2. Function ...........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Download Attendance log ...................................................................................................7 2.2 Download User information................................................................................................7 2.3 Download User Fingerprint Template .................................................................................8 2.4 Upload User Information ....................................................................................................8 2.5 Upload User Fingerprint Template......................................................................................8 2.6 Delete User..........................................................................................................................8 2.7 Get MachineTime................................................................................................................9 2.8 Setting Time to Machine .....................................................................................................9 2.9 Setting Parameter to Machine .............................................................................................9 2.10 Communication Password (security code).....................................................................9 2.11 Upgrade firmware .............................................................................................................9 2.12 Clear data ........................................................................................................................10 2.13 Refresh devices database ...............................................................................................10 2.14 Reboot device..................................................................................................................10
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SOAP envelope structure has defined an whole framework that may express any content which the message contain, who process these contents, and these contents may be optional or necessary. SOAP encoding rule define a series of mechanisms that exchange data type of the application. SOAP RPC defines an agreement that express the remote procedure call and the respond.
Although these three parts all together are described as a SOAP part, but their function are in intersection. Special, the encapsulation and coding rule are defined in the different namespace, this module definition method increased the simplicity to the SOAP envelope, beside of the SOAP encoding rule and the SOAPRPC agreement, this standard also defined two binding agreements, which describes how to transmit the SOAP message which is contained in the HTTP message whether there are HTTP extension the framework or not. 2 with the XML relation all SOAP message base on XML (more information please refer to the documents which related XML), for a SOAP application message, the SOAP definition attribute and the attribute must include the correct namespace . The SOAP application must be able to process SOAP namespace of the message which it received, and it may process SOAP message that is without the SOAP namespace, they are same as result, just like it own the correct namespace. SOAP defined two namespace (more related XML namespace information please t refer to related XML documents)
the soap envelope namespace sign is " Http:// the soap encoding rule namespace sign is " Http://
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SOAP message cannot contain the documents type statement, also cannot include the message handling instruction. SOAP uses The " ID" Type " Id" attribute to assign only sign to attribute, simultaneously this attribute is partial and do not need to verify. SOAP uses The " Uri-reference" Type " Href" attribute to assign this value citation, simultaneously this attribute is partial and do not need to verify. So it comply with the XML standard, the XMLSchema standard and the XML connection language standard style. Besides of SOAP the mustUnderstand attribute and the SOAPactor attribute, generally allow the attribute and their value appears in the XML documents example or Schema (two effects is same). In other words, the default value or the fix value is stated by DTD or Schema, and set its value in the XML documents example is in semantic affinity. 3 SOAP envelopes SOAP message is a XML document; include an essential SOAP envelope, optional header and an mandatory SOAP body. In residual part of this standard, when mention SOAP message that refer to this XML documents. In this defined attribute and attribute namespace sign is: Http://" A SOAP message including below part: 1. In the XML documents to express this message, the envelope is the top layer attribute. 2. All quarters which use SOAP exchange information is dispersible and without prearrange, SOAP header has provided with the mechanism that add certain essential element which is about this SOAP message (feature) to the SOAP message. SOAP defines a few attribute that indicate this essential element (feature) whether could be optional or who processes it. 3. SOAP body is a generic container in that it can contain the message finally the receiver wants. SAOP defines an element named Fault for representing errors within the Body element when things go wrong. This is essential because without a standard error representation. 4.SOAP Syntax rule
1. Attribute name is "Envelope" 2. must appear in the SOAP message SOAP. 3. may include the namespace statement and append attribute, if include append attribute, must limit the namespace of the these attribute, like as these, "Envelope" may include append sub-attribute, also these namespace must be limited and follow the SOAP body .
SOAP Header 1. Attribute name is "Header" 2. May appear in the SOAP message, if it appear, must be the first sub- attribute of the SOAP envelop.
3. SOAP header may include many items, each item is direct sub- attribute of the SAOP attribute, and all direct
sub-attribute of the SOAP header must be limit namespace.
