Book - of - IQ - Tests v1

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The document is about IQ tests and contains sample tests and their answers. It was written by Ken Russell and Philip Carter.

The document is about IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests, which are standardized tests designed to measure human intelligence.

IQ tests are designed to measure human intelligence as distinct from attainments.


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top uk puzzle editors
ken russell and philip carter
book 5
London and Sterling, VA

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; Ken 4ussell and *hilip -arter" ())5
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
4ussell" Kenneth" ,$
The Ti!es book of IQ tests$ Book 5 @ Ken 4ussell and *hilip -arter$ A /st ed$
p$ c!$
Includes bibliographical references$
ISB% ):=>0>:>50/:?
/$ Intelligence tests$ ($ Self:ealuation$ I$ -arter" *hilip 6$ II$
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Typeset by Sa<on &raphics +td" .erby
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Introduction /
Test One3 Questions =
Test One3 ,ns#ers (>
Test T#o3 Questions (0
Test T#o3 ,ns#ers >8
Test Three3 Questions 5/
Test Three3 ,ns#ers 80
Test Four3 Questions =>
Test Four3 ,ns#ers 11
Test Fie3 Questions 0(
Test Fie3 ,ns#ers /)1
Test Si<3 Questions //(
Test Si<3 ,ns#ers /(1
Test Seen3 Questions /55
Test Seen3 ,ns#ers />0
Test Eight3 Questions /55
Test Eight3 ,ns#ers /88
Test %ine3 Questions /=/
Test %ine3 ,ns#ers /18
Test Ten3 Questions /0/
Test Ten3 ,ns#ers ()0
Further 4eading fro! Kogan *age (/5

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Of the different !ethods that purport to !easure intelligence"
the !ost fa!ous is the IQ BIntelligence QuotientC test" #hich
is a standardised test designed to !easure hu!an intelligence
as distinct fro! attain!ents$
Intelligence 2uotient is an age:related !easure of intelli:
gence leel$ The #ord 2uotient !eans the result of diiding
one 2uantity by another" and one definition of intelligence is
!ental ability or 2uickness of !ind$
'sually" IQ tests consist of a graded series of tasks" each of
#hich has been standardised #ith a large representatie
population of indiiduals in order to establish an aerage IQ
of /)) for each test$
It is generally accepted that a personDs !ental ability deelops
at a constant rate until about the age of /5" after #hich deel:
op!ent has been sho#n to slo# do#n" and beyond the age of
/1 little or no i!proe!ent is found$
Ehen the IQ of a child is !easured" the subFect atte!pts
an IQ test that has been standardised" #ith an aerage
score recorded for each age group$ Thus a /):year:old
child #ho scored the result that #ould be e<pected of
a /(:year:old #ould hae an IQ of /()" or /(@/) G /))3
!ental age B/(C
chronological age B/)C
/)) H/() IQ

The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests


Because after the age of /1 little or no i!proe!ent is found"
adults hae to be Fudged on an IQ test #hose aerage score is
/))" and the results graded aboe and belo# this nor!
according to kno#n test scores$
+ike so !any distributions found in nature" the distribution
of IQ takes the for! of a fairly regular bell cure Bsee Figure
)$/ belo#C in #hich the aerage score is /)) and
si!ilar proportions occur both aboe and belo# this nor!$
) /))
IQ score
Figure 0.1 The bell cure
There are a nu!ber of different types of intelligence tests" for
e<a!ple -attell" Stanford:Binet and Eechsler" and each hae
their o#n different scales of intelligence$
The Stanford:Binet is heaily #eighted #ith
2uestions inoling erbal abilities and is #idely used
in the 'nited States of ,!erica$ The Eeschler scales consist
of t#o separate
erbal and perfor!ance sub:scales each #ith its o#n
IQ rating$ On the Stanford:Binet scale half the population
fall bet#een 0) and //) IQ" half of the! aboe /)) and
half of the! belo#J (5 per cent score aboe //)J // per cent
/()J 5 per cent aboe /5) and )$8 per cent aboe />)$ ,t the
other end of the scale the sa!e kind of proportion occurs$
,lthough it is IQ tests that #e are specifically concerned #ith
in this book it should be pointed out that IQ tests are Fust one
part of #hat is generally referred to as psycho!etric testing$
test content !ay be addressed to al!ost any aspect of our intel:
lectual or e!otional !ake:up" including personality" attitude"
intelligence or e!otion$ *sycho!etric tests are basically tools
used for !easuring the !indJ the #ord !etric !eans measure
and the #ord psycho !eans mind$ There are t#o types of
psycho!etric tests that are usually used in tande! by
e!ployers$ These are aptitude tests" #hich assess your abilities"
and person: ality 2uestionnaires" #hich assess your character
and personality$
,ptitude tests are also kno#n as cognitie" ability or intelli:
gence BIQC tests$ Such tests are designed to test your ability to
co!prehend 2uickly under strictly ti!ed conditions$
-ognition !ay be broadly defined as kno#ing" perceiing
and thinking and it is studied by psychologists because it
reeals the e<tent of a personDs ability to think$
There are !any different types of tests$ Ko#eer" a typical
test !ight consist of three sections each testing a different
ability" usually co!prising erbal reasoning" nu!erical ability
and diagra!!atic" or spatial" reasoning$ In order to gie you
the opportunity to practise on all types of 2uestions that you
are likely to encounter in actual IQ tests" the tests that hae
been specially co!piled for this book are !ulti:discipline and
include a !i< of erbal" nu!erical and diagra!!atic 2ues:
tions" as #ell as additional 2uestions inoling logical
thought processes as #ell as a degree of lateral thinking$
In the past (5 years psycho!etric testing has been brought
into #idespread use in industry because of the need
for e!ployers to ensure they place the right people in the
right Fob at the outset$ One of the !ain reasons for this is the
high cost of errors in todayDs #orld of tight budgets and
reduced profit !argins$ To recruit a ne# !e!ber of staff an
e!ployer has to adertise" consider each application" reduce
the appli: cants to a shortlist" interie# and then train the
successful applicant$ If the #rong hiring choice has been
!ade" then the #hole e<pensie process has to be repeated$
It is i!portant that such tests are ealuated in tande! #ith
each other as if a person scores #ell on an aptitude test it
does not necessarily !ean that they #ill be suited to the
Fob" as #hilst you !ay be good at doing so!ething" you !ay
dislike it intensely" and success in !ost tasks is heaily
dependent on your personal 2ualities and your attitude$
,lthough it is generally accepted that a personDs IQ re!ains
constant throughout life" and" therefore" it is not possible to
increase your actual IQ" it is possible to i!proe your perfor:
!ance on IQ tests by practising the !any different types of
2uestion" and learning to recognise the recurring the!es$
Besides their uses in i!proing oneDs perfor!ance on IQ
tests" practice on the type of 2uestions contained in this book
has the added adantage of e<ercising the brain$ Our brain
needs e<ercise and care in the sa!e #ay as other parts of the
body$ Ee eat the right foods to keep our heart healthy" #e
!oisturise our skin to keep it fro! drying out and" Fust as
gy!nasts strie to increase their perfor!ance at #hateer
leel they are co!peting by !eans of punishing training
schedules and refine!ent of techni2ue" there are e<ercises" or
!ental gy!nastics" #e can do to increase the perfor!ance of
our brain and enhance 2uickness of thought$
Lany people still hae the outdated belief that there is
little they can do to i!proe the brain they are born #ith
and that brain cells continually degenerate #ith age3 but" in
fact" our brain cells continually deelop ne# and stronger
connections and adult brains can gro# ne# cells irrespectie
of age$
The !ain thing is to use your brain continually$ For
e<a!ple" the !ore #e practise at tests of erbal aptitude the
!ore #e increase our ability to understand the !eaning of
#ords and use the! effectielyJ the !ore #e practise at
!aths the !ore confident #e beco!e #hen #orking #ith
nu!bers" the better our ability to perfor! arith!etic
operations accu: rately" and the 2uicker #e beco!e at
perfor!ing these opera:
tionsJ and the !ore #e practise our ability to !oe our fingers
and !anipulate s!all obFects the !ore de<trous #e beco!e
at operations inoling this type of aptitude" and the 2uicker
#e beco!e at perfor!ing the! accurately$
The tests that follo# hae been ne#ly co!piled for
this book and are not" therefore" standardised" so an
actual IQ assess!ent cannot be gien$ Ko#eer" a guide to
assessing your perfor!ance for each test is proided belo# as
#ell as a cu!ulatie guide for your oerall perfor!ance on
all /) tests$
, ti!e li!it of 0) !inutes is allo#ed for each test$
The correct ans#ers are gien at the end of the test"
and you should a#ard yourself one point for each
co!pletely correct
ans#er$ -alculators !ay be used to assist #ith soling
nu!erical 2uestions if preferred$
'se the follo#ing table to assess your perfor!ance3
One test:
Score Rating
589>) E<ceptional
5/955 E<cellent
(595) 7ery good
/09(> &ood
/>9/1 ,erage
Ten tests:
Score Rating
55/9>)) E<ceptional
5)/955) E<cellent
(>/95)) 7ery good
/1/9(>) &ood
/>)9/1) ,erage

