Drilling Waste

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Drilling Waste
Disposal Areas: Compliance
Options for Reclamation

July 2012

Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development is committed to working with the Energy
Resources Conservation Board, and industry to ensure that guidance for drilling waste management and
environmental endpoints are harmonized and drilling waste disposal areas pose no risk to the

ISBN: 978-1-4601-0442-2 (Printed)
ISBN: 978-1-4601-0443-9 (On-line)


The following can be reached toll free by dialing 310-0000 and then dialing the number shown below.

For public lands:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Land Management Branch
3rd Floor, 9915 - 108 Street
EDMONTON, Alberta T5K 2G8
Phone: (780) 427-3570
Fax: (780) 944-0313

For all other lands:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Air, Land and Waste Policy Branch
10th Floor, 9820-106 Street
EDMONTON, Alberta T5K 2J6
Phone: (780) 427-6210
Fax: (780) 422-4192
Email: land.management@gov.ab.ca

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 1

This document was developed by representatives from the Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers, drilling waste disposal consultants, the Energy Resources Conservation Board, and Alberta
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to provide guidance for assessing drilling waste
disposal areas for reclamation.

To address the diversity of drilling wastes and available information types, three compliance options
have been developed. All three options are intended to deliver the same environmental results,
which are based mainly on the Energy Resources Conservation Board Directive 50: Drilling Waste
Management. Each of the three options is discussed in this document and appendices are included to
support technical procedures included in the options. Compliance Options One and Two exempt
drilling waste disposal areas from a Phase 2 environmental site assessment (ESA). If the drilling waste
disposal area does not meet the requirements specified in either of these options, a Phase 2 ESA
(Compliance Option 3) must be conducted in the drilling waste disposal area.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 2

1. Introduction
Drilling waste disposal has been regulated in Alberta since 1975, when the Energy Resources
Conservation Board (ERCB) released the Interim Directive ID-OG-75-2. Interim Directive (ID) 93-1 and
Guide 50: Drilling Waste Management superseded this document in June 1993. Then in 1996 the
Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) issued a revision to Guide 50, which was introduced with
Information Letter (IL) 96-13: Revision of Guide 50 Drilling Waste Management. Guide 50 has been
renamed to Directive 50. Directive 50 was revised May 2, 2012 and brought into alignment with the
Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines.

Under the Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program oil and gas operators are
required to show compliance with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD)
standards by submitting disposal information for drilling waste that was disposed of on a wellsite or at
a remote sump or land treatment site. For drilling waste disposal that occurred before November 1,
2012, this guideline harmonizes ESRD requirements for drilling waste disposal areas with the 1996
Directive 50 whenever possible. For drilling waste disposal that occurred on or after November 1,
2012 this guideline harmonizes with the 2012 Directive 50.

This guideline supersedes Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas: Compliance Options for Reclamation
Certification (February 2009), effective immediately.

2. Phased Environmental Site Assessments
This guidance document describes Phase 1 ESA processes under Compliance Options One and Two, and
Phase 2 ESA requirements in Compliance Option Three. Uncertainty is inherent in any Phase 1 ESA.
The Canadian Standards Association states that since a Phase 1 does not involve sample collection or
other intrusive investigations, a Phase 1 ESA report can, in most cases, only describe the likelihood of
contamination being present or absent at a property (CSA 1994). A Phase 1 ESA that is performed
under the requirements of the CSA Phase 1 ESA Standard will reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty as
to the potential for contamination to be present at a site. Where this potential has been identified,
the further reduction or elimination of uncertainty requires the performance of a Phase 2 ESA (CSA

For drilling waste disposal areas, an advanced Phase 1 ESA as described in Compliance Options One and
Two can form the basis for additional investigation of a site through a Phase 2 ESA. If there is
insufficient information to complete a Phase 1 ESA, uncertainty will not be reduced and a Phase 2 ESA
is required.

A Phase 2 ESA can be used to confirm or refute the potential contamination identified in a Phase 1 ESA,
provide supplemental information for previous Phase 2 ESAs and provide the basis for evaluating site
remediation needs. A Phase 2 ESA characterization may range from a simple identification to a full
delineation of the contamination on site (CSA 2000). The Standard developed by the CSA establishes
the fundamentals and practices for a Phase 2 ESA. The Standard provides a consistent framework and
establishes minimum requirements for conducting Phase 2 ESAs that can accommodate broader
regulatory and liability requirements, as well as address pertinent site-specific requirements (CSA
2000). The framework includes development of a sampling plan, preparation for and execution of an
investigation that includes sampling and measuring, followed by interpretation and reporting on the
information obtained.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 3

3. Intent of Document
The intent of this document is to provide information and guidance on each of the three Compliance
Options for drilling waste disposal areas to assist well licencees and reclamation practitioners in
meeting Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Developments requirements for the Upstream
Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program. Where site audits or future events identify
parameters that exceed Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Developments remediation
requirements, the licensee remains responsible for remediation, regardless of the results obtained
from the checklists and calculations in this document.

4. Qualified Assessors and Professional Sign-off
The assessor should be objective and possess an appropriate combination of formal education,
knowledge, skills and experience to conduct a technically sound assessment of the daily drilling
records, Tour Reports, Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal, Drilling Waste Management Disposal
Form, or Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form and to conduct a Phase 2 environmental site assessment
(ESA), if required.

Any checklists, calculations and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments prepared as per this document
after January 1, 2008 and submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
must be accompanied by a signed Professional Declaration for Reclamation Certificate Applications
5. Reclamation of Drilling Waste Disposal Areas
The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) requires an operator to conserve and
reclaim specified land and obtain a reclamation certificate. The Conservation and Reclamation
Regulation and EPEA definition of specified land includes land that is being or has been used or held for
or in connection with the construction, operation or reclamation of a well, battery, oil production site,
and pipeline. Land that has been used for a remote sump/storage system or land treatment is
specified land.

Under the Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program oil and gas operators are
required to submit drilling waste disposal data for drilling waste that was disposed of within a lease or
at a remote sump/storage system or land treatment site.

(a) Drilling Waste Disposal Areas
Drilling waste disposal areas include portions of the wellsite, remote sump, biodegradation area or land
treatment area where drilling wastes have been buried, spread on land, or mixed into soil. Off-lease
agricultural or forested land used for disposal of drilling waste by pump-off, landspray-while-drilling, or
landspray does not require a reclamation certificate.

The 2010 Reclamation Criteria for Wellsites and Associated Facilities Application Guidelines outlines
ESRDs requirements for Phase 1 ESA level of effort. Occasionally, the location of remote sumps and
off-site land treatment areas cannot be verified by file information. When this is the case, the assessor
must be able to confirm that all the requirements of the above Application Guidelines were met before
declaring that the disposal location is unknown.

(b) Drilling Waste Disposal Methods
Directive 50 (1996 version) restricted drilling waste managed by landspreading or mix-bury-cover to the
wellsite or associated remote sump. Off-lease disposal options were landspraying, pump-off (clear
liquids only) and landspray-while-drilling (LWD). Land treatment and biodegradation of hydrocarbon-
based or contaminated drilling waste could occur on or off the wellsite. Land treatment disposals and
alternative disposal methods such as biopiles required approval from the ERCB prior to May 2, 2012.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

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Under the 2012 version of Directive 50, methods for on-site drilling waste disposal have been expanded
to include landspraying, landspray-while-drilling, disposal onto forested public lands, and pump-off.
Biodegradation methods implemented on or after May 2, 2012 do not require approval from the ERCB
unless they deviate from the methods described in Direction 50 (2012 version).

(c) Single and Multi-well Sumps and Land Treatment
Single well remote sumps must be reclaimed prior to or at the time when the associated wellsite is
reclaimed. Multi-well remote sumps should be reclaimed with the first well that contributes waste to
the sump, or be reclaimed independently. If a well licensee chooses to associate a multi-well remote
sump with a different well than the one currently being reclaimed, they must specify which well
license, including legal land description, will include the remote sump in the Reclamation Certificate
Application form and in the comments section of the Checklist. Land treatment areas must be
reclaimed when the treatment activity is complete.

