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IBM Global Business Services

Executive Report
Life Sciences and Healthcare
IBM Institute for Business Value
Analytics across the ecosystem
A prescription for optimizing healthcare outcomes
IBM Institute for Business Value
IBM Global Business Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value, develops
fact-based strategic insights for senior executives around critical public and private
sector issues. This executive report is based on an in-depth study by the Institutes
research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Global Business Services
to provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize business value.
You may contact the authors or send an email to for more information.
Additional studies from the IBM Institute for Business Value can be found at
IBM Global Business Services 1
Analytics is a key enabler for life sciences and
healthcare organizations to create better outcomes for patients, customers and other
stakeholders across the entire healthcare ecosystem. While almost two-thirds of organi-
zations across the healthcare ecosystem have analytics strategies in place, our research
shows that only a ffth are driving analytics adoption across the enterprise. The key
barriers are a lack of data management capabilities and skilled analysts, as well as poor
organizational change management. To develop and translate insights into actions that
enhance outcomes, organizations will need to collaborate across an expanding ecosystem.
By Heather Fraser, Chaturika Jayadewa, Jay Goodwyn, Peter Mooiweer, Dan Gordon and John Piccone
The healthcare ecosystem is the convergence of otherwise
separate entities, such as life sciences organizations, providers
and payers, as well as social and government agencies. This
convergence, along with enhanced connectivity and mobility,
has resulted in a tremendous surge in healthcare-related data
that can help create insights and inform actions to:
Improve patient outcomes
Reduce costs for chronic care
Lower insurance premiums
Quickly bring new and better drugs, diagnostics, devices and
therapies to the market
Enhance customer engagement
Reduce fraud
Improve return on investment.
But to optimize the impact these insights and actions can have,
information must be shared across the entire ecosystem.
Unfortunately, most organizations are not yet equipped to
share information within their own walls, let alone across the
entire ecosystem.
Consider, for example, that every day, people around the world
die unnecessarily because of ineffciencies, uncoordinated care
delivery and lack of integrated information across the global
healthcare system. In the United States alone, 96 people per
100,000 die annually from conditions considered responsive to
healthcare. U.S. hospitals, as well as those in Australia, Canada,
Denmark, France, New Zealand, Spain and the United
Kingdom, report high levels of preventable errors for hospital-
ized patients, as high as 45.8 percent in some cases. Of these
errors, many up to 51.2 percent in some countries are
considered preventable with the right information and
resources in place.
Advanced analytics strategies can go a long way toward
reducing errors that lead to these poor clinical outcomes (See
Figure 1). Insights about the individual, developed through the
analysis of data within a medical, wellness and social context,
can help identify risk factors, promote health and drive more
effective, early engagement from the entire community of care.
From managing small details to large processes, analytics can
aid exploration and discovery, help design and plan policy and
2 Analytics across the ecosystem
programs, improve service delivery and operations, enhance
sustainability, mitigate risk and provide a means for measuring
and evaluating critical organizational data. Perhaps most
important, it can expand access to healthcare, promote
personalized care, align pay with performance and help hold
down growth in healthcare costs.
While analytics can potentially beneft individual organizations
in any number of ways, this report focuses on those that are
cross organizational. The realization of these benefts requires
analytics to be applied across the entire healthcare ecosystem.
For life sciences organizations, for example, analytics can help
identify better product candidates, facilitate faster, more
cost-effcient development of new drugs and produce better
scientifc and clinical understanding of underlying disease
processes. For healthcare providers, analytics technologies for
medical homes, as well as traditional business intelligence
reporting, can help reduce projected medical costs for both
acute and chronic care. For healthcare payers, applying
advanced analytic technologies can result in more effcient care
and allow for more accurate prediction of disease onset, create
early awareness of unusual utilization patterns and identify
optimal clinical resource allocation.
