14465pay Ann Fee
14465pay Ann Fee
14465pay Ann Fee
5 . Pa y m e n t o f A n n u a l F e e
( R e g u l a ti o n 6 )
1 . T h e annual f e e payable b y a me mbe r be c om e s due and payable on 1
April of each ye ar. T h e
me mbe rs ar e re quire d to make payme nt of f e e to the conce r ne d Decentralised O f f ice unde r wh ose
territorial j uris dic tion their prof e ssional addre s s f alls. T h e payme nt of the f e e c an b e made by a loc al
ch e que o r d e m and draft in f av our of S e cr e tar y, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Fe e can
also be paid by using o nline payme nt f acilitie s .
T h e f e e may b e sent to the co nce r ne d Decentralised O f f ice of the Institute so as to reach on or b e f ore
3 0
S e pte mbe r of the r e le v ant y e ar in o r de r to avoid removal of the name and o r cance llation of
Certificate of Practice.
2 . Schedule o f F e e w.e.f. 1.4.2011
(i) Asso ciate Me mbe rsh ip Fe e R s. 80 0 / -
(ii) Fe llow Me mbe r sh ip Fe e R s. 220 0 / -
(iii) Ce r tif icat e of Pr actice Fe e R s. 200 0 / -
T h e Council h as de cid e d that me mbe rs wh o ar e senior citizen and h av e attained the age of 6 5 ye ar s as on
1 . 4 . 20 11 will be re quir e d to pay their annual me m be r s h ip f e e as pe r f ollows : -
( i ) A s s o ci a t e MembershipF e e R s . 600/ -
( i i) F e l l o w MembershipF e e R s . 1600/ -
( i i i ) C e rt i f i ca t e o f Pra ct i ce F e e R s . 1500/ -
Methodo f R e m i t t a n ce
a) Pa y di re ct l y t o t he I n s t it u t e ' s O f f i ce
Fe e can be re mitte d dir e c tly to the co nce r ne d Decentralised O f f ice of the Institute. Members may
se nd their f e e as pe r above sch e dule th rough de m and dr af t/local c h e q ue f avo uring S e cr e tar y, T h e
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, payable at the conc e rne d Regional O f f ice of ICAI as pe r
addre ss give n in ch apte r 2 6 .
Members may please note that payme nt of m e m b e r s h ip f e e th ro ugh Ce ntr al Bank of India h as be e n
dis co ntinue d f rom 1 st April 2 00 6 . Members ar e re que ste d not to pay f e e s th rough Ce ntr al Bank of
b) ECSF a ci l it y
Payment th rough Ele ctronic Clearing System is also pr o vid e d for wh ich me mbe r may use mandate
f orm plac e d at Anne x ur e 2 at page no . 1 0 3 and as pe r instructions p rinte d ov e r le af. Currently this
facility is av ailab le to the me mbe rs h aving Bank acco unt with MICR Ch e que facility in the cities
me ntio ne d in the mandate f orm.
Members are requested t o u s e t hi s f a ci l it y by s u bm i t t i n g t he m a n da t e f o rm by 3 0
t h
A pri l o f t he
re l e v a n t y e a r.
1 0
Manual f o r Members
c) Pa y m e n t G a t e w a y
Payment gateway s olution was introduce d f acilitating me mbe rs to remit the me mbe rsh ip/CO P f e e s
online . Members ar e e nc o ur age d to use this facility for the conve nie nc e and co mf o rt. Fo r the use of
payme nt gateway me mbe rs ar e re que ste d to lo g in th rough " O nline S e r v ice s and Payme nt" link on
Institute s website "www.icai.org" to pay annual me mb e r s h ip f e e online . Members are re quire d to f ill
in the cre dit c ar d details alo ng with name of the card h old e r o n the payme nt gateway p ag e for
successful online transaction.
d) Advance amount remittance
Member may remit any amount at their discretion in advance alongwith the fee for the year 2011-2012.
However the same would be kept in the credit of the member concerned as advance and would be
adjusted against membership and/ or COP fee as and when the same becomes due and other dues, if
any. In the event of any short fall in advance, due to revision/increase in fee(s), it is the responsibility of
the member to remit the balance. The salient features of the scheme are also given overleaf.
Salient features of the Scheme for advance amount remittance by members
(a) Since rate of fee have been revised from 01
April 2011, Members are requested to remit as per
new scale of fee. Members may remit any amount at their discretion in advance. However the
same would be kept as advance in the credit of the member concerned and would be adjusted
against membership and/ or COP fee as and when the same becomes due and other dues, if
any. If membership fee paid in advance member may indicate the same in the fee circular sent by
the Institute.
(b) In case the amount lying to credit of the members account falls short of subsequent years fee
requirement due to revision of fee, it would be the responsibility of the member to ensure that
sufficient credit is maintained in his/her account and in case of shortfall the balance is remitted
within the due date.
(c) Advance amount remittance (which would be kept in the credit of the member concerned) is only
a facility to members and would be adjusted against membership and/ or COP fee as and when
the same becomes due and other dues, if any. It would in no manner mean that because of the
amount remitted their membership is secured. In spite of the amount remitted continuance or
otherwise of their membership would be subject to the provisions of the Chartered Accountants
Act and the Regulations framed there under.
(d) Refund of amount received would not be allowed under any circumstances except in case of
removal of the name of a member from the Register of Members under the provisions of the
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 as amended by the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act,
2006 and the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.
In the case of death, the fee for the year in which removal takes place would be deducted and the
balance of the advance amount remitted, if any would be refunded to nominee(s)/legal heir(s) of
the member concerned. In all other cases, the balance of advance amount, after such a
deduction as aforesaid, if any would be kept to the credit of the member concerned for
adjustment towards annual membership fee payable at the time of restoration.
(e) Interest on the amount remitted would not be payable at all.
(f) In case of members residing abroad: -
Presently the airmail and seamail charges for CA Journal are Rs. 2100/- and Rs. 1100/- p.a. in
case of members residing abroad. Payment of fee/air mail/sea mail charges for Journal should be
made in Indian currency i.e. the draft/cheque drawn on the designated Indian branch for credit to
the account of the Institute would have to be made out in rupees irrespective of the
country/currency applicable to the member. However, where the fee has been sent in foreign
currency, conversion of foreign currency would be at the rate applicable on the date when the
Institute bankers give credit. It may be noted that the fee would be payable only by way of
demand draft or cheques on bank branches at designated places in India (as local cheques).