(d) Drilling Fluid Systems
Drilling fluid systems typically consist of bentonite or polymer and a range of additives mixed with
water or hydrocarbon. Common water based systems include relatively low salinity gel chem muds and
higher salinity advanced gel chem and salt systems. Advanced gel chem drilling fluids were defined in
ERCB Information Letter (IL) 2001-3: Management of Drilling Wastes Associated with Advanced Gel
Chemical Systems to include drilling fluids with additives or components that were not addressed by
the 1996 version of Directive 50. This definition is retained for the purposes of this document.
Advanced gel chem fluids include potassium silicate, potassium sulphate, potassium nitrate, and
amines. Hydrocarbon-based systems such as invert diesel systems have high concentrations of
hydrocarbons that must be managed by land treatment, biodegradation, or an alternative disposal
method as per Directive 50 or at an approved facility subject to waste tracking, characterization, and
classification requirements under Directive 58: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the
Upstream Petroleum Industry.

A number of drilling fluid additives are used to ensure the fluid properties are compatible with the
geological conditions encountered during drilling. The additives affect drilling waste characteristics
such as pH, salinity, and toxicity that must be properly managed to prevent adverse environmental
effects. Some additives are known to be toxic and some additives contain elevated levels of trace
metals. Additional information on additives is provided within the description of each Compliance

6. Compliance Options

(a) Compliance Option One
Compliance Option One requires submission of a Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal
Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent,
and the Compliance Option One Checklist (with the attached Calculation Tables, if necessary)
confirming that all Directive 50 requirements were met. Compliance Option One will not be accepted
for advanced gel-chem systems as defined in Directive 50 that were disposed of before November 1,
2012 unless written approval for the disposal was provided by the ERCB. Documentation proving
compliance with the approval conditions must be available. If insufficient information is available to
allow completion of the Compliance Option One checklist, Compliance Option Two or a Phase 2 ESA
(Compliance Option Three) must be completed.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

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(b) Compliance Option Two
Compliance Option Two requires submission of the completed Compliance Option Two Checklist and
Calculation Tables (attached) confirming that the specified requirements have been met. This option
may be used when a Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form, Drilling Waste
Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent is incomplete or not
available, and/or an advanced gel chem drilling fluid system was used and disposed of on-site. If no
information or insufficient information is available to allow completion of either a Compliance Option
One or Option Two checklist, a Phase 2 (Compliance Option Three) ESA must be completed.

(c) Compliance Option Three
A Phase 2 ESA of the drilling waste disposal area must be conducted if the Compliance Option One or
Two Checklists cannot be completed due to insufficient information or if the available information
indicates the waste does not meet the requirements for Compliance Option One or Compliance Option

Each of the Compliance Options is discussed in more detail on the following pages.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 6

Compliance Option One requires submission of a completed Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste
Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or
equivalent, and the completed Compliance Option One Checklist confirming that all Directive 50
requirements were met. If the Checklist results indicate the Calculation Tables are required, the
completed tables must also be submitted.

Compliance Option One will not be accepted for advanced gel-chemical systems as defined in Directive
50 that were disposed of before November 1, 2012 unless written approval for the disposal was
provided by the ERCB. Documentation proving compliance with the approval conditions must also be

Compliance Option One applies also to land treatment, biodegradation and disposal at an approved
facility. If land treatment or an alternative disposal method was used, the licensee must ensure that
all conditions of the approval, if required, as well as the requirements in Directive 50 for the detailed
disposal plan or post-disposal sampling were met. If drilling waste was disposed of at an approved
waste management facility, information to verify that the waste was received at the facility must be
available (e.g., invoice from the receiving facility, manifests, truck tickets, Alberta Oilfield Waste
Form, or other documentation from the well file that would identify use of an approved waste
management facility) must be listed as Reference Documents on the checklist. Reference documents
must be submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, if requested. If the
well licensee does not have documentation confirming waste disposition, a Phase 2 ESA is required.

The Checklist and Calculation Tables will indicate if Compliance Option One is acceptable for a site or
whether Compliance Option Two or Three (Phase 2 ESA) is necessary. If the Compliance Option One
Checklist cannot be completed because of insufficient information, the assessor must use Compliance
Option Two or Three.

Background information is provided below to guide the completion of the Compliance Option One

1. General Disposal and Drilling Fluid Information
For Compliance Option One, a completed Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form,
Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent must
be reviewed using the Compliance Option One Checklist to ensure that the drilling waste disposal and
drilling fluid systems were compliant with Directive 50.

If the cuttings associated with landspray or landspray-while-drilling were managed on the wellsite,
these will often not have separate analytical information or a unique notification. The comments
section of the Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form,
Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent may indicate that a small volume of cuttings was
mix-bury-covered or landspread on the wellsite. If there is no separate notification or note in the
comments section, the volume of cuttings can be calculated using the calculation in Section 1.3 of the
Option 1 checklist. If the total volume of cuttings is >50m
and no supporting disposal information is
available, Compliance Option Three is required. A calculation is provided in the checklist for
estimating the volume of cuttings if the volume is not known.

When well sites have been re-entered or where another well has been drilled on the site, all drilling
waste disposals must be accounted for if the drilling fluids contained additives. Directive 50 (1996
version) required that the licensee develop an acceptable disposal plan that both the licensee and
appropriate regulator agree to before drilling wastes were mix-bury-covered on a site previously used
for disposal. For disposals that occurred before November 1, 2012, the licensee must have this disposal
plan and confirmation that it was followed on file and make it available to Alberta Environment and

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 7

Sustainable Resource Development, if requested. If the plan or confirmation is not available,
Compliance Option Two or Three is required. The 2012 version of Directive 50 does not allow disposal
of drilling waste by mix-bury cover and landspreading within an area that has already received drilling
waste. For disposals that occurred on or after November 1, 2012, the licensee must be able to confirm
this is the case through field notes, site diagrams, etc. If confirmation is not available, Compliance
Option Two or Three is required.

Advanced gel chemical systems have potentially high salinity associated with them. For disposals that
occurred before November 1, 2012, calculations (as outlined in Compliance Option Two) must be
performed or a Phase 2 ESA conducted. Alternatively, post-disposal sampling results from a program
conducted in compliance with an ERCB approval is acceptable if the results indicate compliance with
the salinity, hydrocarbon, and trace element guidelines specified in Compliance Option Three. For
disposals that occurred on or after November 1, 2012, Compliance Option One may be used provided
the required information is available.

A number of drilling fluid additives are used to ensure the fluid properties are compatible with the
geological conditions encountered during drilling. Some additives are known to be toxic and some
additives contained elevated levels of trace metals. The Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form
should provide a list of all additives used in the drilling fluid system. If this information is not included
in the Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling
Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent, or is incomplete, then an additional mud/additive list
must be referenced. The additives used in the drilling process must be identified and described (e.g
chrome-free lignosulfonate, aldehyde-based bactericide, etc.) so that potential toxicity and trace
metal exceedences can be evaluated. The Petroleum Services Association of Canada maintains a list of
historic additives and will assist in identifying unknown additives. This service can be accessed at

For mix-bury-cover disposals that occurred before November 1, 2012, the Notification of Drilling Waste
Disposal Form or equivalent must indicate the calculated post-disposal chloride concentration.
Directive 50 (1996 version) allowed up to 2000 mg/kg of chlorides with a loading limit of 1600 kg/site.
This chloride concentration is incompatible with the Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines (See
Compliance Option Three) and will not be accepted by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource
Development because the Directive 50 value will not achieve equivalent land capability requirements
for reclamation. If the post disposal chloride concentration entered on the Notification Form exceeds
800 mg/kg, a Phase 2 ESA is required.

