Hess Law Lab Report
Hess Law Lab Report
Hess Law Lab Report
2NaCl + CO
+ H
O ! Na
+ 2HCl "H = +23.3 kJ/mol
+ 2HCl ! 2NaCl + 2CO
+ 2H
O "H = +38.8 kJ/mol
2NaCl + CO
+ H
O ! Na
+ 2HCl "H = +23.3 kJ/mol
+ 2HCl ! 2NaCl + 2CO
+ 2H
O "H = +38.8 kJ/mol
= 2NaHCO
! Na
+ CO
+ H
= (+23.3 kJ/mol) + (+38.8 kJ/mol) = +62.1 kJ/mol
Since were dealing with addiction, we simply add the absolute uncertainties.
( 4.36) + ( 2.62) kJ/mol = 6.98 kJ/mol
Target Equation: 2NaHCO
! Na
+ CO
+ H
O !H = +62.1 kJ/mol 6.98 kJ/mol
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney
Final Answer (!H): !H = +62.1 kJ/mol 7 kJ/mol
iv. Percentage Discrepancy (% difference)
The literature value calculated was +91.3 kJ/mol however after processing the data from our
experiment, we received an experimental enthalpy value of +62.1 kJ/mol, a number considerably
smaller in relation to the original literature value. This could be because of the heat lost due to the
poor insulation of the styrofoam cup.
Lit. Value = +91.3 kJ/mol
Experimental Value = +62.1 kJ/mol
(Experimental Value - Lit. Value)/Lit. Value x 100 = % discrepancy
= (+62.1 kJ/mol) - (+91.3 kJ/mol) = -29.2 kJ/mol
= -29.2 kJ/mol/91.3 kJ/mol = -0.3198
= -0.3198 x 100 = -31.98%
= -32.0%
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney
Conclusion and Evaluation
Restating the Process:
In this investigation, two reactions (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 respectively)
were carried out to determine the enthalpy change ($H) of the decomposition of
sodium hydrogen carbonate. This was done by rstly calculating the enthalpy change
($H) of each reaction and then using Hess Law to manipulate the data to form the
target equation: 2NaHCO
! Na
+ CO
+ H
O. The enthalpy change ($H) of
each reaction, measured in kJ/mol, was calculated using the heat energy change (kJ)
divided by the moles of the 2.00g 0.005g of reactant (Na
for Experiment 1 and
for Experiment 2).
Each reaction resulted in a change in temperature (!T), which was required to
determine q (q = mc!T), measured in kJ. This was the only primary data collected
and is shown on Table 2 for Experiment 1 and Table 4 for Experiment 2.
According to the data collected and processed, the nal experimental enthalpy change
value ($H) for the decomposition of sodium hydrogen carbonate into sodium
carbonate is 62.1 kJ/mol 7 kJ/mol. On the other hand, the literature value of the
reaction, as calculated using the literature $H values for each of the reactants and
products, is 91.3 kJ/mol. There is a clear difference between the two values,
suggesting that the method used in the experiment to collect the primary data, the
heat energy change data, may have proved to be futile.
Calorimetry was the method used to collect the data required for the calculation of
q (q = mc$T): the temperature change ($T) of the reactions. To calculate the
temperature change of the reaction (of either experiment), a styrofoam cup was used
as the calorimeter. The main purpose of a calorimeter is to maintain the the heat
energy within a system and keep the system closed, since heat energy can easily
disperse into the surrounding environment if not insulated properly.
Using a styrofoam cup as the calorimeter posed a threat to the reliability of the results
as it is not the perfect insulator and therefore cannot maintain all the heat energy. If
the heat energy cannot be maintained, the experimental values will not be reliable
because not all the energy will have been accounted for. Through our qualitative
observations, the change in temperature could be felt from the outside of the cup,
indicating heat escaping through the cup. Due to this insulation problem with the
styrofoam cup, a large amount of heat was lost in the reaction, which resulted in
unreliable data results and inevitably, a large percentage discrepancy of -32.0%
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney
between the literature value and the experimental value.
An improvement to assure reliable results would be to make use of a bomb
calorimeter when calculating the heat energy change in a reaction. Unlike styrofoam
cup calorimeters, bomb calorimeters are equipped with better insulation, allowing for
more reliable and accurate results.