In addition to improving outcomes, analytics can also help
reduce the tremendous amount of resources wasted annually
across the global healthcare ecosystem. Ineffciencies in the
global healthcare system, including ineffective gathering,
integration, sharing and use of information, total more than
US $2 trillion annually. Healthcare, in fact, is the largest
contributor to ineffciency in the global economy.
Much of
the waste can be avoided through more effective information
sharing and collaboration.
So what does a vision for the future of the analytics-enabled
healthcare ecosystem look like? Going forward, the ability to
access and derive meaningful insights from the wealth of
information available will become a necessity. Gaining and
sharing insights from data across the entire healthcare
Figure 1: Some potential benets from using analytics across the
healthcare ecosystem.
Patient Provider Payer
Life sciences
Other stake holders (Social care,
government, legal, regulators)
Personalized/holistic care
Reduced time to provide the right treatment
Matching the patient with the most appropriate physician, enabling
the best possible care
Remote monitoring and medical homes enable more efcient chronic
condition management with fewer hospitalizations
Enhanced patient safety and care quality, greater operational efciency
and minimal clinical claims fraud
Mapping disease trajectory and prognosis, enabling more enhanced
timely care
Patient segmentation that enables choosing the most appropriate
medication for each patient
Identify better product candidates and facilitate fast, cost-efcient
development of new drugs medical devices and diagnostics
Better match patients with clinical trials and track real-time
performance for faster regulatory approvals
Population health management without losing sight of each
individual patient and his or her needs
IBM Global Business Services 3
ecosystem will be required to correlate cost and quality of care,
as well as apply fndings back into business processes that can
inform action and change behavior (see Figure 2). For example,
increased interaction among providers, payers, life sciences
organizations and patients can help prevent unplanned or crisis
events. Patients can beneft from more individualized care.
Insights from analytics can facilitate continuous learning and
promote quality improvement.
Figure 2: Healthcare organizations need to capture, share, integrate and analyze data across all the ecosystem stakeholders.
- E-prescribing
- New services
Life sciences
- Clinical development
- Clinical trials
- Medication compliance
- Medical devices
- Consumer relationships
- Wellness and care services
Public health
- Pandemic readiness
- Vaccine inventory and distribution
- Sanitation and public safety
- Healthy lifestyles and diet
- Living with chronic disease
Healthcare providers
- Electronic medical records
- Health information exchange
- Patient ID and eHealth
- Social media data
Health clubs
- Health and wellness programs
Medical research centers
- Clinical research
- Cohort studies
- Clinical trials
Retail clinics
- Consumer services
- Healthcare policy
- Medical research
- Regulatory compliance
Transaction services
- Claims processing
- Banks: health savings
- Accounts and payments
Public & private payers
- Patient education
- Disease management
- Fraud prevention
- Risk management
- Social media data
- Benet plan design
- Health and wellness programs
Patients & consumers
- Social media data
- Personal health records
- Medical device tracking data
In this executive report, we will look at the current state of
analytics across the healthcare ecosystem, including how
organizations are implementing analytics strategies, coping
with data management and business process integration,
getting the right skills balance and enabling analytics across the
enterprise and, eventually, the ecosystem. Finally, we provide a
vision of how organizations and institutions can position
themselves within the healthcare eco-system for competitive
advantage through the use of analytics.
4 Analytics across the ecosystem
North America
Asia Pacic
Latin America
Life sciences
Healthcare payer
Healthcare provider
CEO/President/Business Unit Leader
Exec. Vice President/Sr. Vice President
Vice President
Other (please specify)
Company revenue
< $50M
+$50M but < $100M
+$100M but < $500M
+$501M but < $1B
+$1B but < $5B
+$5B but < $10B
+$10B but < $20B
> $20B
Study approach and methodology
To determine the state of analytics across the extended healthcare ecosystem, the IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed
executives and qualied contacts within the healthcare industry. The survey generated 555 responses, of which 228 were
from healthcare providers, 188 from life sciences companies and 139 from payers. The survey was conducted with healthcare
companies in North America, Europe, India, Japan, China, Singapore and Mexico.