2. Hydrocarbon & Toxicity Management
Directive 50 requires testing of the waste for hydrocarbons if a hydrocarbon-based drilling fluid was
used, hydrocarbons were added to the fluid, or the well was a horizontal oil well. For wastes
generated under these conditions and disposed of before November 1, 2012, hydrocarbon test results
must be listed on the Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form or equivalent. Hydrocarbon test
results will not be required for other drilling wastes that failed the original Microtox test but passed
the Microtox test after charcoal filtration. For drilling waste disposal that occurred before November
1, 2012, hydrocarbon concentrations in the final soil-waste mix must not exceed the Directive 50
requirement of 0.1% (dry weight basis) for land treatment on subsoil, landspreading, and mix-bury-
cover or 0.5% (dry weight basis) for land treatment on topsoil. Laboratories may have provided the wet
weight hydrocarbon values on the analytical back-up data results but the calculations on the
Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form require the dry weight value. Wet weight values can be
converted to dry weight using the moisture content of the drilling waste sample. For disposals that
occurred on or after November 1, 2012, the final soil-waste mix must not exceed the Alberta Tier 1
Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines. If any of the hydrocarbon flags described in Directive
50 (2012 version) are encountered, the results of post-disposal testing must be reviewed to ensure the
disposal area met the Alberta Tier 1 guidelines.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 8

Additives that may have toxicity concerns include bactericides, corrosion inhibitors, defoamers,
emulsifiers and de-emulsifiers, foaming agents, lubricants, polymer stabilizers and breakers,
surfactants, and shale control inhibitors. Directive 50 requires Microtox testing when an additive was
used in a concentration that exceeded the toxicity threshold.

3. Metals (Trace Elements) Management
Drilling fluid additives may contain trace metals and, depending on the quantities used, the drilling
waste disposal area may exceed the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines.
Metal sources of concern include, but are not limited to, the following:

Zinc carbonate (ZnCO
) is commonly used to remove H
S if it is encountered during drilling.
In some cases, ZnCO
is contaminated with cadmium. If the checklist indicates that a Phase
2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) sampling program is required to assess zinc concentrations,
cadmium must also be measured.

Barite (BaSO
) is used to increase fluid density.

Chrome lignosulphonates were commonly used as thinners at one time, but have been
largely phased out.

Calculation tables are provided for the most common metal additives. The tables are required only for
drilling waste disposals that occurred before November 1, 2012. If any of these additives were used,
the appropriate Calculation Table must be used to evaluate the need for a Phase 2 ESA. For disposals
that occurred before November 1, 2012 of drilling waste to which other trace metals specified in
Directive 50 (1996 version) were added to the drilling fluid in excess of the analytical thresholds in
Section 3 or 5 of Directive 50(1996 version), analytical data and the application rate (land treatment or
landspreading) or the maximum applied quantity (mix-bury-cover) must be available. If the
information is not available or the application rate or maximum applied quantity exceeds Directive 50
requirements, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option Three) must be conducted.

For drilling waste disposals that occurred on or after November 1, 2012 and that required post-disposal
sampling under Directive 50 (2012 version), the results must be reviewed to ensure the endpoints
specified in Directive 50 (2012 version) were met.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 9

Compliance Option 1 - Drilling Waste Disposal Assessment Checklist

If any response to the checklist questions leads to a Phase 2 ESA requirement, an environmental site
assessment must be conducted in accordance with Compliance Option Three. If insufficient
information is available to allow completion of the Compliance Option One checklist, Compliance
Option Two or Three (Phase 2 ESA) must be completed.

1. General Disposal and Drilling Fluid Information:
If some or all of the drilling waste was managed on-site (the wellsite) or at a landtreatment area or a
remote sump, then the checklist must be completed. In some cases, the drilling waste may have been
managed at a remote sump/site that is not linked to the wellsite and as such a separate reclamation
certificate is required for that separate location. If the remote sump or land treatment area is linked
to the wellsite, proceed with the checklist for the remote sump or land treatment area. Where remote
sumps are associated with multiple disposals managed in separate cells complete one checklist per
disposal. Otherwise, complete one checklist by combining the information from all notification forms.

Section 1.0 to 1.3 must be completed for all disposals. The remaining sections do not need to be
completed for wastes disposed of by the following methods:

a) If drilling waste was managed at an ERCB or ESRD approved waste management facility, indicate this
using the appropriate checkbox below and list the supporting documentation (e.g. waste manifests,
truck tickets, invoices, Alberta Oilfield Waste Management Form) under Reference Documents.

b) If the waste was disposed at an off-site location by pump-off, landspraying or landspray-while-
drilling (LWD), or disposal onto forested public lands and the Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal
Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent
indicates the disposal method and location.

The notification form will indicate the type of drilling fluid system used. Water-based drilling fluids can
be described in numerous ways for example; gel chem, floc water, fresh water gel, gypsum water,
nitrate gypsum water, etc.

1.0 Well Information: Unique Identifier (UI)
Spud Date
Well Depth

1.1 Disposal Method (Check all that apply):
Biodegradation, including land treatment
Disposal onto Forested Public Lands

Remote Sump/Site
Biodegradation, including land treatment
Disposal onto Forested Public Lands
Disposal onto Forested Public Lands

Land Fill/Waste Management Facility

Other, specify:

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 10

Yes No
1.2 Were there other drilling waste disposal
events on the site (e.g. wellbore re-entry
or another well drilled, using fluids
containing drilling fluid additives)?

If yes, were the disposal areas separate
from one another?

If the disposal areas were not separate, is
documentation available to show that a
disposal plan was followed that was
agreed to by the licensee and the

Drilling waste
information must be
evaluated for each

Disposal plan and
confirmatory information
must be retained on file
and provided to Alberta
Environment upon

Option Two or Three
1.3 Were cuttings or solids disposed of on-site
that were associated with off-site waste

If Yes, is separate analytical information or
unique notification available?

If separate information or notification is
not available, is the known volume (include
references in Reference Documents) or
estimated volume of waste disposed of on-
site less than 50 m

If the volume of cuttings or solids disposed
of on-site is unknown, estimate the volume
using following calculation and enter the
data and results at right

= V
- V

= Volume of cuttings or solids on-site
= Volume of cuttings or solids disposed
of off-site (m
= Total volume of cuttings or solids (m
= 1.2 x WDp x 3.14 x

WDm = Well diameter (mm)
WDp =Well Depth (m)

* If different hole sections have different
diameters, V
may be calculated for each
section separately. Provide the data and
result for each section at right or as an

Enter data below:

= (m)
= (m)
= (m
WDm = (mm)
WDp = (m)

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 11

Yes No

1.4 Were water-based drilling fluids used (gel
chemical drilling fluid system)?

If Yes, were all or part of the wastes
disposed of on-site?

1.5 Was the drilling fluid described as an
advanced gel chemical system?

If Yes, were all or part of the wastes
disposed of on-site before November 1,

If wastes were disposed of on-site before
November 1, 2012, was the disposal done
in compliance with an approval from the

Approval and post-
disposal sampling results
must be retained on file
and provided to Alberta
Environment upon

Option Two or
Three Required

1.6 Is a mud list available and can all the
additives on the mud list be identified and

Record the additives and their description
(e.g., chrome-free lignosulfonate,
aldehyde-based bactericide, etc.) on the
attached form.

Phase 2 required

1.7 For mix-bury-cover disposal, was the
disposal completed before November 1,

If Yes, was calculated or measured post-
disposal chloride concentration 800 mg/kg
or less?

Phase 2 required

1.8 For mix-bury-cover or landspread disposal,
was the disposal completed on or after
November 1, 2012?

If yes, did electrical conductivity, nitrogen
concentration or sodium loading rate
trigger a requirement for post-disposal

If post-disposal sampling was required, did
all post-disposal samples meet the soil
endpoints specified in Section 3 of
Directive 50 (2012 version).

Phase 2 required

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July 2012 Page 12

Yes No

1.9 Was a remote site used?

If Yes, is the remote site included in this
reclamation application?

If not included, is the remote site a multi-
well disposal location?

