WenJun Zhang
Sun Yat-sen University, China
International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong
Editorial Board
Awf Al-Kassir (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Ramiz M. Aliguliyev (National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan)
Andre Bianconi (Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), Brazil)
Chris Cannings (University of Sheffield, UK)
Manuel De la Sen (University of Basque Country, Spain)
Alessandro Ferrarini (University of Parma, Italy)
Zeljko Kanovic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Abdul Qadeer Khan (University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan)
Zdzislaw Kowalczuk (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Lev V. Nedorezov (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
Quanke Pan (Northeastern University, China) <br>
Sergio Valero Verdu (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain)
Hafiz Abdul Wahab (Hazara University, Pakistan)
ZhiGuo Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Youhua Chen
Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Received 15 May 2013; Accepted 20 June 2013; Published online 1 June 2014
In the present report, the coexistence of Prisoners’ Dilemma game players (cooperators and defectors) were
explored in an individual-based framework with the consideration of the impacts of deterministic and
stochastic waiting time (WT) for triggering mortality and/or colonization events. For the type of deterministic
waiting time, the time step for triggering a mortality and/or colonization event is fixed. For the type of
stochastic waiting time, whether a mortality and/or colonization event should be triggered for each time step of
a simulation is randomly determined by a given acceptance probability (the event takes place when a variate
drawn from a uniform distribution [0,1] is smaller than the acceptance probability). The two strategies of
modeling waiting time are considered simultaneously and applied to both quantities (mortality: WTm,
colonization: WTc). As such, when WT (WTm and/or WTc) is an integral 1, it indicated a deterministically
triggering strategy. In contrast, when 0<WT<1, it indicated a stochastically triggering strategy and the WT
value itself is used as the acceptance probability. The parameter space between the waiting time for mortality
(WTm~[0.1,40]) and colonization (WTc~[0.1,40]) was traversed to explore the coexistence and
non-coexistence regions. The role of defense award was evaluated. My results showed that, one
non-coexistence region is identified consistently, located at the area where 0.3 WTm 1 and 0.1 WTc 40.
As a consequence, it was found that the coexistence of cooperators and defectors in the community is largely
dependent on the waiting time of mortality events, regardless of the defense or cooperation rewards. When the
mortality events happen in terms of stochastic waiting time (0.3 WTm 1), extinction of either cooperators or
defectors or both could be very likely, leading to the emergence of non-coexistence scenarios. However, when
the mortality events occur in forms of relatively long deterministic waiting time, both defectors and
cooperators could coexist, regardless of the types of waiting time for colonization events. Defense (or
cooperation) rewards could determine the persistence time of both game players. When the defense reward is
low, cooperators could persist better in the simulation. But when the defense reward becomes sufficiently
higher, defectors would persist better. Overall, non-coexistence of cooperators and defectors in the present
evolutionary game model is dependent on the stochastic mortality events, but not colonization events. In
conclusion, my present study quantifies the influence of the temporally fluctuating motility-colonization
dynamic on modeling the coexistence of species in the spatial evolutionary game.
Keywords species coexistence; game theory; mortality-colonization dynamic; deterministic versus stochastic
2 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
The classical Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game has been broadly studied in evolutionary biology ( Nowak and
May, 1993, 1992; Hui and McGeoch, 2007; Zhang et al., 2005; Zhang and Hui, 2011; Zhang, 2012, 2013).
Spatial version of Prisoner’s Dilemma could allow the emergence of complex defense-cooperation dynamic
patterns (Zhang et al., 2005; Langer et al., 2008).
In a previous study, the evolution of cooperation under habitat destruction has been well quantified (Zhang
et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2014). One important part of the model used by the previous work (Zhang et al., 2005)
is to model the dynamic between mortality and colonization. However, the trade-off between colonization and
mortality and its impacts on the coexistence and survival of both game players have not been well quantified
One way to quantify the trade-off between colonization and mortality is to model the outbreak frequencies
(or waiting time) of both events during the simulation. If one fixes the waiting time of occurrence of one
mechanism (for instance, mortality), one could vary and manipulate the waiting time of another mechanism
(colonization) so as to reveal the impact of different frequency ratio between colonization and mortality on the
persistence of game players (Chen et al., 2014).
In the present report, by adopting and extending a previous 2D individual-based modeling framework
(Zhang et al., 2005), I quantify the condition of coexistence of both defectors and cooperators by varying the
waiting time of colonization and mortality events. During the in silico simulation, I traversed the parameter
space between the waiting time for mortality (WTm~[0.1,40]) and colonization (WTc~[0.1,40]) to evaluate the
coexistence status of both cooperators and defectors (Chen et al., 2014).
As a summary, the central objective of the present study is to reveal the relationship between the
persistence time of game players and the temporal stochastic versus deterministic trade-off of the occurrence
frequency of colonization and mortality events.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7 3
Here I adopt the same notation used in the previous study (Hui et al., 2005). Where xi =1 if patch i is
occupied by a cooperator; xi =-1 if the patch i is occupied by a defector; and xi =0 if it is empty. fCi is the
fraction of cooperators in the two neighboring patches of the patch i and f Di is the fraction of defectors.
Clearly, f Ci + f Di 1.
The mortality rate of individuals for taking into account of the degeneration of habitat quality is defined as
(Zhang et al., 2005),
exp( pi )
M ( pi ) m (3)
1 exp( pi )
And the colonization rate of individuals is (Zhang et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2014),
C ( pi ) c (4)
1 exp(upi )
Here, m and c are regarded to be related to habitat degeneration and isolation respectively, being in the
range of [0, 1]. Higher values of m and/or c indicated higher degrees of degeneration and/or isolation of the
habitat. Hereafter, I called m and c as mortality and colonization coefficients respectively.
For modeling the temporal impact of trade-off between mortality and colonization, two strategies are used
to configure the waiting time for triggering a colonization and/or mortality event during the simulation. The
first one is to assume the waiting time of triggering a colonization (WTc) or mortality (WTm) event is
deterministic and constant, where the constant waiting time is set to an integral. As such, a colonization and/or
mortality event could happen in the time steps when they are the integral multiples of the waiting time value.
For example, if a waiting time for a colonization event is set to WTc=12, then the colonization events could
happen in the time steps 12, 24, 36 and so on. Consequently, for determinstic cases, WT values indicated the
time step required for triggering an event.
The second strategy is to assume the waiting time of a colonization and/or mortality event being stochastic.
The stochastic waiting time is modeled by comparing an acceptance rate (still use WT to indicate the
acceptance rate, being less than 1 and larger than 0) and a variate randomly drawn from the uniform
distribution [0,1]. Different from the constant WT (WTc and/or WTm) cases, for stochastic WT, for each time
step, a colonization and/or mortality event could be allowed to happen only when the randomly drawn variate
is smaller than the acceptance rate WT. Consequently, for stochastic cases, an acceptance rate WT indicated
how likely the emergence of a mortality and/or colonization event is during the simulation. For example, if
WT m=0.5, and the simulation time is 100 in a total, then the overall mortality event number for the simulation
is 100 0.5=50.
Based on the above definitions, for each time step, if a mortality event could be triggered when the WTm
setting for a mortality event is satisfied, an individual has the probability of M ( pi ) to die and the patch
becomes vacant again. For each time step, if the WTc setting for a colonization event is satisfied, the
re-colonization of the vacant sites could be allowed, in which the vacant patch will be re-colonized by an
offspring of another individual from the neighboring patches. Whether the offspring is a cooperator or defector
is determined by following probabilities (Chen et al., 2014),
1 x j ( x j 1)
2 jSi 2
C( p j ) (5)
4 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7
1 x j ( x j 1)
2 jSi 2
C( p j ) (6)
where PCi and PDi represent the probability of an offspring of the cooperators and defectors from the
neighboring patches of patch i to colonize the vacant patch i. If PCi > PDi , then the patch is colonized by a
cooperator offspring; if PCi < PDi , the patch is colonized by a defector offspring. If PCi = PDi , the patch
is leaved there without occupancy.
During the simulation, the persistence time (or time to extinction) of game players is employed to quantify
the influence of different trade-off of colonization and mortality on influencing the coexistence and survival of
both game players.
3 Results
Regardless of the defense rewards, one non-coexistence region was identified constantly identified over
different treatments, which is located at the area where 0.3 WTm 1 and 0.1 WTc 40 (Figs. 1, 3),
indicating that when the waiting time for triggering mortality events of game players is stochastic, the
coexistence of both game players is unlikely.
Within the region, when the defense reward is low (=1.5), cooperators are likely to persist until the end of
simulation (Fig. 2) in comparison to defectors, especially in the region when the waiting time for colonization
events are intermediate (near 1, could be deterministic or stochastic). In contrast, when the defense reward is
high (=5), defectors are much likely to survive to the end of the simulation (Fig. 4) in comparison to
Waiting time for colonization
Fig. 1 Heatmap for coexistence outcomes of cooperators and defectors under different combinations of mortality (WTm) and
colonization waiting time (WTc). The settings for other parameters: =1, =1.5, m=0.1, c=0.6, = =0.9. The initial
populations of both players are set to 1/3 of the number of total grids (=833). Grids with dark colors indicated different levels of
non-coexistence probability by checking the 5000 replicates. Other white regions indicated that both cooperators and defectors
could coexist always over all the simulations.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7 5
A) B)
33 33
29 29
25 25
21 21
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
Fig. 2 Persistence heatmaps of cooperators (A) and defectors (B) during the simulation under different combinations of mortality
(WTm) and colonization waiting time (WTc). The settings for other parameters: =1, =1.5, m=0.1, c=0.6, = =0.9.
The initial populations of both players are set to 1/3 of the number of total grids (=833). Grids with dark colors indicated
different levels of persistence time by taking the average of the 5000 replicates. Other white regions indicated that cooperators
(for A) or defectors (for B) could always persist until the end of the simulations.
Waiting time for colonization
Fig. 3 Heatmap for coexistence outcomes of cooperators and defectors under different combinations of mortality (WTm) and
colonization waiting time (WTc). The settings for other parameters: =1, =5, m=0.1, c=0.6, = =0.9. The initial
populations of both players are set to 1/3 of the number of total grids (=833). Grids with dark colors indicated different levels of
non-coexistence probability by checking the 5000 replicates. Other white regions indicated that both cooperators and defectors
could coexist always over all the simulations.
6 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7
A) B)
41 41
37 37
33 33
29 29
25 25
21 21
Waiting time for mortality Waiting time for mortality
Fig. 4 Persistence heatmaps of cooperators (A) and defectors (B) during the simulation under different combinations of mortality
(WTm) and colonization waiting time (WTc). The settings for other parameters: =1, =5, m=0.1, c=0.6, = =0.9. The
initial populations of both players are set to 1/3 of the number of total grids (=833). Grids with dark colors indicated different
levels of persistence time by taking the average of the 5000 replicates. Other white regions indicated that cooperators (for A) or
defectors (for B) could always persist until the end of the simulations.
4 Discussion
Based on the present results, it was found that the coexistence of cooperators and defectors in the community
is largely dependent on the behaviors of mortality events. When the mortality events happen in terms of
stochastic waiting time (0.3 WTm 1), extinction of either cooperators or defectors or both could be very
likely, leading to the emergence of non-coexistence scenarios. However, when the mortality events occur at
deterministic waiting time, both defectors and cooperators could coexist, regardless of the types of waiting
time for colonization events.
