ERP Implementation: Why Organizations Go in For ERP

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ERP Implementation

Why organizations go in for ERP:

Technological Reasons:
Desire to outsource software maintenance and development
Need for adopting clean slate approach in order to achieve improved software system
Need for common technology platform and increased standardization in technology used
IT cost reduction
Desire to replace the ageing IT architecture or technology Business reasons:
Globalization and desire to move to a standardized IT and organizational blueprint to deal with
merger / acquisition
Desire to adopt best practices business models and new ways of doing business , and to conduct
Need for increased flexibility and agility in doing business
Data visibility and integration aiding managerial decision making and operations
Pressure from value chain and need for electronic networking and collaboration
Implementation Challenges
Challenges faced before, during and after implementation, as per survey in 2004 by IT toolbox
( following is opinion on main challenges to successful implementation (in percentage)
of 375 IT & business professionals.
Implementation challenge Percent of sample
Inadequate definition of requirement 46.5
Resistance to change (Lack of buy in) 43.9
Inadequate resources 43.1
Inadequate Training and Education 36.2
Lack of Top Management Support 32.4
Unrealistic Expectations of benefits and ROI 30.6
Miscalculation of Time and effort 27.7
Poor Communications 27.4
Software- business Incompatibility 23.1
Poor project design and management 16.8
Poor ERP package selection 6.4
Other 4.0
1. Inadequate Requirements Definitions: the requirement definitions should clearly specify the issues and
problems that the ERP system is supposed to solve, the additional capabilities expected out of the system
and so on. It will help in selection of proper ERP package, with areas where functional process
customization is needed.
2. Resistance to Change: implementation of ERP is a change and it is human to resist change. ERP is first an
attitude, then a system. So if employees are not convinced about the importance of ERP and benefits of
using an ERP tool and system they will not be cooperative. There is misconception that it will increase their
workload. It will hinder creative work etc. Management must educate users about ERP. To reduce
resistance create champions, who are well respected potential user of the technology.. The champion
becomes the expert user, facilitator, and trainer of the tool.
3. Inability to achieve Organizational Understanding: understanding an architecture indicates that the
organizational legacy systems and the ERP are documented and articulated as a digital blueprint illustrating
commonalities and interconnections among the component metadata.
4. Inadequate Resources: ERP implementation is a costly affair that requires a variety of resources
money, people and software, hardware and so on. There will be many items that will be missed during the
preparation of the budget but will consume money during the implementation. The long implementation
period (usually 8-20 months) will escalate many costs. Another resource that is always in short supply is
skilled and motivated personnel from the organization
5. Getting of Top management Support: The roles of top management in IT implementation include
developing an understanding of the capabilities and limitation of IT, establishing reasonable goals for IT
systems, exhibiting strong commitment to the successful introduction of IT and communicating the IT
strategy to all employees
6. Lack of organizational readiness: i.e. the preparedness of the organization for a new system of
7. Inadequate Training and Education: ERP projects seem to have a six month learning curve at the
beginning of the project. At a minimum , everyone who uses ERP system needs to be trained on how they
work and how they work and how they relate to the business process early in the implementation process
8. Inaccurate expectations are the norms: Most ERP implementations today result in cost and schedule
overruns. As per study by 10% ERP implementation succeed with full
functionality, within forecast time and cost frames and 55% are implemented with cost and time overruns
and remaining 35% are cancelled. Cost overruns average 178%, while schedule overruns average 230%. On
an average the ERP are implemented with only 41% functionality
9. Poor package selection: The choice of the package involves important decisions regarding budgets,
timeframes, goals and deliverables that will shape the entire project
10. Poor Project management: a project scope that is too broad or ambitious can cause severe problems.
Customization increases the scope of an ERP project and adds time and cost to an implementation
11. Customization Issues: There are four basic choices to customization (a) modify the ERP to match the
organizational processes and or data structures (b) modify the organizational processes and or data
structures to match ERP (c) perform some chice of choice (d) ignore the problem
12. Long Payback Period: Another statistic not well understood is that, the return on investment (ROI).For
most organizations runs almost three years. A metagroup ( study indicated that the
median annual savings from the new ERP average $1.6 million /annually on a (roughly) $30 million
investment one year after implementation is complete
13. Poor communication and cooperation: Communication is the oil that keeps everything working. ERP
systems requires a corporate culture that emphasizes the value of sharing common goals over individual
pursuits and the value of trust between partners, employees, managers and corporations
14. Poor quality Costs: As per survey by PwC two troubling facts about organizational data quality (a) only
15% of the companies are very confident of the data received from other organizations (b) Only one in
three companies are very confident about quality of their data. Poor quality data can be fatal to ERP
15. Hidden implementation Costs: There are many items that are missed or that will consume more
money than allotted while preparing the implementation budget. If the company does not have sufficient
reserves to bear additional expenditure, the implementation will have to be left unimplemented
16. Improper Integration: Organizations face many challenges in ERP integration the challenges of
integrating various functional ERP modules , the challenge of integration with other e-Business software
applications and challenge of integration with legacy systems
17. Improper operation / use: Best ERP solution implemented but if its resources are not utilized to the
