

Local Peoples Gas Company

3296 Lewisburg Hwy., Petersburg, TN 37144
931-659-6981 Phone or 931-993-9496 J.D. Haislip
Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.;
Saturday 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 NOON Debit Cards


Jaguar S-Type, 4-dr., red, loaded, Spruce Up For Spring!
super sharp car, 42K miles, • With New Curtains & Drapes
STK#G193, $12,900 plus ttl,
TNDL #2248. (931) 625-3434. • With New Exciting Colors & Designs
• With Window Blinds & Bedspreads
Licensed, insured. Bucket truck,
• With FREE In-home Consultation
chipper. Free estimates. (931) • With FREE Estimates
438-9859; (256) 508-0062. • With Your Satisfaction Guaranteed!
FOR SALE BY Owner: All ranch Act Now!
style brick home, 3,300 sf, 10
acres, fenced pasture and pond,
gated concrete privacy driveway,
three bedrooms, two baths, plenty
of living area throughout, covered
sun deck, sunroom fully equipped
with indoor/outdoor stereo sys-
tem, brick detached garage. Draperies Galore & More
Upstairs: one bedroom, one bath,
bonus room, covered sun deck. 115 S. Main St. • Fayetteville, TN
Great location. 20 minutes from
Huntsville. Ideal for horses. (931)
937-0406. Mon. - Fri. 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. • Sat. 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.
al. Pruning and hedge trimming. PROM DRESSES FOR Sale: Get fast cash! 24/7! Instant ap-
Bucket truck. Free estimates. Both size 3/4, one black, one red. proval by phone. Bad credit OK.
Insured. Charles Barnes, (931) (931) 937-7652. No faxing. Cash in 24 hrs. Apply
438-0909. now! 1-800-354-6612.
WANTED: LEATHER SOFA, acres & log cabin, only $59,900! Attend college online from home.
good condition. (931) 433-6438. Saturday, March 8! New 2,128 sf *Medical, *business, *paralegal,
GET COVERED - RAIN INSUR- log cabin package on 3 acres of *computers, *criminal justice. Job
ANCE - $1. When you advertise FOR SALE: CUSTOM hardwood farmland with spectacular views. placement assistance. Computer
your yard sale with the Ex- moldings and finished lumber - One mile to Nicklaus designed available. Financial aid if quali-
change, tell us that you want Oak, walnut, cherry, maple, etc. golf course. Near TN River & fied. Call 800-510-0784. www.
Rain Insurance. If it rains the Call Gary at, (931) 937-1052. recreational lake. Or choose 5
day of your yard sale, call us acres with crystal clear mountain
by 11:00 a.m. on the following stream, just $34,900. Excellent FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2005
Monday and we will run your ANNUAL MARCH SING- financing. Call & ask how to pay Chevrolet Tahoe, third seat, DVD,
ad again at NO charge! Insur- ING: The Primitive Quartet; no closing costs, 1-866-999-2290, CD, loaded, PW250, $18,995 plus
ance must be purchased when The Dixie Melody Boys; x.1742. ttl, includes doc fee. Infiniti of
original ad is placed. Only the The Singing Ambassa- Huntsville, (256) 882-1009.
dates of the yard sale may be dors. FRIDAY - SECOND HOME REPAIRS: CHEAP, inside
changed - no other changes to WEEK - MARCH 14, 2008, and out, small jobs appreciated, Unsecured loans.
the ad please! 7:00 p.m., Ninth Grade local references, professional $1,000-$100,000. No collat-
Academy, Fayetteville, TN. results. Steve Gooch, (256) eral required, same day decision
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1997 Tickets: Advance - $10, at 423-2922. nationwide. Any personal or
Cadillac El Dorado, red, 2-dr., door - $12, children 12 and business use. Easy application
loaded, 91K miles, STK#H087. under - FREE. Order by mail: Need a mortgage? No down pay- process. Start-ups welcome.
Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931) The Singing Ambassadors, ment? If you’re motivated, and Email required. www.AmOne.
FOR SALE: 1992 1-ton F-350 FREE: PUPPIES, SEVEN weeks P.O. Box 179, Fayetteville,TN
12’ box truck, $2,000. (931) 625-3434. follow our proven, no nonsense com/Flyer; 1-800-466-8596.
old. (931) 433-6438. 37334-0179. Send check or
625-2804. program, we’ll get you into a new
SQUARE BALES HAY For Sale: M.O. with SASE. Purchase home. Call 1-866-255-5267; www. LIVE PRO WRESTLING: Friday,
FOR SALE: TEN y.o. Grade mare at: BradyTile & Marble, High-
Well fertilized. Can deliver. (931) March 7, Fayetteville National
Bay, four white stockings, $650; 4 land Rim Road; Regions
433-7524. Guard Armory, 1805 Wilson
Johnny’s Refinishing y.o. Tennessee Walker mare, dark Bank: 302 East College; Park FOR RENT: TWO & three bed- Parkway. Doors open at 6:30
brown, star in forehead, $650; 4 City. For information: (931)
Furniture, y.o. Palomino Quarter horse geld-
Donate a car today to help children
438-0307; (931) 433-2739.
room mobile homes, partially p.m. Bell time: 7:00 p.m. Adults,
and their families suffering from furnished. (931) 937-6880. $8; kids, 12 & under, $4.
Woodworking, ing, $800; two Paint stud colts, one cancer. Free towing. Tax deduct-
y.o., registered, $600 each; Paint
Painting, Refinishing stud colt, not registered, $300;
ible. Children’s Cancer Fund of
America, Inc. Wanted: Japanese motorcycles:
or large dump truck load. (931)
Free DirecTV 4 room system!
Checks accepted! 250+ channels!
931-309-6021 2 Western saddles, one/$200,
one/$100. (931) 438-8882.
1-800-469-8593. Kawasaki, 1970-1980, Z1-900, 703-4389; or, (931) 433-2118. Starts $29.99! Free Showtime +
KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, Starz, 90+ HD channels! Free
KENNY EDWARDS BACKHOE S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. FREE: WILL REMOVE old DVR/HD! We’re local installers!
• Monogram • Monogram • Monogram • & Dump Truck Service: Septic Cash paid. 1-800-772-1142. cars from your yard free. (931) 1-800-620-0058.
Monogram Monogram Monogram

Get Personal
tanks; footings; water lines; 1-310-721-0726. 433-3434; (931) 625-3434.
demolition work; gravel hauling. FOR SALE: .40 cal. Glock 22
(931) 433-4827. FOR RENT: OLDER house and SCRAP METAL WANTED: Free with three extra clips, speed
mobile home, Kirkland area. Ref-
erences and deposit required. No
removal of batteries, vehicles, ap-
pliances, farm equipment, tin, air
loader, and hard case, $450; or
will sell gun only for $375. (931)
Purses, Diaper Bags, lease, preferably with barn, 5 to
25 acres. (931) 993-7682.
pets. (931) 433-4476. conditioners. (931) 625-4156. 652-8438, leave message.
• •
Hand Towels, Lunch Boxes, TENNESSEE HANDGUN CAR-
Attention Ladies
Monogram Monogram Monogram

Back Packs & So Much More! RY Permit Classes. 8 hr. certi-

fication for Tennesse Handgun
Carry Permit. Flexible class
We also invite you to browse schedule. Classes weekly. Basic
and advanced courses. Call Brian
Hope Assembly of God
• our large selection of Rutledge, (931) 438-4356; cell, will be hosting a special ladies’ meeting
• (931) 993-6988.
Invitations & Note Cards Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 P.M.
Help wanted. Earn extra income
assembling CD cases from home. Featured Speaker: Darlene McCarty
Bridle Registry Working with top US companies.
Dana Batey & Kevin Mires
Not available MD, WI, SD, ND. Darlene and her husband Randall are the pastors of Cathedral of Praise in
1-800-405-7619 Ext. 104. www.
• Memphis, Tn. She is known as “The Bee Lady.” She has written two books:
The Ivy Wreath Florist & Gifts • “Glory from the Honeycomb” and “One Minute of Praise.” She also hosts

“Your Florist of Choice”

114 E. College, N. Side of Square
WE BUY GOLD annual conferences that minister to the hearts of women. We invite you to come
out and join us for this special time. Praise & Worship will be by the
Fayetteville, TN
Immediate Payment Hope Assembly Praise Team & Choir. There is no cost for attendance. If you
Parks Jewelers have any questions feel free to contact the church office at 931-433-7604. We
• Monogram • Monogram • South Side Square, Fayetteville are located approximately 2 miles from the square on the Lewisburg Highway.
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 13

Floor Supports
Toll Free 1-866-519-5984
Sizes Available: 6" - 9" - 12" - 17" - 21"

• Are appliances or heavy items causing your floor

to sag?
• Does your floor shake and dishes rattle?
• Are your floors and walls separating or cracking?
• Are there any cracks in your walls, ceiling or
• Are your floor joists weak, broken, too far apart,
or too long?
• Are your doors hard to close?

We are the ONLY LOCALLY owned and

operated manufacturer and installer of these
Concrete Adjustable Floor Supports.
Please call us for a free inspection of your
We Give FREE Estimates For Professional Installation
Also Specializing In
Termite/Water Damage Repairs
B&D Garage Doors Clear Vision
Sales & Service


Residential & Commercial
931-993-1341 • 931-438-9957 Begins
Web site: FOR SALE: 2000 Ford 150 van, STUMP GRINDING: YOU’D
91K miles, full custom, TV, VCR, be surprised how inexpensive
Locally Owned & Operated leather seats, all options, $8,200
or best offer. (931) 580-2887; or,
it is. Free estimates call, (931)
Healthy Eyes
In Business Since 1994 (931) 937-6794.
Donate a car - Help children fight- Dr. Bill Womble
ing diabetes. Fast, free towing.
STEEL CONCRETE, INC. Spe- Call 7 days/week. Non-runners • Eye examinations for all ages
cializing in residential concrete,
coloring, exposed aggregate.
Easter Special OK. Tax deductible. Call Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation, • Wide variety of eye glasses and lenses
Light earth work. Free esti-
mates. Experienced. Licensed.
Hue Counts Photography 1-800-578-0408.
• Specialty contact lenses
Reach over 30 million homes with
Insured. (931) 993-4207; (931) NO SITTING FEE one buy. Advertise in NANI for only • Treatment of eye diseases and injuries
$2,795 per week! For information,
Get a new computer. Brand name Friday, March 7th visit
laptops & desktops. Bad or no 1:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. MAKE IT RIGHT Painting & Pres- (931) 433-1370
credit - no problem. Smallest
weekly payments available. It’s sure Washing: Free estimates.
Call today for
yours now - 800-932-3721. Saturday, March 8th Leave message. Matt Kratz. (931)
an appointment!
438-8716; (931) 625-6913.
9:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. Many insurances accepted.
Jaguar, 3.0 X-Type, AWD, white FOR SALE: DALE Earnhart
and tna, 40K miles, sunroof, • See your proofs in 15 minutes Sr. collectible jacket, medium,
loaded, PW255, $17,995 plus • Order as much or as little as you like hardly worn, $200 or highest bid.
ttl, includes doc fee. Infiniti of (910)581-0318.
• Photographs back before Easter
Huntsville, (256) 882-1009.
FOR SALE: Twelve Step Lou- Brian’s Auto
isville brand roll around ladder,
RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: Call for an appointment pets, stove and refrigerator fur- great for warehouses, $450. Call & Fleet Service
New and used equipment for nished, South Lincoln County, Scott, (256) 975-6723; or, (256) All Types Of Repairs
sale. Buy used equipment. (931) 931-433-2598 rental application required, $385/
month, available March 1. (931)
828-1262. Your Location Or Mine!
363-0190. All Major Credit Cards Accepted
433-8764. Post office now hiring. Avg. $20/
hour, $57K year including federal
931-438-4550 • 256-503-1076
NEED HELP WITH grocery Secret shoppers needed - For benefits, OT. Offered by Exam
costs? Angel Food can help. Pay store evaluations. Get paid Services, not aff. with USPS who
$30, get $70 value. Sponsored by to shop and rate local stores, hires. 1-866-483-1057. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 4 bath,
We Do Installation Apostolic Life UPC. Call, (931)
227-4034, for information or order
restaurants and theaters. Flex-
ible hours, training provided. WANT TO BUY: Goats, chick-
furnished home in Taft, no pets,
rental application required, $775
Vinyl Siding • Metal Roofs at 201 Lincoln Avenue North, 1-800-585-9024, ext. 6750. ens and guineas. Call, (931) month, or unfurnished - $700
Low Pitch Roof Systems • Roof Coatings Fayetteville. 427-8477; (256) 777-0065. month, available January 08.
New Aluminum Gutters FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy Cavalier, & Boarding. Individual atten- FOR SALE: 1997 white F-250
Aluminum Columns new tires, good condition, $3,000 tion. Large breeds welcome. diesel pickup, extended cab, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1999
or best offer. (256) 520-8891. Six miles from square. Worth auto., gooseneck and bumper Mercury Grand Marquis GS, all
Aluminum & Vinyl Handrails the drive! Call Julie, (931) hitches, 146K miles, $6,500. (931) power, 57K miles, nice clean car,
433-6939. STK #G105, $6,900 plus ttl, TNDL
D&S WE BUY JUNK cars & trucks up 937-7667.
to $100. Buy used batteries & #2248. (931) 625-3434.
Home Improvement & Repair Service transmissions. Aaron Coats. (931) FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2006
Mercury Mariner Premier, 2WD,
FOR SALE: AQUA Glass (acryl-
256-828-5774 937-0368; (931) 993-7597. Ford F-150 Super Cab, 4x4, CD,
leather, loaded, 26K miles, STK automatic, PW, dual exhaust, ic) whirlpool, 4’x6’, recessed
Absolutely all cash! Do you #H060, $12,900 plus ttl, TNDL PW253, $16,995 plus ttl, includes (in floor) type, like new, price
earn $800/day? Vending route. #2248. (931) 625-3434. doc fee. Infiniti of Huntsville, (256) reduced to $650. Call M-F, 8 a.m.
POLE BARN BUILDERS - Barns, 30 machines + candy. $9,995. 882-1009. - 5 p.m., (931) 433-9737.
ISHING - Servicing Lincoln and shops, garages, metal roofs, etc. 1-800-807-6485. (Void SD/CT/
MD). bedroom mobile homes. (931)
Madison Counties. Driveways; Randy Taylor, (931) 425-6582. 433-6509. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?
sidewalks; patios; slabs of any Wellness & nutritional coaching
size. Call for estimate, (931) WANT TO BUY: 30 to 300 acres, WANTED NURSE PRACTIONER
or PA, Lewisburg Medical Clinic, Consolidate bills. Good/bad credit Clinical massage & reflexology
937-6991. fast closing. (706) 346-1800. welcome. $2,500-$200,000. No
Lewisburg, TN. (931) 270-7888. Vitamins, herbs, homeopathy
application fees. Save money
MENT: All types remodeling, inside Mitsubishi Diamante, STK. Timeshare Resales. The cheap- now! Solutions for all your financial Holistic Therapy Services
needs. 1-866-677-2455. www.
and out, no job too small. (931) #G172, 4-dr., gold, 33K miles, est way to buy, sell and rent time-
shares. No commissions or broker 931-425-6833
607-1034; (931) 438-8449. loaded, leather, very nice, $8,900
plus TTL, TNDL #2248. (931) fees. Call 877-494-8246 or go to
WANTED: YARDS TO mow and/ 625-3434.
or trim, reasonable rates, profes-
sional service. (931) 438-9063; FOR RENT: TWO bedroom WILL DO CARPENTRY work, tile
work, additions, decks, carports,
We Do All Phases Of Construction
From Site Prep To Concrete Work
(931) 433-3755. duplex apartment, Skinem area,
$425 month/deposit, year lease, small barns, etc. Call, (931)
WANT TO RENT: Pastureland/ no pets. (931) 993-0304. 438-9331.
farmland, willing to pay up to $30
per acre. (931) 363-6573; (931) & Everything In Between!
Rambo Marine is seeking a motivated, driven,
YARDS CUT, BUSHES and goal oriented individual to join our prefessional Roofing, Siding, Framing, Garages, Decks, Polebarns, New Homes,
trees trimmed, general clean Remodeling, Log Homes, & Steel Frame Buildings
up. Call, (931) 732-4272; or, sales team. We offer a strong pay plan with
(931) 993-0137. Ask for Jeff or health and retirement benefits. Apply in person Quality work, on time, on budget, competitive pricing
at Rambo Marine, Hazel Green, Alabama Over 20 yrs. experience
Free Home Bible Study or
Correspondence Course BergerOne Construction
Please Call 195 Woods Rd. • Frankewing, TN 38459
(931) 425-0058
Leave name, address and 15904 Hwy. 231 N. • Hazel Green, AL 35750 931-625-9610 • Fax: 931-363-0902
phone number
Taft Church of Christ 256-828-3590 David R. Schneeberger, Owner •
Page 14 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

Richardson Waste Removal TIONS, metal roofing, concrete
work, painting (inside or out),
MWD, warranty, cab, bucket, hay
spear, pallet forks, 150 hours,
Over 40 Years Experience in Waste Industry miscellaneous carpenter jobs, $46,700; MF 10 square baler,
vinyl siding and vinyl replace- $800; 15 ft. Woods Batwing bush- Clearing • Site Preparation
Bus: 931-433-6634 ment windows, plumbing, mobile hog, $8,000; Vermeer disk mower, Ponds • Roads • Pads
Cell: 931-580-3959 home repairs. Billy Hobbs, (931)
433-1806, or (931) 438-4996.
only cut 25 acres, $5,800; 8 wheel
hay rake, $1,700; hay unroller, Demolition • Trackhoe Service
Residential • Commercial • Industrial $825; 250 gallon fuel tank, $300; Top Soil & Fill Dirt For Sale
Construction • Clean-up Jobs Large or Small Assemble magnets & crafts liquid nitrogen tank & A I kit, $550; Gravel Hauled
from home! Year round work! other equipment as well. (931)
Containers available Excellent pay! No experience! 433-7053. Complete Lowboy
for all job sizes Top US company! Glue gun, & Dump Truck Services
painting, jewelry & more! Toll free WANTED: LAND TO cut for hay
"Our business is picking up" 1-866-844-5091. or to rent (931) 937-8810; (931)
205-3267. If no answer, leave
(931) 937-8058 • (931) 625-2023
ing. Custom designer scrubs;
prom dresses, all sizes; altera- Earn up to $500 weekly assem- FOR SALE: ONE year old Sears Need a loan? No credit - Bad
North Carolina Mountains: New WANTED: SKID STEER operator tions. Quick turn around time. bling angel pins at home. No ex- credit - Bankruptcy - Reposses-
stove and refrigerator; cherry din-
log cabin shell on 2 wooded acres, for landscaping and lawn care Professional. For your sewing perience required. 817-230-4879; sion - Personal loans - Auto loans
ing table with five chairs. Call after
only $99,900. Free brochure of business. Must have valid drivers needs call Andrea Sharp. Near - Consolidation loans available!
4 p.m., (931) 993-4714.
mountain and riverfront acreage. license. (256) 797-7791. Stateline. (931) 438-9223. “We have been helping people
Financing. 828-652-8700. with credit problems since 1991”.
Online Pharmacy. Buy Soma,
Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar.
Toyota 4Runner, 4x4, SR5, V-6,
PW, PDL, keyless, PW243,
FOR SALE: LOG house, inground
pool, 1,000 sq. ft. pool house and
5 acres, barn, $95,000; five acres,
Cancer Insurance Call 1-800-654-1816.

