Detox Drainage

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Detoxication and Drainage

A Theoretical and Practical Approach
1st English edition, June 2007
2007 by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH,
Baden-Baden, Germany.
Printed in Germany
64900 06/07 Dinner Druck
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
Dr.-Reckeweg-Strae 2-4
76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
Phone +49 7221 501-00
Fax +49 7221 501-450
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins ...5
1 Introduction 5
2 Effects of Toxins in General 6
3 Measurement of Toxicity 6
4 Classes of Toxins 7
4.1 Pollutants
4.2 Metals
4.3 Agricultural Chemicals (Pesticides)
Including Wood Preservatives
4.4 Plasticizers and PBBEs
4.5 Therapeutic Drugs and Drugs
of Abuse
4.6 Food Additives and Preservatives
4.7 Endogenous Toxins
Part II / The Physiology
of Detoxication ...13
1 Absorption 14
2 Transport 14
3 Distribution and Storage 15
4 Metabolism of Toxins 16
4.1 Phase I Reactions
4.2 Phase II Reactions
5 Elimination 17
Part III / The Organs of
Detoxication and Elimination ...21
1 The Liver 21
2 Excretion in Bile 22
3 Entero-hepatic Circulation 22
4 The Kidneys 22
5 The Matrix and Lymph 23
5.1 The Matrix
5.2 The Lymph System
6 The Lungs 26
7 The Mucosal Membranes 26
8 The Skin 27
9 Sweat 28
10 Hair 28
11 Other Routes of Elimination 28
Part IV / Tools for Detoxication ...30
1 Why Does a Person Need 30
to Detoxify and Eliminate
2 Tools for Detoxication and Drainage 31
2.1 The General Basic Detoxication
2.2 The General Advanced
2.3 The Catalysts
Part V / Practical Detoxication ...38
1 Clinical Groups 38
1.1 The Detoxication Point Scale
1.2 The Clinical Assessment
of the Patient
2 How Long Should the Patient Detox? 39
3 Blocked Excretion 39
4 The Decision Tree 40
Part VI / The Organ-specic Treatment ..42
1 The Liver 42
1.1 Therapy Scheme for Detoxication
in Chronic Viral Infection like
Hepatitis C
1.2 Detoxication of the Gallbladder
and the Bile
1.3 Therapy Scheme for Fatty Inltration
of the Liver in Type II Diabetics:
So-called NASH (Non Alcoholic
Steatotic Hepatitis Syndrome)
2 The Kidneys 46
2.1 Therapy Scheme for Kidney Stones
2.2 Therapy Scheme for
Chronic Recurrent UTIs
2.3 Interstitial Cystitis
3 The Lymphoid System 49
3.1 Therapy Scheme for
Chronic Recurrent Tonsillitis
4 The Skin 51
4.1 Therapy Scheme for Acne Vulgaris
Part VII / References ...53
Since this is an international publication, names and formulas of the products mentioned in this booklet may vary
from one country to another.
Classes of Homotoxins
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins
1 Introduction
To better understand the rationale and methods for
Detoxication and Drainage, it is useful to dene
what are toxins, their origin and nature, how they
reach the body cells and tissues, and how they even-
tually inuence homeostasis and become eventually
etiological factors for inducing disease processes.
Any agent (physical, chemical, microbial, etc.) that
adversely modies or damages a balanced biological
system is considered a toxin. Toxins may enter the
body from the external environment (exogenous
also called toxicants or xenobiotics) through the gas-
trointestinal system by ingestion, the respiratory sys-
tem by inhalation, and the skin by passive absorption
or by injection. Toxins may also originate within the
body itself (endogenous toxins) as by-products of
physiological metabolism (bilirubin, creatinine, lactic
acid, etc.) or as metabolites under abnormal meta-
bolic conditions (excess production/degradations of
neurotransmitters and/or hormones, excess free rad-
ical formation, etc.).
Modern medicine is quite successful in diagnosing
and treating acute intoxications as medical emergen-
cies for heavy metals, drug poisoning, etc. as well as
symptomatic sub-acute poisonings from a variety of
toxins (chemical, drugs and/or other xenobiotics),
but only if some laboratory evidence of intoxication
is found. Unfortunately for the patient, sub-clinical
or subtle states of chronic intoxications are not rec-
ognized, except for the fact that the appearance of
any symptomatology is treated with suppressive
medications independently of its etiology.
Biological effects of chronic subtle states of intoxica-
tions are of great importance to biological medicine.
Paracelsus is often paraphrased as stating that the
dose makes the poison. Often, if the dose is not
high enough to produce immediate acute effects
and/or cannot be detected with our present techno-
logical limitations, then the toxin is seen as not re-
sponsible and the question is just dismissed as not
being responsible for the biological effects and inu-
ences upon the health of the individual.
Another very important consideration to bear in
mind is the individuals tolerability or susceptibility to
specic toxins. The tolerability of biological systems
to a toxin is in part genetically determined and in
part acquired on the basis of enzymatic induction
an/or inhibitions, the degree of functionality of the
target organ, and functional reserve capacity of spe-
cic organ-systems. The clinical manifestations of
biological effects of toxins depend on the physical
and chemical properties of the toxin itself, but also
on the duration and route of exposure, its mecha-
nism of action, and obviously on the individual sus-
ceptibility, as previously described.
Chemical compounds, which compromise the bulk
of environmental toxins, are currently spread all over
the world, even if the chemical was not used in that
area. This is due to spread via the ground water, sur-
face rain and winds.
Bioaccumulation of these compounds cause disease
in living beings, and in humans, the immune system,
endocrine system and neurological system is the
most affected. (Crinnion, 2005)
The effects of toxins are documented in a number of
diseases, ranging from asthma, allergies, autoimmu-
nity, cancers, cognitive decit, and obesity.
New diagnoses also include so-called sick building
syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivity. Sick buil-
ding syndrome (SBS) is a combination of ailments
associated with an individuals place of work (typi-
cally, but not always, an ofce building), though
there have also been instances of SBS in residential
buildings. A 1984 World Health Organisation report
into the syndrome suggested up to 30% of new and
remodelled buildings worldwide may be linked to
symptoms of SBS. Multiple chemical sensitivity is a
condition even more difcult to treat, and is recog-
nized in some individuals who develop chemical sen-
sitivity to a host of environmental chemicals.
2 Effects of Toxins in General
Toxins can have several effects on their environment/
host namely:
Acute lethality
Sublethal effects on non-mammalian species
Sublethal effects on plants
Sublethal effects on mammals
We will only consider the effect on mammals espe-
cially on man. Here the effect of the toxin on the
host will be determined by several factors, namely
the substance and its concentration, the rate of in-
toxication and the host. Toxins can cause temporary
dysfunction in the body, lead to permanent damage
in the case of chronic intoxication, or even to death
in the case of acute intoxication. In reality all toxins
can be detrimental to the body in the correct dose.
In the words of Paracelsus, only the dose makes the
The toxicity, or rather the effect of the toxin on the
body in relationship to the dose is dependent on sev-
eral factors:
1. The galenic form of the toxin. For instance, or-
ganic mercury is much more toxic in a gaseous
form than as in liquid form.
2. When a toxin is mixed with other toxins, the tox-
icity may go up, as toxins often potentize each
other. For instance, two environmental toxins
may be present in a sub-toxic concentration, but
together with another toxin becomes severely
3. The time in which it is taken in, thus acute, sub-
acute or chronic intoxication.
If someone would drink 10 liters of water at
once, it will cause hyponatraemia and death, for
Often intoxication in minute amounts over time
have a different effect on the organism, e.g.
cause cancer, or affect the immune system,
whereas an acute intoxication will have a totally
different effect.
4. The patient:
a The ability of the patient to regulate in view
of the intoxication.
b The gender of the patient.
c The body weight.
d A possible tolerance to the substance,
especially if it is given in low doses orally
over time.
The latter (a-d) has important implications for treat-
ment strategies and will be discussed more in depth
3 Measurement of Toxicity
To compare the toxicity of toxins with each other, it
is tested under strictly controlled laboratory condi-
tions, mainly on animals. This is expressed as the so-
called LD 50 which determines in which dose de-
pending on the body weight, half of the test
population will die. LD thus stands for lethal dose.
The dose response curve of such intoxication is linear
or sigmoidal. However, recently the interest has been
revived in toxic exposure at doses below the so-
called NOAL (no observed adverse effect level) over
It is now known that many environmental toxins
over time will exert a stimulatory or an inhibitory ef-
fect on processes in the body in the so-called U-
shaped response curves, such as seen in hormesis.
This means that a toxin may only exert a certain ef-
fect in a specic low dosage range. If the concentra-
tion goes below this very low dose, it has no effect,
and if the substance occurs in full strength it may
also have no effect or another effect. A toxin thus
may be highly toxic when given in a high dose, loose
this toxicity in a lower dose, but then still have a
detrimental effect over long term exposure in min-
ute concentrations. Especially for chemical carcino-
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins
gens acting by a genotoxic effect this is of impor-
tance. (Calabrese, 2001)
Recently, a publication in Science brought to light an
even more frightening fact concerning the effect of
environmental toxins. This concerns the area of epi-
genetics, where genetic material is damaged by tox-
ins in one generation and the damage is transferred
to the next, where the effects are seen for the rst
time. (Skinner et al., 2005)
The effects on reproduction correlate with altered
DNA methylation patterns in the germ line. The abil-
ity of an environmental factor (for example endo-
crine disruptor) to reprogram the germ line and to
promote a transgenerational disease state has sig-
nicant implications for evolutionary biology and
disease etiology.
4 Classes of Toxins
Given the large amount of toxins it is difcult to clas-
sify them chemically, either by function or by mode
of action, since many of them will fall into more than
one class. Toxins can enter the body through air, wa-
ter, soil pollution (in terms of accumulation into food
sources). Others enter the body through deliberate
use, such as drugs of abuse, therapeutic drugs, cos-
metics, food additives and contaminants. A number
of these toxins can be classied as so-called anthro-
pogenic toxins, as they are connected to the actions
of man, for example by
Industrial processes
Mining and drilling
Combustion of fossil fuel for heating and power
and exhaust fumes from transportation vehicles
4.1 Pollutants
Gaseous pollutants
These substances are gases at normal temperature
and pressure. Amongst the pollutants of greatest
concern are:
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Hydrogen sulphide (H
Nitrogen oxides (NO)
Ozone (O
) and other oxidants
Sulfur oxides
Carbon dioxide (CO
Particulate pollutants
The effects of the pollutants are numerous, but
among the most important are the damaging effect
on the lung and the respiratory mucosa, which con-
tribute to allergy, asthma and cancer.
4.2 Metals
Metals are naturally occurring but accumulate due
to their uses in our activities of civilization. These in-
clude arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and chromi-
um. Metals have a wide range of detrimental actions
on the body, and share common toxic mechanisms
and sites of action.
Enzyme inhibition/activation. Especially enzymes
containing sulfhydryl (SH) groups, which bind
certain metals in the body as a co-factor may be
affected as the toxic metal could displace the co-
Sub-cellular organelles. Toxic metals disrupt the
structure and function of a number of organelles,
such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the lysosomes
and the mitochondria. Metal inclusion bodies
may form in the nucleus.
Carcinogenicity: Arsenic, chromium, nickel, as
well as cadmium, and cis-platin are human car-
cinogens. This is due to the interactions of the
metallic ions with the DNA.
Kidney: This is due to the fact that the main ex-
cretory organ in the body for metals is the kidney.
Cadmium and mercury especially are nephro-
Nervous system: Especially the lipid soluble met-
als, such as methylmercury and organic lead com-
pounds are neurotoxic as they readily cross the
blood brain barrier.
Endocrine and reproductive effects: Because the
male and female reproductive systems are under
complex neuroendocrine control, any toxin inter-
fering with any of these processes can affect the
reproductive system.
Respiratory system: Acute exposure to metals
leads to irritation and inammation of the respi-
ratory tract, whereas chronic exposure may result
in brosis (aluminium) or to carcinogenesis (arse-
nic, lead, nickel).