In Comments section,
indicate which well
the remote site will
be linked with for the
purposes of

Single well remote
disposal site must
be included with
application, unless
it already has
received a

1.10 Were cement returns buried on-site or at
a remote site linked to the well?

2. Hydrocarbon & Toxicity Management

If hydrocarbon based drilling fluids were used (i.e. diesel inverts, synthetic or mineral oil
systems) or hydrocarbons were added to the drilling fluid or the well is a horizontal oil well
then it must be demonstrated that the resulting drilling waste was handled appropriately
as per Directive 50 or Directive 58. In most cases, if hydrocarbons were added to the
system or if the well was a horizontal oil well it is still possible to dispose of the resulting
drilling waste on the location and remain within allowable disposal limits but hydrocarbon
testing and toxicity testing must have been conducted and documented.

Yes No

2.1 Were hydrocarbon-based drilling fluids
used or were hydrocarbons added to the
drilling fluid or was the well a horizontal
oil well?

If Yes, is documentation available showing
that the wastes were disposed of in a
manner consistent with Directive 50 (1996
version for disposals before November 1,
2012 or 2012 version for disposals on or
after November 1, 2012) or Directive 58?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 13

Yes No

2.2 For mix-bury-cover or landspread disposal,
was the disposal completed before
November 1, 2012 and was hydrocarbon

If yes to both, is the predicted post-
disposal hydrocarbon concentration at or
below the appropriate guideline? (subsoil:
0.1%, topsoil: 0.5%)?

Phase 2 required

2.3 For mix-bury-cover or landspread disposal,
was the disposal completed on or after
November 1, 2012?

If yes, did hydrocarbon concentrations in
the waste trigger a requirement for post-
disposal sampling?

If post-disposal sampling was required, did
all post-disposal samples meet the soil
endpoints specified in Section 3 of
Directive 50 (2012 version).

Phase 2 required

2.4 Was a luminescent bacteria toxicity
(Microtox) test required?

If Yes, did the waste pass the toxicity test
requirements as outlined in Directive 50
(waste must pass either the original or
charcoal toxicity test)?

If the waste failed the toxicity test (i.e.,
EC50 (15) original and EC50 (15) charcoal
treated, reading at 15 minutes < 75%) is
there evidence that demonstrates the
waste was treated to remove toxicity and
retested or disposed of as per Directive 58
(i.e., appropriately approved waste
management facility)?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 14

3. Metals (Trace Elements) Management
Some drilling fluids contain trace metals and other toxic compounds. Metal-containing additives that
have been or are being used include barite (BaSO
), zinc carbonate (ZnCO
), and chrome-based
thinners. If these additives were used, the attached calculation tables must be completed and the
results used to determine if a Phase 2 ESA is required.

Yes No

3.1 Was the disposal completed before
November 1, 2012?

Complete questions
3.2 to 3.5

Go to question 3.6

3.2 Was barite added to the drilling fluid?

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal calculation

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

3.3 Was zinc carbonate added to the drilling

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal calculation

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required
(Cadmium analysis
will also be
3.4 Were chrome-based thinners added to the
drilling fluid?

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal
calculation table?

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

3.5 Were any other metals added that
triggered testing required by Section 3 or 5
of Directive 50 (1996 version)?

If Yes, are waste analytical data and
application rates (land treatment,
landspreading) or maximum application
(mix-bury-cover) available?

If above data are available, did the
application rate or maximum application
meet Directive 50 (1996 version)

Phase 2 required

Phase 2 required

3.6 Did metal concentrations in the waste
trigger a requirement for post-disposal

If yes, did all post-disposal samples meet
the soil metal endpoints specified in
Section 3 of Directive 50 (2012 version)?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 15

Mud Additives (Attach additional pages if necessary.)

Product Name Amount Used (units) Brief Description of Product

Reference Documents (List all source documents used in the completion of this checklist. Attach
additional pages if necessary. Documents must be supplied to Alberta Environment and
Sustainable Resource Development, if requested.)

Comments (Please provide any additional comments relevant to the decision process within the
checklist. Attach additional pages if necessary.)

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 16


Compliance Option Two requires submission of the completed Compliance Option Two Checklist
and accompanying Calculation Tables (attached) confirming that the specified requirements
have been met. This option may be used when a Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste
Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal
Form,or equivalent is incomplete or not available, and/or an advanced gel chemical drilling
fluid system was used and disposed on-site prior to November 1, 2012 without an ERCB

The Checklist and Calculation Tables will indicate if Compliance Option Two is acceptable for a
site or whether a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option Three) is necessary. If no information or
insufficient information is available to allow completion of either a Compliance Option One or
Option Two checklist, a Phase 2 ESA must be completed where the waste disposal occurred. If
the checklist indicates that a Phase 2 ESA is required and the disposal location is unknown, the
Phase 2 ESA must be undertaken on the wellsite.

Background information is provided below to guide the completion of the Compliance Option
Two checklist.

1. General Disposal and Drilling Fluid Information
There are various sources of information pertaining to the drilling activities on-site, including
the Directive 50 Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Management
Disposal Form, Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal Form, or equivalent, Tour Reports, daily drilling
records, well files, contractor invoices and other information sources.

The records review may indicate the type of drilling fluids used (e.g., gel chem, advanced gel
chem, salt, or hydrocarbon-based systems). If the type of mud system cannot be determined,
a Phase 2 ESA is required. The records review must identify and describe the additives that
were added to the drilling fluid system, and quantity (i.e., number of sacks or pails) of each
additive. If the well licensee cannot identify and describe the additives and the quantity used,
a Phase 2 ESA is required.

If an advanced gel chem or salt- or hydrocarbon-based system was used, the drilling waste
must be handled appropriately as per Directive 50 and/or Directive 58. If drilling waste was
disposed of at an approved waste management facility, proof of this disposition (e.g.
manifests, truck tickets, invoices, Alberta Oilfield Waste Form, etc.) must be listed as
Reference Documents on the checklist. Reference documents must be submitted to Alberta
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, if requested. If the well licensee does
not have documentation verifying waste disposition, a Phase 2 ESA is required.

When well sites have been re-entered or where another well has been drilled on the site, all
drilling waste disposals must be accounted for if the drilling fluids contained additives. If the
drilling wastes were disposed of in separate areas, a Compliance Option Two checklist must be
completed for each disposal. If the drilling wastes were disposed of in the same area, the
waste information should be combined and used to fill out a single checklist. The entire site
subject to reclamation certification must meet the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Guidelines or the Alberta Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines
before applying for a reclamation certificate.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 17

2. Hydrocarbon & Toxicity Management
Wastes from hydrocarbon-based fluids must be disposed of in accordance with Directive 50 or
taken to an ERCB or ESRD approved waste management facility. Drilling wastes taken to an
approved waste management facility are subject to the tracking, characterization, and
classification requirements under Directive 58 and subsequent updates to it. On- or off-lease
disposals by biodegradation (e.g., land treatment, biopile, contained system) must have post-
disposal sampling information and analytical data demonstrating compliance with the
requirements of Directive 50 and the land treatment approval (required before May 2, 2012).
Biodegradation sites remote to the wellsite require reclamation certification. Alternative
disposal methods must have information demonstrating compliance with the ERCB approval.

Directive 50 requires testing of the waste for hydrocarbons if they are intentionally or
inadvertently added to the drilling fluids. For drilling waste disposals that occurred before
November 1, 2012, unless otherwise specified in a biodegradation approval, hydrocarbon
concentration in the final soil waste mix must not exceed 0.1% (dry weight basis) for land
treatment on subsoil, landspreading, and mix-bury cover or 0.5% (dry weight basis) for land
treatment on topsoil. Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development will accept
existing file information showing that these endpoints were met in the final soil-waste mix.
Laboratories may provide the wet weight hydrocarbon values in the analytical results but the
calculations on the Notification of Drilling Waste Disposal Form require the dry weight value.
Wet weight values can be converted to dry weight using the moisture content of the drilling
waste sample. For disposals that occurred on or after November 1, 2012, the final soil-waste
mix must not exceed the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines. If any
of the hydrocarbon flags described in Directive 50 (2012 version) are encountered, the results
of post-disposal testing must be reviewed to ensure the disposal area met the Alberta Tier 1

If drilling waste was disposed at an ERCB or ESRD approved waste management facility,
documentation verifying use of the facility (e.g., manifests, truck tickets, invoices, Alberta
Oilfield Waste Management Form) must be listed as Reference Documents on the checklist.
Reference documents must be submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource
Development, if requested. If the well licensee does not have proof of the drilling waste
disposition, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) is required.

