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Tanner Dawes
Film and Culture: Tuesday
4/21/14 What do you feel are the greatest struggles that our culture faces today? How do our world changes affect those struggles? What are the greatest benefits that could result from those struggles? What would be the dangers of not engaging in the struggles going on around us?
The views in society we live with today, are different views from the past. A few years down the road, the views in society will be different as well. The world is constantly changing and growing. It has taken humans thousands of years to come to terms with certain aspects of life in society that should never have been looked down upon in the first place. One of the tremendous problems in society is pure ignorance. It is the fear people have towards other people, and the fear of their beliefs. One example of the struggle of fear people has for what is different is the misunderstanding people have for others religious beliefs. Religion is such a personal entity in itself, for the fact that ones own spirituality is their belief to hold and do with what they want. Religion or spirituality in general is something that people base their lives upon. It is hard to comprehend so much hate and anger all across the world, simply because people think they, themselves are right. Spirituality is meant to be a positive life force. It is unfortunate that the result for hate and fear has become war in many cases. The ignorance in people can destroy the lives of their fellow beings. Mahatma Gandhi once said, We must respect other religions, as we respect our own. Mere tolerance thereof is not enough. Along with religious ignorance is racial ignorance. Its still an incredible shame to our society that people cant overlook the color of ones skin. The hatred a person can have for something that should never be considered a fault is disgraceful. Once members of society can show love and kindness to everyone, regardless of skin color, there can finally be progress for our future. The words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Another everyday struggle in society is the lack of humility. It is so unfortunate to live in a time period where people become so focused, and in many cases obsessed with glamour and luxurious items. Technology is so involved in our lives, that all people see are things they dont have. The craze people have over wanting the most expensive of things tears apart our society. The loss of humility drives the greedy side of people to selfishness, as they forget the important parts of life that would be humbling. Giving service, helping others, donating to partake in saving a life: these are the things that our society should look forward to doing. Once life revolves around being the wealthiest or the best in some aspects, functioning as a member of society becomes absent. Humility is a key to solving many poverty issues around the world. Realizing that having anything is better than having nothing. Our society becomes so impulsive on throwing away what is broken or what we dislike. It takes real understanding to know that something a person owns and dislikes, would be a treasure to someone else. How do our world changes affect those struggles? This is a question that is still in the progress of being answered. When I ponder this question, there are a few things that come to mind. One of these is the realization that only mankind can solve mankinds problems. As nave or simple as that statement sounds, it is the truth. We wander this Earth; living minuscule lives in an overbearing world. Though our lives may seem small compared to the vast majorities we live with, what we do personally is what can make a difference for the outcome of our civilization. If a person believes with all their hearts that there needs to be a change for the greater well being of our society, that person must take the first step in achieving that change. If our society wants to rid itself of hate, persecution, ignorance, and jealousy, then everyone personally needs to work upon their mind, and their actions. Everyone needs to be taken into accountability with troubles as serious as these. It becomes our own personal duty to take action on what we need to solve to make every single living persons life joyous and meaningful. Happiness should not be a fantasy for those who are living without it. Our beliefs and innermost desires should become reality, and eliminate all negativity our society is forced to deal with. Once our society can understand that our differences are not to be frightened of, but instead are essential to a functioning society; then our world can commence with a solution to a seemingly endless battle. We cannot focus on the future. Our society needs to first focus on fixing the problems today. The words of Jesus Christ Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the days own trouble be sufficient for the day. The difference one person can make by taking action can change the lives of everyone. It is what we do that matters, not standing by waiting for others to solve the problems of the world. The possibilities for benefits to these struggles could be endless. The thought of a world, where all mankind strives to live in unison, instead of conflict is a miraculous possibility unfortunately far from reach. Realistically, there will always be disagreements over the differences of personal beliefs. That is what separates each person individually. It is how we disagree that can be either productive or destructive. Living in a country that is so diverse in culture, there is still an astounding number of those who hold us back. The United States of America is called the Melting Pot for a reason. Our country was formed with the mix of race, religion, and culture. Once everyone in our world can work together, we can solve the problem with poverty, cease wars, and gain the overall status of happiness in society. The Dalai Lama stated, It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come. There could be definite benefits once humanity learns not to lust upon possessions that in retrospect are meaningless. To go through life without the worry of status or class in society would benefit the lives of everyone. It would expel the thoughts of not being good enough to make it in society. Each individual person has something to give. Once a person can forget about their luxuries, jealousy will be forgotten. We live in a time where there is actual destruction that seems to be endless. The dangers of loathing others for mere differences are catastrophic. This is an extremely sensitive and powerful struggle. Not understanding a persons way of life should never be the reason for endless violence. Though it seems mankind has never learned from the mistakes it has made in the past. With every situation is the opportunity to learn. Our world has seen war after war after war. To this day our society looks to war as a solution to our problems. The killing of others cannot solve the personal problems of each human being on this planet. By doing this, our problems only increase, and move farther away from progression. Martin Luther once said, War is the greatest plague that can affect humanity; it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it. To this day, different countries, different cultures, and different societies have all dealt with the struggle of accepting people for the difference of their citizens skin. Everyday life for everyone revolves around living among people who are different. The notion for a number of people, that its okay to hate, dislike, or discriminate based solely upon the difference of skin color is unfathomable to understand. The problem our society has with race is that our citizens make problems, racial problems. It seems so easy for people, to blame certain groups of people, when they dont know whom to blame in the first place. The real danger our society needs to worry about at this time, as well as in the future with this struggle, is the pointless ignorance that seemingly get passed from generation to generation. It is everybodys responsibility to end the racism around the world. It becomes incredibly important for every single person to understand how essential it is to society for everyone to be as educated as they can be. Education is a primary key to ending racism, and living without hate. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela. It may or may not be an innocent thought that our culture, one day could live without the struggles that it does. Each individual is tested at some point in his or her lifetime with one of these problems. I, however, dont think it is innocent or nave of myself to think that our society could overcome these issues. Our culture is based off the mixture or other cultures. Diversity is a part of what makes the United States of America so incredible. If people can understand that life is too short to waste on hating, and the need to feel envied, then we can finally make progress into a miraculous world.
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