Intuitively, it might be straightforward to image that when the waiting time for triggering colonization
events is high, the probability of extinction of species should be high because the replacement of dead
individuals by new ones is very slow. As such, as time goes by, the likelihood of species extinction should be
high because no supply of new individuals from colonization events. Based on the above simulation result,
such a prediction is proofed. As showed in Figs 1 and 2, for the region where 0.3 WTm 1 and WTc 13,
both cooperators and defectors could not persist over the simulation. At that region, on one hand, the morality
events come out randomly in high frequency (WTm 1), while on the other hand, the time triggering a
colonization event is very long (WTc 13). This is the very reason of causing extinction of species for the
abovementioned prediction.
The role of waiting time for colonization events has stronger influences on the extinction of defectors than
cooperators, only when the defense reward is low (Figs. 1-2), but the extinction of cooperators is much higher
when the defense reward is high (Figs. 3-4). When defense reward is 1.5, as showed in the region where
0.3 WTm 1 and WTc 13 (Fig. 1), more grids are found to be dark (or grey) for defectors in comparison to
those for cooperators. As such, for the parameter condition when =1, =1.5, m=0.1, c=0.6, = =0.9,
high occurrence frequencies of colonization events (could be either deterministic or stochastic) would make
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 1-7 7
defectors to be more vulnerable to extinction. However, the opposite results were found for the case when
defense reward is as high as 5 (Figs. 3-4). As seen, for the region where 0.3 WTm 1 and WTc 13 (Fig. 1),
more grids are found to be dark (or grey) for defectors in comparison to those for cooperators.
5 Conclusions
Non-coexistence of cooperators and defectors in the present evolutionary game model is largely dependent on
the waiting time of triggering mortality events, regardless of the defense (or cooperation) rewards. When the
waiting time for mortality events is stochastic (0.3 WTm 1), cooperators and defectors could not coexist and
persist until the end of the simulations. In contrast, when the waiting time of mortality events is fixed and
constant, coexistence is always true, regardless of how the waiting time for colonization events changes during
the simulation.
Chen Y, Lu X, Chen Y. 2014. Temporal mortality-colonization dynamic can influence the coexistence and
persistence patterns of cooperators and defectors in an evolutionary game model. Computational Ecology
and Software, 4: 12-21
Hui C, McGeoch M. 2007. Spatial patterns of prisoner’s dilemma game in metapopulations. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biology, 69: 659-676
Hui C, Zhang F, Han X, Li Z. 2005. Cooperation evolution and self-regulation dynamics in metapopulation:
Stage-equilibrium hypothesis. Ecological Modelling, 184: 397-412
Langer P, Nowak M, Hauert C. 2008. Spatial invasion of cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 250:
Nowak M, May R. 1992. Evolutionary games and spatial chaos. Nature, 359: 826–829
Nowak M, May R. 1993. The spatial dilemmas of evolution. International Journal of Bifurcation Chaos, 3:
Zhang F, Hui C. 2011. Eco-evolutionary feedback and the invasion of cooperation in Prisoner’s Dilemma
games. PLoS ONE, 6: e27523
Zhang F, Hui C, Han X, Li Z. 2005. Evolution of cooperation in patchy habitat under patch decay and isolation
Ecological Research, 20: 461-469
Zhang WJ. 2012. Computational Ecology: Graphs, Networks and Agent-based Modeling. World Scientific,
Singapore, 2012
Zhang WJ. 2013. Self-organization: Theories and Methods. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15
Received 16 March 2014; Accepted 10 April 2014; Published online 1 June 2014
In present study we used self-organizing map (SOM) neural network to conduct the non-supervisory clustering
of invertebrate orders in rice field. Four topological functions, i.e., cossintopf, sincostopf, acossintopf, and
expsintopf, established on the template in toolbox of Matlab, were used in SOM neural network learning.
Results showed that clusters were different when using different topological functions because different
topological functions will generate different spatial structure of neurons in neural network. We may chose
these functions and results based on comparison with the practical situation.
Keywords self-organizing map (SOM) neural network; topological functions; Matlab; cluster analysis;
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
Invertebrate diversity in the farmland is always a research focus for its important role in maintaining natural
equilibrium (Brown, 1991; Kremen et al., 1993; Way and Heong, 1994; Zhang and Barrion, 2006). We always
understand invertebrate diversity by field sampling. However, sampling information is overall non-linear and
could not be treated by linear or parametric statistic methods (Maravelias et al., 2003). Artificial intelligence is
usually used to learn knowledge from complex information systems (Zhang and Li, 2006; Zhang, 2007a, b;
Zhang et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2008a, b; Zhang and Zhang, 2008; Zhang, 2010, 2011, 2012). They are
paralleled and distributed models. Knowledge and information are stored and distributed in the weights of
neural networks through learning from samples (Bian and Zhang, 2000). In the artificial neural network, the
structure of neurons may be defined in different ways. The topological function is one of the important ways.
Topological functions are used to generate spatial and topological structure of neurons. Different choices of
various topological functions would result in different results in neural network learning.
In present study we use self-organizing map (SOM) neural network to conduct the non-supervisory
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15 9
clustering of invertebrate orders in rice field. Several topological functions are used in SOM neural network
learning (Zhang and Li, 2006). We can choose these functions and results based on the comparison with the
practical situation.
% pos = cossin(20,20);
% plotsom(pos)
% $Revision: 1.2 $
dim = [varargin{:}]; % The dimensions as a row vector
size = prod(dim); % Total number of neurons
dims = length(dim); % Number of dimensions
pos = zeros(dims,size); % The size that POS will need to be set
len = 1;
pos(1,1) = 0;
for i=1:length(dim)
dimi = dim(i);
newlen = len*dimi;
pos(1:(i-1),1:newlen) = pos(1:(i-1),rem(0:(newlen-1),len)+1);
10 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15
posi = 0:(dimi-1);
pos(i,1:newlen) = posi(floor((0:(newlen-1))/len)+1);
len = newlen;
for i=1:length(dim)
Fig. 1 Two-dimensional topological structures of neurons, generated from various topological functions. Upper left: sincostopf;
upper right: cossintopf; lower left: expsintopf; Lower right: acossintopf.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15 11
Topological structures generated from four topological functions are different, as illustrated in Fig.
1.Various topological functions demonstrated their major differences in types of neuron connection, resulted
from various mathematical functions in topological structures. For example, in the two-dimensional
topological structures of Fig. 1, topological functions cossintopf and and sincostopf are significantly different
from the other two functions, i.e., each neuron has not less than two connections for cossintopf and sincostopf,
however, in other two functions there are neurons with only one connection. Both the number of neuron
connections and connected neurons for the given neuron are different among four topological functions.
2.4 Self-organizing map neural network
The four topological functions were used to generate topological structures of neurons in self-organizing map
(SOM) neural network, which can be used for the unsupervised self-organization study of two-dimensional
SOM. Matlab codes are listed as follows:
P = MarOIDs(:,:);
P = P';
%Generate neural network
net = newsom(minmax(P),[8 8]); %Set 8*8 neurons
net.layers{1}.topologyFcn = 'cossintopf'; %Set cossintopf as the topological function
%Obtain connectivity weights
winit = net.iw{1,1};
%Train neural network
net.trainParam.epochs = 1000; %Set training epochs=1000
net = init(net);
net = train(net,P);
%Obtain connectivity weights trained
w = net.iw{1,1}
%Input sample vectorand updated weights
12 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15
cluster = 0;
for i = 1:size(P,2);
cluster = vec2ind(sim(net,P(:,i)));
outputclass(1,i) = i;
outputclass(2,i) = cluster;
3 Results
Different from the classification of functional groups in which the supervised clustering may be used, there are
diverse and complex relationships between different sub-classification taxa in the same order (Schoenly and
Zhang, 1999). For example, there are predators, preys, and competitors in Coleoptera. Therefore, it is
reasonable to use unsupervised clustering at the order level, in order to reflect between-order relationships.
Table 1 Self-organizing cluster analysis of rice invertebrates using various topological functions.
sinco stopf cossi ntopf acossi ntopf exps intopf Default
Order Mar Apr Sep Oct Mar Apr Sep Oct Mar Apr Sep Oct Mar Apr Sep Oct Mar Apr Sep Oct
Lepidoptera 5 10 9 34 17 57 48 18 51 7 8 3 53 59 62 43 47 49 10 55
Ephemeroptera 4 19 10 17 41 33 38 9 57 11 20 1 59 35 55 57 32 59 33 64
Hemiptera 64 64 64 64 64 8 1 58 1 63 57 57 9 16 5 16 1 64 64 1
Orthoptera 4 1 34 8 25 43 54 31 57 5 48 21 59 53 45 61 23 50 13 60
Hymenoptera 10 36 4 28 1 37 63 34 41 26 32 10 64 38 59 36 63 38 20 54
Diptera 24 24 8 46 45 64 58 62 7 33 56 33 22 41 27 40 29 5 7 20
Odonata 3 34 4 1 35 25 63 25 59 20 40 1 61 45 35 58 46 53 20 63
Coleoptera 26 39 48 30 5 40 49 64 37 49 43 35 39 27 21 21 53 32 23 29
Araneae 44 48 36 16 12 30 52 38 27 57 26 25 24 21 40 27 43 16 45 44
Dermaptera 33 9 1 57 64
Strepsiptera 18 33 31 9 8 1 64 57 1 64
Acari 17 16 2 11 3 61 64 20 33 32 16 13 48 48 53 51 62 28 4 39
Neuroptera 18 31 8 64 1
Thysanoptera 4 10 17 25 57 1 57 7 1 59 59 57 23 49 64
Uniden. order 48 17 24 32 31 41 33 8 18 13 63 8 27 51 17 48 20 57 16 8
Isoptera 17 9 24 1 7 1 63 57 9 64
Mesogastropoda 16 57 57 57 8 10 8 49 64 1 10 56 41 1 41 1 8 1 57 57
Arthropleona 2 4 1 4 9 59 14 5 50 8 5 24 54 62 48 59 56 35 17 32
Blattodea 4 27 18 25 31 3 57 8 2 59 64 41 23 1 48
Cyproida 57 10 3 57 57 28 32 7 30 16 59 59 57 49 35
Siphonaptera 21 3 18 49 61 15 51 64 48 33
“Default” means default setting of topological function in Matlab. The values mean the response neurons, i.e., the categories
which orders belong to.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15 13
Using the SOM with different topological functions as described above, and with other default functions in
the SOM of Matlab, a self-organizing unsupervised clustering was conducted on invertebrate orders based on
the aforementioned source codes. The results for the neural networks with four topological functions and
default functions were obtained (Table 1), and summarized as follows:
(1) March
Using topological function sincostopf: (Ephemeroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Blattodea), the rest of
the orders were of the same category;
Using topological function cossintopf: (Ephemeroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Blattodea), the rest of
the orders were of the same category;
Using topological function acossintopf: (Ephemeroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Blattodea), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function expsintopf: (Ephemeroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Blattodea), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
System default function: (Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Blattodea), the rest of the orders were of the same
(2) April
Using topological function sincostopf: (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, undetermined order), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function cossintopf: (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, undetermined order), the rest of the orders
were of the same category;
Using topological function acossintopf: (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, undetermined order), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function expsintopf: (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, undetermined order), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
System default function: (Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, undetermined order), the rest of the orders were of
the same category.
(3) September
Using topological function sincostopf: (Hymenoptera, Odonata), (Strepsiptera, Neuroptera), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function cossintopf: (Hymenoptera, Odonata), (Strepsiptera, Neuroptera), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function acossintopf: (Lepidoptera, Strepsiptera, Neuroptera, Blattodea), the rest of the
orders were of the same category;
Using topological function expsintopf: (Hymenoptera, undetermined order), (Strepsiptera, Neuroptera,
Blattodea), the rest of the orders were of the same category;
System default: (Hymenoptera, Odonata), (Strepsiptera, Neuroptera, Blattodea), the rest of the orders were
of the same category.
