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Sizing Program V1-2-C Basic - EnG

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Sizing Program

Version 1.2.C


User Guide

Basic Mode

1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................4
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................. 4
1.2 INSTALLATION OF SDMO SIZING PROGRAM SOFTWARE.................................................. 4
2 PROGRAM STARTUP......................................................................................................4
2.1 THE OPTIONS MENU......................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 The Options/Default settings menu.........................................................................5
2.1.2 The Options/Preferences menu................................................................................5
3 CREATING A PROJECT .................................................................................................5
3.1 THE PROJ ECT/NEW MENU................................................................................................ 5
3.2 THE PROPERTIES WINDOW................................................................................................ 6
4 ADDING A LOAD..............................................................................................................6
4.1 DIFFERENT LOAD TYPES................................................................................................... 6
4.2 THE ADD LOAD BUTTON................................................................................................... 7
4.3 THE MOUSE RIGHT BUTTON.............................................................................................. 7
4.4 ADDING A MOTOR LOAD................................................................................................... 7
4.5 LOAD PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................... 7
4.6 THE USER LOAD.............................................................................................................. 8
4.7 DELETING A LOAD............................................................................................................ 8
5 GENSET SIZING...............................................................................................................8
5.1 LAUNCHING THE SIZING................................................................................................... 8
5.2 CALCULATOR RESULTS.................................................................................................... 9
5.2.1 Modifying the selected Genset.................................................................................9
5.2.2 Validating a Genset................................................................................................10
6 PREVIEW MODE............................................................................................................10
6.1 ICON FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................ 10
6.2 ACCESSING PREVIEW MODE........................................................................................... 10
7 MANAGING THE PROJECT........................................................................................10
7.1 VALIDATING PROJ ECT MODIFICATIONS.......................................................................... 10
7.2 EXPORTING RESULTS...................................................................................................... 10
7.3 PRINTER......................................................................................................................... 11
8 ? MENU.............................................................................................................................11
9 STEPS ................................................................................................................................11
9.1 THE AUTO STEP MODE................................................................................................... 11
9.2 THE MANUAL STEP MODE.............................................................................................. 12
9.3 MANAGING ITEMS.......................................................................................................... 12
9.3.1 Moving a load using the CTRL key.......................................................................12
9.3.2 Moving a load using the mouse menu...................................................................13
9.3.3 Copying a load.......................................................................................................13
9.3.4 Combine step.........................................................................................................13
9.4 COMPARING CALCULATIONS.......................................................................................... 13
9.4.1 Calculation in manual step mode...........................................................................13
9.4.2 Calculation in auto step mode................................................................................13
9.4.3 Summary................................................................................................................13

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10 THE PREDEFINED GENSET........................................................................................14
10.1 SELECTING THE PREDETERMINED GENSET ..................................................................... 14
10.2 MAXIMUM IMPACT OF A PREDETERMINED GENSET ....................................................... 14
11 GENSET QUANTITY......................................................................................................15
12 MISCELLENOUS ............................................................................................................15
12.1 CHOICE OF GENERATING SET BASE................................................................................. 15
12.2 CHOICE OF THE SOFTWARE MODE .................................................................................. 15
12.3 RESET BUTTON............................................................................................................... 15

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1 Introduction

1.1 General Information

The aim of this document is to familiarise the user with the software. The advanced features of
the program are not included in this document. For any queries regarding this software, contact
your SDMO representative or, alternatively, send all queries concerning results to
bernard.colin@sdmo.com and all queries concerning the program to julian.carrasco@sdmo.com.

Program limitations
The engine power tolerances are usually given to the nearest 5 %, so the accuracy of the results
cannot be better than within 5 %.

1.2 Installation of SDMO Sizing Program software

Due to the numerous modifications made to the databases, old projects will not work with
this new version. The old version (if present) must therefore be uninstalled.

