Sardis Lake Christian Camp By-Laws
Sardis Lake Christian Camp By-Laws
Sardis Lake Christian Camp By-Laws
The name of this organization shall be Sardis Lake Christian Camp, Inc., or SLCC.
The purpose of the camp is to serve young men and omen and to provide them a Christian atmosphere,
edification and felloship. Sardis Lake Christian Camp seeks to follo Christ!s command to, "#o and make
disciples of all nations," and has been diligently orking to keep that command since its beginning in 1$%&.
Sardis Lake Christian Camp is situated on property located in 'anola County, (ississippi, Section 1$, )ange
*+, Tonship , S.
Legal Organization
Section 1: Legal description
Sardis Lake Christian Camp shall be operated by a #overning -oard composed of dedicated Christian men ho
are members of the churches of Christ. The #overning -oard, being a purely voluntary association ithout
capital stock, is not organized for gain or profit, but purely and solely for the purposes set forth in these articles.
The #overning -oard shall have the poer to ac.uire, receive, hold, purchase, sell, convey, encumber,
mortgage, e/change, and improve both real estate and personal property, of hatever kind, character or
description, and to those ends, such real estate and personal property, one of either may ac.uired by gift,
purchase, conveyance of title, last ill and testament, or in hatever laful manner may be possible, upon such
test and conditions as the #overning -oard in its sound discretion may consider 0ust and reasonable, the
#overning -oard being sole 0udges of hatever is proper, 0ust, reasonable in the ac.uisition of properties by the
#overning -oard.
Sardis Lake Christian Camp is organized e/clusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific
purposes ithin the meaning of sectional *11 2 345 of the Internal )evenue Code, or corresponding section of
any future federal ta/ code.
6o part of the net earnings of Sardis Lake Christian Camp Inc. shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to
its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, e/cept that Sardis Lake Christian Camp, Inc. shall be
authorized and empoered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and
distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in the purpose clause hereof.
6o substantial part of the activities of Sardis Lake Christian Camp, Inc. shall be carrying on of propaganda, or
otherise attempting to influence legislation, and Sardis Lake Christian Camp, Inc. shall not participate in, or
intervene in 3including the publishing or distribution of statements5 any political campaign on behalf of any
candidate for public office. 6otithstanding any other provision of this document, Sardis Lake Christian
Camp, Inc. shall not carry on any other activity not permitted to be carried on by an organization e/empt from
federal income ta/ under sectional *11 2 345 of the Internal )evenue Code, or corresponding to hich are
deductible under section 1&1 2 375 of the Internal )evenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal
ta/ code. 8pon the dissolution of Sardis Lake Christian Camp, Inc., assets shall be distributed for one or more
e/empt purposes ithin the meaning of section *11 2 345 of the Internal )evenue Code, or corresponding
section of any future federal ta/ code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local
government, for a public purpose. 9ny such assets not disposed of shall be disposed by the court of Common
'leas of the county in hich the principal office of the organization is then located, e/clusively for the purpose
or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, hich are organized and operated
e/clusively for such purposes.
Sardis Lae C!ristian Camp "ill operate according to t!e #Regulations $o%erning Licensure o& 'out!
Camps( As maintained )* t!e +ississippi State ,oard o& -ealt! and applica)le Codes.
/escription o& ,oards
Sardis Lake Christian Camp ill operate under the direction and administration of the #overning -oard.
The $o%erning ,oard ill be made up of officers, specifically Chairman, :ice2Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer, and )egistrar, as ell as members at large. The E0ecuti%e Committee o& t!e $o%erning ,oard
ill be comprised of the Chairman, :ice2Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and )egistrar, as ell as to 375 at2
large members. The SLCC Caretaker ill serve as an ;/2<fficio member of both the #overning -oard and
;/ecutive Committee. The #overning -oard ill be charged ith the policy making duties of the camp, as
ell as the monthly activities and financial activities. 9ll members of the #overning -oard shall have an e.ual
vote and voice in shaping the policies and management of this camp. (embers of the #overning -oard may, in
the proper manner and time, bring to the attention of the -oard any complaint or suggestion he deems ise or
e/pedient to the camp!s operation.
+em)ers!ip o& ,oards
Section 1: ,oard Construction
The board shall consist of no more than a ma/imum of forty 3=15 total members at any given time. 9 ma/imum
of si/ 3%5 members from any single congregation ill be alloed to serve on the #overning -oard at any given
time. >or any given vote, each congregation is limited to four 3=5 votes.
Section 1: Attendance o& Candidates &or Nomination to ,oards
>uture candidates to be considered as nominees of the #overning -oard must have attended at least to of the
regular meetings of the #overning -oard during the previous calendar year.
Section 2: Nomination to $o%erning ,oard
6ominations for ne board members to the #overning -oard are to be made at the first board meeting of the
ne calendar year 3typically in ?anuary5 and must be made by an e/isting #overning -oard member. The
member making the nomination should kno the nominee ell enough to assure the #overning -oard members
of his dedication to the camp and the children it ill serve. If after a period of one year, the nominee has shon
themselves involved and trustorthy, their nomination can be voted upon. If the nominee receives 7@4 or more
of the votes present, he shall be accepted as a ne member of the #overning -oard.
/uties o& +em)ers
Section 1: Promptness
It shall be the duty of all members to be prompt at all meetings.
Section 1: /ues and Attendance o& $o%erning ,oard mem)ers
;ach member of the #overning -oard shall pay annual dues of A111.11. 9ll dues must be paid prior to or at the
last board meeting of the calendar meeting 3typically September or <ctober5. #overning -oard members not
paying dues ill be notified and given 1= days to pay dues or be removed from the #overning -oard. 9ll
#overning -oard members are re.uired to attend at least to 375 meetings per year and one 315 ork day.