(4) October
Using topological function sincostopf: (Ephemeroptera, Thysanoptera), (Dermaptera, Strepsiptera), the rest
of the orders were of the same category;
Using topological function cossintopf: (Ephemeroptera, Dermaptera, Strepsiptera), the rest of the orders were
of the same category;
Using topological function acossintopf: (Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Dermaptera, Strepsiptera, Thysanoptera,
Blattaria), the rest of the orders were of the same category;
14 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15
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Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 8-15 15
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 16-22
WenJun Zhang
School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; International Academy of Ecology and Environmental
Sciences, Hong Kong
Received 8 January 2014; Accepted 23 February 2014; Published online 1 June 2014
Ecological communities are self-adaptive systems. Community assembly and succession is a self-organizing
process. It is generated from multiple species invasions, selection, adaptation and optimization. A framework
for agent-based modeling of community assembly and succession was presented in this paper. Species agents,
space agents, functional agents and their behaviors were defined. Major procedures for agent-based modeling
of community assembly and succession were proposed.
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
Community assembly and succession is in essence a self-organizing process, which is generated from multiple
species invasions, selection, adaptation and optimization (Wang et al., 2009; Nedorezov, 2012; Zhang, 2012a,
2013a, 2013b). Understanding the mechanism of community assembly and succession is always the focus of
ecologists (May, 1973; Cohen et al. 1993; Hraber and Milne, 1997; Zhang, 2012a, 2012c). Classical
explanation of ecological processes assumed that communities were balanced systems that have rarely
experienced disturbances. Recovery from disturbance was expected to proceed in an orderly and linear way
towards a stable state of a uniquely adapted species assemblage, i.e., a climax community. Species diversity,
productivity, and stability were assumed to increase with time to a maximum at climax. One hypothesis, the
intermediate disturbance hypothesis suggests that species diversity is highest, not at a stable endpoint but
rather at intermediate levels of disturbance (i.e., frequency and intensity). External disturbances, for example
species invasion, might produce unpredictable and significant influence. Up till now, some processes or
mechanisms governing community succession have been confirmed (Case, 1990; Hraber and Milne, 1997;
Zhang, 2012a): (1) Niche partition/Competitive exclusion. One of two species that utilizes similar resources
would be replaced by another due to their competitive interaction. This is resulted from adaptive evolution that
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 16-22 17
selectively utilizes resources, or the competitive exclusion between species. (2) Multiple attractors. A
community could have multiple distinct steady distributions or alternative steady states. They represent
different species assemblages occurred at possible similar conditions. History of community succession
determines which steady state will occur. (3) Spatial range. Biological communities possess four orderliness,
number of species, number of individuals per species, space occupied by each species, and space occupied by
each individual. Spatial heterogeneity, like resource aggregation or resource gradient, may reduce competition
or predation effect by providing local refugee or fine adaptive mechanism. Environmental variation is
indispensable to species richness, which results in different succession rules. However, spatial heterogeneity of
species and individuals is always ignored. (4) Open systems. Communities are self-adaptive systems. They can
respond to continuous fluctuations of the environment and population.
So far, to develop and use assembly models for describing communities is a major tool in community
ecology (Morton et al., 1996). However, assembly models of multispecies ecosystems with trophic structure
have been less developed, starting from the early works (Pimm and Lawton, 1978, Pimm, 1979, 1980,
Lockwood et al. 1997; Bastolla et al. 2001; Bonabeau, 2001).
As mentioned, communities are complex systems. They coincide with the characteristics of agents. Hence
Agent-based Modeling (ABM) can be used to modeling spatial-temporal dynamics of ecosystems and
biological communities (Jennings, 2000; Mellouli et al., 2003).
So far there are only a few of studies on how use ABM in ecology. Hraber and Milne (1997) developed an
ABM model on the basis of a self-adaptive system, Echo. It can be used to simulate the dynamic process of
species assemblage. In this model, there are behaviors like predation, competition and mating between
individuals of different species or the same species. Different species and individuals have different genotypes
and hence possess different fecundity and survival capacity. Fecundity and survival capacity might enhance by
learning process. Genotypes of the species or individuals with greater fecundity and survival capacity are more
easily multiplied. Spatial heterogeneity, however, is not considered in the model. Topping et al (2003)
proposed an ABM model, ALMaSS, which was used to simulate the growth and spread of multiple species in
the heterogeneous environment. This model does not consider the self-adaptive learning process of individuals,
and there are only a few of between-species interaction types. The ABM model of Savage and Askenazi (1999),
Arborscapes, can be used to describe competition, growth and spread processes of multiple tree species. Each
individual in the model possesses some biological attributes and behavioral rules, and some disturbances like
logging are also considered. As for between-species interactions, however, this model includes competition
only. And self-adaptive learning process of individuals is ignored in the model.
The present study aims to present a framework of agent-based modeling for community assembly and
18 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 16-22
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Each species agent possesses some attributes: (1) a set of fixed, species-specific life history attributes,
which include longevity, fecundity, age level, and others; (2) a time-relevant state (age, etc.). Species agents
are autonomous and have adaptive behaviors, i.e., they adapt their behaviors (growth, feeding, habitat selection,
mate choice, etc.) according to their state and the environment, to seek higher fitness by using learning
algorithms, e.g., ANNs (BP, Hebbian learning, etc.) (Zhang and Barrion, 2006; Zhang, 2007, 2010; Zhang et
al., 2007; Zhang and Wei, 2009; Zhang and Zhang, 2008; Zhang et al., 2008a, 2008b)
Modeling adaptive system dynamics via individualistic mechanisms of adaptation is a fundamentally
different approach than modeling with differential equations.
There are many behavioral models for agents. They include if-then rule and threshold model, artificial
neural network and genetic algorithm rules, differential or difference equations (Zhang and Gu, 2001),
optimization rules, multivariable decision-making, etc.
The landscape dynamics depend on species agent interactions (competition, mutualism, predation, etc.)
and dynamic landscape structure (plant resources distribution, landscape structure, etc.). System behavior
depends on species agent interactions coupled with exogenous species agent. The spatial landscape of the
model is a two-dimensional cell grid, in which each cell may be simultaneously occupied by many species
(invasive species, indigenous species).
A space agent has major attributes including: (1) plant resources availability; (2) number of individual
agents of each species; (3) landscape structure and space available for species, etc. Landscape structure is
driven by weather and other factors. Species agents migrate between grid cells according to the states of
adjacent spatial cells.
In general, the state transition method and differential/ difference equations can be used to model the
dynamics of species agents and/or landscape structure (Zhang and Gu, 2001).
2.2 Model objects
On ABM platform, agents are implemented as objects. The model is expected to include these objects: Species,
GridCell, Individual, Invasion, LandStruc, etc. The simplest and most common object is the Individual, the
record of the state of an individual of species, including its life history attributes. Few methods are
implemented in the Individual class as the Species object is responsible for the actual state transitions that an
individual may undergo. For example, an individual object is sent a method and then relays the message to its
species object with a reference to itself as an argument. The GridCell object provides the space in which the
simulation is taking place, a simple square grid where each cell represents the area required by some
individuals. The GridCell have:
(1) A reference from every occupied cell in the grid to the individual currently residing at that location.
(2) A separate list of all the individuals currently residing within its boundaries.
(3) Current landscape structure and food availability. LandStruc generates dynamic landscape structure based
on state transition method (or difference equation method), or just load it from GIS.
The Species object is the most complex participant in the model. Its role is to record all of the attributes of
a species and to execute the actual simulation step on behalf of every individual belonging to the species.
Attributes that differ across species include age levels, longevity, fecundity, trophic level, etc. The Invasion
object is responsible for species invasion events in the model. Species invasions occur in space with uniform,
random or aggregated distributions at pulse way. Other objects are designed to make user -model interactions,
user induction, and data collection and analysis, etc.
2.3 Visualization tools
In addition to define agents and a schedule of events, the model should provide visual tools for the observation
of the model on a time step basis. Windows will graphically track the abundance and spatial distribution of
20 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 16-22
each species including invasive species, etc. A probe feature allows the user to query any cell on species, age,
and attributes of the individual at the site. These window functions can be crucial to evaluating model behavior.
Windows allow modification of parameters include size and structure of the landscape, number of species,
frequency of invasion, etc.
2.4 Pattern analysis
A pattern is anything above random variation and thus indicates some kind of internal organization.
Pattern-oriented ABM starts with identifying a variety of observed patterns, at different scales and at both
individual and system levels, that characterize the system’s dynamics and mechanisms. These patterns, along
with the problem being addressed and conceptual models of the system, provide the basis for designing and
testing our ABM. To analyze spatial and temporal pattern dynamics generated by the model, output can be
linked to one of many pattern analysis packages. We may also write pattern analysis algorithms (spatial
distribution patterns, topological structures, etc.) into the code. The model output may be linked to Fragstats (a
comprehensive pattern analysis program). Its raster version is appropriate for the evaluation of the structure of
cell-based models, generates metrics for area, patch density, size and variability, edge, shape, core area,
diversity, contagion, interspersion, and nearest neighbor values. On the other hand, we may design pattern
analysis algorithms (spatial distribution pattern, topological structure (shape, size, mosaic density, boundary,
connectedness, etc.)).
Identifying the critical invasion strength for community may help develop ways to manage landscapes to
maintain a particular ecological function, or to make comparisons between different communities. The critical
invasion strength for community can be determined by the method of spatial phase transitions.
2.5 Parameterization
A major problem of ABM of real systems is parameterization. Parameters are acquired from community
investigation or experiments or internet. Many parameters would be uncertain or even unknown. Consequently,
model results are uncertain and predictions and insights from the model become questionable. Sensitivity
analysis with limited available parameter values will provide a partial solution.
2.6 Model application
The completed model will be used to approach patterns and mechanisms of community succession.
Usually, the steps of the ABM have to be repeated several times because this will lead to new theories,
additional patterns, or modification of the entire ABM.
Bastolla U, Lassig M, Manrubia SC, Valleriani A. 2001. Diversity patterns from ecological models at
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Bonabeau, E. 2001. Agent-based modeling: methods and techniques for simulating human systems.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 99(3): 7280-7287
Case TJ. 1990. Invasion resistance arises in strongly interacting species-rich model competition communities.
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Cohen JE, Beaver RA, Cousins SH, et al. 1993. Improving food webs. Ecology, 74: 252-258
Hraber PT, Milne BT. 1997. Community assembly in a model ecosystem. Ecological Modelling, 103: 267-285
Jennings NR. 2000. On agent-based software engineering. Artificial Intelligence, 117:277-296
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time. Oikos, 80: 549-553
May RM. 1973. Stability and complexity in model ecosystems. Princeton University Press, USA
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Mellouli S, Mineau, G, et al. 2003. Laying the foundations for an agent modelling methodology for
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Pimm SL, Lawton JH. 1978. On feeding on more than one trophic level. Nature, 275: 542-544
Repast. 2004. http://repast.sourceforge.nett/
Savage M, Askenazi M. 1999. Arborscapes: a Swarm-based Multi-agent Ecological Disturbance Model.