This book intentionally left blank

Test One3 Questions
/$ Ehich piece belo#" #hen fitted into
the piece on the left" #ill for! a
perfect s2uareM
, B -
. E
Test One3 Questions

($ Ehich #ord in brackets is !ost opposite to the #ord in
*4OS-4IBE Ballo#" stifle" pro!ote" erify" indictC
5$ )" /" (" >" 8" 0" /(" /8" M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
>$ Ehich nu!ber is the odd one outM
08=1 >5=( 5(8/ 5/55 55(= 8105 ==81
5$ Isother! is to te!perature as isobar is to3 at!osphere"
#ind" pressure" latitude" current
/ ( > =
> M = /)
8 M M /(
= 1 /) M
1 /)
0 =
= 1
= 0
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
, B
- .
Test One3 Questions

=$ Ehich is the odd one outM
1$ Identify t#o #ords Bone fro! each set of bracketsC that
hae a connection BanalogyC #ith the #ords in capitals
and relate to the! in the sa!e #ay$
&4,L Benergy" #eight" scalesC
K%OT B#ater" rope" speedC
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
/0 (1
Each nu!ber in the pyra!id is the su! of the t#o
nu!bers i!!ediately belo# it$ Fill in the pyra!id #ith
the !issing nu!bers$
/)$ Ehich is the odd one outM
, B
- . E
Test One3 Questions

//$ Ko# !any !inutes is it before /( noon" if >1 !inutes ago
it #as t#ice as !any !inutes past 0 a$!$M
/($ -o!plete the fie #ords belo# in such a #ay that the
t#o letters that end the first #ord also start the second
#ord" and the t#o letters that end the second #ord also
start the third #ord etc$ The sa!e t#o letters that end
the fifth #ord also start the first #ord" to co!plete the
NN %& NN
NN 4, NN
/5$ Ehich is the odd one outM
heptagon" triangle" he<agon" cube" pentagon
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests

/>$ S#itch , turns lights / and ( on@off or off@on
S#itch B turns lights ( and > on@off or off@on
S#itch - turns lights / and 5 on@off or off@on
H O%
S#itches -" , and B are thro#n in turn #ith the result that
Figure / turns into Figure ($ Ehich s#itch does not #ork
at allM
Figure / Figure (
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E
/8$ Ehich #ord in brackets is closest in !eaning to the #ord
in capitalsM
B4'%T Bdull" edifice" i!pact" ta#ny" nonsenseC
/=$ Ehich of the follo#ing is not an anagra! of a type of
I -,% 4O,L
EI% BO,4
-,% *E,K
-OO+ -KE,T
% O I
, 4 O S
+ F E
= >
8 (
(/ /8 5 M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Eork fro! s2uare to adFacent s2uare horizontally or erti:
cally Bbut not diagonallyC to spell out a /(:letter #ord$ Oou
!ust find the starting point" and proide the !issing letters$
()$ Ko# !any lines appear belo#M
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B -
. E F
(($ 8
@ " (
@ " 5
@ " 5
@ " >
@ " M
1 /8 1 /8 1
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
' &
Eork clock#ise round the circles to spell out t#o eight:
letter #ords that are synony!s$ Each #ord co!!ences in
a different circle" and you !ust find the starting point of
each$ Eery letter is used once each and all letters are
(>$ /)" 5)" 5(" 08" 01" (0>" (08" M" M
Ehat t#o nu!bers should replace the 2uestion !arksM
(5$ able" rot" son" king
Ehich #ord belo# shares a co!!on feature #ith all the
#ords aboeM
line" sit" take" hope" night
Test One3 Questions
(8$ Identify t#o #ords Bone fro! each set of bracketsC that
hae a connection BanalogyC #ith the #ords in capitals
and relate to the! in the sa!e #ay$
SE, B#et" s#i!!er" shipC
S%OE B!ountain" ice" skierC
(=$ Ehich #ord !eaning +O-,+ITO beco!es a #ord
!eaning TEL*O #hen a letter is re!oedM
(1$ ,lf has four ti!es as !any as 6i!" and 6i! has three ti!es
as !any as Sid$ ,ltogether they hae /0($ Ko# !any has
(0$ Ehich is the only one of the follo#ing that is not
an anagra! of a #ord !eaning out of this worldM
flo# under
se<ed 'tah
eniable blue
icier blend
5)$ , !an has 55 socks in his dra#er3 (/ identical
/5 identical black and /= identical red$ The lights
are fused and he is co!pletely in the dark$ Ko# !any
socks !ust he take out to !ake /)) per cent certain he
has a pair of black socksM
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
.ra# the !issing figure in the aboe se2uence$
5($ Ko# !any !inutes is it before /( noon if nine !inutes
ago it #as t#ice as !any !inutes past /) a$!$M
55$ Ehich t#o #ords are closest in !eaningM
conclae" !edley" the!e" conglo!eration" dissertation"
5>$ broke rage prose cute dared M
Ehich #ord is !issingM
pal! hy!n eil sno# take
55$ Find five consecutie nu!bers belo# that total (($
= 5 0 8 > / 5 = 0 5 5 > / = 8 5
Test One3 Questions
To #hich he<agon belo# can a dot be added so that both
dots then !eet the sa!e conditions as the t#o dots in the
he<agon aboeM
, B -
. E
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
5=$ Find t#o #ords B>" 8C in this diagra!$ +etters are traced
across the circle by chords$ If the ne<t letter is four
letters or less a#ay it #ill be found by tracing around the
circu!: ference$ -lue3 free flight$
- O
. ?
& '
+ *
Test One3 Questions
& -
F .
Ehat letter is directly opposite the letter that is t#o letters
a#ay clock#ise fro! the letter that is directly opposite the
letter EM
= (
5 = 8
> 8 M 1
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
, B
- .