Section 2: 3or /a* Attendance o& ALL mem)ers o& ALL SLCC ,oards
;ach member of the #overning -oard shall attend a minimum of one ork day per year. This must be on
record ith the Camp Caretaker. >ailure to meet this re.uirement ill result in loss of voting status for that
O&&icers o& ,oards
The officers serving on the #overning -oard shall be as follosB Chairman, :ice2Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer, and )egistrar. The Caretaker ill serve as an ;/2<fficio member of the #overning -oard.
Election o& O&&icers
Section 1: Voting and Term o& O&&ice
9ll officers shall be elected at the last business meeting of each year. Their term of office shall begin upon
ad0ournment of the last meeting and ill be for one 315 year.
Section 1: 5ul&illment o& O&&icer Vacancies
<fficer vacancies created during the year ill be filled by vote of board. <fficers elected ill serve the
remaining unfulfilled term.
/uties o& $o%erning ,oard O&&icers
3These folloing duties of the #overning -oard officers are not comprehensive.5
Section 1: /uties o& C!airman o& $o%erning ,oard
The Chairman of the #overning -oard is charged ith the general oversight of the camp. The Chairman also
conducts the order of business during the #overning -oard meetings.
Section 1: /uties o& Vice6C!airman o& t!e $o%erning ,oard
The :ice2Chairman of the #overning -oard is charged ith conducting business meetings of the board, in the
absence of the Chairman.
Section 2: /uties o& Secretar* o& t!e $o%erning ,oard
The Secretary of the #overning -oard is charged ith keeping@maintaining the minutes of each respective
board, as ell as conducting necessary correspondence for the Chairmen and the camp. 9 detailed account of
the minutes of all meetings should be maintained indicating the order of business, as ell as those members in
attendance at the meetings.
Section 7: /uties o& Treasurer
The Treasurer is charged ith keeping the accounts for the camp and is also re.uired to handle the tuition
during the eeks of camp. Ce is further charged ith paying the bills incurred by the camp, ith camp funds,
so as to keep the camp!s name in good standing ith the community.
Section 8: /uties o& Registrar
The )egistrar is charged ith keeping the registration for each camping session and being on hand on each
Sunday for said registration, unless a suitable replacement is found.
Section 1: Times9 /ates and +inimum Num)er
(eeting dates are set by each respective board at their previous meeting. Times and dates are arbitrary. The
#overning -oard must meet at least three 345 times per year. -usiness for the #overning -oard cannot be
conducted ithout a .uorum of members and ithout at least to officers being present.
Section 1: :uorum
9 .uorum is to be set by each respective -oard and re.uires a to2thirds vote to change definition, one month
advance notice to be given before any change is instituted. Currently a .uorum is defined as at least *1 percent
of the active voting membership.
Section 7: Visitors to ,oard +eetings
9ny individual interested in serving and supporting SLCC may attend regular board meetings. :isitors ho
attend special or call meetings must be approved by the chair of the meeting in .uestion, before attending.
Section 8: Courtes* $uidelines
a. <nly one member shall be entitled to the floor during the same period of time.
b. ;very member desiring the privilege of the floor shall address the chair.
c. 6o member shall be alloed to speak until properly recognized by the chair.
d. 6o member may speak for more than five minutes on any one sub0ect at a time, no more than tice on
the same sub0ect, e/cept by permission of the chair.
e. 6o sub0ect laid on the table shall be taken up again during the same meeting, unless such as
understood hen thus disposed of.
f. 9ny motion to reconsider must come from a member ho voted ith the ma0ority, hen the action to
be considered as taken.
Amendments to ,'6LA3S
These -D2L9+S may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the #overning -oard by a to2thirds
vote of active members, provided that previous notice of the amendment as given to all #overning -oard
members at least eight days in advance. :ote shall be decided by roll call voting procedure.
Operation o& Camp
Section 1: Num)er o& Sessions and Sta&& &or Sessions
The camp shall operate at least one eek each year and can operate as many as the #overning -oard sees fit.
;ach session is to be staffed by a director, assistant director, .ualified nurse, registered lifeguards for every
sim period, and at least one counselor, preferably to for each cabin. Euties and re.uirements for these
positions are described in appropriate policy guidelines.
Section 1: +a0imum Num)er o& Camper and Application /enials
The camp ill follo State re.uirements and codes in determining the ma/imum number of campers per eek.
9ny amount over that number puts the camp in 0eopardy ith the State -oard of Cealth. Eirectors should be
aare of this situation and take the necessary steps to prevent overcroding. 9pplications for the camping
sessions are to be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. The #overning -oard has the right to deny any
Eonations are vital to the operation of the camp each year and the camp appreciates each one made. Coever,
donations ithout designation as to ho funds are to be dispersed are preferred.
6< <6; is authorized to make purchases for the camp ithout approval of a member of the ;/ecutive
Committee of the #overning -oard and@or the Eirector3s5 of the eekly sessions. 'urchases for 9rts and Crafts
are generally left up to each camp session!s Eirector and their respective arts and crafts person.
Tuition /iscount to Session Sta&& +em)ers
And $o%erning ,oard +em)ers
There shall be a discount for each child of any Eirector, counselor and@or other session staff member and@or
#overning -oard member for camp tuition only. The discount applies to any session of camp, regardless of
hether the camper and the staff member attend the same session. The discount shall apply to offspring only,
no other relatives. If a counselor or staff member orks more than one eek, the discount applies for as many
eeks as are orked.
Polic* C!anges
9ny and all camp policies 3e.g., counselor duties, etc.5 may be changed from year to year, or as needed, at any
regular meeting of the #overning -oard.