Topping CJ, Hansen TS, Jensen TS, et al. 2003. ALMaSS, an agent-based model for animals in temperate
European landscapes. Ecological Modeling, 167: 65-82
Wang Z, Chen Y, Chen Y. 2009. Functional grouping and establishment of distribution patterns of invasive
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61: 71-78
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Zhang WJ. 2007. Pattern classification and recognition of invertebrate functional groups using selforganizing
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Zhang WJ, Barrion AT. 2006. Function approximation and documentation of sampling data using artificial
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Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30
Received 19 January 2014; Accepted 26 February 2014; Published online 1 June 2014
Biological adaptation refers to that organisms change themselves at morphological, physiological, behavioral
and molecular level to better survive in a changing environment. It includes phenotype adaptation and
molecular adaptation. Biological adaptation is a driving force of evolution. Biological adaptation was
described from Darwinian theory of evolution to the theory of molecular evolution in present paper. Adaptive
control and adaptive filtering were briefly described also.
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
We often find some very interesting biological phenomena. For example, when we meet some of the brightly
colored mushroom, we will know that it is definitely toxic; chameleon can change the body color and plant
leaves will fall on the ground in the fall, etc. All these are attributed to biological adaptation. As early as in the
19th century, biological adaptation had been mentioned in the Lamarckian theory. Biological adaptation was
further improved in the theory of Darwinian evolution. Thus biological adaptation was generally based on the
Darwinian theory. In the Darwinian era, biological adaptation was interpreted at the phenotypic level, e.g., the
structural, physiological and behavioral aspects of biological phenotype. Since the beginning of the 20th
century, as the advance of molecular biology and molecular genetics, people began to focus on biological
adaptation at the molecular level, i.e., interpreting biological adaptation to the environment through gene
Biological adaptation has significant implications and has been widely used in industry, aerospace,
transportation, machinery, electronics, control technology, signal processing, etc., to design various adaptive
systems that are mainly controlled by computer and mathematical procedures. Adaptive control and adaptive
filtering, are two of the most important applications which have been used in automatic control and chaos
24 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30
So far there are fewer special literatures on biological adaptation. In present study, we will review the
development of the theory of biological adaptation, adaptation at both phenotypic and molecular levels, and
adaptation in engineering science.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30 25
natural selection, so this theory interprets biological adaptation as directional changes of genetic frequencies in
2.3 Adaptationism and anti-adaptationism
2.3.1 Adaptationism
Adaptationism has emerged since Darwin's theory of evolution was published and the thought that organisms
evolve from adaptation to the environment and natural selection is widely accepted. Sponsored by Wallace and
Weismann, it started to be popular in the early 19th century to the 20th century (Dong, 1999). Adaptationism
holds that adaptation is the sole result of natural selection, and the formation of almost all biological traits is
the result of adaptation (Resnik, 1997; Yu and Li, 2012).
2.3.2 Anti-adaptationism
Anti-adaptationism argues that adaptation/natural selection is not the only reason for biological evolution (Yu
and Li, 2012). It holds that the behaviors, structure and functionalities of organisms could not be described by
adaptation only. Among these, neutralism is the major theory.
2.4 Theory of molecular biology
Before the 20th century, people always interpreted biological adaptation by natural selection. Since the
beginning of the 20th century, as the development of molecular biology and molecular genetics, molecular
biologists have described biological adaptation with the genetic variations of organisms (Radwan and Babik,
2012), of which the most famous is the neutral theory of molecular evolution (Jukes, 2000).
3 Biological Adaptation
3.1 Definition
Biological adaptation is a driving force of evolution. The occurrence of biological adaptation is to counter the
changing environment. From Darwinian theory of evolution to the theory of molecular evolution, biological
adaptation has been discussed at phenotypic level and molecular level (Chen and Deng, 2001), which indicates
the mechanism of biological adaptation is very complex. Nevertheless, these theories have a common basis,
i.e., organisms change themselves, at morphological, physiological, behavioral and molecular level, in order to
better survive in a changing environment (Smith, 1979; Zhang and Liu, 2006; Fenichela et al., 2011). The
process adapting to the environment is called biological adaptation. Biological adaptation acts at different
levels, from molecular to phenotypic levels, and its objective is to coordinate with the environment.
3.2 Adaptation of organisms to the environment
3.2.1 Universality of adaptation
There are various unpredictable and uncontrollable environmental factors. Organisms must adapt to the
environment for surviving, otherwise they will extinct (Zheng, 2008). All organisms have their own adaptation
traits in behaviors, or morphological structures, or physiological functionalities, etc.
3.2.2 Relativity of adaptation
On the other hand, biological adaptation is not absolute. The adaptation of an organism to the previous
environment may become non-adaptive to the changed environment. The stability of genetic molecules is a
reason for the relativity of adaptation. Genetic traits are steadily inherited by the next generation, so these traits
and genetic molecules are unable to simultaneously follow the rapid changes in the environment. For example,
domesticated rabbits wer evolved from wild rabbits. Burrowing habit of domesticated rabbits, inherited from
wild rabbits due to the stability of genetic molecules, is not conducive to escape predators, as functioned by
wild rabbits.
3.3 Interaction between organisms and the environment
Organisms adapt to the environment in order to survive. On the other hand, the environment may be changed
26 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30
by organisms. For example, the earthworm excretes nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can increase
the fertility of the soil and improve the soil's nutrients.
4 Phenotypic adaptation
4.1 Phenotypic adaptation of plants
Plants adapt to various environments, e.g., cold, salty, warm, and other harsh environments, through
morphological and structural changes in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. To adapt to the environment,
they must store water and oxygen, and resist other harsh conditions. For example, in order to store more water
in its storing cells, xeric plants, such as cacti, has particularly well developed palisade tissue (Shields, 1951).
Formation of mangrove’s breathing roots is to better reserve atmosphere. Leaves of tropical plants have
relatively larger area for better transpiration, and so on.
4.2 Phenotypic adaptation of animals
4.2.1 Morphology
Morphological adaptation of animals includes camouflage, mimicry, warning coloration, convergent
adaptation, divergent adaptation: (1) camouflage. It means that animals share the same or similar body color as
the environment. For example, chameleons can change their body color to that of the environment to protect
themselves from the enemy. (2) Mimicry refers to the similar appearance of an animal as other biotic/abiotic
phenomenon, so that they can confuse the enemies and protect themselves. Flies and bees, for example, can
imitate the birds and escape predation. (3) Warning coloration refers to that animals yield the body color (very
bright or terrified color) remarkably contrasting to the environment to attract other animals’ attention and thus
warn them. For example, the ladybug’s bright appearance reminds the production of a disgusting smell. (4)
Convergent adaptation refers to that different species of animals have the same or similar morphological
structure to adapt to their living environment (Ma et al., 2006). For example, the xeric plants living in the same
arid desert environment, share similar morphological appearance, internal structure, life history characteristics,
and physical characteristics, under the same or similar selection pressures. (5) Divergent adaptation refers to
the biological adaptation of animals that the same species living in different environments evolves to form
distinct morphological appearance and internal structure and so on.
4.2.2 Physiology
Physiological functions of animals are very important to the survival. Water, light, air, soil, temperature and
other environmental factors affect the physiological functions. Camels live in arid environments. Their kidneys
have strong ability of re-absorption. A special protein in the blood can reserve water under the condition of
little water supply. Some animals’ hibernation is an adaptation to extreme temperatures, which helps to reduce
metabolism in order to survive in winter.
4.2.3 Behaviors
The formation of some behaviors of animals is attributed to biological adaptation. For example, the gecko
always breaks its tail to escape. Behavioral adaptation usually involves the biological stress. Stress refers to the
biological response to external stimulation, e.g., the paramecium adapts to different temperatures by distinct
behaviors (Duncan, 2011).
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30 27
by random drift of neutral mutant alleles (Kimura, 1968). A neutral mutation does not affect an organism's
ability to survive and reproduce. The theory allows for the possibility that most mutations are deleterious, but
holds that because these are rapidly purged by natural selection, they are not significant to molecular variation
within/between species. Non-deleterious mutations are assumed to be mostly neutral (Masatoshi et al., 2010).
The theory also assumes that the fate of neutral mutations is determined by the sampling processes described
by specific models of random genetic drift (Kimura, 1983).
5.2 Adaptation mechanisms at molecular level
5.2.1 Regulation of gene expression
Gene expression is regulated in the process of from DNA to protein, including transcription and translation. In
this process proteins are synthesized to maintain the desired mechanism for life activities. Genes express
according to different needs, which makes organisms adapt to changing environments. For example, when a
living body has a sufficient glucose supply, bacteria can utilize glucose as an energy and carbon source; they
do not need to synthesize enzymes that use other sugars. Nevertheless, without enough glucose supply,
bacteria will activate more genes to use other hydrocarbons present in the environment, such as lactose,
galactose, arabinose, etc., in order to meet the needs of the body, or else they will die.
5.2.2 Gene mutations and gene duplications
Both gene mutations and duplications are popular in molecular evolution. Gene mutation refers to the
additions, deletions, or changes in the order of arrangement of base pairs in genomic DNA, which causes
changes in genetic structure. Gene duplication refers to the duplication of a DNA fragment containing the gene,
also known as duplicated gene. Changes in genetic structure from mutations, production of new genetic
functions and increase in expression of genes, contribute to the adaptation of organisms (Kondrashov, 2012).
In terms of gene mutations, the researchers have found two new gene mutations (EGLN1 and PPARA)
which can help the mountainous Tibetan to contain less hemoglobin in the blood, in order to use oxygen more
efficiently than people living in low-altitude areas (Simonson et al., 2012). As for gene duplications, white arm
langur monkeys mainly eat leaves. It is found that the pancreatic ribonuclease gene of the leaf monkey, which
is responsible for normal digestion, has duplicated. One of two genes is responsible for the production of
pancreatic ribonuclease, and another duplicated gene produces other ribonuclease to digest other foods (Li et
al., 2010).
5.3 Fitness
Fitness refers to the degree that organisms fit environmental conditions. Fitness is mainly measured by
comparing the biological genotypes. Genotypes with great fitness will more likely be passed on to offspring
(Ma, 1995).
28 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30
6.1.1 Theory
Adaptive control means that in confront of the uncertainty of the system, how to design an appropriate control
technique to achieve the best performance of the system. Uncertainty of the system refers to that the structural
parameters may be influenced by the environment, and other random factors. Dynamic models, usually
(stochastic) differential/difference equations that include various feedback mechanisms, are developed to
achieve adaptive control. By using adaptive control, the system automatically adjusts its parameters or
structure to maintain a good performance.
6.1.2 Research overview
Adaptive control was proposed in the early 1950s. In adaptive control, the system operates by comparing the
deviation between expected and observed outputs, i.e., feedback control. By the 1970s, with the advance of
computer technology and the development of adaptation theory, adaptive control has been greatly developed,
not only in the machinery industry, but also in other areas, such as chemical industry, medical science, and
physics, etc (Liu, 2007). The main types of adaptive control systems include self-tuning regulator, model
reference adaptive control systems, self-stabilization system, self-optimizing systems, self-organizing systems
and learning control systems (Zhang, 2013). Of which the model reference adaptive systems and self-tuning
adaptive control systems, are the most classic adaptive control systems.
A model reference adaptive system is mainly composed of reference model and controller. The output of
the reference model is set as the expected output. By comparing the deviation between reference model and
observed outputs, the controller fixes the state or parameters of the system, so that the output of the controlled
system can maximally approximate the expected. Model reference adaptive control system is initially based on
local optimization of parameters. Now it is used in the autopilot of aircraft and ship, toptical tracking
servo-system of telescope, speed control system of SCR, and robotic control systems, etc (Liu et al., 2004).