NEED AN ENGINE or trans-

90 qty. - $51.99, 180 qty. - $84.99. $22,995 plus ttl, includes doc
Price includes prescription! We
will match any competitors price!
fee. Infiniti of Huntsville, (256)
road frontage, great building site,
$25,000. (931) 293-6569; (931)
As Low As $16.58! mission? We’ve got great
prices. Call Johnathan, (931)
1-866-465-0732; unitedpharmal- Secret shoppers needed immedi- GOOD BLACK TOPSOIL For Data entry processors needed!
ately for store evaluations. Local Sale: Call for good price. Earn $3,500-$5,000 weekly
FOR SALE: 33.17 acres, 16x80
mobile home, 50x80 horse barn,
stores, restaurants and theaters.
Training provided, flexible hours.
Good pad dirt. Will haul rock Will Stanford working from home! Guaran-
from crusher, also haul creek 12819 Hwy. 231/431 Suite E teed paychecks! No experience
3± acre lake, SE Lincoln County, Assignments available now!!! gravel. (931) 433-2118; (931) necessary! Positions available
TN. Days, (615) 772-8855; nights, 1-800-585-9024 ext. 6262. 703-4389. Hazel Green, AL 35750 today! Register online now! www.
(931) 937-6629.
HONEST AND DEPENDABLE A job no experience nec. Unique
lady would like to clean your co-ed traveling sales job. 18+ FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1996
Looking For home. (931) 433-3184. only. Transportation furnished, Ford F-350 XLT, 4-dr. dually, 460
return guaranteed. Call today, gas engine, all power, 134K miles,
300 - 500 Acres Movie Extras - Paid! Actors, start tomorrow. 1-877-Kay-Crew, Consolidate bills. Good/bad credit FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1995 STK#H012, $7,900 plus ttl, TNDL
Pasture models! Make $100-$300+ day.
No experience required. Meet
1-800-988-0650. welcome. $2,500-$200,000. No BMW 318ic, STK#B063, convert- #2248. (931) 625-3434.
Frank Pylant, Assoc. Broker application fees. Save money ible, 2-dr., black, with black roof
ALA Auct. #1909 celebrities. Full-time/part-time. Cash advance. No credit? No now! Solutions for all your financial and leather, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, POSITION NEEDED: CERTI-
BERRY LAND & AUCTION, LLC All looks needed! 800-340-8404, problem! #1 in customer service. needs. Toll free, 1-866-608-BILL 71K miles, super sharp, $6,500 FIED Reflexologist for Southern • 256-683-5800 Extension 2734. 1-888-257-7524; yourcashbank. (2455). www.paylesssolutions. plus ttl, TNDL # 2248. (931) Lincoln County, TN and Northern
com. Void where prohibited by com. 625-3434. Madison County, AL. Please call,
law. (931) 703-5329, if interested.
Security/bodyguards jobs. Gov- FOR SALE: MAUSOLEUM,
Donate your car. Help disabled ernment contracts. Excellent crypt, 2-person, at Huntsville HAY FOR SALE: Bahia or Ber-
children with camp and educa- income + benefits. Free train- Memory Gardens, exceptional muda, $50; crab grass, $45, 4x5
tion. Fast, easy, free towing. ing. No experience/felonies. value. (256) 656-4672. rolls; Bermuda square - $5. (251)
Just the right Deductible. Special kids fund. 1-866-271-7779. www.body- 589-3506.
thing for 1-888-830-2127. Your brand new computer, bad
Springtime or no credit - No problem. Brand
this year! name laptops and desktops. Need A Car?
Let Us Do The Hard Stuff! Smallest weekly payments avail.
It’s yours now, 1-800-640-0656. •Bad Credit
Beautiful •No Credit
Spring Colors in Lawnmowing & Maintenance FOR SALE: 1986 Chevy Sil- •Slow Credit
verado pickup, 4x4, short wheel
Cardigans and Professional Landscaping Services base, good condition, asking 1-888-795-9386
Pullovers General Lawn Cleanup & Care $4,800. (931) 732-5214.
S ale In
In Progress
Progress Years Of Experience • Free Estimates
The East Side Square Radway & Sons
Fayetteville, TN Storewide sale in progress!
931-433-8735 Lawn & Landscaping
EST. 1979 Free Gift Wrap • Delivery
Fayetteville Antique Mall
Fayetteville’s Most Interesting Store
Sat. 10 A.M.-4:30
.-4:30 P.M. Mobile: 931-993-0137 112 E. College St. • Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-1231 • Mon.-Sat. 10-5
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 15

All ew Bet More

m e
co r N
Wel At Ou n!
sts tio
New Location!!
T Stonebridge Restaurant Family welcomes you to our new location due to the Hwy. 64 construction.
ter Spa
Ser Quali ce
vice ty &
Gue Loca
We have moved to 1701 Huntsville Hwy. (The Old Rachel's Building) for the convenience & to better serve our customers.
— Mon. - Thurs. 6 A.M. - 9 P.M. • ( 3 buffets daily) —
Buf $599 with drink
Breakfast Buffet — Fri. & Sat. 6 A.M. -10 P.M. — Fresh Off The Grill!!
RE !
Lunch Buffet $650 with drink Seafood Buffet $999 with drink Try Our Flamed Grilled Steaks
$ 49
VARI Dinner Buffet 7 with drink Grilled Fish, Grilled Chicken &
— Sunday — We now offer a full menu for More!
Lunch & Dinner Buffet $799 with drink Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!!
Cate e Offer

Stonebridge Restaurant & Ca rin
n Acc g Servic
omo es
Parti date Lar
1701 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN es!! ge
FOR SALE: 2000 Fleetwood
Attention Farmers doublewide, four bedrooms, two
baths, LR, FR, SR, laundry, cathe-
We have a good line of Massey dral ceilings, two skylights, ceiling

Ferguson & Ford parts. We also

fans, large windows, great home
for growing family, near Molino,
Heating & Air Conditioning Service
have IH, John Deere & others. must be moved. REDUCED - 40 Years In Business
$46,500. (256) 881-9399.
We repair gas & diesel tractors, APARTMENT FOR RENT: All Now
hay equipment, bushhogs, etc. utilities furnished, must have ref- • Residential Accepting
erences, no pets. (931) 433-8992;
See us for your (931) 625-0297. • Light
L Commercial All Major
weedeater & lawn mower parts • Sales
S & Installation Credit Cards
America’s favorite coffee dist.
Guaranteed accts. Multi bil- • Gas & Electrical
lion $ industry. Unlimited prof-
Durham Farm Center it potential. Free info. 24/7,
25 McAlister Rd. TVA Approved • Free Estimates
Fayetteville, TN 37334 FOR SALE: BERMUDA square
bales, horse quality, $5 each.
931-433-6389 (931) 433-6132; cell, (931)
Owner: Frank Durham 625-7219. 2711 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN (Park City area)

1,000 envelopes = $6,000 guar-

anteed! Receive $6 for every en-
Now hiring home typists. $5,000
In-Store Jeweler velope stuffed. 24 hr. information, FOR SALE: THREE chicken
guaranteed in 30 days. Apply
online: General Repairs • Custom Jewelry
We Repair Eyeglasses & Quartz Watches
1-888-423-3820 code 701. barns with 10 or 50 acres. (931)
937-6455. Roofing
al. Pruning and hedge trimming.
Bucket truck. Free estimates.
Parks Jewelers
South Side Square
**Awesome Career** Govern-
ment postal jobs! $17.80 to $59.00
hour entry level. No experience
required/now hiring! Green card
High school diploma. Fast, afford-
able, accredited. Free brochure.
Call now! 1-800-532-6546, ext.
Insured. Charles Barnes, (931) O.K. Call 1-800-913-4384 ext. 532; www.continentalacademy.
438-0909. 103. Closed Sundays. com.


WANTED: WELLS TO drill. Free I WOULD LIKE to babysit in my
also, carports and metal buildings.
3/4 ton, flatbed, $7,500; 16 ft. home, 25 years experience. New Licensed Fayetteville Commercial
Insured ◆ Tennessee ◆ Residential
30 year warranty on metal. 64 estimates. (931) 659-9325; (931)
stock trailer with middle gates, 659-9327. Market/Hazel Green area. (256)
$2,500; 1998 Dodge Dakota Construction. (931) 808-8167. 828-9825; (256) 755-1485.
Sport, 4-cylinder, $3,000; Angus KENNETH EDWARDS BULL-
cow/calf pairs, $1,100. (931) Assemble magnets & crafts from Hondas from $500! Police im- Flat, Shingle, and Metal Roofs • FREE Estimates
home! Year round work! Excellent DOZING: With 850 John Deere.
308-2131. 30 years experience. Free esti- pounds for sale! Many makes/
pay! No experience! Toll free models available. For listings call,
1-866-844-5091, code - 11. mates. Reasonable rates. (931)
FOR RENT: TWO bedroom apart- 937-7542. 1-800-706-1759 x6445.
ment, in Fayetteville, good area. ba. home, $199/month; 6 bd., 2 For Sale: One bedroom, new
Utilities, cable, laundry furnished. FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2000
Ford Explorer Sport, 4x4, 2-dr., ba., only $229/mo. More 1-4 bds. kitchen cabinets, hardwood
$525 month. (256) 859-6831. available! 5% down, 20 years @ floors, must be moved, $6,000 or
loaded, very clean, 68K miles,
STK#F113. Will finance. TNDL 8%. For listings, 800-546-3120 best offer. (931) 205-6174.
Government Jobs - $12-$48/hr.
#2248. (931) 625-3434. x5269.
paid training, full benefits. Call Mystery shoppers! Earn up to
for information on current hiring FOR SALE: 1975 mobile home, $150 daily. Get paid to shop PT/
positions in Homeland Security, Your brand new computer, bad Site Preparation • Land Clearing
or no credit - No problem. Brand two bedrooms, one bath, newly re- FT. Call now 800-690-1272.
Wildlife, Clerical and Profession-
name laptops and desktops. Roads, Pools, Ponds • All Sorts Of Demolition modeled, must be moved, $2,000
al. 1-800-320-9353 x2100.
Smallest weekly payments avail. All Types Dirt Work • Trackhoe Services or best offer. (931) 937-7987;
It’s yours now, 800-932-4501. (931) 625-4724.
We pay cash now for future pay- Gravel Hauled From Crusher • Stump Grinding
ments from annuities, lawsuit All Types Mid-size & Large Dump Truck Services NEEDED: FARMS AND small
settlements, lottery winnings, CUSTOM-BUILT GARAGESAND
pole barns or building packages. Good Top Soil, Fill Dirt & Creek acreages. Our demand is great
and seller held notes. Also and our supply is short. We will
Discount Metal Roofing Manufac-
cash now for pending settle-
turing. (931) 433-3030.
Gravel For Sale get you top dollar. The J. Paul
ments.; Richardson & Son Realty Co.,
WANT TO CLEAN houses. Will 931-433-2118 • 931-703-4389 (931) 433-2352.
help with any spring clean-
S & S Traffic ing. Seven days week. (931)
433-4041. $$$$Get cash now! We buy
Paving, Sealing, structured settlements and insur-
$$Cash$$ Immediate cash for ance annuities. Call 123 lumpsum
Striping structured settlements, annuities, today!!! 1-877-966-8669$$$$$.
931-438-4380 lawsuits, inheritances, mortgage
notes and cash flows. J.G. Went- FOR SALE: 1991 Cherokee Jeep,
Licensed & Insured worth #1. 1-(800) 794-7310. 4x4, $2,200. (931) 625-5222.

Recycle Your Old Gold - For Our New Jewelry

Bring in your broken karat gold chains, rings, etc. and trade them in for new jewelry.
You’ll be amazed at what that old gold jewelry is worth!
Custom Sewing (For trade only - we do not give cash for your gold)
Free Private Fitting Now thru March 31st
& Estimate Gold is at an all-time high. Top dollar for your gold trade-in.
Prom • Pageant • Bridal Wear Spray’s has the lowest prices on quality diamonds in the TN Valley!

Alison Anne
B & Formal Wear Alterations
In Store Jewelry Repair ~ Engraving ~ Appraisals
510 Hwy. 53, Suite D • Harvest, AL 1822 B Huntsville Hwy. • Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-6081
Lay-aways Welcome • Financing Available, WAC
Page 16 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

"Working For You" No Equipment To Buy

No DVR Start-Up Costs

CROSS - CONNECTION 100 Channels New Personalized Ribbon

for $2999
Free 1-4 Room System Picture Frames
AWARENESS Free Fast Installation
Call 24 hrs / 7days a week Neat idea for kids rooms and make great
MONTH 2008 for details gifts for baby, birthdays and weddings!
1-800-943-8418 Our pharmacy is ready to serve you:
Se Habla Espanol Delivery within city limits • Patient profiles kept
Diabetes management program
GROOMING BY PENNY: Profes- PCCA compounding pharmacy
sional dog and cat grooming,
by appointment. 465 Ardmore Free Gift Wrapping! • Bridal Registry Available!
Hwy. (931) 433-3735.


Carter’s Drug Store
bedroom, two bath, large kitchen “Where Everybody Goes”
and breakfast nook, open floor Locally owned & operated • Open 365 days a year
plan, mostly hardwood floors and 106 S. Elk Avenue • Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-1511
10’ ceilings, nice yard, walking
distance to Fayetteville Square, Hours: Mon.–Fri. 8–7; Sat. 8–6; Sun. 10–5
Left to right: Billy Joe Wiley, LCBPU Superintendent; Joey Clark,
$560 month with $500 security
Cross-Connection Specialist; Andy Hopkins, Cross-Connection Spe-
deposit. (931) 993-7757.
cialist; Peggy Bevels, County Executive; Wade Williams, LCBPU
Board Member; Jerry Johnson, LCBPU Board Member. GARAGE SALE: SATURDAY,
38 Shelton Rd., off Old Lincoln
At Lincoln County Board of Public Utilities March Rd. Betty Boop; Dolphin; baby
is the month that we stress cross-connection in our items; tables.
Two, CKC registered, white,
non-shedding, $300 each. (931)
Community Open House
Actually, every day we take cross-connection violations Wolff tanning beds as low as
$28 a month! Free DVD player 659-6400.
very seriously but during March we are making a
special effort to make our customers aware of the
- Order by 3/14/2008. Call ETS
Tan today! 888-839-5160; www. FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2002
March 11th • 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
seriousness of it. Pontiac Grand Prix, 4-dr., nice North Hills Early Childhood Center
clean car, 101K miles, STK#H120.
MATURE LADY WITH small Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931) Preschool & Daycare
Joey Clark and Andy Hopkins are the primary cross- 625-3434. Ages 2, 3, & 4
indoor dog looking for house
connection specialist at Lincoln County Board of
Public Utilities, and they are responsible to the State
to rent. (931) 438-4595, leave
NOW HIRING: TRUCK drivers. Opening August 2008
Health Department for ensuring that our system is Local delivery, guaranteed salary,
in compliance with all of the federal, state, and local FREE: NEUTERED CAT, ex- weekly pay, benefits available.
Class A CDL required. Contact:
Full Day Program - 6:30 A.M. to 6 P.M.
regulations as they relate to cross-connection. tremely affectionate, scared of Monday-Friday $130/week
cats/children. (931) 433-6396. Charles Williams & Associates,
(931) 732-4774. Tues/Wed/Thurs $80/week
Dairy Barns and Poultry Houses are the primary FOR SALE: 2002 Ford F-150
potential cross-connection violators. FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL hand
Super Crew, 4x4, 4.6L, automatic,
Lariat, 96,000 miles, towing pack- quilted quilts, several patterns Half-Day Program - 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
age, hard cover, sunroof, needs available, $250 each, two or Monday-Friday $200/month
Homeowners that have not served any well or spring more - $200 each. Can be seen
water lines that connect to Lincoln County Board new tires, asking $12,000. (256) Tues/Wed/Thurs $130/month
714-4434; (256) 721-7394; (256) at Magaline Edwards, 10 Patrick
of Public Utilities water service lines are also in 830-1503. Rd., off of E. Prospect. Please see website for enrollment forms.
Nat’l organization now hiring. Avg. Mystery shoppers - Get paid to
pay $20/hour or $57K/yr. including shop! Retail/dining establish-
We are constantly monitoring and checking for cross- ments need undercover clients North Hills Early Childhood Center
connection violations but during the month of March federal benefits and OT. Offered
by USWA. 1-866-483-5634. to judge quality/customer ser- PO Box 320
we are making a special effort to reduce and eliminate vice. Earn up to $70 a day. Call, 11319 Highway 231/431
the potential for cross-connection in our system. LICENSED, INSURED. FRAM- 888-731-1179.
ING, unlimited home renovations.
Meridianville, AL 35759
For additional information please call Telisa Reed at Free estimates. One call for all FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2005 256 829-0333
your home needs, from foundation Ford Freestar van, 4-dr., red,
931-433-2259. all power, third row seat, very
to finish. (256) 651-1856.
nice, 49K miles, $10,900 plus ttl, Affordable health benefits from
Billy Joe Wiley, Andy Hopkins FOR SALE: WHIRLPOOL dryer,
FAMILY FUN BOUNCE Rentals: STK#H008, TNDL #2248. (931) $85.90 - $289.90 monthly for
Superintendent State Certified Cross-Connection Specialist $100. (931) 307-0916.
Birthday parties, church/school 625-3434. family. Includes doctors, dental,
Joey Clark events. Moon bounces/slides/ HAIR SALON BOOTH For Rent: hospitalization, accident, medical,
State Certified Cross-Connection Specialist waterslides. (256) 468-4674; GOSPEL SINGING: TAFT Full
Established clientele preferred. prescriptions, vision, life. Become
www.familyfunbouncerentals. Gospel Church, March 8, 2008,
Call Amanda, (931) 703-0589. healthy, call today. Everyone’s
com. 7:00 p.m. Featuring: True Heart.
Lincoln County Board of Public Utilities Everyone welcome. Pastor: Har-
accepted! 800-930-1796.
KILN - WILL KILN dry your lumber;
2863 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334 DON GATLIN BACKHOE, Dozer old Boggs. also, dry and green lumber for DOZER, LOADER, BACKHOE
and Dump Truck Service: Top sale. (931) 433-6594. Service. Ponds; land clearing;
soil delivered. Crushed rock FOR RENT: THREE bedrooms, pads; all types of dirt work; river
hauled. (931) 433-5847. two baths, $650 month. First
Edward Handyman POST OFFICE NOW Hiring. Avg.
month-last month, deposit re-
FOR SALE: NIKE Shox baseball bottom topsoil; fill dirt; brown
pay $20/hour or $57K annually (metal) cleets, men’s size 10, river rock; crusher gravel. Gary
Roofing • Vinyl Siding including Federal Benefits, OT. FOR RENT: APARTMENTS - One quired. Days, (931) 659-9377; royal with white logo, $35. (931) Damron. (931) 937-8709.
Plumbing • Electrical Offered by Exam Services, not furnished efficiency, one furnished nights, (931) 659-9375. 433-5136.
All types of repairs! affiliated with USPS who hires. one bedroom, no pets, deposit ABORTION INFORMATION
1-866-795-4072. required. (931) 433-7385; (931) TURN YOUR STUMPS into Viagra/Cialis, Viagra/Cialis. 40 for And Pregnancy Counseling:
931-625-5940 993-8353. mulch, flat or turned over. Call $99; 40 for $99. www.WESAVEO- All calls confidential. Call (931)
931-438-8189 Owe the IRS or State?? Haven’t Paul’s Stump Removal. (931) NDRUGS.COM; 888-942-2262. 433-5433.
filed tax returns???Get instant HAVING A REUNION? Order 852-2076; (931) 242-9882.
relief. Call Mike 1-800-487-1992; personalized napkins to be used
grinding. Free estimates. (931) espanol. 404 S. Main, Fayetteville. (931) call Jason for the solution to all

FOR SALE: 1994 Impala SS LT-1,

power, leather, 57,000 original
Get a new computer. Brand
new laptops and desktops.
Bad or no credit - No prob-


to own - New three bedroom, two
of your computer needs. (931)
227-4344; Jason@justcalljason.
net. Help Wanted
miles, near new Z-rated tires, lem. Smallest weekly payments bath house. Down payment, $650 FOR SALE: 2002, 4.6 5-speed
original black paint, excellent,
$12,750. Jim, (256) 783-2870.
available. It’s yours now - Call month. Days, (931) 659-9377;
nights, (931) 659-9375.
Mustang GT, convertible, fully
loaded, in excellent condition,
Certified Mechanic
83,000 miles, $11,500. Call, (256)
658-4312. Apply in person at…
FOR SALE: 1995 Ford F-150, Farrar Tire Center
W ow! The last seven months have truly been blessed, and we have seen the
presence of our Lord, Christ Jesus, and rejoiced in his favor. Now, we are
ready to offer you increased ministries in this exciting and transformational
Eddie Bauer, 300 6-cylinder,
5-speed, 212,000 miles, very
nice truck, $3,000 firm. (931)
501 S. Main, Fayetteville, TN
No phone calls please
993-9406; (931) 433-4433.
work. Ministries that will assist you in going deeper into the things of God
than ever before and experiencing Him in all aspects of your life.
It is with great joy that we announce the appointment of Fred Day as the
new Worship Minister for New Day Revival Center. Fred joins the ministry
team of Pastor Ron Wood and Assoc. Pastor Bobby White, both of whom are
ordained with Evangel Fellowship International.
In addition, we are now forming a Youth and Children’s ministry that will
assist parents in “training them up in the way they should go!”
New Day Revival Center is affiliated with Evangel Fellowship International,
a Full Gospel fellowship under the direction of Bishop Houston Miles,
1451 Kenwood Drive, Fayetteville, TN 37334
New Day Ministries (Conveniently located on Huntsville Hwy., behind Citizen’s Bank)
1622 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334
931-438-9587 Quality Collision Repair
Worship Schedule:
Sunday, Worship 10:00 A.M. • Healing Service 6:00 P.M.
Free Estimates, All Insurance Welcome,
Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. Lifetime Warranty, State of the Art Equipment
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 17


Kathy Presti Lee Ann Johnson
Lincoln County 1-800-219-7644 Jim Chambers Jackie Childress
Fax: 931-433-5898
931-993-8227 931-625-0581
REALTY 2750 Huntsville Hwy., Suite B,
931-625-3347 931-808-0713

Fayetteville, TN 37334

Bob Whitsett Tammy Quick Award Winning Agents - On Your Way Home! Kay Luttrell Joel Garrett
931-703-1180 931-625-1042 On Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week to better serve you! 931-581-0272 Principal Broker
g ng
w Lis
isti Thinking
Ne N
#939 - Cozy Cottage - Great home for #936 - Remodeled And Ready For #832 - Home And Horse Farm - Ap- #824 - Commercial Property -7± acres Call our office today!
the first time buyer inside city limits. All You! - New vinyl siding, new laminate prox. 5 miles south of Fayetteville. 15.5 on Redstone Drive, off 231/431 Hunts-
the appliances stay. Back yard has pri- floors, new paint. 1.45 acre yard, 20x20 acres, 40x80 horse barn w/10 stalls, of- ville Hwy. south in Fayetteville city lim- WE NEED LISTINGS!!!
vacy fence. Call today! MLS #947101. shop, tool shed, 2 car carport, CHA! fice w/bath. Home has 3 BR, LR, kitchen its. Excellent location for numerous type
$79,900. MLS #943741. $74,500. & dining combo. Public water & natural business. Contact office for details. MLS
gas. MLS #874473. $135,000. #868274. $595,000.