Additional eld research was conducted, including:
Interviews with representatives from the main healthcare
models around the world
Telephone interviews with client companies
Discussions with analysts
Interviews across IBM divisions, including IBM Research,
Watson, Software Group, Global Business Consulting and
Sales and Distribution
Supplemental desk research.
IBM Global Business Services 5
The state of analytics in healthcare today
As previously stated, improving outcomes will require sharing
information and insights through collaboration and partner-
ships a daunting task, perhaps, for organizations that have
not yet mastered sharing across the enterprise. To enable such
collaboration, organizations will need to focus on three areas:
strategy and governance, data and processes, and people and
Even so, organizations are struggling with understanding and
using advanced analytics. Only 34 percent of our studys
respondents said they think in terms of analytics that can help
gain actionable insight from data, use advanced mathematical
methods for generating insights from large data sets and use
the right information to make the best decision.
To derive the most value, analytics must become an increas-
ingly important factor in corporate strategy decisions. To
position analytics accordingly, organizations must defne the
enabling analytics strategy, prioritize their roadmaps to address
internal requirements and create strategies for future collab-
orative partnerships across the healthcare ecosystem. We need
to ensure that the business case (for analytics projects) makes
sense and that its understood by all parties, ensuring enter-
prise-wide acceptance, said a healthcare organization director
in Canada.
For the analytics roadmap of the future, organizations must
defne an enterprise-wide adoption plan that includes not only
the implementation of routine reporting analytics, but also
more advanced tactics, including predictive and cognitive
analytics. This can facilitate such functions as managing
compliance and regulatory requirements, creating a scalable
infrastructure to deal with volume, and incorporating insights
into routine business processes. Advanced analytics must be
incorporated into the corporate culture.
Data and processes
Data management is still a major concern for organizations
when implementing analytics, particularly because of the
numerous data sources and formats (structured and unstruc-
tured) that must be addressed (see Figure 3). Issues such as data
availability the diffculty of locating relevant data needed in
suffcient quality and volume for an analysis create data
management headaches. Even more troubling is the amount
of unstructured data or data siloed in independent databases.
From descriptive to cognitive analytics:
Progressing from monitoring, to predicting, to acting
Today, most healthcare organizations are extensive users of
descriptive analytics, using reporting tools and applications
descriptively to understand what has happened in the past
and to classify and categorize historical, usually structured
data. As analytics capabilities mature, healthcare organiza-
tions will trend toward predictive analytics techniques, which
take an understanding of the past to predict future activities
and model scenarios using predictive models, simulation and
forecasting. Ideally, organizations will want to be able to take
advantage of the full scope of capabilities of prescriptive
analytics to provide decision makers with sophisticated
alternatives (insights created with speed, scale, currency,
breadth and depth) to be able to inuence optimal future
outcomes. These capabilities, for example, can facilitate
personalized medicine, help in dynamic fraud detection and
assist in behavior modication to improve healthier lifestyle
And, nally, there is cognitive analytics, which
weights predictive analytics outcomes and provides the
optimal course of action.
Strategy and governance
Our survey of 555 healthcare ecosystem professionals reveals
that two-thirds of organizations in both developed and
emerging markets consider analytics a priority and have an
analytics strategy or roadmap (see Study approach and methodology,
page 4). Analytics is built in from the grass-roots at our
company and evolves as an approach to inform our strategy,
said one U.S. executive.
6 Analytics across the ecosystem
Figure 3: Data management is still a major concern for organizations
when implementing analytics
The highest impact on data management is caused by data
unreliability, i.e., data from different sources that yields
inconsistent results; data that is too incomplete to produce a
reliable analysis; data and metrics with non-standard defni-
tions; or data that is highly distributed and non-standardized.
For many organizations, much of their analytics energy is spent
collecting and arguing about the data, instead of debating and
acting upon its fndings. As one survey respondent noted,
We are looking to standardize data collection and interchange
through transparency, data standards and access to get value
from the information.