fullest, the whole initiative goes to waste.
ERP Implementation (Transition) Strategies
The most important factor that decides the success of an ERP implementation is the transition strategy e.g.
Big bang or Phased or Parallel or Process Line or hybrid. The three pillars of ERP implementation are People
, Process and Technology.
Phased implementation: Independent modules of ERP are installed in each unit while integration of ERP
modules takes place at a later stage. This has been most commonly used methodology of ERP
implementation. Interface programs are common in their use for the phased approach. Implementation
last a long time, greater than 18 months
Parallel Implementation: this approach keeps both legacy system and new ERP system active
simultaneously for a length of time. It has good recovery options in case something goes wrong. It is ideally
suited for mission critical situations that cannot survive a major malfunction of ERP system.
ERP Implementation Lifecycle
ERP implementation lifecycle focus on the ERP project which is carried out to make ERP up and running.
ERP project is likely to go through different phases like any other project.
Most often these phases do not necessarily depend on one another in a sequence, i.e. one phase might start
before previous phase has finished.
Also all phases that will be discussed may not be applicable in all cases.
The different phases of ERP implementation are:-
Pre-evaluation Screening
Package Evaluation
Project Planning Phase
Implementation Team Training
Going Live
End-user training
Post implementation
1. Pre-evaluation Screening
When the company has decided to implement the ERP the search for the convenient and suitable ERP
package begins.
To understand the criteria used in selecting particular ERP package (ERP Selection).
2. Package Evaluation
The objective of this phase is to find the package that is flexible enough to meet the companys need or in
other words, software that could be customized to obtain a good fit.
Once the packages to be evaluated are identified, the company needs to develop a selection criteria that will
permit the evaluation of all the available packages on the same scale
To choose the best system, the identification of the system that meets the business needs, and that matches
the business profile.
Some important points to be kept in mind while evaluating ERP software include:
Functional fit with the companys business process.
Degree of integration between the various components of the ERP system.
Flexibility and scalability
User friendliness
Quick implementation
It is better to have a selection committee that will do the evaluation process.
3. Project Planning Phase
This is the phase that designs the implementation process. Time schedules, deadlines, etc. for the project are
arrived at.
The project plan is developed in this phase.
In this phase the details of how to go about the implementation are decided. The project plan is developed,
roles are identified and responsibilities are assigned.
The organizational resources that will be used for the implementation are decided and the people who are
supposed to head the implementation are identified.
The implementation team members are selected and task allocation is done.
The phase will decide when to begin the project, how to do it and when the project is supposed to be
The phase will also plan the What to do in case of contingencies; how to monitor the progress of the
The phase will plan what control measures should be installed and what corrective actions should be taken
when things get out of control.
The project planning is usually done by a committee constituted by the team leaders of each
implementation group headed by CIO.
4. Gap Analysis
This is the most crucial phase for the success of the ERP implementation.
Simply it is the process through which companies create a complete model of where they are now, and in
which direction they want to head in the future.
The trick is to design a model which both anticipates and covers any functional gaps.
Some companies decide to live without a particular function. Other solutions include:
Identify the third party product that might fill the gap
Design a custom program
Altering the ERP source code, (the most expensive alternative; usually reserved for mission-critical
5. Reengineering
This phase involves human factors.
In ERP implementation settings, reengineering has two connotations. The first connotation is the
controversial one, involving the use of ERP to aid in downsizing efforts.
In this case ERP is purchased with aim of reducing the number of employees.
Every implementation will involve some change in job responsibilities as processes become more automated
and efficient.
However it is best to regard ERP as investment and cost-cutting measure rather than a downsizing tool.
ERP should endanger business change but not endanger the jobs of thousands of employee.
The second use of the word reengineering in the ERP field focus on the Business Process Reengineering
The BPR approach to an ERP implementation implies that there are two separate, but closely linked
implementations on an ERP site
Technical Implementation
Business Process Implementation
The BPR approach emphasizes the human element of necessary change within organizations.
This approach is more time consuming and has received a lot of criticism for creating a big budget and
extended projects.
But those who support it argue that you cannot ignore human element.
6. Configuration
This is the main functional area of ERP implementation.
The Holy Grail (unwritten rule) of ERP implementation is, synchronizing existing company practices with the
ERP package rather than changing the source code and customizing it to suit the company.
In this case business process has to be understood and mapped in such a way that the incoming ERP
solutions match up with the overall goals of the company.
It is not required to shut down company operations while you do a mapping process.
Instead a prototype (a simulation of the actual business processes of the company) will be used.
The prototype allows for thorough testing of the to be model in a controlled environment.
Configuring the system reveals both the strength and the weaknesses of the company business processes.
It is important for the success of ERP implementation that those configuring the system are able to explain
what wont fit into the package where the gaps in functionality occur.
ERP vendors are constantly making efforts to lower configuration costs. Strategies that are currently being
done include automation and pre configuration.