In order to begin installation, the following files are necessary: Setup.exe, Setup.lst,
Sizing1.cab, Sizing2.cab. These files must be stored in a temporary directory on the user's hard
drive. Execute the setup.exe file, and follow the installation instructions.

Program launch.
If you have changed the location of one or some databases (not recommended). A message will
appear to indicate that a database cannot be accessed. Then the box pictured below will appear:

The new location for the database concerned must be entered for the
program to run normally.


2.1 The Options menu

After launching the program for the first time, it is recommended that
the default settings in the "options" menu be changed to suit user needs.

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2.1.1 The Options/Default settings menu

Use this menu to set the default settings for new projects.

Note: These modifications will only be applied to new projects.

2.1.2 The Options/Preferences menu

Use this menu to change settings for units of measurement, language, maximum number of
generating sets etc.

It can also be set to use NEMA
standards (American standard)
for the default values of
electric motors.

These modifications will be
applied to all projects (new and


3.1 The Project/New menu

Clicking on the "Project/New" menu opens a window where the basic data for a new
project is entered.

This data makes it easier to find the project once
it has been created.

We will call the project "Test 1", for example,
and enter "Sizing Program test" in the

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3.2 The properties window

The icon below appears when the new project is opened.

Double click GENSET
CONFIG to display the
properties window.
The properties window of an item can also be displayed or hidden, using the
"Display properties" or "Hide properties" icons

The project properties can be modified
(Temperature, Frequency, Voltage etc.).

Unlike the default settings screen, these
modifications only affect the current

For our example, enter the following
Max voltage drop: 20 %
Max frequency drop: 10 %

The number or type of generating set
can also be entered on this screen, if the
corresponding option has been
activated. These options will be
discussed later on in this document.

4 Adding a load

Our project has been created and its specific properties validated. We will now add a load
to the project.

4.1 Different load types

There are 6 conventional load categories:

electric motor



non-linear load

linear load

air conditioner
and a special category, the user load:

There are two ways to add a load.

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4.2 The add load button

The first method is to use the "add load" button which is located to
the left of the "properties" button already mentioned.

The "add load" button has 2 parts:

An arrow to change the active load type

An icon representing the active load type

4.3 The mouse right button

The second method for adding a load is the use of the mouse right button.

For the "right click" menu to be active, the cursor
must be placed over an item.

For the moment we only have the item GENSET
CONFIG, but this also works with any other item
(load, step, etc.).

4.4 Adding a motor load

We will take an electric motor as an example.
Once the motor has been added by the methods described above, the following diagram will

The item for the added motor appears in grey with a red dot as no values have been entered for
this item yet.

4.5 Load parameters

In the basic mode, there are very few parameters to be entered by the user. The program
uses default values for most of the parameters. These parameters can be changed by clicking on
the "advanced" button.

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We will continue with the motor load. To do this, open the properties window. Enter the
power (20 kW) and change the name (20 kW Motor).

4.6 The User Load

An existing load can be saved as a user load.

Click on the motor load with the right
button of the mouse to display the menu.
Click on "Save load"
Open the window shown below by clicking on
user load. Select the desired load (20 kW Motor),
then enter. A second 20 kW motor is added to the

If you have many loads, you can filter by type.
User loads can also be deleted.

We now have 2 "20 kW Motor" loads.

4.7 Deleting a load

There are 2 methods for deleting a load (or any other item):
click the right button on the mouse to display the menu, then click "Delete item"
the Delete key on the keyboard

Delete the second "20 kW Motor" load.


5.1 Launching the Sizing

To launch the sizing, click on the calculator icon which is located to the right
of the properties icon on the toolbar.

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Note: there must be at least one load entered to be able to launch the calculator.

5.2 Calculator results

As soon as the calculator has
finished, the results window
below appears.

As shown, the window is split
into three parts:

Generating set selection
Performance per step

The generating set can be changed using the bar located under the generating set name, and a
Genset that is smaller or bigger than the one recommended by the program can be selected.

