Abrites Diagnostics For Ford Mazda User Manual
Abrites Diagnostics For Ford Mazda User Manual
Abrites Diagnostics For Ford Mazda User Manual
ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
ABRITES Diagnostic for Ford/Mazda
User Manual
Issued by Abritus !" #td$ Manua# %ersion "$&&
ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Table of Contents
Getting Started......................................................................................................................................5
Vehicle Context................................................................................................................................6
Scanning for C!"..........................................................................................................................#
C! identification...........................................................................................................................'
(ead ) Clear &*C..........................................................................................................................10
+ive &ata........................................................................................................................................11
S$ecial ,-nction"................................................................................................................................12
.e/or0 (ead ) 1rite....................................................................................................................12
2e0 +earning.................................................................................................................................14
34*S 5nfor/ation......................................................................................................................15
34*S 2e0 +earning...................................................................................................................16
34*S ra"e 4ll 2e0".................................................................................................................1%
34*S 5nitiali6ation....................................................................................................................1'
S$are 2e0 3rogra//ing nable ) &i"able...............................................................................20
!nli/ited 2e0 .ode nable ) &i"able.....................................................................................21
34*S O!* 7 58 code Calc-lator...................................................................................................22
Vehicle 5dentification &ata 9 V5& : ;loc<.....................................................................................25
Central Car Config-ration.............................................................................................................2'
3rogra//able .od-le 5n"tallation 9 3.5 :...................................................................................30
,-el 5n=ector 3rogra//ing 9*&Ci ngine":.................................................................................41
(e/ote 2e0le"" ntr0...................................................................................................................51
&-/$ *ool ....................................................................................................................................53
Service ,-nction"...............................................................................................................................54
3owertrain Control .od-le 93C.:...............................................................................................54
(e"et 2ee$ 4live .e/or0 9 24. :.........................................................................................54
(e"et the &ie"el 3artic-late ,ilter 9&3,: +earned Val-e"........................................................54
(e"et the 1ater in ,-el 9 15, : 1arning 5ndicator..................................................................54
(e"et the 2noc< Sen"or +earned Val-e"...................................................................................54
(e"et the ,-el .etering Valve +earned Val-e"........................................................................54
(e"et the 5nta<e 4ir *hrottle Valve +earned Val-e".................................................................55
(e"et the xha-"t Ga" (ecirc-lation 9 G( : Valve +earned Val-e".......................................55
(e"et the &ifferential 3re""-re Sen"or +earned Val-e"............................................................55
(e"et the >igh 3re""-re ,-el S0"te/ +earned Val-e"..............................................................55
,-el 5n=ector Correction ,actor"...............................................................................................55
(elearn Vehicle &ata.................................................................................................................55
(e"et the .a"" 4ir ,low 9 .4, : Sen"or +earned Val-e".......................................................56
(e"et the ,-el 3re""-re (elief Valve O$en Co-nt +earned Val-e............................................56
(e"et the ,-el 3re""-re (elief Valve O$en &-ration +earned Val-e.......................................56
S$eed +i/iter............................................................................................................................56
*ran"/i""ion Control .od-le 9 *C. :.........................................................................................56
;od0 Control .od-le 9 ;C. :......................................................................................................5#
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Set Vehicle 3ower .ode...........................................................................................................5#
(e"traint" Control .od-le 9 (C. :..............................................................................................5#
Clear (e"traint Control .od-le 9(C.: Cra"h &ata .e/or0..................................................5#
(e"traint" Control .od-le 9(C.: .od-le Central Car Config-ration 9CCC: !$date...........5#
3a""enger 4ir ;ag &eactivation 934&: Switch 4ctivation.......................................................5#
,ord O;&?55 diagno"tic interface $ino-t and wiring.........................................................................5%
Contact 5nfor/ation............................................................................................................................62
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
ABRITES Commander for Ford/Mazda is a professional software for diagnostic of
Ford/Mazda veicles!