#930 - Great For First Time Home #892 - Nice Brick Country Home On #906 - 1300± Sq. Ft. Home - Offers 3 #889 - Unity School District!
#926 - WOW! - 3 BR, 2 BA. Lo-
Buyer - Located in quiet subdivision. 2 Acres - Hardwood floors, carpeted BR, 1.5 bath, large family room, nice in- This 3 BR, 2 BA home is ideal for cated in Southern Lincoln County
Convenient to Huntsville. Large lot. den, updated kitchen, large trees, de- ground pool, privacy fenced back yard, first time home buyer. Large lot. in one of the newer subdivisions.
Large closets. Call today! MLS #942933. tached shop! Immediate Possession. screened in porch & nice BBQ pit for
Priced to sell! Call today!
$89,000. MLS #893866. $139,900. summertime fun. Detached garage. Call
today. MLS #906529. $119,500. MLS #889963. $92,000.

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ WANTED: LAND FOR lease for WHAT IS COMPACT fluorescent



local hunter. (931) 205-1049; lighting? It is a way you can


(931) 937-6334. conserve energy and save on


your monthly electric bill. To
purchase these bulbs, go to
Your Extended

also, mobile home lots and RV FPU’s office, 408 West College
spaces for rent. Morrows in Park Street, Monday-Friday. Stop
City. (931) 433-3159. by this week to start making
Welcomes a difference in your wallet and
DAVIS & SON lawn mower community. A joint conserva- ®

Dave Roller repair, you break it, we fix it.

(931) 438-2804.
tion effort between Fayette-
ville Public Utilities and the Self Storage
To Our Sales Staff
“Stop by and visit with the
pickup, bad transmission, $800 or
best offer. (931) 425-0758.


friendliest most experienced
within 35 miles of Huntland, TN.
Milton Stover, (931) 469-7894. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
for Alan Tedders, Saturday, March
Give Dave a call to get 8, 4:30-6:30 p.m., $5 donation, Tennessee Mountain Acreage.
Christian Fellowship Church, on Two acre beautiful home site,
the best deal on your next Lincoln Rd. million $ view! Secluded, utilities,
auto purchase! overlooking Tennessee River.
FOR SALE: 2000 Lincoln Con- Close to marina, schools, shop-
tinental, ivory, sunroof, 85,000 ping! $49,900, low down, owner
miles, great shape, $6,500. (256) financing! 330-699-1585.
Post office now hiring. Avg. 5x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20 and
pay $20/hour or $57K annually 10x30 units at great prices.
1223 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN including federal benefits and Our convenient location in
(931) 433-2532 • 1-800-737-2552 OT. Offered by Exam Services, downtown Park City makes us
not aff. with USPS who hires. the right choice for your stor-
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 1-866-574-4781. age needs. Call, (931) 273-9737,
for more information. Your
Extended Attic.
CRETE. Nothing too big - Noth- The Series One Contractors Policy from High School Diploma!!! Graduate WANT TO DO: Painting (inside/ Need a loan? No credit - Bad
ing too small. Free estimates. 29 State Auto gives contractors broad, in 4 weeks! Call toll free now! out), window replacements, re- credit - Bankruptcy - Reposses-
years experience. Dale Gifford, basic and complete coverage for property and 1-866-308-2165 Ext. 503; www. modeling, room additions, decks, sion - Personal loans - Auto loans
(931) 469-7401. general liabilities at surprisingly low premium rates. vinyl. Jim King. (931) 433-7234. - Consolidation loans available!
Plus you have the option of choosing from several
“We have been helping people
LEARN TO RIDE: Lessons, custom packages. Call today for more information. TURNER’S PAINTING & pres- FOR SALE: 1996 Dodge with credit problems since 1991”.
training. English or Western. sure washing. Cabinet refin- van; building stones. (931) Call 1-800-654-1816.
Colts started. Problems kindly Dixie Smith Insurance Agency ishing. 20 years experience. 433-9534.
solved. Kent Greenough, (931) Agent/Owner Dixie Smith Licensed and insured. (931) FOR SALE: REGISTERED Angus
732-4599. 114 N. Main Avenue, Fayetteville, TN 425-6578. WE BUY GOLD and silver. Call bulls and heifers, excellent blood-
931-433-9842 Micky, (931) 433-1131. lines. (931) 433-0696.
FOR SALE: 7’ & 8’ cedar fence H&L HOME IMPROVEMENT:
post, $4; corner post, $6; barn All types of painting, spraying,
poles available. (931) 703-2283; remodeling, roofing, metal and
(931) 433-8019. asphalt. Licensed and insured.
Fred Holder, (931) 433-2686;
FOR SALE: 3500 KW generator,
$225; dune buggy, $1,500; 5’ HOMES FOR RENT: No rent! FOR SALE: MALLARD Sprinter
Greg Lester, (931) 438-8402; Bret
Holder, (931) 937-7077. Farmers
box blade, $225; 6’ Taylorway
finishing mower, $950; 1984
Gov’t & bank repos! $0 to low
down! No credit OK! Call now!
camper, 26’, new tires, all acces-
sories included, great condition, LAKEFRONT PROPERTY FOR Auction
Cutlass Supreme, $1,500; 8N
tractor and 5’ bushhog, $2,500;
18’ inboard/outboard boat, $700.
1-800-498-8614. $4,000. Call, (931) 937-7347. sale or trade for “what have you?”
Will finance. (931) 937-1052. Company
FOR SALE: NEW three bedroom, DirecTV free 4 room system!
(931) 227-7330. two bath house, approximately Checks accepted! 250+ channels! FOR RENT: OLDER two bed- 40 Angus Cow & Pairs
$659 month includes taxes and in- Starts $29.99! Free Showtime + room mobile home, new carpet, To Sell
HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED FOR surance. No money down, no clos- Starz, 90+ HD channels! Free tile floors, $250 month, $250
home and business, minimum 8 ing cost. Days, (931) 659-9377; DVR/HD! We’re local installers! deposit, 216 Ardmore Hwy. (256)
March 13th • Approx. 6:00 P.M.
hours/week, references required.
(931) 433-5873.
nights, (931) 659-9375. 1-800-973-9044. 732-3977. We Have An Auction
Every Thursday At 1:30 P.M.
Earn $500+ daily, part-time.
Much more full-time! Provide a GARDENER’S CHOICE CONCEPTS If you cannot be at the auction
simple service every home and
business must have! Free report.
check it out
Call Drytech: 1-800-507-7222, LIVE on the internet at
#CL8002. Rock Work
Licensed contractor. 30 years We receive cattle
experience. (931) 759-7529. Patios each Wednesday until 7:00 P.M.
Walk Ways
FOR SALE: 1994 Nissan Path- Entrances and all day Thursday.
finder LE, 4x4, roof rack, off road
lights, PW, PDL, leather, CD, tint, Retaining Walls Family owned
$2,900. (931) 433-6463. Landscaping and operated since 1950
Maintenance 518 Oak Street • Fayetteville, TN
AUTO UPHOLSTERY 931-433-3534 • 931-433-3535
Need headliner off your head?
Seats, carpet & custom interiors Mike & Jeanie Hyde 931-438-4116 Open Monday thru Friday
James “Dawg” Scott Marc Hyde 931-438-4110
425 S. Lincoln Ave.
433-6579 708 South Main Ave., Fayetteville, TN 37334
Page 18 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

Lincoln County
Board of Public Utilities Come On In Sit By The Fire Or The Big
Screen And Enjoy Cookin' Like
Customer Notice High Speed By Satellite
• No Dial Up, No Cable Grandmaw Use To Do!!
The Board approved, at the February 7th Board Needed
March Live Entertainment ~ Dusty Roads (watch for dates)
• Download Large Files In
meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Public Utilities, Minutes Straight Off The Open Flame Grill
a revised policy for setting forth guidelines for the • Get Up To 5 Email Addresses
declaration of a water shortage emergency. • Available Everywhere
Juicy Ribeye Dinner, 12 oz. - $11.99
The Board also authorized advertising in the Call 24 hrs/7 days a week for details Great Sunday Buffet - $6.99
BBQ Ribs, Chicken & Dressing, Baked Ham & Much More
Exchange the intentions of declaring a Status 1 water The
shortage emergency effective April 16th if the area does Fri. Night Seafood Bar - $10.99 P
e r v e Our Catfi sh, shrimp, scallops, froglegs & more A F lace W
not receive significant rainfall. Res ivate A
ly here
After April 16, the following would be prohibited: Pr o om Sat. & Sun. Breakfast Bar includes coffee - 4.99 fford T Can
g R oG
• Washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Explorer, Dinin Your Big Salad Bar - $3.99 o
For vent! $
tennis courts, patios, or other exterior paved areas 4-door, V-8, loaded, one owner,
e x t E Lunch Buffet Every Day Except Sunday - 4.99
68,000 miles, excellent condition, N $
• Filling or refilling swimming pools, wading pools, V-8 engine, priced to sell - $9,995.
Dinner Buffet - 5.99
ornamental ponds, fountains and Jacuzzi type (256) 536-9406. M-F 2 Eggs, Bacon or Sausage, Toast - $1.99
• Washing of vehicles, trailers, and boats
FOR RENT: THREE bedroom In a hurry...Call us!! 931-438-0100
Gail's Country Kitchen
house, 606 N. Bellview, com-
• Any use of water from a fire hydrant fill station pletely remodeled, $600 month
except to fight fires plus deposit. (931) 732-4532.
at Gr
G re ph e re
! Se r e at
• Watering or irrigation of lawns, flower gardens, s Across From Jean's Lawn & Garden in Park City v ic e
m o !
landscaped areas, trees, shrubs or plants, with the reasonable rates, free estimates, At
exception of flower gardens by bucket references available. (931) 2669 Huntsville Hwy. • Park City, TN
438-7768; (931) 625-6444. Open 5:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Mon. - Sat. • Sun. 6:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
• Watering or irrigation of any portion of a ball field
• Use of water for dust control or compaction during FOR SALE: WALKER camper,
construction sleeps 4 or 5, good condition, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004
serious inquiries only, good Chevy Cavalier, red, 4-dr., very — New Listing —
• Commercial and industrial use in excess of 70% for montains/river, $600. (931) 25 Eastridge Rd –
nice, 48K miles, STK#H078.
of the amount used during the corresponding 937-6982. Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931) Nice Full Brick home
billing period for the previous year 625-3434. in Breckenridge S/D.
WANTED: FARM MECHANIC - Home has 3 bedrooms
Non-compliance will result in the customer being Diesel engine, hydraulics, trucks, 1,000 ENVELOPES = $10,000. and 2 baths. Hardwood
notified by telephone or door hanger for the customer trailers, tires, farm equipment and Receive $10 for every enve- and custom brick floors.
to immediately comply and cease any water policy irrigation experience necessary. lope stuffed with our sales Privacy fence in back
violations. Starting pay $10 per hour or based material. Guaranteed! Free yard. Granite kitchen
on experience. Benefits available. information: 24 hour recording,
If the customer fails to comply, their water service Long hours and weekends can counter tops and real
1-800-291-8990. marble tops in bathroom. Kitchen, MBD and Bath TV’s
will be terminated immediately. be expected during peek season.
Contact: Charles Williams & As- Old guitars wanted! Fend- remain with home. $179,900. MLS #954953.
Before service can be restored, the customer will pay
sociates, (931) 732-4774. er, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin.
a fine of $250 and sign a statement that the customer 1930’s-1960’s. Top cash paid.
will comply with the requirements of the declared Buy Timeshare Resales. Save 1-800-401-0440.
60-80% off retail!! Best resorts & Licensed in
emergency. LEADING EDGE TN & AL
seasons. Call for free timeshare RADWAY & SONS Lawn & Land-
A second offense will result in a $750 fine before magazine. 1-800-639-5319; www. scaping. Complete lawn service:
Each office independently owned and operated

water service will be restored. Cut, edge, trim. (931) 732-4272; Kathy D. Brown
A third offense will require the customer to appear or, (931) 993-0137. EQUAL HOUSING
$$$$$$NEED CASH$$$$$$ 931-993-2509
before the Board and to pay a $1,500 fine before water CASH paid for junk!! Cars, lawn-
Real Estate Service beyond Expectation! 931-433-3775
service is restored. mowers, washers, dryers, refrig- pumps and pump service.
It is recommended that any customer wanting to erators, batteries and any other General Contractors in Ala-
irrigate their yard or plants to dig a well prior to April type of scrap metal. We pick up! bama and Tennessee. (256)
Call Bob at, (931) 732-5466. 828-1892. PARK CITY PRESCHOOL, a Ambassador &
It is also important for any customer wishing to fill a Tennessee State Rated 3-Star Parkway Apartments

Preschool, has openings for One BR – $300 & up,
swimming pool to do so prior to April 16th.
Fr H
1-12 years. For more information, Two BR – $325 & up,

Townhouse – $350 & up.
The Board is attempting to bring 7 new wells on line please call, (931) 433-1252.

E Weekly Available from $135
before summer, but the above restrictions are necessary A Need cash quickly? $$$ Stay at
Washer, Dryer Hook-ups Available

until the terrible drought has ended. 931-433-7388

T home and make money. Best
If you should have any questions, please call or stop R program free video. Go to www.
by the office at Lincoln County Board of Public Utilities, E
2863 Huntsville Highway, Fayetteville, TN Step Up 2 10,000 B.C. LODGE Nursery, Preschool and
PG-13 FREE: WE WILL remove old
Billy Joe Wiley, LCBPU Superintendent PG-13 junk cars and trucks from your Child Care Center is now enrolling
property. (931) 433-8699. children ages 2 years and up. We
try to accommodate parents work
14TH ANNUAL SOUTHLAND FOR RENT: TWO bedroom, two DID YOU RECEIVE a warning schedules, offer nutritious meals
FLYWHEELERS Antique Trac- bath mobile home, located in letter from Medtronic, concerning in a safe, nurturing, learning en-
Fri. - Sat. 7 P.M., 9 P.M. Fri. - Sat. 7 P.M., 9 P.M.
tor-Engine Swap Meet and Crossroads area. No pets, inside Sunday 3 P.M., 5 P.M. 7 P.M. 3 & 5 P.M. Show a Sprint Fidelis defibrillation lead? vironment. 24 years experience,
Sunday 3 P.M., 5 P.M., 7 P.M.
Show, March 15, 2008. Down- or outside. (931) 937-6073. Mon. - Thurs. 7 P.M. Tickets only $4.00 Mon. - Thurs. 7 P.M. You may be entitled to compen- leader in phonemic awareness,
town Madison, AL. Visit www. sation. Contact Attorney Charles nationally accredited and dedi-; or Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. cated to you and your children.
call, (256) 527-0988. FISH DAY SPECIAL: Pond/ Call today to see how we can
Serving Lincoln County lake stockers. Wednesday, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2003 serve your family. Mrs. Earlene,
MOM/GRANDMOTHER WOULD March 12, Co-op in Petersburg, F-150 XLT, V-8, 4-dr., crew cab, (931) 759-5184.
like to babysit in my home, Park With General Bulldozer Work, 10:00-10:45 a.m.; Co-op in red, power everything, cloth
City area. (931) 438-0375. Fayetteville, 12:00-2:00 p.m.; interior, 57K miles, STK#H131, Airlines are hiring: Train for high
Custom Hay Rolling & Bush Hogging Harvest Feed Mill, 3:00-4:00 $13,900 plus ttl, TNDL #2248. paying aviation maintenance
GOSPEL SINGING: HWY. 64 p.m.; Clarks Feed & Hardware, (931) 625-3434. career. FAA approved program.
Church of Jesus, March 8, 7 p.m. John Deere Equipment Ardmore, 5:00-6:00 p.m., (870) Financial aid if qualified - Job
When praises go up, then bless- 697-3550. Increase male performance. No placement assistance. Call Avi-
ings come down. Pastor: Stanley REEVES FARM SERVICES prescription needed. Clinically ation Institute Maintenance.
McKin. Everyone welcome. Considering adoption? Talk with tested. Guaranteed to work. Call 888-349-5387.
931-625-3485 caring agency specializing in now for a private, risk free trial.
Spa/hot tub must sell. MSRP, matching birth mothers with fami- 888-383-0018. WILLIAM’S HOME REPAIR,
$2,499. New, never used, no Call lies nationwide. Living expenses no job too small. Remodeling;
maint. Cabinet. Includes cover. Shannon paid. Call 24/7. Abby’s One True 16 YOU-TAKE-IT ROAD House floors; painting and trim; vinyl
Will deliver. $1,999. Full warranty. Reeves Gift Adoptions. 866-910-5610. For Sale: Three bedrooms, siding; roofing and concrete. (931)
Call, 866-920-7089. two baths, 2-car carport, 625-1125.
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1997 1,300 square feet, two sheds
Mercury Grand Marquis, 4-dr., with power, 100’x100’ lot, FOR RENT: TWO bedroom
20 ANNUAL FARM loaded, leather, 100K miles,
STK#H117. Will finance. TNDL
#2248. (931) 625-3434.
Blanche Schools, $79,900. (931)
425-0170; (931) 625-1607.
house, 410 West Maple, washer/
dryer hookup, $315 month plus
deposit. (931) 438-4073.
EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT $$Cash$$ Immediate cash for
niture; pottery - McCoy, Hull NICE UPSTAIRS ONE bedroom

AUCTION structured settlements, annuities,

lawsuits, inheritances, mortgage
notes and cash flows. J.G. Went-
cookie jars; antiques; tools;
books; etc. New items weekly.
Thursday-Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
apartment for rent. Stove, refrig-
erator, washer/dryer furnished.
$300 plus security deposit. (931)
Saturday, March 22 • 9:00 A.M. worth #1. 1-800-794-7310. - 3:00 p.m., 108 S. Morgan Av- 433-5643.
enue, Fayetteville. Questions,
Lincoln County Fairgrounds • Fayetteville, TN BLACK TOPSOIL: TILLED, no (256) 431-7239. HEALTH FAIR AT Agape Manor,
rocks/roots. Creek gravel. Single 2582 Charity Lane, March
axle. Days, (931) 205-4163; WANTED: CASSETTE, BILLIE 14, 2008, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For
All Kinds And Types Of (931) 703-2283; nights, (931) Joe Shaver, “I’m Gonna Live more information call Shana
F & Construction Equipment 433-8019; (931) 433-1135. Forever”. (931) 433-8548. Romano, (256) 828-7100.
Will Be Sold!
Honest, Fair Pricing
Let Us Turn Your
Surplus Equipment 24/7 For All Your Propane Needs.
Into Instant Cash!