Test One3 ,ns#ers
/$ B
($ allo#
5$ ()3 add /" /" (" (" 5" 5" >" >
>$ 55(=3 in the others the su! of the first t#o nu!bers is
e2ual to the su! of the second t#o nu!bers" for e<a!ple
5Q( H 8Q/
5$ pressure
8$ .3 lines across proceed Q/" Q(" Q5$ +ines do#n proceed
Q5" Q(" Q/$
Test One3 ,ns#ers
=$ -3 in all the others the black circle is connected to three
#hite circles$ In - it is only connected to t#o
#hite circles$
1$ #eight" speed
>= 58
/0 (1 (1
= /( /8 /(
( 5 = 0 5
/)$ B3 the rest are the sa!e figure rotated
//$ >> !inutes
/( noon less >> !inutes H //$/8
//$/8 less >1 !inutes H /)$(1
0 a$!$ plus 11 !inutes B>> G (C H /)$(1
/($ SKI7E4" E4OTI-" I-I-+E" +E%&TK" TK4,SK
/5$ cube3 it is a three:di!ensional figure$ The rest are all t#o:
di!ensional figures$
/>$ S#itch , is faulty$
/5$ B3 in each line and colu!n" each of the three rings
is shaded black once
/8$ i!pact
/=$ EI% BO,4 H rainbo#$ The foods are spaghetti
B*,ST EI&KTC" !acaroni BI -,% 4O,LC" pancake B-,%
*E,KC and chocolate B-OO+ -KE,TC$
/1$ >3 looking across at the three circles" the nu!ber in the
!iddle is the product of the t#o nu!bers in the sa!e
seg!ent in the other t#o circles$ Thus" 5 G ( H 8" = G 5
(/ and > G > H /8$
/0$ *4OFESSIO%,+
()$ //
(/$ .3 in each line across and do#n the arro#s point in each
of three directions left" right and do#n$ The nu!ber of
arro#s increases /" (" 5 in each ro#$
(($ 5
3 there are t#o alternate se2uences3 9/R and Q/R
(5$ linguist" polyglot
(>$ 111" 10)3 the se2uence progresses G5" Q(
(5$ take3 all #ords can be prefi<ed #ith *,4 to for! another
#ord 9 parable" parrot" parson" parking" partake
(8$ s#i!!er" skier
(=$ place@pace
(1$ ,lf />>" 6i! 58" Sid /(
(0$ se<ed 'tah H e<hausted$ The #ords !eaning out of this
#orld are3 #onderful Bflo# underC" unbelieable
Beniable blueC" incredible Bicier blendC$
5)$ >) socks$ If he takes out 51 socks" although it is
ery unlikely" it is possible they could all be blue and
red$ To !ake /)) per cent certain that he also has a pair
of black socks he !ust take out a further t#o socks$
The black dot is !oing up Bthen do#nC by one position
at each stage$
5($ 5= !inutes3 /( noon less 5= !inutes H //$(5$ //$(5 less
nine !inutes H //$/>$ /) a$!$ plus => !inutes B( G 5=C
H //$/>$
55$ !edley" conglo!eration
5>$ eil3 #hen Foined together each pair of #ords for!s
another #ord 9 brokerage" prosecute" daredeil
55$ 055>/
58$ .3 so that one dot appears in the triangle and one circleJ
and the other dot appears in the triangle and three circles
5=$ K,%& &+I.E4
51$ &
50$ )3 looking at lines of nu!bers fro! the top3 0 G 1 H =(J
=( G 1 H 5=8J 5=8 G 1 H >8)1
>)$ -3 each opposite corner block of four s2uares are identical

Test T#o3 Questions
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B -
. E
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
() (( /0 (/
/= /0 /8 M
/0 (/ M ()
/8 /1 /5 M

