1. Time types assign meanings to time intervals and determine how time data is used to calculate balances. When customizing the system, specifications can be set for each time type regarding transfers to daily/monthly totals and balances.
2. The standard system includes time types for recording attendance, absences, overtime, off-site work, and producing balances for skeleton time and flexitime.
3. Personnel calculation rules process time data by storing daily balances in cluster tables and transferring them to period balances in other tables accrued over the time evaluation period.
1. Time types assign meanings to time intervals and determine how time data is used to calculate balances. When customizing the system, specifications can be set for each time type regarding transfers to daily/monthly totals and balances.
2. The standard system includes time types for recording attendance, absences, overtime, off-site work, and producing balances for skeleton time and flexitime.
3. Personnel calculation rules process time data by storing daily balances in cluster tables and transferring them to period balances in other tables accrued over the time evaluation period.
1. Time types assign meanings to time intervals and determine how time data is used to calculate balances. When customizing the system, specifications can be set for each time type regarding transfers to daily/monthly totals and balances.
2. The standard system includes time types for recording attendance, absences, overtime, off-site work, and producing balances for skeleton time and flexitime.
3. Personnel calculation rules process time data by storing daily balances in cluster tables and transferring them to period balances in other tables accrued over the time evaluation period.
1. Time types assign meanings to time intervals and determine how time data is used to calculate balances. When customizing the system, specifications can be set for each time type regarding transfers to daily/monthly totals and balances.
2. The standard system includes time types for recording attendance, absences, overtime, off-site work, and producing balances for skeleton time and flexitime.
3. Personnel calculation rules process time data by storing daily balances in cluster tables and transferring them to period balances in other tables accrued over the time evaluation period.
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Positive Schema TM00:
Positive and Negative Time Schema TM04:
Quota Schema TQTA: Time Custom Schema (TM04): Time Subschema HRR ate Regu!i"ation: What is time type Time Type Time types assign a meaning to time intervals. The balances formed in time evaluation are updated in the time types.When the system is customized, the following specifications are made for each time type: 1. Is the time type transferred to the daily and monthly totals? . !hould the time type be transferred from the previous month"year? #. !hould the time type be transferred to $luster %1 for entry data? &. !hould the time type be included in the balance display? The meaning of time types is ta'en from time evaluation(s personnel calculation rules. The !)* standard system has the following time types: Time types for balance formation using time data with clock times 0003 - Skeleton time, as total of: + ,11, - )ttendance during fill time + ,, - )ttendance during core time + ,1, - .ecorded absence during fill time + ,, - .ecorded absence during core time + ,1#, - /ff-site wor' during fill time + ,#, - /ff-site wor' during core time + ,&11 - /vertime hours in e0cess of 1uota + ,2&, + *aid brea' times 0005 le!time balance, deri"ed from + ,,,# - !'eleton time, reduced by + ,,, - *lanned wor'ing time 00#0 $ttendance, as total of + ,11, - )ttendance during fill time + ,1, - )ttendance during core time 00%0 &ecorded absence, as total of + ,1, - .ecorded absence during fill time + ,, - .ecorded absence during core time 0030 - 'ff-site work (recorded attendance from infotype %00%) as total of + ,1#, - /ff-site wor' during fill time + ,#, - /ff-site wor' during core time 00*0 - '"ertime worked, as total of + ,,&1 - /vertime to compensate with time off + ,,& - /vertime to compensate + ,,&# - /vertime to compensate with time off plus overtime bonus 0050 +roducti"e hours, as total of + ,,1, - )ttendance + ,,#, - /ff-site wor' 3recorded attendances from infotype ,,4 + ,,&, + /vertime wor'ed Time types for balance formation when only a number of hours is recorded + 000% +lanned working time according to daily work schedule 0003 - Skeleton time (times which count towards the planned time) as total of + ,,1, - )ttendances 3pair type 14 + ,,, - .ecorded absence from infotype ,,1 + ,,#, - .ecorded attendances from infotype ,, + ,&11 - /vertime hours in e0cess of 1uota + ,2&, + *aid brea' times + 0005 le!time balance, deri"ed from + ,,,# - !'eleton time, reduced by + ,,, - *lanned wor'ing time + 00#0 - $ttendances, as total of time types + 1100 + )ttendance with processing type"time type 00 + 00%0 - 'ff-site work (recorded attendance from infotype %00#) as total of + 100 - )bsences with processing class"time type class 00 0030 - &ecorded attendances from infotype %00%, as total of:+ 1#00 - .ecorded attendances with processing type"time type class 00 00*0 - '"ertime worked, as total of+ ,,&1 + /vertime to compensate 3with time off4 + ,,& - /vertime to compensate + ,,&# - /vertime to compensate with time off plus overtime bonus 0050 +roducti"e hours, as total of+ ,,1, - )ttendances 3pair type 14 + ,,#, - .ecorded attendances from infotype ,, + ,,&, + /vertime wor'ed
+ersonnel calculation rule T&30 pro"ides a model of the processing re,uired-
5ou can store the daily time balances in the T6! table 3Day Balances4 on cluster %. 7ay balances can be the productive hours and overtime wor'ed on one specific day, for e0ample. 5ou can transfer the day balances to another time balance and store it in the !)87/ table on cluster %. In the !)87/ table, time balances are accrued and deducted over the time evaluation period. They are therefore referred to as period balances. 60amples of period balances are the productive and overtime hours totaled for the period or the fle0time balance.
9ow do we see the results stored in time types *T:%)8,,