Call to consign your equipment.

TN Lic. 1711
AL Lic. 1289
J&J Propane
931-433-8686 30025 Jones Ave. • Ardmore, TN
Van Massey 104 E. College St. • Fayetteville, TN
Broker/Auctioneer All announcements made day of sale shall take precedence over all other ads. 931-427-6144 • 877-847-3704
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 19

! Call Me Home!

Southeast Lincoln Co.

This nice mobile home (16x76) & 1.5 acres is available at 27 North
King Rd. Just off the Lincoln to Vann Town Rd.
The home is only 10 years old and in nice condition. The 1.5 acres 2006 Expedition King Ranch 2004 Pontiac Sunfire 2007 Mazda 6 2005 Ford Escape 2004 Ford Mustang
allows room for garden and whatever pets you desire. fully loaded, 10K miles. $8,831 $13,995 $12,995 $12,995
The home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, eat-in kitchen and
utility room. County water. New kitchen floor and hardwood flooring $28,980 - Stk. #8T805A Stk. #49662 Stk. #51044 Stk. #55245 Stk. #51507
in the master bedroom. Many extras remain with the home.
Price: $49,500. Shown by appointment.

Referrals Trusted
4 National Since
Companies 1939
433-2352 433-5757 2006 Ford Focus 2006 Mazda 3 22006 Hyundai Elantra 2006 Ford F-150 XLT 2007 Ford Edge
Proudly selling Fayetteville & Lincoln County Real Estate for over 65 years. $9,996 auto roof $11,995 $18,995 fully loaded, 20K miles
108 North Main - Fayetteville, TN Stk. #51306 $13,500 - Stk. #8T653A Stk. #48107A Stk. #47110 $21,980 - Stk. #50947
Jack Richardson • John Richardson • Paul Richardson
email us at
Web Site

FOR SALE: 14x7.5 slot aluminum FOR SALE: BRYANT 3-1/2 ton
wheel, older RWD - Ford, Chevy, central unit, propane heat/electric
Dodge, $40. (931) 433-7261. AC, good working condition, re-
placed with more energy efficient 2005 Explorer SportTrac 2008 Pontiac 2007 Mazda B2300 2004 Ford Mustang 2007 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner
THE WOOD SHOP: Specialized unit, ideal for shop or rental prop- 46K miles, power everything
cabinetry. Quality craftsman- erty, $500. Call, (931) 937-7782; Grand Prix $9,994 $14,250 13K miles, D-cab
ship. Free estimates. Danny $17,980 - Stk. #51201 $15,995 - Stk. #50950 Stk. #49534 Stk. #S1203 $23,990 - Stk. #45151A
Pigg & Debbie Kilpatrick. (931)

Memory Foam Thera-Peu-

Drivers: A great career! Swift
Transport now offers on the job
CDL training. No credit check.
tic NASA mattress: Q-$399, No cosigners. No contract.
2500 Jordan Lane · Huntsville, Alabama • Visit our website:
K-$499. Free delivery. Warranty. 1-866-619-6081 Ad #3110. $199 fee included in price plus tax, tag & license.
1-888-287-5337. (60 night trial)


SAVING metal roofs, vinyl siding, Bay, four white stockings, $650; 4

pole barns, carports, garages, y.o. Tennessee Walker mare, dark
sunrooms. Call today, (931) (931) Fayetteville Elks Lodge brown, star in forehead, $650; 4

Here We Grow Again!

y.o. Palomino Quarter horse geld-
808-8167. has an opening for ing, $800; two Paint stud colts, one
SAWMILL: WILL SAW custom Manager's Position y.o., registered, $600 each; Paint
stud colt, not registered, $300; Children’s Consignment Sale At

lumber from your logs or mine.
JC’s Mobile Sawmill, (931) Send Resume To: 2 Western saddles, one/$200,
433-6594. one/$100. (931) 438-8882.
P.O. Box 837
COLORADO 40 ACRES near Fayetteville, TN 37334 Toyota Sequoia Limited, loaded,
good town, $35,000, good road
access, beautiful mountain area, 4x4, 4-dr., black with tan leather,
$1,000 down, $475 monthly. No phone calls, please! 44K miles, STK#H094, $19,900
Owner, (806) 376-8690. plus ttl, TNDL #2248. (931) Saturday, March 8 & 15 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
625-3434. Tuesday, March 11 • 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
FOR RENT:TWO 10x15 storage Tuesday, March 18 • 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Buried in credit card debt. We
TITLE LOANS can save you thousands & lower
your monthly payments! Call the
units, first month’s rent free. 64
Storage, Highway 64W. (931)
438-9909; (931) 993-4119.
Thursdays, March 13 & 20 • 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Friday, March 21 • 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Debt Relief Hotline for your free Spring & Summer items for infant thru teen sizes
consultation. 800-934-9187.
SIMPLE acres & log cabin, only $59,900!
FORWARD GIMMICKS Home refund jobs! Earn
Saturday, March 8! New 2,128 sf
Good condition & great prices
$3,500-$5,000 weekly process-
log cabin package on 3 acres of
ing company refunds online!
farmland with spectacular views. 116 Riverside Lane
Guaranteed paychecks! No
Across from the intersection of Hwy. 110 & Huntsville Hwy.
GOLDEN’S PAWN & MONEY STORE experience needed! Positions One mile to Nicklaus designed
Call 931-438-4RCA for more information
available today! Register online golf course. Near TN River &
509 W. College St., Fayetteville, TN now! recreational lake. Or choose 5
acres with crystal clear mountain
931-433-0690 Airlines are hiring: Train for high stream, just $34,900. Excellent
Home Owned & Operated paying aviation maintenance financing. Call & ask how to pay
career. FAA approved program. no closing costs, 1-866-999-2290,
Financial aid if qualified - Job x.1742.
placement assistance. Call Avia- WANTED: PASTURELAND TO FOR RENT: TWO & three bed-
GRANDMA MISSING HER grand FOR SALE: GIRLS’ size 8 FOR SALE: 1992 1-ton F-350 lease, preferably with barn, 5 to room mobile homes, partially
sage pageant gown, $50. (931) tion Institute of Maintenance.
kids would like to care for your (888) 349-5387. 12’ box truck, $2,000. (931) 25 acres. (931) 993-7682. furnished. (931) 937-6880.
child, 6 weeks - 2 years, reason- 433-8456. 625-2804.
able rates. (931) 438-1657. FOR THE BEST deals on auto PROM DRESSES FOR Sale: GOOD BLACK TOPSOIL: Small
SEWING MACHINE & vacuum WANTED: LEATHER SOFA, Both size 3/4, one black, one red. or large dump truck load. (931)
repair, bags, belts and parts insurance, call Massey Insurance
$500 police impounds. Cars/ Agency. Also, home, life, SR-22, good condition. (931) 433-6438. (931) 937-7652. 703-4389; or, (931) 433-2118.
trucks from $500! For listings call, for all brands, including Kirby,
Rainbow, Electrolux. Jim’s Sew- truck, mobile home, and more!
1-800-706-1759 x6461. (931) 433-8686.
ing & Vacuum Center, 111 W.
CARPENTRY WORK - HOUSE College St., Fayetteville. (931)
Are you worried about your
or mobile home. Additions; 433-2885.
debt? InCharge can help you
carports; siding; replacement become debt free, lower your
windows; doors; decks; weath- $$$Access lawsuit cash now!!! As
seen on TV. Injury lawsuit drag- interest rates, payments and stop
erizing; remodeling. Licensed. the collection calls! Call today!
Free estimates. Call Gary, (931) ging? Need $500-$500,000++
within 48/hours? Low rates. Apply 1-877-697-0069.
now by phone! 1-866-386-3692;
FOR SALE: 4-PIECE sectional
BAKE SALE AND Easter Basket
sofa, neutral color, recliner on
Sale: At Save A Lot, 301 West one end, chaise on other end,
College, Fayetteville, March 8, 8 FOR RENT: LIMESTONE Road
Mini Storage currently has stor- great condition, $500. (256)
a.m. Proceeds benefit House of 828-6245.
Truth Building Fund and Youth age units for rent, Elora. (931)
Projects. 937-8728.
equipped, on square in Lynch-
burg, lots of tourists. Call Elin,
We Welcome LeAnn Holder (931) 607-5540; (931) 759-5674,
To Town And Country Realty WANTED: LADDER RACK for
LeAnn would be glad to assist you with long bed extended cab truck.
(256) 479-0734.
any of your real estate needs.
Please contact her at 931-625-0195
or Four Wheeler Barn
Residential • Farms • Commercial • Auctions • Appraisals Buy • Sell • Trade
114 N. Main Ave. • Fayetteville, TN Service • Salvage • Tires
931-433-9842 Terry Watts, Owner
Joe D. Smith, Broker & Auctioneer, Lic. #22655 & 993 931-759-5460
After Hours: (931) 433-1114 • Fax: (931) 433-9850
Broker & Auctioneer Web Page 1-800-371-9099
Page 20 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

FRANCES,age 69. Funeral ser-
age 92. Funeral services for Mr.
a.m. Wednesday, February 27,
at Higgins Funeral Home. Burial
DuBois Templeton, of Fayette-
ville, 2:00 p.m., Saturday, March
Looks Are Deceiving!
vices for Edna Frances Atchley, Robert T. “Bob” Mason, of Fay- in Prospect Cemetery beside her 1, at Washington Street Church
1600 Sq. Ft. Living Area
Tuesday, March 4, 10:00 a.m., at etteville, 11:00 a.m., Wednes- husband, George W. Morrison, of Christ, with Minister Jim Black
Higgins Funeral Home with Dr. day, February 27, at First Baptist who passed away in 2000. Mrs. officiating. Burial in Rose Hill
Ronnie Gay officiating. Burial in Church with Rev. Van Johnson Morrison died Monday morn-
Rose Hill Cemetery. Ms. Atchley Cemetery. Mrs. Templeton died
and Rev. Billy Langford officiat- ing, February 25 in Donalson
passed away Saturday, March ing. Burial in Riverview Memo- Wednesday, February 27, at Lin-
Care Center. A daughter of the coln Medical Center. She was a
1, at her residence. She was rial Gardens. Mr. Mason died
a native of Lincoln County, the late William Richard and Mar- native of Rutherford County, TN
Sunday evening, February 24 at
daughter of the late Harriet and garet Ellen Vaughn Carter, she and the daughter of the late Wil-
NHC Scott Healthcare in Law-
John Thrower. She devoted her was a native of Lincoln County,
renceburg. A native of Flintville, liam Hubert and Ada Reeves
life to the care of others, hav- TN, he was the son of the late a homemaker, and member of
DuBois. Mrs. Templeton was a
ing run a home for the aged on James Robert and Mary Regina Calvary Baptist Church. Survi-
graduate of David Lipscomb Col-
South Lincoln Avenue for years Yost Mason. Mr. Mason was a vors include two sons - Dwight
lege and graduated from George
and working for Lincoln and member of the Fayetteville First Morrison and wife, Valerie of 509 Second Ave.
Donalson Care Centers for over Huntsville and Bobby R. Morri- Peabody College in 1948. She
Baptist Church, serving an active When you drive by this nice house, it appears to be small, but the
39 years before retiring in Janu- son and wife, Wanda of Fayette- was former agent with Lincoln
role in teaching Sunday School rear addition must be seen to be appreciated. Living Area: 1600 sq. ft.
ary of this year. She is survived and serving on various commit- ville; five grandchildren; eight County Home Demonstration Very nice house, just refurbished, excellent location in one of Fay-
by one daughter, Elizabeth Rose tees. He was a charter member great grandchildren; four step and worked as registrar-at-large etteville's most desirable locations, and ready to move into.
Mastin of Fayetteville; one son, of the Local Gideon Camp, was great grandchildren; sisters - for the Lincoln County Elections Vinyl siding, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room with fireplace, kitchen
Jack Atchley of the Kelso Com- a Rotarian for 24 years, was the Etha Jean Smartt of Fayetteville, Commission for 20 years. Mrs. with built-ins and dining area, office or computer room, rear deck, fenced
munity; two sisters - Geneva Phil- owner of Builders Supply Com- Templeton taught at Boonshill, back yard, concrete driveway, central heat (gas) and air.
Leona Tucker of Fayetteville, Reasonably priced at $82,500. Several financing plans available.
lips of Fayetteville and Jimmie pany and Home Builders, Inc. Central and Lincoln County High
Barbara Ann Meade of Win-
Martin of Owens Cross Roads, and served for several years on chester, and Francis Steelman of Schools for 25 years and re-
AL; eleven grandchildren; and the Tennessee Board of Housing
21 great grandchildren. She was Fayetteville; brothers - Edward tired with a total of 30 years of Incoming
and Development. He served Carter of Fayetteville and J.B. service. She was a member of Referrals
preceded in death by a daugh- Trusted
on numerous boards - Fayette- from
ter, Jacqueline Atchley. Visita- Carter of Shelbyville. Visitation the Washington Street Church 4 National
ville Electric System, Water and
tion with the family, 5:00-8:00
p.m., Monday evening, March 3,
Sewer, City and County Industri-
with the family, 6:00-8:00 p.m.,
Tuesday evening, February 26,
of Christ, the Daughters of the Referral
Companies 1939
al Board and Avalon Dairies. He American Revolution, Delta
at HIGGINS FUNERAL HOME. served 23 years on the board of at HIGGINS FUNERAL HOME. Kappa Gamma and Retired 433-2352 433-5757

Teacher’s Associaiton. She Proudly selling Fayetteville & Lincoln County Real Estate for over 65 years.
Lincoln County Bank. Mr. Mason

served several years as Presi- served on the Highland Rim Li- 108 North Main - Fayetteville, TN
dent of Fayetteville First Fed- Jack Richardson • John Richardson • Paul Richardson
brary Board, the Round Dozen email us at
Since 1903
eral Savings and Loan and was Since 1903 Book Club, Historical Society, Web Site
Higgins Funeral Home
931-433-2544 a board member for 41 years. Higgins Funeral Home
Genealogical Society and was
He served in the United States 931-433-2544
a faithful donor for the American
HONEA, JAMES S., age 80. Army during World War II. Sur-
Red Cross. Survivors include
Funeral services for Mr. James vivors include daughter, Jane PITTS, JR., ALVIS NEWLAND, Earn up to $550 weekly helping Come to the Blue Ridge Moun-
S. Honea, of Flintville, 1:00 Jennings and husband, Danny her husband, Dick A. Temple-
age 86. Funeral services for Mr. the government. PT no experi- tains! Gorgeous lakes, clean
p.m., Saturday, March 1, at G. of Lawrenceburg; grandchil- ton of Fayetteville; daughter,
Alvis Newland Pitts, Jr., of Fay- ence. 1-800-488-2921, ask for air, mild climate, and the lowest
Higgins Funeral Home with dren - Robert Wilder Mason and Martha Ann Templeton Hodum Department X. crime rate in America! Find listings
etteville, 2:00 p.m., Wednesday,
Rev. Billy Langford and Rev. wife, Amanda, Melissa Jennings of Germantown, TN; son, Rich- for land, homes, cabins, unique
February 27, at Kelso Cum-
Kenneth Bashaun officiating. Nimon and husband, Wesley, ard Templeton of Murfreesboro, Drivers: A great career! Swift properties, rentals, timeshares
Burial in Fllintville Cemetery. berland Presbyterian Church transport now offers on the job
John Mason Jennings and wife, TN; daughter, Glenda Bryan of and more! Area information at:
Mr. Honea died Wednesday, with Bro. Kirk Smith officiating. CDL training. No credit check.; or,
May, Pam Mason Jenkins and Cleveland, TN; grandchildren -
February 27, in Lincoln Skill husband, Shannon, Laura Jen- Burial in Kelso Cemetery. Mr. No cosigners. No contract. #1-706-379-3835.
Pitts passed away Monday af- Mary Glenn Beck of Houston, 1-866-619-6081 Ad #3190.
Care Center. He was a native nings McCall and husband, Tra-
ternoon, February 25, at Lincoln TX, Rachel Hodum of Nashville, Reduce your cable bill! Get a
of Madison County, AL and the vis and Janie Jennings Becker
son of the late Ernest and Ray- Medical Center. A native of Lin- Andy Hodum of Kalamazoo, Leaders needed. I earned 4-room all digital satellite system
and husband, Ben; eleven great
bon Fanning Honea. Mr. Honea coln County, he was a son of the MI, Katie Lynn Templeton of $20,400 last month helping installed for free and programming
grandchildren; sister - Mary Lil- people everywhere to get onto starting under $20. Free digital
was a farmer, former employee lian Mason Winsbro of Oak late Alvis Newland and Jennie Murfreesboro, Sara Beth Tem-
a wellness program that battles video recorders to new callers. So
of Pendergrass Supply and a Ridge, Tennessee; and sister- Mai Moorehead Pitts, a farmer, pleton of Murfreesboro, Dustin
heart disease and cancer. Call call now. 1-800-725-1835.
member of the Flintville Baptist in-law, Kathryn Tribble Mason a veteran of the U.S. Army hav- Bryan of Murfreesboro, Austin Rick, 1-877-479-7039.
Church. Survivors include his of Virginia Beach, Virginia. In ing served in WWII, and a mem- and Annie Bryan, both of Cleve- Airlines are hiring: Train for high
wife of 60 years, Virginia Pend- addition to his parents, he was ber of Cumberland Presbyte- land, TN; two great grandchil- Reduce your cable bill! Get a paying aviation maintenance
ergrass Honea of Flintville; two preceded in death by his wife, rian Church. Survivors include dren - Parker and Lindsay Beck 4-room all digital satellite system career. FAA approved program.
daughters - Nancy Hopson and Ethel Jacks Mason; sons - Rob- special friend, Fred Shelton of installed for free and programming Financial aid if qualified - Job
of Houston, TX. In lieu of flowers
husband, Mike of Fayetteville ert Morris Mason and Lowell starting under $20. Free digital placement assistance. Call Avia-
Fayetteville; niece, Patricia Lou- memorials may be made to the
and Beverly Harbin of Flintville; Mason; daughter-in-law, Faye video recorders to new callers. So tion Institute of Maintenance.
three grandsons - Kevin Honea ise McMahon of Summertown, American Cancer Society, 2000 call now. 1-800-935-9195. 1-888-349-5387.
Patterson Mason; brothers - TN; nephew, David Allen West-
and Will Harbin, both of Flintville Yost Mullikin and Captain James Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN
and Tommy Hopson of Fayette- brook of New Mexico; nieces 37203; or the American Heart Online Pharmacy. Buy Soma, South Carolina acreage by owner,
Moody Mason; and sister, Ruth Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar. 2.5 acres. Beautiful building tract.
ville; four great grandchildren; - Susan Regina Bragg and Fund, 1818 Patterson Street,
Mason Wheeler. Memorial con- 90 qty. - $51.99, 180 qty. - $84.99. Near Lake Marion. $24,900.
three brothers - Winfred Honea Kathleen Marie Pitts of Florida; Nashville, TN 37203. Visitation
tributions may be made to Gide- Price includes prescription! We Low down. E-Z owner financing.
of Flintville, Lawrence Honea of ons International Fayetteville and three great grandchildren. with the family, Saturday, March
Fayetteville and Glenn Honea of He was preceded in death by a will match any competitors price! 1-803-505-2161.
Camp, P.O. Box 166, Fayette- 1, noon until time of service at 1-866-465-0766; rxdepotonline.
Madison, TN; four sisters - Ev- ville, TN 37334 or Habitat for sister, Nell Katherine Pitts; and Attend college online from home.
Washington Street Church of com.
elyn Holder and Eva Pender- Humanity of Lawrence County, brother, Edgar E. Pitts. Visitation Medical, Business, Paralegal,
grass of Clarksville, TN, Linda Christ. Arrangements handled
P.O. Box 772, Lawrenceburg, with the family, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Homes from $10,000! 1-3 bed- Computers, Criminal Justice. Job
Mabry of Huntsville, AL and by HIGGINS FUNERAL HOME.
TN 38464-0772. Visitation with Wednesday, February 27 at rooms available! Foreclosures, placement assistance. Computer
Agnes Gothard of Flintville. Mr.