Data mismatch exists across geographies due to differing
healthcare models and regulatory requirements, as well as poor
visibility of the impact of treatments (medication, care,
payment) across the overall healthcare ecosystem. In addition,
many organizations are challenged to translate analytical
results into actionable insights that can be integrated into
business processes.
Data needed for
analysis is diffcult
to locate
Data collected is
not relevant to
the questions the
project is trying to
Data is
Data needed for
analysis is siloed
into different
that work
Data from different
sources yield
inconsistent results
Data is too incomplete
to produce a
reliable analysis
Data denitions and
related metrics are not
standardized across
the enterprise
Data is highly
distributed and
Data structure
high Impact on data management low
Some of these issues are being addressed through the use of
electronic methods to capture patient data (see case study,
Electronic health record adoption accelerating).
Electronic health record (EHR) adoption accelerating
As part of our research, we conducted interviews to
understand the changes in the availability of patient data vital
for payer and provider analytics. What we learned is that
many healthcare systems, driven by regulation or in response
to particular circumstances, are making progress in capturing
patient data using electronic methods, while others have a
way to go:
In Denmark, for example, EHR adoption was realized for
the entire nation. Basic information is available dating
back to 1977, and a detailed history is available from
2000 forward. Patients can interact with the system as
well, accessing data via a national health portal online.
Overall, the system has allowed physicians to see 10
percent more patients a day.
In Canada, a not-for-prot federal organization is used to
accelerate the use of digital technologies for the
assembly of electronic health records. In the United
States, EHR adoption is expected to increase from 12
percent in 2009 to 90 percent by 2016. In the United
Kingdom, The NHS Commissioning Board has plans for
an integrated electronic record of patient care by 2015.
In New Zealand, a pilot project was rolled out within six
months of the 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch. The
program will introduce a cloud-based shared patient
record system and demonstrates how EHR adoption can
be accomplished quickly and efciently.

In China, executives we interviewed expect the health
system to be integrated within the next ve years.
Currently, only Shanghai has seen healthcare data
integration, with 30 hospitals currently connected across
six districts.
IBM Global Business Services 7
A critical element of data management is the ability to track
results from end-to-end for example, tracking the clinical
history of an individual or usage patterns of a plan member.
Overall, only a third of the executives we surveyed said their
organizations are able to use analytics to track a product or
service end-to-end. In this instance, payers signifcantly
outperform providers (see Figure 4). Payers were more adept
at assessing usage patterns of a plan member than providers
were of tracking an individuals clinical history. Life sciences
companies were also poor at tracking data. Even when they did
so, tracking was usually limited to one clinical trial, rather than
across trials for similar compounds.

Healthcare payers
Track clinical history and utilization patterns of a single plan member
Healthcare providers
Track clinical history of a single patients
Life sciences
Track the successful delivery of a product or a service
Figure 4: Many organizations are unable to track end-to-end delivery
of a product or service.
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, Analytics across the Ecosystem Life
Sciences n = 190; Healthcare Provider n= 240; Healthcare Payer n= 136
Enterprises will need to overcome data management chal-
lenges by enriching the data to meet the needs of the business
and build relationships with data providers and other partners
across the healthcare ecosystem. When sharing data outside
the enterprise, transparency of data will be critical. To facilitate
this, organizations should consider using a third party to host,
anonymize and manage healthcare ecosystem data.
Additionally, organizations will need to provide end-to-end
product and patient data tracking, from creation, to usage, to
outcomes of treatments. This can be accomplished by setting
up collaborations across interested parties, working to ensure a
common return on investment and implementing global
metrics to allow for translation of data and insights across
Finally, healthcare companies and institutions will need to
enable the automatic integration of analytics results into
managing business processes by mapping the processes at the
start of analytics implementation and agreeing where insights
can be incorporated into processes and automated. Continuous
feedback on learnings will be required to make sure automa-
tion provides optimum processes.