5.2.1 Modifying the selected Genset

If a smaller Genset is selected, its name is displayed on a red background as it not correspond
to the parameters set by the user.

The reason for which the Genset does not correspond to the parameters is also highlighted in
red. Here we see that the voltage drop parameter of the selected GS is 26.47 % whereas the
user has set the parameter to a maximum of 20 %.

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5.2.2 Validating a Genset

The Genset chosen by the user can be validated, even if it does not correspond to the initial
parameters. To validate the selected Genset, click the validate button in the results window.

6 Preview mode

When the results of a calculation are validated, the program automatically enters the Preview
mode. This mode allows the different documents produced by the Sizing Program (reports,
repertoire and single-line diagrams) to be checked before printing. The preview mode consists of
a toolbar and a viewing window.

6.1 Icon functions

The function of each icon on the toolbar is as follows:

First page

Last page

Previous page

Next page


Exit preview

6.2 Accessing Preview mode

Once a calculation has been validated, you can return to the preview mode using the
preview icon located on the toolbar.

Note: After each modification made to the project, the t! symbol appears on a red
background. This means you must relaunch the calculator. The preview cannot be
accessed until the calculator is relaunched and the calculation is validated.


Aside from creating projects, the project menu can also be used to manage projects (opening,
closing and saving), to export results and for printing.

7.1 Validating project modifications

Project modifications are saved using the validation icon. It is recommended that
modifications are saved regularly. Click on this icon to validate your project.

You can return to the previous validated configuration by using the cancel icon.

7.2 Exporting results

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Once the calculation has been validated, the results can
be exported in RTF format and the line diagram in DXF

Note: This menu is not active until the results have not
been validated, (for example after the project has been
7.3 Printer

The printer can be selected using the
"Project/Define printer" menu.
Including, for example, a virtual printer
such as Acrobat Distiller to obtain the
documents in PDF format.

Different documents can be selected for
printing as well as previewed before
printing using the "Project/Print" menu.

8 ? Menu

This menu displays the software versions and the terms list.
It allow also to enter the authorisation code for the expert mode
(SDMO people only)

9 Steps

Before continuing, add the following loads:
20 kW lighting, 100 kVA inverter, 10 kW non-linear load, 25 kW linear load and a 10000 BTU/h
air conditioner unit.

9.1 The Auto Step mode

Launch the sizing for the project (by clicking on the "calculator" icon). The program
recommends a J 400K. Validate this for the moment and exit the preview mode.

In Auto Step mode (the
default mode), the program
optimises the distribution of
the loads to reduce the size
of the generating set.

With this example, the
program has created a second
step and has distributed the
loads between these two

This distribution will not necessarily be best for the customer. To modify it, or to add steps, you
must switch to manual step mode.

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9.2 The Manual Step mode

Clicking the "Auto/manual step" icon (the flash symbol means auto mode), will
switch to manual mode and the flash symbol will change to a hand.

In the manual step mode the "add step" icon is available. Click it in order to add
a step. Add a user load (20 kW Motor).

After having changed the number of 20 kW motors to 2 in step no. 3 (via the "load properties"
window), launch the sizing.

The program now recommends a V500K.

9.3 Managing items

Now that the step mode is manual, the loads can be moved using the mouse and keyboard.
Before going any further, save the project.

9.3.1 Moving a load using the CTRL key

Start by moving the load "20 kW motor" from step 3 to step 1.

Press and hold the CTRL key,
Click on the "20 kW motor" load with the mouse (left click) and hold the mouse button
Drag the motor over to the flag for Step no. 1, whilst holding down the mouse button and the
CTRL key.
Release the CTRL key, then the mouse button.

The load has been moved.

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9.3.2 Moving a load using the mouse menu

Use this second method to move the light item:
Right click over the light item. The mouse menu will appear.
Select "cut".
Drag the cursor over the flag for Step no.1 and right click again,
Select "paste".
The light item has been moved.