the family, Tuesday evening, Kelso Cumberland Presbyterian HUD, Repos, REOs, etc. These available. Financial aid if quali-
Honea was preceded in death February 26, 5:00-8:00 p.m., Church. Arrangements handled homes must sell! For listings call fied. Call 1-800-494-2785. www.
by a son, Aaron Honea; brothers at HIGGINS FUNERAL HOME. by HIGGINS FUNERAL HOME. 1-800-706-1762 Ext. 6470.
- E.W. and Wayne Honea; and Since 1903

sister, Louise Moon. Visitation Higgins Funeral Home 5 bd., 2 ba. home only $425/mo.!
with the family, Friday evening, 931-433-2544 3 bd., 2 ba. home only $199/mo.!
More 1-4bd. homes available! For
February 29, 5:00-8:00 p.m., at
Higgins Funeral Home
Since 1903
Higgins Funeral Home
Study at home and graduate
listings 1-800-482-9419. OWNER
with your high school diploma
in less than 3 months! Nation-
Free DirecTV 4-room system!
Checks accepted! 250+ channels! OPERATORS
Since 1903
Higgins Funeral Home
Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia
DUBOIS, age 81. Funeral ser-
ally accredited. Free brochure:
1-877-926-6699. Also available
Starts $29.99! Free HBO/Cin-
emax/Showtime/Starz 3 months
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931-433-2544 Morrison, of Fayetteville, 11:00 vices for Mrs. Annie Glenn in Spanish.
ers! 1-800-203-7560. 2008
Easy cash. If you’re not earning
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Dedicated Runs
HOUSE FOR RENT Need help marketing! Full or part- Wanted: 29 serious people to work Includes Checks accepted! 250+ channels! Weekly Home Time
1 Bdrm, 1 Bath time. Can work from home. Major from home using a computer. Up Starts $29.99. Free HBO/Cin-
income. We teach people how to to $1,500-$5,000 PT/FT. www.
free website.
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ing them to have a carefree, abun- ment school. 3 week training ers! 1-800-973-9044.
256-509-3215 dant life. Call 1-888-543-3240. High School Diploma!!! Graduate program. Backhoes, bulldozers,
Up to $117 Per Mile
931-433-9496 Email: in 4 weeks! Free info. Call now!
1-866-308-2165 Ext. 540; www.
trackhoes. Local job place- Donate a car to American Associa- Loaded & Empty
ment asst. Start digging dirt tion for Cancer Research - Saving
**Old Guitars Wanted!** Fend- now. Call 1-866-362-6497 or lives through cancer research. Plus Fuel Surcharge
er, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin, 1-888-707-6886. Convenient, fast, free towing. We Pay Fuel Tax
The following ads have not D’Angelico, Stromberg, Ricken- Truck drivers wanted - Best pay
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backer, and Mosrite. Gibson man- and home time! Apply online Mystery shoppers - Retail/dining We handle all paperwork. Call 7 Year Round Work
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Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 21

Unlawful Sexual Activity

Will Land Your Soul in Hell
By David Ray Fanning I
Hollywood has glamorized unlawful sexual activity
(fornication) to the point that much of society has accepted
pre-marital sex, homosexuality (including lesbianism) and Liberty is teaming up with March of Dimes to make sure all babies have
adultery as morally right for those who so choose. It is
not uncommon for young people to view unlawful sexual a healthy start. Join us in our efforts to support this great organization.
activity before marriage in a similar light as kissing,
hugging and holding hands. The idea of "trying someone
out" or "shacking up" to determine if you are compatible
before making a formal commitment to marriage is
popular. Furthermore, speaking against homosexual and Walk with us at the annual March for Babies.
lesbian acts supposedly makes one a biased homophobe
- and it is a seemingly forbidden thing for anyone to
consider using Scripture to determine if the various divorce
and remarriage cases are adulterous or not. All the while
thousands of souls, young and old, are dying on a daily
basis in these sinful conditions because no one is loving Enter your video or photo at
enough, "judgmental" enough, or "brother's keeper" enough
to warn these precious people that unlawful sexual activity Proud sponsor of: 519 Jordan Ln. NW, Huntsville, AL
will land your soul in hell. Give heed to God's righteous (Next to Beauregard's)
judgments on the subject: "Marriage is honorable among
all and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers
God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4); "...the unrighteous will
not inherit the kingdom of God....Neither fornicators, ...nor
You can make donations to March of Dimes
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites will inherit at
the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 6:9-10); "whoever March of Dimes does not endorse specific brands or products
divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and
Tax Preparation
marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries
her who is divorced commits adultery" (Matthew 19:9); with minimum $25 donation to
"sexually immoral...shall have their part in the lake which
burns with fire and brimstone" (Revelation 21:8).
March of Dimes
Valid at participating locations. For new customers only. Not valid with other offers.
1-866-871-1040 Only one coupon per return. Does not include bank products.
Valid March 3 - March 9, 2008
WE WILL CLEAN your house - FOR SALE: OAK dining table
weekly, biweekly or monthly. Sup- with four chairs, $100. (931)
plies furnished, reasonable rates. 433-2092.
Call Barbara and Pam, (931)
433-2560; (931) 625-1791. FOR SALE: TWO prom dresses, WANTED: LAND TO cut for hay FOR SALE: 33.17 acres, 16x80
one white strapless, 7/8, worn 4 Cloverdale Cir. or to rent (931) 937-8810; (931) mobile home, 50x80 horse barn,
FOR SALE: 235-75R15 tires, twice, $50, pink strapless, 7/8, Well maintained home 205-3267. If no answer, leave 3± acre lake, SE Lincoln County,
new, never mounted, Michelin, worn once, $100; curio cabinet, located at end of cul-de- message. TN. Days, (615) 772-8855; nights,
Goodyear & BF Goodrich, $195 solid oak, one side of glass miss- sac. Above ground pool (931) 937-6629.
for four tires. Call Eric at Landers ing, $100; two glass mirror doors, A job no experience nec. Unique
w/wooden privacy fence. co-ed traveling sales job. 18+ Cash advance. No credit? No
Ford, (931) 433-3595. $50. (931) 438-0756.
Eat-in kitchen, split floor- only. Transportation furnished, problem! #1 in customer service.
FOR SALE: AUSTRALIAN Shep- BENEFIT CHILI SUPPER & Sing- plan, cathedral ceiling in return guaranteed. Call today, 1-888-257-7524; yourcashbank.
herd pups, beautiful, AKC reg- ing for the House of Truth Youth, living room and berber start tomorrow. 1-877-Kay-Crew, com. Void where prohibited by
istered, all colors, $300. (931) Howell Hill Community Center, carpeting. $119,500. 1-800-988-0650. law.
270-7678; or go to: www.geoci- Saturday, March 15, supper - 5 MLS #948317. p.m., singing - 6 p.m. The Peters Donate your car. Help disabled Your brand new computer, bad
Family, The Dollars, Cry for Christ children with camp and educa- or no credit - No problem. Brand
MOBILE HOME LOT Rental: and Ryan Roberts. tion. Fast, easy, free towing. name laptops and desktops.
$125 month, credit and reference Deductible. Special kids fund. Smallest weekly payments avail.
check, 182 Helton Avenue, Hazel FOR SALE: 1986 Chevy Sil- Licensed in 1-888-830-2127. It’s yours now, 1-800-640-0656.
Green. (256) 694-5069. LEADING EDGE TN & AL
verado pickup, 4x4, short wheel
Each office independently owned and operated
base, good condition, asking
$4,800. (931) 732-5214.
uc e
ed ic

FOR SALE: HAZEL GREEN, Jane C. Richmond 93 McAlister Rd. - Like

R Pr

new home in Highland
REMODELED RANCHER Real Estate Service beyond Expectation! 931-993-4224
MWD, warranty, cab, bucket, hay 931-433-3775 Rim School District. Very
NEAR SCHOOLS, HUGE spear, pallet forks, 150 hours,
NEW KITCHEN WITH LOTS $46,700; MF 10 square baler,
open kitchen with island
OF CABINETS, ROOMY $800; 15 ft. Woods Batwing bush- and pantry. Highland
OFFICE, BRAND NEW MAS- hog, $8,000; Vermeer disk mower, Trace Subdivision. Call
only cut 25 acres, $5,800; 8 wheel Sale: Call for good price. today for your own pri-
hay rake, $1,700; hay unroller, BMW 318ic, STK#B063, convert-
AGE, NEW WINDOWS AND Good pad dirt. Will haul rock ible, 2-dr., black, with black roof vate showing. $85,000.
$825; 250 gallon fuel tank, $300;
SIDING, FENCED, WITH from crusher, also haul creek and leather, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, MLS #948954.
MATURE TREES, $130,000. liquid nitrogen tank & A I kit, $550; gravel. (931) 433-2118; (931)
other equipment as well. (931) 71K miles, super sharp, $6,500
(256) 828-0734. 703-4389. plus ttl, TNDL # 2248. (931)
Consolidate bills. Good/bad credit
welcome. $2,500-$200,000. No Licensed in
application fees. Save money 33x12.5x16x5 tires, 90% tread,
Each office independently owned and operated
now! Solutions for all your financial $400. (931) 993-0213.
507 Poplar Ave. - Get needs. Toll free, 1-866-608-BILL
ready to move in and en- (2455). www.paylesssolutions. EQUAL HOUSING Bettie Reeves Gunter
Earn up to $500 weekly assem- OPPORTUNITY
Realtor ®, CTG
joy this brand new 3 BR, com. bling angel pins at home. No ex- 931-993-1340
Real Estate Service beyond Expectation!
1¾ BA home which boasts perience required. 817-230-4879; 931-433-3775
Movie Extras - Paid! Actors, 1-866-889-3775
laminate, ceramic, and vi-
nyl flooring. CHA & fenced models! Make $100-$300+ day.
No experience required. Meet
back yard. $78,500. celebrities. Full-time/part-time.
MLS #902362. All looks needed! 800-340-8404,
Extension 2734. AUCTION
FOR SALE: LOG house, inground
pool, 1,000 sq. ft. pool house and
Thursday, March 13 • 9:00 A.M.
5 acres, barn, $95,000; five acres,
Licensed in
TN & AL road frontage, great building site, 28260 McKee Rd. • Toney, Alabama
Each office independently owned and operated $25,000. (931) 293-6569; (931)
993-7847. Selling for American Hardwoods, Inc. Products
EQUAL HOUSING Jane C. Richmond
Broker, CTG, GRI, CRS,ABR FOR SALE: ONE year old Sears
Real Estate Service beyond Expectation! 931-993-4224 stove and refrigerator; cherry din- Thousands feet of all sizes and 931-433-3775 ing table with five chairs. Call after kinds lumber, doors, windows,
1-866-889-3775 4 p.m., (931) 993-4714. mouldings, trim, forklifts, 24
ft. soft-side box bed, industrial
& commercial woodworking
machines, elec. conduit, 6" water
pipe, and much, much more.
Every Wed.,
Fri. & Sat.
Nascar Sundays Are Hold ‘em
Tuesday & Thursdays 7 P.M. Terms: Cash or Good Check w/bank letter. 10% Buyers Premium.

Coldest Beer
Back @ Billy's It's Always Party Time
Go to: for brochure or call:
Come watch your favorite driver on the Big Screen @ Billy's Sports Bar
In Town
Las Vegas, NV All Day Beer Special TN Lic. 1711
$1.50 Beer (cans only)
Sun. March 2nd $2 longnecks & cans AL Lic. 1289
FREE FOOD Domestic $2 Sunday
Mon. & Thurs. 7-9 P.M.
Located 2 miles South of the AL/TN Stateline • 256-829-0555
Pool Tournament FREE Pool 931-433-8686
HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 8 A.M. - 2 A.M.; Fri. 8 A.M. - 4 A.M.; Van Massey 104 E. College St. • Fayetteville, TN
Wednesday Sat. 11 A.M. - 4 A.M.; SUN. 12 NOON - 2 A.M. Tuesday Broker/Auctioneer All announcements made day of sale shall take precedence over all other ads.
Page 22 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

1723 Pulaski Hwy.

Fayetteville, TN 37334
Honey’s 1723 Pulaski Hwy.
Fayetteville, TN 37334
Office: 931-438-4492 Lawn & Landscaping Office: 931-438-4492
Bob Malone
Bob Malone
Broker, Owner, GRI
Broker, Owner, GRI • Mowing • Landscaping Cell: 931-993-1163
Cell: 931-993-1163
Emily Oldham, Realtor • Bush Trimming Emily Oldham, Realtor
Cell: 931-339-0123
Cell: 931-339-0123 • Mulching • Free Estimates
Residential PROPERTIES
• Commercial • Agricultural Rickey Honey: 931-732-4329 Residential • Commercial • Agricultural
Recreational • Development • New Home Construction Recreational • Development • New Home Construction
Robbie Honey: Hm: 931-732-4150
Wk: 931-732-4150 • Cell: 931-993-8871


be surprised how inexpensive cializing in residential concrete,
it is. Free estimates call, (931) coloring, exposed aggregate.
732-4573. Light earth work. Free esti-
mates. Experienced. Licensed.
Donate a car - Help children fight- Insured. (931) 993-4207; (931)
ing diabetes. Fast, free towing. 937-0545.
Call 7 days/week. Non-runners
OK. Tax deductible. Call Juvenile Secret shoppers needed - For
#178 - Donald A. Gardener Design Built In 2005. - Like new! Diabetes Research Foundation, store evaluations. Get paid #185 -Great Investment Property - Located on Hwy. 231/431.
Professionally landscaped, three patios, one raised and two 1-800-578-0408. to shop and rate local stores, Lots of Commercial Potential with over 100 ft. of road frontage.
restaurants and theaters. Flex- House has 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. Home aslo features a metal
lower ones, perfect for entertaining. Inside features hardwood,
Reach over 30 million homes with ible hours, training provided. roof and hardwood floors. $77,000. MLS #955746.
tile, detailed interior trim, granite counters, vaulted and trey 1-800-585-9024, ext. 6750.
ceilings. Other spectacular features are Andersen windows, one buy. Advertise in NANI for only
large bonus room and a two car garage plus utility bay. This $2,795 per week! For information,
visit NEED HELP WITH grocery
house is a must see. $389,900. MLS #931905. costs? Angel Food can help. Pay
MAKE IT RIGHT Painting & Pres- $30, get $70 value. Sponsored by RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: Unsecured loans.
sure Washing: Free estimates. Apostolic Life UPC. Call, (931) New and used equipment for $1,000-$100,000. No collat-
Leave message. Matt Kratz. (931) 227-4034, for information or order sale. Buy used equipment. (931) eral required, same day decision
438-8716; (931) 625-6913. at 201 Lincoln Avenue North, 363-0190. nationwide. Any personal or
Fayetteville. business use. Easy application
FOR SALE: DALE Earnhart FLINTVILLE CONCRETE FIN- process. Start-ups welcome.
Sr. collectible jacket, medium, WE BUY JUNK cars & trucks up ISHING - Servicing Lincoln and Email required. www.AmOne.
hardly worn, $200 or highest bid. to $100. Buy used batteries & Madison Counties. Driveways; com/Flyer; 1-800-466-8596.
(910)581-0318. transmissions. Aaron Coats. (931) sidewalks; patios; slabs of any
937-0368; (931) 993-7597. size. Call for estimate, (931) LIVE PRO WRESTLING: Friday,
FOR SALE: 1997 white F-250 937-6991. March 7, Fayetteville National
diesel pickup, extended cab, Get a new computer. Brand name Guard Armory, 1805 Wilson
auto., gooseneck and bumper laptops & desktops. Bad or no MOORE’S HOME IMPROVE- Parkway. Doors open at 6:30
hitches, 146K miles, $6,500. (931) credit - no problem. Smallest MENT: All types remodeling, inside p.m. Bell time: 7:00 p.m. Adults,
#165 - Rare Opportunity For A Quality Older Home Being
937-7667. weekly payments available. It’s and out, no job too small. (931) $8; kids, 12 & under, $4.
Publicly Offered For The Very First Time - This immaculate 607-1034; (931) 438-8449.
yours now - 800-932-3721.
home was built by expert craftsmen and architechtural details Free DirecTV 4 room system!
have been well maintained. Original hardwood floors, arched APARTMENT FOR RENT: No
pets, stove and refrigerator fur- Absolutely all cash! Do you WANTED: YARDS TO mow and/ Checks accepted! 250+ channels!
doorways, and new windows give this warm ambience. 4 earn $800/day? Vending route. or trim, reasonable rates, profes- Starts $29.99! Free Showtime +
nished, South Lincoln County,
BRs & 2 BAs, formal dining & living, spacious eat-in kitchen, 30 machines + candy. $9,995. sional service. (931) 438-9063; Starz, 90+ HD channels! Free
rental application required, $385/
secluded master suite, unfinished basement. Very conve- month, available March 1. (931) 1-800-807-6485. (Void SD/CT/ (931) 433-3755. DVR/HD! We’re local installers!
niently located in the city. $209,900. MLS #850603. 433-8764. MD). 1-800-620-0058.
WANT TO RENT: Pastureland/
farmland, willing to pay up to $30
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ per acre. (931) 363-6573; (931)
Need A Car?
Parkway Wholesale
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

ARE YOUR KIDS safe on FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy Cavalier,
the internet? Please join us new tires, good condition, $3,000 • Bad Credit
for an informative evening on or best offer. (256) 520-8891. Plumbing, Electric & Supply trees trimmed, general clean
• No Credit
internet safety. Free. Speaker:
1921 Wilson Parkway • Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-7134 up. Call, (931) 732-4272; or, • Slow Credit
Mike Ball, Special Agent with WILL DO CARPENTRY work, tile (931) 993-0137. Ask for Jeff or
Store Hours:
NASA. Thursday, March 13, work, additions, decks, carports,
7 A.M. – 5 P.M. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.; 7 A.M. - 12 P.M. Thurs. ; Jordan. 1-888-795-9389
2008, 7 p.m., Shiloh Church of small barns, etc. Call, (931) 8 A.M. – 12 P.M. Sat.
Christ, 1520 West Limestone 438-9331. Visa & MasterCard Accepted POLE BARN BUILDERS - Barns,
Rd., Hazel Green, AL. shops, garages, metal roofs, etc.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 4 bath, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004
Randy Taylor, (931) 425-6582. Jaguar, 3.0 X-Type, AWD, white
furnished home in Taft, no pets,
rental application required, $775 and tna, 40K miles, sunroof,
WANTED: SKID STEER operator WANT TO BUY: 30 to 300 acres, loaded, PW255, $17,995 plus
for landscaping and lawn care month, or unfurnished - $700 fast closing. (706) 346-1800.
month, available January 08. ttl, includes doc fee. Infiniti of
business. Must have valid drivers
(931) 433-8764. Huntsville, (256) 882-1009.
license. (256) 797-7791.
“Some Like It Hot” FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004
Mitsubishi Diamante, STK.
Online Pharmacy. Buy Soma, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1999 • 6 Year Tank Warranty FOR SALE: .40 cal. Glock 22
#G172, 4-dr., gold, 33K miles, with three extra clips, speed
Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar. Mercury Grand Marquis GS, all • Foam Insulation For Energy Efficient loaded, leather, very nice, $8,900 loader, and hard case, $450; or
90 qty. - $51.99, 180 qty. - $84.99. power, 57K miles, nice clean car,
STK #G105, $6,900 plus ttl, TNDL Performance! plus TTL, TNDL #2248. (931) will sell gun only for $375. (931)
Price includes prescription! We 625-3434.
will match any competitors price! #2248. (931) 625-3434. • Two 4500 Watt Heating Elements 652-8438, leave message.
1-866-465-0732; unitedpharmal- • T&P Valve Included FOR SALE: AQUA Glass (acryl-
ic) whirlpool, 4’x6’, recessed ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Secret shoppers needed immedi- (in floor) type, like new, price
ately for store evaluations. Local reduced to $650. Call M-F, 8 a.m.
stores, restaurants and theaters. - 5 p.m., (931) 433-9737. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford 150 van, WANTED NURSE PRACTIONER
Training provided, flexible hours. 91K miles, full custom, TV, VCR, or PA, Lewisburg Medical Clinic,
Assignments available now!!! North Carolina Mountains: New leather seats, all options, $8,200 Lewisburg, TN. (931) 270-7888.
1-800-585-9024 ext. 6262. log cabin shell on 2 wooded acres,
only $99,900. Free brochure of
or best offer. (931) 580-2887; or,
(931) 937-6794. Timeshare Resales. The cheap-
SunBridge Care & Rehabilitation
Ambassador &
mountain and riverfront acreage.
Financing. 828-652-8700. PAMPERED PAWS GROOMING
est way to buy, sell and rent time-
shares. No commissions or broker
for Fayetteville has an opening for
Parkway Apartments
One BR – $300 & up, FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2007
& Boarding. Individual atten-
tion. Large breeds welcome.
fees. Call 877-494-8246 or go to
Two BR – $325 & up,
Townhouse – $350 & up.
Toyota 4Runner, 4x4, SR5, V-6,
PW, PDL, keyless, PW243,
Six miles from square. Worth
FOR RENT: TWO bedroom
Part Time & PRN
the drive! Call Julie, (931)
Weekly Available from $135
Washer, Dryer Hook-ups Available $22,995 plus ttl, includes doc
fee. Infiniti of Huntsville, (256)
433-6939. duplex apartment, Skinem area,
$425 month/deposit, year lease,
882-1009. FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2006 no pets. (931) 993-0304. Fulltime: 7 A.M.-3 P.M. ; 3 P.M.-11 P.M.
Mercury Mariner Premier, 2WD, & 11 P.M. - 7 A.M.
leather, loaded, 26K miles, STK FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004
Part Time & PRN
Come See #H060, $12,900 plus ttl, TNDL
#2248. (931) 625-3434.
Ford F-150 Super Cab, 4x4, CD,
automatic, PW, dual exhaust,
PW253, $16,995 plus ttl, includes
If you are a caring, dependable, & loving person who wants

Mildred Consolidate bills. Good/bad credit

welcome. $2,500-$200,000. No
doc fee. Infiniti of Huntsville, (256)
to provide quality & compassionate care, then we would like
for you to join our team. We are an EEOC employer.