People and Organization
Currently, many analytics staffs lack a balance of analytics and
business skills. Organizations are struggling to fnd the
appropriate distribution of analytic resources, which leads to
diffculties in adoption and translation to business processes.
Two-thirds of study participants said their analytics departments
were IT literate, which, on the surface, would appear to be a
signifcant positive. At the same time, however, employees
tended to lack a number of business-oriented skills. This leads
to a gap in being able to translate data into actionable insights
that can be incorporated back into the business.
Figure 5 shows the current skill profles that organizations are
seeking. Only 39 percent are currently recruiting professionals
with the needed balance of skills. The good news is that, over
the next three-to-fve years, the number of companies looking
for this mix is expected to increase by 25 percent.
Organizations are also asking existing employees to acquire the
required balance of skills, with two-thirds of respondents
planning to cultivate the required analytics skills through
internal training.

8 Analytics across the ecosystem
Current skills prole that organizations recruit
IT literate
Figure 5: Most organizations said they were lagging behind in
recruiting staff who are equally procient in numerate and business
orientated skills.
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, Analytics across the Ecosystem
n= 190; Healthcare Provider n= 240; Healthcare Payer n= 136.
Healthcare or life sciences literate
Business oriented
Highly numerate/analytical
Balance of numerate & business oriented skills
So the challenge is not just about making data available, but
also about building the capacity and the right people to extract
valuable intelligence from it. This is a key point. As one North
American respondent commented: Data is not the problem.
Its the analysis of the data by smart people that is the problem
today. Added a U.S. industry executive, The biggest barrier
to adoption is human capital. One-hundred thousand data
scientists are going to be hired in the next three years. We need
the right kind of inquisitive, generically smart people who are
[facile] with manipulating data and thinking outside the box.
Enabling personalized care for epilepsy patients

Epilepsy is a debilitating disease, the management of which
is often guided by a combination of non-personalized clinical
guidelines and the individual experience of the patients
UCB Pharma is using supercomputers and intelligent
analytics to examine anonymous data from more than
1.5 million U.S.-based epilepsy patients. The goal of the
project will be to provide a decision support solution at
the point of care that:
Can inform and support physicians decisions
Is seamlessly integrated into daily workows
Allows for patient input to identify personalized treament
Allows data to be continuously updated.
The project is expected to provide innovative personalized
treatment management for epileptic patients.
Organizations that successfully staff for analytics will cultivate
this balance of skills and will defne which capabilities are
needed in house for meeting analytics requirements. They will
collaborate with external education providers, advisors and
other bodies to nurture and transfer necessary skills and
provide ongoing in-house education to both business and
analytic staff.
Additionally, successful enterprises will defne the most
appropriate resource distribution for ensuring success of their
analytics projects, which may be a hybrid approach of a
centralized function with some decentralized staff. They will
make sure insights are shared across the enterprise and
functions, as well as across analytics projects.
IBM Global Business Services 9
Gaining competitive advantage
from analytics
In this fnal section, we will examine what needs to be in place
to optimize analytics capabilities, both within the organization
and across the boundaries of the entire ecosystem. Critical
elements include access to data, availability of skilled resources,
strategy and governance, information and metrics, supporting
technology enablers and collaboration and partnerships. The
impact on the organization can be considerable. For example,
in a recent IBM Institute for Business Value study about big
data, the percentage of respondents in the healthcare and life
sciences industries reporting a competitive advantage from
analytics rose from 35 percent in 2010 to 72 percent in 2012,
a 106 percent increase in two years.

A North American pharmaceutical company
invests in the holistic care of chronically ill patients
who use their medications for better outcomes

Pharmaceutical companies must demonstrate the efcacy of
their medications to improve the well-being of end-consumers.
This manufacturer recognizes that chronically ill patients need
more support for productive lives. Proper medication
management is critical, but for sustainable results, treatment
may require broader support from physicians, educators,
occupational therapists, home care agencies or other
service providers.