($ Ehich four:letter #ord" #hen placed in the brackets" #ill
co!plete a #ord on the left and start another #ord on
the rightM
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
/0 /1 /1 /0
/1 /1 /= /=
/0 /= /1 /=
, B - .
>$ ligno: is to #ood as itro: is to #ool" glass" stone" #ater"
5 0 1
>> 5( =5
1 > = ( = M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
8$ Sole the anagra!s to find a #ell:kno#n saying$ The
nu!ber of letters in each #ord is sho#n$
Basserting craftCBhint of anticC
is to3
is to3
, B -
. E
5 ( 5 /)
8 > / //
/ 0 M /(
/( M 8 M
1$ )" > "(" 8" 5" =" 5$5" M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
0$ Identify t#o #ords Bone fro! each set of bracketsC that
hae a connection BanalogyC #ith the #ords in capitals
and relate to the! in the sa!e #ay
+O%&IT'.E Bdegree" tropics" !eridianC
+,TIT'.E Bparallel" line" e2uino<C
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
/8 (0
/5 55
/> 55
/= 5/
//$ Ehich #ord in brackets is closest in !eaning to the #ord
in capitalsM
LO%ITO4 Bobsere" order" !eddle" intrude" concludeC
/ ( 5
> 5 8
= 1 0
+ooking at lines across and do#n" if the first t#o tiles are
co!bined to produce the third tile" #ith the e<ception
that like sy!bols are cancelled out" #hich of the aboe
tiles is incorrect" and #ith #hich of the tiles belo#
it be replacedM
, B - . E
/5$ Ehich t#o #ords are !ost opposite in !eaningM
liberty" friolity" chastity" sobriety" irrationality" polarity
Insert four #eights of ( units" 5 units" > units and 8 units
respectiely so that the scales balance perfectly$
/5$ The follo#ing clue leads to #hich pair of rhy!ing #ordsM
!easure bulk of grass fodder
Ehen the aboe is folded to for! a cube" #hich is the only
one of the follo#ing that can be producedM
, B -
. E
/=$ Ehich is the odd one outM
fe!ur" !andible" fibula" tibia" patella
/1$ Ly #atch #as correct at noon" after #hich it started to
lose /= !inutes per hour until si< hours ago it stopped
co!pletely$ It no# sho#s the ti!e as ($5( p$!$ Ehat
is it no#M
Insert all the letters of the phrase '%S*OI+T +O-,+ into
the re!aining blank spaces once each only" to produce
t#o #ords that for! a phrase$ -lue3 things are not
al#ays #hat they appear$
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B - . E
F & K
(($ dopiness" uncloaking" dish#asher
Ehich #ord belo# has a feature in co!!on #ith all the
#ords aboeM
gallant" crossfire" #hirl#ind" assault
(5$ /" /)/" /5" >" (0" 905" >5" 9/0)" M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
, B - . E
F & K I 6
K + L % O
* Q 4 S T
' 7 E ? O P
Ehat letter is t#o letters aboe the letter t#o letters to the
left of the letter i!!ediately aboe the letter three letters
to the right of the letter QM
(5$ /5" 5" 1" (>" (/" =" /)" 5)" M" M" M" 58" 55
Ehat three nu!bers are !issingM
Ehich shield belo# has !ost in co!!on #ith the shield
, B -
. E
1 5
/ =
(=$ 'sing the four letters belo# only" create a seen:letter #ord$
> M
= 8 0 /
/ 0 / 5
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
(0$ S#itch , turns lights / and ( on@off or
off@on S#itch B turns lights ( and > on@off
or off@on S#itch - turns lights / and 5
on@off or off@on S#itch . turns lights 5 and
> on@off or off@on
H O%
S#itches ." -" , and B are thro#n in turn #ith the result
that Figure / turns into Figure ($ Ehich s#itch does not
#ork at allM
Figure / Figure (
5)$ Ehich #ord in brackets is closest in !eaning to the #ord
in capitalsM
F'SE B!uzzle" e<plode" coalesce" i!!obilise" tightenC
/( M
= >
= /
1 /8
0 =
1 5
5 />
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
To #hich he<agon belo# can a dot be added so that it
then !eets the sa!e conditions as in the he<agon aboeM
, B -
. E
55$ Oou hae 50 cubic blocks$ Ehat is the !ini!u! nu!ber
that needs to be taken a#ay in order to construct a solid
cube #ith none left oerM
5>$ Ehat #ord !eaning .E.'-E beco!es a #ord !eaning
*4O*E+ #hen a letter is re!oedM
>= 55 85
15 0( 00
=5 M (5
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
58$ Ehat is the longest #ord in the English language that can
be produced out of the set of letters belo#M +etters !ay
only be used once in the #ord so produced$
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
, B
- .
Eork clock#ise round the circles to spell out t#o eight:
letter #ords that are antony!s$ Each #ord co!!ences in
a different circle" and you !ust find the starting point of
each$ Eery letter is used once each and all letters are
= M
( 5
/5 /> () /1
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Ehen the aboe is folded to for! a cube" #hich is the only
one of the follo#ing that can be producedM
, B -
. E

Test T#o3 ,ns#ers
/$ E3 the nu!ber of #hite dots is increased by one
each ti!e" both ertically and horizontally" and all #hite
dots are connected
($ *,4T3 4,L*,4T and *,4T4I.&E
5$ B3 lines across proceed Q(" 95" Q($ +ines do#n proceed
95" Q(" 95$
>$ glass
5$ 53 B1 Q =C G 5 H =5
8$ fact is stranger than fiction
=$ B3 black obFects turn to #hite and ice ersa
1$ =$ 53 the se2uence proceeds Q>" S(" Q>" etc
0$ !eridian" parallel
/)$ B3 in lines and colu!ns" add the first three nu!bers to
arrie at the fourth nu!ber
Test T#o3 ,ns#ers
/ ( 5
> 5 8
= 1 0

//$ obsere
Tile = is incorrect" and should be replaced by tile B$
/5$ friolity" sobriety
8 (
8 G / H ( G 53 = G 1 B8 Q (C H 58
// G > H >>
> G 5 H /(
>> Q /( H 58
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
/5$ #eigh hay
/8$ .
/=$ !andible3 it is the Fa# bone" the rest are bones in the leg
/1$ /) p$!$
/( noon H /( noon
/ p$!$ H /($>5
( p$!$ H /$(8
5 p$!$ H ($)0
> p$!$ H ($5(
Q8 hours H /) p$!$
/0$ O*TI-,+ I++'SIO%
()$ ,3 each line across and do#n contains fie black dots and
four #hite dots
(/$ ,3 the figure is tu!bling >5T at each stage and alternates
(($ crossfire3 all #ords contain an e!bedded tree 9
doBpineCss" unclBoakCing" dish#BashCer" crossBfirCe
(5 5=3 there are t#o alternate se2uences3 Q/>" 90=
(>$ -
(5$ (=" 0" /(3 the se2uence progresses S5" Q5" G5" 95
Test T#o3 ,ns#ers
(8$ .3 it contains a triangle in a circle" a circle in a triangle
B#ith the sa!e orientation of the triangleC and a black dot
in a s2uare
(=$ !ini!u!
(1$ =3 0/ S /5
(0$ S#itch . is faulty$
5)$ coalesce
5/$ /=3 it is the su! of the t#o digits B0 Q 1C in the 2uadrant
directly opposite
5($ E3 so that the dot appears in t#o circles and the s2uare
55$ 5(3 the ne<t cube nu!ber belo# 8> B> G > G >C is (= B5 G
5 G 5C$ In order to construct a solid cube" therefore" #ith
none left oer" 50 9 (= H 5( blocks need to be taken a#ay$
5>$ .E4I7E@.4I7E
55$ >03 B=5 Q (5C S (
58$ -OL*'TE
5=$ .3 the last t#o ro#s of figures repeat the first t#o ro#s of
figures in reerse
51$ LE.IO-4E" S'*E4IO4
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
50$ 13 each nu!ber in the seg!ent at the botto! is the su! of
the four nu!bers in the sections either side$ Thus3 1 Q 5
Q > Q 5 H /1
>)$ E