The self-tuning system is designed based on the minimum variance theory. It is mainly composed of
regulator, reference model, subtractor, and self-tuning regulator. Subtractor is used to estimate the deviation
between the expected (reference model) and observed outputs, and self-tuning regulator corrects regulator’s
parameters according to the deviation calculated by the substractor (Alexandridis and Sarimveis, 2005).
Currently this technology has been successfully used in the paper industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, and
the autopilot system of aircraft, etc.
6.1.3 Problems
There are still some problems in the design of adaptive control: (1) stability is a major topic in the operation of
adaptive control, which has not been well solved; (2) convergence of system algorithm is still to be improved;
(3) adaptive control is used in a few systems only; (4) robustness of the system is easily impaired by the
changes of external factors (Liu et al., 2004; Sanei and French, 2004; Alexandridis and Sarimveis, 2005; Liu,
6.2 Adaptive filtering
6.2.1 Theory
The adaptive filtering system adjusts the parameters and signals of filters by using the adaptive algorithm. The
adaptive algorithm calculates the time-varying coefficients for processing signals. Currently the most widely
used adaptive algorithms include Least Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive
algorithms (Khalili and Tinati, 2010).
LMS adaptive algorithm takes least mean square error as the best criterion. It is a gradient steepest
descent method. It estimates gradient vector from output signal, and thus minimize the mean square error
between the desired signal and the observed signal (Sheu et al., 2012). LMS is simple and easy to operate, but
the convergence of the algorithm is low. RLS is complex but it has a better performance in convergence.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 23-30 29
Currently they are mainly used in noise control, signal prediction, system identification, echo cancellation, and
beam-forming of antenna array.
6.2.2 Research overview
Adaptive filtering was first proposed in the early 1940s. Wiener developed a linear adaptive filter, i.e., Wiener
filter, to eliminate noise. By the early 1960s, people began to develop various nonlinear filters, and Kalman
filtering theory was thus developed (Lippuner and Moschytz, 2004). Both filters depend upon the known
signals and they have fixed adaptive coefficients. By the mid-1970s, the adaptive filtering theory was basically
developed. The theory of optimal filtering design was proposed then.
7 Summary
Biological adaptation has always been focus of biological evolution, both are inextricably linked. Darwinian
evolution focuses on the biological adaptation at visible level, including morphology, physiology and
behaviors. The theory of molecular evolution stresses the role of gene regulation and gene mutations in
biological adaptation. Both natural selection and molecular interpretation are indispensible to perfectly
describe biological adaptation. Biological adaptation is a complex phenomenon. The mechanism of adaptation,
for example, the correlation between the adaptation at phenotypic and molecular levels, will still be a topic for
biologist for a long time. Biological adaptation inspired applications, such as adaptive control and adaptive
filtering, have made great achievements in the past years and are attracting more attention from around the
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Fenichela EP, Castillo-Chavezb C, Ceddiac MG. 2011. Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological models.
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Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
WenJun Zhang1,2
1 2
School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; International Academy of Ecology and Environmental
Sciences, Hong Kong
Received 21 February 2014; Accepted 3 April 2014; Published online 1 June 2014
Selforganizology is a science on self-organization. It was first proposed by the author in 2013. Theories and
methods of selforganizology should be continuously revised and improved. More details on selforganizology
were described in present report as compared to the original study.
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
As described earlier (Zhang, 2013a; Zhao and Zhang, 2013), the organization with organizational
instructions/forces from inside the system is called self-organization. Self-organizing systems are those
systems which can evolve and improve the organization’s behaviors or structure by themselves. In a
self-organizing system, the system evolves spontaneously to form an order structure based on some compatible
rules. That is, a system is called self-organizing system if there is not any specific intervention from the
outside during the system is in the process of evolution. The stronger a system’s self-organization capacity is,
the stronger the system’s ability to generate and maintain new functions.
Self-organization is a process that some form of global order or coordination arises out of the local
interactions between the components of an initially disordered system. This process is spontaneous, i.e., it is
not directed or controlled by any agent or subsystem inside or outside of the system; however, the laws
followed by the process and its initial conditions may have been chosen or caused by an agent. It is often
triggered by random fluctuations that are amplified by positive feedback. The resulting organization is wholly
decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. As such it is typically very robust and able
to survive and self-repair substantial damage or perturbations (Zhang, 2013a, b; Wikipedia, 2014).
Unlike other organizations, the self-organizing system arises only from the interactions between the basic
components of system, without external instructions and forces. During the process of self-organization, some
structural components can interact and cooperate to display the behaviors that only a group will have. The
32 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
dynamic interactions between low-level components typically include attraction and repulsion, that is, positive
and negative feedbacks.
Generally, self-organization arises from the increase in complexity or information. According to the
thermodynamic laws, this situation will only occur in the open systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium.
For most systems, this means the energy supply to the system is needed for generating and maintaining a
certain mode. In an abstract sense, self-organization is a dynamic process that makes an open system change
from the disorder to order states and thus reduces system’s entropy by absorbing “negative entropy” from
outside the system (Glansdorff and Prigogine, 1971; Nicolis and Prigogine, 1977).
From the perspective of systematic theory, self-organization is an irreversible dynamic process. Each
component in the system will spontaneously aggregate to form an organic entity without outside instructions.
From the view of mathematics and physics, self-organization means the dimensional reduction of state space
or the reduction of degrees of freedom, i.e., the system converges spontaneously to one or more steady states,
i.e., attractors. In such a system, the local interactions between the basic components of the system can change
the modes of the system’s organization, and the global behaviors of the system cannot be understood
intuitively. They cannot be understood by simply observing existing laws and behaviors of
between-component interactions (Zhang, 2012, 2013a, b). In a word, the global properties of self-organizing
systems are not predictable.
Self-organization usually requires to be based on three conditions (Bonabeau et al, 1999): (1) strong
nonlinear dynamic interactions, even though they do not necessarily correlate to the positive or negative
feedbacks; (2) an equlibrium between development and exploration, and (3) complex and diverse interactions.
Prigogine believed that conditions for self-organization include: (1) the system must be an open and dissipative
system, where a dissipative system is a thermodynamically open system, which is operating out of, and often
far from thermodynamic equilibrium in an environment with which it exchanges matter/energy (Wikipedia:; (2) the system is far from thermodynamic equilibrium,
which allows for entering the non-linear zone; (3) nonlinear interactions exist between components, and (4)
some parameters fluctuate and if fluctuations reach some thresholds, the system will change to unstable from
steady state, catastrophe will occur and the system may thus exhibit a highly ordered state. For example, we
often try to put sand dune higher, but to a certain height, the addition of a little amount of sand will cause
landslide of a large amount of sand in the sand dune, and the sand dune cannot be further piled higher. In fact,
before landslide occurs, sand dune has reached a critical state (threshold), and thus small perturbations can lead
to instability.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46 33
In the sense of optimization, existing algorithms of self-organization can be classified into four hierarchies,
Monte Carlo method, heuristic method, meta-heuristic method and hyper-heuristic method (Mirjalili et al.,
2014; Zhao, 2014).
2.1 Monte Carlo method
Monte Carlo method tries to obtain deterministic solution by using random numbers. Monte Carlo method is
used to test the statistical characteristics, approximate the distribution of statistic with asymptotic
approximation, estimate the variance and test statistical significance, and compute the expectation of function
of random variables (Manly, 1997; Zhang and Shoenly, 1999a, b; Zhang and Schoenly, 2001; Ferrarini, 2011;
Zhang, 2010, 2012; Zhang, 2011a, b, c; Zhang and Zheng, 2012).
2.2 Heuristic methods
Heuristic methods use the heuristic information contained in the problem itself to guide search process. This
information is usually localized, limited, and incomplete. Heuristic methods use some simple heuristic rules to
search for solution in a limited search space, which can greatly reduce the attempts and quickly reach the
solution even although the search process is occasionally failed. The key of the methods is how to design
simple and effective heuristic rules.
The greedy algorithm is a typical heuristic method. A greedy algorithm is an algorithm that follows the
problem solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global
optimum (Cormen et al., 1990). A greedy strategy does not in general produce an optimal solution, but it may
yield locally optimal solutions that approximate a global optimal solution in a reasonable time (Wikipedia: algorithm).
In addition, gradient-based algorithms such as Newton’s method, conjugate gradient method, etc., can be
called heuristic methods using different levels of heuristic information.
Generally, the efficiency of a heuristic method depends on the available amount of heuristic information
that a problem can provide. For example, Newton’s method uses the heuristic information in Hessian matrix to
solve problem in the local area to achieve quadratic convergence rate. Thus, Newton’s method is highly
efficient and specialized. However a general creedy algorithm with limited heuristic information is inefficient
but it may be widely applicable.
2.3 Meta-heuristic methods
Roughly speaking, meta-heuristic methods can be viewed as the population-based heuristic methods with some
stochastic characteristic. It tries to have both speciality and high-efficiency of heuristic methods and simplicity
of Monte Carlo method. Nevertheless, the two requirements are contradictive for each other. How to avoid its
disadvantages is extremely important.
Meta-heuristic methods can be generally divided into three categories, evolutionary, physics-based, and
swarm intelligence algorithms. Sometimes meta-heuristic methods are also equivalent to population-based
optimization algorithm, natural computation, computational intelligence, intelligence computation (the later
three methods can be viewed evolutionary algorithms also), etc. Many complex problems are hard to be
addressed by conventional artificial intelligence technologies. Intelligence computation is a powerful technique
to address more complex problems. In the intelligence computation, computation is intelligent. It can
automatically adjust parameters during the process of computation, and thus achieve optimal results (Koza,
1992). Evolutionary computation searches the optimal solution by simulating biological evolution in nature,
for example, genetic algorithms, etc. Swarm intelligence algorithms are a kind of new evolutionary algorithms
(swarm intelligence can be viewed as the population-based optimization with population size 1), which are
closely related to evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms.
2.3.1 Evolution- and population-based method
34 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
The fundamental rule for the development of these algorithms is Darwinian natural selection, survival of fittest
(Chen et al., 2014). Main operations of algorithms include recombination/crossover, mutation, selection and
other operations. Driving and evolution of agents are achieved by using these operations. They are also called
evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary computation, bio-inspired computing, etc. In a narrow sense, these
algorithms include genetic algorithm (GA), evolution strategy (ES), evolutionary programming (EP), and
genetic programming (GP). Broadly speaking, in addition to these algorithms (GA, ES, EP, and GP), further
expansion include immune optimization algorithm (IOA), differential evolution (DE), biogeography-based
optimizer (BBO), and memetic algorithm, etc. Among these IOA also include four algorithms, clonal selection
algorithm (CSA), artificial immune network (AIN), and negative selection algorithm (NSA).
Genetic algorithm is a kind of stochastic search algorithms that simulate the evolution of organisms
(survival of the fittest, genetic mechanism). It was first proposed by Holland (Holland, 1975). It aimed to
explain the adaptive processes of natural and artificial systems. Main characteristics of genetic algorithm
include: (1) directly operate the structural objects; (2) there is no assumptions on derivative and function
continuity, and (3) implicit parallelism and better search performance on global optimization; using
probabilistic optimization-searching method which can automatically obtain and guide optimized search space,
and adaptively adjust the search direction without determinant rules. These properties make genetic algorithm
widely use in combinatorial optimization, machine learning, signal processing, adaptive control and artificial
life. Genetic algorithm is considered key technology that will significantly impact the future of computing
technology, along with adaptive systems, cellular automata, chaos theory, and artificial intelligence, etc.