Hydrocarbon systems, such as diesel inverts, contain high hydrocarbon concentrations. If waste
from hydrocarbon-based systems was disposed of on-site, a Phase 2 ESA under Compliance
Option Three is required. Other drilling fluids may contain lower hydrocarbon concentrations
resulting from hydrocarbon additives or contamination from the formation. Risk of formation
fluids entering the waste are greater for horizontal oil wells and underbalanced drilling
techniques. The well licensee must indicate if a well was classified as a horizontal oil well or
whether underbalanced drilling was used.

A flow or kick may introduce produced fluids (hydrocarbons or salts) into the drilling fluids. If
any of these actions have occurred, documentation must be available to demonstrate that the
produced fluids were segregated from the drilling system (i.e., tanked or returned to tank
trucks) and managed in accordance with Directive 50 or Directive 58.

Drill stem test returns may also introduce hydrocarbons into drilling waste, unless the returns
are segregated from the drilling system (i.e., tanked or returned to tank trucks) and managed
in accordance with Directive 50 or Directive 58. If this cannot be confirmed, disposal of the
returns in the sump must be assumed. Calculations are provided to estimate their impact on
the drilling waste. If insufficient information is available to complete the calculations, a Phase
2 ESA (Compliance Option Three) must be completed.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 18

A number of drilling fluid additives are used to ensure the fluid properties are compatible with
the geological conditions encountered during drilling. Additives that may have toxicity
concerns include bactericides, corrosion inhibitors, defoamers, emulsifiers and de-emulsifiers,
foaming agents, lubricants, polymer stabilizers and breakers, surfactants, and shale control
inhibitors. The additives used in the drilling process must be identified and described (e.g.,
chrome-free lignosulfonate, aldehyde-based bactericide, etc.) so that potential toxicity and
trace metal exceedances can be evaluated. Licensees are expected to have information on the
toxicity of all additives used to formulate the drilling fluid system in the well file. The
Petroleum Services Association of Canada also maintains a list of historic additives and will
assist in identifying unknown additives. Additive information can be accessed at

3. Metals (Trace Elements) Management
Drilling fluid additives may contain trace metals and depending on the quantities used, the
drilling waste disposal area may exceed the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Guidelines. Metal sources of concern include, but are not limited to, the following:

Zinc carbonate (ZnCO
) is commonly used to remove H
S if it is encountered during
drilling. In some cases, ZnCO
is contaminated with cadmium. If the checklist
indicates that a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option Three) sampling program is
required to assess zinc concentrations, cadmium must also be measured.

Barite (BaSO
) is used to increase fluid density.

Chrome lignosulphonates were commonly used as thinners at one time, but have
been largely phased out.

Calculation Tables are provided for the most common metal additives. The tables are required
only for drilling waste disposals that occurred before November 1, 2012. For disposals that
occurred before November 1, 2012 of drilling waste containing any of these additives, the
Calculation Table for the appropriate metal must be used to evaluate the need for a Phase 2
ESA. If other trace metals specified in Directive 50 were added to the drilling fluid in excess of
the 1996 Directive 50 (Section 3 or 5) analysis thresholds analytical data and the application
rate (land treatment or landspreading) or the maximum applied quantity (mix-bury-cover) must
be available. If the information is not available or the application rate or maximum applied
quantity exceeded 1996 Directive 50 requirements, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option Three)
must be conducted.

For drilling waste disposals that occurred on or after November 1, 2012 and that required post-
disposal sampling under Directive 50 (2012 version), the results must be reviewed to ensure the
endpoints specified in Directive 50 (2012 version) were met.
4. Salinity Management
Salts or salt generating additives can be classified as sodium salts, calcium salts, potassium
salts and nitrogen salts. Within each classification, there are several individual compounds, as
listed in Appendix A. The Salt Calculation Table must be used to evaluate the potential salinity
of the waste. If the drilling waste does not meet the targets specified in the Salt Calculation
Table, a Phase 2 ESA is required.

Salt zones can be encountered during drilling and contaminate drilling waste. The daily drilling
reports, Tour Reports and/or other drilling records will indicate if a salt zone was encountered
during drilling. A stratigraphic correlation chart showing salt formations in Alberta is also

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 19

available from geological testing laboratories. If drilling occurred in a salt zone, or a flow or
kick occurred, documentation must be available to demonstrate that the resulting drilling
waste was appropriately treated or disposed of in accordance with Directive 50 or Directive 58.
If the well licensee cannot provide this information, Compliance Option Three (Phase 2 ESA) is

Drill stem test returns may also introduce saline produced water into drilling waste, unless the
returns are segregated from the drilling system (i.e., tanked or returned to tank trucks) and
managed in accordance with Directive 50 or Directive 58. If this cannot be confirmed, disposal
of the returns in the sump must be assumed. Calculations are provided to estimate their
impact on the drilling waste. If insufficient information is available to complete the
calculations, Compliance Option Three (Phase 2 ESA) must be completed.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 20

Compliance Option 2 - Drilling Waste Disposal Assessment Checklist

If any response to the checklist questions leads to a Phase 2 ESA requirement or there is
insufficient information to complete the Compliance Option Two Checklist, a Phase 2 ESA must
be conducted in accordance with Compliance Option Three.

1. General Disposal and Drilling Fluid Information:
The well licensee should be able to review various sources of information pertaining to the
drilling activities on-site. Many information sources, other than the Notification of Drilling
Waste Disposal, Drilling Waste Management Disposal Form, or Drilling Waste Pipeline Disposal
Form can be reviewed for information relating to the drilling waste disposal and drilling fluid
systems. These can include Tour Reports, daily drilling records, well files, and contractor

1.0 Well
Information: Unique Identifier (UI)

Spud Date
Well Depth

1.1 Disposal Method (if

* If waste was disposed at an ERCB or ESRD approved facility, list supporting
documentation under Reference Documents.

1.2 Disposal Location (if

** If checklist indicates that a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option Three) is required, it
must be undertaken at the disposal location. If the disposal location is unknown, the
Phase 2 ESA must be undertaken at the wellsite.

For the purpose of this form: if the disposal method and/or location remains unknown
after all available information sources have been checked, the drilling waste disposal
location is assumed to be on-site.

Yes No

1.3 Were there other drilling waste disposal
events on the site (e.g. wellbore re-entry
or another well drilled, using fluids
containing drilling fluid additives)?

If yes, were the disposal areas separate
from one another?

Drilling waste
information must be
evaluated for each

Drilling waste
information must be
evaluated by
combining the drilling
fluid additives and
well depths. If
drilling waste
information is missing
or incomplete for one
or both wells, a Phase
2 (Compliance Option
Three) is required.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 21

Yes No

1.4 Was a remote site used?

If, Yes, is the remote site included in this
reclamation application?

If not included, is the remote site a multi-
well disposal location?

In Comments section,
indicate which well
the remote site will
be tied to for the
purposes of

Single well remote
disposal site must
be included with
application, unless
it already has
received a

1.5 Has the well licensee reviewed the Daily
Drilling Records and other available
drilling documentation?

Phase 2 required

1.6 Can it be determined from the available
records what type of drilling fluid system
was used?

Phase 2 required

1.7 Were water-based drilling fluids used for
all sections (i.e., gel chemical drilling fluid

If No, is there evidence that demonstrates
the non-water based wastes were disposed
of in a manner consistent with Directive 50
(1996 version for disposals before
November 1, 2012 or 2012 version for
disposals on or after November 1, 2012) or
Directive 58 (i.e., appropriately approved
waste management facility)?

Phase 2 required

1.8 Is a mud list available?

If Yes, can all the additives on the mud list
be identified and described?

Record the additives and their description
(e.g., chrome-free lignosulfonate,
aldehyde-based bactericide, etc.) on the
attached form.

