Result CSS 2006

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Civil Services have become the key wheels on which the entire engine of the state
has to move. Hence the leaders for these services are drawn through the
competitive examination. The officers thus appointed are bestowed with solemn
responsibilities and are scheduled to hold the highest offices of the country.

Pakistan today needs young men and women, with qualities of both head and
heart. To choose only such balanced individuals is the purpose of the civil services

So if you have intelligence, intellect, team-spirit, leadership qualities,

commonsense, originality, communication skills and have a dynamic personality,
then Civil Service is waiting for you. Join Civil Service of Pakistan through CSS

Your country needs you.

You, only you can bring a change....................

[Subjects] - [Fee] - [Quota] - [Medical]
CSS Rules
“In pursuance of Section 7.A read with section 10 of’ the FPSC Ordinance, 1977,
Chairman FPSC with the approval of the Federal Government has made, in supersession
of competitive Examination Rules, 2006, the following rules for regulating the conduct
of the competitive Examination, 2007”
• Police Service of Pakistan
• District Management Group
• Foreign Service of Pakistan
• Customs and Excise Group
• Income Tax Group
• Pakistan Audit & Acounts Services
• Commerce & Trade Group
• Postal Group
• Railways Group (Commercial & Transportation)
• Information Group
• 2. (i) Places of the Examination.—The examination will be held simultaneously at
Abbottabad, D.I. Khan, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore,
Larkana, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta and Sukkur.
(ii) The Commission reserves the right to finally decide the place where the
candidates would be examined or interviewed.
(iii) The Competitive Examination comprises the following:-
• (a) Written Examination

• (b) Medical Test

• (c) Psychological Test: and
• (d) Viva Voce.
3. The examination will be conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission
in accordance with the following Rules, subject to such changes as may be
decided by the Government before finalizing appointments on the basis of this
4. (i) A candidate for admission to the examination must have attained the age
of 21 and must not have attained the age of 28 on 1st July 2007 (candidates
born earlier than 2 July, l979) and later than 1st July 1986 will not be eligible).
[This is for 2007 exam]
(ii) The upper age-limit will be relaxed as follows:-
(a) By two years up to the age of 30 years in respect of the Candidates
belonging to
(i) the Scheduled Caste and Buddhist Community.
(ii) the recognized Tribes who are permanent residents of the areas
mentioned-below and whose families have been living in these
(iii) Balochistan
(iv) Tribal areas of D. I. Khan and Peshawar Divisions (including
former Frontier States of Dir, Swat, Chitral and Amb)
(v) Former excluded (Baluch) area forming part of the Dera Ghazi
Khan and Rajanpur Districts.
(vi) Former tribal areas of Mardan and Hazara Divisions.
(vii) Upper Tanawal area of Hazara Division.
(b) By two years up to the age of 30 years in case of the candidates who
are permanent residents of Azad Kashmir Territory and Northern Areas
(which include Gilgit, Diamir, Baltistan, Ghizar and Ghanche) or
candidates of Jammu and Kashmir States who live in either of the
aforesaid areas or any other part of Pakistan.
(iii) By two years upto the age of thirty (30) years for Government Servants,
including the Government servants of AJ&K, who have rendered not less than
two years continuous Government service as on 1st July 2005.
(iv) The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the following
○ (a) Matriculation Certificate
○ (b) Secondary or Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate:

