This document provides information about various communications from Gold Luck Casino to new members. It includes welcome emails, failed authorization emails requesting identity verification documents, a personal greeting from the casino manager, deposit confirmation emails, and emails reminding members to make qualifying deposits to unlock bonuses after a certain number of days.
This document provides information about various communications from Gold Luck Casino to new members. It includes welcome emails, failed authorization emails requesting identity verification documents, a personal greeting from the casino manager, deposit confirmation emails, and emails reminding members to make qualifying deposits to unlock bonuses after a certain number of days.
This document provides information about various communications from Gold Luck Casino to new members. It includes welcome emails, failed authorization emails requesting identity verification documents, a personal greeting from the casino manager, deposit confirmation emails, and emails reminding members to make qualifying deposits to unlock bonuses after a certain number of days.
This document provides information about various communications from Gold Luck Casino to new members. It includes welcome emails, failed authorization emails requesting identity verification documents, a personal greeting from the casino manager, deposit confirmation emails, and emails reminding members to make qualifying deposits to unlock bonuses after a certain number of days.
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Table of Contents
Welcome to Gold Luck Casino ............................................................................................... 3
automated replies [Automated do-not-reply messages] [ack office only] !ailed "# Aut$orisation ........................................................................................................... % &anual Aut$orisation .............................................................................................................. % 'ersonal Greeting from '$ilippe #ar(ic$e ............................................................................. ) !irst Account #eposit ............................................................................................................. * +econd Account #eposit ........................................................................................................ * ,o #eposit -mails .................................................................................................................. * . #ays ................................................................................................................................ * /% #ays .............................................................................................................................. . 01 #ays .............................................................................................................................. . *2 #ays .............................................................................................................................. . 32 #ays .............................................................................................................................. 1 irt$day -mail ........................................................................................................................ 1 +elf--4clusion5-4piry .............................................................................................................. 1 'ayout Confirmation ............................................................................................................... 3 Welcome to Gold Luck Casino #ear 6first,ame7 6last,ame78 Welcome to Gold Luck Casino. T$ank you for registering (it$ us9 efore you begin playing t$e fantastic slot and table games t$at Gold Luck casino $as to offer $ere are a fe( t$ings you s$ould kno(:.. 10 FREE SPINS! -ac$ player on registering an account (it$ Gold Luck Casino is entitled to an introductory /2 !;-- spins8 $o(e<er. ecause t$e allocation of t$e !;-- spins is a manual process t$ey can only be issued t(ice eac$ day. T$e times of t$ese allocations are /0am and /0pm => standard time. T$e /2 !;-- spins once allocated are a<ailable in your account for . days only. "n order to release any (innings accrued from t$is promotion a minimum deposit of at least ?02 (ill be re@uired. As (ell as t$is fantastic introductory offer (e also pro<ide our players (it$ a generous bonus system MATCH BONUS /22A !irst Time #eposit onus up to ?