Standard diagnostic functions"
Read #eicle Identification
Read Fa$lt Codes % DTC &
Clear Fa$lt Codes
Device Scan
Data Displa' / Meas$red val$es
Diesel Engine In(ectors )rogramming
)rogramma*le Mod$le Installation
Service F$nctions
Special functions"
Read/+rite EE)R,M
Mileage Recali*ration
-e' .earning
Advanced functions"
C$stom Re/$est
D$mp Tool
Supported protocols"
0ig Speed CA1 2 3445*6 789:
Mid Speed CA1 2 9;35*6 <899
- 2 line =
>9?34 )+M 2 ;894 % re/$ires additional adapter &
Note" Depending on te p$rcased version some of tese f$nctions ma' not *e availa*le
in 'o$r software!
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Getting Started
1hen 0o- r-n 4;(5*S Co//ander for ,ord).a6da it will tr0 to detect a-to/aticall0 the
a$$ro$riate hardware interface and will connect with it. 5f the connection failed a /e""age box with
the ex$lanation of the $roble/ will a$$ear.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Vehicle Context
;0 defa-lt@ when 4;(5*S Co//ander for ,ord).a6da i" "tarted in the /ain li"t are di"$la0ed all
available electronic contrl -nit". Ao- can red-ce the n-/ber of di"$la0ed -nit" b0 "$ecif0ing the
vehicle context. *o change the vehicle context "elect a de"ired /odel.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Scanning for ECUs
&evice "canning f-nction i" hel$f-l when 0o- want to $erfor/ a B-ic< &*C chec< of all available
device -nit" in a vehicle. 1hen 0o- clic< on the CScan allC b-tton on the /ain "creen@ a $rogre""
window will a$$ear. *he bahavio-r of the "canning can be chaned b0 the C&evice ScanningC o$tion.
(efer to the Config-ration "ection.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
ECU identification
1ith thi" f-nction hardware and "oftware variant@ calibration level can be "een.
*hi" infor/ation i" -"ef-l when an -"ed C! i" needed to re$lace da/aged original $art.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Read / Clear DTC
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Live Data
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Special Functions
4;(5*S Co//ander for ,ord).a6da $rovide "o/e diagno"tic f-nction"@ which are "$ecific onl0
to o-r $rod-ct or the0 are not "-$$orted b0 the other "i/ilar diagno"tic tool". *he"e f-nction" are
"e$arated in the S$ecial ,-nction" li"t.
*he li"t i" located in the botto/ right corner of the /ain "creen. Ao- can r-n a "$ecial f-nction b0
do-ble clic<ing on it or b0 "electing it and clic<ing on the b-tton O$en in the right of the li"t.
Memor Read / !rite
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
"e Learning
Go to the S$ecial ,-nction" "creen. Select 2e0 +earning.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
PATS nfor!ation
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
PATS "e# $earning
*hi" $roced-re will add <e0" to the 34*S "0"te/ /e/or0.
2e0" alread0 <nown to the 34*S "0"te/ will not be era"ed.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Issued by Abritus !" #td$ Manua# %ersion "$&&
ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
PATS %rase All "e#s
*hi" $roced-re will era"ed all "tored <e0" fro/ the 34*S "0"te/ /e/or0.
Once co/$leted a /ini/-/ of 2 new <e0" /-"t be $rogra//ed@
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
PATS nitiali&ation
*hi" $roced-re i" -"ed to /atch the 3C. to 53C 9 >C : and)or ;C. or ,53 a" a$$ro$riate. 5t i"
i/$ortant that the <e0 in the ignition i" $rogra//ed to the vehicle@ otherwi"e /od-le initiali6ation
i" not $o""ible.
3C. ? 3owertrain Control .od-le
>C ? >0brid lectrical Cl-"ter 9 in"tr-/ent cl-"ter :
,53 ? ,-el 5n=ection 3-/$
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Spare "e# Progra!!ing %nable ' Disable
nable" or di"able" the "$are <e0 $rogra//ing $roced-re a" li"ted in the Owner" /an-al.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Unli!ited "e# Mode %nable ' Disable
!nli/ited <e0 /ode i" intended for -"e b0 tho"e c-"to/er" who need /ore than % <e0" for their
*he -nli/ited <e0 /ode i" "et -$ b0 creating a "$ecial@ -niB-e -nli/ited tran"$onder "ec-rit0 <e0
code and $rogra//ing thi" <e0 code into all of the vehicle <e0" "o the0 contain the "a/e <e0 code.