○ (c) Certificate of birth from the Principal/Headmaster of the School from

where a candidate has passed his/her GEC. ‘0’ level or equivalent
examination, showing the date of birth in the School Admission Register:
(4) In case of Christian candidates, Baptismal or birth registration certificate.
(v) The decision as to which of the certificate is equivalent to Matric Certificate rests
with the Commission.
(vi) Once a date of birth has been claimed and accepted by the Commission for the
purpose of admission to an examination, no change will be allowed at a subsequent
examination or selection.
(vii) Candidates claiming to belong to a scheduled caste will he required to submit a
certificate from the District Magistrate in support of their claim. (Annexure ‘A’).
(viii) Candidates belonging to the Buddhist Community will he eligible for the
concession mentioned at (a) above on production of certificate from District Magistrate.
Political Agent or Deputy Commissioner, as the case may he, in support of their claim
(Annexure ‘A’).
(ix) Only those candidates who are permanent residents of these areas mentioned at
4(ii) (a) (ii) above and whose families have been living in those areas will be eligible for
the concession and in each case certificate from the Political Agent or the Deputy
Commissioner will he required in this behalf. (Annexure ‘B’).
(x) Candidates claiming to belong to Azad Jammu and Kashmir will be required to
submit a certificate from the Kashmir Affairs Division. Government of Pakistan,
(xi) Candidates claiming to belong to Northern Areas will be required to submit a
certificate from the Deputy Commissioner or Political Agent. (Annexure-’B’).
(xii) The applications of Government Servants will also he governed by the Government
Servants (Application for Services and Posts) Rules 1966 except that the chances will
be not be allowed irrespective of the provisions of the Government Servants
(Application for Services and Posts) Rules. 1966.
(xiii) The relaxation in age-limits prescribed in paragraph 4 (ii) and (iii) above shall be
permitted up to the maximum period of an individual concession and not by the total
period of the concessions taken together. if admissible in any case.
5. (i) A candidate must hold at least a Bachelor degree in any faculty of one of
the Pakistani Universities or an equivalent degree or comparable educational
qualifications of a foreign University. (The candidate must have acquired the
requisite qualification, on or before 1st July. 2007).
(ii) No candidate who has obtained a Third Division (or 'D' grade where result is
declared under Semester System) in his Bachelor's Degree will be eligible for the
Examination except in cases where he/she has obtained a higher Division in
Master’s or Law Degree or where, from time to time, the Federal Government
may relax the condition in respect of under developed under represented areas.
For the Competitive Examination, 2007 this relaxation would he admissible to
candidates front the following areas/regions
(a) Sindh (Rural)

(b) Balochistan
(c) Federally Administered Tribal Areas as defined in Article 246 of the
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Northern areas.
(d) Azad Kashmir
(iii) The decision as to which foreign degrees or comparable educational
qualifications are equivalent to corresponding Pakistani degree rests solely with
the Commission.
6. (i) The candidate for the examination must be a citizen of Pakistan or a person
deriving his/her nationality from the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(ii) A Woman-candidate who is otherwise eligible can also compete in the
(iii) (a) In the case of candidate whose father belongs by birth or by origin to a
Pakistan province/area it is immaterial where he/she has received his/her
education or has resided. Such a candidate will be considered for appointment
against the quota of vacancies reserved for the province/area to which his/her
father belongs/belonged.
(b) A candidate who has acquired the citizenship of Pakistan by registration
under the Pakistan Citizenship Act and the Rules made thereunder should attach
to the application the certificate (attested copy thereof) of citizenship. A
candidate who has not been registered as a citizen of Pakistan but claims that
he/she should be deemed to be Citizen of Pakistan under the Pakistan
Citizenship Act should submit proof to the effect that he/ she fulfils the
conditions on the basis of which he/she claims to be deemed as a citizen of
Pakistan. A candidate who derives his/her nationality from the State of Jammu
and Kashmir should attach to the application a certificate issued by the Kashmir
Affairs Division in support of his/her claim.
(c) A migrant candidate, whether residing in Pakistan or abroad will he admitted
only against the quota of’ the province/region where his/her parents are
domiciled and where they have resided for at least 3 years. However, the
condition of 3 years residence would be deemed to have been fulfilled if the
parents are officially domiciled in a particular province/region hut have been
living in some other areas for a number of years due to exigencies of service. For
this purpose the candidate will he required to produce a domicile certificate from
a competent authority that his/her parents arc domiciled in the province/region
concerned. In case the parents of migrant candidate have not migrated to
Pakistan he/she would be admitted against the quota of the province/region
where he/she himself/her self is domiciled and has resided or has been educated
for a continuous period of three years immediately before applying for admission
and consideration against the quota of a province/region.
(d) A candidate who belongs to a province/area by migration should submit a
certificate of domicile along with the domicile certificate of his/her father
(attested copies only) in the form prescribed in Appendix XIV of the Pakistan
Citizenship Rules 1952, and should also furnish proof of 3 years residence or
education in the province/area concerned.