Solution: A care-management system was designed to
embed industry-specic expertise for holistic assessment of
patient needs and associated care activities. Personalized
care plans are easy to design, manage and monitor:
patients and providers manage medications better and
collaborate more effectively on care activities to reach
desired outcomes.

Strategy and governance: Focus on sponsorship and
enterprise-wide adoption
A comprehensive plan for governance is foundational to any
analytics strategy. High-level sponsorship of key analytics
projects is an important success factor. A governance plan that
addresses enterprise-wide adoption is essential at the start of a
project. Focus should be placed on initiatives that can have the
most impact on outcomes. The most effective analytics
initiatives embed small, action-oriented analytics into key
decision points of specifc business processes that are used
widely across the ecosystem. To get the most out of these
projects, organizations should focus on early insights that
enable refnement of processes over time.
In parallel, organizations should target effective, predictive
analytics and simulations at senior executives who make
complex strategic decisions across an organizations service
lines, as well as key partners outside enterprise, to encourage
continued sponsorship from key stakeholders.
Metrics to measure success should be in place from day one
and be tracked via a balanced scorecard approach (see Figure
6). Organizations could start with the key metrics used to
manage their business today. Enhancements to these original
metrics should be aligned with the strategic direction of the
organization. For example, metrics can be used for much more
than just determining decreases in costs and increases in
revenue. They can measure such key areas as successful
adoption of analytics projects within the organization,
employee satisfaction, quality of patient outcomes (reduction
in hospitalizations, enhanced prognosis, reduced claims) and
time to market for life sciences products and services.
10 Analytics across the ecosystem
Data and processes: Manage and integrate data
The ability to manage, understand and integrate data generated at
all stages of the value chain and in all formats, both structured and
unstructured from discovery to real-world use is a fundamental
requirement for organizations to derive beneft from their analytics
strategies. And this is one area in which organizations are strug-
gling. Almost three-quarters of respondents said they have had
limited success with integrating analytics capabilities and results.
Further, a third of organizations do not consider incorporating
insights into the business process on an ongoing basis as a driver
for enterprise-wide adoption.
Implementing end-to-end data integration requires a number
of capabilities, including trusted sources of data, the ability to
establish cross linkages between legacy and current data
elements, robust quality assurance and workfow management.
The good news is that with new technologies integration does
not require development of yet further data warehouses. Of
particular importance, especially for health systems and
providers, is the implementation of electronic health records
(see case study, Electronic health record adoption accelerating, page 6).
As well, data needs to be enriched to meet the business needs
of the organization. Partnerships are crucial in sharing data
across both organizations and the entire ecosystem.
Organizations should focus on building relationships with data
providers and other partners that enable collaboration among
interested parties.
Organizations must also evaluate regulatory restraints for data
to make sure users from multiple facilities are authorized to
view the information they need. Multi-tenant requirements
must be built into such collaborative partnerships (see case study,
Enabling personalized care for epilepsy patient, page 8).
Technology and cost proliferation need to be controlled
through the overarching analytics strategy. Given the emerging
nature of analytics, signifcant risk exists for the proliferation of
data and software infrastructure. The focus should be on resolving
the business problem, not on the supporting technology. Data
collection should be centralized and standards enforced.
A common terminology is required to help business and
technical teams understand each others analytical needs. This
standardized language will enable more rapid innovation and
provided infrastructure and tools for effective data governance.
New analytic competencies are built on a foundation of
existing technical data, operational and business capabilities.
This requires that analytics initiatives be scalable, both in terms
of technical architecture and in human resource requirements.
Metrics used for measuring analytic project success
Increased revenue
Figure 6: While 62% of organizations use increased revenue as
a measure for analytic project success, other equally vital metrics
lag behind.