Test Three3 Questions
is to3
is to3
, B -
. E
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
($ Ehich is the odd one outM
cy!bal" !ari!ba" ibraphone" tro!bone" glockenspiel
5$ stationary" less" stationery" principal" fe#er" principle
*lace the #ords aboe alongside their correct definition
head of school
funda!ental truth
standing still
#riting !aterials
s!aller in a!ount
s!aller in nu!ber
>$ Ehich is the odd nu!ber outM
>8( 815 515 /01 (55 =1/ 50>
5$ *'4E ,S T'FT is an anagra! of #hich t#o #ords that are
opposite in !eaningM
, B - . E
F & K I 6
K + L % O
* Q 4 S T
' 7 E ? O P
Test Three3 Questions

Ehich letter is !id#ay bet#een the letter t#o letters
belo# the letter i!!ediately to the left of the letter &"
and the letter three letters aboe the letter i!!ediately
to the right of the letter 7M
is to3
is to3
, B - . E
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
+ , % K
S E &
-o!plete t#o eight:letter #ords" one in each circle" and
both reading clock#ise$ The #ords are synony!s$ Oou
!ust find the starting points and proide the !issing
0$ /" 5)" 8" >5" //" >)" /8" 55" (/" M" M
Ehich nu!bers should replace the 2uestion !arksM
/)$ ,rrange the #ords belo# into alphabetical order3
acescence" aceta!ide" acerbated" acetified" acellular" aces:
cency" acetabula" acerbates
Test Three3 Questions

Ehen the aboe is folded to for! a cube" #hich is the only
one of the follo#ing that can be producedM
, B -
. E
5 0 / ( 1 5
0 M M ( / 0
/ M M 5 0 /
( / 0 5 1 (
1 5 0 / ( 1
5 1 ( / 0 5
5 1
( 1
1 (
1 5
( 1
5 1
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
1 5
1 (
, B - .
/5$ Sole the anagra! in brackets to correctly co!plete the
2uotation #ith a /):letter #ord$
UThe difference bet#een golf and Btorn eg !enC is that in
golf you cannot i!proe your lieD George Deukmejian
Test Three3 Questions

Ehich shield should replace the 2uestion !arkM
, B -
. E
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Take one letter fro! each circle in turn and using each
letter once only find t#o eight:letter #ords that
are si!ilar in !eaning$ Both #ords read clock#ise and
each starts in a different circle$
/8$ Ehat letters should replace the 2uestion !arksM
M 4
Test Three3 Questions
0 ( 1

( 5
= 1 > 8 M 0
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
/1$ bizarre is to outlandish as eccentric is to3 eerie" 2uirky"
esoteric" #eird" curious
/0$ On taking deliery of a consign!ent of eggs the !arket
stall o#ner #as furious to find that seeral #ere cracked$
In fact" on counting the! up in order to assess
the da!age he found that =( #ere cracked" #hich #as
/( per cent of the total consign!ent$ Ko# !any eggs
in total #ere in the consign!entM
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E
(/$ LT. is to *?B as F46 is toM
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
(($ , B - . E F & K
Ehat letter is t#o letters to the left of the letter i!!edi:
ately to the right of the letter three letters to the right of
the letter ,M
Ehich circle belo# should be placed in the large circle
, B - . E
Test Three3 Questions
(>$ 'sing the fie letters belo# only" create a nine:letter #ord$
(5$ /8" (5" /0" /0" ((" /5" (5" M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
(8$ Si!plify3

55 ==
as the lo#est fraction$
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehich is the !issing bo<M
, B -
. E F
Test Three3 Questions
(1$ Ehich #ord in brackets is !ost opposite in !eaning to
the #ord in capitalsM
*+,'SIB+E Bappropriate" i!probable" clichVd" artificial"
(0$ The cost of an identical three:course lunch for
four people #as W58$))$ The !ain course cost t#ice as
!uch as the s#eet and the s#eet cost t#ice as !uch as
the starter$ Ko# !uch did the !ain course cost per
5)$ aplo!b" dodge" graph" Ferk" M
Ehat co!es ne<tM
laugh" !aroon" link" nickel" !idnight
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B - .
55 M
Test Three3 Questions
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
55$ O7,TE &%OLE is an anagra! of #hich fa!iliar phrase
B5" /" >" (CM -lue3 !ake haste$
is to3
is to3
, B -
. E
4 I %
T O &
% S , S .
, T E
T - K
/= M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Find the starting point and #ork fro! letter to adFacent
letter ertically" horizontally and diagonally to spell out a
/=:letter phrase B(" =" 1C$
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E F
,t each stage the black dot !oes three corners clock#ise
and the #hite dot !oes four corners anti:
clock#ise$ ,fter ho# !any stages #ill both dots be
together in the sa!e cornerM
50$ , , S & * , K , L
4 S E E I I ' & ,
The na!e of #hich reptile can be placed on the botto!
to co!plete nine three:letter #ords reading do#n#ardsM
1 (=
5> (>
8 (/
>( /1
0 5) 5 M
8) (= M M
Ehat nu!bers should replace the 2uestion !arksM

