The Exceptional Presenter

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Acknowledgments xiii
From the Author xv
1 The Exceptional Presenter 1
What Makes a Presenter Exceptional? 3
Open Up! 4
Own the Room 6
2 Its Not Where You Start, Its Where You Finish 11
Do Not Discount Your Potential as a Presenter 13
Do Not Underestimate the Power of Your Delivery 14
Do Not Underestimate How Often You Use These Skills 15
A Cascade of Benefits Awaits the Exceptional Presenter 17
How Are You Positioned as a Presenter? 19
3 Present to Win or Prepare to Lose 23
How Was I to Know? No One Ever Told Me! 24
The Cost of Average Illustrated 27
What is the Cost of Average? 28
Rate Yourself as a Presenter 29
4 Organized: Structuring Your Story 31
What Did He Just Say? 32
The Five Components of Any Presentation 34
How to Tell Them What Youre Going to Tell Them 38
Frame Your Real Life Presentation 40
How to Tell Them 41
How to Tell Them What You Just Told Them 42
End with a Purpose Statement 42
Attention-Grabbing Openings 43
If You Dont Look Organized, You Wont Appear Prepared 45
The 60/20 Rule 46
Presentation Prep Sheet 51
5 Passionate 53
The Power of Non-Verbal Communication 55
Posture 55
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What is an Effective Base Posture When Standing? 59
The Most Common Presentation Posture: T-Rex 62
Other Speaking Positions and the Messages They Send 64
What is the Most Effective Seated Position 66
Square Up 67
Presenting from Behind a Lectern 68
Fidgety Hands 71
Can You Handle the Pressure? 71
Five Tips to Appear Relaxed, Confident, and Professional 72
Practicing to Solidify Exceptional Posture 72
Gestures 73
Five Effective Ways to Incorporate Gestures 74
Visual Aids 79
Practice Opportunities Abound 80
Gestures in Summary 80
The Dynamics of Voice 82
Volume 84
Inflection 84
Pacing/Tempo 85
Eliminate Verbal Graffiti 87
Be Aware of the Condescendors 90
Observation Sheet 94
6 Engaging: To Earn Their Respect, You Must
First Connect 95
Rules of Engagement 96
7 Natural 121
8 Understand Your Audience 125
Tips to Learn More about Your Audience 126
Questions to Ask 127
9 Practice 129
Delivery Skills Weekly Practice Chart 134
10 Quick on Your Feet: Conducting Successful
Q&A Sessions 135
Q&A Tips and Techniques 136
Q&A Reminders 139
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Buying Time to Gather Your Thoughts 143
Team Presentations and Q&A 146
Exceptional Q&A: British Prime Minister Tony Blair 147
11 Using Nervous Energy to Create Positive Results 149
Youre Not DifferentMost People Get Nervous 150
The Mental Game of Presenting 151
Focus the Spotlight on Your Message and Your Audience 151
Convert Nervous Energy to Positive Energy 152
Techniques for Controlling the Fear 152
12 Your Introduction Is Important 159
13 Do Not Accept Average When You Can
Be Exceptional 163
Conclusion 165
Presentation Sheets 167
Personal Improvement Goals 169
Presentation Assessment Form 170
Delivery Skills Weekly Practice Chart 173
Observation Sheet 179
Presentation Prep/Outline Sheet 181
About the Author 187

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task. Theres a lot to remember. Say this. Move that. Speak up.
Look at the audience. Dont dget. You leave the meeting wonder-
ing, Did I connect? Was I clear? Was that guy sleeping, or was he
praying for my presentation to end?
There are a lot of experts out there who will give you all
the answers. Type into a leading Internet search engine the words
public speaking, and youll get 84,300,000 listings. It can be over-
whelming. After a while it all seems to sound the same.
The formula you are about to learn will take the mystery and
the misery out of presenting. We will break down the art of pre-
senting into a series of skills. Then you will learn a systematic
approach to mastering each skill.
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Some may argue that when it comes to presentation skills,
You either have it or you dont. Based on my two decades as a
presentation coach, I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree
with that statement. Ive worked with far too many people who
have dramatically improved their presentation effectiveness.
Can anyone become an exceptional presenter? My answer is
Yes for the vast majority of people who have a desire to improve,
a formula to guide their progress and a willingness to develop the
skills that comprise the it in You either have it or you dont.
The objectives of this book are straightforward and achievable:
1. Provide a proven formula that will enable you to communi-
cate at an exceptional level, in any venue, to any audience.