Metal binding proteins: The toxicity of many of
the metals, such as cadmium, lead and mercury
depends on their transport and intracellular bio-
availability. This is regulated by the high afnity
to certain cytosolic proteins. These proteins typi-
cally are rich in thiol (SH) groups. These intracel-
lular sinks are particularly important to seques-
ter metals away from vital organelles. The role of
the extracellular matrix must also be mentioned
here, as it will be an important storage place for
metals before they reach the cell as it is also rich
in thiol groups.
4.3 Agricultural Chemicals (Pesticides)
Including Wood Preservatives
The use of chemicals to control pests goes back cen-
turies to the ancient Chinese and the Romans. How-
ever, in the 1900s, compounds which we now iden-
tify as pesticides came into being. Ideally pesticides
should be highly specic, and only harm the intend-
ed target, but subsequently many health hazards
have been recognized coming from these substanc-
es. A major risk is the environmental contamination,
especially where they may enter the food chain and
the natural water resources. Of course a very serious
concern is the long half life of certain of these com-
pounds, as well as their lipophilic nature, which
makes bioaccumulation and especially accumulation
in the human body a real threat. Many of these are
classied as Persistent Organic Pesticides (POPs).
The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the clas-
sication and labeling of hazardous chemicals is an
initiative to promote common, consistent criteria for
classifying chemicals according to their health, phys-
ical and environmental hazards, and to develop
compatible labeling, safety data sheets for workers,
and other information based on the resulting classi-
cations. This is an ongoing initiative of the Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA.
The primary classes of pesticides produced today
are: fumigants, fungicides, herbicides, and insecti-
In the USA alone, the total production per year is 1.2
billion pounds of such chemicals. Produced are also
some 665 million pounds of wood preservatives.
Organochloride pesticides are probably the best
known class of pesticides. These substances, intro-
duced in the 1940s and 1950s include familiar pes-
ticides such as DDT, Chlordane, and Dieldrin (devel-
oped later as an alternative to DDT).
In acute intoxication, organochlorides act as neuro-
toxins. The persistence of this group of pesticides for
instance is a major concern, and they were banned
in the USA in 1972 after the book by Rachel Carson:
The Silent Spring in 1962. (Carson, 1962)
However, ground water in many parts of the world
still remains contaminated.
Some biological effects of pesticides and wood pre-
servatives include:
Direct damage to DNA and thus carcinogenic
Interference with immune function
Induction of the P-450 enzyme detoxication
Endocrine disruptors
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins
4.4 Plasticizers and PBBEs
Plasticizers, most commonly, phthalates, alkylphe-
nols, bisphenol A are additives, which soften the
materials to which they are added, e.g. those that
give hard plastics like PVC its exibility and PBBEs
(ame retardants), which also include the so-called
phthalates occurring in softeners of plastics, oily
substances in perfumes, additives to hairsprays, lu-
bricants, paint and wood nishers is of particular
concern here. Flame retardants, such as Polybromat-
ed biphenyl ethers (PBBEs) are materials that inhibit
or resist the spread of re.
While high doses of phthalates do constitute risks in
the sense of traditional toxicology, low doses also
change the stakes dramatically. Research reveals that
male reproductive development is acutely sensitive
to some phthalates. For example, the phthalates di-
butyl phthalate (DBP) and diethylhexyl phthalate
(DEHP) produced dramatic changes in male sexual
characteristics when exposure took place in utero, at
levels far beneath those of previous toxicological
concern. These changes included increases in the
rates of hypospadias and other indications of de-
masculinization. (Clark et al., 1999)
Bisphenol also has been implicated in the develop-
ment of cancer. (Welshons et al., 2003)
4.5 Therapeutic Drugs
and Drugs of Abuse
This is a huge group of chemicals which will not be
discussed in-depth here. Apart from the known side
effects of this group, many will also disrupt the self-
regulatory processes of the body and will cause de-
regulation and other disease. Many, who will treat
one condition, will put the patient at risk for anoth-
er. For instance, many immunosuppressant agents,
used in auto-immune diseases are known to be car-
4.6 Food Additives and Preservatives
Additives are added to foods as preservatives (such
as metyl-p-benzoic acid, propionates) but also to
change the physical characteristics, such as color
(tartrazine) odor and taste (Saccharin and Aspar-
tame, Piperonal as well as nitrates and nitrites). Cer-
tainly hundreds, and possibly thousands, of food ad-
ditives are in use world wide, many with inadequate
testing. Some of these were introduced when toxic-
ity testing was not sophisticated and subsequently
were showed to be toxic. The question of synergistic
interactions between all of these has not been
looked at adequately. Many of these are carcinogen-
ic or mutagenic.
4.7 Endogenous Toxins
These are products of normal regulatory processes
in the body, which accumulate, either through an
overproduction, or due to the fact that they are not
adequately metabolized or excreted. Examples of
these are substances such as adrenalin and hista-
It is important to note that these substances are also
metabolized by the same processes which metabo-
lize external toxins. When these enzyme systems are
overloaded by external toxins, it can lead to the ac-
cumulation of these internal toxins. This is why for
instance toxic patients will often suffer from panic
attacks, as the metabolism of adrenalin will be im-
paired. Psycho toxins will cause an imbalance in the
neurotransmitter status, and will disturb the normal
homeostasis. Furthermore, the chronic stress hor-
mone, cortisol, plays a very important role in the me-
tabolism and the resultant detoxication of the ex-
tracellular matrix, so that chronic stress will impair
the renewal of the matrix and promote an accumu-
lation of toxins in the matrix.
(There is no place in which we dont encounter toxins, but by becoming aware of the exposure possibilities,
we may better plan to avoid them, and if not possible, at least limit them and/or learn to detoxify.)
E X O G E N O U S (Toxicants or Xenobiotics)
The mucosal surface of the GI tract is about 200x that of the skin sur-
face. In a persons lifetime over 25 tons of food is processed by the GI
system, thus an enormous load of possible toxins (antigens, xenobiotics,
microbes etc.).
INHALATION (Environmental)
The lungs have the greatest exposure of any organ to the environment.
The air we breathe contains dust, chemicals, pollutants, gases, microbes,
small particles and liquid aerosols.
1 Toxic Metals
Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Hg, etc.
2 Polycyclic Aromatic
from incomplete combustion
of hydrocarbons
3 Industrial Chemicals
4 Hormones & Drugs
in Animals
5 Fertilizers
6 Pesticides
1 Solvents
2 Phosphates
3 Nitrates
4 Herbicides
5 Pesticides
6 Fertilizers
7 Industrial wastes
etcWater is usually analyzed
for less than 60 of over 700
chemicals found regularly in
drinking water.
By Products of Microbes
1 Bacteria
e.g. E. Coli
2 Viruses
e.g. Hepatitis virus
3 Parasites
e.g. Giardia
4 Algae
& their toxins
Air quality standards
measure 6 pollutants:
1 Suspended particulates
2 Carbon dioxide
3 Nitrogen oxides
4 Sulphur dioxide
5 Photochemical oxidants
e.g. ozone, aldehydes
6 Lead
1 Bacteria
2 Protozoa
e.g. Giardia
Indoor air pollutants may come from outdoor, from materials in the
building, or from human activities.
Chemicals & Minerals
1 Asbestos
2 Formaldehyde
3 Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
4 Radon gas
5 Nitrogen oxide
6 Carbon dioxide
Furniture & Renovations
1 Wood (phenols & formaldehyde from plywood, paelling, etc.)
2 VOCS (from glues, llers, paints, stains, varnishes, etc.)
3 Paints (with volatile fungicides, pesticides, mildew-cides)
4 Fiberglass (from insulations)
5 Plasticizers (exible vinyl oors)
6 Upholstery fabrics & carpets
(dye, formaldehyde, plasticizers, fungicides)
7 New carpets (contain more than 20 chemicals to kill bacteria,
hold colors, bind bers and also release acetone, benzene,
styrene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde ... in addition to dust,
chemical and microbes that it can harbor)
Household Products
1 Personal care products
2 Laundry products & fabric softeners contain
numerous toxic chemicals such as:
Carcinogenics (chloroform, benzyl acetate, limonene)
S.N.C. toxins (camphor, ethyl acetate, benzyl alcohol,
linalool, pentane)
3 Household cleaning products
4 Pesticides (used frequently)
Microbes, Molds, Dust, Pets
1 Molds & mildews in humid areas
2 Dust & dust mites
3 Bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
4 Pets increase toxins (dander, eas, use of
ea powder & collars that have toxic chemicals, etc.)
Human activities
1 Transmission of microbes
2 Tobacco smoke & replaces
3 Recreational drugs etc.
Air-conditioning & heating systems together with better sealings
from windows/doors have drastically reduced natural ventilations
the number of air exchanges have been practically eliminated (toxins
remain and further accumulate inside)
Natural Sources
of Air Pollutants
1 Volcanoes (ashes)
2 Natural gas
3 Terpenes (plants)
4 Ammonia
(from biological decomposition)
5 Smoke (res)
6 Dust (soil)
7 Plants/pollens
8 Microbes
Air Pollutants
1 Chemical dumps
2 Waste disposal
3 Fuel combustion
4 Transportation
5 Industrial
6 Farm spraying
1 Toxins Produced by Molds
e.g. Aatoxins produced
by the Aspergillus molds
Heavy Metals
1 Mercury
2 Lead
3 Arsenic
1 Asbestos
2 Radioactive elements
radon, radium, uranium
3 Gasoline
Food Additives
1 Coloration
2 Preservatives
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins
(There is no place in which we dont encounter toxins, but by becoming aware of the exposure possibilities,
we may better plan to avoid them, and if not possible, at least limit them and/or learn to detoxify.)
E X O G E N O U S (Toxicants or Xenobiotics) E N D O G E N O U S (Toxins)
INHALATION (Environmental)
The lungs have the greatest exposure of any organ to the environment.
The air we breathe contains dust, chemicals, pollutants, gases, microbes,
small particles and liquid aerosols.
Indoor air pollutants may come from outdoor, from materials in the
building, or from human activities.
Chemicals & Minerals
1 Asbestos
2 Formaldehyde
3 Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
4 Radon gas
5 Nitrogen oxide
6 Carbon dioxide
Furniture & Renovations
1 Wood (phenols & formaldehyde from plywood, paelling, etc.)
2 VOCS (from glues, llers, paints, stains, varnishes, etc.)
3 Paints (with volatile fungicides, pesticides, mildew-cides)
4 Fiberglass (from insulations)
5 Plasticizers (exible vinyl oors)
6 Upholstery fabrics & carpets
(dye, formaldehyde, plasticizers, fungicides)
7 New carpets (contain more than 20 chemicals to kill bacteria,
hold colors, bind bers and also release acetone, benzene,
styrene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde ... in addition to dust,
chemical and microbes that it can harbor)
Household Products
1 Personal care products
2 Laundry products & fabric softeners contain
numerous toxic chemicals such as:
Carcinogenics (chloroform, benzyl acetate, limonene)
S.N.C. toxins (camphor, ethyl acetate, benzyl alcohol,
linalool, pentane)
3 Household cleaning products
4 Pesticides (used frequently)
Microbes, Molds, Dust, Pets
1 Molds & mildews in humid areas
2 Dust & dust mites
3 Bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
4 Pets increase toxins (dander, eas, use of
ea powder & collars that have toxic chemicals, etc.)
Human activities
1 Transmission of microbes
2 Tobacco smoke & replaces
3 Recreational drugs etc.
Air-conditioning & heating systems together with better sealings
from windows/doors have drastically reduced natural ventilations
the number of air exchanges have been practically eliminated (toxins
remain and further accumulate inside)
1 Prescription drugs
2 Recreational drugs
3 Animal toxins
bites or puncture by sh, arthropods,
parasites, etc.
Substances that are both water
& fat soluble are more easily absorbed
through the epidermis especially if not
integral and through the hair follicles:
1 Drugs
2 Cosmetics
3 Chemicals
especially from the air and from
waters. showers, bathing, etc.)
4 Radiations
Produced in the Body
1 Physiologically
- Bilirubin
- Ammonia
- Uric acid
- Lactic acid
- Creatinine
Become toxic if in excess for:
- production
- detoxication and excretion
2 Under Abnormal Conditions
- production of waste products
, H
, free radicals, etc.)
