Chapter 21 Polymers: Which One of The Following Is Not An Addition Polymer? A Polythene B PVC C Nylon D Poly (Propene)
Chapter 21 Polymers: Which One of The Following Is Not An Addition Polymer? A Polythene B PVC C Nylon D Poly (Propene)
Chapter 21 Polymers: Which One of The Following Is Not An Addition Polymer? A Polythene B PVC C Nylon D Poly (Propene)
Chapter 21 Polymers
Which one of the following is not an addition polymer?
A polythene
C nylon
D poly(propene)
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions: Chapter 21
A plastic has the following list of #ses+ drainpipes, replacement windows, sheet
flooring, electrical ins#lation- .he plastic is
A poly(chloroethene) / commonly called PVC
B poly(ethene) / commonly called polythene
C poly(propene) / often called polypropylene
D nylon
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions: Chapter 21
What is the name of the polymer which has the following chain str#ct#re?
A polythene
B poly(propene)
C polystyrene
D poly(chloroethene)
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IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions: Chapter 21
PVA (#sed as a gl#e) has the chain str#ct#re+
.he monomer that this is made from is
A 01/C02C0/C1C03
B C022C0/1/C1C03
C C03/C02/1/C1C03
D C0/1/C1C03/C02
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions: Chapter 21
4ylon56,6 can %e made in the la% %y reacting together the two monomers+
he'anedioyl dichloride+ Cl1CC02C02C02C02C1Cl
1,65diaminohe'ane+ 024C02C02C02C02C02C02402
Which one of the following statements a%o#t this reaction is not true?
A When the monomers com%ine together, 0Cl is lost-
B .his is an e'ample of condensation polymerisation-
C .he str#ct#re of the nylon can %e shown as
D .he str#ct#re of the nylon can %e shown as
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IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & ns!ers: Chapter 21
Chapter 21 Polymers
Which one of the following is not an addition polymer?
A polythene
C nylon
D poly(propene)
ns!er: C
4ylon is a condensation polymer / yo# ha!e to *now that- .he answer is C-
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & ns!ers: Chapter 21
A plastic has the following list of #ses+ drainpipes, replacement windows, sheet
flooring, electrical ins#lation- .he plastic is
A poly(chloroethene) / commonly called PVC
B poly(ethene) / commonly called polythene
C poly(propene) / often called polypropylene
D nylon
.hese are all #ses of PVC / the answer is A-
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & ns!ers: Chapter 21
What is the name of the polymer which has the following chain str#ct#re?
A polythene
B poly(propene)
C polystyrene
D poly(chloroethene)
ns!er: "
7oo* for the repeating #nit- 8o# can 9#st ta*e the first two car%ons in the chain in this
case, %eca#se the ne't ones 9#st repeat the pattern- .his wo#ld come from a
compo#nd with a car%on5car%on do#%le %ond with a C03 gro#p attached to one of
the car%ons- .hat:s propene, and the polymer is poly(propene) / answer B-
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & ns!ers: Chapter 21
PVA (#sed as a gl#e) has the chain str#ct#re+
.he monomer that this is made from is
A 01/C02C0/C1C03
B C022C0/1/C1C03
C C03/C02/1/C1C03
D C0/1/C1C03/C02
ns!er: "
7oo* for the repeating #nit- f yo# ta*e the first two car%on atoms in the chain, that
pattern then repeats itself o!er the rest of the chain-
.he car%ons in the chain came from a car%on5car%on do#%le %ond with a
complicated side gro#p attached- .he compo#nd m#st %e ;5C02C02 or C022C05;,
where ; is the side gro#p- 8o# need to thin* a%o#t the molec#le written %oth ways
aro#nd- 8o# might, for e'ample, 9#st as well ha!e chosen the repeating #nit from the
second and third car%on atom-
f yo# compare this with the answers, B is an e'act match to what yo# ha!e wor*ed
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD
IGCSE Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & ns!ers: Chapter 21
4ylon56,6 can %e made in the la% %y reacting together the two monomers+
he'anedioyl dichloride+ Cl1CC02C02C02C02C1Cl
1,65diaminohe'ane+ 024C02C02C02C02C02C02402
Which one of the following statements a%o#t this reaction is not true?
A When the monomers com%ine together, 0Cl is lost-
B .his is an e'ample of condensation polymerisation-
C .he str#ct#re of the nylon can %e shown as
D .he str#ct#re of the nylon can %e shown as
ns!er: C
A is tr#e- .he molec#les lose a hydrogen from the 1,65diaminohe'ane and a chlorine
from the he'anedioyl dichloride each time a %ond is made %etween the two
B is also tr#e- Condensation polymerisation is where lots of small molec#les 9oin #p
to ma*e a %ig one, with the loss of molec#les li*e 0Cl or water in the process-
.hat lea!es yo# to decide which of the two str#ct#res is right- f yo# loo* at the %loc*s
in C, yo# can see that each one is attached directly to a car%on at one end and a
nitrogen at the other- B#t if yo# compare that with the str#ct#res of the molec#les yo#
are starting from, that can:t %e right- .hese ha!e either two car%on5containing gro#ps
at each end or two nitrogen5containing gro#ps-
C m#st %e wrong, %#t D descri%es this e'actly-
nteracti!e "#ltiple Choice $#estions are a!aila%le on the &de'cel (C)& Chemistry Acti!eBoo* CD