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Point-to-Point DWDM System Design and Simulation: Gao Yan, Zhang Ruixia, Du Weifeng, and Cui Xiaorong

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Figuer 1. DWDM SystemBlock Diagram

Point-to-Point DWDM System Design and
Gao Yan
, Zhang Ruixia
, Du Weifeng
, and Cui Xiaorong

College of Computer Science and Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, J iaozuo, Henan, China
Email: gaoyan@hpu.edu.cn
School of Mathematics and Information Engineering, J iaxing University, J iaxing, Zhejiang, China
Email: woodmud@tom.com

AbstractAs for the problems of complexity and long cycle
in the DWDM design, part of problems needed to be
considered in DWDM system design were analyzed. An
optimized point-to-point DWDM transmission system was
designed. Optical fiber communication system with 40Gbit /
s and 32 channel was designed and simulated by Optisystem.
Based on the study above, the model witch can inhibit
dispersion and fiber linear loss has been successfully

Index TermsDWDM, Dispersion Compensation, Linear
DWDM technology is known as a kind of technology
coupling and transmitting optical signals of different
frequency (wavelength) to an optical fiber by using the
tremendous bandwidth of SMFs low-loss area in
DWDM system, which is not only conducive to the
realization of switching and recovery in optical networks
but also convenient to the expansion and upgrade, and
thus the further realization of transparent and high
survivability optical networks[1].
DWDM technology is now in a mature development
period. With the development of the society, the
requirement of people to communication quality and
speed is higher and higher. How to use the optical
bandwidth huge resources and to upgrade the capacity of
fiber-optic communications systems is an important
theoretical and technical subject[1]. Simulation software
takes all kinds of parameters into account for DWDM
system, through which the measurement results of
various instruments can be get, and it can simplify design
process and save a lot of time and funding for theoretical
Based on the simulation software Optisystem, a 32-
channel DWDM point-to-point transmission system
simulation model was designed in this paper.
DWDM technology is to make full use of huge
bandwidth resources from low-loss single-mode fiber
District. According to the difference of each channel
wave frequency (or wavelength), the low-loss optical
window can be divided into several channels. The light
waves as a signal carrier, in the sending end the use of
Wavelength Division Multiplexer (MUX) to different
provisions of the signal wavelength carrier merged into a
single fiber for transmission. At the receiving end these
different wavelengths of light signals carrying different
carrier is separated by the wave of sub-use device (ODU).
As different wavelengths of light carrier signal can be
seen as independent of each other (without regard to fiber
nonlinear time), optical fiber can be achieved in multi-
channel optical signal the use of transmission[2]. The use
of different submultiplexer can be used several different
wavelengths, from two to several hundred range. Their
system is as shown in Figure 1 [1].
An optical communication system consists of
transmitter, communication channel and receiver. The
role of the optical transmitter is to convert the electrical
signal into optical form and launch the resulting optical
signal into the optical fiber. Optical signals were
transmitted through optical fiber to the optical receiver,
and then the optical receiver converted the distorted and
attenuated weak optical signal output from the fiber-optic
lines to electrical signals, enlarged and processed into the
pre-launch signal, thus the entire transfer process was
A. Transmitter
Optical transmitter is the core equipment of fiber optic
transmission system[3], and consists of optical source,
electrical pulse generator and optical modulator. DWDM
system requires very high accuracy and stability of
wavelength, and high performance requirements in
dispersion. For 40Gbit / s DWDM, the adoption of the
direct modulation makes optical pulse waveform