- hormones and/or neurotransmitters
- microbial debris
- pH imbalances
Stored in the Body
Originally from external origin but introduced into the body where
they are stored and become a continuous source of toxic release
(Water soluble chemicals are easily excreted, but fat soluble
chemicals accumulate in fat cells and cell membranes)
1 Dental materials
2 Medical implants
3 Microbes (foci)
Toxins are ubiquitous in our environment and can
accumulate for years in the ground water, as well
as cover vast distances due to climatic phenom-
Different classes of toxins exist, such as pollut-
ants, metals, agricultural chemicals, plasticizers,
food additives, therapeutic drugs and endoge-
nous toxins which are formed in the body and
not adequately excreted.
Many toxins occur in the so-called NOAL (no ob-
served adverse effect level), but still cause long-
term problems such as carcinogenesis if present
at minute concentrations.
Epigenetic effects of toxins are now recognized,
where one generation is exposed to the toxin,
but the effect is only seen in the offspring.
The toxicity of toxins range from lethality to tera-
togenicity to genotoxicity as well as carcinoge-
Toxins can also impair the immune system, the
intracellular organelles and cause enzyme inhibi-
tion or activation, or mimic endogenous hor-
mones, when they are called hormone disrup-
The Physiology of Detoxication
Part lI / The Physiology of Detoxification
In the previous chapter we saw that the body is ex-
posed to a wide variety toxins present in the air, wa-
ter, soil and food. The body has several inherent de-
fense mechanisms and membrane barriers to prevent
the absorption and distribution of the toxin when
the intoxication has occurred. Once inside the body,
the internal defense system, or Basic Bioregulatory
System will be mobilized in order to eliminate the
toxin or at least try to compensate for it.
In this chapter, we will look at the way the body
deals with these toxins.
Before a toxin can have a detrimental effect on the
body, it needs to reach the target organ or cell. In
principle four steps are necessary for this:
Distribution and storage
Toxicokinetics studies the absorption, distribution,
elimination, metabolism and/or clearance that take
place in the body after exposure to the toxin. Toxico-
dynamics on the other hand studies the biochemical
and physiological effects of drugs and toxicants and
determines their mechanism of action. Toxicokinet-
ics can also be seen in the diagram below.
Absorption at
the portals of entry
Distribution to the body
Metabolism to less
toxic metabolites
Metabolism to more
toxic metabolites
Metabolism to
conjugation metabolites
Interaction with macromolecules
(proteins, DNA, receptors)
Toxic effects: genetic carcinogenic, immunologic
and repair
Fig. II,1: Toxicokinetics
1 Absorption
Toxins can enter the body through all the surfaces
which are in contact with the outside world.
These comprise the skin, the mucous membranes
and also the gastrointestinal tract. In general, the
absorption over the respiratory mucosa is the quick-
est, whereas it is the slowest over the dermal route.
The overall entry depends on the amount of toxins
present, but also on the saturability of the transport
The mucosal surfaces have several barriers which
will prevent toxins from entering the body, such as a
mucosal barrier, the physical presence of symbiotic
bacteria as well as the so-called tight junction.
The skin also has barriers in the form of a certain
level of pH, etc.
2 Transport
Once the toxicant is absorbed into the body it moves
around in two ways, either by bulk transfer via the
blood or lymph, but also locally through diffusional
transfer over short distances. The path which a toxin
takes after absorption is illustrated in Fig. II,2.
During absorption, distribution and elimination, a
toxin will encounter various cell membranes before
interacting with the target tissue. These membrane
barriers will differ from relatively thick areas of the
skin to relatively thin lung membranes, in all cases
though the composition is relatively similar.
The cell membrane can be seen as a lipid matrix. It
contains both phospholipids (hydrophobic) portions
as well as hydrophilic heads. Intra- and extracellular
proteins transverse the membrane.
Fig. II,2: Toxin path after absorption
Environment Interstitial uid Plasma Interstitial uid
Mucosa of organ
of elimination, skin
Target cell
Intracellular uid
Intra-organelle uid
(mitochondria, liposome, nucleus)
This will differ from organ to organ. The myelin in
the brain consists of 100% lipid bilayer whereas mi-
tochondria have only a 40% lipid bilayer. This, of
course has implication for the distribution of fat sol-
uble toxins. Depending on the fat solubility of the
toxin, it will thus transverse the cell membrane.
Many of the proteins which tranverse the membrane
are active in transport of toxins over the cell mem-
The distribution of the absorbed toxin will depend
on various factors, such as physiological factors, but
also the physiochemical properties of the drug. This
process is thus a REVERSIBLE movement of the toxi-
cant between the blood and tissues and between
the extracellular and intracellular compartment. The
velocity at which this movement is reversible be-
comes important when we address the mobilization
and drainage of toxins later on.
Factors which can complicate the distribution of a
toxin can be the following:
Perfusion of the organ
The well perfused tissues include the liver, kid-
neys and brain; whereas the low perfused tissues
include the bone and fat tissue where there is
slow elimination from these tissues.
Protein Binding
There also may be signicant protein binding
which could affect the delivery of the drug to the
tissues and vice versa. Especially binding of toxins
to the matrix structures may trap these toxins
there for years and prevent elimination.
Protein binding also plays a very important role in
the transport of toxins. There are many plasma pro-
teins involved in such a transport, but mostly invol-
ved are albumin, alpha-acid-glycoprotein, the lipo-
proteins, and globulins.
The lipoproteins, such as HDL, LDL and VLDL are very
important here, as so many toxins are lipophilic, and
therefore they will carry a number of toxins. Iron and
copper will again be carried by the metal binding
globulins, transferrin and cereluplasmin.
3 Distribution and Storage
Plasma protein binding is not selective and toxins
can thus compete with each other and even with
endogenous substances for binding.
Covalent binding to the protein forms a minor part,
but the dissociation is extremely difcult and the car-
rier molecule is changed, and may eventually play a
role in carcinogenesis.
Noncovalent binding is more common. The toxin
can dissociate easier from this bond. However, in
some cases the bond may be so strong that the tox-
in remains bound for weeks, months or years. Cer-
tain metals have high association constants and their
dissociation is extremely slow.
If the afnity for an organ is large, the toxin will ac-
cumulate or form a depot for years. In general, lipid
insoluble toxicants stay in the plasma and interstitial
uids, while lipid soluble contaminants reach all
compartments, and may accumulate in fat.
Some toxins have specic afnity for certain tissues.
Tetracyclines have a high afnity for the calcium con-
taining tissues, which is seen in the discoloration of
teeth if it is given under the age of 14 years. Simi-
larly, the anti-malarial, chloroquine has an afnity
for the melanin, and can be taken up by tissues like
the retina, causing a retinitis. This drug is often used
in lupus and other connective tissue diseases, which
makes an ophthalmic check up every six months
Bone will also concentrate certain toxicants such as
lead where a sudden loss of bone can lead to acute
release of the toxin and have dire consequences, es-
pecially after menopause when there may be a sud-
den bone loss.
This will be discussed later when we look at the ide-
al rates of detoxication.
Lipophilic pesticides, such as the organochlorines
and PCBs can be expected to accumulate in fat tis-
The afnity of metals to SH groups have also been
addressed in the previous chapters.
Part lI / The Physiology of Detoxification
The binding of these metals to the numerous thiol
groups in the extracellular matrix is of special con-
Certain areas will be naturally less penetrable to tox-
ins. The brain, which is protected by the blood brain
barrier, is such an example. Disease processes such
as meningitis and other inammatory or infective
processes can disrupt this barrier and thus cause tox-
ins to enter the brain tissue.
Other tissue blood barriers include the prostate/
blood barrier and the testis /blood barrier.
Unfortunately, other than what is generally believed,
the placenta is a poor barrier and the fetus is thus
exposed to all the toxins to which the mother is ex-
posed. This has been seen in fat tissue biopsies which
were performed on newborns and found numerous
toxins such as PCBs, dioxin and others in the tissues.
We need thus to assume in todays environmental
pollution, that our newborns are already contami-
nated with toxins.
4 Metabolism of Toxins
One of the most important determinants of the per-
sistence of toxins in the body is the extent to which
they can be metabolized and excreted.
Several families of metabolic enzymes are active in
metabolism of endogenous and exogenous toxins.
These include one of the most important, the P450
system, but also the avin containing monooxidases
(FMOs), the alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases,
amine oxidases cyclooxygenases, reductases, hydro-
lases and the conjugating enzymes such as the me-
thyl transferases as well as the glutathione transfer-
ases to name a few.
Most of the metabolism takes place in the liver, and
as most of the toxins entering the body are lipophil-
ic, they need to become water soluble for excretion.
After entrance to the liver and other organs, xenobi-
otics may undergo two phases of metabolism. This is
demonstrated in Fig II,3.
Cysteine, Glucoronic Acid,
Phase I
Phase II
Free Radical
Nitric Oxide
Tissue destruction
Vit C, Mg, Fe
Selenium, Mg, B3
Zn, NADH Fe, Mo, B2
Excretion Conjugation
Fig II,3: Liver metabolism
Part lI / The Physiology of Detoxification
4.1 Phase I Reactions
Phase I metabolism involves mainly the CYP (P450)
system, the FMOs and the hydrolases. Following the
addition of a polar group, conjugating enzymes typ-
ically add more constituents, such as sugars, sulfate-
sor amino acids which make the compound more
water soluble.
In this process, however sometimes more toxic inter-
mediate metabolites are formed, these then will
have to be detoxied again. These intermediate me-
tabolites are likely to react with nuclear parts of
macromolecules unless they are further detoxied.
An example is the breakdown of alcohol to acetalde-
hyde, which is much more toxic that the alcohol.
The CYP system or P450 plays a very important role
in the phase I reactions. The CYPs which constitutes
the carbon monoxide-binding pigment of the liver
microsomes are heme proteins. A nomenclature has
been developed for the different types and iso-
Although mammals are known to have 18 CYP fam-
ilies, only three are reponsible for xenobiotic metab-
olism. The remaining are involved in steroid hormone
production. They are classied according to the
gene, subfamily and lastly the isoform (arabic nu-
meral, letter, arabic numeral).
Thus CYP 3 A 4 is responsible for the metabolism of
many drugs as well as endogenous toxins and exog-
enous toxins.
Its activity can also be inuenced by a host of drugs
and chemicals, and it can either be induced, which
will have the result that certain drugs are broken
down too quickly, e.g., warfarin, whereas grapefruit
juice in large quantities is known in fact to damage
this system irrevocably and thus may lead to an ac-
cumulation of drugs.
The Phase I detoxifying pathway takes care of envi-
ronmental toxins such as pesticides, pollutants and
food additives as well as drugs and alcohol. The end
products of our own metabolism are also processed
here for excretion. Fat soluble toxins are changed by
way of oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis to make
them more water soluble for excretion via the bile
and the kidney.
It is important to note that these enzymes need cer-
tain co-factors to fulll their action. These are trace
elements, vitamins, amino acids and substances like
NADH. (see Fig II,3)
Phase I produces signicant amounts of free radicals
during this detoxication process, and if the antioxi-
dant status of the patient is not adequate tissue
damage may occur if the P450 is overloaded, or in-
duced. Some substances, such as caffeine, alcohol,
certain drugs, dioxin and organophosphates (used
as pesticides), and paint fumes can induce this path-
way. Sometimes intermediate substances like the
acetaldehyde formed during the metabolism of cer-
tain toxins, like alcohol, can be more toxic to the
body than the original substance. Certain people,
cal led fast acetylators, will then be more prone to
damage of the liver, as the toxin is fast metabolized
to this dangerous intermediate, and then the pro-
cess is slow again. These individuals are at higher risk
for liver damage during ingestion of toxins which
will use the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway to be
detoxied, for example when paracetamol overdose
4.2 Phase II Reactions
The Phase II pathway or conjugation pathway uses
substances rich in sulfhydryl groups to metabolize
toxins. A number of these substances, like cysteine
and taurine as well as glutathione which are formed
from glycine, glutamine and cysteine under inu-
ence of a selenium dependent enzyme, also act as
free radical scavengers and heavy metal chelators.
During conjugation of toxins they are lost to the
body forever, as they are excreted with the toxin,
whereas as free radicals they can be regenerated.