2.3.2 Physics-based method
The mechanism of these algorithms is different from the genetic mechanism. They construct the
population-based optimization algorithm according to some physical laws. By using some rules inspired by
physical laws, agents can mutually exchange information and move in the search space, and finally the
population solution is achieved. They include simulated annealing (SA), gravitational search algorithm (GSA),
chemical reaction optimization algorithm (CRO), gravitational local search (GLSA), Big-Bang Big-Crunch
(BBBC), Central Force Optimization (CFO), charged system search (CSS), black hole (BH) algorithm, ray
optimization (RO) algorithm, small-world optimization algorithm (SWOA), galaxy-based search algorithm
(GbSA), curved space optimization (CSO), Tabu search algorithm (Tabu Search, TS), etc.
2.3.3 Swarm Intelligence (SI)-based method
The concept, swarm intelligence, was first proposed by Hackwood and Beni (1992) in their cellular automata
system. Swarm intelligence refers to that a group of unintelligent entities can cooperate to solve problems in a
distributed way. They can directly or indirectly communicate by changing the local environment. These
unintelligent entities behave intelligently through cooperation (Bonabeau et al, 1999; Hu and of Li, 2008;
Zhang, et al., 2008). A significant feature of swarm intelligence is, although the behaviors of an individual are
simple, but when they work together, the system will exhibit very complex behaviors. Without centralized
control and global model, swarm intelligence provides a solution for distributed problems.
Swarm intelligence simulates population search, collaborative behavior and emergency phenomenon of
biological population to achieve population-based intelligence search behavior that cannot be achieved by a
single individual. Through group collaboration, information exchange and social intelligence, the optimal
solution can be achieved. Swarm intelligence computation includes particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant
colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony optimization (ABC), bat-inspired algorithm (BA), artificial
fish-swarm algorithm (AFSA) (Li, 2003; Grosenick et al, 2007; Chen et al, 2009), grey wolf optimizer (GWO),
weed optimization algorithm (WOA), firefly algorithm (FA), fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA), etc.
Ant colony optimization is a method for finding the optimal path in the graph. It is a probabilistic
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46 35
algorithm (Colomi and Maniezzo, 1991; Dorigo et al, 1996). It is proposed by Dorigo in 1992 in his doctoral
thesis, inspired by the behaviors of ants found in the process of looking for food path (Colomi and Maniezzo,
1991). Ant colony in nature can cooperate to find the shortest path from the nest to the food, and can change
strategy as circumstances change and quickly re-find the shortest path.
Ant colony optimization is a self-organization algorithm. At the start of algorithm, a single artificial ant
searches for solution in a disorder way. After a period of algorithm evolution, the artificial ants spontaneously
tend to find some solutions close to the optimal solution, which is a process from the disorder to the order.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computation based on iteration, which is proposed
by Kennedy and Eberhart (1995). PSO was originally a graphical simulation of preying behaviors of a flock of
birds. The basic idea is inspired by their early findings on group behaviors of birds, and they thereafter used
and improved biological population model. In the particle swarm algorithm, each particle in the particle swarm
is equivalent to a bird in the bird flock. They all track the currently optimal particle (which is equivalent to the
bird most near the food) in the solution space, and they constantly update their position and velocity. Through
continuous iteration, the algorithm reaches the optimal solution (similar to bird finding food) (Shi and Eberhart,
1998; Eberhart and Shi, 2000; Krink and Løvbjerg, 2002; Clerc, 2004, 2006; Zhang et al., 2007; Niknam and
Amiri, 2010).
Stochastic diffusion search was proposed by Bishop (1989) to solve the problem of incentive equivalence
in pattern recognition. Stochastic diffusion search is one of the swarm intelligence optimization algorithms.
Unlike most swarm intelligence optimization algorithms, stochastic diffusion search uses direct
communication between entities (Beattie and Bishop, 1998; Nasuto et al., 1998; Myatt et al., 2004; Meyer,
2004; Meyer et al., 2006). In stochastic diffusion search, each of the entity holders holds an assumed solution
about the problem to be solved, and assesses the solution partially. The successful entity directly
communicates with unsuccessful entities to repeatedly test its assumption. Thus a positive feedback
mechanism is established, so that the group can quickly converge to the optimal solution in the solution space.
In the solution space the regions largely aggregated by entities are considered as candidate solutions. Through
the cooperation between the locally-run simple entities, the global solution can be reached in the region with
most aggregated entities. The stochastic diffusion search is a truly adaptive algorithm, because even if the
optimal solution is found, there are still some entities to explore the solution space, which makes the algorithm
adapt to changes in the environment (Nasuto et al., 1998).
2.3.4 Hyper-heuristic method
Hyper-heuristic method can be roughly understood as the heuristic method to find the heuristic algorithms
(Jiang, 2011). Hyper-heuristic method provides a high-level heuristic method, which produces a new heuristic
algorithm by managing or manipulating a series of low-level heuristic algorithms. Hyper-heuristic method runs
in the search space consisting of heuristic algorithms. Each vertex in the search space represents the
combination of a series of low-level heuristic algorithms. It runs to achieve one or more optimal heuristic
algorithms. Roughly speaking, hyper-heuristic method is to find an optimal heuristic algorithm in the search
space of (meta-) heuristic algorithms.
2.4 Further explanation of computation/algorithm
In detail, Denning (2003, 2007, 2010) have discussed the definition of computing/computation/algorithm in a
series of his papers. Representation is defined as a pattern of symbols that stands for something. The
association between a representation and what it stands for can be treated as a link in a table/database, or as a
memory in human brain. A representation has two important aspects, syntax and stuff. Syntax is the rules for
constructing patterns. It allows us to distinguish patterns that stand for something from patterns that do not.
Stuff is the measurable physical states of the world that hold representations (e.g., in media or signals)
36 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
(Denning, 2010). A machine can be built to detect when a valid pattern is present. Denning stated that a
representation which stands for a method of evaluating a function is called an algorithm, and a representation
that stands for values is called data. An algorithm controls the transformation of an input data representation to
an output data representation when it is implemented by a machine. The algorithm representation controls the
transformation of data representations. According to these definitions, however, there is no algorithm for
finding the shortest possible representation of something (Chaitin, 2006).
In the sense of a machine, an implementation is a computation. An information process is a sequence of
(changing) representations. A computation is an information process in which the transitions from one element
of the sequence to the next are controlled by a representation (Denining, 2010). Strictly, computations are
logical orderings of strings in abstract languages. Denning held that implementable representations are the
basis of scientific approach to computation.
Computation and its implementation schemes were first defined and discussed as early as in 1930's by Kurt
Godel, Alonzo Church, Emil Post and Alan Turing. In their definition, computation means the mechanical
steps followed to evaluate mathematical functions (Denning, 2003, 2007, 2010). By the 1980s, computing
included a series of related fields, computer science, computational science, computer engineering, software
engineering, information technology, etc. By 1990, computing had become the standard for referring to these
disciplines. Since then, computing was treated as not only a tool for science, but also a new method of thought
and discovery in science (Hazen, 2007). So far there is not recognized and uniform definition on computing.
Some treat it as a branch of applied mathematics and some refer to a branch of computational oriented science.
Since 1990s, people wonder whether all natural information processes are produced by algorithms (Hazen,
2007). If it is true, traditional view that algorithms are at the heart of computing will be challenged. Under such
situation, Information processes may be more fundamental than algorithms (Denining, 2010). Actually,
Wolfram (2002) has argued that information processes underlie every natural process in the universe. This
leads to a conclusion that computing is the study of natural and artificial information processes, just as stated
by Denining (2010): “To think computationally is to interpret a problem as an information process and then
seek to discover an algorithmic solution”. As a consequence, Denining (2003, 2007, 2010), and Denning and
Freeman (2009) developed a set of principles computing framework, which fall into seven categories:
computation, communication, coordination, recollection, automation, evaluation and design.
Self-organization can be treated as an information process and a computation. How to find algorithmic
solution is a focus in self-organization studies.
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46 37
38 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
vivo. In biological systems, self-organization is a process at global level. The system is generated only from
the interactions between components at the low levels. Implementing the rules of between-component
interactions only requires local information rather than global information (Camazine, 2003). Increasing
evidences are proving that many biological systems are close to what's called a critical point: they sit on a
knife-edge, precariously poised between order and disorder. This strategy is believed to increase the flexibility
to deal with a complex and unpredictable environment (Ball, 2014).
Almost all biological systems are self-organizing systems (Hess and Mikhailov, 1994; Misteli, 2001; Clyde
et al, 2003; Motegi et al, 2011), for example, (1) the self-assembly of proteins, as well as the formation of
other biological macromolecules and lipid bilayers; (2) homeostasis, which is a self-organization from cell to
tissue; (3) pattern formation and morphogenesis, i.e., the growth and differentiation of living organisms; the
interface between two different types of cell will trigger the formation of a third kind of cell at their boundary;
an embryo can construct complex tissues this way, with different cell types in all the right places (Davies,
2014); (4) human motion; (5) creation of structures by gregarious animals, such as social insects, bees, ants,
etc.; (6) group behaviors (the most typical examples can be found in birds and fish), and (7) in the super cycle
theory and autocatalytic theory, life itself is originated from the self-organizing chemical systems.
Phase transitions often occur in biological systems. For example, the lipid bilayer formation, the
coil-globule transition in protein folding and DNA melting, liquid crystal-like transitions in DNA condensation,
and cooperative ligand binding to DNA and proteins with the character of phase transition (Lando and Teif,
Gel to liquid crystalline phase transitions is critical in physiological role of biomembranes. Due to low
fluidity of membrane lipid fatty-acyl chains, in gel phase, membrane proteins have restricted movement and
are restrained. Plants depend on photosynthesis by chloroplast thylakoid membranes exposed to cold
environmental temperatures. Thylakoid membranes retain innate fluidity even at relatively low temperatures,
due to high degree of fatty-acyl disorder allowed by their high content of linolenic acid (YashRoy, 1987).
Molecular self-assembly is the fundamental for constructing macromolecules in cells of the living
organism, including the self-assembly of lipids to form the membrane, the formation of double helical DNA
through hydrogen bonding of the individual strands, and the self-assembly of proteins to form quaternary
structures. Molecular self-assembly of nanoscale structures is important in the growth of β-keratin
lamellae/setae/spatulae structures which are used to endow geckos the ability to climb walls and adhere to
ceilings and rock overhangs (Daniel et al., 2007; Min et al., 2008; Wikipedia: wiki/
In biology, we know a famous experiment, Miller experiment. It proved that the thundering and lightning
in the primitive Earth's atmosphere produced organic compounds (especially amino acids), which
demonstrated the chemical evolution of the origin of life. In this experiment, the mixture of of hydrogen gas
(H2), helium (He), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3) and other inorganic composition can generate 17 kinds of
amino acids after the spark discharging was implemented. This process (simple inorganic matters become
complex organic compounds when high energy is supplied) is a typical phenomenon of self-organization. In
the self-organization, the supply of high energy leads to a more ordered matters, and the amino acids of high
enery are maintained at the excitation state, and a new state of equilibrium of more ordered is thus achieved.
In recent years, some scientists have attempted to interpret the origin of life from the view of
self-organization. Scientists use a set of biomolecules to show a way in which life might have started. They
hold that different chemicals come together due to many forces that act on them and become a molecular
machine capable of even more complex tasks. Each living cell is full of these molecular machines. These
molecular machines haven’t done much on their own. When they add fatty chemicals, which form a primitive
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46 39
cell membrane, it got the chemicals close enough to react in a highly specific manner. Molecules and cells
interact according to simple rules, creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (Davies, 2014). This
form of self-organization may be popular for the origine of life on both earth and other planets.