Test Three3 ,ns#ers
/$ E3 only lines that appear three ti!es in the sa!e position in
the first three s2uares are carried for#ard to the final s2uare
($ tro!bone3 the rest are percussion instru!ents
5$ head of school H principal
funda!ental truth H principle
standing still H stationary
#riting !aterials H stationery
s!aller in a!ount H less
s!aller in nu!ber H fe#er
Bscore / point if all ans#ers are correctC
>$ 8153 in the other nu!bers add the first and last digits to
arrie at the !iddle digit
5$ *,ST" F'T'4E
8$ +
=$ .3 to each arc" add a 2uarter of a circle clock#ise
1$ ES-,+,TE" KEI&KTE%
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
0$ 5)" (83 there are t#o alternate se2uences$ ,dd 5 starting
at /$ Subtract 5 starting at 5)$
/)$ acellular" acerbated" acerbates" acescence" acescency"
acetabula" aceta!ide" acetified
//$ .
/($ B3 start at the botto! left:hand corner s2uare and #ork
along the botto! ro#" then back along the ne<t ro# up
etc" repeating the nu!bers 51(/0
/5$ goern!ent
/>$ E3 each line across and do#n contains one each of the
three sy!bols$ In each line one sy!bol is black" and one
is upside do#n$
/5$ *,L*K+ET" B4O-K'4E
/8$ 7K'3 the nu!bers spelled out belo# are the nu!ber of
sides in the figures in #hich they appear
F I 7 E
T K 4 E E
F O ' 4
/=$ >3 8 G 0 H 5> Breading do#n the !iddle t#o blocksC
/1$ 2uirky
Test Three3 ,ns#ers
/0$ 8))3 =( S /( G /))
()$ -3 looking across and do#n the triangles turn through 0)T
(/$ I7K3 the first letter !oes three places in the alphabet
for#ards3 FghIJ the second letter !oes four letters in the
alphabet for#ards3 4stu7J the third letter !oes t#o
places in the alphabet back#ards3 6iK
(($ -
(5$ -3 each circle is repeated rotated
(>$ *4O*E++E4
(5$ //3 there are t#o alternate se2uences3 Q5 and 9>
/> == / = =


(=$ -3 each ro# and colu!n contains si< co!plete lines and
si< broken lines
(1$ i!probable
(0$ W1$)) per person3
starter H / unit
s#eet H ( units
!ain course H > units
H = units in total
Therefore" cost per unit H W58 S = H W1$))$
The !ain course" therefore" cost > G 1 H 5( Bor W1$)) per
5)$ !aroon3 the letters start and finish #ith the alphabetic
se2uence3 ,Bc.Ef&Ki6KlL%
5/$ -3 the top ar! !oes >5T clock#ise at each stage and the
botto! ar! !oes 0)T clock#ise
5($ 553 each nu!ber indicates its position in the grid$ 55 indi:
cates ro# 5 colu!n 5$
55$ &ET , LO7E O%
5>$ B3 only dots that appear in the sa!e position Fust t#ice
in the first three he<agons are carried for#ard to the
final he<agons
55$ /(3 add the digits of each three:figure nu!ber to obtain
the t#o:digit nu!bers
58$ %O ST4I%&S ,TT,-KE.
5=$ -3 in each ro# and colu!n only lines that are co!!on to
the first t#o s2uares are carried for#ard to the final s2uare
51$ They #ill neer appear together in the sa!e corner as in a
heptagon three corners clock#ise is the sa!e as
four corners anti:clock#ise$
50$ -K,LE+EO%3 to produce ,4-" ,SK" SE," &EL" *IE" ,I+"
K'E" ,&O" L,%
5 /1
58 /5
Top left is a third of botto! right" botto! right is three
less than top right and top right is half of botto! left$

Test Four3 Questions
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B -
. E
($ /))" 0=$>" 0>$1" M " 10$8" 1=
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
E , .
* ,

Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock#ise
round the peri!eter" finishing at the centre letter to spell
out a nine:letter #ord$ Oou !ust proide the !issing letters$
>$ Ehich nu!ber is the odd one outM
085> >15( 50>5 =8>( =085 1(/8 58>0
5$ Ehich t#o #ords are closest in !eaningM
2ualified" practicable" puissant" feasible" !undane" fine
8$ Identify t#o #ords Bone fro! each set of bracketsC that
hae a connection BanalogyC #ith the #ords in capitals
and relate to the! in the sa!e #ay$
FI4ST Bsecond" ne<t" lastC
*E%'+TIL,TE Blast" third" preiousC
=$ Find fie consecutie nu!bers belo# that total (5$
8 ( 0 5 > = ( 0 5 ( 8 > 0 / (

.ra# the !issing figure in the aboe se2uence$
0$ Ehich #ord in brackets is !ost opposite to the #ord in
S+EEK Bsordid" uni!aginatie" disorderly" disheelled"
58 /(/8 >1
(> 1(> =(
>( M 5/
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
//$ -hange one letter only in each of the #ords belo#
to produce a fa!iliar phrase$
/($ Ehich is the odd one outM
/5$ Ehich is the odd one outM
triet" tributary" triptych" trident" triad
( 5 1
> 5 />
8 M ()
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
/5$ 518( is to =/>
and 5>01 is to ///5
and 05/8 is to /58
therefore 1(5= is to M
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E F
/=$ !ohair is to #ool as shantung is to3 silk" cotton" linen"
nylon" fabric
*lace the nu!bers /98 into the circles" one nu!ber per
circle" so that3 the su! of the nu!bers > and /" and all
the nu!bers bet#een the! total /(J the su! of the
> and 8" and all the nu!bers bet#een the! total (/J the
su! of the nu!bers ( and /" and all the nu!bers
bet#een the! total 1$
/0$ If !eat in a rier B5 in 8C is TBK,LCES" can you find a
!onkey in a tall building B5 in /)CM
Ehat co!es ne<t in the aboe se2uenceM
, B - . E
= /) /5 /8
0 /( M /1
// M M ()
/5 /8 /0 ((
Ehich arc is !issingM
, B - . E F
(($ Ehich four bits can be Foined together to for! t#o #ords
that hae opposite !eaningsM
E4T" '-E" .ES" E%." E?*" E,4" ,%." SI*" 4E." &OS
Ehich is the !issing sectionM
/8 /5 /5 /8
/5 /1 /1 /= /=
, B - .
(>$ Identify t#o #ords that sound alike but are spelled differ:
ently" #hich !ean3
a straight line connecting t#o points on a cure
(5$ Find the ages of Lary" &eorge" ,lice" -laire and Stephen if3
Lary Q &eorge H 55 years bet#een the!
,lice Q -laire H 05 years bet#een the!
Stephen Q Lary H =( years bet#een the!
Lary Q -laire H 1= years bet#een the!
Stephen Q &eorge H =5 years bet#een the!
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B -
. E
(=$ 'sing the four letters belo# only" create a seen:letter #ord$
(1$ 55 B5C 50
0( B>C 01
5> B(C 51
=/ BMC =0
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Eork clock#ise round the circles to spell out t#o eight:
letter #ords that are synony!s$ Each #ord co!!ences in
a different circle" and you !ust find the starting point of
each$ Eery letter is used once each and all letters are
.ra# the !issing figure in the aboe se2uence$
5/$ abashed" derail" little" M
Ehat co!es ne<tM
!ello#" entail" leader" elicit" status
() /> /( (> 55
5 /) /8 /5 /1
/= = > 1 8
5 / 0 5) 58
50 (/ /5 ( //