She's Back application fees. Save money

now! Solutions for all your financial FREE: WILL REMOVE old
cars from your yard free. (931)
Contact: Kilah Lentz, LPN
Staff Development Coordinator
needs. 1-866-677-2455. www.
At 433-3434; (931) 625-3434.
4081 Thornton Taylor Pkwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334
Trotter's! Post office now hiring. Avg. $20/
hour, $57K year including federal
FOR SALE: Twelve Step Lou-
isville brand roll around ladder, EOE
benefits, OT. Offered by Exam great for warehouses, $450. Call
Monday Services, not aff. with USPS who Scott, (256) 975-6723; or, (256)
hires. 1-866-483-1057.
Seniors Buy 1 Lunch Buffet, Get 1 For Half Price!
Wednesday Lunch
Seniors $500

Mildred's Menu
"Ultimate Baked Potato"
Country Buffet
3021 Thornton Taylor Pkwy. • Fayetteville, TN
Mon. - Sat. 10:30 A.M. - 8 P.M.;
Sun. 10:30 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 23

Auto Parlor
Automotive Glass
Free Windshield Repair
Spring & Easter Ralph Askins School
Pre-school (Pre-kindergarten) Registration/Application Process
2003 Wilson Pkwy. • Fayetteville, TN Portraits March 4 and 5, 2008
931-433-2417 Registration/application to Ralph Askins School's 2008-09 pre-school program will be in Tuesday,
March 6, 7 & 8 March 4, and Wednesday, March 5, 2008 from 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. at Ralph Askins School.
HOME REPAIRS: CHEAP, inside C to schedule appointment!
This well-established, expanded program will be entering its ninth year of operation and is avail-
and out, small jobs appreciated, Childrens Portraits • Family able to both Fayetteville City and Lincoln County residents. Applicants must be four years old by
local references, professional
results. Steve Gooch, (256) Weddings • Reunions September 30, 2008, to qualify for admission.
423-2922. Event Photography The pre-kindergarten daily schedule is from 8:05 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Pre-school children may at-
Se Habla Espanol tend “afternoon” FAST (Fayetteville After School Time), a school age child care program located
Need a mortgage? No down pay- Special
ment? If you’re motivated, and Open Tues. - Fri. • 10:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. on the Ralph Askins campus. Afternoon FAST is open until 6:00 p.m.
follow our proven, no nonsense Packages Sat. by appointment only
program, we’ll get you into a new During the registration/application process, a date for screening each child will be scheduled.
home. Call 1-866-255-5267; www. Photos By Paula
FOR RENT: TWO & three bed- 931-438-9230
room mobile homes, partially 1. Certified birth certificate
furnished. (931) 937-6880. 2. Social Security Card
3. Proof of residence (a recent light bill, phone bill, etc.)
A drivers' license will not be accepted for proof of residence.
Ardmore Family WANTED: LADDER RACK for
long bed extended cab truck.
(256) 479-0734.
4. Current “immunization” records
5. Current “physical”
Deborah Ver Beek MSN, CFNP & Dump Truck Service: Septic
Medical Director: Donald Vollmer II, M.D. tanks; footings; water lines;
demolition work; gravel hauling.
Now accepting new patients! (931) 433-4827. FOR SALE: RESTAURANT, fully
Most insurance accepted: AL & TN equipped, on square in Lynch-
WANTED: PASTURELAND TO burg, lots of tourists. Call Elin,
Flu Shots Are Here!!! lease, preferably with barn, 5 to (931) 607-5540; (931) 759-5674,
25 acres. (931) 993-7682.
26439 Main St., Ardmore, TN • 931-427-6969 home. All New
Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Michelin Latitude $
(appointment or walk-in)
good condition. (931) 433-6438.
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1997 14995 each
Cadillac El Dorado, red, 2-dr., 245R/65/17
loaded, 91K miles, STK#H087.
Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931)
FREE: PUPPIES, SEVEN weeks 625-3434. Maxxis $
old. (931) 433-6438. Buckshot Mudder 12500 each
GOOD BLACK TOPSOIL: Small acres & log cabin, only $59,900!
or large dump truck load. (931)
703-4389; or, (931) 433-2118.
Saturday, March 8! New 2,128 sf Alignments
log cabin package on 3 acres of
farmland with spectacular views. Starting at $4495
FOR RENT: OLDER house and One mile to Nicklaus designed
mobile home, Kirkland area. Ref- Specialized In Installing Unit Change Outs, golf course. Near TN River & *All pricing includes mount, balance, free rotate, stems & disposal
erences and deposit required. No recreational lake. Or choose 5
pets. (931) 433-4476. Unit Cleaning, Duct Repair, & Electrical Work acres with crystal clear mountain Park City Tire & Auto Parts
stream, just $34,900. Excellent 2690 Huntsville Hwy. • Fayetteville, TN 37334
SCRAP METAL WANTED: Free Office 931-684-8703 Certified & Insured financing. Call & ask how to pay Scott Reed 931-433-1033 • 800-804-0343
removal of batteries, vehicles, ap-
pliances, farm equipment, tin, air Cell 931-575-8089 no closing costs, 1-866-999-2290,
Cindy Reed Alignments • Brakes • Exhaust • Custom Wheels
conditioners. (931) 625-4156. Fax 931-680-7379 FREE Estimates x.1742.

Get fast cash! 24/7! Instant ap-

proval by phone. Bad credit OK.
No faxing. Cash in 24 hrs. Apply FOR SALE BY Owner: All ranch TENNESSEE HANDGUN CAR- Bring In This Ad To kids would like to care for your
child, 6 weeks - 2 years, reason-
now! 1-800-354-6612. style brick home, 3,300 sf, 10 RY Permit Classes. 8 hr. certi-
acres, fenced pasture and pond,
gated concrete privacy driveway,
fication for Tennesse Handgun
Carry Permit. Flexible class
Receive 10% Off Your able rates. (931) 438-1657.

BIG YARD SALE: Tools; 54”

riding mower; home items;
three bedrooms, two baths, plenty
of living area throughout, covered
schedule. Classes weekly. Basic
and advanced courses. Call Brian
Total Purchase! SEWING MACHINE & vacuum
repair, bags, belts and parts
more. Also, house and con- sun deck, sunroom fully equipped Rutledge, (931) 438-4356; cell, All Things Equine From A to Z for all brands, including Kirby,
tracting business for sale. with indoor/outdoor stereo sys- (931) 993-6988. Rainbow, Electrolux. Jim’s Sew-
3/6 and 3/7, 7 a.m., 127 tem, brick detached garage. Horsing Around ing & Vacuum Center, 111 W.
College St., Fayetteville. (931)
Gaines St., Hazel Green. Upstairs: one bedroom, one bath, Help wanted. Earn extra income
(256) 828-0734. bonus room, covered sun deck. assembling CD cases from home. Tack Shop 433-2885.
Great location. 20 minutes from Working with top US companies. 7193-C Hwy. 72 West
Huntsville. Ideal for horses. (931) Not available MD, WI, SD, ND. Tues. - Fri. Airlines are hiring: Train for high
1-800-405-7619 Ext. 104. www. Madison, AL 35758 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. paying aviation maintenance
Attend college online from home. 937-0406. 256-837-5757 T Sat. 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. career. FAA approved program.
*Medical, *business, *paralegal, Financial aid if qualified - Job
*computers, *criminal justice. Job TREE TRIMMING: TREE Remov-
al. Pruning and hedge trimming. FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2003 placement assistance. Call Avia-
placement assistance. Computer Jaguar S-Type, 4-dr., red, loaded, tion Institute of Maintenance.
available. Financial aid if quali- Bucket truck. Free estimates. FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004 FOR SALE: GIRLS’ size 8
Insured. Charles Barnes, (931) super sharp car, 42K miles, (888) 349-5387.
fied. Call 800-510-0784. www. STK#G193, $12,900 plus ttl, Toyota Sequoia Limited, loaded, sage pageant gown, $50. (931) 438-0909. 4x4, 4-dr., black with tan leather, 433-8456.
TNDL #2248. (931) 625-3434. FOR THE BEST deals on auto
44K miles, STK#H094, $19,900 insurance, call Massey Insurance
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2005 FOR SALE: CUSTOM hardwood plus ttl, TNDL #2248. (931) FOR SALE: 4-PIECE sectional
moldings and finished lumber - GET COVERED - RAIN INSUR- Agency. Also, home, life, SR-22,
Chevrolet Tahoe, third seat, DVD, 625-3434. sofa, neutral color, recliner on
Oak, walnut, cherry, maple, etc. ANCE - $1. When you advertise truck, mobile home, and more!
CD, loaded, PW250, $18,995 plus your yard sale with the Ex- one end, chaise on other end, (931) 433-8686.
ttl, includes doc fee. Infiniti of Call Gary at, (931) 937-1052. Donate a car today to help children great condition, $500. (256)
change, tell us that you want and their families suffering from
Huntsville, (256) 882-1009. Rain Insurance. If it rains the 828-6245. Are you worried about your
Wanted: Japanese motorcycles: cancer. Free towing. Tax deduct-
Kawasaki, 1970-1980, Z1-900, day of your yard sale, call us ible. Children’s Cancer Fund of debt? InCharge can help you
by 11:00 a.m. on the following FOR RENT:TWO 10x15 storage become debt free, lower your
KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, America, Inc.
Need A Car? S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. Monday and we will run your 1-800-469-8593.
units, first month’s rent free. 64 interest rates, payments and stop
ad again at NO charge! Insur- Storage, Highway 64W. (931) the collection calls! Call today!
• Bad Credit Cash paid. 1-800-772-1142.
ance must be purchased when 438-9909; (931) 993-4119. 1-877-697-0069.
1-310-721-0726. FOR SALE: 1992 1-ton F-350
• No Credit original ad is placed. Only the 12’ box truck, $2,000. (931)
• Slow Credit PROM DRESSES FOR Sale: dates of the yard sale may be 625-2804. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Both size 3/4, one black, one red. changed - no other changes to ★ ★
1-888-797-3619 the ad please! FOR SALE: TEN y.o. Grade mare
(931) 937-7652. ★ ★

Home For Sale

Bay, four white stockings, $650; 4 ★
y.o. Tennessee Walker mare, dark ★
Well fertilized. Can deliver. (931) brown, star in forehead, $650; 4 ★
433-7524. ★ ★
y.o. Palomino Quarter horse geld-
ing, $800; two Paint stud colts, one ★ ★
★ ★

Weekly Specials
TREE TRIMMING AND removal. y.o., registered, $600 each; Paint
Licensed, insured. Bucket truck, stud colt, not registered, $300; ★ ★
chipper. Free estimates. (931) 2 Western saddles, one/$200, ★ ★
438-9859; (256) 508-0062. one/$100. (931) 438-8882. ★ ★
11 oz. Ribeye Steak ★ ★
★ ★
w/baked potato & salad $ 995 ★

★ ★
Sirlon Tip ★ ★
★ ★
Steak Salad $649 ★ Great Corner Lot ★

★ Lovely older home in Petersburg is on large corner lot
Visit Our Breakfast & Fruit Bar ★ with nice mature trees, plenty of room for garden. Home

Best salad bar in town • Best steaks in town • We only use Choice Ribeye
★ ★

was once used as duplex and has two kitchens, pres- ★
★ ently used as single family dwelling. Has living room, 2 ★
★ bedroom, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, dining room, utility area. ★
★ Upstairs are 2 large rooms that need minor finishing. ★
★ Propane gas space heat, window a/c, public water and ★
★ well. Priced at only $49,500. MLS #913135. ★
1500 Huntsville Hwy., 931-433-9711 ★ ★
Fayetteville, TN ★ Take A “Virtual Tour” ★
★ ★

at ★
★ Office: 931-433-8008 ★
★ Home: 931-433-8833 ★
★ Cell: 931-625-8833 ★
★ ★
Page 24 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008


Saturday, March 8 • 12 Noon Saturday, March 8 • 10 A.M.
Woodworking Tools 99 Acres (offered in 3 tracts)
Shop Tools ~ Personal Property 2 Story Brick Home w/Basement
Guest House, Metal Shop Bldg., Barn & Shed
Property of Mr. Bernie McMellon
Auction will be held on the premises at:
Kubota Tractors & Personal Property
Estate of the late Clara V. McMellon
199 Good Hollow Rd.
approximately 10 miles SW of Fayetteville, TN Auction will be held on the premises at:
3 miles East of Coldwater 199 Good Hollow Rd.
Follow the Signs from Molino Road or Old Railroad Bed Road approximately 10 miles SW of Fayetteville, TN
3 miles East of Coldwater
Follow the Signs from Molino Road or Old Railroad Bed Road

Delta 4' Bed Wood Lathe w/4' Extnsn & 36" Duplicator
Delta Drill Press Tilt Table Lumber (Walnut, Oak, Poplar) Lobo 20" Planer Craftsman Tools & Tool Box Tract #1: 28.76 Acres including 2 story Brick Home w/basement, sep-
Extended Heighth Band Saw, 13" Small Machine Tool Motors 8' Lobo Long Bed Jointer Old Scales arate guest house, 1300 sq. ft. metal shop building, barn, & equipment
Delta 10" Table Saw w/Extension 70 Drawer Parts Box & Parts Hydraulic Lift Table Chain & Grappling Hook
Delta 12" Planer Wood Carving Trim 330 lb capacity Miscellaneous Hand Tools
shed. This scenic rolling acreage is mostly wooded w/ some open land.
Delta 12" Radial Arm Saw Cabinets Lobo Drum Sander Dual Purpose Wood Routers Excellent for hunting or privacy, this tract is an estate unto itself.
6" Belt Sander Hand Grinders Dust Masks Draw Knives Tract #2: 28.08 Acres, wooded & rolling, a hunter's paradise.
Dust Collector Heat Guns 16' Trailer Dual Axle Cordless Drill Tract #3: 42.3 Acre scenic wooded hill land tract with beautiful open
6" Woodtek Belt Sander 5' Bed 230 amp Craftsman Welder Salamander Heater Pop-up Tent
Soft Drum Sander Portable Kerosene Heater C Clamps Settling Torch Tanks area on top (Perfect for hunting or hiding). Don't be late. The Real
Welding Tanks Hand Planes Woodworking Supplies & Torch Set Estate Sells First at 10:00 a.m.!
Wood Working Clamps Hole Saws Yamaha Keyboard Portable Water Pump
Router Table Aluminum 20' Extension Ladders w/Case Table & Stool Air Nailers
Kubota 3130 HST, 4WD, w/LA723 Loader, Kubota TG1860 Diesel Mower, Patio
Vice 23' Aluminum Cabin Dietzgen Surveying Transit Moving Blankets Furniture, Birdbath Fountain, Park Bench, 6' Landscape Box, 12' Aluminum
Black & Decker Shop Vac Cruiser & Trailer Commercial Consew House Jacks Gate, Oil Tank w/pump, Log Chains, School Desks, Poplar & Cherry Lumber,
Antique Shoe Cobblers Machine Jet Bench Grinder Sewing Machine 70 HP Evinrude Motor 8' Folding Tables, Trunks, Troy Bilt 6HP String Trimmer, Gas Trimmers, Garden
Pancake Air Compressor Table Model Belt Sander Aluminum Work Carts MUCH, MORE!!
Hand Tools, Small Oak Desk, Hoosier Cabinet, Iron Bed, Metal T. Posts, Co-op
Auctioneer's Note: Mr. McMellon, renowned for his “Blair House” furniture fabrication, is selling Rear Tine Tiller, 5' Bushhog, 3-pt. Boom Pole (2), 216 Ford Plow, Porch Rockers
a life long collection of woodworking and shop tools. This is an extremely large variety of very good (2), 2 Row Pull Disc, Croquet Set.
tools. Make plans to stay all day. There is something for everyone.
REAL ESTATE TERMS: 15% Earnest Money Deposit day of sale. Balance due on or before 30 days. Possession
TERMS: Cash or valid check day of sale. Out of town checks must have proper indentification. with Deed. Don't be late. Real Estate Sells First at 10:00 A.M.!!
For Further Information, Contact: Mr. Bernie McMellon, or AUCTION WILL BE HELD RAIN OR SHINE!!! REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE!!
TN Firm For Further Information, Contact: Rebecca N. Bartlett, Admin CTA DBN, or

(931) 433-1607 Lic. #4512

(931) 433-1607 TN Firm
Lic. #4512
116 East College Street
Fayetteville, TN 37334 116 East College Street
Fayetteville, TN 37334

Dragonfly Farm, Taft TN Pampered Paws

Lessons & Training In All Disciplines Spring Diet Coaching Dog Grooming & Boarding
Private Weigh-in Large Breeds Welcome • Julie Fisher, Owner
Boarding • Sales • Horses For Lease Customized Plans
94 Icy Bank Rd., Fayetteville, TN • 931-433-6939
Mindy Watt, Head Trainer • CHA Level III Certified Instructor
Barn: (931) 425-6833 or Cell: (630) 341-0507 •
Nancy Phelps & Sharon Aurand
CARPENTRY WORK - HOUSE Lost 100 pounds! Memory Foam Thera-Peu-
$500 police impounds. Cars/ LYNCHBURG, STORYBOOK
trucks from $500! For listings call,
1-800-706-1759 x6461.
or mobile home. Additions;
carports; siding; replacement
windows; doors; decks; weath-
Weight Control Center
2732 Huntsville Hwy. • Park City, TN
tic NASA mattress: Q-$399,
K-$499. Free delivery. Warranty.
LODGE Nursery, Preschool and
Child Care Center is now enrolling
1-888-287-5337. (60 night trial) children ages 2 years and up. We
Home refund jobs! Earn erizing; remodeling. Licensed. 1-931-703-5329 try to accommodate parents work
$3,500-$5,000 weekly process- Free estimates. Call Gary, (931) schedules, offer nutritious meals
ing company refunds online! 433-9077. 64 CONSTRUCTION - ENERGY- in a safe, nurturing, learning en-
Guaranteed paychecks! No SAVING metal roofs, vinyl siding, vironment. 24 years experience,
experience needed! Positions FOR SALE: BRYANT 3-1/2 ton pole barns, carports, garages, leader in phonemic awareness,
available today! Register online central unit, propane heat/electric Drivers: A great career! Swift COLORADO 40 ACRES near sunrooms. Call today, (931) (931) nationally accredited and dedi-
now! AC, good working condition, re- Transport now offers on the job good town, $35,000, good road 808-8167. cated to you and your children.
placed with more energy efficient CDL training. No credit check. access, beautiful mountain area, Call today to see how we can
unit, ideal for shop or rental prop- No cosigners. No contract. $1,000 down, $475 monthly. SAWMILL: WILL SAW custom serve your family. Mrs. Earlene,
ELK VALLEY TRAILER erty, $500. Call, (931) 937-7782; 1-866-619-6081 Ad #3110. Owner, (806) 376-8690. lumber from your logs or mine. (931) 759-5184.
$$$Access lawsuit cash now!!! As BAKE SALE AND Easter Basket
JC’s Mobile Sawmill, (931)
Cargo, Flatbed & Livestock Trailers Buried in credit card debt. We seen on TV. Injury lawsuit drag- Sale: At Save A Lot, 301 West CONNER INDUSTRIES INC.
931-433-6255 can save you thousands & lower ging? Need $500-$500,000++
within 48/hours? Low rates. Apply
College, Fayetteville, March 8, 8
a.m. Proceeds benefit House of
FOR RENT: LIMESTONE Road now accepting applications.
2983 Huntsville Hwy. your monthly payments! Call the Mini Storage currently has stor- Apply in person at 473 Old
Debt Relief Hotline for your free now by phone! 1-866-386-3692; Truth Building Fund and Youth age units for rent, Elora. (931)
Park City, TN Lincoln Rd., Fayetteville.
consultation. 800-934-9187. Projects. 937-8728.

