Yoga For Incresing Height
Yoga For Incresing Height
Yoga For Incresing Height
joints are mobilized and the brain is supplied with on increased amount Of Blood . This
asanas increases height, increases memory power and reduce excessive fat.
Technique: Stand erect .Keep the heels close together ,slowly bend forward at the
waist ,keep the knees stiff and firm , the leg should not bend at knees . hold this position
for 10-20 secs. Strengthen your body as before with hands together bythe side of the head
and grip the heels with palm from behind.
Note – People with Slipped discs and those suffering from sciatica, chronic arthritis and
sacral infections should not perform this Asana
Technique: Lie flat on the back. Draw the legs until the heels are closed to the hips and
soles touch the ground. The gaps between the legs should of 4- 7 inch. Bend the arms and
elbows and place them on the ground on either side of the head then breath normally 10-
2 secs.
Ustrasana : ( Camel pause ) –This asanas increases height , flexible backbone and
asthma and tonsil problem also cures . It improves Eye sight by Increases blood-flow to
the brain
Technique : Knee on the ground as in bajrasana keeping the distance of about 15 cm
between the knees between the heels , breeth deeply ,hold the right ankles firmly with the
right hand and left ankle with left hand phaise the arm and take them behind the neck ,
breathing the normal way hold this position 10- 15 secs . repeat this asanas 2 Times A
Sasangasana: This asana increase the height.This asanas flexible backbone.This asanas
reduce excess fat stored at stomach .
Technique: Sit on your heels vajrasana Grip the heels by palm, with thumbs outside.
Bend forward and place the forehead in between the knees, the vertex will touch the
ground. Raise the buttock and roll forward till the arms are straight fully. Retain the
position for 15-20 secs.(with normal breathing)