2. Share practice methods that help you develop skills that
will not fail under pressure.
3. Serve as your personal diary to document your improve-
Look up the word exceptional in a thesaurus. Synonyms
include: superior, outstanding, excellent, extraordinary and won-
derful. Antonyms include: average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill,
commonplace and mundane.
Notice that the synonyms did not include: perfect, awless,
unblemished or error-free.
Have you attended any presentations lately? How many of
those presentations would you describe as: superior, outstand-
ing, excellent, extraordinary or wonderful? How many
would you describe as: average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill,
commonplace or mundane? What descriptive words do people
use to describe your presentations?
No two people are exactly the same when it comes to presen-
tation style, comfort level or expertise. Every presenter and every
presentation is unique. The Exceptional Presenter is not designed
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to wrestle you into a pre-selected style. It is intended to comple-
ment and enhance your existing style and help you attain the
cascade of benets that come from developing exceptional pre-
sentation skills.
The benets will affect every aspect of your life. Your pre-
sentation skill level will affect your income and career track. It
will affect your personal relationships and your ability to lead and
persuade others. It will affect what job you land and what reputa-
tion you build.
Becoming an exceptional presenter is NOT a Herculean task.
In fact, its not a task at all. It is a journey that I believe you will nd
to be enjoyable, energizing and rewarding.
Write down the names of two exceptional presenters, living or
deceased. Select a media personality, an athlete, a politician, a pro-
fessor or perhaps a business or religious leader.
What characteristics make them exceptional? List four charac-
teristics or traits for each person.
Exceptional presenter #1:

Exceptional presenter #2:

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In the last twenty years Ive asked more than 10,000 workshop par-
ticipants to ll out the form you just lled out. The results open the
door to understanding what makes people stand out as presenters.
The results have enabled me to develop a formula that turns aver-
age presenters into exceptional presenters.
Our next step is to discover what it means to OPEN UP! and
Own the Room.
OPEN UP! is an acronym representing the six characteristics
shared by exceptional presenters. The secret is not just knowing
the characteristics, but understanding how to incorporate them
into your presentation style.
The Exceptional Presenter is:
Exceptional presenters take charge! They look poised and pol-
ished. They sound prepared. You get the sense that they are not
there to waste time. Their goal is not to overwhelm, but to inform,
persuade, inuence, entertain or enlighten. Their message is well
structured and clearly dened.
Exceptional presenters exude enthusiasm and conviction. If the
presenter doesnt look and sound passionate about his or her
topic, why would anyone else be passionate about it? Exceptional
presenters speak from the heart and leave no doubt as to where
they stand. Their energy is persuasive and contagious.
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Exceptional presenters do everything in their power to engage
each audience member. They build rapport quickly and involve
the audience early and often. If you want their respect, you must
rst connect.
An exceptional presenters style is natural. Their delivery has a con-
versational feel. Natural presenters make it look easy. They appear
comfortable with any audience. A presenter who appears natural
appears condent.
As an Exceptional Presenter, you must:
Understand Your Audience
Exceptional presenters learn as much as they can about their audi-
ence before presenting to them. The more they know about the
audience, the easier it will be to connect and engage.
Those who practice improve. Those who dont, dont. Exceptional
skills must become second nature.
Practice is the most important part of the improvement pro-
cess. If your delivery skills are second nature, they will not fail
under pressure.
There are hundreds of opportunities every day to practice the
skills in this book. The only thing you need is the desire to practice.
Most people never practice. If they do, its on their way to present a
proposal, interview for a job, deliver a keynote presentation or sell
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an idea to their boss. The time to practice is not in live, win-or-lose
situations. The time to practice is during your normal daily routines,
when habits can be formed and mistakes are not costly.
Throughout this book I will highlight daily practice oppor-
tunities. You will be surprised at how convenient and how easy
practicing can be.
Own the room is a term describing an actor who is so completely
into character that he walks on stage with total condence. He
owns the room.
Owning the room is what will happen for you once you have
developed an OPEN communication style. You will present with
total condence and maintain the highest level of professionalism,
even in the most challenging circumstances. You will hold yourself
accountable for the success or failure of your presentations. And
you will do whatever it takes to ensure that your audience under-
stands and remembers your message.
Chapters Four through Nine will show you in detail how to
OPEN UP! and Own the Room.