*he c-"to/er /-"t choo"e an %?digit n-/ber 9exce$t for 00000000 or 00000001: to be
$rogra//ed into all of their vehicle" <e0" 9or@ to all of the <e0" the0 want $rogra//ed to one
vehicle:. 4ll c-"to/er vehicle" <e0" 9or all <e0" for one vehicle: need to -"e the "a/e n-/ber.
Valid digit" are 0?' and the letter" 4?,.
5f the 35& !8+D2AD5& i" not available@ -nli/ited <e0 /ode i" t-rned on@ and /-"t be t-rned off
before viewing the "tored code. 4t thi" ti/e@ -nli/ited <e0" /a0 be $rogra//ed to the vehicle. *o
view)change the "tored code@ follow the $roced-re for di"abling the -nli/ited <e0 /ode below.
.onitor the 35& !8+D2AD5& and co/$are it" val-e again"t the code cho"en in Ste$ 1. 5t "ho-ld
not be the "a/e <e0 code.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
#$TS OUT % &' code Calc(lator
*he "$ecial f-nction E34*S 58code Calc-latorF i" co//onl0 -"ed together with ,ord).a6da 5&S.
O$en S$ecial ,-nction" li"t control and "elect O-t5ncode Calc-lator icon.
,ollowing dialog a$$ear" on the di"$la0G
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Start ,ord 5&S and connect to the car. ,ollow in"tr-ction" and let" 5&S read vehicle data. ,or
exa/$le let 0o- have thi" 5&S "creen.
*he e""ential here i" the lineG
'utcode( &&)& *EDB)+ &&&&&&
*hi" i" ES58G+F o-tcode.
5t i" -"ed d-ring <e0 era"ing or $rogra//ing o$eration.
5f C! initiali6ation i" needed. 5&S ret-rn" E&O!;+F o-tcodeG
'utcode( &&)) *EDB)+ AB,DEF
8ote that ES58G+F o-tcode ha" xx40 in the fir"t digit" gro-$@ and E&O!;+F o-tcode ha" xx44.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
;e "-re that 0o- enter xx44 9 34*S O-tcode 3refix : a" it i" $rovided fro/ 5&S.
nter digit" fro/ O-tcode line in the three edit boxe" and $re"" b-tton ECalc-lateF.
4fter a "hort ti/e calc-lated 58Code will a$$ear in 5ncode edit box. nter calc-lated val-e in 5&S.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Vehicle &dentification Data ) V&D * +loc,
V5& bloc< i" a arra0 of 12% b0te" $re"ent in 3C. 9 3owertrain Control .od-le : in /o"t of
,ord).a6da /odel".
V5& con"i"t" of are /an0 config-rable vehicle $ara/eter"G
*0re Si6e
4xle (atio
4nti?+oc< ;ra<e S0"te/
4-xiliar0 Cabin >eater"
Cooling 3ac<
4ir Conditioning
;od0 *0$e
S$eed Control
Vehicle S$eed O-t$-t
Vehicle *0$e
,-el *0$e
Octane Of ,-el
Octane 4d=-"t ) S$ar< (etard
Go to the S$ecial ,-nction" "creen. Select V5&.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Central Car Config(ration
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
#rogramma-le Mod(le &nstallation ) #M& *
Ste- .
Go to the S$ecial ,-nction" "creen. Select 3.5.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- "
,ollowing &ialog 4$$ear". Select C! fro/ co/bobox.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- +
5f the original C! i" available@ 0o- can read 3.5 data.
!"e C(eadC b-tton.
Ste- )
5f the original C! i" not available@ 0o- can obtain vehicle 3.5 data fro/ .otorcraft web"ite.
Connect to internet and o$en online for/ .otorcraft web"ite.
nter the V58 in the box and $re"" CS-b/itC b-tton at the botto/.
Issued by Abritus !" #td$ Manua# %ersion "$&&
ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- /
*he C.od-le (e$rogra//ingC $age will o$en with the CV58C and CVehicle &ataC at the to$.
;elow thi" are two col-/n"@ the one on the left i" 3C. data and the one on the right i" ;C data.
Onl0 $rogra//able /od-le" available in that vehicle will be li"ted -nder ;C .od-le".
So/e /od-le" /a0 have /ore than one line of data.
