Science Unit Assessments and Rubric
Science Unit Assessments and Rubric
Science Unit Assessments and Rubric
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1. Biaw watei as thiee uiffeient states; Soliu, Liquiu, uas (See below foi
2. Answei questions:
a. What foim of mattei is the watei you uiink.
b. Bow uo you tuin watei into a soliu.
c. Bow uo you tuin watei into a gas.
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6>')->)? BC/C/? Scientific Inquiiy- 0se the senses to make obseivations
9'&)#%&;#)? BC@UC/? With piompting anu suppoit, ask anu answei questions about
key uetails in a text.
9'&)#%&;#)? BCHCL? 0se a combination of uiawing, uictating, anu wiiting to compose
infoimativeexplanatoiy texts in which they name what they aie wiiting about anu
supply some infoimation about the topic.
- Able to uiaw
watei as thiee
uiffeient states.
- Able to answei
all thiee
questions in a
- Completeu
without teachei
- Able to uiaw
watei as thiee
uiffeient states.
- Able to answei
all thiee
questions in a
sentence with
fiom teachei.
- Able to uiaw
watei as two
uiffeient states.
- Able to tell
teachei the
answei to
questions while
teachei uictates
my wiiting.
- Some
fiom teachei,
foi answeiing
- Able to uiaw
watei as one
- Able to tell
teachei answei
to one oi no
questions even
NE: Neets with Excellence
NP: Neets Pioficiency
BP: Beveloping Pioficiency
WB: Well Below
H"#J,K))& 3"# !"#$%&'() +,,),,$)-& .R
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='#)>&'"-? Biaw watei as a Soliu, Liquiu, anu uas.
6"2'7 9':;'7 <%,
='#)>&'"-,? Answei the following questions in a complete sentence.
1. What foim of mattei is the watei you uiink.
2. Bow uo you tuin watei into a soliu.
S. Bow uo you tuin watei into a gas.
G#)V+,,),,$)-& 0 +22 %A";& E%&&)#
1. Answei all questions to the best of youi ability. (See othei attacheu foi
+22 +A";& E%&&)# 0 G#)V+,,),,$)-& @;A#'>
6>')->)? BCDC/? Natuie of Nattei- Classify objects by theii attiibutes
Able to answei all
W questions coiiect
Able to answei XVD
questions coiiect
Able to answei RVY
questions coiiect
Able to answei ZVL
questions coiiect.
NE: Neets with Excellence
NP: Neets Pioficiency
BP: Beveloping Pioficiency
WB: Well Below
Date: ______________ Name: ____________________
Matter Pre-test Assessment
1. Which object is a solid?
blocks juice steam
2. Which object is a liquid?
steam blocks juice
3. Which is a gas?
blocks steam juice
4. Is Matter everywhere?
Circle: YES or NO
5. Draw a solid. 6. Draw a liquid. 7. Draw a gas.
G",&V+,,),,$)-& 0 +22 +A";& E%&&)#
1. Think about all we have leaineu uuiing this unit anu answei all questions to
the best of youi ability. (See othei attachment foi woiksheet)
+22 +A";& E%&&)# 0 G",&V+,,),,$)-& @;A#'>
6>')->)? BCDC/? Natuie of Nattei- Classify objects by theii attiibutes
9'&)#%&;#)? BCHCL? 0se a combination of uiawing, uictating, anu wiiting to compose
infoimativeexplanatoiy texts in which they name what they aie wiiting about anu
supply some infoimation about the topic.
Able to answei all
// questions
Able to answei [V /Z
questions coiiect
Able to answei XVW
questions coiiect
Able to answei /VY
questions coiiect
NE: Neets with Excellence
NP: Neets Pioficiency
BP: Beveloping Pioficiency
WB: Well Below
Date: ______________ Name: ____________________
Matter Post-test Assessment
1. Which object is a solid?
blocks juice steam
2. Which object is a liquid?
steam blocks juice
3. Which is a gas?
blocks steam juice
4. Is Matter everywhere?
Circle: YES or NO
5. Draw a solid. 6. Draw a liquid. 7. Draw a gas.
8. Can Matter change forms?
Circle: YES or NO
9. Draw the molecules in a liquid.
10. Draw the molecules in a solid.
11. Draw the molecules in a gas.