Venerable Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Maha Swamin

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Venerable Na Uyane Ariyadhamma Maha Swamin wahanse

The Mahthera , Venerable Ariyadhamma , was born on the 24 th of April 1939. At the age of
seventeen , on the 27 th of March 1957, he received the Going-forth ( Pabbajj ) as a novice (
smanera ) and two years later, on the 15 th of July 195 9, took Higher-ordination ( Upasampad )
with the Sri Kalyni Yogshrama sanstha (a ssociation) , an organized group of Forest Tradition
He was a senior disciple of the Most Venerable Rjakeeya Pandita Kadavedduve Sri Jinavansa
Mahathero (passed away: 13 th of July 2003), and from him and other senior monks of the Sri Kalyni
Yogshrama sanstha, including the Most Venerable Rjakeeya Panditaita Mtara Sri Gnnrma
Mahthera (the Late Abbot and Meditation Master of Nissaranavanaya Forest Monastery, Meetirigala),
received instructions in Pli, Sanskrit, the Tipitaka (Three fold Buddhist Canon) and the meditation
methods taught by the Late Most Venerable Mahsi Sayadaw, Aggamahapandita Sobhana
Mahthera, of Myanmar. Thereafter Most Ven Ariyadhamma engaged in teaching the Bhuikkus at the
Gunawardena Yogasramaya at Ambalangoda.
In 1996 Ven thero underwent training under the Most Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw
Aggamahakammattanacariya U. c inna Mahthera, at the Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre in
Myanmar, and was given authorization to teach. The meditation method taught by the Most Ven. Pa-
Auk Sayadaw is based on the `The Path of Purification ( Visuddhi- magga ). On returning to Sri
Lanka in the beginning of 1997, he introduced to the Sri Kalyni Yogshrama Sanstha, what he had
learnt and practiced in Myanmar. As a consequence of that there are now a number of forest
monasteries practicing this proven method in Sri Lanka.
More recently, on the 13 th of March 2006, he was awarded the `Mahkammattncariya (`Great
Meditation Teacher) title by the Government of the Union of Myanmar, in recognition of his services
in teaching Dhamma and meditation.
Ven Maha thero various occasions visited Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and even the Middle East
(for the benefit of the Sinhalese engaged in work there) on invitation to give Dhamma talks and
conduct meditation retreats. Almost everyday Ven thero gives dhamma talks to people visiting the
monastery or at various events Ven get ivited in.
Previously, when serving as the Senior Secretary and now the Spiritual Director of the Sri Kalyni
Yogshrama Sanstha there are duties connected with the administration of the Order of monks (
Sangha ), within the Association, that he attends to.
Even though he has many duties, he is easy to approach by those who come , for whatever reason, to
seek advice, pay respects, etc. Many are attracted by his kind and gentle disposition ( mett ), good
conduct, vast knowledge and wisdom. It is widely believed that there is no Venerable in Sri Lanka
today who knows Saddamma to the extent that Maha thero Ariyadhamma knows. Apart from the
knowladge Maha thero is a living example of an Ariya Srawaka.
May the Ven thero enrick this Sassana for another hundred years to come.
Sadu Sadu Sadu

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