Some substances will only use phase I or phase II to
be detoxied, others will use both. It is thus clear,
that if the phase II pathway is overloaded, the free
radical scavenging ability will be given up in favor of
the conjugation function and further damage to the
liver parenchyma may occur. Also if the patient is
decient in selenium for instance, glutathione pro-
duction will be impaired, with the resultant of toxic-
ity and free radical damage.
5 Elimination
After the toxins have gone through these two phas-
es, they are ready to be eliminated. However, if the
intermediary toxin is not broken down, or the toxin
load is too high there will be bioaccumulation of the
The ability to detoxify and eliminate toxins is para-
mount to the maintenance of health in an organ-
For unicellular organisms a simple process of diffu-
sion is enough to eliminate toxins, however, multi-
cellular organisms, especially if there has been an in-
crease in complexity, needs to nd other ways to
eliminate toxins.
Environment Interstitial uid Plasma Interstitial uid
Mucosa of organ
of elimination, skin
Target cell
Intracellular uid
Intra-organelle uid
(mitochondria, liposome, nucleus)
Fig II,4: Toxin path for excretion
With an increase in complexity, organisms have de-
veloped an increase in size, a decrease in surface
area to body mass ratio, compartmentalization of
cells and organs, as well as an increase in lipid con-
tent. Together with the fact that organisms need to
protect themselves from the environment with barri-
ers such as scales and skin, means that there is less
possibility for toxins to diffuse out of the body. This
was solved, by developing specialized methods of
metabolism for toxins and specialized routes of elim-
ination. We have thus major and minor elimination
The major routes involve the liver, the kidneys, the
mucous membranes and the lungs as well as the
skin, whilst the minor routes involve the saliva,
sweat, milk, hair, and secretion from reproductive
To eliminate the toxin, it must go through the re-
verse route as was described in section II from the
place of storage back to the external environment
(Fig II,4).
Chemicals are transported from the place of storage
mainly via the blood stream. As the circulatory sys-
tem leans itself toward the transport of water solu-
ble substances, the more lipophilic substances are,
the less likely they are to freely diffuse into the blood
and thus the mobilization of these toxins from their
place of storage is more difcult. The same process
as was discussed in section II, where binding of tox-
ins to carrier proteins and lipoproteins is the way
these toxins will enter the blood stream.
The toxins are thus transported back to the organs
of elimination, but if these organs are dysfunctional,
overloaded or damaged, the toxins cannot be ex-
creted. This means that such toxins will circulate fur-
ther in the blood stream and through diffusion enter
some compartments again, e.g. a fat soluble toxin
may now be stored in the brain, with dire conse-
quences. The stimulation of toxins out of their com-
partments should thus be a slow and careful pro-
Here we distinguish two groups of compartments:
1 The rapid-exchange system
in these compartments, tissue concentration of
toxicant is similar to that of the blood
2 The slow-exchange system
in these compartments, tissue concentration of
toxicant is higher than in blood due to binding
and accumulation-adipose tissue, skeleton and
kidneys can temporarily retain some toxins, e.g.
arsenic and zinc.
The important fact is that Detoxication and Drain-
age should carry on so long till the slow exchange
system is given a chance to give up all the toxins.The
organs involved in the Detoxication and Drainage
of the toxins will be discussed in the next section.
Part lI / The Physiology of Detoxification
Toxins have to cross several membranes in the
body to be absorbed, and to eventually be stored,
or eliminated via the organs of elimination.
Toxins follow simple kinetics, and observe the dif-
fusion over semi-permeable membranes till a
steady state is achieved on both side of the mem-
These basic kinetics are different for toxins who
has a high association co-efcient with proteins
and cellular structures, be it in the blood or in the
organ of storage.
These kinetics affect both the storage and the
mobilization of toxins in and out of these com-
partments and needs to form the basis on which
the practical Detoxication and Drainage is exe-
Two groups of compartments can be distin-
guished, depending on the perfusion of the or-
gan and the amount of toxin bound to protein.
The rapid-exchange system.
In these compartments, tissue concentration
of toxin is similar to that of the blood.
The slow-exchange system
In these compartments tissue concentration
of toxin is higher than in blood due to binding
and accumulation.

Many toxins are metabolized before they can get
excreted. One of the main purposes of this is to
render fat soluble toxins water soluble for excre-
tion in the bile and kidneys.
The P450 system of enzymes plays a major role
here, especially in the liver, where it comprises
the phase I reactions. This is augmented by the
phase II reactions.
Organs are at danger during the act of Detoxi-
cation and Drainage, due to the high concentra-
tion of toxins moving through the organ at the
time, and through the generation of free radicals
during the detoxication process.
Support of theses organs is thus of utmost im-
portance during detoxication and the elimina-
tion of the toxin.
As was seen in the previous chapter, many organs
and tissues are involved in the absorption, the trans-
port, the metabolism, the storage and the elimina-
tion of toxins. These highly complex processes re-
quire special properties of the organ to fulll this
function. Often, the organ itself may be endangered
by disease due to the excretion, storage and move-
ment of toxins through it.
We shall now consider these organs in more depth.
1 The Liver

The liver is one of the most im-
portant detoxifying and elimi-
nation organs in the body,
and metabolically the most
complex. The liver is a major
organ of chemical elimination
in that it takes up chemicals from blood, metabolizes
chemicals, and ensures the biliary and renal secre-
tion of toxins. The liver detoxies a large array of
external and internal toxins. It also plays a role in the
cholesterol metabolism, glycolysis and gluconeogen-
esis, providing many of the plasma proteins neces-
sary for carrying hormones, fats and provides clot-
ting factors, to name a few of its numerous
The principal cell in the liver responsible for the de-
toxifying action is the hepatocyte which facilitates
the two pathways discussed in section II in dealing
with mainly fat soluble toxins in order to render
them hydrophilic or water soluble.
We have seen that most toxins reach the organs
of elimination via the blood stream. The liver is very
well perfused, and gets its blood from two sources:
the arterial oxygen rich blood which is delivered
through the hepatic artery, and the venous blood
through the portal vein from which the liver gets all
the blood that is shunted from the capillaries of the
gut and spleen.
Hepatocytes are practically bathed in blood as this
blood transverses a system of sinusoids. This provi-
des a very large surface for chemicals to easily dif-
fuse into the liver cells or hepatocytes (see Fig III,1).
Due to the high lipophilic character of many of the
chemicals which are metabolized by the liver, to be
able to enter the water soluble area, they will need
carrier proteins. Several intracellular carrier proteins
are present in hepatocytes.
The Organs of Detoxication
and Elimination
Part lll / The Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
Fig. III,1: The liver as detoxication organ
Canalicular Membrane Bile duct
Hepatic Portal Vein
Hepatic Artery Hepatocytes Sinosoid
To Central Vein
Water soluble
Once inside the hepatocyte the chemical can inter-
face with the phase I and II enzymes to undergo bio-
transformation and become water soluble. A num-
ber of these substances then diffuse back into the
blood, where they will be transported to the kidneys
for elimination.
2 Excretion in Bile
These bio-transformed molecules can also diffuse
over the membranes of the bile canalilculus, and
therefore ow into the bile duct. This is then further
delivered with the other constituents to the gall-
bladder which excretes the bile into the intestine for
fecal elimination. (See Fig. III,1)
In many instances we also want to facilitate the
drainage of bile. The gallbladders primary function
is to secrete bile and release it through the cystic
duct. This duct joins the hepatic duct from the liver
to create the common bile duct, which then empties
into the upper part of the small intestine, thus into
the duodenum. Bile not only carries away and neu-
tralizes toxins, but it stimulates and aids digestions
by emulsifying fats, stimulating peristalsis, and act-
ing as a natural laxative.
3 Entero-hepatic Circulation
This is a process whereby already conjugated chemi-
cals which are water soluble is deconjugated by hy-
drolytic enzymes in the gut, and then rendered lipo-
philic again, and are once more reabsorbed by the
gut. The liver is thus exposed to another round of
the same toxin to reprocess it again and again. This
increase the retention time for toxic chemicals in the
liver, and may increase liver toxicity. Some of these
metabolites are more dangerous than their original
substance and as we saw above, the P450 is also a
source of free radicals which will thus further dam-
age the liver cell.
It is thus imperative to protect the liver as well during
the process of Detoxication and Drainage. This will
be further discussed in the section on methods of
4 The Kidneys

The kidneys are organs specialized in the excretion
of numerous water soluble toxins
and metabolites, maintaining ho-
meostasis of the organism. The
kidneys detoxify
Heavy metals
Other toxins
Each kidney possesses about one
million nephrons able to perform
excretion. Renal excretion repre-
sents a very complex event encompassing three dif-
ferent mechanisms:
Glomerular ltration by Bowmans capsule
Active transport in the proximal tubule
Passive transport in the distal tubule
Blood is delivered to the kidneys via the renal artery
and about 625 ml of plasma move through the kid-
neys per minute, and of that 125 ml is ltered
through the glomelular membrane. Most of the wa-
ter is then reabsorbed again in the proximal and dis-
tal tubule, so that only approximately 1-2 liters of
urine is formed per day. (See gure III,2)
Fig. III,2: Filtration in the kidney
Some ltered substances, such as glucose will also
be totally reabsorbed, so that in normal conditions
there is no glucose in the urine. Other substances,
many of which are harmful to the body are ltered,
secreted and then minimally reabsorbed. Creatinine
is such a substance, and can thus be used to test the
efciency of the kidneys in clearing harmful sub-
stances. It accumulates in the blood when the kid-
neys are dysfunctional. If the kidneys are damaged
through disease or toxins (drugs and chemicals),
their ability to excrete drugs is reduced, and in con-
ventional medicine, the dose of drugs in needs to be
adjusted accordingly.
It is important for the urine to be on the alkaline
side, as it facilitates the secretion of certain drugs,
like barbiturates for instance, and alkaline urine will
prevent urinary tract infections.
The kidneys commonly bear the brunt of chemical
toxicity since the nephron tends to concentrate the
toxin and thus increase levels of toxic exposure in
the tubules.
The kidneys thus also need protection and support
throughout the Detoxication and Drainage stages.
5 The Matrix and Lymph
5.1 The Matrix
This forms the nal biophysical layer between the
cell and the regulatory organs. This system was lar-
gely forgotten since Virchow, a physician who wor-
ked in Vienna and a contemporary of Freud, saw a
cell through a microscope and postulated that all
diseases originated on a cellular level. Another phy-
sician working there at the time, Rokitansky, wanted
to still bring in the humeral theory, but was largely
Pischinger and Heine, two modern researchers,
brought this back into balance, and the newer mo-
lecular biology texts increasingly recognize the role
of the matrix.
The cell on its own is actually an abstraction. The cell
does not come in contact with the blood vessels,
nerves, veins and lymph vessels which deliver nutri-
ents and messengers and remove toxins. It relies for
this on the biophysical layer made up of highly po-
lymerized sugar protein complexes called Glycoami-
noglycans (GAGs) like hyaluronic acid, chondroitin
Fig. III,3: The extra-cellular matrix
Part lll / The Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
Glomerular Capsule Proximal Tubes
To the Urinary
Capillary Bed
Loop of Vein
sulphate and heparin or when they are linked to a
protein backbone, they are called proteoglycans
(PGs). This molecular sieve must be crossed by the
entire array of metabolic products.
Sugar protein complexes are phylogenetically con-
sidered the best carriers of information. Heine and
Pischinger could show that if the matrix is disturbed
by a pin prick in one place, the disturbance is com-
municated to the whole matrix in seconds. This ma-
kes it an ideal system through which to give any in-
formation to the body. The acupuncture point is an
anatomical structure originating in the matrix, a bell
like structure, and it offers a wonderful window
into this system.
Unfortunately, because of the chemical and electri-
cal charges on the GAGs and PGs, they also be-
come the place where toxins are stored for a long
The matrix is also one of the tissues with a slow per-
fusion, and thus will have pattern of slow turnover.