5f a /od-le i" not li"ted@ then it i" not a $rogra//able /od-le.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- 0
,ind data for de"ired C! b0 5&.
nter 4"?;-ilt vehicle data in co//ander.
8ote that 0o- /-"t enter data witho-t leading "$ace"@ one entr0 $er line.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- !
4nother view for/at.
>ere 0o- can "ee whole 3.5 data bloc<.
&o-ble?clic< on data bloc< to "ee and edit it in binar0 editor.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- *
5f needed edit 4" ;-ilt data before writing.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ste- 1
*-rn 5gnition O,, and $ro$erl0 connect new C!.
!"e C1riteC b-tton to enter data in newl0 in"talled C!.
Ste- .&
&-ring the write $roce""@ a-to/atic bac<-$ of 3.5 data i" $erfor/ed.
5f "o/ething going wrong@ 0o- can find bac<-$ 3.5 file in 4V&5 log folder.
3.5 bac<-$ file" have for/at C;ac<-$D0000//ddDhh.//."".$/iC.
!"e C+oadC and C1riteC b-tton" to re"tore data.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
.(el &n/ector #rogramming )TDCi Engines*
,-el 5n=ector Correction ,actor"
*here are 3 co//on "it-ation" that de/and thi" f-nction.
? 4fter 5n=ector re$lace/ent.
? ,-el 5n=ection "0"te/ calibration
? &rivabilit0 $roble/" li<e +ac< of $ower@ ;lac< "/o<e and the $re"ence of &*CH" 32336@ 3233#@
3233% can often be fixed b0 re?entering the exi"ting 4 in=ector code"
? On earlier /odel 0ear" 9 $re?2003 : it i" not $o""ible to read the act-al in=ector code".
? 5t i" i/$ortant to chec< the code" caref-ll0 before entering the/.
? 4fter entering an in=ector code the f-el "0"te/ will initiall0 r-n witho-t an0 $ilot in=ector
"eB-ence. *he car /-"t be driven for a few <ilo/eter".
Engine Ty-e Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection
,a-acity .$0L
5/$le/ent thi" "ervice f-nction if a new f-el in=ector ha" been in"talled.
ach in=ector ha" an individ-al ' digit code called an in=ector correction factor.
*hi" code a$$lie" individ-al co/$en"ation for each in=ector a" a /ean" of red-cing the f-el deliver0
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re to enter the reB-ired in=ector correction factor.
*he in=ector correction factor i" located on the head of the in=ector.
*he in=ector correction factor i" % digit" long.
5gnore the la"t digit of the ' digit code $rinted on the f-el in=ector.
nter the in=ector correction factor" in c0linder order.
*o -$date or enter a new code@ "elect the reB-ired in=ector and enter the relevant % digit code.
nter all of the reB-ired code"@ then $re"" the ret-rn <e0 di"$la0ed on the "creen.
Engine Ty-e Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection
,a-acity .$*L
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
,a-acity "$&L
*he data reB-ired for each in=ector can be fo-nd on the in=ector bod0.
5t con"i"t" of 16 character" ? n-/ber" and letter".
5f 0o- are certain that the original in=ector" are "till fitted to the engine@ 0o- /a0 find the data on a
lebel on the engine.
Engine Ty-e Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection
,a-acity "$"L
,a-acity "$)L
,a-acity +$"L
Carr0 o-t thi" $roced-re if the ,-el 5n=ector ha" been re$lacedG
ach in=ector ha" an individ-al 16 digit code called an in=ector correction factor.
*hi" code a$$lie" individ-al co/$en"ation for each in=ector a" a /ean" of red-cing the f-el deliver0
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re to enter the reB-ired in=ector correction factor.
*he in=ector correction factor i" located on the in=ector bod0.
*o -$date or enter a new code@ "elect the reB-ired in=ector and enter the relevant 16 digit code.
nter all of the reB-ired code"@ then $re"" the ret-rn <e0 di"$la0ed on the "creen.
5f a label li"ting the in=ector code i" "till $re"ent 9on to$ of the engine:@ re/ove it.