7. Implementation Team Training
Synchronously when the configuration is taking place, the implementation team is being trained.
This is the phase where the company trains its employees to implement and later, run the system.
For the company to be self-sufficient in running the ERP system, it should have a good in-house team that
can handle the various solutions.
Thus the company must realize the importance of this phase and selects right employees with good attitude.
8. Testing
This is the point where you are testing real case scenarios.
The test cases must be designed to specifically to find the weak links in the system and these bugs should be
fixed before going live.
9. Going Live
This is the phase where all technicalities are over, and the system is officially declared operational.
In this phase all data conversion must have been done, and databases are up and running; and the prototype
is fully configured and tested.
The implementation team must have tested and run the system successfully for some time.
Once the system is live the old system is removed and the new system is used for doing business.
10. End-User Training
This is the phase where the actual users of the system will be trained on how to use the system.
The employees who are going to use the new system are identified and their skills are noted.
Based on their skill levels are divided into groups.
Then each group is given training on the new system.
This training is very useful as the success of the ERP system is in the hands of end-users.
The end-user training is much more important and much more difficult than implementation team training
since people are always reluctant to change.
You can have the best technology in the world, but if you dont have a community who wants to use it and
who are excited about it, then it has no purpose. Chris Hughes Co-Founder of FaceBook.
11. Post Implementation (Maintenance Mode)
This is the very critical phase when the implementation phase is over.
There must be enough employees who are trained to handle the problem that might occur when
the system is running.
There must be technical people in the company who have the ability to enhance the system when
Living with ERP systems will be different from installing them.
Projects for implementing the ERP systems get a lot of resources and attention.
However an organization can only get the maximum value of these inputs if it successfully adopts
and effectively uses the system.

ERP implementation needs to change the way people have been doing things and lots of procedures are
introduced for the functioning of ERP. Resistance to ERP implementation is natural because it is human
nature to resist change. Making people accept ERP and implementing it is difficult because of the myths
surrounding ERP, such as ERP causing additional work and more documentation. To reap full benefits of
the ERP system, it should get project-wide acceptance.ERP poject is complex and lengthy project that
enquires a vast amount of resources ( money, personnel, hardware, software, communications network,
etc). It is do-it right-the- first-time kind of project
Pre-implementation Tasks-Getting Ready
I.T. personnels understanding of the new technology is an absolute requirement for a successful ERP
implementation. Everyone from Boardroom to the stockroom needs to clearly understand their role and
responsibilities for implementation. Careful and meticulous planning and preparation is required for the
success. In the planning session it will be determined what must be done, who will do it, how it will be
done, when it will be done, cost of doing it, and the services and materials required to do it
Creating Core Team: Determine the structure of the ERP team, assign ERP core team members to modules
and phases, determine their percentage participation, adjusting percentage equivalents, and calculating
full time equivalents
Establishing the educational & training needs: Education includes giving information about ERP basics,
best practices, need and benefits, different modules and how they function, and such general topics . The
training imparts information specific for the company in that they will teach the users how to use the ERP
system specifically for the business.
Establishing the data conversion/ migration strategy: Almost all functional modules will require
information from legacy system. The two primary methods of converting data are manual and electronic.
When performing this step it may be helpful to have an entity diagram and file structure of ERP system
Establishing interfaces: can be developed using electronic methods or ERP team members or clerical staff.
It is best to have company employees with strong knowledgebase of the legacy ERP system, working
together with knowledgeable ERP application consultants to fully understand the critical interface points
Identifying Constraints: All the constraints of the project should be identified and documented. Some
examples of business activities or problems include lack of people, data integrity problems, people
unwilling to change

Requirements Definition

Requirements definition is the process of capturing and documenting the user requirements and
specifications. The main tasks that are performed in this phase are to understand the current system by
discussing it with users and studying documentation available. The main areas that acre studied are
organization objectives, activities, procedures, rules and standards, files and interfaces and so on. every
existing system , whether manual or computerized, will have some problems or inadequacies. That is why
it is being re-designed or replaced with a new ERP system. The existing system, problems and constraints
are documented for future reference and findings are discussed with the client or user. IT
toolbox( conducted an survey of 375 IT& business professional. The survey asked one
of the question What do you see main challenges to successful ERP implementation?46% participants
indicated that inadequate definition of requirements. Requirements definition is the statement of needs by
a user that triggers the development of a program or a system. Requirement is a user need or a necessary
feature, function or attribute of a system that can be sensed from a position external to that system to that
system. Requirements are specifications of what should be implemented. They are descriptions of how the
system should behave or of a system property or attribute. Functional requirements are documented in a
requirements definition document(RDD) , which describes as fully as possible the expected external
behaviour of the software system. The non functional requirements include standards, regulations, quality
attribute goals, performance objectives, business rules and external interface requirements. Requirement
Engineering is a collaborative activity and interdisciplinary. The requirement engineer needs to mediate
between the domains of the user and software engineering. The requirement engineer gets inputs from
management, marketing, technical support , users, regulatory agencies, hardware engineering, system
engineering, development team, customers, legal department etc. Requirement activities focus on
understanding what we intend to build.