Furthermore, the nal experimental enthalpy change value had an uncertainty of 7
kJ/mol giving us a wide range of 14 possible values, from 55.1 kJ/mol to 69.1 kJ/mol.
The uncertainty is extremely signicant as it highlights how the nal answer is not
precise. The difference between the literature value and the highest possible
experimental enthalpy change value is 22.2 kJ/mol whereas the difference between
the literature value and the lowest possible experimental enthalpy change value is
36.2 kJ/mol, which is 14 kJ/mol more than the former.
1) 91.3 kJ/mol - 69.1 kJ/mol = 22.2 kJ/mol
2) 91.3 kJ/mol - 55.1 kJ/mol = 36.2 kJ/mol
3) 36.2 kJ/mol - 22.2 kJ/mol = 14 kJ/mol
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney
Systematic Errors
Table 6: Evaluating the Systematic Errors
Systematic Errors Systematic Errors Systematic Errors
Error Comment Improvement
Heat Insulation
The problem with the styrofoam
cup calorimeter meant that there
were issues with insulating the heat
and preventing the heat from
escaping, resulting in the large
percentage discrepancy between
the literature values and the
experimental values.
As mentioned above in the conclusion,
to improve the reliability of the results
and prevent the heat from escaping, a
bomb calorimeter could be used.
Although it may not be perfect and still
have some limitations of its own, it has
better insulation in relation to the
styrofoam cup calorimeter and so can
provide more reliable results.
Another systematic error present in
the experiment was that the
electronic balance was faulty in its
reading, providing constantly
changing values. Even after any
remaining residue/particles from
previous experiments were wiped
off the balance, the scale still
continued read
For instance, when the balance was
calibrated (reset), it changed
between 0.02g and 0.00g. When
recording the mass, we did not take
into account this uncertainty of
0.02g and assumed that the
Improvements for this error would be to
1) Test and calibrate measuring
instruments before recording data to
check whether that they work properly
and can provide accurate results. If the
instrument is faulty, inform the teacher
and use another electronic balance.
2) Make use of the faulty electronic
balance, but remember to account for
the additional uncertainty.
Assumptions One of the assumptions made in
this experiment was that the
Specic Heat Capacity of the
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) used was
the same as water.
Although dilute HCl does have a
very similar SHC to water, the HCl
used in the experiment was 2M and
so of a higher concentration. This
was however still a very minor
To improve the accuracy of the results,
dilute HCl could have been used instead
of 2M HCl, in order for the SHC value
used to remain reliable.
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney
Systematic Errors Systematic Errors Systematic Errors
Error Comment Improvement
Particles of
reactant left in
the weighing
Another minor systematic error
included the fact that there were
particles of reactant left in the
weighing boat after pouring the
reactant into the calorimeter. This
meant that the mass in the
calorimeter was not what was
recorded and in fact, slightly less,
affecting the reliability of the
In order to make sure that the majority
of the particles react in the experiment, a
brush or tissue can be used to scrape the
remaining particles from the weighing
boat into the calorimeter. This however
does create a number of problems, the
rst being that the reaction would have
already started and so adding additional
reactant into the calorimeter during the
reaction may affect the fairness of the
experiment. Another problem that may
arise would be that the particles may get
attached to the tissue.
Random Errors
Table 7: Evaluating the Random Errors
Random Errors Random Errors Random Errors
Error Comment Improvement
The measuring instruments used in this
experiment include the electronic balance,
the measuring cylinder and the
thermometer. With the exception of the
electronic balance, all the measuring
instruments required us to rely on our
own personal judgement and perception
to manually read the scale (thermometer)
and judge where the bottom of the
meniscus was (measuring cylinder). This
led to uncertainty and human error as it
was difcult to pinpoint the exact volume
of a solution. Also, Parallax error may
have occurred as there were different
people reading the scale/meniscus from
different angles.
This random error is one that will
occur in any experiment,
however the magnitude of the
error can be subdued if the
person taking the reading stays
constant ie. the same person does
a specic task. This is to
minimize potential misreadings
and reduce Parallax error.
Increasing the number of trials
done for each experiment also
would reduce the misreadings as
averaging over a large number of
values would counter any
misreadings made.
Chemistry Avinash Bharwaney