5nfor/ation on the label i" no longer correct and co-ld /i"lead other "ervice technician"
*he 3ilot Correction +earn $roced-re /-"t now be $erfor/ed
Engine Ty-e Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection
,a-acity "$"L
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re if the following new co/$onent ha" been in"talledG ,-el 5n=ector ach
in=ector ha" an individ-al 6 digit code called an in=ector correction factor. *hi" code a$$lie"
individ-al co/$en"ation for each in=ector a" a /ean" of red-cing the f-el deliver0 tolerance.
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re to enter the reB-ired in=ector correction factor. *he in=ector correction factor
i" located on the in=ector bod0. nter the in=ector correction factor" in c0linder order. *o -$date or
enter a new code@ "elect the reB-ired in=ector and enter the relevant code. nter all of the reB-ired
code"@ then $re"" the ret-rn <e0 di"$la0ed on the "creen.
Engine Ty-e Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection Stg%
,a-acity "$&L
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re if the following new co/$onent ha" been in"talledG ,-el 5n=ector ach
in=ector ha" an individ-al 20 digit code called an in=ector correction factor. *hi" code a$$lie"
individ-al co/$en"ation for each in=ector a" a /ean" of red-cing the f-el deliver0 tolerance.
3erfor/ thi" $roced-re to enter the reB-ired in=ector correction factor. *he in=ector correction factor
i" located on the in=ector bod0. nter the in=ector correction factor" in c0linder order. *o -$date or
enter a new code@ "elect the reB-ired in=ector and enter the relevant code. nter all of the reB-ired
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
code"@ then $re"" the ret-rn <e0 di"$la0ed on the "creen.
*hi" f-nction i" reB-ired b0 "ervice centre" when an 5n=ector need" to be re$laced@ or there i" a
driveabilit0 $roble/.
,or 1.6 *&Ci engine" the each in=ector ha" an %?digit calibration code "ta/$ed on the bod0.
,or 1.% @ 2.0 @ 2.2 and 2.4 *&Ci engine" the each in=ector ha" a 16?digit calibration code "ta/$ed on
the bod0.
*he"e code" relate to the electrical and "tr-ct-ral characteri"tic" of each in=ector@ which are defined
d-ring $rod-ction. *he 3C. /-"t <now the calibration code" for each in=ector in order to treat and
o$erate the in=ector" in the correct /anner. *hi" hel$" to red-ce e/i""ion" and i/$rove
$erfor/ance. *he code /-"t be $rogra//ed in b0 co//-nicating and downloading the code into
the 3C." /e/or0.
*here are three co//on "it-ation" which de/and thi" f-nction.
1. 4fter 5n=ector re$lace/ent.
2. ,-el in=ection "0"te/ IcalibrationJ.
3. *o c-re drivabilit0 $roble/". +ac< of $ower@ blac< "/o<e and the $re"ence of &*CJ"G
5"++0 ? C0linder 1 4bove 2noc< *hre"hold
5"++! ? C0linder 2 4bove 2noc< *hre"hold
5"++* ? C0linder 3 4bove 2noc< *hre"hold
5"++1 ? C0linder 4 4bove 2noc< *hre"hold
can often be fixed b0 re?entering the exi"ting 4 in=ector code".
,-el 5n=ector" 3rogra//ing i" -"ed on the following vehicle"G
Mode# Engine M6 $
,ie"ta 1.6 *&Ci 2004 ?
,oc-" 1.% *&Ci 2001 ? 2005 ,,&4),'&4),'&;
,oc-" 2.0 *&Ci 2001 ? 2005 ,5,4
,oc-" 9new "ha$e: 1.6 *&Ci 2005 ?
,oc-" C?.ax 1.6 *&Ci 2005 ?
.ondeo 2.0 *&Ci 2000 ? 2006 >K;4)>K;;)>K;C),.;4)8#;4
.ondeo 2.2 *&Ci 2005 ? 2006
*ran"it 2.0 *&Ci 2000 ? 2005
*ran"it 2.4 *&Ci 2000 ? 2005 >',4
*ran"it Connect 1.% *&Ci 2002 ? 2006
L On earlier /odel 0ear" 9a$$rox $re?2003: it i" not $o""ible to read the act-al in=ector code". On
the"e vehicle" 0o- will "ee J00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00J or I,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,J or a /ixt-re.