(e) A candidate claiming his/her father as dead should submit an Affidavit in

support of the fact of his/her father’s death, on Court stamp paper duly attested
by Notary Public/Oath Commissioner He/she should also clearly state as to what
was the place of domicile of his/her father before (father’s) death. In case a
candidate submits the domicile certificate obtained earlier of his/her deceased
father there is no need to submit Affidavit.
(f) The domicile of a married female candidate will be accepted to he the same
as that of her husband. However, in the case of a widow or divorced candidate,
she will be considered for appointment against the domicile of her father,
provided she submits an Affidavit including place of domicile of her ex-husband
along with a certificate from the Union Council/Civil Judge in support of her
(g) Only those candidates shall be considered for vacancies reserved for Azad
Jammu and Kashmir whose application forms for the Competitive Examination
are accompanied by the domicile certificate along with Permanent Residence
Certificate, issued by the Kashmir Affairs Division of that territory. No such
certificates shall be accepted at any later Stage.
(h) The domicile once claimed and accepted by the Commission for the purpose
of admission to an examination, no change will be allowed at a subsequent
examination or selection.
(i) The domicile claimed by a candidate and accepted by the Government at the
time of entry into Government service shall be treated as final throughout
his/her service career and no subsequent change in his/ her domicile will be
recognised for the purpose of terms and conditions of his/her service including
his/her allocation and liability to transfer.
(j) The cut off date for determining the eligibility of the candidate in terms of
age, qualifications, domicile etc. is 1st July 2003.
(iv) A candidate who has married a person who is not a citizen of Pakistan shall
not be eligible for appointment provided that a person who marries an Indian
national with the prior permission of Government may be regarded as eligible for
(v) A candidate will not be allocated to the Foreign Service of Pakistan if his/her
spouse is also a candidate for this or previous Competitive Examination and has
been or likely to he allocated to some service/occupational Group. An
undertaking will be obtained in this regard at the time of viva Voce/Psychological
7. (1) A candidate must satisfy the Federal Public Service Commission that
he/she is suitable in all respects for employment under the Government.
(ii) No candidate will be admitted to the examination who does not hold a
certificate of admission from the Commission.
(iii) The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a
candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.
(iv) Candidates are cautioned that if an application which is not signed and or is
received incomplete or wrongly filled in and is not accompanied with any of the
documents mentioned in sub-paragraphs (i) to (vii) of porn 12 of the

Instructions to Candidates it will be summarily rejected and no appeal against its

rejection will be entertained.
(v) Caution-A candidate who knowingly furnishes any particular which is false, or
suppresses material information or attempts to influence the Commission,
officers or members of the staff of the Commission or to obtain support for
his/her candidature by improper means, or deliberately submits forged
certificates or tampers with the entries in his/her age and educational
certificates, or misbehaves in the examination hall or uses unfair means or found
guilty of’ misconduct during medical and V. V. tests may be disqualified for this
and/or subsequent examinations/selections held by the Commission or criminally
prosecuted and debarred from employment under Government.
(vi) A candidate who, even after his appointment, is found to have knowingly
furnished any particulars which are false or to have suppressed immaterial
information will be liable to dismissal from Service.
(vii) Certificates of age and educational qualifications in which any entry is
overwritten, altered erased. mutilated or tampered with in ally way or the
genuineness of which is otherwise doubted will be liable to be impounded till
such time as the Commission considers it necessary.
(viii) Answer papers in all the subjects Of examination are secret documents and
cannot, therefore, be permitted to be seen by the candidates or their
representatives nor re-examination of answer books/scripts is allowed under any
circumstances A candidate desirous of getting of his/her marks, awarded by the
examiners re-counted may submit his request for the purpose within one month
from the date of issue of result card/marks sheet along with a Treasury Challan
of Rs. 100/- per paper as fee for re-checking re-counting marks only Thereafter,
no such request will be entertained.
(ix) The Answer books of the Candidates will be retained in the office of the
Federal Public Service Commission for one year only and thereafter the same will
be destroyed. Candidates are, therefore, cautioned that any query relating to
their Answer books should be made within the specified period thereafter, no
request in this regard will be entertained.
(x) The candidates are cautioned that wrong selection of subjects will lead to
summary rejection under para 7 (iv) and no appeal will be entertained against
this rejection. Change of optional subjects is not allowed.
(xi) Grace marks are not allowed.
8. (i) A candidate seeking admission to the examination must apply to the
Federal Public Service Commission, Islamabad on the prescribed form of
application and the same must reach the Commission on or before the closing
date. No extra time is allowed for postal transit etc.
(ii) Government servants who fulfil the conditions laid down in these rules are
eligible for admission to the examination if permitted by the competent authority
in their departments or offices. No Government servant shall be competent to
apply without the permission in writing of his/bet’ department/office as the case
may be and such permissions must accompany the application. Candidates who
join Government service after submitting their applications for admission to the