The matrix has its own biorhythm, and is dependent
for instance on cortisol and thyroid hormone to be
activated. During the early hours of the morning,
the body goes into an ebb phase with a low cortisol,
and it is during this ebb phase that the matrix will
purge itself from toxic materials. Stressed patients,
or patients who through a change in their sleep-
wake cycle have lifted or disturbed the diurnal
rhythm of cortisol, will not be able to detoxify, as
there may be a misring between the matrix and
the liver. Cortisone in high doses as medication will
also disturb the innate rhythm of the body, and re-
sult in matrix toxicity. We can see that in patients
who has been on cortisone therapy, as they become
swollen and puffy in the matrix. Patients who are
hypothyroid have been described as having myxo-
edema in the older textbooks. The same swelling
will be apparent in the matrix if the matrix biorhythm
is disturbed. Many toxins are hydrophilic and will
draw uid into the matrix. The result is edema, which
we in clinical medicine see as cyclical edema in fe-
males or as cellulite.
It is clear from the above that if the molecular sieve
of the biophysical layer fails, is polluted that there
will be distortion of information to and from the cell.
If the disturbance is severe enough, cellular disease
will ensue.
Newer molecular biological research shows that the
matrix is the site for many messengers which codes
for intracellular phenomena, which, if disturbed, can
contribute to many disease phenomena, including
cancer. (Lukashev ME, Werb Z, 1998)
5.2 The Lymph System

Apart from its role in the immune
system, the lymph system also
acts as a detoxifying organ
and drains most of the toxins
from the matrix or connective
tissue via the lymph vessels,
which nally drain into the
superior vena cava. The lymph
system is made up of a myriad of
little lymph vessels which then aggre-
gate into larger vessels. These larger ves-
sels are interspersed by aggregations of lymphoid
tissue, which are made up of immune competent
cells. These lymph nodes, as the aggregations are
called, really function as super detection centers for
antigens, but it is also here whereto sensitized im-
mune cells will migrate in order to produce millions
of similar clones of that sensitized cell. The migra-
tion is called homing in immunology and the mul-
tiplication, cloning. The swelling we see in these
lymph nodes during an infection is due to the activa-
tion of the immune cascade by these sensitized cells.
This will cause an inammation of the lymph node.
A major portion of our immune system is located in
these lymph aggregations, and in fact the largest
part of our immune system is found in the gut lin-
ings so-called Peyers patches. This is the reason why
we can manipulate the whole of the immune system
by intervening on the level of the gut lining.
Physiological considerations
The lymph system is a slow drainage system, and the
propulsion of lymph towards the heart is dependent
on a number of factors. Firstly, the lymph vessels
have no valves, but depend on a sort of negative
suction action of the truncal vessels, which is similar
to that of an amphibian heart. The lymph ows rela-
tively slowly at a rate of 1-2 ml/min, against a high
resistance, whereas the venous ow is rapid at
2-3 l/min against a low resistance. Two thirds of the
body uid is located in the intracellular space, whilst
a third is located in the extra-cellular space. Of this,
75% is in the interstitial space or connective tissue
and about 25% circulates as plasma. The lymph and
venous ow is responsible for circulating most of the
extra-cellular uid, and the interstitial uid in par-
ticular is drained mainly by the lymph system.
From the above it is clear that the factors which will
control the uid interchange will be:
Oncotic pressure of the plasma and the lymph
is determined by the amount of macromolecules
such as protein, and the electrolyte content such
as sodium, potassium, etc. in the solution. Sol-
utes exert a certain pressure in any uid, as they
draw water so to speak and the more there is of
them in a solution, the higher the pressure. When
a patient is protein decient for instance, through
malnutrition or disease, we see that there are not
enough macromolecules to keep the uid in the
vascular compartment, and the uid will leak out
into the interstitium, with edema as the result.
Kidney failure on the other hand results in an ac-
cumulation of electrolytes and other macromol-
ecules in the interstitium. The result is that the
oncotic pressure in the interstitium will exceed
that of the plasma, and again edema will ensue.
The hydrostatic pressure is a mechanical pres-
sure, which can be compared to a hose pipe con-
nected to an open tap. The smaller the diameter
of the hose pipe, the higher the pressure, the
more open the tap is, the higher the pressure,
and if there is an obstruction like a kink in the
hose, the higher the pressure before the kink,
and the lower the pressure after the kink. Fluid
always tends to drain from a high-pressure area
to a low-pressure area over a semi permeable
membrane, which is represented by the venous
capillary or the lymph capillary, until the pressure
is equal on both sides. Thus if there is obstruction
in the venous system, similar to a kink in the
hose, there will be a high pressure in the vein,
and the body will try to equalize the pressure be-
tween the vein and the interstitium, thus the
uid will also accumulate in the interstitium.
If there is for instance cardiac failure, we see a
back pressure into the venous system, and in
our hose model above, this will represent a wide
open tap, with more pressure in the venous sys-
tem, and then more uid in the interstitium.
Lastly if there is an obstruction of the lymph ow,
we will see a back pressure in the lymph sys-
tem and edema will again be the result. We see
this in diseases of the lymph vessels like Elephan-
tiasis, where the lymph vessel is scarred by a par-
asite for instance.
The lymph system as a detoxifying organ
The lymph system has a special relationship with the
matrix. It is so to say as the only way out for toxins
which are stored in the matrix is via the lymph sys-
tem. It also means that if the matrix is overloaded
with toxins, the lymph system will be overloaded
with toxins as well, as the lymph system has to re-
move the toxic debris out of the interstitium, and
at a certain point will also be clogged with these.
The stimulation of lymph ow is thus one of the
most important steps to achieve when cleaning the
Part lll / The Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
6 The Lungs
Not only does the mucosa of the
respiratory tract plays an im-
portant role as a barrier to
toxins as was discussed ear-
lier, the lungs are also one
of the main points of excre-
tion of gaseous and volatile
drugs such as anesthetics
and even alcohol.
Elimination via the lungs is typical for toxins with
high volatility (e.g. organic solvents). Gases and va-
pours with low solubility in blood will be quickly
eliminated this way, whereas toxins with high blood
solubility will be eliminated by other routes.
Organic solvents absorbed by the GIT or skin are ex-
creted partially by exhaled air in each passage of
blood through the lungs, if they have a sufcient
vapour pressure. The breathalyser test used for sus-
pected drunk drivers is based on this fact. The con-
centration of CO
in exhaled air is in equilibrium with
the CO
-Hb blood content. Another example is the
radioactive gas radon which appears in exhaled air
due to the decay of radium accumulated in the skel-
A number of toxins and bacteria are also secreted in
the mucous of the respiratory tract, and expectora-
tion is thus welcomed and supported.
7 The Mucosal Membranes
Mucosal membranes form the largest part of our
bodies in contact with the outside world, and they
are therefore very specialized. A mucosal surface is
like a micro cosmos in itself, and a good example of
all the components of the auto regulatory system
active in one organ. With almost 80 %
of the immune system forming
the mucosal associated lym-
phoid tissue (MALT), some
hormones having receptors
on the mucosal cells, a full
complement of nerves me-
diated by the autonomic ner-
vous system, an active lymphatic
drainage, and the large complement of
extra-cellular matrix, the mucosal membrane compri-
se one of the most important regulatory organs. Not
only does it form a very selective barrier with the
tight junction in between the epithelial cell and ad-
hesion molecules playing an important role in decid-
ing what will enter the body, mucosal surfaces can
also let some of the immune cells, like neutrophils
through the tight junction to ingest toxic material in
the lumen. It further protects against toxins by se-
creting chloride and other solutes into the lumen
which will osmotically draw water in order to wash
away the offender, a fact that we see as diarrhea in
the gut for instance.
The integrity of these surfaces is thus of major im-
portance in the defense against toxins.
The symbiotic gut bacteria also need mentioning
here as a barrier function. Not only do they form a
passive barrier against toxins coming in contact with
the epithelial surface, they also contribute to the de-
fense against toxins by producing certain metabo-
lites which will serve as fuel for the gut lining, and as
such will then help the mucosal cell to keep the in-
tegrity of the tight junction. However, due to the
hydrolytic enzymes produced by them, they can also
contribute to the dangerous entero-hepatic circula-
tion mentioned above.
Absorption via gastrointestinal tract
Toxins can be ingested in the case of accidental swal-
lowing, intake of contaminated food and drinks, or
swallowing of particles cleared from the respiratory
In the case of toxins biotransformed in the liver to
less toxic or non-toxic metabolites, ingestion may
represent a less dangerous portal of entry. After ab-
sorption in the GIT these toxins will be transported
by the portal vein to the liver, and there they can be
partially detoxied by biotransformation.
The active area for absorption in the intestines is
about 100 m
Some toxic metal ions use specialized transport
systems for essential elements: Thallium, cobalt and
manganese use the iron system, while lead appears
to use the calcium system.
Many factors inuence the rate of absorption of tox-
ins in various parts of the GIT:
Physico-chemical properties of toxins, for exam-
ple, particle size is important, the smaller the size,
the higher the solubility.
Quantity of food present in the gut (diluting ef-
Residence time in each part of the GIT (from a
few minutes in the mouth to one hour in the
stomach to many hours in the intestines).
The absorption area and absorption capacity of
the epithelium.
Local pH, which governs absorption of dissociat-
ed toxins; in the acid pH of the stomach, non-dis-
sociated acidic compounds will be more quickly
Peristalsis (movement of intestines by muscles)
and local blood ow.
Gastric and intestinal secretions transform toxins
into more or less soluble products; bile is an
emulsifying agent producing more soluble com-
plexes (hydrotrophy).
Combined exposure to other toxins, which can
produce synergistic or antagonistic effects in ab-
sorption processes.
Presence of complexing/chelating agents.
The action of micro ora of the gut comprising
about 1.5 kg made up of 60 different bacterial
species which can perform bio transformation of
When we thus detoxify and drain, it is also impera-
tive to support the actions of the gut, but also to
support the integrity of the barrier function in the
8 The Skin
The skin forms the second largest surface of our
body after the mucosa which is in constant contact
with the outside world. Apart from the barrier func-
tion, it is also a major detoxifying organ, and has the
same P450 system seen in the liver, as well as gluta-
thione to take care of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
bons. The skin can absorb
many substances (like pesti-
cides and chemicals in cos-
metic products), and has to
be able to detoxify them.
Another important func-
tion of the skin is to pro-
tect us against the harm-
ful UV rays from the sun.
The glutathione and other free
radical scavengers like catalase and super oxide dis-
mutase are of importance, as they scavenge the free
radicals formed by the UV ray exposure. Like in the
liver though, induction of the detoxifying P450 path-
way will also generate free radicals so that in the
presence of toxins the skin is more exposed to the
effects of free radicals, which leads to immunotoxic-
ity, tissue destruction and eventually skin ageing as
well as cancer. Conversely, UV rays damage the de-
toxifying ability of the skin (the P450), and sun dam-
aged skin is thus less able to deal with toxins.
Part lll / The Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
Due to its role in detoxication, and being one of
our most important excretory organs (through sweat
and evaporation), we also see the skin often bearing
the brunt when other detoxifying organs like the
liver are overloaded. Eczema, drug induced rashes
and increased sweating are examples of this. In these
cases it is thus important to support other organs
like the liver for detoxication in skin disease. The
liver and skin for instance break down histamine in
the body through the P450. If the systems are over-
loaded, allergy will ensue. Histamine and other ami-
nes are also formed during the inammatory pro-
cess, and many environmental toxins, like alcoholic
drinks, especially red wine can contain a large
amount of histamine.
9 Sweat
Many non-electrolytes can be partially eliminated via
skin by sweat: ethyl alcohol, acetone, phenols, car-
bon disulphide and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
10 Hair
Analysis of hair can be used as an indicator of ho-
meostasis of some physiological substances. Also
exposure to some toxins, especially heavy metals,
can be evaluated by this kind of bioassay.
11 Other Routes of Elimination
Many metals, organic solvents and some organo-
chlorine pesticides (DDT) are secreted via the mam-
mary gland in mothers milk. This pathway can rep-
resent a danger for nursing infants.
Some drugs and metallic ions can be excreted
through the mucosa of the mouth by saliva, for ex-
ample, lead (lead line), mercury, arsenic, copper,
as well as bromides, iodides, ethyl alcohol, alkaloids,
and so on. The toxins are then swallowed, reaching
the GIT, where they can be reabsorbed or eliminated
by feces.