Requirement definition process: Understand the current system (manual or computerized) with a view to
examining its inadequacy and identifying problem areas. It is done by discussing with users and studying
documentation available. It includes organization objectives, activities, procedures, rules and standards,
files and interfaces etc. the aim is to identify the processes, establish what they do and define what they
do and define the key issues that need to be addressed. There are formal tools and techniques available
that are used by business analysts to define requirements. These include the use of data flow diagrams,
entity relationship (ER) diagrams etc. Once the user requirements have been defined, the next step in this
phase is the preparation of the requirement definition document (RDD)

Why requirement definition? The list of requirements are created and classified into various categories like
vital, essential, and desirable. Statuary requirements that should not be overlooked are identified.
Conflicting requirements are collated and set aside for determining what to do.. This list becomes useful
device when discussing requirements with vendors

Implementation Methodology
Strategy: Option is available for those organizations having multiple sites to implement first at one site as
pilot project. Implementing ERP in a pilot project is a good idea because it will give implementation team a
feel for the issues in an actual implementation, the peculiarities of the organization, its work environment
and so on. When incremental approach is used , all ERP modules are not implemented in one step. The
different modules are introduced one by one.
Plan: the implementation plan documents the who, what, why, where, when, and how of the project. The
plan provides a guide to the project and is used to monitor progress. Specialized packages are available
such as Microsoft Project . These capture a lot of detail about the project, enable different views of the
project such as time scale or critical path, and facilitate the reporting of many different issues, e.g. costs,
resource usage and overdue activities
Cost: The total cost of ERP ownership includes the cost of packaged software, hardware, professional
services ( for ongoing maintenance, upgrades and optimization) and internal costs. The cost of packaged
software depends on the scope of implementation (the number of ERP modules and the number of end
users), complexity of software and ERP vendors. Implementation of ERP systems routinely requires
purchase of new computer hardware, systems software, network equipment and security software.
Implementation enquires the services of many professionals for customization, integration, data
conversion, data migration, testing and training. In identifying where the costs are likely to arise,
consideration should be given to hardware, operating system, database licence fee, core software license
fee, additional module license fee, additional seat license fee, third party software license fee, integration
of third party software, software customization, project management, consultancy, training, living and
travel expenses, software maintenance or warranty renewal and upgrades. For cost a long term
perspective should be taken, a meaningful time horizon is five years. It is common to provide yearly
maintenance cost to be 10% of the initial cost outlay
Performance Measurement: We know about three performance related measures-costs, time and
benefits, one more are deliverables. The use of deliverables provides the opportunity to assess the
effectiveness of what is being done
Problem resolution: It is desirable that there is an agreed procedure for recording issues and their
System Issues: Tasks will be identified on the project plan but those involved will normally be the IT
systems personnel. ERP implementation Methodology by Vendors and Consulting firms: They range from
vendor specific methodologies, such as Accelerated SAP(ASAP) to consulting firm product such as The
TotalSolutionsfrom Ernst & YoungLLP and the Fast track workplan from Delotite & Touche

ERP implementation Methodology by Vendors and Consulting firms: They range from vendor specific
methodologies, such as Accelerated SAP(ASAP) to consulting firm product such as The
TotalSolutionsfrom Ernst & YoungLLP and the Fast track workplan from Delotite & Touche
ERP Implementation The Hidden Costs: In addition to budgeting for software costs, financial executives
should plan for consulting, process re-work (BPR), integration testing, etc. underestimate the price of
teaching users their new job processes? Fail to consider data warehouse integration requirements? Need
extra software to duplicate the old report formats? Brain drain and continuing maintenance. A successful
training will account for a minimum 10-15% of the total budget. It will be a good idea to identify these
would be trainers early on in the implementation and make them part of implementation team, so that
they will have a hands-on experience and will know the big picture. Huddle with HR early on to develop a
retention bonus program and create new salary strata for ERP veterans. ERP implementation team
members should not be sent back to their previous job as they are too valuable. Just writing reports to pull
information out of new ERP system will keep the project team busy for a year at least. And it is in this
analysis and insight that companies make their money back on an ERP implementation.

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