L 4fter entering an in=ector code the f-el "0"te/ will initiall0 r-n witho-t an0 $ilot in=ection
"eB-ence. *he car /-"t be driven for a few /ile" to correct thi". *he code" of the O(5G584+
in=ector" fitted to vehicle can be fo-nd on a label@ which i" fitted to the "ide of the engine or on the
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
engine roc<er to$ 9if it ha" not 0et been re/oved:.
*he code" of the O(5G584+ in=ector" fitted to vehicle can be fo-nd on a label@ which i" fitted to
the "ide of the engine or on the engine roc<er to$ 9if it ha" not 0et been re/oved:.
*he code" on the label are in the following for/atG
91M2: N1111111122222222N
93M4: N3333333344444444N
11111111 i" the code for in=ector 1@
22222222 i" the code for in=ector 2@
33333333 i" the code for in=ector 3@
44444444 i" the code for in=ector 4.
*he in=ector" are in the $h0"ical order@ 8O* firing order.
1hen re$lacing an 5n=ector the code "ta/$ed on the bod0 of the new 5n=ector /-"t be $rogra//ed
into the 3C.@ 8O* the code on the label.
Durator2(Turbo Diese# ,o33on Rai# In4ection "$)L ,arry out t7is -rocedure if t7e fo##o8ing
co3-onent 7as been re-#aced Fue# In4ector Eac7 in4ector 7as an indi9idua# .0 digit code
ca##ed an in4ector correction factor$ T7is code a--#ies indi9idua# co3-ensation for eac7
in4ector as a 3eans of reducing t7e fue# de#i9ery to#erance$ 5erfor3 t7is -rocedure to enter
t7e re2uired in4ector correction factor$ T7e in4ector correction factor is #ocated on t7e in4ector
body$ To u-date or enter a ne8 code: se#ect t7e re2uired in4ector and enter t7e re#e9ant .0
digit code$ Enter a## of t7e re2uired codes: t7en -ress t7e return ;ey dis-#ayed on t7e screen$
Before atte3-ting In4ector 5rogra33ing it is necessary for t7e 9e7ic#e to be #eft stationary
8it7 t7e Engine off for at #east * 7ours$ T7is is to ensure t7at t7e engine is stone co#d before
In4ector 5rogra33ing is -erfor3ed$ Fai#ure to fo##o8 t7ese instructions 3ay resu#t in fai#ure
of t7e In4ector 5rogra33ing function and/or dri9abi#ity -rob#e3s$
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Remote "eless Entr
Go to the S$ecial ,-nction" "creen.
Select (e/ote 2e0le"" ntr0.
,ollowing &ialog 4$$ear"
*-rn ignition O,, and $re"" b-tton E(eadF to get n-/ber of $rogra//ed "/art <e0".
3re"" b-tton Era"eF to era"e all of $rogra//ed "/art <e0".
3re"" b-tton E3rogra/F to $rogra/ 1 "/art <e0. Ao- will be $ro/$ted to re/ove 2e0
Cover and to $lace the <e0 in e/ergenc0 "lot in the "teering col-/n "hro-d
4ll of "/art <e0 o$eration" /-"t be $erfor/ed while ignition i" O,,.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
.an-al re$rogra/ a re/ote tran"/itter.
*he following $roced-re ha" to be -"ed to $rogra/ the re/ote control <e0.
1.*-rn ignition fro/ O,, to (!8 4 ti/e" within 6 "econd" with the 4?th ti/e ending in O,,.
2.*he "0"te/ will chi/e to confir/ $rogra//ing /ode entr0.
3.3re"" an0 b-tton on the fir"t re/ote tran"/itter.
4.S0"te/ will chi/e to confir/ $rogra//ing.
5.(e$eat "te$" 2 and 4 for all "-b"eB-ent re/ote tran"/itter".
6.*-rn ignition to the (!8 $o"ition to exit the $rogra//ing /ode.
? 4ll <e0fob" for the vehicle /-"t be $rogra//ed at the "a/e ti/e. 4n0 of the <e0fob" which are
not $rogra//ed d-ring thi" $roced-re will no longer f-nction.