To interpret the origin of life, Stano and his colleagues chose an assembly that consists of 83 different
molecules including DNA, which was programmed to produce a special green fluorescent protein (GFP) that
could be observed under a confocal microscope (Lehn, 1988, 1990). The assembly can only produce proteins
when its molecules are close enough together to react with each other. When the assembly is diluted with
water, they can no longer react. This can explain why the cell is so compact: to allow the chemicals to work.
In order to recreate this molecular crowding, Stano added a fatty molecule, POPC, to the dilute water
solution and these molecules then automatically form liposomes that have a very similar structure to the
membranes of living cells. They found that many of these liposomes trapped some molecules of the assembly.
Five in every 1000 liposomes had all 83 of the molecules needed to produce a protein. These liposomes
produced large amount of GFP and glowed green under a microscope. Surprisingly, computer calculations
reveal that even by chance, five liposomes in 1000 could not have trapped all 83 molecules of the assembly.
The calculated probability for even one such liposome to form is essentially zero. This means some quite
unique mechanism behind it, and self-organization is one of the reasons.
Davies (2014) even showed how from these interactions we can deduce "rules" of embryo development.
For example, cells communicate with each other and tweak their behaviour in response to changes in their
environments. This is what puts the "adaptive" into adaptive self-organisation, ensuring that development can
cope with noise or disruption. An example is the way tiny blood vessels called capillaries manage to cater to
different kinds of tissue, even while these tissues are moving and growing (Davies, 2014). A feedback loop
exists between oxygen and a cell protein called HIF-1-alpha. Oxygen normally causes HIF-1-alpha to be
destroyed. If a tissue lacks oxygen, HIF-1-alpha levels rise, triggering a cellular signal encouraging capillaries
to grow. This brings in oxygen, which shuts down HIF-1-alpha and halts capillary development. Should the
tissue then grow, oxygen levels will fall again, and the loop is set in motion once more.
3.4 Self-organization in socialogy
Self-organization is also called spontaneous order theory in socialogy. Complex behaviors, such as herd
behaviour, groupthink, critical mass, etc., are found to follow some mathematical laws, e.g., Zipf's law, power
law, and Pareto principle, which are self-organizing behaviors (Wikipedia, 2014).
Self-referentiality is a social self-organization that can describe the evolution of society and its subsytems
(Luhmann, 1991). In a social system, all elements are self-producing communications, that is, a
communication will produce more communications and the system can thus reproduce itself given there is
dynamic communication (Luhmann, 1991; Wikipedia, 2014).
Self-organization may result in a decentralized, distributed, self-healing system in the human network. By
limiting each individual’s scope of knowledge on entire, it can protect the individuals’ security (Wikipedia,
3.5 Self-organization in cybernetics
As early as in 1960s, Machol and Gray held that the automatic and continuous identification of the black box
problems and subsequent replication fitted the properties of self-organization. In a sense, cybernetics deals
with some of the self-organization problems.
3.6 Self-organization in networks
Self-organization is an important mechanism to establish networks (Wikipedia, 2014). Such mechanisms are
also referred to as self-organizing networks. It should be noted that only certain kinds of networks are
self-organizing. They are known as small-world networks, or scale-free networks. These networks emerge
40 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
from bottom-up interactions, and appear to be limitless in size. In contrast, there are top-down hierarchical
networks, which are not self-organizing. These are typical of organizations, and have severe size limits
(Wikipedia, 2014).
3.7 Self-organization in mathematics and computer science
As mentioned above, phenomena from mathematics and computer science such as cellular automata, random
graphs, and some instances of evolutionary computation and artificial life exhibit features of self-organization.
In swarm robotics, self-organization is used to produce emergent behaviors. In particular the theory of random
graphs has been used as a justification for self-organization as a general principle of complex systems. In the
field of multi-agent systems, understanding how to engineer systems that are capable of presenting
self-organized behavior is a very active research area.
4 Selforganizology
4.1 Problems for self-organization research
Although a lot of theories and methods were established to describe self-organization, there are still many
problems in this area. Self-organization is a universe phenomenon. Nevertheless, we still lack of unified
theories and thoughts on self-organization. We lack of universal basis of methodology in the modeling and
simulation of self-organization. Self-organization is categorized as a research area in complexity science. So
far it is not an independent science (Zhang, 2013a, b).
4.2 Selforganizology: A science on self-organization
For the reason mentioned above, I proposed a fundamental science, selforganizology (Zhang 2013a). It was
proposed for finding and creating theories and methods from self-organization phenomena in nature,
simulating and reconstructing self-organization phenomena, exploring and synthesing mechanisms behind
numerous self-organization phenomena, and promoting the applications of self-organization theories and
methods in science and industry. Selforganizology is a science that deals with self-organization. Many
properties, principles, theories and methods on self-organization hold in this science. The theory of dissipative
structures, and stability theory (e.g., bifurcation theory), etc., are fundamental theories in selforganizology.
Some theories and methods should be futher improved.
Selforganizology is an interdisplinary science based on systematic theory, computational science,
artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics and some other sciences. Evolution-, interaction-, behavior-,
organization-, intelligence- and feedback-based theories, such as coevolution theory, coextinction theory,
community succession theory, correlation analysis, parrondo’s paradox (Harmer and Abbott, 1999a, b; Toral,
2001, 2002), game theory, neural networks, artificial intelligence, behavioral theory, organization theory,
automation and control theory in various scientific disciplines can be reviewed, revised and introduced to
4.3 Methodological basis of selforganizology
In selforganizology, the self-organization is considered as a universe mechanism in nature. In a sense, all
things, from atom to universe, are the results of various self-organization processes. Without external forces
and instructions, a dissipative system far from thermodynamic equilibrium may spontaneuously evolve
towards one or more steady states through between-component interactions at different hierarchies in
self-organization process. It is thus a self-organizing system. In the self-organizing system, the interactions
between components produce different functions and properties and behaviors from that of components, which
lead to a system with certain functional characteristics and purposeful behaviors different from the nature of
components. A self-organizing system is an aggregation of interactive components, and it has a hierarchical
structure. A component is an autonomous and organization-closed subsystem. Some components at a
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46 41
hierarchical level will interact and aggregate to form a component at higher hierarchical level, with or without
these components in this component. The most basic and inseparable component is the individual (i.e., a
person, a bird, a plant). Different components at the same hierarchical level or at different hierarchical levels
will most likely have different behaviors. Self-organization is a dynamic and spontaneous process from the
low-level to the high-level, from the local to the global and from the micro-level to the macro-level.
Following Macal and North (2005), we defined a component as that satisfies these criteria (Zhang, 2012,
(1) A component is an independent and identifiable individual which possesses a set of attributes and rules that
forge its behaviors. A component is self-contained and independent. It has a boundary through which people
can easily discern between outside the component and inside the component or shared characteristic.
(2) Each component locates in a certain position and interacts with its adjacent components. A component has
a set of protocols that govern its interactions with other components, such as communication protocol, the
capability to affect its environment, etc. The component is able to identify and discern the characteristics of
other components.
(3) The component is goal-directed. The component behaves to realize some goals.
(4) The component is independent, autonomous and self-guided. At least within a finite range, the component
can independently operate in its environment.
(5) The component is flexible. It is capable of adapting the environment and adjusting its behaviors. The
component possesses some high-level rules to adjust its low-level behavior rules.
The behaviors of a self-organizing system cannot be described by using deduction, induction, or other
formalization methods. However, the behaviors of a component (aggregation behaviors) can be derived from
the interactions between components at low hierarchical level. A behavior of an independent component might
be a primitive response and decision, or even a complex intelligence. The behavior rules of a component
include basic rules and the high-leveled rules that govern basic rules (rule-changing rules) (Casti, 1997; Zhang,
2012). Basic rules define necessary responses to the environment, and rule-changing rules define adaptation. In
a specific study, it is necessary to determine a theory on behaviors. A component may use various behavioral
models, including if-then rules, threshold rules, and other equation/model based rules. Knowledge engineering
and participative simulation can be used in defining behaviors. Knowledge engineering includes a series of
techniques collected for organizing experts’ knowledge (Zhang, 2012).
In a self-organization system, the basic structure of behavior rules includes: IF-THEN-ELSE rule; (2) GO
TO rule; (3) DO WHILE rule; (4) SWITCH CASE DO rule; (5) LET rule; (6) RANDOMIZE rule; (7) other
equation-, model-, or algorithm-based rules, etc. I think that using these rules for all components at all
hierarchical levels will probably produce any complex behaviors of the self-organizing system. Simple rules
are more useful in exploring mechanisms behind numerous self-organization phenomena. Also, mathematical
equations and models can be used in the simulation and modeling of self-organization phenomena. It is
expected that many existing self-organization algorithms, such as Swarm Intelligence algorithms, can be
rewrited to simple rules based algorithms.
In the sense of systematic simulation, selforganizology may be considered as a science based on
self-organization, components, hierarchies, interactions, feedbacks, behaviors and rules, etc.
Some methods, in particular agent-based modeling (Topping et al., 2003; Griebeler, 2011; Zhang, 2012)
can be considered as the methodological basis of self-organization simulation and modeling. These methods
will not only help propose hypothesis on behaviors and mechanism of a self-organizing system but also help
propose management strategies on the self-organizing system.
In selforganizology, we can follow some standard protocol, for example, the standard protocol proposed by
42 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 31-46
Grimma et al. (2006), to describe the simulation and modeling of self-organization. The core of the protocol is
to structure the information about self-organization simulation and modeling in a sequence. This sequence
consists of seven elements, which can be grouped in three blocks: overview, design concepts, and details
(Grimma et al., 2006):
(1) The overview consists of three elements including purpose, state variables and scales, process overview
and scheduling. It provides an overview of the overall purpose and structure of the model. It includes the
declaration of all objects (classes) describing the models entities (different types of components or
environments) and the scheduling of the model’s processes.
(2) The design concepts describe the general concepts underlying the design of the model. The purpose of this
element is to link model design to general concepts identified in the field of self-organizing systems. These
concepts include the interaction types between components, whether the components consider predictions
about future conditions, or why and how stochasticity is considered.
(3) The details include three elements, i.e., initialization, input, and submodels, which present the details that
were omitted in the overview. The sub-models implementing the model’s processes are particularly described
in detail. All information required to completely re-implement the model and run the baseline simulations
should be provided.
The logic behind the protocol sequence is, context and general information is provided first (overview),
followed by more strategic considerations (design concepts), and finally more technical details (details).
Main procedures of self-organization simulation and modeling include (Zhang, 2012): (1) determine
various types of components and define behaviors of components; (2) identify relations between components,
and construct interaction types between components; (3) determine the platforms and environments for
self-organization simulation and modeling, and set the strategies for simulation and modeling; (4) acquire
necessary data for simulation and modeling; (5) validate the patterns of components’ behaviors and system’s
behaviors, and (6) run the model, and analyze the output from the standpoint of linking the micro-scale
behaviors of the components to the macro-scale behaviors of the self-organizing system.
I have proposed and presented some ideas for the establishment and development of selforganizology.
Theories and methods of selforganizology should be continuously revised and improved in the future. Further
research are needed to promote this fundamental science.
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Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 47-50
Book Review
Jing Luo
School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Received 23 January 2014; Accepted 16 March 2014; Published online 1 June 2014
The book, Self-organization: Theories and Methods, edited by WenJun Zhang and published by Nova Science
Publishers, USA, was briefly reviewed in present report.