5($ *roduce an eight:letter #ord by Foining together t#o of
these four:letter sets$
cred" agon" lues" once" dea" so!e" co!e" pent
Ehat nu!ber is three places a#ay fro! itself plus three"
t#o places a#ay fro! itself !ultiplied by t#o" t#o places
a#ay fro! itself less four and t#o places a#ay fro! itself
diided by threeM
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B - . E
Test Four3 Questions

Ehat percentage of the figure is shadedM
& -
F .
Ehat letter is t#o letters a#ay clock#ise fro! the letter
that is directly opposite the letter three letters a#ay anti:
clock#ise fro! the letter -M
B E 4
T ,

Spiral clock#ise round the peri!eter and finish at
centre s2uare to spell out a nine:letter #ord$ Oou !ust
find the starting point and proide the !issing letters$
51$ Ehat is one:third of one:2uarter of one:fifth of one:half
of /()M
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B -
. E
/ /) = /8
(1 /0 (( /5
(5 5> 5/ >)
M >5 >8 5=
Test Four3 Questions

Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM

Test Four3 ,ns#ers
/$ B3 the inner he<agon is being dis!antled one side at a
ti!e #orking anti:clock#ise" #hile the outer he<agon is
being constructed one side at a ti!e #orking clock#ise
($ 0($(3 deduct ($8 at each stage
5$ .IS,**E,4
>$ 58>03 in all the others !ultiply the first t#o digits together
to produce the nu!ber for!ed by the last t#o digits
5$ practicable" feasible
8$ second" last
=$ =(05(

Test Four3 ,ns#ers
7ertical lines turn dotted" one at a ti!e at each stage$ One
horizontal line is added at each stage" and the preious
lines beco!e dotted$
0$ disheelled
/)$ />/=3 >( S 5 H />" 5/ S 5 H /=
//$ ,.. F'E+ TO TKE FI4E
/($ E3 the rest are the sa!e figure rotated
/5$ tributary3 in the other #ords the prefi< tri: refers to three
/>$ =3 the nu!bers round the centre increase by seen Bin the
others they increase by three and fie respectielyC
/5$ /5=3 = Q 1 H /5" ( Q 5 H =
/8$ B3 looking across an outer circle is re!oed"
looking do#n an outer circle is added
/=$ silk
/1$ >(5/58 or 85/5(>

The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
/0$ SKOS-4B,*EC4
()$ .3 looking across" the dot in the top left:hand 2uarter
!oes to the opposite corner" the dot in the top right:
hand 2uarter !oes one corner anti:clock#ise at each
stage" the dot in the botto! left:hand 2uarter
!oes bet#een the top t#o corners" and the dot in the
botto! right:hand 2uarter !oes one corner clock#ise
at each stage
(/$ -3 the first three arcs are being repeatedJ and the position
of the arc shifts /1)T
(($ E?*,%." 4E.'-E
(5$ -3 looking across each line add threeJ looking do#n each
colu!n add t#o
(>$ chord" cord
(5$ Lary /8" &eorge /=" ,lice (>" Stephen 58" -laire =/
(8$ E3 looking across and do#n" lines are carried
for#ard fro! the first t#o s2uares to the final s2uare
#hen they appear in the sa!e position t#ice in the first
t#o s2uares"
ho#eer" they then change fro! co!plete to broken
lines" and ice ersa
(=$ I++I-IT
(1$ 03 B= G 0C S B= G /C
(0$ FO++OEE4" .IS-I*+E

Test Four3 ,ns#ers
The #hite dot !oes corner@side@corner anti:clock#ise
and the black dot does the sa!e clock#ise$
5/$ elicit3 the follo#ing #ord begins #ith the last t#o letters
of the preious #ord reersed
5($ pentagon
55$ 0
5>$ ,3 looking across the s2uares" the top left corner
alternates one line@t#o lines@ three linesJ the top right
corner alternates line right ertical@line left erticalJ the
botto! left corner alternates top horizontal@botto!
horizontal and the botto! right corner alternates diagonal
bet#een opposite corners
55$ 5@1 or )$8(5 or 8($5 per cent
58$ F
5=$ KIBE4%,TE
51$ /3 #ork back#ards fro! /()J that is" /() 9 8) 9 /( 9 5 9 /
50$ .3 all lines are continued" ho#eer" #ay lines beco!e
straight and ice ersa
>)$ 5(3 start at the top left corner and #ork along the top
line" then back along the second line" etc" adding nine
then deducting three