? !$ to 4 tran"/itter" can be $rogra//ed.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
D(mp Tool
D$mp Tool is an instr$ment for editing te content of te EE)R,M files of specific
electronic control $nits! @o$ ave to select a $nit and load a d$mp file! Ten wen 'o$
clic5 on te A)arameters!!!A *$tton 'o$ will see a pop8$p window wit all availa*le
parameters related to te cosen $nit! T'pical parameters are odometer6 sec$rit' code and
#I1! For te air*ag $nits te option clear cras data is availa*le! @o$ can modif' tem *'
clic5ing on te parameter val$e! +en complete wit modifications clic5 on te ,- *$tton!
Te d$mp data will *e $pdated accordingl'! All necessar' cec5 s$ms will *e regenerated!
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Service Functions
Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
*eset "eep Alive Me!or# ( "AM )
*hi" $roced-re will re"et the +earned Val-e" "tored in the 3owertrain Control .od-le 9 3C. : "-ch
a" idle and f-el.
*eset t+e Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) $earned ,alues
*hi" $roced-re /-"t be carried o-t if a new die"el $artic-late filter i" in"talled
*he $owertrain control /od-le will contin-all0 learn the characteri"tic" of certain co/$onent" over
ti/e. *here /a0 be difference" in the characteri"tic" fro/ the old and new co/$onent" which will
re"-lt in difference" in the learned val-e". 5f a new co/$onent i" in"talled the difference in learned
val-e" /a0 re"-lt in $oor driveabilit0 or "et a diagno"tic tro-ble code. *hi" "ervice f-nction will
re"et the learned val-e" of the old co/$onent. *he learning $roce"" of the new co/$onent /a0
occ-r i//ediatel0 or over a n-/ber of drive c0cle".
*eset t+e -ater in Fuel ( -F ) -arning ndicator
xec-te thi" $roced-re onl0 if water i" detected in the f-el. 4fter $erfor/ing thi" $roced-re the 15,
warning indicator i" exting-i"hed.
*eset t+e "noc. Sensor $earned ,alues
xec-te thi" $roced-re onl0 if a f-ll "et of re$lace/ent in=ector" ha" been fitted.
*he engine /-"t not be r-nning.
*eset t+e Fuel Metering ,alve $earned ,alues
xec-te thi" $roced-re if >igh 3re""-re ,-el 3-/$ ha" been renewed.
*he engine /-"t not be r-nning.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
*eset t+e nta.e Air T+rottle ,alve $earned ,alues
xec-te thi" $roced-re if 5nta<e 4ir *hrottle Valve ha" been in"talled.
*eset t+e %/+aust Gas *ecirculation ( %G* ) ,alve $earned
xec-te thi" "ervice f-nction if a new exha-"t ga" recirc-lation valve ha" been 5n"talled.
*eset t+e Differential Pressure Sensor $earned ,alues
*hi" $roced-re will ret-rn the learned val-e" bac< to the no/inal "etting".
*eset t+e 0ig+ Pressure Fuel S#ste! $earned ,alues
*hi" "ervice f-nction /-"t be $erfor/ed if an0 new co/$onent" a""ociated with the high $re""-re
f-el $re""-re "0"te/ have been in"talled.
*he $owertrain control /od-le will contin-all0 learn the characteri"tic" of certain co/$onent" over
ti/e. *here /a0 be difference" in the characteri"tic" fro/ the old and new co/$onent" which will
re"-lt in difference" in the learned val-e". 5f a new co/$onent i" in"talled the difference in learned
val-e" /a0 re"-lt in $oor driveabilit0 or "et a diagno"tic tro-ble code. *hi" "ervice f-nction will
re"et the learned val-e" of the old co/$onent. *he learning $roce"" of the new co/$onent /a0
occ-r i//ediatel0 or over a n-/ber of drive c0cle".
Fuel n1ector Correction Factors
xec-te thi" $roced-re if a ,-el 5n=ector ha" been re$laced.
*elearn ,e+icle Data
xec-te thi" $roced-re to force a $revio-"l0 config-red 3C. to relearn new config-ration data
fro/ ;C..
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
*eset t+e Mass Air Flow ( MAF ) Sensor $earned ,alues
xec-te thi" "ervice f-nction if a new /a"" air flow "en"or ha" been in"talled.