Phase 2 required

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 22

Yes No

1.9 Do the Daily Drilling Records show
evidence of a flow or kick that may have
resulted in the introduction of produced
fluids (i.e., hydrocarbons or salts) into the
drilling fluids?

If Yes, is there information/documentation
available to demonstrate that they were
appropriately treated or disposed of as per
Directive 50 or Directive 58 (i.e.,
approved waste management facility)?

Phase 2 required

1.10 Do the Daily Drilling Records show
evidence of returned drill stem test fluids?

If Yes, is there information/documentation
available to demonstrate that they were
appropriately treated or disposed of as per
Directive 50 (1996 version for disposals
before November 1, 2012 or 2012 version
for disposals on or after November 1,
2012) or Directive 58 (i.e., approved waste
management facility)?

If treatment or disposal as per Directive 50
(1996 version for disposals before
November 1, 2012 or 2012 version for
disposals on or after November 1, 2012) or
Directive 58 cannot be confirmed, is there
sufficient information/documentation
available to complete the DST

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

1.11 Were cement returns buried on-site or at
a remote site linked to the well?

2. Hydrocarbon Management

Yes No

2.1 Was hydrocarbon-based drilling fluid used?

If Yes, is there evidence that wastes were
disposed of in a manner consistent with
Directive 50 (1996 version for disposals
before November 1, 2012 or 2012 version
for disposals on or after November 1,
2012) or Directive 58 (i.e., approved waste
management facility)?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 23

Yes No

2.2 Was the well a horizontal oil well?

If Yes, is there evidence that wastes were
disposed of in a manner consistent with
Directive 50 (1996 version for disposals
before November 1, 2012 or 2012 version
for disposals on or after November 1, 2012)
or Directive 58 (i.e., approved waste
management facility)?

Phase 2 required

2.3 Was the well drilled using under-balanced

If Yes, is there information/documentation
available to demonstrate that the drilling
wastes were disposed of in a manner
consistent with Directive 50 (1996 version
for disposals before November 1, 2012 or
2012 version for disposals on or after
November 1, 2012) or Directive 58 (i.e.,
approved waste management facility)?

Phase 2 required

2.4 Was hydrocarbon added to the drilling

If Yes, was the hydrocarbon contaminated
drilling waste disposed of in a manner
consistent with Directive 50 (1996 version
for disposals before November 1, 2012 or
2012 version for disposals on or after
November 1, 2012) or Directive 58 (i.e.,
approved waste management facility)?

Phase 2 required

3. Metals (Trace Elements) Management

Yes No

3.1 Was the disposal completed before
November 1, 2012?

Complete questions
3.2 to 3.5

Go to question 3.6

3.2 Was barite added to the drilling fluid?

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal calculation

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 24

Yes No

3.3 Was zinc carbonate added to the drilling

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal calculation

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

3.4 Were chrome-based thinners added to the
drilling fluid?

If Yes, did it meet the requirements
specified in the attached metal calculation

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

3.5 Were any other additives used that would
have triggered testing for metals under
Section 3 or 5 of Directive 50 (1996

If Yes, are waste analytical data and
application rates (land treatment,
landspreading) or maximum application
(mix-bury-cover) available?

If above data are available, did the
application rate or maximum application
meet Directive 50 requirements?

Phase 2 required

Phase 2 required

3.6 Did metal concentrations in the waste
trigger a requirement for post-disposal

If yes, did all post-disposal samples meet
the soil metal endpoints specified in
Section 3 of Directive 50 (2012 version)?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 25

4. Salinity Management

Yes No

4.1 Does the water based drilling waste meet
the requirements specified in the attached
Salt Calculation Table?

Show calculation on
attached form

Phase 2 required

4.2 Was a salt zone encountered during

If Yes, is there evidence that demonstrates
the drilling wastes were disposed of in a
manner consistent with Directive 50 (1996
version for disposals before November 1,
2012 or 2012 version for disposals on or
after November 1, 2012) or Directive 58
(i.e., appropriately approved waste
management facility)?

Phase 2 required

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 26

Mud Additives (Attach additional pages if necessary.)

Product Name Amount Used (units) Brief Description of Product

Reference Documents (List all source documents used in the completion of this checklist.
Attach additional pages if necessary. Documents must be supplied to Alberta Environment
and Sustainable Resource Development, if requested.)

Comments (Please provide any additional comments relevant to the decision process within
the checklist. Attach additional pages if necessary.)

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 27

1. Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments
Soil samples must be taken from within the drilling waste disposal area. The samples must be
analyzed for all parameters of concern as identified by drilling records. Information can be
obtained from Tour Reports, daily drilling records and company files. Where drilling records
are not available, incomplete, or the composition of the additives is unknown, the samples
must be analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons, trace elements including barium, electrical
conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). The sampling densities specified below
are minimum requirements. Where conditions indicate unusually high variability or disposal of
high risk drilling fluids (e.g., diesel invert, high salinity fluids), assessors should increase
sampling effort accordingly. If the drilling waste disposal location is unknown after all
available sources have been checked, the Phase 2 ESA must be conducted onsite or at the
likely drilling waste disposal location (ie. remote sump) to confirm if drilling waste was
disposed of at the subject location.

If the Phase 2 ESA analytical data indicates that the drilling waste disposal area does not meet
the guidelines described below, the drilling waste disposal area must be managed to achieve
equivalent land capability in order to receive a Reclamation Certificate. Confirmatory
sampling requirements in support of site closure will be site-specific and must be conducted by
a qualified person.
(a) Electromagnetic Surveys
Electromagnetic (EM) surveys provide useful information where elevated salinity is present in
the drilling waste disposal area. EM anomalies help to identify potential sampling locations.

If the only a factor triggering a Phase 2 ESA is a Drill Stem Test Return calculation using the
default chloride value of 215,000 mg/L, then an EM survey showing no anomalies will meet the
Phase 2 ESA requirement without further sampling.
(b) Sampling Requirements
The minimum sampling requirements below are for drilling waste disposal areas only. They
must be used to characterize the disposal area after its location has been identified. The level
of effort required to find the waste disposal area, as well as environmental site assessment
requirements for other areas of the site (e.g. well centre, flare pits, spills, etc.), will be site-
specific. The sampling requirements below are for characterizing known drilling waste disposal

Land Treated, Buried and/or Landspread Waste from up to 3 Single Wells
Note: These requirements also apply to areas of the lease receiving liquid waste during
squeezing, dump and bail operations, landspray, landspray-while-drilling, or pump-off.

The minimum number of sampling locations from the disposal area will vary with well depth as

Well Depth* (m) Number of
Sampling Locations
<1500 3
1500 to 2500 4
>2500 5
*If two or three wells have been combined, the
sum of the individual well depths must be used.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 28

Sampling locations (boreholes) must be arranged so that the entire drilling waste disposal area
is represented. For each borehole, a sample that is representative of the waste or soil-waste
mix zone must be submitted for laboratory analysis. This sample may be a composite made by
combining subsamples from the same borehole. Waste or soil-waste mix samples must not
contain cover or base material (Fig. 1). Samples must not combine material from more than
one of the depth increments specified for the Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines
(below). For example, if the mix-bury-cover disposal area has only 0.9 m of cover, the top
0.10 m of the drilling waste disposal zone must be sampled separately.

Figure 1. Minimum sampling protocol for well depth < 1500m.

Samples from different sampling locations or boreholes must not be combined (Fig. 1).
Borehole logs must show that the borehole extended to at least 1 metre below the base of the
waste zone and must characterize the entire borehole depth. For sites where drilling wastes
were disposed of prior to November 1, 2012, the site assessment must indicate whether
permeable material is present within 1 metre of the base of the soil-waste mix. Permeable
material is defined as having a median grain size greater than 75 microns. Sufficient control
samples are required to determine background salinity levels unless the disposal area meets
the Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines (below). Control samples may also be useful for
evaluating naturally elevated metal concentrations and other anomalies. If possible, control
Mix Samples
(May combine
subsamples from
single borehole)

Do not composite;
Analyze soil:waste
mix zone separately
from soil zones
Do not composite; Analyze each
borehole separately
Do not composite; Analyze each
borehole separately

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 29

samples must be taken from an undisturbed profile in similar landscape positions and at the
same depths as the waste material. Soil at the control locations must be representative of the
soil found on the site and must not be contaminated. The information submitted to ESRD must
include the analytical results, sampling locations and depth, and drill logs/soil profile
descriptions that show material changes with depth.