*Corresponding Author. Du Weifeng, School of Mathematics and
Information Engineering, J iaxing University, J iaxing, Zhejiang, China,
ISBN 978-952-5726-02-2 (Print), 978-952-5726-03-9 (CD-ROM)
Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Information Processing (ISIP09)
Huangshan, P. R. China, August 21-23, 2009, pp. 090-092
Figuer 3. The Structure of Receiver
Figuer 2. The Structure of M-Z-Externally Modulated Transmitter
Figuer 4. Simulation Model of 32-Channel DWDM System
deterioration in long-distance transmission due to
frequency chirp added to fiber dispersion[2],therefore, M-
Z modulator external modulation model was used in
system design, for its advantages of high-speed, high
extinction ratio, low insertion loss as well as easy
production[4]. Optical transmitter structure was shown in
Figure 2.
B. Transmission line
SMF is applicable for high-capacity, long-distance
optical fiber communications due to its tremendous
bandwidth. In optical fibers, after a long haul, the signals
intensity was greatly attenuated, therefore, need to be
enlarged by a relay optical in order to be received or
continue transmission. At present, the EDFA was
currently used. Designing a channel, an EDFA was added
after a period of 50 meters SMF to compensate for the
linear loss.
The most fundamental reason that restrict the
transmission of high-speed signals on the 1550nm optical
fiber is the linear dispersion[5], the dispersion of SMF in
the 1550nm window is 17ps/(nmkm), therefore the DFC
should be used for compensating their dispersion
performance. DFCs chromatic dispersion is negative
(dispersion coefficient is - 90ps/(nmkm)), its dispersion
characteristics is coincides contrary with the SMFs, if
the length of DFC is the SMFs 1/5, then the total
transmission line dispersion value close to zero[1].
However, the DFC attenuation is larger, to solve this
problem, EDFA was added to compensate linear loss
after the DFC and near to the receiver.
From above, in the design of communication channel
the parameters of SMF and DCF will be corresponding to
Table I.
C. Receiver
Optical receiver is composed of the photoelectric
detectors and filters and demodulator. Its performance
impacts on the optical fiber communication system
transmission (relay) distance, which is one of the most
important part of the entire fiber-optic communication
systems and its design to a large extent depends on the
transmitter used modulation[5];[6]. APD detector has high
sensitivity and costs than PIN detectors. Due to the loss
of smaller lines, in the design of a shorter distance
transmission system the sensitivity of such indicators can
be relaxed for optical receiver and the cost of PIN
detector is lower. Receiver noise is directly proportional
to the receiver bandwidth, but can be reduced through a
bandwidth of less than bit-rate of low-pass filter. Pulse
propagation will affect the bit-o-detection beyond of the
time period. Decision-making circuit will contrast linear
channel output with the threshold value, which maks
decision that the signal is 1 or 0 with realtime clock
recovery circuit[5];[6]. Therefore, in the design of the
receiver, PIN detectors and Bessel low-pass filter whose
bandwidth is 4 Bit rate and cut-off frequency is 0.75
Bit rate are selected with built-clock recovery and
decision making circuit BER analyzer as a receiver. The
structure is shown in Figure 3.
DWDM system simulation model is shown in Figure 4.
Optical transmitter output power indicates the largest
optical fiber loss which can be accepted. It is an
important design parameters, which is set to 4dBm in
system. In order to reduce inter-symbol crosstalk,
200GHz channel spacing wavelength is selected in design.
Transmitter and receiver is selected in design of
section III-A, but only SMF channel instead of taking the
linear dispersion and loss of compensation measures, the
running model is shown in Figure 5.
When compensation measures have not been taken, it
can be seen from Figure 5 that the results of serious

Units ps/(nmkm) ps/(nm
km) 1/(kmW) dB/km km
SMF 17 0.075 0.31 0.2 50
DCF -90 -0.3 5.24 0.5 10

Figuer 5. The Eye Diagramof DWDM Systemwithout Compensation
Figure 6. The Eye Diagramof DWDM Systemwith
SMF+EDFA+DCFas Channel
Figure 7. The Eye Diagramof DWDM Systemin Witch Linear
Loss and Dispersion has been Compensated
distortion of the signal and the receiver can not determine
the received signal and communication lines are not
available coming from the cumulative effect of dispersion,
which causes that optical signals have been spreading and
inter-symbol interference and noise model.
According to the theoretical analysis of III-B, channel
is improved. A again of 10dB and noise figure of the
EDFA for 6dB to compensate for the linear wear and tear
are added after the 50km of SMF, and then for some
10km of DCF chromatic dispersion compensation by
Figure 6.
Table I in section III-A shows that DCF has a lot of
linear loss which should be taken into account in the
design of channel. Therefore, EDFA of a gain of 5dB and
the noise index for 6dB should be added after DCF to
compensate SMF and DCF linear loss, and Figure 7 is get.
It can be seen from Figure 6 and Figure 7 that the eye
diagram height and the lowest error rate and the quality
factor have declined when DCF has not EDFA linear loss
compensation. It can not be ignored in high-quality
communication system.
To solve the problems in process of the DWDM
optical transmitter design, Optimized DWDM point-to-
point transmission system is designed. 32-channel optical
fiber communication system, whose transmission speed is
40Gbit/s, is designed and researched through Optisystem.
From the above, externally modulated transmitter should
be used in design of long-distance transmission DWDM
system. DCF Dispersion Compensation and Loss linear
EDFA compensation should be used in SMF channel to
ensure the communication quality. Though DWDM
system, which is a complex system, has achieved very
good results, it has many problems, such as various
nonlinear optical crosstalk and linear crosstalk, ASE
noise of EDFA and Wavelength channel instability, etc.
Such of these should be studied further.
This work is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No.60875034), the Special
Research Funding to Doctoral Subject of Higher
Education Institutes in P.R. China (Grant No.
20060613007), Henan Province Key Attack Project
(082102210079), Henan Province Science and
Technology Tackle Key Project (0424460013), Zhejiang
Province Fatal Project (priority subjects) Key Industrial
Project (2008C11011).
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