*eset t+e Fuel Pressure *elief ,alve Open Count $earned
*hi" $roced-re clear" the co-nter" that "tore the total n-/ber of ti/e" the f-el rail $re""-re relief
valve ha" o$ened.
*eset t+e Fuel Pressure *elief ,alve Open Duration $earned
*hi" $roced-re clear" the co-nter" that "tore the total ti/e the f-el rail $re""-re relief valve ha"
Speed $i!iter
*hi" $roced-re "et" /axi/-/ vehicle "$eed.
Trans!ission Control Module ( TCM )
2od# Control Module ( 2CM )
Set ,e+icle Power Mode
*hi" a$$lication enable" the "etting of the vehicle $ower /ode.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
*estraints Control Module ( *CM )
Clear *estraint Control Module (*CM) Cras+ Data Me!or#
*hi" ro-tine will clear the cra"h data /e/or0 in the (e"traint" Control .od-le.
*estraints Control Module (*CM) Module Central Car
Configuration (CCC) Update
Carr0 o-t thi" $roced-re if (C. /od-le ha" been re$laced
Passenger Air 2ag Deactivation (PAD) Switc+ Activation
*he following $roced-re will activate)deactivate the $a""enger air bag "witch.
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Ford O2D3 diagnostic interface pinout and wiring
.0 -in >.10" 'BD(" car -ro-rietary connector at t7e Ford car$
Diagnostic interface for a## 3ode# Ford 9e7ic#es$
5in Signa# Descri-tion
2 K1%50 31. ;-"O
3 +S C48 >igh +ow "$eed 91252b: C48 b-" or !;3.
4 CG8& Cha""i" gro-nd
5 SG8& Signal gro-nd
6 >S C48 >igh >igh "$eed 9500 2b: C48 b-".
# 2?+58 95SO '141?2 and 5SO)&5S 14230?4:
10 K1%50 31. ;-"?
11 +S C48 +ow +ow "$eed 91252b: C48 b-".
13 ,3S ,la"h 3(O. 3rogra/ Signal. O1%V
14 >S C48 +ow >igh "$eed 9500 2b: C48 b-".
16 O12V ;atter0 $ower
Interfaces used
1''6 ? 2004 G 5SO '141
1''6 ? 200# G !;3
1''6 ? 2001 G K1%50?31. onl0
2002 ? 2006 G K1%50?31. or C48
after 2006 G C48
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
;elow 0o- can find a li"t of t0$ical $roble/" and how to "olve the/G
1hen "tarting the E4;(5*S Co//ander for ,ord).a6daC a /e""age box with the text
CConnection rrorG 5nterface not connectedPC a$$earG
? ;e "-re that the !S; interface driver" are in"talled $ro$erl0. Ao- can loo< at the device /anager@
the !S; interface "ho-ld a$$ear a" E!S; Serial 3ort 9CO.xx:F where ExxF i" the n-/ber of the
? *r0 to reconnect the !S; connector of the interface
? *r0 to reconnect the O;&2 connector of the interface
? ;e "-re that the interface i" connected with the car $ro$erl0
Issued by Abritus !" #td$ Manua# %ersion "$&&
ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
,AN Controller 4rea 8etwor<
DT, &iagno"tic *ro-ble Code
E,M ngine Control .od-le
E,U lectronic Control !nit
I5, 5n"tr-/ent 3anel Cl-"ter
T,M *ran"/i""ion Control .od-le
SLM Shift +ever .od-le
T5MS *ire 3re""-re .onitoring S0"te/
A,, 4da$tive Cr-i"e Control
T, *raction Control
ES5 lectronic Stabilit0 3rogra/
E5S lectro 3ower Steering
E?5S lectro >0dra-lic 3ower Steering
SAS Steering 4ngle Sen"or
SADS Se/i 4ctive &a/$ing S0"te/
,IM Col-/n 5ntegrated .od-le
B,M ;od0 Control .od-le
5ATS 3a""ive 4nti *heft S0"te/.
DL, &ata +in< Connector
5,M 3owertrain Control .od-le
@'E' 2e0 O8 ngine O,, *e"t
@'ER 2e0 O8 ngine (-nning *e"t
R@E (e/ote 2e0le"" ntr0
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ABRITES Diagnostics for Ford / Mazda USER MANUAL
Contact nfor!ation
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