Part lll / The Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
Many organs are involved in the storage, metab-
olism and elimination of toxins once the toxin is
absorbed into the body.
The liver is one of the major detoxication or-
gans, and plays an especially important role in
the processing of toxins being absorbed via the
oral route.
The liver is well perfused and also equipped with
enzymes to render fat soluble toxins to water
soluble toxins to be excreted in the kidney and
The kidney deals with the above mentioned wa-
ter soluble toxins, but is also the major organ of
elimination dealing with heavy metals and sev-
eral drugs.
The lung plays a major role in the elimination of
volatile gases, e.g. organic solvents and gases
and vapours with high solubility in the blood.
The mucous membranes act as a barrier, but also
contain the P450 system of enzymes and can ac-
tively metabolize and excrete toxins.

The symbiotic micro ora plays a special impor-
tant role here.
Sweat, hair, milk and saliva are minor elimination
organs, and can be used to test the elimination
of toxins such as heavy metals and other toxins.
Excretion of toxins in milk pose a risk to the in-
The matrix and also with it the adipose tissue
form a major site of deposition of both water
and fat soluble toxins, and due to the fact that
this is a slow exchange compartment and in close
association with the cell, is a major area of con-
cern in chronic intoxication.
The lymph system is the only signicant way tox-
ins can be drained from this compartment and
therefore needs special attention during the
drainage process.
Tools for Detoxication
In the previous sections we looked at the various
toxins which can affect the organism as well as at
the way the organism deals with the toxin under
normal physiological conditions. In this and the next
section we will explore how to support this process
in well persons but mostly in patients with mild or
serious disease.
We have seen in the previous sections that:
1 We are surrounded by toxins, and that there is no
place on earth that is safe anymore.
2 That these toxins can enter the body, and if not
metabolized and eliminated can stay in the body
for years, in compartments that are relatively
poorly perfused, like the fat tissue and the con-
nective tissue.
3 That these toxins can have detrimental effects in
the body, even if present in minute amounts over
many years.
4 That the human body being a complex organism
has developed sophisticated mechanisms to se-
questrate, metabolize and eliminate these tox-
5 That the organs of elimination can be less ef-
cient through disease and overload or, through
the lack of vital co-factors needed for the proper
functioning of enzymes.
6 Those toxins follow simple toxicokinetics in that
they diffuse over several membranes as well as
bind to plasma proteins. This will determine the
rate that they enter the body and certain tissue
compartments, but also the rate that they are re-
moved from these compartments.
1 Why Does a Person Need
to Detoxify and Eliminate?
It should be clear from the above that toxins stored
in the body or not eliminated, will be detrimental for
various reasons. Toxins can have a wide range of ef-
fects, such as fatigue, brain fog, concentration loss,
but also other not such apparent manifestations
such as the so-called chloracne which is caused by
halogenated toxins.
As we saw above, some toxins can be endocrine dis-
ruptors, cause immune dysfunction, and in the worst
scenario act as carcinogenic substances.
Due to the wide distribution of toxins, and our fast
lifestyle with modern malnutrition and toxic food, as
well as the increase in psychological stress, the need
for Detoxication and Drainage exist in every pa-
Detoxication and drainage requirements, however,
will be different in different populations.
The aims of detoxication can be summarized as the
so-called 4-S treatment:
STOP external supply of toxins.
SUPPORT the organs of
Detoxication and Drainage.
STIMULATE elimination of toxins.
SENSITIZE the patient for
further detoxication.
We saw in part II of this booklet that toxins have
basic kinetics. Toxins need to diffuse over several
membranes, to reach different compartments. Most
toxins reach the other compartment by passive dif-
fusion over semipermeable membranes. Toxins are
carried to and from compartments in the blood, and
therefore it means that we would like to reduce the
concentration of toxins in the blood so that the tox-
ins can start to diffuse back into the blood stream
For this reason we put the patient on a non-toxic
diet, give a lot of uids during the detoxication pe-
riod, and also pro-actively stop the supply of toxins,
such as inhalants, alcohol and other toxins. This is
the rst S: STOP.
In other cases, the toxins are bound to proteins and
also to SH groups in the cell and in the matrix. We
often then have to stimulate the release of the toxin
from these molecules. This is an active process and
needs support. To get the body to free itself of toxins
we need to do two things: Support the organs which
Part IV / Tools for Detoxification
metabolize harmful substances, support the func-
tion of the organs which store toxins, such as the
matrix, and lastly we also have to stimulate elimina-
tion from these organs.
It is important to note that once stored toxins are
released they often have not completed their me-
tabolism, and therefore still need to be made water
soluble in the liver before getting excreted in the kid-
ney and other organs.
If the stored toxins are released too rapidly all at
once, or the liver and other metabolizing and elimi-
nation organs are overloaded or not functioning
properly, the released toxins will diffuse into the
blood, but cannot be excreted. They will thus circu-
late in the blood stream till they found a compart-
ment where the concentration is less than in the
blood and then diffuse into this compartment. The
crux is that in this way toxins are merely shifted from
point A to B. This is not such a problem in well per-
sons or patients with mild toxicity, but in patients
with severe toxicity it may have repercussions, such
as heavy metals now entering the brain where it is
extremely difcult to remove them.
Especially in patients where the organs of elimina-
tion are not functioning properly or burdened by dis-
ease or with other toxins (such as seen in patients on
chemotherapy), this needs to be considered. In these
patients we need to support the organs of detoxi-
cation and elimination rst before we actually drain
the tissues.
It is also important to note that the process of De-
toxication and Drainage puts a severe burden on
the body, and thus in the very frail and sick patients
it can put another burden on the body and in these
patients detoxication should be done as a later
event, when the patient has received other medica-
tions to support the body. Detoxication and drain-
age also needs energy, and therefore the catalysts
are a standard addition to more strenuous detoxi-
cation programs. Apart from the fact that they also
play a role in cellular detoxication. (See below)
2 Tools for
Detoxication and Drainage
For each organ there is a product which will support
the tissues. These are mostly the so-called composita
preparations which also contain tissue extracts and
often catalysts. And there are basic preparations
which are combinations of plant materials and also
minerals on the other hand are mostly (but not only)
used to stimulate elimination. We shall now discuss
the various medications available for detoxication.
Firstly the basic regimens, which can be generally
applied in all diseases, and then a number of disease
processes will be discussed separately.
Mild to moderate toxicity Organs Moderate to severe toxicity
Detox-Kit Liver Hepar compositum
contains +
Nux-vomica Homaccord, Kidney Solidago compositum
Berberis-Homaccord and +
Lymphomyosot Matrix Pulsatilla compositum/Thyreoidea compositum
Coenzyme compositum Cell Ubichinon compositum/Glyoxal compositum
Use at least for 6 weeks Use rst for six weeks, then Detox-Kit for another 6 weeks
Fig. IV,1: General Detoxication and Drainage
2.1 The General Basic Detoxication
This regimen is often used initially in patients with
mild to moderate toxicity. With this basic regimen,
we want to support the liver and gut, the kidneys
and drain the matrix of toxins as well as help the
These preparations come in drop form and 30 drops
of each can be added to a 1.5 liter bottle of water to
be taken over the day. This is thus a convenient
method to deliver the medications.
Nux vomica-Homaccord supports the liver and the
gut. Like with most Homaccords this medication is
also functiotropic to the liver and gut, which means
that it will improve the function of these organs.
Nux vomica-Homaccord
Nux vomica, Lycopodium
Bryonia, Colocynthis
Fig. IV,2: Nux vomica-Homaccord
Fig. IV,3: Berberis-Homaccord
Urinary tract
Liver and gut
Colocynthis, Veratrum
Part IV / Tools for Detoxification
Berberis-Homaccord has the same effect as above,
but is more functiotropic for the kidneys, however, it
also has an action on the liver and gallbladder.
Lymphomysot has been designed to be a drainage
remedy, and should not be used initially in the case
of severe toxicity, or if the liver and kidneys are over-
It has several components which helps drain the tis-
sues of the various organs. It is thus a universal
drainage remedy and can also be used in the case of
disease of the lymphoid organs. Lymphomysot has
been studied in cases of diabetic neuropathy where
it was seen to be as effective as alpha lipoic acid in-
fusions, which are currently the treatment of choice
for diabetic polyneuropathy.
The postulation was that Lymphomyosot will drain
the so-called Advanced Glycosylation End products
(AGEs) in the matrix of these patients and thereby
reduce the inammatory potential around the
nerves. (Dietz et al., 2004)
The actions of the various constituents of Lympho-
myosot are depicted in the gure below.
In some countries, Nux vomica-Homaccord,
Berberis-Homaccord as well as Lymphomyosot
are combined into one pack, the so-called Detox-
In most patients with mild to moderate toxicity the
three products can be given together as Detox-Kit.
Often Coenzyme compositum is given together
with these three products. The catalysts will be dis-
cussed separately below, but this is mainly to sup-
port the Krebs cycle, and also to detoxify the cellular
structures. This makes the Detoxication and Drain-
age quite complete.
The symptoms of Detoxication and Drainage can
vary from patient to patient. Most patients start with
a diuresis, or losing water, while others may drain
preliminarily over the gut, with slight diarrhea and
loose stools. The color of the urine and stools may
also change. Some patients will use the skin and the
lungs to detoxify, which manifests as an increase in
sweat with odor or with a tachypnea.
Respiratory tract
Natrium sulfuricum
Lymphatic system
and the Matrix
Pinus silvestris
Calcium phosph.
Ferrum jodatum
Fig. IV,4: Lymphomyosot
Liver and gut
Fumaria, Geranium,
Urinary tract
Sarsaparilla, Equisetum
2.2 The General
Advanced Detoxication
The purpose of this advanced detoxication is to
support the organs of detoxication, especially in
patients with a high toxic burden, or in patients
where the organs of Detoxication and Drainage are
not functioning optimally. This is also true for pa-
tients who are debilitated.
In these patients it is very important not to increase
the load of toxins too early, as these patients often
already have genotoxic effects of toxins or active
cancer. For instance, if a patient with breast cancer is
highly contaminated with DDT, which is an estro-
genic like substance, it can act as a promoter for the
cancer. Experiments with ovarectomized mice have
shown that the mice can develop breast cancer if
they are intoxicated with DDT, then ovarectomized
so that there is no internal source of estrogens. The
mice then developed breast cancer from the release
of DDT from the tissues. (Bigsby et al., 1997)
It is thus wise to go slowly in patients with decreased
detox ability, or high loads of toxins as well as in
obese patients which could store a number of lipo-
philic toxins. Fasting should be avoided in most pa-
tients for this reason, as fasting causes a very quick
release of toxins from the storage compartments
into the blood stream due to the fact that there are
no immediate toxins coming in from the food, and
the elimination and detox organs will then turn their
attention to older stored toxins and these may then
be released in large amounts and at once.
The advanced detoxication products aim to sup-
port the major organs of Detoxication and Drain-
age (see Fig IV, 5). These products are mostly com-
posita preparations, which implies that they have a
special formulation with plant and mineral material,
but then also contain organ extracts of the specic
target organs, or tissue which will support the target
organs, as well as catalysts and sometimes vitamins
in dilution.
The plant material is in a low dilution and has a ho-
meophytotherapeutic effect, whilst the minerals,
catalysts and organ extracts occur in concentrations
which are thought to be stimulatory. These concen-
trations are the same as those in which many of the
bodys internal messengers such as neurotransmit-
ters and cytokines are present.
Fig. IV,5: Advanced detoxication products
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit - Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
detoxication/ Homaccord
Advanced Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
detox 1
Advanced Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
detox 2 Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
detox 3 Lymphomyosot
For cellular Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
detoxication Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
in addition
Part IV / Tools for Detoxification
The support medication for the liver is Hepar com-
positum. This product has the typical compositum
conguration, and will also support other tissues
such as the pancreas and the colon. It is designed to
support the detoxifying ability of the liver and gall-
For the kidney, the medication of choice is Solidago
compositum. Again this typical compositum prod-
uct combines organ extracts with plant materials
and minerals as well as with some catalysts. This
product has a strengthening and toning effect on
the renal tract.