Exceptional Presentation Skills Win Elections
Whether you agreed or disagreed with him, President Bill Clinton
was and still is an excellent example of where exceptional presenta-
tion skills can take your career. Ask his 1992 and 1996 opponents,
George H. Bush and Bob Dole, if presentation skills played a role
in the outcome of those two Presidential elections. Both Bush and
Dole were highly intelligent, both were World War II veterans and
both were scandal free. They each brought vast experience to their
campaigns. But despite their credentials, neither could match the
presentation skills of William Jefferson Clinton.
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From the rst question of his rst presidential debate, Bill Clin-
ton owned the room. When the rst question was directed his
way, candidate Clinton walked toward the lady who had asked the
question. He squared his shoulders to her. He looked her straight
in the eye and asked her to repeat her name. Then he answered her
question. He was connecting from the opening bell.
In the days following presidential debates, I will survey par-
ticipants in my workshops to nd out how much they remem-
bered from the debate. Typically they dont remember much.
Theyll remember a one-liner or a gaffe. Theyll remember ques-
tions related to a topic near and dear to their hearts (the envi-
ronment, education, nuclear arms, Social Security). But despite
the fact that they remembered little of what was said, they
always have an opinion as to who won. He carried himself like
a president. He was unappable. He connected with me. He
seemed more knowledgeable.
The rst televised debate took place in 1960 between candi-
dates Richard Nixon and John Kennedy. The polls following the
debate were telling. The majority of people who listened to the
debate on the radio thought Nixon had won. The majority of those
who watched the debate on TV thought Kennedy had won.
Kennedy looked sharp. He looked fresh. His presence was
charismatic. Richard Nixon, on the other hand, had not shaved
prior to the debate. His ve oclock shadow caused him to appear
tired and a bit haggard. In a video taken prior to the debate Nixon
could be heard saying, Guess I should have shaved. That was the
understatement of the evening.
Nixon also decided not to use make-up because he overheard
Kennedy refusing make-up. He did not know that Kennedy had
been made up earlier in the evening.
Flash to the 1992 debate between President George H. Bush,
Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. During the town hall debate President
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Bush glanced at his watch several times. Years later in an inter-
view with Jim Lehrer, President Bush admitted that glancing at
his watch reinforced a mistaken general perception that his heart
wasnt 100% into the campaign.
In the rst Election 2000 debate it was Al Gores behavior that
damaged his effectiveness. He sighed loudly when he disagreed
with then Governor George W. Bush. He interrupted and rolled
his eyes repeatedly. His behavior overshadowed anything he had
to say about domestic or foreign issues.
The highlight of John Kerrys 2004 run for the White House
and the worst performance of the Bush campaign happened the
night of the rst Presidential debate.
The normally mechanical Kerry appeared relaxed and conver-
sational. His posture at the lectern was commanding. He seemed
well prepared. He looked and sounded like someone who could
be President.
President Bush leaned on his lectern throughout the debate.
Leaning on the lectern had become a campaign stump speech
habit for the President, and it carried into the debate. It made him
appear tired and a bit uninterested.
Frequent facial expressions suggested that President Bush was
agitated or frustrated with his opponent, yet the President did not
verbally counter punch. Excessive ller, ums and uhs, com-
bined with the overuse of certain phrases led to the impression
that the President was armed with twelve minutes of information
for a ninety-minute debate. The Presidents six to eight point poll
lead disappeared.
A much more prepared, passionate and commanding Presi-
dent Bush showed up for debates two and three. He was able to
regain his momentum and win the election.
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Two Lessons from Election 2004:
1. Every presentation counts! Every handshake, every inter-
view, every appearance, every debate and every one-
on-one encounter represents an opportunity to make
a favorable impression while driving home a message.
Dont allow yourself to miss a single opportunity. It has
meant the difference between becoming The President of
the United States and becoming a retired ex-politician.
2. Never let your competition back in the game by allowing
yourself to present/communicate at a level that is less than
>> Delivering an exceptional presen-
tation will not guarantee a win
every time. But you should never
lose because your presentation was
less than exceptional.
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Excerpt from Chapter 7
New illustrations clearly
demonstrate gestures and
posture dos and donts.
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7. Get to Your Feet
>> Were more persuasive on our feet
than in our seat.
Own the Room is about being in control of what happens during
your presentation. Getting to your feet enables you to take charge
and control the ow of information. It allows you to change the
dynamics of the room, create energy and assume a more com-
manding posture.
A study at the University of Minnesota concluded that if we
stand up and present our information using some kind of visual
aid, we are 43% more likely to persuade the listener.
What makes us more persuasive when we stand?
When a presenter stands up,
people tend to look up.
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