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value, Analytics across the Healthcare Ecosystem
Employee satisfaction
Measurable healthcare outcomes
Reduced time to market (R&D pipline)
Degree to which the analytics project is adoped across the organization
We do not quantify the payback
IBM Global Business Services 11
People and Organization: Enable adoption by building
the right skills prole and partnering
Making sure that analytic resources have the appropriate skills
profle will speed up adoption of processes across the enter-
prise. Organizations and institutions must use the right blend
of both central and distributed control by maintaining a
centralized core skill set. They must hire resources profcient
in analytics and who also have relevant industry knowledge. To
fll any other capability gaps, providers, payers and life sciences
companies must look to resources outside their organizations,
such as academia and consultants. Additionally they can
consider using social business tools such as crowd sourcing to
solve complex analytics challenges. Kaggle, for example,
provides a consulting platform in which companies can
connect with more than 100,000 data scientists to solve data
science problems.

To make sure the optimum skill set is in place, a focus must be
placed on training, including in-house training to bridge any
gaps industry knowledge, partnerships with academic centers
to deliver analytical modules aligned to specifc industries, and
internships that can cultivate and nurture future resources.
In addition to creating the right skills balance, developing
trusted partnerships across the various stakeholders in the
healthcare ecosystem can provide a competitive advantage.
No single organization has all the data or all the capabilities to
solve the healthcare ecosystem problems. Organizations need
to work with data providers to evolve the necessary data sets
and meet data strategy needs.
Integration can improve the linking of data elements.
Collaboration will enhance linkages among all stakeholders in
such areas as drug research, development, commercialization
and delivery. Payers and providers will need to make the data
available to life sciences companies in order to enable this. This
will require the use of meta-data standards, as well as a trusted
third party to manage patient anonymity. Ideally, data provided
by patients on their vital signs can also be linked. This may
come via sensors (e.g., heart-rate), devices (e.g., sensor enabled
implants) or be self-reported (e.g., quality of life data).
Creating more patient-centric, coordinated and accountable
care means all service providers will need to share risks and
data, as well as conduct business with partners that cross
traditional boundaries. For example, the University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has invested more than
US$1.6 billion in its IT infrastructure over the past fve years
to provide an integrated delivery system. Physicians, patients
and payers exist in this system in what is, essentially, a natural
laboratory, where different types of data can be mined about
what works and what doesnt. The frst key step is getting data
into a format thats uniform and usable ft for consumption.
Then UPMC uses its highly skilled staff to organize and make
sense of data and glean insights from it.
Analytics-driven business transformation

A leading pharma company wanted to move from a siloed
analytics organization to a centralized organization, with
standardized, cross-brand processes. This transformation
Implementation of an offshore managed services organi-
zation for execution and maintenance of core analytics
Creation of an analytics center of excellence to focus on
high value business opportunities
Application of best practices, standardizing core
advanced analytics processes across the organization.
As a result, the overall cost of analytics process execution
and maintenance have been reduced and there is
consistent and transparent application of advanced
analytics to sales and marketing processes across brands.
12 Analytics across the ecosystem
Organizations should have a bold vision one not limited to
traditional business models or regulatory constraints. For
example, life sciences organizations should not just dispense
drugs, they should also seek to know the patient outcome at
the point of care and whether or not the patient was satisfed
with the care provided.
How can companies within the healthcare ecosystem go about
this? While the capabilities outlined in this report provide a
roadmap to implementation, the overarching guidance is:
Optimize analytics within your own four walls As much as
collaboration is necessary across the ecosystem to improve
outcomes for all parties, the frst step is to make sure the
analytics strategy is applied across the entire enterprise.
Encourage disrupted collaboration This is collaboration that
disrupts the status quo. Within the healthcare ecosystem the
boundaries of organizations are evolving. So, too, should the
roles of those organizations.
Accept no objections In this transitional stage there will be
many objections and barriers. (e.g., regulatory constraints for
a life sciences company when engaging at the patient level).
Do not limit your vision in fear of these objections. They can
be handled. Innovative market leaders across the healthcare
ecosystem are proving it every day.
In todays information age, data rules. And the organizations
that can harness and share that data to create insights, inform
actions and drive better outcomes across all the components
of the healthcare ecosystem will be those most likely posi-
tioned to become the outperformers of tomorrow.