Dickie Bolles John Hoagland Cindy Endsley Jim Cashion Colin Wakefield Jerry Groce
433-3380 433-8085 652-9330 433-1089 438-1418 433-5090

REALTY & AUCTION 116 E. College, Fayetteville, TN 37334

Neal Scott Ken Noel Linda McWhirter (931) 433-1607 • Toll Free: 888-785-3654 Kathy Gilland Walter Sloan
931-217-8342 433-3199 931-703-8966 438-2958 931-703-0680


2 Acres - Lees Creek Rd. - Unrestricted 2 20 Bluebird Drive – Stylish New Construction in 1002 Bellemeade Dr. – Luxurious quality in Limestone Rd. - 15± Acres - Located in SE 13 Sonoma Dr. - Gorgeous new home with
acre tract located on Lees Creek Road just an upscale subdivision! Gorgeous LR with double Twin Oaks features foyer, DR, & LR w/hardwood Lincoln County, this level acreage tract has everything! Paladian style windows, stone FP,
off of Howell Hill Road. Mostly level with trey ceiling opens to the formal DR. There is an floors, tiled custom kitchen & breakfast nook, approximately 600 ft. of road frontage & is in hardwood & tile floors, beautiful crown mold-
some woods and has approximately 175 ft. open spacious tiled kitchen w/nook and an 11x13 master BR w/trey ceiling, master BA w/corner a beautiful country setting ideal for building ing & trim, trey and vaulted ceilings, whirl-
of highway frontage. Electric, gas, and water laundry room.The master BR has a trey ceiling, BA whirlpool, 3 BRs, 3 BAs, study, bonus room with site. Public water available. Some restric- pool master BA, custom cabinets & Rinnai
available. Ideal building site or mobile home & walk-in closet. Custom cabinets, crown mold- loft area & computer center, & laundry room tions apply. $87,700. MLS #928928. water heater! Open plan includes foyer, LR,
site. $16,000. MLS #923557. ing, and wood & tile floors are just some of the w/oak cabinets & sink. Gas log FP. Attached dining, kitchen w/nook, 3 BRs, 3 BAs, office
special features. $194,900. MLS #865424 garage. $315,900. MLS #856089. and bonus room. $227,500. MLS #937480.
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 25

Now Buying Don't

D on't M
iss T
Any Kind Of Metal
Old Fence Wire, Old Chain-Link Fence,
Old Tin, Old Washers, Dryers,
Refrigerators, Stoves, Air Conditioners, Pre-Owned
Pre-Owned Home
Home Sale
Sale IIn
he S
Pots, Pans, And Even Kitchen Sinks!
Also Buying Any Kind Of Aluminum & Aluminum Cans
ver s qu eady
O me ick
Creson Recycling h o from
! de for
2534 Lewisburg Hwy., Fayetteville, TN
60 ose r y!!
931-433-5290 c ho
Look For The Crane!
Closed Sunday & Monday


14 Model Home Centers in Georgia and Tennessee
sleeps 4 or 5, good condition,
One Stop Auto Shop serious inquiries only, good are ready to move ALL used homes!!
Dennis Johnson - Owner for montains/river, $600. (931)
256-828-8848 937-6982.
Mon. - Fri. • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
15687 Hwy. 231-431 N. WANTED: FARM MECHANIC -
Hurry! Call Today! These Homes Won't Last!!
Hazel Green, AL 35750 Diesel engine, hydraulics, trucks,
trailers, tires, farm equipment and
0% Down For Landowners (w.a.c.)
irrigation experience necessary.
Buy Timeshare Resales. Save Starting pay $10 per hour or based
60-80% off retail!! Best resorts &
seasons. Call for free timeshare
on experience. Benefits available.
Long hours and weekends can
Visit or call any of the following
magazine. 1-800-639-5319; www.
be expected during peek season.
Contact: Charles Williams & As-
Middle Tennessee Home Centers near you!
sociates, (931) 732-4774.
Tennessee State Rated 3-Star 16 YOU-TAKE-IT ROAD House
Clayton Homes Freedom Homes Luv Homes
Preschool, has openings for For Sale: Three bedrooms, 1702 Madison St. 1259 S. Water Ave. 1408 S. Jackson St.
1-12 years. For more information, two baths, 2-car carport,
please call, (931) 433-1252. 1,300 square feet, two sheds Shelbyville, TN Gallatin, TN Tullahoma, TN
with power, 100’x100’ lot,
MOM/GRANDMOTHER WOULD Blanche Schools, $79,900. (931) 931-684-5659 615-230-5161 931-455-8755
like to babysit in my home, Park 425-0170; (931) 625-1607.
City area. (931) 438-0375.

Increase male performance. No

prescription needed. Clinically
pert C
c & Watch
c Repair
Watch batteries installed - $5 All work
FLYWHEELERS Antique Trac- Easter Pictures
tested. Guaranteed to work. Call Always buying antique clocks, watches, estates done on
tor-Engine Swap Meet and by
now for a private, risk free trial. Show, March 15, 2008. Down- Photo Essence Photography
Dave’s Antiques town Madison, AL. Visit www.; or Potraits with Live Bunnies
INSIDE FLEA MARKET: Fur- 111 Lincoln Ave. N., Fayetteville, TN
(across from Gerald's Foodland) call, (256) 527-0988.
niture; pottery - McCoy, Hull 931-433-6181 30 years experience March 8-9 and 15-16
cookie jars; antiques; tools; FOR RENT: TWO bedroom, two
books; etc. New items weekly. bath mobile home, located in Call For Appointment
Thursday-Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Crossroads area. No pets, inside
- 3:00 p.m., 108 S. Morgan Av- FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2004 FREE: WE WILL remove old
or outside. (931) 937-6073. Packages Available
enue, Fayetteville. Questions, Chevy Cavalier, red, 4-dr., very junk cars and trucks from your
(256) 431-7239. nice, 48K miles, STK#H078. property. (931) 433-8699.
FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Explorer,
2736 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN
Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931)
Airlines are hiring: Train for high 625-3434. WANTED: CASSETTE, BILLIE 4-door, V-8, loaded, one owner,
68,000 miles, excellent condition,
paying aviation maintenance Joe Shaver, “I’m Gonna Live
Forever”. (931) 433-8548. V-8 engine, priced to sell - $9,995.
career. FAA approved program. 1,000 ENVELOPES = $10,000.
(256) 536-9406.
Financial aid if qualified - Job Receive $10 for every enve-
placement assistance. Call Avi- lope stuffed with our sales FISH DAY SPECIAL: Pond/ Spa/hot tub must sell. MSRP,
ation Institute Maintenance. material. Guaranteed! Free lake stockers. Wednesday, $2,499. New, never used, no
888-349-5387. information: 24 hour recording, Upscale Children's Consignment Boutique March 12, Co-op in Petersburg, maint. Cabinet. Includes cover.
1-800-291-8990. Now accepting gently used Name Brand Children's SPRING clothing. 10:00-10:45 a.m.; Co-op in Will deliver. $1,999. Full warranty.
Great Selections of NEW Gift Items for Birthdays & Baby Showers
Fayetteville, 12:00-2:00 p.m.; Call, 866-920-7089.
FOR SALE: 1995 JEEP $$$$$$NEED CASH$$$$$$ Twice Upon A Time Harvest Feed Mill, 3:00-4:00
WRANGLER, RED, 4WD CASH paid for junk!! Cars, lawn- 5767 Cove Commons Dr., Suite D • Huntsville, AL p.m.; Clarks Feed & Hardware, Tennessee Mountain Acreage.
WITH LIFT, NEWTOP, GREAT mowers, washers, dryers, refrig- 256-532-0250 •
saving the outfit at a time Ardmore, 5:00-6:00 p.m., (870) Two acre beautiful home site,
SOUND SYSTEM, $6,500. erators, batteries and any other 697-3550. million $ view! Secluded, utilities,
CALL, (931) 433-1819. type of scrap metal. We pick up! overlooking Tennessee River.
Call Bob at, (931) 732-5466. Close to marina, schools, shop-
Need cash quickly? $$$ Stay at ping! $49,900, low down, owner
no job too small. Remodeling;
floors; painting and trim; vinyl
Old guitars wanted! Fend-
er, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin.
1930’s-1960’s. Top cash paid.
home and make money. Best
program free video. Go to www.
NOW OPEN! financing! 330-699-1585.

WHAT IS COMPACT fluorescent

lighting? It is a way you can
siding; roofing and concrete. (931)
625-1125. RADWAY & SONS Lawn & Land-
letter from Medtronic, concerning
Lighthouse Educational Services, LLC conserve energy and save on
your monthly electric bill. To
scaping. Complete lawn service:
FOR RENT: TWO bedroom Cut, edge, trim. (931) 732-4272;
a Sprint Fidelis defibrillation lead? • Individual, Paired And Small Group Tutoring purchase these bulbs, go to
You may be entitled to compen- FPU’s office, 408 West College
house, 410 West Maple, washer/ or, (931) 993-0137. sation. Contact Attorney Charles • Homework Help Street, Monday-Friday. Stop
dryer hookup, $315 month plus
deposit. (931) 438-4073. Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. • Exit Exam Tutoring by this week to start making
pumps and pump service.
• And More a difference in your wallet and
NICE UPSTAIRS ONE bedroom Considering adoption? Talk with community. A joint conserva-
General Contractors in Ala-
apartment for rent. Stove, refrig- bama and Tennessee. (256)
caring agency specializing in FREE REGISTRATION IN FEBRUARY tion effort between Fayette-
matching birth mothers with fami- ville Public Utilities and the
erator, washer/dryer furnished.
$300 plus security deposit. (931)
828-1892. lies nationwide. Living expenses
paid. Call 24/7. Abby’s One True
256-829-1224 Exchange.
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 1997 Gift Adoptions. 866-910-5610.
Mercury Grand Marquis, 4-dr.,
HEALTH FAIR AT Agape Manor, loaded, leather, 100K miles, Attend college online from home.
2582 Charity Lane, March FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2003 Medical, Business, Paralegal,
STK#H117. Will finance. TNDL F-150 XLT, V-8, 4-dr., crew cab,
14, 2008, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For #2248. (931) 625-3434. Computers, Criminal Justice. Job
more information call Shana red, power everything, cloth placement assistance. Computer
Romano, (256) 828-7100. interior, 57K miles, STK#H131, available. Financial aid if quali-
$$Cash$$ Immediate cash for
$13,900 plus ttl, TNDL #2248. fied. Call 800-494-3586. www. Free
structured settlements, annuities, General Contractor Free
FOR SALE: 14x7.5 slot aluminum (931) 625-3434. Estimates
lawsuits, inheritances, mortgage Tennessee & Alabama Estimates
wheel, older RWD - Ford, Chevy, notes and cash flows. J.G. Went- Residential & Commercial
Dodge, $40. (931) 433-7261. worth #1. 1-800-794-7310. One Call For All Your Construction Needs!
Final Close Out Sale

THE WOOD SHOP: Specialized Dozers, Trackhoes, Rock Hammer, Loaders, and



cabinetry. Quality craftsman- rocks/roots. Creek gravel. Single All Winter Merchandise Up To 65% Discount Dump Truck services to meet all your needs.
ship. Free estimates. Danny axle. Days, (931) 205-4163; Jeans, Tops, Pants, & A Select Group @ $2 ea. All of our operators have many years of experience.
Pigg & Debbie Kilpatrick. (931) (931) 703-2283; nights, (931)
937-9213. Also 20% OFF All Home Decor We will give you what you pay for!
433-8019; (931) 433-1135.
River Bottom Top Soil • Fill Dirt • Gravel • Metal Buildings
Now Stocking Spring & Summer Merchandise Site Preparation • Underground Utilities • Septic Systems
Name Brand, Gently Used Clothing, Furniture, Home Decor, Footings • Pads • Concrete Work • Land Clearing • Rock Removal
Forget the Big Name! Keep It Simple! Glassware, And So Much More
All work guaranteed ~ Customer satisfaction is always our goal!
H&W Lawncare Alice’s Field of Dreams Proudly serving the Tennessee Valley for over 30 years!
3020 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334
Mowing • Weedeating • Mulch & Re-work Flower Beds • Hedge Trimming 2402 Lewisburg Hwy. (3 miles North) • Fayetteville, TN
Wed. - Fri. • 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.; Sat. 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Office: 931-433-0639 • Fax: 931-438-1716
Licensed 931-433-5672 • 931-625-0839 Insured
Insured • Bonded

All Insurances
1223 Huntsville Hwy., Suite B • Fayetteville, TN 37334 • Behind Carriage Chevrolet Over 20 Years Experience Accepted
Cell: 931-993-8148 • Home: 931-425-0054 Jim Scott, Owner •
Page 26 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

S Spring Revival S Plate Specials Daily

Thursday Friday Fri. & Sat.
Oak Hill Baptist Church Night Night Night
Smothered Catfish New York
10 Wiley Hollow Rd. Covered Chicken Plate Strip
(Hwy. 231 N appox. 9 miles north of Fayetteville) Salad, Baked Potato
& Texas toast
$ 99 $
Belleville Community $ 95
6 + tax
8 + tax 1299 + tax

March 9th - 12th Carryouts Jo's Kountry Kitchen

Sunday: 11 A.M. & 6 P.M. Hwy. 431, Petersburg, TN
Mon. - Wed.: 7 P.M. each night Mon. - Wed., 5 A.M. - 2 P.M. • Thurs. - Fri., 5 A.M. - 7:30 P.M.
Sat., 6 A.M. - 7 P.M. • Sun., 6 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Evangelist: Bro. Roger Berry of
New Grove Baptist Church in Ardmore, TN
Affordable health benefits from FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL hand
Great Singing • Great Preaching $85.90 - $289.90 monthly for
family. Includes doctors, dental,
quilted quilts, several patterns
available, $250 each, two or
All Welcome hospitalization, accident, medical, more - $200 each. Can be seen
prescriptions, vision, life. Become at Magaline Edwards, 10 Patrick
Pastor: Tony Billions healthy, call today. Everyone’s Rd., off of E. Prospect.
accepted! 800-930-1796.
Mystery shoppers - Get paid to
LAKEFRONT PROPERTY FOR shop! Retail/dining establish-
sale or trade for “what have you?” St. Mary Magdalene ments need undercover clients
Will finance. (931) 937-1052. to judge quality/customer ser-
Episcopal Church vice. Earn up to $70 a day. Call,
BULLDOZING, $60 PER hour, 888-731-1179.
within 35 miles of Huntland, TN.
Milton Stover, (931) 469-7894. ~Visitors Welcome~ $$$$Get cash now! We buy
structured settlements and insur-
High School Diploma!!! Graduate Sunday: Holy Eucharist - 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM ance annuities. Call 123 lumpsum
today!!! 1-877-966-8669$$$$$.
in 4 weeks! Call toll free now! Family Service - 11:00 AM
1-866-308-2165 Ext. 503; www. Sunday School - 10:00 AM FOR SALE: 1991 Cherokee Jeep,
4x4, $2,200. (931) 625-5222.
106 Washington Street East • P.O. Box 150
FOR SALE: 1994 Nissan Path- Fayetteville, TN 37334
finder LE, 4x4, roof rack, off road TURN YOUR STUMPS into
lights, PW, PDL, leather, CD, tint, (931) 433-2911 • mulch, flat or turned over. Call
$2,900. (931) 433-6463. Paul’s Stump Removal. (931)
852-2076; (931) 242-9882.
5x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20 and DAVIS & SON lawn mower FOR SALE: NIKE Shox baseball GOSPEL SINGING: TAFT Full
10x30 units at great prices. repair, you break it, we fix it. (metal) cleets, men’s size 10, Gospel Church, March 8, 2008,
Our convenient location in (931) 438-2804. royal with white logo, $35. (931) 7:00 p.m. Featuring: True Heart.
downtown Park City makes us 433-5136. Everyone welcome. Pastor: Har-
the right choice for your stor- FOR SALE: 1990 GMC 4WD old Boggs.
age needs. Call, (931) 273-9737, pickup, bad transmission, $800 or FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2005
for more information. Your best offer. (931) 425-0758. Ford Freestar van, 4-dr., red,
*TENNESSEE* Need a loan? No credit - Bad Extended Attic. all power, third row seat, very
188 AC, ELORA "NEW" credit - Bankruptcy - Reposses- BENEFIT SPAGHETTI SUPPER terior/exterior painting and
181 AC, MIMOSA sion - Personal loans - Auto loans nice, 49K miles, $10,900 plus ttl, repair. Specializing in repaints.
H&L HOME IMPROVEMENT: for Alan Tedders, Saturday, March
113 AC, MIMOSA - Consolidation loans available! 8, 4:30-6:30 p.m., $5 donation, STK#H008, TNDL #2248. (931) Commercial and residential.
56.83 AC, BELVIDERE All types of painting, spraying, 625-3434.
“We have been helping people Christian Fellowship Church, on Licensed and insured. Free
51.41 AC, SMITHVILLE "SALE remodeling, roofing, metal and
with credit problems since 1991”. Lincoln Rd. estimates. (931) 937-6397.
PENDING" asphalt. Licensed and insured. DOZER, LOADER, BACKHOE
Call 1-800-654-1816. Fred Holder, (931) 433-2686;
13.56 AC, BELVIDERE FOR SALE: 1996 Dodge Service. Ponds; land clearing;
Greg Lester, (931) 438-8402; Bret pads; all types of dirt work; river
*JACKSON CO, AL* DirecTV free 4 room system! Holder, (931) 937-7077. van; building stones. (931) FOR RENT: APARTMENTS - One
WELTON’S POINT Checks accepted! 250+ channels! 433-9534. bottom topsoil; fill dirt; brown
BLUFF LOT #2 $131,250 river rock; crusher gravel. Gary furnished efficiency, one furnished
Starts $29.99! Free Showtime + one bedroom, no pets, deposit
LAKE VIEW LOT #4, CR 67 Starz, 90+ HD channels! Free Damron. (931) 937-8709.
LONG ISLAND OVERLOOK #5 required. (931) 433-7385; (931)
DVR/HD! We’re local installers!
637 AC, CR 500 "NEW"
388 AC, CR 65
245 AC, CR 53


bulls and heifers, excellent blood-
Retirement Sale Viagra/Cialis, Viagra/Cialis. 40 for
$99; 40 for $99. www.WESAVEO-
NDRUGS.COM; 888-942-2262.

