Pilih Perkataan Yang Terbaik Dan Isikan Tempat Kosong.: Section A Questions 1 - 4

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Questions 1 - 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.
1 My uncle is my fathers _____________.
A niece C father
B nephew D brother
2 Anuar and Elina are in the same class. They are _____________.
A sisters C classmates
B relatives D neighbours
3 Mr. ohn sails from one country to another. !e is a _____________.
A pilot C soldier
B sailor D ta"i driver
4 #uring recess$ % buy food at the _____________.
A library C laboratory
B canteen D classroom
Questions 5 7
Choose the best phrse to complete the paragraph.
Pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.
To make tea$ boil some water ___________ . &ut a teabag
___________. &our boiling water into it. *eave it for three minutes.
After that$ add some ____________ and mi" it. ,ow$ your tea is

5 A in a kettle
. on a saucepan
C in a pot
! A into the kettle
. in a cup
C on a saucer
7 A milk and tea
. sugar and tea
C sugar and milk
Questions "-1#
/tudy the pictures carefully. Then$ choose the best answer.
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik.
A Mother is sewing a ba0u kurung.
B Mother is ironing a ba0u kurung.
C Mother is cutting a ba0u kurung.
D Mother is washing a ba0u kurung.

A /he is eating some doughnuts.
B /he is baking some doughnuts.
C /he is selling doughnuts to the customers.
D /he is serving some doughnuts to the guests.
A Aminah is doing her homework.
B Aminah is reading a story book.
C Aminah is writing a letter to her mother.
D Aminah is scribbling on a piece of paper.
Questions 11-15
Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.
Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.
11 A !e is twelve years old.
B !e is older than %.
C !e is a strong boy.
D !e is the eldest in the family.
12 A Thank you very much.
B !ow much is the cake1
C %m glad to meet you.
D 2hat a surprise3
A Congratulations, Liza!
13 B 4ou need to work harder.
C 4ou must be 0oking.
D *ets celebrate when your father comes home.
How old is your
Happy Birthday
Mother, I scored
in the #$S% e&a'(
14 A *on"t disturb 'e while I"' wor+ing(
B 4ou are too young to learn .
C %ts difficult. 5o to bed now.
D /orry$ my dear. %m in a hurry. %ll teach you some other time.

A ,es, we went there last wee+(
15 B 4es$ we are going there ne"t week.
C 2e are going there by bus.
D 6h yes3 2e will be going their during the school holidays.
Questions 1!-2#
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.
1! 7umar is ________ tallest boy in my class.
A a C the
B an D 8
17 Marsella ________ 9osselle are sisters.
A but C or
B and D because
1" ________ is your birthday1
A 2here C 2hat
B 2hen D !ow
1$ There isnt ________ food left in my lunch
A many C few
B much D a little
2# My grandfather always sits ________ the
rocking chair while watching television.
A on C into
B in D above
Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite %enin& as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang ber'(n erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.
21 &uan 9okiah bought a beautiful necklace early in the evening.
A late C dark
B nice D bright

Questions 22-23
.ased on the pictures$ choose the answer with the correct spe''in&.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah, pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.
22 My father is an ________.
A optition
B optician
C opticion
D opticean
-rand'a, can you teach

me how to weave
a mat?
!re we going to
Ca'eron Highlands
ne&t wee+?
23 Muthu works in a rubber ________.
A estet C estait
B estate D estete
Questions 24-25
Choose the sentence with the correct pun)tution.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
24 A 2hat is your name1
B 2hat is your name3
C 2hat is your name.
D 2hat$ is your name.
25 A mr ohn is a friendly and helpful neighbour.
B Mr 0ohn is a friendly and helpful neighbour.
C mr ohn is a friendly and helpful neighbour.
D Mr ohn is a friendly and helpful neighbour.
Questions 2!-3#
*ook at the picture and read the passage carefully. .ased on the picture and the passage$
choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihat gambar dengan baik dan baca petikan dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik
berdasarkan gambar dan teks yang diberi.
Amirul and his friends are ________'2!) a group study in 5reen 2oodpark. There
is ________ '27) big tree behind Amirul. Each child has a ________ '2"). They are
________ '2$) hard for the coming e"amination. ________ '3#) are very hardworking.
2! A has B have C having D had
27 A a B an C the D 8
2" A paper B book C album D newspaper
2$ A study B studying C studies D studied
3# A % B !e C /he D They
Questions 31 4#
.ased on the picture given$ choose the )orre)t sentence in terms of &r%%r and *o)bu'r+.
Berdasarkan gambar yang diberi, pilih ayat yang betul dari segi tatabahasa dan penggunaan
kosa kata.
31 The boys are ::::.
32 !alimah and /iti are :::..
A painting the desks.
B arranging the desks.
C cleaning the desks.
D dusting the desks.
33 A The man trying to put out a fire.
B The man are trying to put out a fire.
C The firemen trying to put out a fire.
D The firemen are trying to put out a fire.
34 A Ali is received a mock che;ue from the village headman.
B .usu is giving a certificate to &ak Mat.
C Ali received a mock che;ue from the village headman.
D They are holding a piece of paper.
35 A An rainbow has seven colours.
B A rainbow has seven colours.
C A rainbows has seven colours.
D The rainbow has seven colour.
A mopping the window panes.
B wiping the window panes.
C brushing the window panes.
D sweeping the window panes.

Questions 35 4#
9ead the sentences below carefully and choose the )orre)t sentence in terms of &r%%r
and *o)bu'r+,
Baca ayat-ayat dibawah dan pilih ayat yang betul dari segi tatabahasa dan penggunaan kosa
Teacher < #id you watch the movie last night1
Ali < :::::::::::::::.
A 4es$ % watch it at /amads house.
B 4es$ % watching it at /amads house.
C 4es$ % watched it at /amad house.
D 4es$ % watched it at /amads house.
37 2hat is a =ebra1
A The =ebra is a tame animal. lts body is covered with black spots.
B The =ebra is a wild animal. lts body is covered with black stripes.
C The =ebra is a wild animal. lts body is covered with black strips.
D The =ebra is a tame animal. lts body is covered with black stripes.
Teacher < :::::::::::::::.1
Ali < 4es$ its the most popular maga=ine among
A #o you like reading this maga=ine1
B 4ou like to read this maga=ine1
C 4ou like or not reading this maga=ine1
D #o you reading this maga=ine1
3$ A 4ou has not have to attend the meeting tomorrow.
B 4ou have not have to attend the meeting tomorrow.
C 4ou does not have to attend the meeting tomorrow.
D 4ou do not have to attend the meeting tomorrow.
4# A #uring last school holiday$ we went camping at &ulau 9edang.
B #uring last school holiday$ we camp at &ulau 9edang.
C #uring last school holiday$ we at &ulau 9edang go camping.
D #uring school holiday last$ camping we at &ulau 9edang.


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