Heather Fraser is a pharmacist with over 25 years of industry
experience in pharma R&D, consultancy and community
pharmacy. She leads the Healthcare and Life Sciences team at
the IBM Institute for Business Value, where she has published
extensively on the future of the healthcare and life sciences
industry. She can be contacted at
Chaturika Jayadewa Ph.D. has over 7 years of industry experi-
ence in Life sciences and Healthcare. Having worked within
the UK National Health Services as a transformation consul-
tant she is now a senior consultant within the IBM business
analytics team. She guides healthcare and life science organisa-
tions on their journey to optimize outcomes. She can be
contacted at
Jay Goodwyn is a Partner for IBM Global Business Services,
where he focuses on business intelligence and analytics for
healthcare payers. Jay is a mathematician by training. He can
be reached at
Peter Mooiweer is a Partner for IBM Global Business Services,
where he focuses on the application of innovative advanced
analytics and information management concepts to new
business initiatives for IBM Life Sciences clients. Peter can be
reached at
Dan Gordon Ph.D. is an Executive Consultant in the IBM
Global Healthcare Centre of Competence. Dr. Gordon assists
global policy makers and healthcare delivery organizations to
use digital hospitals and health analytics to transform their
outcomes, effciency and effectiveness. He can be reached at
John Piccone is a Partner for IBM Global Business Services,
where he focuses on developing building business analytics
strategies and advanced analytics solution for Life sciences
companies. He has worked at board level for the past 20 years,
acquiring and turning around small and medium-sized
businesses. He can be reached at
IBM Global Business Services 13
The authors would like to thank the following for their
contributions to production of this study: Oxford Economics,
the IBM Institute for Business Value Research Hub, Angela
Finley (designer) and Jim Phillips (writer) of IBM ITSO
Global Content Services, analysts at IDC and Forrester, and
the many IBM colleagues across the world who helped make
this study possible, particularly Alan Kalton, Jane Yu, Andrew
Fried, Pete Melrose and Rebecca Shockley.
1 Adams, Jim, Richard Bakalar,MD, Michael Boroch, Karen
Knecht, Edgar L. Mounib and Neil Stuart. Healthcare 2015
and care delivery: Delivery models refned, competencies
defned. IBM Institute for Business Value. June 2008. http://
report_ver2.pdf Accessed September 23rd, 2013.
2 Korsten, Peter, Christian Seider. The worlds 4 trillion dollar
challenge IBM Institute for Business Value. January 2010.
planet-system-of-systems.html Accessed September 23rd, 2013.
3 Cortada, James W, Gordan, D, Lenihan, B. The value of
analytics in healthcare. IBM Institute for Business Value.
January 2012.
thoughtleadership/ibv-healthcare-analytics.html Accessed September
23rd, 2013.
4 Harrell, Eben. In Denmarks Electronic Health Records
Program, a Lesson for the U.S. Time. April 16, 2009. http://,8599,1891209,00..html
Accessed September 23rd, 2013.
5 Oxford Economics interviews.
6 Earthquake crisis accelerates healthcare reform in
Christchurch. New Zealand Trade & Enterprise http://www.
healthcare_reform_in_christchurch.pdf Accessed September 23rd,
7 Oxford Economics interviews.
8 Fritz, Patty. How UCB and IBM are leveraging big data
analytics to better understand epilepsy. Smarter Planet Blog
June 12, 2013.
Accessed September 23rd, 2013.
9 Mooiweer, Peter , Shockley, R. Analytics: The real-world use of
big data in healthcare and life sciences. IBM Institute for
Business Value. July 2013.
EN Accessed September 23rd, 2013.
10 IBM client analysis.
11 Kaggle Connect.
12 Miliard, Mike.Analytics means we roll up our sleeves.
Healthcare IT News.July 29th, 2013 http://www.healthcareitnews.
com/news/analytics-means-we-roll-our-sleeves?page=0 Accessed
September 23rd, 2013.
13 IBM client analysis.
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