9.3.3 Copying a load

You will now copy the not linear load from step 2 to step 1.
Press and hold the SHIFT key,
Click on not linear load no. 1 with the mouse (left click) and hold the mouse button down.
Drag the load over to the flag for Step no. 1, whilst holding down the mouse button and the
SHIFT key.
Release the SHIFT key, then the mouse button.
The load has been copied (with a new name: not linear load n2).

9.3.4 Combine step

You will now combine step 2 with step 1.
Press and hold the CTRL key,
Click on step 2 with the mouse (left click) and hold the mouse button down.
Drag step 2 over to the flag for Step no. 1, whilst holding down the mouse button and the
CTRL key.
Release the CTRL key, then the mouse button.
Step 2 and step 1 have combined. Lastly, delete step no. 2 (ex step 3) which is empty.

9.4 Comparing calculations

9.4.1 Calculation in manual step mode

Launch the calculator with all the loads in the same step.
The program now recommends an X800K.

9.4.2 Calculation in auto step mode

Change the step mode to auto and relaunch the sizing. The program will now change the number
of step to 2 and recommend a V630K instead of the X800K previously recommended. With this
example, the auto step mode was able to find a smaller Genset. This will not always be the case,
and in some instances the number and content of the steps will be predetermined.

9.4.3 Summary

The Auto Step mode is practical, fast and will almost always give satisfactory results. However,
when the distribution of the loads has been predetermined, or it is necessary to optimise the
results further, it is necessary to switch to the Manual Step mode.

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10 The predefined Genset

The program automatically recommends a Genset type (on auto Genset type mode). The Genset
type to be used can be defined using the Manual Genset mode (Predetermined Genset).

10.1 Selecting the predetermined Genset


Auto or manual Genset mode can be
selected using the icons shown

Another method is to click on the
"Predetermined Genset" checkbox in the
properties for the item GENSET CONFIG

When the mode is switched to predetermined
genset, a list of generating sets appears.
Select, for this example, a V410K and launch
the calculator.

The program recommends a V410K, but the
number of generating sets has increased to 2
as a single predetermined Genset will not be
enough to deal with the load.

10.2 Maximum Impact of a Predetermined Genset

The maximum power that a predetermined genset can handle (with a pure resistive
load) can be defined using the "Max impact" icon.
Click on the "Max Impact" icon:
The window shown to the left will
appear. Select the permissible
frequency drop. Enter 12 % and
click on the "calculate" button.

The maximum power of the genset
is given with the determined
frequency drop (or maximum
frequency) and the corresponding
voltage drop.

Note: This power is only applicable
to a pure resistive load.

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11 Genset Quantity

When in Predetermined Genset mode, the Genset quantity is always in auto mode.

If the program isnt in Predetermined Genset mode, the Genset quantity
can be defined using the Auto/Manual Genset Qty icon.

The number of Gensets can be changed when in manual Genset Quantity mode. This box
(Genset Qty) is located in the GENSET CONFIG properties window.
For this example, enter 2 and launch the sizing.

The program recommends two V330K generating sets, when it had recommended two
V410K for the same project in the previous section. As a single predetermined Genset (V410K)
cant handle the load. Two V410K are needed if this Genset type has been selected by the user.


12.1 Choice of generating set base

The program will give the standard Genset list by default. The generating set
reference list can be changed by clicking on the icon shown opposite and
Gensets from the Rental range can be used for calculations.

12.2 Choice of the software mode

By default, the program is in basic mode (green). Its possible to the
change the mode by clicking on the icon shown opposite. For the
description of the others program mode, please refer at their

Note: this icon is also visible in the item proprieties windows. It allow in this case to
access at the advanced parameters for the item.

12.3 Reset button

A Reset Button is on the items proprieties windows (except the steps). This button restores the
default values in case of modification of the parameters.

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