RSS: selforganizology /rss.xml
EditorinChief: WenJun Zhang
Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
1 Introduction
Self-organization is a universal mechanism in nature. In the past thirty years, numerous phenomena, theories
and methods on self-organization have been founded around the world. The book, Self-organization: Theories
and Methods, is published to present recent achievements in theories and methods of self-organization. This
book includes such theories and methods of self-organization as ant algotithms, particle swarm algorithm,
artificial neural network, motion and migration algorithms, self-adaptive Kalman Filter, finite state
approximation, etc. Chapters are contributed by more than 20 scientists from China, Italy, Spain, Japan, Russia,
Serbia, India, Turkey, in the areas of mathematics, computational science, artificial intelligence, aeronautics
and astronautics, automation and control, and life sciences. It will provide researchers with various aspects of
the latest advances in self-organization. It is a valuable reference for the scientists, university teachers and
graduate students in mathematics, natural science, engineering science, and social science.
The main contents are included as follows:
Chapter 1 (Zhang, 2013). In this chapter, concepts, theories, and methods of self-organization are briefly
Chapter 2 (Sreeja and Sankar, 2013). Classification is a data mining functionality that assigns instances in a
collection to target classes. The goal of classification is to accurately predict the target class for an unlabelled
sample by learning from instances described by a set of attributes and a class label. Conventional classification
methods specified in literature are less efficient in classifying very small datasets with repeated attribute values.
To overcome this drawback, the study explores a classification method by mining similar patterns among the
instances in very small datasets. Classification by Mining Patterns (CMP) algorithm is proposed to predict the
class label of the unlabelled sample by mining similar patterns among the instances in the dataset. To mine
similar patterns, the instances in the dataset belonging to the same class label are grouped. The instances in
48 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 47-50
each group that differ by one attribute value are merged. Such merged instances form mined patterns. To
predict the class label of the unlabelled samples, the attribute values in the mined patterns are compared with
the corresponding attribute values of the unlabelled sample. The count of number of attribute values in the
mined patterns matching with that of the unlabelled sample gives the attribute match count. The mined patterns
having the maximum attribute match count are grouped and the majority class label of the mined patterns is
predicted as the class label of the unlabelled sample. To choose the attributes in the mined patterns for
comparison, an Ant Colony Optimization based Feature Selection Mined Patterns (ACOFSMP) is proposed.
Simulation results are shown to prove that the CMP algorithm is efficient for classifying very small datasets
with repeated attribute values.
Chapter 3 (Escario et al., 2013). This chapter aims to present a study on auto-organisation in the context of
Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) metaheuristic. Heuristic optimisation algorithms should decide how to share
efforts between exploration of newer solutions, and the exploitation of those previously discovered. In
classical ACO algorithms this decision is taken beforehand, by setting up the algorithm parameters’ values.
Usually it is necessary to change them every time a new problem is tackled. The purpose is to introduce in
ACO a self-organisation dynamics that allows to balance the exploitation and the exploration. Inspired by the
biological studies on the organisation of the real ant colonies, two kinds of ants are defined: one dedicated to
the exploration, and the other assigned to the exploitation. Besides, it is defined a population dynamics to
establish a relationship between both populations. This allows to self-regulate the populations between them
according to the quality of the solutions found. The ultimate outcome is the Ant Colony Extended (ACE), a
new algorithm with the capability of self-organise, which eliminates the necessity of using parameters. The
chapter is focused on the population dynamics and its influence on the algorithm’s behaviour. The results are
promising and encourage further investigation of how to apply this approach to other heuristic optimisation
Chapter 4 (Kanovic et al., 2013.). In this chapter, a generalization of the popular and widely used Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented. This novel optimization technique, named Generalized
PSO (GPSO), is inspired by linear control theory. It overcomes some typical flaws of the classical PSO,
enabling direct control over the key aspects of particle dynamics during the optimization process. The basic
idea of this algorithm with its detailed theoretical and empirical analysis is presented, and parameter-tuning
schemes are proposed. GPSO is also compared to the classical PSO and Genetic Algorithm (GA) on a set of
benchmark problems. The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Finally,
two practical engineering applications of the GPSO algorithm are described, in the area of optimal gear design
and architecture and urban design.
Chapter 5 (Zhang et al., 2013b). Artificial neuronets (AN), especially with error back-propagation (BP)
training algorithms, have been widely investigated and applied in various science and engineering fields.
However, BP-type neuronets, which are self-adaptive systems, have shown some inherent weaknesses, such as,
the possibility of being trapped into local minima, the difficulty in choosing appropriate learning rate, and
most importantly, the inability to determine the optimal neuronet structure. To solve the inherent weaknesses
of AN, lots of improvements for BP-type algorithms have been investigated. However, as researchers
(including the authors) realize and experience quite frequently, the inherent weaknesses of BP-type neuronets
still exist. In this chapter, differing from others’ algorithmic improvements on the training procedure, our way
about the problem solving exploits some elegant structuredesign, parameter-setting, pseudoinverse and
numerical optimization techniques. In other words, a new type of AN using linearly-independent or orthogonal
polynomials as activation functions, is presented and analyzed by us (the authors). These finally lead us to
propose a weights and structure determination (WASD) method, which is based on a
Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 47-50 49
weights-direct-determination (WDD) method, for our presented feedforward AN. Based on the authors’
previous work, single-input neuronets equipped with the WASD method have successfully overcome the
above weaknesses. To investigate and verify two- or multiple-input neuronets equipped with this method, the
authors firstly put forward various novel neuronets based on different activation functions. Then,
corresponding WASD algorithms are proposed for the presented neuronets. For better performance (e.g., more
efficiency and conciseness in self-organizing systems), the authors further propose pruning techniques in the
neuronet structure determination. Finally, based on various target functions, numerical results further
substantiate the efficacy of the proposed neuronets equipped with the corresponding WASD algorithms, which
shows the better performance in terms of training (or say, approximation or learning), generalization (or say,
testing or validation) and prediction.
Chapter 6 (Aoi, 2013). Humans produce adaptive locomotion through dynamic interactions among the
nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, and the environment in a self-organized manner. A human
musculoskeletal system has more degrees of freedom (DOFs) than necessary for locomotion and humans solve
the redundancy problem in some way to establish locomotion. It has been suggested that individual DOFs are
not manipulated independently, but some DOFs are functionally connected by object tasks to reduce the
number of DOFs. These relationships among DOFs appear as low-dimensional structures in the DOFs. This
chapter shows such low-dimensional structures in joint movements and muscle activities (kinematic and
muscle synergies) during human locomotion based on the analysis of measured data. In addition, it shows a
constructive approach using a computer simulation with a neuromusculoskeletal model based on anatomical
and physiological findings to examine the functional roles of the low-dimensional structures that generate
adaptive locomotor behaviors through dynamic interactions among the nervous system, the musculoskeletal
system, and the environment.
Chapter 7 (Zivanovic and Stojkovic, 2013). This chapter discusses the self-organized movement of a set of
some individuals. It is adopted that individuals perceive reality as its projection on coordinate system that is
firmly attached to the individual. The movement of individuals is interpreted as the movement of points in this
coordinate system according to the algorithms by which each individual is equipped. The projection of reality
and other individuals simultaneously changing the parameters of algorithms and simultaneously impose
constraints on the movement of these points. The set of individuals moves so that each individual performs
arbitrary motion within the allowed constraints on one of two ways: a) individuals follow one or more leaders,
b) individuals preserve system configuration during movement, i.e. not change some typical magnitude of set.
Motion of individuals or of set of individuals from one position to another always takes place according to the
functions of natural impulses. Short was given comparison between function of the natural impulse and other
custom-fit functions.
Chapter 8 (Zhang et al., 2013a). Habitat diversity is an important mechanism for species migration and
distribution. A stochastic model for species migration in heterogeneous environment is described in this
chapter. This model is used to describe various dynamics types in biological process such as periodic
oscillation, monotonic increase and decline, and fluctuation. The species extinction likelihood in migrated area
largely determines the dynamics and pattern of species migration. There is a significant difference in species
migration between heterogeneous and homogeneous habitats. Higher fitness to species will lead to a faster
migration and higher percentage of migrated areas. Existence of boundary areas may retard species migration.
Chapter 9 (Hajiyev and Soken, 2013). In this chapter a Robust Self-Adaptive Kalman Filter (RSAKF)
algorithm with the filter gain correction is developed for the case of sensor/actuator malfunctions. The
proposed RSAKF utilizes time variable factors in order to reduce the effect of the faults on the estimation
procedure. In this sense, the procedures with single and multiple factors for the adaptation of the filter are
50 Selforganizology, 2014, 1(1): 47-50
presented. In the first case, the filter is adapted by using single adaptive factor as a corrective term on the
filter gain while in the second one, an adaptive matrix built of multiple adaptive factors is used to fix the
relevant term of the Kalman gain matrix, individually. After chosing the efficent method of adaptation, an
overall concept for the RSAKF is proposed. In this concept, the filter detects the type of the fault, either in the
sensors or actuators, and after the fault isolation it applies the required adaptation process such that the
estimation characteristic is not deteriorated. Effectiveness of the proposed filters are investigated via
simulations for the state estimation problem of an UAV. The results of the presented algorithms are compared
for different types of sensor/actuator faults and in this context recommendations about their utilization are
Chapter 10 (Carpentieri, 2013). This chapter takes into account the problem of designing regular
approximations for the stochastic pushdown computing. It is prove that stochastic pushdown automata
accepting with finite cut point and for which equivalent non-dirty context-free grammars exist admit arbitrarily
accurate regular approximations. The uthor addresses the problem of designing the uniform representation of
the stochastic (context-free/pushdown) computing characterizing it in terms of converging sequences of finite
state approximations.
Aoi S. 2013. Low-dimensional Structures Embedded in Human Locomotion: Data Analysis and Modeling. In:
Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 155-170, Nova Science Publishers, New
York, USA
Carpentieri M. 2013. Regular Approximation of the Stochastic Pushdown Calculus. In: Self-organization:
Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 225-238, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Escario JB, Jimenez JF, Giron-Sierra JM. 2013. Self-organization and Task Allocation: An Application to Ant
Algorithms. In: Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 31-80, Nova Science
Publishers, New York, USA
Hajiyev C, Soken HE. 2013. Robust Self-adaptive Kalman Filter with the R and Q Adaptations Against
Sensor/actuator Failures. In: Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 201-224,
Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Kanovic ZS, Rapaic MR, Jelicic ZD, et al., 2013. The Generalized Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
with Application Examples. In: Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 81-108,
Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Sreeja NK, Sankar A. 2013. An Ant Colony Optimization Based Approach of Feature Selection for Efficient
Classification of Very Small Datasets by Mining Patterns. In: Self-organization: Theories and Methods
(WenJun Zhang, ed). 13-30, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Zhang WJ. 2013. An Overview on Theories and Methods of Self-organization. In: Self-organization: Theories
and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 1-12, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Zhang WJ, Qi YH, Zhang ZG. 2013a. A Cellular Automata Method for Species Migration Process in
Heterogeneous Environment. In: Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 195-200,
Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA
Zhang YN, Yu XT, Xiao L. 2013b. Weights and Structure Determination of Artificial Neuronets. In:
Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 109-154, Nova Science Publishers, New
York, USA
Zivanovic M, Stojkovic I. 2013. Selforganization in Motion of A Set of Living Individuals. In:
Self-organization: Theories and Methods (WenJun Zhang, ed). 171-194, Nova Science Publishers, New
York, USA
The Selforganizology is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that considers scientific
articles in all different areas of selforganizology. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the
state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The topics to
be covered by Selforganizology include, but are not limited to:
We are particularly interested in short communications that clearly address a specific issue or
completely describe a new self-organization phenomenon.
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