examination should also submit the departmental permission immediately

(iii) Armed Forces candidates to route their applications through proper channel
of their Services. Applications not routed through proper channel will be rejected
(iv) A candidate who after submitting such Departmental permission, joins Civil
Service Academy or is transferred to another department, should also obtain the
permission of that Department and submit the same to the Commission as soon
as possible.
(v) A candidate who has left Government service should submit with his/her
application the original as well as a copy of his/her discharge/service certificate.
(vi) Number of Attempts. No candidate will be permitted to attempt more than
thrice at the examination.
Explanation: A candidate shall be deemed to have attempted at the examination
if he/she actually appears in any one or more papers.
(vii) If a candidate who took the Competitive Examination of 2002 wishes to
apply for admission to the of 2003 he/she must submit an application by the
prescribed date without waiting for the result of 2002. If subsequently it is not
necessary for him/her to take the 2003 written examination his/her examination
fee will not be refunded.
(viii) No plea that an application form or a letter concerning such form, has been
lost or delayed in the post, will he entertained unless the per son making the
allegation produces a post office registration receipt.
(ix) The maximum number of candidates to be admitted to this examination
may, in the discretion of Government be limited to such number as Government
may decide. If a limit is imposed and the number of candidates exceeds that
limit, the Commission shall select from amongst the applicants those who shall
he admitted to the examination and in doing so, shall have regard to the
suitability of the applicants and to adequate representation of the
Provinces/Areas of Pakistan as well as of the various age concessions.
9. The subjects for the competitive examination will be as given in Appendix I.
10. Candidates must pay fees as prescribed in Appendix II. No claim for refund
of any fee will be entertained nor can the fees paid be held in reserve for another
examination or selection.
11. The approximate number of vacancies in BS-I7 to be tilled on the results of
this examination will be announced later. The Government how ever, reserve the
right to till a smaller or larger number of vacancies than that announced.
12. Subject to the Recruitment policy explained in Appendix-III of these Rules.
Candidates securing the highest places on the combined results of the written
Examination, Psychological and Viva Voce tests and eligible for appointment will

be appointed upto the number of vacancies available. No candidate will,

however, be considered for appointment to any of the Groups/Services for which
he/she has been declared “not suitable” by the Commission at the time of Viva
Voce test.
13. (i) Success in the examination confers no right to appointment.
Appointments will be made only after the Government is satisfied, after such
inquiry as may be necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for
appointment to the Public Service and subject to the availability of vacancies.
14. The Commission reserves the right to change the schedule of the
examination as well as to cancel any paper/papers or the entire Competitive
Examination without assigning any reason.
15. The Government reserves the right to allocate a candidate against any
Group/Service irrespective of his/her preferences, in the public interest. No
appeal against the decision of the Government will be entertained.
Note—This issues with the approval of the Government.

Compulsory Subjects
Subject Marks
Essay 100
English 100
General Knowledge -
Everyday Science 100
Current Affairs 100
Pakistan Affairs 100
Islamiat 100

Total 600

Optional Subjects
Subjects carrying a total of 600 marks to be selected

Subjects Marks
Accountancy & Auditing 200
Economics 200
Business Administration 100
Public Administration 100
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.
Note: Business Administration cannot be opted in combination
with Public Administration

Subjects Marks
Political Science 200
Agriculture 100
Forestry 100
Sociology 100
Journalism 100
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.

Subjects Marks

Pure Mathematics 200

Applied Mathematics 200
Computer Science 100
Statistics 100
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.

(Science Subjects)
Subjects Marks
Physics 200
Geology 200
Geography 200
Chemistry 200
Botany 200
Zoology 200
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.

(History Subjects)
Subjects Marks
Islamic History & Culture 200
Indo-Pak History 200
British History 200
European History 200
History of the USA 100
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.

Subjects Marks
Law 200
Constitutional Law 100
Mercantile Law 100
Muslim Law & Jurisprudence 100
International Law 100
International Relations 100
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.
Note: International Law CANNOT BE opted in combination with
International Relations.


Subjects Marks
Philosophy 200
Psychology including Experimental
Psychology 200

Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.

(Regional Languages)
Subjects Marks
Sindhi 100
Pushto 100
Punjabi 100
Balochi 100
Subjects carrying not more than 100 marks can be opted.
Note: Not more than one of the 4 subjects can be opted.

(National & Foreign Languages)
Subjects Marks
English Literature 200
Urdu 200
Persian 200
Arabic 200
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.
Not more than one of the 4 subjects can be opted.
Note: Urdu can not be combined with Regional Languages

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