Test Fie3 Questions
/$ Ehich is the odd one outM
Test Fie3 Questions
($ Ehich #ord in brackets is !ost opposite in !eaning to
the #ord in capitalsM
4E7E4E%T Bcandid" lucid" cheeky" content" culpableC
5$ Identify t#o #ords Bone fro! each set of bracketsC that
hae a connection BanalogyC #ith the #ords in capitals
and relate to the! in the sa!e #ay$
-O-K+E, Bshell" ear" brainC
-E4EBE++'L Bheart" nose" brainC
>$ Ehich nu!ber is the odd one outM
58>= (558 5180 805= />(5 >=51
4ead clock#ise to find a /8:letter #ord$ Only alternate
letters hae been sho#n" and you hae to find the
starting point$
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
8$ Ko# !any lines appear belo#M
=$ )" /" (" 5" ()" (5" M" M
Ehat t#o nu!bers should replace the 2uestion !arksM
1$ Ehich is the odd one outM
e<acerbate" alleiate" a!plify" escalate" inflate
5 8 8
( 1 /
Test Fie3 Questions
> M 5
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
/)$ The na!e of #hich creature can be placed on the
botto! ro# to co!plete seen three:letter #ords
reading do#n#ardsM
. , S , L O E
' 4 , & , O ,
The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
Ehat co!es ne<tM
% E
, L T
Test Fie3 Questions
5 1
( =
8 >
0 =
8 1 M 1
= 1
= 0
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Start at one of the four corner letters and spiral clock#ise
round the peri!eter" finishing at the centre letter to spell
out a nine:letter #ord$ Oou !ust proide the !issing letters$
/>$ In eight years ti!e the co!bined age of !e and !y t#o
sons #ill be /(>$ Ehat #ill it be in fie years ti!eM
/5$ Ehich t#o #ords are closest in !eaningM
old" stiff" ripe" pure" unifor!" !ello#
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B -
. E
/=$ abyss is to chas! as fissure is to3 creice" recess" gorge"
canyon" opening
/1$ 6ack is t#ice as old as 6ill" but in fie years ti!e he #ill only
be one and a half ti!es as old$ Ko# old are 6ack and 6ill
/0$ -hange one letter only in each of the #ords belo#
to produce a fa!iliar phrase3
.ra# the !issing figure in the aboe se2uence$
(/$ /)))" 185" M" 505" >8)" 5(5
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Ehich shield belo# has !ost in co!!on #ith the shield
, B -
. E
/> (8 (1
0/ /1 10
5= /== ((
/10 /8 =
(5$ Identify t#o #ords that sound alike" but are spelled differ:
ently" #hich !ean3
s!all insect
Lultiply the lo#est een nu!ber in the grid by the
highest odd nu!ber$
(5$ Ehat is the !eaning of laconicM
dull" uninspiring
using fe# #ords
e!otionally unstable
S , , T
T & 4
, 4 O +
Eork clock#ise round each circle to spell out t#o eight:
letter #ords that are synony!ous$ Oou hae to find the
starting points and proide the !issing letters$
(=$ /=" >" (0" /5" >/" ((" 55" 5/" M
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B - . E
T % O
Spiral clock#ise round the peri!eter and finish at
centre s2uare to spell out a nine:letter #ord$ Oou !ust
find the starting point and proide the !issing letters$
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
To #hich he<agon belo# can a dot be added so that both
dots then !eet the sa!e conditions as the t#o dots in the
he<agon aboeM
, B -
. E
Three tea!s" fro! England" Scotland and Eales" are
co!peting for t#o trophies" one for golf and one
for tennis$ Ko# !any different outco!es of the t#o
co!peti: tions e<istM
8" 1" 0" or /(M
55$ Ehich is the odd one outM
state!ent" fluster" retire!ent" restful" testa!ent
5 = > 5 /
/ ( ( 8 5
8 8 5 M
/ (
5>$ S#itch , turns lights / and ( on@off or off@on
S#itch B turns lights ( and > on@off or
off@on S#itch - turns lights / and 5 on@off
or off@on S#itch . turns lights 5 and >
on@off or off@on
H O%
S#itches B" ." , and - are thro#n in turn #ith the result
that Figure / turns into Figure ($ Ehich s#itch does not
#ork at allM
Figure / Figure (
Ehat nu!ber should replace the 2uestion !arkM
Ehat co!es ne<tM
, B -
. E
5=$ Find t#o #ords B=" >C in this diagra!$ +etters are traced
across the circle by chords$ If the ne<t letter is four
letters or less a#ay" it #ill be found by tracing around the
circu!: ference$ -lue3 !ay be difficult to s#i! oer$
- O
. ?
& '
+ *
, B - . E
F & K I 6
K + L % O
* Q 4 S T
' 7 E ? O P
Ehat letter is i!!ediately to the left of the letter that is
i!!ediately belo# the letter t#o to the left of the letter IM
50$ Ehich nu!ber is the odd one outM
518/ 1=/( 5(>= >558 />15 58>5
Ehich is the !issing tileM
, B - . E F & K

Test Fie3 ,ns#ers
/$ -3 it has three #hite and one black on the left and three
black and one #hite on the right$ The rest are the
opposite #ay round$
($ cheeky
5$ ear" brain
>$ 805=3 all the rest progress Q5" 9(" Q5
5$ -I4-'L%,7I&,TIO%
8$ /(
=$ /5)" /5=3 the se2uence progresses Q/" G(" Q5" G>" Q5"
G8" Q=
1$ alleiate3 it !eans to lessen" the rest !eaning to increase
0$ >3 B8 Q =C 9 B> Q 5C
/)$ O-TO*'S3 to produce .'O" ,4-" S,T" ,&O" L,*" OO'"

Test Fie3 ,ns#ers
//$ -3 at each stage the third circle !oes to the end and the
si<th circle !oes to the beginning
/($ 13 the nu!ber in the !iddle is the aerage of the nu!bers
round the outside$ So" = Q 1 Q 0 Q = Q 1 Q 0 H >1" and
S 8 H 1
/5$ L,&%ETISL
/>$ /)03 in fie years #e #ill each be three years younger than
in eight years" 5 G 5 H /5" and /(> 9 /5 H /)0
/5$ ripe" !ello#
/8$ -3 all lines carry on and change fro! dotted to unbroken"
and ice ersa
/=$ creice
/1$ 6ack /) and 6ill 5
/0$ -OLE TO +IFE
The se2uence progresses circle" triangle" dia!ond" #ith
alternate horizontal@ertical lines$
(/$ =5)3 deduct /55 each ti!e
(($ -3 it contains four black dots and three #hite

The Ti!es Book of IQ Tests
(5$ !ight@!ite
(>$ (8>8 B/> G /10C
(5$ using fe# #ords
(8$ S,T'4,TE" E,TE4+O&
(=$ 853 there are t#o alternate se2uences3 Q/( and Q0
(1$ -3 the large rectangle is being dis!antled" half a side at
a ti!e anti:clock#iseJ the s!all rectangle is being
constructed half a side at a ti!e clock#ise
5)$ 83 so that the nu!bers in the triangles" s2uares and circles
add up to 55
5/$ -3 so that one dot appears in one triangle and the other
dot appears in t#o triangles Bin the e<a!ple the right:
hand side for!s a s!all triangle and a larger triangle and
the dot is in bothC

Test Fie3 ,ns#ers
5($ 03 the alternaties are3
England #in both golf and tennis
Scotland #in both golf and tennis
Eales #in both golf and tennis
England #in golf" Scotland #in tennis
Scotland #in golf" England #in tennis
England #in golf" Eales #in tennis
Eales #in golf" England #in tennis
Scotland #in golf" Eales #in tennis
Eales #in golf" Scotland #in tennis
55$ retire!ent3 state!ent@testa!ent and fluster@restful are
anagra! pairs
5>$ S#itch , is faulty$
55$ (3 so that each s2uare block of four nu!bers totals /5
58$ E3 the s!all ellipse !oes >5T clock#ise and alternates
inside@outside of the larger ellipse
5=$ B,44IE4 4EEF
51$ K
50$ 58>53 in all the others the nu!ber for!ed by the first
t#o digits added to the nu!ber for!ed by the second
t#o digits e2uals 00
>)$ B3 looking across and do#n" only dots that appear in the
sa!e position in the first t#o s2uares are carried for#ard
to the third s2uare" ho#eer" they then change fro!
black to #hite and ice ersa

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