FOR RENT: THREE bedrooms,

two baths, $650 month. First
187 AC, CR 65
lines. (931) 433-0696. Everything Must Go! ABORTION INFORMATION month-last month, deposit re-
quired. Days, (931) 659-9377;
And Pregnancy Counseling:
105 AC "SALE PENDING" nights, (931) 659-9375.
103 AC, HWY 35
85 AC, CR 395
FOR RENT: OLDER two bed-
room mobile home, new carpet,
tile floors, $250 month, $250
50% OFF Everthing* *
All calls confidential. Call (931)
65 AC, CR 38 Except Flooring call Jason for the solution to all
60 AC, CR 401 deposit, 216 Ardmore Hwy. (256) GIFFORD BROTHERS CON- of your computer needs. (931)
55 AC, CR 142 "NEW"
45 AC, CR 450
Rose Trellis Decorating CRETE. Nothing too big - Noth-
ing too small. Free estimates. 29
227-4344; Jason@justcalljason.
40 AC, CR 30 "NEW" WANT TO DO: Painting (inside/ 2900 Huntsville Hwy. years experience. Dale Gifford,
37 AC, CR 65 out), window replacements, re- Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (931) 469-7401. FOR SALE: 2002, 4.6 5-speed
36.53 AC, CR 61 modeling, room additions, decks, Mustang GT, convertible, fully
18 AC, CR 61 vinyl. Jim King. (931) 433-7234. Saturday 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. LEARN TO RIDE: Lessons, loaded, in excellent condition,
10 AC, HWY 71 training. English or Western.
9.56 AC, CR 17 "SALE PENDING" 83,000 miles, $11,500. Call, (256)
Colts started. Problems kindly 658-4312.
6.08 AC, CR 61 FOR SALE: 2000 Lincoln Con- solved. Kent Greenough, (931)
244 AC, HWY 11
Park City Market & Deli tinental, ivory, sunroof, 85,000
miles, great shape, $6,500. (256)
732-4599. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Stump
grinding. Free estimates. (931)
40 AC, HWY 11 "NEW"
20 AC, CR 27 Is Needing An 828-6441.


FOR SALE: 3500 KW generator,
$225; dune buggy, $1,500; 5’

GLENDA DICKEY PYLANT box blade, $225; 6’ Taylorway FOR SALE: 7’ & 8’ cedar fence
BERRY LAND CO Experienced, Dependable Cashier Gov’t & bank repos! $0 to low
down! No credit OK! Call now!
finishing mower, $950; 1984
Cutlass Supreme, $1,500; 8N
post, $4; corner post, $6; barn
poles available. (931) 703-2283;
For 1st and 2nd Shift 1-800-498-8614. tractor and 5’ bushhog, $2,500;
18’ inboard/outboard boat, $700.
(931) 433-8019.

Benefits include: Post office now hiring. Avg. (931) 227-7330. FOR SALE: 1995 Ford F-150,
pay $20/hour or $57K annually Eddie Bauer, 300 6-cylinder,
Comparable salary, health insurance package, including federal benefits and HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED FOR 5-speed, 212,000 miles, very
WANTED: LAND FOR lease for paid vacation and Christmas bonus OT. Offered by Exam Services, home and business, minimum 8 nice truck, $3,000 firm. (931)
local hunter. (931) 205-1049; not aff. with USPS who hires. 993-9406; (931) 433-4433.
(931) 937-6334.
— Apply at the Park City Store — 1-866-574-4781.
hours/week, references required.
(931) 433-5873.
I WOULD LIKE to babysit in my
FOR SALE: WHIRLPOOL dryer, home, 25 years experience. New
Earn $500+ daily, part-time.
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FOR RENT: THREE bedroom
$100. (931) 307-0916.
Much more full-time! Provide a Market/Hazel Green area. (256)
828-9825; (256) 755-1485.
house, 606 N. Bellview, com- simple service every home and


Are you planning an ANNIVER-

pletely remodeled, $600 month SARY RECEPTION for your business must have! Free report.
plus deposit. (931) 732-4532. Call Drytech: 1-800-507-7222, HAIR SALON BOOTH For Rent:
friends or relatives? Stop by the Established clientele preferred.
EXCHANGE. We can order invi- #CL8002.
GOSPEL SINGING: HWY. 64 Call Amanda, (931) 703-0589.
tations, napkins, guest books &
Church of Jesus, March 8, 7 p.m. other party accessories. 404 S. CUSTOM HOUSE PLANS.
HOMES FOR RENT: 3 bd., 2
Dave's Deals of the Week When praises go up, then bless-
ings come down. Pastor: Stanley
Main, Fayetteville. Hours: Mon- Licensed contractor. 30 years
ba. home, $199/month; 6 bd., 2
day through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 experience. (931) 759-7529. ba., only $229/mo. More 1-4 bds.
2006 Chevy Aveo McKin. Everyone welcome. p.m. (931) 433-9737. available! 5% down, 20 years @
Low miles, great gas mileage TURNER’S PAINTING & pres-
8%. For listings, 800-546-3120
Stk. #C1616A - $9,995 WANTED: HOUSES TO clean, FOR SALE: MALLARD Sprinter sure washing. Cabinet refin- x5269.
reasonable rates, free estimates, camper, 26’, new tires, all acces- ishing. 20 years experience.
2007 Chevy HHR references available. (931) sories included, great condition, Licensed and insured. (931) Mystery shoppers! Earn up to
100,000 mile warranty 438-7768; (931) 625-6444. $4,000. Call, (931) 937-7347. 425-6578. $150 daily. Get paid to shop PT/
Stk. #PG860 - $13,995 FT. Call now 800-690-1272.
WE BUY GOLD and silver. Call
2007 Saturn Aura Micky, (931) 433-1131. FOR SALE: NEW three bedroom,
Sharp, under 30,000 miles two bath house, approximately
Stk. #PG861 - $17,995 Stop by to see Dave and MOBILE HOMES FOR Rent; $659 month includes taxes and in-
also, mobile home lots and RV surance. No money down, no clos-
*Prices include $186.70 processing fee the most experienced staff spaces for rent. Morrows in Park
plus tax, tag and title fees. Vehicles in town for the best deals ing cost. Days, (931) 659-9377;
subject to pre-sale.
City. (931) 433-3159. nights, (931) 659-9375.

Nifty, Nifty
Sammie is 50 and over the hill.
1223 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN Happy Birthday Sweetheart.
(931) 433-2532 • 1-800-737-2552 To a loving wife and mother. We love you.
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Your husband, Roger, and daughter, Tanya.
Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Page 27
• •

Any Type Fencing
Or Rock Walls
T & J Fencing
931-625-2139 • 931-625-1855

ING, unlimited home renovations.
Director Of Nursing
Now accepting applications for a leader who leads by
example, provides encouragement and support to staff.
Beautiful Spring Valley Acres - If you're looking for country
living with restrictive qualities of neighborhood & a quality

Trade... 105 Davidson Street, Fayetteville, TN

Free estimates. One call for all built home THIS IS IT! Built in '06 this lovely home offers
your home needs, from foundation Must be RN licensed in the State of Tennessee. Must be 3 BR, 2 spacious baths, office, large laundry, LR w/FP. Dining
to finish. (256) 651-1856. people oriented, prefer management experience and minimal & kitchen featuring corian counters and built-in buffet. 2 car
travel. Primary hours are Monday - Friday 8 A.M - 5 P.M. attached and 3 car detached garrage. Restricted house and 1
KILN - WILL KILN dry your lumber; must be flexible. EOE 931-438-5555 acre lot for $225,000 or house, lot & additional 20± acres for
also, dry and green lumber for $325,000. Call OLEN MITCHELL for more details.
sale. (931) 433-6594. Apply in person at MLS #920931.
SunBridge Care & Rehab ice d
4081 Thornton Taylor Parkway d
Birthday parties, church/school Re
events. Moon bounces/slides/ Fayetteville, TN
waterslides. (256) 468-4674;
www.familyfunbouncerentals. 931-433-4693
93 1 43
3 46

and Dump Truck Service: Top Wolff tanning beds as low as TIONERY, OR PERSONALIZED Sparkling New & Spacious: - Many added Built In '02 On 2.29± Acres - 2400 sq. ft. In-Town Family Home - On beautiful and
soil delivered. Crushed rock $28 a month! Free DVD player MEMO PADS? The EXCHANGE upgrades to include stainless kitchen appli- lovely home with formal touches through- quiet Chestnut Avenue offers vinyl replace-
hauled. (931) 433-5847. - Order by 3/14/2008. Call ETS has a full line of these and more!! ances, granite countertops, jacuzzi, bonus out! Chefs kitchen to include corian coun- ment windows, open floor plan w/3 BR, 2 BA
Tan today! 888-839-5160; www. Stop by and see our many se- space and 800 sq. ft. basement. 3 bedrooms, ters, custom cherry cabinets, double convec- on main floor, spacious rooms w/wonderful
HAVING A REUNION? Order lections of personalized statio- 2 baths spread over approx. 2100 sq. ft. tion ovens, porcelain sink and well appointed night-time views of the city, full basement for
personalized napkins to be used nery and other business items. LOTS OF BONUS SPACE and 2 car ga- master suite plus 2 additional BR, Florida optimum storage (plumbed and wired), rec.
for a keepsake. EXCHANGE, MATURE LADY WITH small 404 South Main, Fayetteville, rage. Priced at $187,400. MLS #946018. room, formal dining, laundry and double ga- room and walk-up attic. Come home to this re-
404 S. Main, Fayetteville. (931) indoor dog looking for house Tenn. (931) 433-9737. Mon-Fri, Call Mike Stewart for appointment. rage. Spectacular location! $249,900. MLS laxing and well maintained beauty! Call Olen
433-9737. 8:00-5:00. #944961. Call Mary Ann for additional list or David for appt. $124,900. MLS #881045.
to rent. (931) 438-4595, leave
of features!
to own - New three bedroom, two pay $20/hour or $57K annually
Contact One Of Our Qualified Agents Today!
bath house. Down payment, $650 tremely affectionate, scared of including Federal Benefits, OT.
month. Days, (931) 659-9377; cats/children. (931) 433-6396. Offered by Exam Services, not
nights, (931) 659-9375. affiliated with USPS who hires.
FOR SALE: 2002 Ford F-150 1-866-795-4072.
FOR SALE: THREE chicken Super Crew, 4x4, 4.6L, automatic,
barns with 10 or 50 acres. (931) Owe the IRS or State?? Haven’t
Lariat, 96,000 miles, towing pack-
937-6455. filed tax returns???Get instant Mary Ann Tackett Olen David Mickey Lynda Mike
age, hard cover, sunroof, needs Broker/Owner Mitchell M. Good Stafford
relief. Call Mike 1-800-487-1992; Wylie Stewart
MALTIPOO PUPPIES FOR Sale: new tires, asking $12,000. (256) 931-438-5555 931-625-0478 931-625-0696 931-652-6384 931-993-8675 931-625-4464
714-4434; (256) 721-7394; (256) Hablamos
Two, CKC registered, white, espanol.
non-shedding, $300 each. (931) 830-1503.
659-6400. Get a new computer. Brand
new laptops and desktops.
FOR SALE: PREOWNED 2002 Local delivery, guaranteed salary,
Bad or no credit - No prob-
Pontiac Grand Prix, 4-dr., nice weekly pay, benefits available.
lem. Smallest weekly payments
clean car, 101K miles, STK#H120. Class A CDL required. Contact:
available. It’s yours now - Call Vance Sharon Barbara Rex & Carol Walker Jennifer Ken
Will finance. TNDL #2248. (931) Charles Williams & Associates, 1-800-624-1557. Gray Crabtree Coats Carol 931-703-2877 Taylor Benson
625-3434. (931) 732-4774. 931-993-5560 931-205-3863 931-993-7192 Rex 931-205-0866 931-993-1451 931-652-2305
HOUSE FOR SALE Or Rent: Two • •
bedroom, two bath, large kitchen
and breakfast nook, open floor
plan, mostly hardwood floors and
10’ ceilings, nice yard, walking
Scottie America’s favorite coffee dist.
Guaranteed accts. Multi bil-
distance to Fayetteville Square,
$560 month with $500 security Bradford lion $ industry. Unlimited prof-
it potential. Free info. 24/7,
Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries deposit. (931) 993-7757. Interior • Exterior 1-800-729-4212.
Get Well • Secret Pals GARAGE SALE: SATURDAY, Textured ceilings, Sheetrock repair FOR SALE: BERMUDA square
Fresh Cut Flowers & Silk Arrangements 38 Shelton Rd., off Old Lincoln 256-316-6019 bales, horse quality, $5 each.
City & County Wide Delivery Rd. Betty Boop; Dolphin; baby (931) 433-6132; cell, (931)
401 S. Main A
Ave., items; tables. 625-7219.
The Fayetteville, TN
T Nat’l organization now hiring. Avg.
DOZING: With 850 John Deere.
1,000 envelopes = $6,000 guar-
anteed! Receive $6 for every en- GROOMING BY PENNY: Profes-
Flower 931-433-34
931-433-3422 pay $20/hour or $57K/yr. including 30 years experience. Free esti- velope stuffed. 24 hr. information, sional dog and cat grooming,
mates. Reasonable rates. (931)
House federal benefits and OT. Offered
by USWA. 1-866-483-5634. 937-7542.
1-888-423-3820 code 701. by appointment. 465 Ardmore
Hwy. (931) 433-3735.
**Awesome Career** Govern-
High school diploma. Fast, afford- ment postal jobs! $17.80 to $59.00 FOR SALE: 1994 Impala SS LT-1,
able, accredited. Free brochure. hour entry level. No experience power, leather, 57,000 original
Call now! 1-800-532-6546, ext. required/now hiring! Green card miles, near new Z-rated tires,
F Word Ad Coupon F 532; www.continentalacademy.
O.K. Call 1-800-913-4384 ext.
103. Closed Sundays.
original black paint, excellent,
$12,750. Jim, (256) 783-2870.
Fill Out Coupon – Mail, Deliver or Fax: Hondas from $500! Police im-
pounds for sale! Many makes/
models available. For listings call,
We Now Manufacture On The Premises
1-800-706-1759 x6445. Prime & Secondary Metal w/ 1 - 2 Day Service
404 South Main Ave., P.O. Box 490, Fayetteville, TN 37334 15 colors available
FOR SALE: 1975 mobile home,
or Fax… 931-433-0053 two bedrooms, one bath, newly re-
modeled, must be moved, $2,000
or visit our web site at… or best offer. (931) 937-7987; Metal Trusses In Stock
Print or type your ad in the space below. Ads must be received no later than (931) 625-4724. Trim & All Accessories
Monday noon for each Wednesday’s publication. Start with a caption such as: Roofs, Barns & Garages
NEEDED: FARMS AND small Building Kits Available
For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, etc. Include your phone number as one word. acreages. Our demand is great
and our supply is short. We will
get you top dollar. The J. Paul
Richardson & Son Realty Co.,
(931) 433-2352.
Metal Roofing
the EXCHANGE for prices on Manufacturing
wedding invitations, thank you Corner of Hilldale Road
notes, napkins & other wedding & Huntsville Hwy.
accessories.We can assist you
in your selection. 404 South 931-433-3030
Phone ( ) Main, Fayetteville, Tenn. (931) Mon.-Fri. 7:30 A.M.-5
.-5 P.M.
Standard Rate: 15 words or less - $9.00 (Additional words 25¢ each, per ad per week)
Options: Payment: “Come Grow With Us”
m Bold Type m Cash, Check, M.O. Quality First has a new office in Fayetteville. We are searching for
Add $2.00 per week to base charge m MasterCard m Visa motivated individuals that want to make a difference. We offer excellent
pay and a generous benefit plan that includes medical, dental and
m CAPS m AmEx m Discover vision insurance, 401K, paid time off and more.
Add $2.00 per week to base charge We are currently accepting resumes/applications for the following positions:
m Border Around Ad Card Number • Registered Nurse (Full-time or PRN)
Add $4.00 per week to base charge • Occupational Therapist (Full-time or PRN)
Expiration Date

Please Run Ad: m 4 Week m 3 Weeks m 2 Weeks m 1 Weeks QUALITY FIRST HOME CARE
I have figured charges & options for the above and have enclosed: Attention: Glenda Wright, RN, Branch Manager
1423 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN
Name: 1-866-331-0062 or 931-438-9595
Fax resumes/applications to: 931-438-9549
Address: Email resumes to:
Apply online:
Page 28 Fayetteville • Lincoln County Thank You For Saying, “I saw it in THE EXCHANGE,” March 5, 2008

“A Campin' We Will Go”

March 18, 20, 21, 22
2 at 7 P.M.
Saturday, March 22 Matinee
Mattinee 1:30 P.M.
Ninth Grade Academy Auditorium
900 South Main St., • Fayetteville, TN
1200 Adults • $500 Children 3-12
Children 3 and under Free!
(no seating available, must be held in lap)
For ticket information , you may call Cary Sullivan
Proceeds go to Benefi
fitt th
They Can Be Purchased At The Following Locations:
Bagley & Bagley Insurance ~ Carter’s Drug Store ~ First National Bank ~ Citizens Bank
Fayetteville/LC Chamber of Commerce ~ Region’s Bank ~ Trustee’s Office ~ Bank of Lincoln County

 Calendar of Events 
“Behold I Make All Things New” Easter Cantata ............................................................... Sun., Mar. 9; 7:00 P.M.
Women's Conference ................................................. Fri., Mar. 7; 7:00 P.M. Held at Fayetteville Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Women's Conference ............................Sat.,
............................ Mar. 8; 10:00 A.M. & 3:00 P.M. Singers from the community & The Heritage Children's Chorale of the TN ..
Held at House of Faith Healing & Restoration Center, Fayetteville, TN. Valley.
Friday Speaker: Deliska Lombard. Saturday Speaker: Elizabeth Shreve.
Luncheon on Saturday between service. Knights Of Columbus
For more information, call 931-993-0400. Right To Life Dinner ................................ Sat., Mar. 15; 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
Held at St. Anthony Church Hall, Fayetteville, TN.
Benefit Spaghetti Dinner Benefits go to Lincoln County Right To Life Oratory Contest.
To Benefit Alan Tedders ........................... Sat., Mar. 8; 4:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. Tickets sold at the door.
Held at Christian Fellowship Church, 10 Lincoln Rd. Country Ham Breakfast............................. Sat., Mar. 15; 6:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
$5 donation. Held at Howell Community Center, Lewisburg, Hwy., Fayetteville, TN.
Proceeds are for the upkeep of the center.
Lincoln County Lady Falcons Booster's Carry outs available.
10th Annual Steak and Shrimp Dinner .................... Sat., Mar. 8; 5:00 P.M.
Held at Lincoln County High School, Fayetteville, TN. Stewart's Chapel Youth Missions Presents
$50 donation good for 2 dinners. Hee Haw.................................................................... Sat., Mar. 15; 6:00 P.M.
Supper Starts at 5:00 P.M. Door Prize Drawing Starts at 6:30 P.M. Held at Stewart's Chapel Baptist Church Family Life Center.
Carry outs available. Lots of memorable country music stars.
Concession stand with hamburgers, popcorn and more.
$4 admission. 3 and under free.
Ice Breaker Poker Run ................................................. Sat., Mar. 8; 10:00 A.M.
Held at Howell Hill Community Center, Fayetteville, TN. 14th Annual Hunting Heritage Membership
Sponsored by The Tennessee Valley Riders. Drive and Banquet ............................ Thurs., Mar. 20; 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Benefits Family's in need during 2008. Held at Lincoln County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building, Fayetteville, TN.
Sign up: 10:00 A.M. Bikes out at 11:30 A.M. back in by 2:00 P.M. Sponsored by Elk Valley Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation.
$20 single rider. $25 riding double. (includes food and drink at end of ride). For more info or tickets, call Cheri Ashby 931-433-2671 (days), Kim Reed
For more info, call 931-433-3635, 931-993-6370 or 931-993-6371. 931-433-9124 (days) or Randy Ashby 931-580-9547 or 931-433-3555.

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