/22 Bor e@ui<alentC )2A +econd #eposit onus up to ?/22 Bor e@ui<alentC LOYALTY POINTS Loyalty 'oints are a(arded on all your gameplay8 and ($atDs more you cas$ in your Loyalty 'oints for real gold coins9 Visit our Gift Shop now! (Terms & conditions for all these promotions can be found at WE ARE MOBILE! ,o( you can play all your fa<ourite casino games from any($ere. Gold Luck Casino is a<ailable on all &obiles and Tablets. Eust connect to you usual bro(ser and enter t$e =;LF ((( and $ere you are. "f you use Facebook or Twitter8 ($y not follo( usG Hou can keep up (it$ all t$atIs $appening in t$e (orld of Gold Luck Casino. !or your con<enience your username is s$o(n belo(. 'lease @uote t$is in any correspondence (it$ us. Hour usernameF 6LJG","#7 !or $elp and support contact customerser< or telep$oneF 6p$one,umber7 Good Luck9 !ailed "# Aut$orisation #ear 6first,ame7 6last,ame78 "t seems t$at you failed t$e initial "# aut$orisation process. #onDt panic9 T$is is usually somet$ing <ery simple and easily rectified. "n order to remain compliant (it$ A&L regulations (e must ensure t$at a person is ($o t$ey say t$ey are and t$at t$ey are o<er t$e age of /18 and (e $a<e to be seen to be doing t$is. "n order for us to <erify your account details (e (ould ask t$at you supply copies of t$e follo(ingF 'roof of "# suc$ as 'assport8 #ri<ing Licence or Go<ernment "ssued "#. Any Jfficial 'roof of Address Bdated (it$in t$e last 3 mont$sC t$is can be a =tility ill Bnot mobile p$oneC8 ank +tatement or Jfficial Go<ernment #ocument. Hou can scan or p$otograp$ t$ese documents and email t$em to us or if you prefer send a !a4 copy to t$e number belo(. We ask t$at you try to ensure t$e copies are clear and not cropped in any (ay or (e (ill be unable to accept t$em. =pon receipt (e (ill t$en <alidate your account as soon as possible. +$ould you need any furt$er ad<ice or assistance feel free to eit$er reply to t$is email or p$one our contact number belo(. 'lease note your account (ill be temporarily suspended until <alidation is complete. Jnce <alidation is complete you (ill $a<e full access to Gold Luck Casino and can go on to participate in our fantastic promotions. ;egards8 &anual Aut$orisation #ear 6first,ame7 6last,ame78 "n order for us to <erify your account details (e (ould ask t$at you supply copies of t$e follo(ingF 'roof of "# suc$ as 'assport8 #ri<ing Licence or Go<ernment "ssued "#. Any Jfficial 'roof of Address Bdated (it$in t$e last 3 mont$sC t$is can be a =tility ill Bnot mobile p$oneC8 ank +tatement or Jfficial Go<ernment #ocument. Hou can scan or p$otograp$ t$ese documents and email t$em to us or if you prefer send a !a4 copy to t$e number belo(. We ask t$at you try to ensure t$e copies are clear and not cropped in any (ay or (e (ill be unable to accept t$em. =pon receipt (e (ill look to t$en <alidate your account as soon as possible. +$ould you need any furt$er ad<ice or assistance feel free to eit$er reply to t$is email or p$one our contact number belo(. >ind regards8 'ersonal Greeting from '$ilippe #ar(ic$e #ear 6first,ame7 &y name is '$ilippe #ar(ic$e and " am t$e casino manager at Gold Luck casino. " (ould like to personally (elcome you as t$e ne(est registered member of our gro(ing family. Gold Luck casino $as c$osen t$e finest games a<ailable suc$ as "mmortal ;omance8 #ark >nig$t ;ises8 Lucky Witc$ and 'layboy for your enLoyment8 and (it$ ne( games being added all t$e time (e are sure to be able to offer t$e games t$at you like to play. We also like to t$ink t$at our MClear 'layD bonus system is one of t$e most competiti<e and transparent in t$e industry8 and toget$er (it$ your introductory /2 !;-- spins8 and more superb bonuses in t$e pipeline8 no( is a great time to Loin. !inally8 " $ope t$at your e4perience (it$ us is an enLoyable one8 and " (is$ you good luck and prosperity8 but please remember8 play sensibly (it$ money t$at you can afford9 ;egards8