Land Treatment, Remote Multi-well Disposal Area, or On-site Disposal from More
than 3 Single Wells
These areas must be delineated (e.g., visual identification of drilling waste, EM surveys, etc.)
and a site-specific sampling and analytical program developed that is based on disposal area or
(c) Analysis of Samples
Samples must be analyzed for the parameters of concern identified by the Compliance Option
One or Two Checklist. Electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), trace
metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons must be measured if available information was not
sufficient to complete the Checklists. EC and SAR must be measured in a saturated paste
extract. Trace metals must be measured after extraction by strong acid digest, with the
following exceptions. Boron must be measured in a hot water extract. Barium must be
measured by fusion XRF or fusion ICP. Analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons must comply with
the Reference Method for the Canada Wide Standard for Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Tier
I Method.

Analytical results must meet the guidelines specified below.
(d) Salinity Guidelines
Salinity guidelines are based on the date of the drilling waste disposal.

Waste Disposal Prior to November 1, 2012
For wastes disposed of prior to November 1, 2012, the 1996 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity
Guidelines in the following table may be used as an alternative to the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and
Groundwater Remediation Guidelines.

1996 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines
Topsoil EC of 2 dS/m,
SAR of 6
Below topsoil to 1
EC of 3 dS/m,
SAR of 8
Below 1 metre EC of 6 dS/m,
SAR of 10

The 1996 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines for topsoil must not be exceeded. Below
topsoil, if receiving soil exceeds these guidelines because of naturally occurring salt, an
increase of 1 dS/m for EC and 1 unit for SAR above pre-disposal receiving soil background will
be accepted. Alternatively, compliance with the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Guidelines is accepted.

Use of the 1996 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines assumes compliance with other
Directive 50(1996 version) requirements. In particular, for the mix-bury-cover disposal
method, the base of the soil-waste mix must be at least 1 metre above a layer of permeable
material. Permeable material is defined as having a median grain size greater than 75 microns.
Every effort should be made to ensure that a minimum of 1 metre of clean subsoil is
maintained over the soil-waste mix before topsoil is replaced.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 30

The purpose of using clean subsoil is to ensure that the root zone remains free of
contamination. EC and SAR levels of the subsoil used for capping must meet the above
guidelines. In many soils this means that some or all of the subsoil excavated during sump
construction or cut-and-fill operations is not suitable capping material. Sites that do not meet
the above guidelines because naturally saline soils have been mixed into the capping material
must be managed to meet equivalent land capability in order to be eligible for a Reclamation

Waste Disposal On or After November 1, 2012
For wastes disposed on or after November 1, 2012, the 2012 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity
Guidelines in the following table may be used as an alternative to the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and
Groundwater Remediation Guidelines.

2012 Directive 50 Equivalent Salinity Guidelines
Good* Fair*
C horizon to 1 m No more than 2
dS/m greater
background EC
and no greater
than 3 dS/m
No more than 3
units greater
background SAR
and no greater
than 6
No more than
1 dS/m greater
background EC
No more than 2
units greater
background SAR
Between 1 to 1.5 m No more than 2
dS/m greater
background EC
No more than 4
units greater
background SAR
No more than
2 dS/m greater
background EC
No more than 4
units greater
background SAR
Below 1.5m No more than 3
dS/m greater
background EC
No more than 6
units greater
background SAR
No more than
3 dS/m greater
background EC
No more than 6
units greater
background SAR
* Good and Fair categories are defined in the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Guidelines and determined by uncontaminated background conditions.

Soil above the C horizon must comply with the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Guidelines.
(e) Hydrocarbon and Trace Element Guidelines
Petroleum hydrocarbon and trace element concentrations must comply with the Alberta Tier 1
Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines or the Alberta Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Guidelines.

For waste disposal that occurred before November 1, 2012, file information confirming that
mineral oil and grease concentrations in the soil-waste mix were 0.1% (dry weight) or less in
subsoil or 0.5% (dry weight) or less in topsoil will be accepted in lieu of current site assessment
data for hydrocarbons, unless the waste disposal occurred under a biodegradation approval. If
an approval was issued, the hydrocarbon concentrations in the soil-waste mix must comply with
approval requirements.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 31

Metal Calculations for Compliance Options One and Two

Note: Different default mix ratios are provided for well depth-based calculation alternatives
depending on whether the well was drilled before or after October 22, 1996. The 1996 version
of Directive 50, Drilling Waste Management increased the minimum mix ratio requirement
from 1:1 to 3:1.

Directions: Fill in the number of sacks and adjust for sack weight if different than 40 kg. Enter
the Well Depth and divide the Total Number of Sacks by the Well Depth. Divide this value by
the Mix Ratio. Enter the result as Sacks per Metre. This value must be less than or equal to
0.22. If the value exceeds the objective, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) must be

Total Number of Sacks
(40 kg/sack*)
Well Depth
Sacks per Metre

* Sack weight may be adjusted by dividing the number of sacks by 40 and multiplying by the actual sack
weight in kilograms. This value should be entered as the number of sacks.
** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix ratio (3
parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells drilled before
October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Zinc Carbonate:
Alternative 1:
If waste zinc concentration, mix ratio and waste dry bulk density data are available, use the
following calculator to estimate post-disposal zinc concentration.

Directions: Enter the total zinc concentration measured in the waste, the Waste Dry Bulk
Density, and Mix Ratio in the appropriate cells. Multiply Waste Zinc Concentration by Waste
Dry Bulk Density and divide the result by the Mix Ratio. Divide this value by 1500 then add 70.
The result is the Post-Disposal Zinc Concentration. This value must be less than or equal to
200 mg/kg. If the value exceeds this objective, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) must be

Waste Zinc
Dry Bulk
Post-Disposal Zn

1500 + 70 =
* Waste Dry Bulk Density = (Waste Specific Gravity 1) x 1600
** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix ratio (3
parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells drilled before
October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Alternative 2:
If the above data is not available use the following equation to calculate the number of sacks
of zinc carbonate added per metre drilled.

Directions: Fill in the number of sacks and adjust for sack weight if different than 25 kg. Enter
the Well Depth in metres and divide the Total Number of Sacks by the Well Depth. Divide this
value by the Mix Ratio. Enter the result as Sacks per Metre. This value must be less than or

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 32

equal to 0.0065. If the value exceeds the objective, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3)
must be conducted.

Total Number of Sacks
(25 kg/sack*)
Well Depth
Sacks per Metre

* Sack weight may be adjusted by dividing the number of sacks by 25 and multiplying by the actual sack
weight in kilograms. This value should be entered as the number of sacks.
** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix ratio (3
parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells drilled before
October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Chromium-based Thinner:
Alternative 1:
If waste chromium concentration and waste bulk density data are available, use the following
calculator to estimate post-disposal chromium concentration.

Directions: Enter the total chromium concentration measured in the waste, the Waste Dry Bulk
Density, and Mix Ratio in the appropriate cells. Multiply Waste Chromium Concentration by
Waste Dry Bulk Density and divide the result by the Mix Ratio. Divide this value by 1500 then
add 30. The result is the Post-Disposal Chromium Concentration. If this value is greater than
64 mg/kg, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) is required.

Dry Bulk
Post-Disposal Cr

1500 + 30 =
* Waste Dry Bulk Density = (Waste Specific Gravity 1) x 1600
** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix ratio (3
parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells drilled before
October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Alternative 2:
If the above data is not available, use the following equation to calculate the number of sacks
of chrome thinner added per metre drilled. If the number of sacks exceeds the limits below, a
Phase 2 (Compliance Option 3) is required.