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SOAP body
1. Attribute name is"Body" 2. Must appear in the SOAP message and be direct sub-attribute of the SOAP envelop attribute, which must follow the SOAP attribute behind ,SOAP body may include many item, each item is direct sub- attribute of the SAOP body attribute, all direct sub-attribute of the SOAP body may be limit namespace , SOAP defines an element named Fault for representing errors. 5. Based on the WEBSERVER SOAP realization ZK fingerprint machines SOAP interface base on the built-in WebServer foundation, realized a lightweight simple, extensible, and rich XML messaging framework for defining higher-level application protocols. Note 1. Character set This SOAP interface supports the character set that is the ISO8859-X series character coding, also the single byte character set, simultaneously also supports partial double byte character coding ,like Chinese and so on (Chinese and so on double byte character set possibly not to support in MS SOAP SDK, when use Chinese and so on double byte character set, please refer to relative MS SOAP SDK technology documents which about Chinese solution) 2. XML Formats this SOAP interface support XML the standard WELL FORMAT formats, namely do not support high-level XML the characteristic, like DTD data verification mode, regarding the SOAP " Header " in SOAP any content will be neglected. this SOAP XML code format produces by the attribute value form,
$ U J 9 D O X H [ [ [ [ ! $ U J ! $UJ!9DOXH![[[[9DOXH!$UJ!
cannot write is:
All parameter is transferred by <Arg/> form. All return value is indicated by <Row> form. All SOAP provide with POST method. the agreement about return value: Regarding all SET method, which return form <Row RetCode=xx RetValue=xxxx></Row> RetCode is return status code, RetValue is the description character strings to returns condition wrong code
If the format provided by SOAP-XML is different with WELL FORMAT or the name of visiting way does not exist, the system will return 500 universality server faults. E.g The 404 error occur when visiting name make mistake took HTTP head to return 404 Serve Name iWsService This Serve Name indicate that Web Server supply SAOP server HTTP Head Pursuant the SOAP-HTTP head rule, the description is follow POST /iWsService HTTP/1.0 Need SOAP sever
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Content-Type: text/xml Need to indicate that the XML is SOAP resolution format. Content-Length: nnnnn Need to point out the size of SAOP request. SOAPAction:uri:someuri Extension HTTP protocol show SOAP function field. Maybe following URI is empty E.g Ability to accept format is SOAPAction: SOAPAction: SOAPAction:uri:someuri URI may be any legal domain name After the Server responded the SAOP request, return HTTP/1.0 200 OK 200 indicate successfully Server: ZKWEBSERVER Content-Type: text/xml Return XML-SOAP data
1. 2.
May login the Microsoft official website to download the newest SDK, install the SDK, how to use the Microsoft SDK, please refer to Microsoft help. download to the data structure and read the function descriptions, such as, reads the T&A record following form, may very clear see, the XML header, the XML structure body, and conclusion part. <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body> i. <GetAttLogResponse> ii. . iii. . </GetAttLogResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Please understood the sending and receiving of the SOAP request, its essential is the TCP/IP connection request, and receive data. Please understood XML DOM object use, the Microsoft SOAP SDK provided the object function to process, contain the XML resolution, analyze and read in the node and so on. the development flow chart as follow, please refer:
3. 4. 5.
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Begin connect,ini Property, Action,URL,send XML to server N Conn and send succ Y Read soap stream N Read data Y Read DOM Do Other Do Other
Data handle
6. Term explanation:
Element, refers to XML some row, node. May regard the database operation the record volume as the some corresponding row, please refer to understood. Value: Up to corresponding attribute value. Like as Microsoft SOAP SDK SoapSerializer has the function WriteString to be allowed to give some attribute to read in a value, please refer understood.
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7. Development flow
no matter is the transmission or receive, all its essential is TCP\IP (or the HTTP request) transmits. The middle transmission data all is the XML character data. The service end and the client process XML flow t, the client end may depend on the SOAP SDK to produce the XML transmission request, to receive XML, analyzes the XML node, simply completes communication, for the application, only needs to understand the SOAP the simple application method.