'$ilippe #ar(ic$e N Casino &anager N Gold Luck Casino N $ 00. Clinc$Is Oouse8 Lord +treet8 #ouglas8 "&33 /;P8 "sle of &anQ (*Gold Luck Casino is licensed and regulated on the Isle of Man) !irst Account #eposit #ear 6first,ame7 Congratulations9 Hou $a<e successfully completed your !";+T deposit (it$ Gold Luck casino. Hou are entitled to take ad<antage of our fantastic /22A first deposit bonus up to ?/22 Bor e@ui<alentC details of ($ic$ may be found on our promotions page. 'lease take time to read t$roug$ our terms and conditionsF $ttpsF55goldluckcasino.com5promotions-t-c-en Good Luck9 +econd Account #eposit #ear 6first,ame7 Well done8 t$is is your +-CJ,# deposit (it$ Gold Luck casino. We are pleased to offer you our reload bonus of )2A up to ?/22 Bor e@ui<alentC details of ($ic$ may be found on our promotions page. 'lease take time to read t$roug$ our terms and conditionsF $ttpsF55goldluckcasino.com5promotions-t-c-en All t$e best9 ,o #eposit -mails . #ays #ear 6first,ame7 "t $as been a ($ole . days since you played your /2 !;-- spins at Gold Luck casino. Was t$e e4perience goodG #id (e $a<e t$e range of games t$at you are looking forG "s t$e bonus system satisfactoryG We (ant you to feel comfortable and enLoy your time at our casino so any feedback t$at you may $a<e about your playing e4perience (ill al(ays be (elcome. !eel free to send an email to customerser< to gi<e us any input or ideas t$at you may $a<e:.(e al(ays listen9 +ee you soon9 /% #ays #ear 6first,ame7 We couldnDt $elp noticing t$at it $as been a ($ole 0 (eeks since you last paid us a <isit $ere at Gold Luck casino. We $ope all is J>9 Jf course it may be t$at you are simply sipping on an ice cold rum and coke ($ilst on $oliday in &aLorca. We certainly like to t$ink so9 W$ate<er t$e reason (e sincerely $ope t$at it (onDt be long before (e see you again and (e look for(ard to you making your first deposit (it$ us. Oa<e a nice day9 01 #ays #ear 6first,ame7 "t $as been 01 days since you registered at Gold Luck casino. We lo<e $a<ing you as part of our family and (e totally understand t$at you may be (aiting for us to e4tend our portfolio of games8 but (e t$ink t$at (e already $a<e some of t$e finest games on t$e market suc$ as T$understruck8 "mmortal ;omance and 'layboy. "f t$ere is a game t$at you really enLoy playing and (e donDt $a<e it8 ($y not (rite it do(n in an email and send it to us $ere at customerser< (e are adding ne( games all t$e time and (ould be $appy to consider any suggestions you may $a<e. "n t$e meantime ($y not consider making your first deposit and taking ad<antage of our MClear 'layD bonus systemDG We t$ink youDll lo<e it9 #eposit8 'lay8 -nLoy9 *2 #ays #ear 6first,ame7 "t $as no( been *2 days since you registered at Gold Luck casino8 and our customer ser<ice team are keen to get you up and making your first deposit. +o ($at do (e need to doG Tell us in an email e4actly ($at you (ould like to see at Gold Luck casino to impro<e eit$er our products or our ser<ice and (eDll gi<e it a go. After all8 (e al(ays listen9 #onDt belie<e usG +end an email to customerser< and put us to t$e test9 est (is$es8 32 #ays #ear 6first,ame7 "t $as no( been 32 days since you first registered at Gold Luck casino and recei<ed your introductory 10 FREE spins and (e are starting to get seriously (orried $ere at t$e Gold Luck offices. We kno( t$at t$e reason cannot be because (e donDt $a<e a fabulous range of e4citing slots games8 or because (e donDt offer a <ery customer friendly bonus system so (e $a<e come to t$e conclusion t$at eit$er you got into difficulty ($ilst on a (orld backpacking tour and are no( languis$ing in a +out$ American Lail or t$at ($at you really (ant to tempt you back is anot$er 10 FREE spins. +o $ere you are:.10 FREE spins! Eust deposit ?02 Bor e@ui<alentC anytime (it$in t$e ne4t . days and t$en send an email (it$ t$e (ords ninety !ys" in t$e subLect line to customerser< gi<ing your full name and username and (e (ill allocate you an additional 10 FREE spins. irt$day -mail #ear 6first,ame7 Congratulations9 "tDs your birt$day. A year older but a ($ole /0 mont$s (iser 'lease accept a small gift of 10 FREE spins from all of us $ere at Gold Luck casino to use playing one of your fa<ourite online games. To claim t$is gift please send an email (it$ #i$t%!y" in t$e subLect line and include your full name8 date of birt$ and your username to customerser< (it$in . days of recei<ing t$is message. Oa<e a great day9 +elf--4clusion5-4piry #ear 6first,ame7 6last,ame78 Hour self-imposed e4clusion date $as no( been reac$ed. Hour account (ill be re-acti<ated unless you contact us by email at customerser< (it$ any reason ($y (e s$ould not. >ind regards8 'ayout Confirmation #ear 6first,ame7 6last,ame78 Congratulations on your (in9 Hour (innings of 6payout7 $as been confirmed and deposited to your account. ;egards8