The last part of the advanced detox is the support
and activation of the extra cellular matrix. It is impor-
tant to realize that fat tissue, bone, and also carti-
lage are all part of the extra cellular matrix, albeit
with differences in density and types of bres. How-
ever, these compartments are relatively poorly per-
fused and all drained by the lymph system. They all
also share the high concentration of negatively
charged amino acids and SH groups which will all
bind toxins tightly and will keep these toxins seques-
trated for years. Furthermore, adipose tissue offers a
large reservoir for fat soluble toxins.
The matrix is in constant renewal through a balanced
process of controlled degradation and controlled re-
pair. The degradation is mediated via the pro inam-
matory cytokines which in turn will mobilize the so-
called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which
dissolves the tissue of the matrix and through this
method also get rid of toxic complexes. (See Figure
Tumor Necrosis
(Free radicals)
Growth Factor
Tissue healing
Fig. IV,6: Degradation and repair in the matrix
This process is under control of several physiological
substances, like cortisol and thyroid hormone to
name a few. If patients for instance loose the bio-
rhythm of cortisol which we need to control this re-
pair process in the matrix, the patient will end up
with a toxic and edematous matrix, such as seen in
patients on long-term cortisol therapy.
In such cases and in cases where the patient has
been under severe psychological stress, we need to
activate the matrix as an organ again.
This is best achieved by products containing the fac-
tors needed for the activation and strengthening of
the matrix, and therefore we use products such as
Thyreoidea compositum, as it has a number of
suis embryological and stem tissues in it, such as
Funiculus umbilicalis made from Whartons jelly.
These have a strengthening and activating effect on
the mesenchyme, of which the matrix is part of.
One other medication used in the activation of the
matrix is Pulsatilla compositum. This medication
contains a plant, Pulsatilla, the mineral sulfur in ho-
meopathic form and lastly also cortisone in a high
dilution. This high dilution will have a homeopathi-
cally reversal effect if a patient had a high dose of
cortisone over time. The sulfur is thought to activate
the sulfur containing substances of the matrix.
2.3 The Catalysts
This group of substances are used in detoxication
in two ways, namely as support for the Krebs cycle
and secondly as cellular detoxiers.
There are three of them, the rst being Coenzyme
compositum, the second Ubichinon compositum,
and lastly Glyoxal compositum.
Coenzyme compositum has all the factors in the
Krebs cycle and many of the co-factors involved in
the Krebs cycle. The vitamins in dilution are thought
to have a detoxifying effect on the cellular struc-
Ubichinon compositum has a number of quinones
in and apart from supporting the electron transfer
chain during cellular respiration, they are also em-
pirically used in cancer patients.
Glyoxal compositum which is a mixture between
Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal will have a stimulating ef-
fect on the cellular respiration. The latter is thought
to have the most stimulatory effect, although this
has not been studied. Current studies are being initi-
ated to scientically prove the action of these ho-
meopathically prepared catalysts which has been
empirically used since 1976.
The catalysts play a specically important role in de-
toxication, and are added to detoxify cellular struc-
tures. The action of Glyoxal compositum is thought
to be deeper than that of Ubichinon compositum.
and Coenzyme compositum. Glyoxal composi-
tum is used in patients who have a severe cellular
toxicity, such as cancer patients. Glyoxal composi-
tum is used in longer intervals, together with Ubi-
chinon compositum and Coenzyme composi-
tum. For instance, Glyoxal compositum can be
given 1x per week for 4 weeks together with the
other catalysts with a break of
several months in between
and then used again.
e com
l yoxa
Fig. IV,7: Action of catalysts
Most people need to detoxify and drain due to
the environmental load of toxins.
Toxins accumulate through a combination of in-
crease load as well as modern malnutrition and
psychological stress, which impacts on the ability
of the body to detoxify and drain .
The 4-S regimen is a practical way to approach
the problem of toxin accumulation:
STOP external supply of toxins.
SUPPORT the organs of detoxication
and drainage.
STIMULATE elimination of toxins.
SENSITIZE the patient for further
Antihomotoxic tools for Detoxication and Drain-
age can be used in two regimens, the basic and
the advanced.
General support of regulation is also needed in
the form of vital co-factors to the detoxication
systems (minerals, vitamins, trace elements, ami-
no acids).
The basic detoxication products Nux vomica-
Homaccord, Berberis-Homaccord as well as
Lymphomyosot form a trio to support the func-
tion of the liver, the kidneys and nally to drain
the tissues via the lymph system.
The advanced detoxication offers a comprehen-
sive support of the organs of detoxication and
elimination and is used as a preparation phase in
patients where detoxication needs to be done
at a slower pace, or where the organs of Detoxi-
cation and Drainage have been weakened by
disease or overload.
Special considerations need to be observed in
certain clinical groups, such as obese patients,
patients on chemotherapy, the elderly as well as
patients with a history of drug abuse in the past.
The preparation phase in the advanced detox is
mandatory in these groups.
Part IV / Tools for Detoxification
Practical Detoxication
This section will deal with the way we approach De-
toxication and Drainage in the different patients.
1 Clinical Groups
The assessment on where to start with the detoxi-
cation process is made with two tools:
The detoxication point scale
The clinical assessment of the patient
1.1 The Detoxication Point Scale
This is built up to incorporate all the major toxicity
symptoms. Patients evaluate their symptoms on a
scale of 0 to 4:
Point count
0 = Never or almost never have the symptom
1 = Occasionally have it, effect is not severe
2 = Occasionally have it, effect is severe
3 = Frequently have it, effect in not severe
4 = Frequently have it, effect is severe
Points are then totaled, yielding a score that indi-
cates the severity of the patients toxic burden:
Total points < 100:
Patient with mild to moderate toxicity
Total points > 100:
Patient with moderate to severe toxicity
1.2 The Clinical Assessment of
the Patient
Group 1
Point count < 100:
mild to moderate toxicity
Mostly the well/healthy person who wants to clean
her or his body and optimize the drainage of toxins
as well as the patient with mild disease such as skin
conditions, fatigue, acne, irritable bowel syndrome
and other signs of mild toxicity.
D Basic Detoxication and Drainage
with Detox-Kit
Group 2
Point count > 100:
severe toxicity
Mostly the patient with some diagnosed disease
process, including autoimmunity and pre-cancerous
conditions as well as the patient with severe toxicity.
But also all the following patients must be regarded
as special groups and will need advanced support
The cancer patient on active treatment such as
chemotherapy and radiation therapy
The older patient
The obese patient with metabolic disease
The patient with impairment of the
elimination organs, such as the liver or
the kidney
The patient who had signicant drug addiction
in the past, even if this was a long time ago
D Advanced Detoxication and Drainage
Note: Patients in the special groups
are always classied into group 2
regardless of their point count.
We also use the point scale to follow our treatments
and to decide when a patient with initial severe tox-
icity should switch to the basic regimen. (See Fig.
V,1: The Decision Tree)
2 How Long Should
the Patient Detox?
From our discussion above, we see that there are in
general two waves of drainage when we start to ap-
ply the 4-S regimen:
STOP external supply of toxins.
SUPPORT the organs of
Detoxication and Drainage.
STIMULATE elimination of toxins.
SENSITIZE the patient for further detoxi-
cation and lifestyle changes.
First we see a fairly fast drainage of toxins through
the well perfused compartments. This will result in
an increase in urinary ow, loose stools, and increase
in sweating and mild headache.
After a few days the patient will feel better, but one
should not stop the Detoxication and Drainage, as
a second wave of Detoxication and Drainage will
follow from the lower perfused compartments, such
as the fat tissues and the connective tissues. It is thus
important to clear these compartments totally, over
weeks. In patients with severe toxicity (group 2) it is
even good to continue the drainage process with
Lymphomyosot up to 12 weeks or even longer,
whilst in others, the patient can go on Lympho-
mysot for 4-6 weeks (group 1).
Note: If the patient has a point score of < 50 from
the outset, only Lymphomoysot is used as treatment
for 4 weeks.
3 Blocked Excretion
Most patients drain the fast exchange compartment
relatively easy and this will result in a fast excretion
of toxins from the interstitium into the lymph system
and blood stream. The toxins will thus move to or-
gans of excretion or they may have to be made wa-
ter soluble if they were stored in the lipophilic form.
Increased urination, loose stools or mild diarrhea,
mild fatigue as well as increased sweating are signs
of a healthy excretory phase!
If the organs of excretion are overloaded, lack co-
factors to detoxifying enzymes or are diseased, and
they have not been prepared with the advanced sup-
port rst, the patient may have symptoms of blocked
excretion. This can manifest as severe headache, nau-
sea, muscle pain and joint pain. As this almost never
happens in the support phase, we are looking at pa-
tients on the Detox-Kit. A strategy change is then
required and may be solved in two ways.
The rst strategy is to separate the three products
and give only the bottle of Nux vomica-Homac-
cord rst, followed by the Berberis-Homaccord,
and then followed by Lymphomyosot. Then a trial
of all three together is made.
The second strategy persists, go to a support phase
rst for six weeks and then to the Detox-Kit again.
The latter strategy is often used when a patient still
has signs of blocked excretion after reintroduction
after the second challenge with the whole kit.
If no symptoms of blocked excretion occur on re-
challenge, continue with the Detox-Kit as described
below in the decision tree.
Part V / Practical Detoxification
4 The Decision Tree
Fig. V,1: Detoxication and Drainage decision tree
Assign the patient to a group
STOP external supply of toxins
Advanced Detox treatment
(see protocols)
For 6 weeks or until point score
is under 100
SUPPORT detoxication
STOP external
supply of toxins
Basic Detoxication and Drainage
with the Detox-Kit
For 12 weeks or until point score
is under 50
STIMULATE drainage
If there are signs of blocked
excretion (e.g., headache, nausea,
myalgia, etc.), use the Detox-Kit
formulations consecutively:
1. Nux vomica-Homaccord
(liver stimulation)
2. Berberis-Homaccord
(kidney stimulation)
3. Lymphomyosot (matrix drainage
and stimulation of cleansing)
For 2 weeks each or until
point score is under 50
After treatment with Detox-Kit is completed, continue with Lymphomyosot.
If initial point score is < 50: 4 weeks
51-100: 6 weeks
> 100: 12 weeks
SENSITIZE patient: Healthier lifestyle, regular Detoxication and Drainage
Group I: Point score less than 100 Group II: Point score more than 100 (or special groups)
Practical tools for planning detoxication in a pa-
tient is the practice based detoxication ques-
tionnaire, which is a semi-subjective tool, as it is
based on the assessment of the patient on her or
his symptoms.
Clinical assessment of the patient concludes the
picture, and especially the special groups are
The decision tree is condensed into a ow chart.

Although special tests for Detoxication and
Drainage are available, they are still largely invali-
dated, and whilst giving important information
on the ability of the patient to detoxify remains
impractical in general practice, due to the cost
and the collection of samples.
The total toxin load can be determined nally
only by tissue samples which are out of the reach
of most patients and practitioners.
Part V / Practical Detoxification
The Organ-specic Treatment
Certain medications are also very specic for condi-
tions which affect certain organs.
1 The Liver

In terms of basic and advanced
detoxication we already looked
at Nux vomica-Homaccord
and Hepar compositum. A
few other medications though
need mentioning:
Hepeel is a combination product existing of plant
material and minerals. Although this is classied as a
simple combination, it has been shown to have anti-
oxidant and antiproliferative properties. (Gebhardt
et al., 2003)
Recent in vitro studies also looked at the role of
Hepeel in view of the protection it offers in terms of
exposure to heavy metals like cadmium. (Unpub-
lished data)
The protective antioxidant and antiproliferative ef-
fect of Hepeel on liver cells has also been shown
experimentally. (Gebhardt et al., 2003)
We mentioned already in the previous sections the
fact that detoxication through the Phase I reaction
will generate large amounts of free radicals. By add-
ing a compound such as Hepeel, which will at the
same time stimulate drainage and act as an anti-oxi-
dant; it will support the tissues during periods of in-
creased detoxication. This is important in diseases
such as alcoholic liver disease, as well as in viral dis-
eases such as Hepatitis C where the tendency is to-
wards fatty inltration and proliferation.