2. Function
2.1 Download Attendance log
Order GetAttLog Element PIN Value Transfer ALL in, return all Attendance Log. Otherwise, return the users attendance logs which user NO. has been transferred . Meanings about node returning value PIN Personal identity number Time second Attendance Time. Matching Way. verified status State, E.g checkin\out workcode Work code Key word invalid reserved1 reserved2 Key word invalid Note:All Download function,if hava data,it result data,else,it result null note in xml.
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When you upload user successfully,please use command of RefreshDB to resfresh the devices database.please refer the describe the command RefreshDB.
(security code)
use the SOAP service to obtain data from the equipment, should first establish the connection password, each time requestment all needs to verify password. . Method key Element Value Value Equipment communication password. Note this method work in other way to request, this method must add in the SOAP request every time, the data do not be returned until verify security code successfully, otherwise fail to return data.
Element: Value Value: Value introduce the parameter Meaning: Update firmware to equipment. The firmware code must use the BASE64 code, introduce it through VALUE. Note: It must use the firmware firmware that it was supply by zksoftware.please do not use other file.
2. 3.
#include "stdafx.h" #import "C:\WINNT\system32\msxml4.dll" using namespace MSXML2; #import "C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSSoap\Binaries\mssoap30.dll" exclude("IStream", "IErrorInfo", "ISequentialStream", "_LARGE_INTEGER","_ULARGE_INTEGER", "tagSTATSTG", "_FILETIME") using namespace MSSOAPLib30; void Add() { ISoapSerializerPtr Serializer=NULL; ISoapReaderPtr Reader=NULL; ISoapConnectorPtr Connector=NULL; Connector.CreateInstance(__uuidof(HttpConnector30)); // Assign SOAP request Connector->Property["EndPointURL"] =""; Connector->Connect(); // Begin a SOAP message. Connector->Property["SoapAction"] = "uri:zksoftware"; Connector->BeginMessage(); Serializer.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SoapSerializer30)); Serializer->Init(_variant_t((IUnknown*)Connector->InputStream)); // create a SOAP message XML description Serializer->StartEnvelope("","",""); Serializer->StartBody(""); // method name of SOAP request
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Serializer->StartElement("SetUserInfo","http://www.zksoftware/Service/message/","",""); Serializer->StartElement("Arg","","",""); //this method parameter value Serializer->SoapAttribute("PIN","","11",""); Serializer->SoapAttribute("Privilege","","14",""); Serializer->SoapAttribute("Name","","Soap",""); Serializer->SoapAttribute("Card","","119119",""); Serializer->SoapAttribute("Group","","1",""); Serializer->SoapAttribute("PIN2","","11","");
Serializer->EndElement(); Serializer->EndElement(); Serializer->EndBody(); Serializer->EndEnvelope(); // Send the message to the XML Web service. Connector->EndMessage(); if(Connector->OutputStream!=NULL) { Reader.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SoapReader30)); Reader->Load(_variant_t((IUnknown*)Connector->OutputStream), ""); printf("xml:%s \n",(char *)Reader->Dom->xml); MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pDoc; HRESULT hr = pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument30)); MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr childNode;
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pDoc->loadXML(Reader->Dom->xml); childNode = (MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr)(pDoc->selectSingleNode("//Row")); while(childNode!=NULL) { MSXML2::DOMNodeType nodeType; childNode->get_nodeType(&nodeType); BSTR var; VARIANT varVal; childNode->get_nodeName(&var); childNode->get_nodeTypedValue(&varVal); printf("\nTag:%s %s\n", (char*)(_bstr_t)var,(char*)(_bstr_t)varVal); //Node attributes. Put into link table. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pAttrs = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pAttrItem; childNode->get_attributes(&pAttrs); long nCount pAttrs->get_length(&nCount); for(int i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++) { pAttrs->get_item(i,&pAttrItem); // through the function get_nodeName,get_nodeTypedValue get attribute name and attribute value printf("%s=",(char*)(_bstr_t)pAttrItem->nodeName); printf("%s\n", (char*)(_bstr_t)pAttrItem->nodeTypedValue);
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} childNode=childNode->nextSibling; } getchar(); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CoInitialize(NULL); Add(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
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