Directions: Fill in the number of sacks and adjust for sack weight if different than 25 kg. Enter
the Well Depth and divide the Total Number of Sacks by the Well Depth. Divide this value by
the Mix Ratio. Enter the result as Sacks per Metre. This value must be less than or equal to
0.020. If the value exceeds the objective, a Phase 2 ESA must be conducted.

Total Number of Sacks
(25 kg/sack*)
Well Depth
Sacks per Metre

* Sack weight may be adjusted by dividing the number of sacks by 25 and multiplying by the actual sack
weight in kilograms. This value should be entered as the number of sacks.
** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix ratio (3
parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells drilled before
October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 33

Drill Stem Test Return Calculations for Compliance Option Two

Note: Either the resistivity or the chloride calculation must be completed. It is not necessary
to complete both calculations. Resistivity data should be used when available. If resistivity is
not available, the chloride calculation should be used. If the volume is specified but neither
chloride nor resistivity is available, use the default concentration in the chloride calculation.
If no volume is available, a Phase 2 (Compliance Option 3) is required.

Alternative 1: Resistivity
Directions: Fill in the volume of each drill stem test return (add more lines as necessary) and
multiply by 0.28. Divide this value by the measured resistivity and enter the result as Number
of Sacks. Add up the total number of sacks and enter this value in the salinity calculation at
the appropriate line.

Volume of Returns (m
)* Resistivity**
Number of Sacks
Total number of sacks =
* Volume of returns may be calculated by the following equation:
= L x 3.14 x

=Volume of Drill Stem Test Returns
ID = Inner diameter of pipe (mm)
= Length of Drill Stem Test Return (m), including mud returns

** Resistivity values from formation water databases or adjacent wells are currently not acceptable.

Alternative 2: Chloride
Directions: Fill in the volume of each drill stem test return (add more lines as necessary) and
multiply by the chloride concentration. Divide this value by 7,600 and enter the result as
Number of Sacks. Add up the total number of sacks and enter this value in the salinity
calculation at the appropriate line.

Volume of Returns
Chloride Concentration**
Number of
Total number of sacks =
* Volume of returns may be calculated by the following equation:
= L x 3.14 x

=Volume of Drill Stem Test Returns
ID = Inner diameter of pipe (mm)
= Length of Drill Stem Test Return (m), including mud returns

**If chloride concentration is not specified, use 215,000 mg/L. Chloride concentrations from formation
water databases or adjacent wells are currently not acceptable.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 34

Directions: Fill in the volume of each drill stem test return (add more lines as necessary) and
multiply by the oil concentration in the return. Enter this value as Volume of Oil. Add up the
Total Volume of Oil and enter this value. Divide this value by 0.6 then divide by the well
depth. Divide this value by the mix ratio. Enter the result as the Post-Disposal Oil
Concentration. If this value is greater than 0.1% (dry weight) in subsoil or 0.5% (dry weight) in
topsoil, a Phase 2 ESA (Compliance Option 3) is required.

of Oil

x =
x =
x =
Post-Disposal Oil
Concentration (%)
Total Volume of Oil =


* Volume of returns may be calculated by the following equation:
= L x 3.14 x

=Volume of Drill Stem Test Returns
ID = Inner diameter of pipe (mm)
= Length of Drill Stem Test Return (m)

** Actual measured oil concentration must be used if available. If only visual descriptions are
available then use the following to estimate oil concentration:
Flecked = 5%
Emulsion = 25%
Oil or oil-cut mud= 100%
Do not include gas-cut mud or mud with no indication of oil.

*** Enter the number of parts of soil mixed with one part of waste. For example, for a 3:1 mix
ratio (3 parts soil to 1 part waste) enter 3. If this value is not known, enter 1 for wells
drilled before October 22 1996, or 3 for wells drilled on or after this date.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 35

Salt Calculations for Option 2:
Alternative 1
If the volume of drilling waste is known, use the following calculator to determine the NaOH
Equivalent Sacks per m
of waste. If this value is greater than 0.10, a Phase 2 ESA is required.

Directions: Fill in the number of sacks and adjust for sack weight if different than 25 kg. For
each additive, multiply the Number of Sacks by the NaOH Equivalency Factor and write the
result in the NaOH Equivalent Sacks column. Sum all the entries in the NaOH Equivalent Sacks
column and enter the result. Enter the Waste Volume and divide the Total NaOH Equivalent
Sacks by the Waste Volume. Enter the result as Equivalent Sacks per m
. This value must be
less than 0.10.
Additive Number of
(25 kg/sack*)



Caustic Soda X 1.00 =
Soda Ash X 0.75 =
Sodium Chloride X 0.68 =
Sodium Bicarbonate X 0.95 =
Sodium Silicate X 1.37 =
Sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAPP) X 0.22 =

Calcium Chloride X 0.72 =
Calcium Nitrate X 0.34 =
Envirofloc X 0.41 =

Gypsum** X 0.59 =
Lime** X 1.08 =
** Maximum number of sacks = 0.02 x well depth (m)
Potassium chloride X 0.54 =
Potassium sulphate X 0.46 =
Caustic potash X 0.71 =
Potassium formate X 0.47 =
Potassium silicate X 0.32 =
Potassium nitrate X 0.40 =

Diammonium phosphate X 0.63 =
Ammonium nitrate X 0.57 =
Ammonium sulphate X 0.61 =

Drill Stem Test Returns X 0.68
Total NaOH Equivalent Sacks =
Waste Volume (m

Equivalent Sacks per m
* Sack weight may be adjusted by dividing the number of sacks by 25 and multiplying by the actual sack
weight in kilograms. This value should be entered as the number of sacks.
** Note: Up to 0.02 sacks of gypsum and lime per metre of well depth should be counted with other salt
additives. Gypsum and lime must be calculated separately. Because of the limited solubility of
gypsum and lime, sacks in excess of this value need not be counted.

Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas

July 2012 Page 36

Alternative 2
If the volume of drilling waste is not known, use the following calculator to determine the
NaOH Equivalent Sacks per metre of well depth. This value must be less than 0.026 for wells
drilled before October 22 1996, or 0.035 for wells drilled on or after this date. If the value
exceeds the target, a Phase 2 ESA must be conducted.

Directions: Fill in the number of sacks and adjust for sack weight if different than 25 kg. For
each additive, multiply the Number of Sacks by the NaOH Equivalency Factor and write the
result in the NaOH Equivalent Sacks column. Sum all the entries in the NaOH Equivalent Sacks
column and enter the result. Enter the Well Depth and divide the Total NaOH Equivalent Sacks
by the Well Depth. Enter the result as Equivalent Sacks per Metre.
Additive Number of
(25 kg/sack*)



Caustic Soda X 1.00 =
Soda Ash X 0.75 =
Sodium Chloride X 0.68 =
Sodium Bicarbonate X 0.95 =
Sodium Silicate X 1.37 =
Sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAPP) X 0.22 =

Calcium Chloride X 0.72 =
Calcium Nitrate X 0.34 =
Envirofloc X 0.41 =

Gypsum** X 0.59 =
Lime** X 1.08 =
** Maximum number of sacks = 0.02 x well depth (m)
Potassium chloride X 0.54 =
Potassium sulphate X 0.46 =
Caustic potash X 0.71 =
Potassium formate X 0.47 =
Potassium silicate X 0.32 =
Potassium nitrate X 0.40 =

Diammonium phosphate X 0.63 =
Ammonium nitrate X 0.57 =
Ammonium sulphate X 0.61 =

Drill Stem Test Returns X 0.68
Total NaOH Equivalent Sacks =
Well Depth (m)

Equivalent Sacks per Metre =
* Sack weight may be adjusted by dividing the number of sacks by 25 and multiplying by the actual sack
weight in kilograms. This value should be entered as the number of sacks.
** Note: Up to 0.02 sacks of gypsum and lime per metre of well depth should be counted with other salt
additives. Gypsum and lime must be calculated separately. Because of the limited solubility of
gypsum and lime, sacks in excess of this value need not be counted.

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