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage when point count is under 100
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Part Vl / The Organ-specific Treatment
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
1.1 Therapy Scheme for Detoxication in Chronic Viral Infection like Hepatitis C
In this type disease, the detoxication should be a late event, and the main aim is to support and protect the
liver tissue. In all of the chronic viral diseases there is a tendency towards fatty inltration, brosis and nally
Protocol for Hepatitis C*
Disease-specic treatment Engystol N p Cellular Immunity
Hepeel p Liver protection
The above regimen for 4 weeks before the detoxication,
continue with Hepeel during the detoxication for 12 weeks.
Detoxication treatment
Advanced support for 6 weeks or until point count is under 100
Note: Hepeel protects the liver cell from damage by the virus and endogenous immune system.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Note: Hepar compositum in this case will support the tissues of the liver and gallbladder. It should be used in
patients who have big gallstones or obstruction of the bile duct. In obstruction of the bile duct with a
stone, no drainage remedy such as Chelidonium-Homaccord should be used. Thus if a patient is jaun-
diced from gall stone obstruction, or in acute cholecystitis, Chelidonium-Homaccord should not be
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
Use for six weeks, then reassess with ultrasound. This regimen can be repeated after a 4 week
interval of rest. Often 3-4 cycles are needed.
1.2 Detoxication of the Gallbladder and the Bile
Certain medications have a special afnity for the liver and especially the bile duct and the gallbladder. Such
medications often contains the ingredients Chelidonium and Carduus marianus or Sylimarin.
Protocol for Gall Stones*
Disease-specic treatment Chelidonium-Homaccord p see note below
Detoxication treatment For 6 weeks
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Part VI / The Organ-specific Treatment
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Note: Advanced support in this case for 12 weeks, independent of point count, as the tissue support is im-
perative before the drainage takes place. The fat tissue in the liver will also store many fat soluble
toxins, which will put the liver further in danger when toxins are drained too quiclky.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
1.3 Therapy Scheme for Fatty Inltration of the Liver in Type II Diabetics:
So-called NASH (Non Alcoholic Steatotic Hepatitis Syndrome)
Protocol for Fatty Inltration of the Liver as seen in NASH and Alcoholic Liver Disease*
Disease-specic treatment Syzygium compositum
Nux vomica-Homaccord p in alcoholic liver disease
Concomitant detoxication
Advanced support for 12 weeks
Note: Detox-Kit for further 6 weeks, and then Lymphomyosot only for further 8 months.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
2 The Kidneys

We have seen that the kidneys are
mainly organs of elimination, and
that they concentrate toxins, which
may damage the kidneys them-
selves. The perfusion of the kid-
neys plays a very important role
in the excretory function of the
kidneys. The ow of urine also is
important in the excretion.
The support of the kidney function is thus of ma-
jor importance in the process of draining of toxins,
and it must be ensured that the kidneys are not
overloaded, or impaired with disease.
Three medications have a special importance in the
treatment of the kidneys. Solidago compositum
and Berberis-Homaccord have already been dis-
cussed above as they are part of the advanced and
basic Detoxication and Drainage regimens. It is also
important to mention that Berberis-Homaccod has
an important function in treatment of inammatory
conditions of the kidneys.
Reneel H is a further medication which is available
as a drainage preparation for the kidneys.
Certain diseases affect the kidneys, where drainage
of toxins through the renal tract may play a role. In
these cases it is of special importance to support the
detoxication through the kidneys.
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Part VI / The Organ-specific Treatment
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage when point count is under 100
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
2.1 Therapy Scheme for Kidney Stones
These could be through an accumulation of internal toxins, such as uric acid, calcium or oxalates in the urine,
which then precipitates into aggregations. The pH of the urine may play a crucial role here, it is thus important
to do the 4-S regimen here. The patient must in the rst case STOP the supply of toxin, or the food which could
lead to an accumulation of the toxin. In the case of uric acid this will be food like red meat, alcohol and shell sh.
In the case of oxalates the green vegetables, such as spinach must be avoided.
Protocol for Kidney Stones*
Disease-specic treatment Berberis-Homaccord p Initially on its own, then after point count
is under 100 as part of the Detox-Kit
Detoxication treatment
Advanced support for 6 weeks or until point count is under 100
Note: This must be accompanied with a diet low in oxalates, if the stones are oxalate stones, and also with a
low uric acid diet if the stones are due to hyperuricemia. In this case, Hepar compositum is also contin-
ued throughout the detoxication to support the liver.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
2.2 Therapy Scheme for Chronic Recurrent UTIs
This is a problem especially in small children and in females, for different reasons. In children the problem is more
of a reux, whereas in females there is an anatomical as well as a hormonal reason. In both cases, drainage and
support of the renal tract is of utmost importance.
Protocol for Chronic Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections*
Disease-specic treatment Berberis-Homaccord p Initially on its own, then after point count
is under 100 as part of the Detox-Kit
Echinacea compositum p Add in the case of acute infection
Detoxication treatment
Advanced support for 6 weeks or until point count is under 100
Note: Mucosa compositum supports the renal epithelium and Solidago compositum supports the whole re-
nal tract. On this treatment, the patient may still suffer with acute UTIs.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage when point count is under 100
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Part VI / The Organ-specific Treatment
2.3 Interstitial Cystitis
This is a very difcult condition to treat. In this case
the patient will rst need the advanced support and
then the basic detoxication with a continuation of
Lymphomyosot after that.
Especially the addition of the tissue medications for
the mesenchyme, such as Thyreoidea composi-
tum and Mucosa compositum plays a vital role in
this instance. The catalysts are added as a routine
and only over months the relapses will get less and
less as well as the severity diminish. In the
end it is vital to drain the Interstitium
over several months with
3 The Lymphoid System
The lymphoid system has two functions. That of a
detoxifying and drainage organ and that of an im-
mune function. Apart from edema which is mildly
present in toxic people, we also see a higher rate of
benign lymphadenopathy and of course also more
tissue infections when the lymph system does not
function sufciently.
A number of products will support
the lymphoid system especially,
but the two most important are
Lymphomyosot and Tonsilla
compositum. Tonsilla composi-
tum is a complex combination of
plant, mineral, catalyst and organ ex-
tracts. It is especially effective in the chro-
nic recurrent infections, whether it is in child-
hood or that of the elite sportsman. Together with
Lymphomyosot, which add the drainage, many of
these syndromes can be eliminated.
3.1 Therapy Scheme for Chronic Recurrent Tonsillitis
Protocol for Chronic Recurrent Tonsillitis*
Disease-specic treatment Calcoheel
Detoxication treatment
Advanced support if the point count is above 100 or in specialized groups
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Note: In chronic tonsillitis or tonsillar hypertrophy this is an excellent adjuvant treatment to diminish acute
infections. This is not a regimen for the acute infection in these patients. The presence of beta-hemo-
lytic Streptococci is a reason for conventional treatment.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage when point count is under 100
Part VI / The Organ-specific Treatment
4 The Skin
4.1 Therapy Scheme
for Acne Vulgaris
In patients with acne vulgaris, the detoxication
should run parallel to the treatment scheme. It is bet-
ter to do the advanced detox in patients with severe
acne, but in patients with milder symptoms the basic
support often is enough.
The pilosebaceous unit (the sebaceous follicle, seba-
ceous glands, and sebaceous ducts) is where acne oc-
curs. Pilosebaceous units are concentrated in body
sites that are prone to acne the face, back, and
chest. The pathogenesis of acne is complex and mul-
tifactorial. Although the etiology of acne is not clear,
or why acne remits or resolves in most individuals but
not in others the central pathogenic factors have been
delineated. These are:
Excessive sebum production secondary
to androgen stimulation
Altered follicular keratinization and
desquamation, resulting in follicular plugging
Proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes,
an anaerobic organism normally resident in
the follicle
Inammation following chemotaxis and
the release of proinammatory mediators,
such as IL-1
Aims of the treatment:
Reduce sebum formation
Reduce inammation
Normalize hormonal environment
Combat super infection of the comedo
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Note: Hormeel can also be used in males for the treatment of acne.
Dosage: Ampules: In general, 3-1 times weekly 1 ampule i.m., s.c., i.d.
Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily
Protocol for Acne*
Disease-specic treatment Hormeel
Echinacea compositum p in super infections of the comedo
Detoxication treatment
Advanced support if the point count is above 100 or in specialized groups
* Products to be used for detoxication are highlighted
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Basic Detoxication and Drainage when point count is under 100
Part VII / References
1 Armstrong B, et al. Lung cancer risk after ex-
posure to poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. En-
viron Health Perspect 2004;112:94087
2 Ballatori N. Transport of toxic metals by molecu-
lar mimicry. Environ Health Perspect 2002;110
3 Bigsby RM, Caperell-Grant A, Madhukar BV.
Cancer Research 1997;57:86569
4 Brody JG, Rudel A. Environmental pollutants and
breast cancer. Environ Health Perspect 2002;
5 Calabrese EJ, La Hormesis B. U-shaped dose re-
sponses and their centrality in toxicology. Trends
in Pharmacological Sciences June 2001;22(6):
6 Carson R. Silent Spring. Greenwich (Connecticut)
7 Crinnion WJ. Environmental Medicine, Part 1:
The Human Burden of Environmental Toxins and
Their Common Health Effects. Altern Med Rev
8 Dietz AR. Adjuvant Homeopathic Treatment of
Peripheral Diabetic Polyneuropathy. J of Biomedi-
cal Therapy 2004;winter:12
9 Gray LE, Wolf C, Lambright C, Mann P, Price M,
Cooper Rl, Ostby J. Administration of potentially
antiandrogenic pesticides (procymidone, linuron,
iprodione, chlozolinate, p,p-DDE, and ketocon-
azole) and toxic substances (dibutyl- and diethyl-
hexyl phthalate, PCB 169, and ethane dimethane
sulphonate) during sexual differentiation produc-
es diverse proles of reproductive malformations
in the male rat. Toxicology and Industrial Health
10 Gebhardt R, et al. Antioxidative, Antiproliferative
and Biochemical Effects in HepG2 Cells of a Ho-
meopathic Remedy and its Constituent Plant
Tinctures Tested Separately or in Combination.
Drug Research 2003;53(12);82330
11 Hartwig A, et al. Interference by toxic metal ions
with a DNA repair and cell cycle control. Environ
Health Perspect 2002;110(5);79799
12 Harris JB, Blain PG. Neurotoxicology: What the
neurologist needs to know. Journal of Neurology
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2004;75:iii29 34
13 Hodgson E. A textbook of modern toxicology,
3rd edition. Wiley Interscience 2004; ISBN
14 Lukashev ME, Werb Z. ECM signalling: orches-
trating cell behaviour and misbehaviour. Trends
Cell Biol 1998;8(11):43741
15 Skinner MK, et al. Epigenetic transgenerational
actions of endocrine disruptors and male fertility.
Science 2005 Jun 3;308(5727):14669
16 Rogan W, Chen A. Health risks and benets of
Lancet 2005 Aug 27;366(9487):76375
17 Poirier LA , Vlasova JT. The prospective role of ab-
normal methyl metabolism in cadmium toxicity.
Environ Health Perspect 2002;110(5):79395
18 Welshons WV, et al. Large Effects from Small Ex-
posures. I. Mechanisms for Endocrine-Disrupting
Chemicals with Estrogenic Activity. Environ Health
Perspect 2003;111(8):9941006
Liver Urinary tract/ Lymph Skin Gut Gallbladder Connective Respiratory
Kidney tissue tract
Basic detoxication Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Detox-Kit Chelidonium- Detox-Kit Bronchalis-Heel
and drainage Homaccord
Advanced detox 1 Hepar comp. Solidago comp. Tonsilla comp. Cutis comp. Mucosa comp. Hepar comp. Thyreoidea comp. Mucosa comp.
Advanced detox 2 Hepeel Reneel H Galium-Heel/ Schwef-Heel Nux vomica- Leber-Galle Pulsatilla comp.
Lymphomyosot Homaccord Tropfen (new)
Advanced detox 3 Injeel-Chol Galium-Heel/
For cellular detoxication Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./ Coenzyme comp./
in addition Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp. Ubichinon comp.
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
Dr.-Reckeweg-Strae 2-4
76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
Phone +49 7221 501-00
Fax +49 7221 501-450
Part I / Classes of Homotoxins
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany,

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