The KW Magazine
The KW Magazine
The KW Magazine
Dhul-Qadah 1430
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Section II: Stories
The Shoe Shop
What is Islam?
Should it be possible for the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon whom) to be sent down into the world once
again by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) what would his reaction be on seeing the conduct and
behaviour and the general design of life of the community that passes today by the name of Muslim? And
what advice and command would he give to such of his followers who still posses in their hearts some
solicitude for the faith and whose souls have not yet frozen to and got completely bereft of devotion and
allegiance to Islam? Sarcastic Without the least hesitation I can say that he will extremely pain at the
spectacle of utter moral and spiritual degeneration the bulk of Muslims present these days, as much as he
was by the brutal treatment meted out to him by the people of Taif or by the savage assaults made by the
callous Polytheists at Ohud. And his message to earnest concern for the Faith will be to dedicate
themselves whole-heartedly to the task of improving and reforming the lamentable religious state of his
Ummat and of breathing into it again the spirit of Faith and Islamic way of life.
So, if you find yourself in agreement with me and your heart concurs with what I have said above you
must resolve, here and how, and in all sincerity, to make this Endeavour a part of your life. For my part, I
am absolutely confident that it is the choicest way to earn the pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa)
and the blessings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and to make his soul happy.
By the grace of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), efforts for the moral and religious revival of Muslims are
being made on a fairly large scale in India and Pakistan and in several other countries also in the form of
a movement called Tabligh. Wherever you may be living you can take part in these efforts, according to
your means and circumstances, along with other earnest sons of Islam of your place and also do what
you can individually in respect of it.
This small book, which is now in your hands, is a part of this endeavor. It has been written specially to
meet the needs of Muslim men and women who do not know much about Islam or who cannot avail
themselves of more advanced books on it. They can read it themselves or have it read out to them by
others and also communicate its contents to their brethren by reading the book publicly in mosques and
at other Muslim congregations, and, do their bit towards their own religious correction and reform as well
as that of others.
Though the book consists only of about two hundred pages the sum and substance of the Faith has been
covered fully in it. Within its twenty lessons all those teachings of the Quran and the Traditions have been
compressed by knowing which and by acting on which a common man can not only become a good
Muslim but a perfect man of faith and a friend of the Lord also. Besides, it can be freely presented to non-
Muslims who may be interested in knowing about Islam and its precepts.
The humble Author could only produce the book, which he has done. Now, to make it serve the purpose
in a worthwhile manner, for which it has been written, depends solely on your choice and cooperation.
Had his financial resources permitted, the Author would have got it printed in millions and sent a copy of
it, free of cost, to every educated.
Reading religious books, individually or in groups, can become common in Muslim homes, mosques and
at their other gatherings, the spread of religious knowledge to all classes and sections of the community
will be greatly facilitated indeed.
This small book has been written solely to fulfill this purpose. All the necessary information regarding
Islam and the teachings of the sacred Prophet (Peace be upon him), which a Muslim ought to possess
has been furnished in it in a simple language. Let us all learn these truths and precepts ourselves and
impart them to others as well and make it a mission of our lives to popularize them in the world. A
Tradition of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) says:
“If a person engages himself in the pursuit of Islamic religious knowledge with the object of
reviving the faith through it (i.e., by instructing it to others and bringing them round to act on it)
and he dies in the process, his place will be so very close to the Prophets in the Hereafter that
there will be only a difference of one degree between them and him.”
May Allah grant us the great good fortune of learning the precepts of Islam ourselves and teaching them
to others, and of acting on them and endeavoring sincerely to persuade others to do the same.
Brothers, - this confession is the gateway to Islam, the arch-stone of the faith. By affirming it and reciting it
with sincerity and conviction even, a lifelong heathen or a polytheist can become a Muslim, a man of faith,
and earn his title to salvation. The condition, however, is that he should have accepted conscientiously
and with full understanding the declaration of the Oneness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and the
Apostleship of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) contained in it. Thus, anyone who repeats the
confession mechanically, without understanding it and without knowing what the concepts of Divine Unity
and Apostleship and Prophecy mean, will not gain recognition in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu
Wata’aalaa) as a Muslim. It is, therefore, necessary to study its meaning and implications carefully.
The confession consists of two parts. The first part contains that no one except the Almighty is worthy of
worship and obedience. Worship and obedience should be offered to Him alone because He and no one
else is our Lord and Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer and the Dispenser of Life and Death. Sickness and
health, poverty and riches, in short, all manner of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and evil, gain or loss,
lies solely in His control. Apart from Him, whatever living things exist on the earth, or in the heavens, be
they men or angles, are all His creatures and slaves. He is partnered by no one, no one has a share in
His Divinity nor can anyone amend or alter His Will, or interfere with His affairs. Hence, He and He alone
is worthy of devotion and worship. He alone is the Supreme Being, the Almighty, to whom all our prayers
and supplications should be addressed. He alone is the real Owner of the heavens and the earth, the
Monarch of all monarchs, the Lord Sovereign. It is, therefore, necessary that all His commands and
injunctions are strictly obeyed and faithfully carried out. As against His commands the commands of no
one should be heeded to no matter whether they are of our parents or rulers or of the head of the
community or a dear friend, or the biddings of our own heart. In a nutshell, when once we have realized
and confessed the truth that Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) alone, and no one besides Him, is worthy of
worship and obedience our conduct should also be in conformity with it, so much so that anyone who
sees us should know by our behaviour that we are the devoted servants of the Lord who carry out His
commands dutifully and live and die for His sake alone.
Brothers, - this is the keystone of Islam and the first and foremost item in the teachings of all the
Prophets. It commands the highest, the most important place in the religious scheme of things. A famous
Tradition of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) reads:
“There are more than seventy departments of the faith and among them the most superior and exalted is
belief in the Kalima of. For this reason, among the prayer - formulas also it is the best. States the Prophet
(Peace be upon him): “Of all the prayer-formulas the best and most excellent is that of”.
In another Tradition it is related that once Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) gave this reply to a question
put to Him by Prophet Moses:
“O Moses, if the seven heavens and the seven earths and all that is contained in them are placed on one
side of the balance and on the other, the side on which placed will turn out to be heavier.
Brothers, this unique virtue and excellence of is due solely to the fact that it contains to solemn affirmation
of Divine Unity, the assertion, the pledge and the declaration that we shall worship Him alone and offer
our homage and obeisance to no one apart from Him, and shall make Him the sole pivot of our existence.
It, indeed, is the life-breath of Islam.
That is why, the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has advised Muslims to refresh and to reinvigorate
their faith by repeating the Kalima frequently. It is narrated that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) once
said, “O men! Keep on refreshing your faith”. Upon this the Companions enquired, “O Prophet of Allah
(Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa)! How are we to do so?” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied, “By reciting
the Kalima frequently.”
The Kalima of holds the power to restore and revitalize the faith for the simple reason that it embodies the
affirmation of Divine Unity and the covenant to worship Him alone, to do allegiance to none besides Him
and to hold Him dearer and nearer to the heart than anything or anybody else in the world. As we have
said earlier, it is the essence, the sustaining principle of Islam. So, the more we will utter it attentively,
concentrating duly on what it stands for, the more will our faith gain in vitality and our covenant in strength
and our whole life will, Insha Allah, get cast in the mould of La ila ha illala.
A. I Have a cat
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