Catalogue Senseair

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Product Catalogue

Air and Gas Sensors

Save Life and Energy

High Quality

The Swedish company SenseAir® is a centre of competence for all kinds of IR gas measure-
ments. We develop and produce affordable precision gas sensors for high volume applica-
tions. Our products mainly measure carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is a is colorless
gas that exists in the Earth’s atmosphere and can be dangerous in high concentrations.
When we exhale CO2 it will quickly be mixed with the surrounding air even indoors and,
provided that the ventilation is good, the concentration will be reduced to harmless levels.

Our CO2 sensors are used in ventilation control for energy savings and to enhance good in-
door climate process yield and economic outcome in many bio-related processes, personal
safety, for built-in appliances or other areas.

With over 20 years of experience SenseAir® has become a world leader in the field of NDIR
(non-dispersive infra-red) technology. The measuring cell has been improved and is based
on cost-effective production techniques in plastic. SenseAir® holds a great number of pat-
ents relating to its proprietary measurement technique.

Our sensors have more then 15 years life expectancy. In order to maintain high quality,
100% of the sensors are tested to comply fully with all the different performance criteria set
up, such as sensor stability and calibration accuracy within the allowed temperature and
humidity range.

The SenseAir® production system follows the ISO9001 standard and offers full traceability
on all the critical components through individual unit serial numbers and PCB manufactur-
ing batch numbers. All test data from each shipped sensor are stored in a database and can
be traced at any time. Because of the Automatic Baseline Correction our sensors for fixed
installation are maintenance-free, and do not require any further calibration when used in
normal indoor air applications.

This product catalogue shows an overview of our main products, for more information or
special requests please contact us or visit our website at

Ventilation Control......................p. 3 - 6
One of our major markets is building automation where
our sensors control individual fans, dampers, valves, etc.
A common application is controlling ventilation in rooms with
varying numbers of people such as offices, classrooms, and
cinemas. The ventilation control is based on temperature and
CO2 measurements and helps you save energy and create a
healthy indoor environment.

Air Quality Monitoring.....................p. 7

By measuring CO2 you get a good indication of when new
“fresh“outside air must be supplied for an acceptable in-
door air quality. Bad ventilation can result in fatigue and
headache. When the CO2 levels exceed the defined lev-
els an alarm is sounded. This helps you to create a healthy
indoor environment in your home, at your office, in your
children’s school etc.

Safety.........................................p. 7 - 10
In today’s health- and energy-conscious environment, meas-
uring CO2 is important for safety and comfort, energy savings,
and to warn you about potentially toxic CO2 and CO levels.
SenseAir® offers a full line of products for this application
in, for example public garages, buildings, truck terminals,
tunnels, and mines.

Agriculture...............................p. 10 - 11
CO2 is necessary to all forms of life. It is a vital parameter in
the production of all kinds of plant species, bacteria, poultry
etc. CO2 sensors can be used in process yield and economic
outcome in many bio-related processes, such as in green-
houses, mushroom-farming, food transportation/storage,
chicken hatcheries, incubators and dairying.

OEM Modules..........................p. 11 - 12
Our OEM modules are cost-optimized sensors for high
volume applications intended to be integrated into
customers’ own products. They can easily be adjusted to
comply with differing customer requirements. The only
restriction for what OEM modules can be used for is the
creativity and inventiveness of the customer.

Accessories....................................p. 14
Ventilation Control
eSENSE™ (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 2 to 10 V DC or 4 - 20 mA (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 100 x 80 x 28 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
eSENSE™ - Disp Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

eSENSE™ is a CO2 transmitter for climate control and fits directly on top of EU electrical junction box standards.
The unit is available both with and without display for fixed installation in the climate zone. The transmitter helps
you to save money by decreasing your energy consumption while creating a healthier indoor air climate.

Art. no. Product Additional features

050-8-0002 eSENSE™ No display

050-8-0005 eSENSE™ - Disp Display

050-8-0026 eSENSE™ - TR No display, terminal for resistive temperature probe

050-8-0036 eSENSE™ - Disp OUT1 0-5 V Display, OUT1=0 to 5 V OUT2=2 to 10 V

eSENSE™ II (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 2 to 10 V DC or 4 - 20 mA (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 130 x 85 x 30 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
eSENSE™II - Disp Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

eSENSE™ II is a CO2 transmitter for climate control and fits directly on top of US electrical junction box standards.
The unit is available both with and without LCD display for fixed installation in the climate zone.

Art. no. Product Additional features

050-8-0014 eSENSE™II No display

050-8-0012 eSENSE™II - Disp Display

050-8-0048 eSENSE™II - OUT1 0-5 V No display, OUT1=0 to 5 V

050-8-0049 eSENSE™II - Disp OUT1 0-5 V Display, OUT1=0 to 5 V

Ventilation Control
eSENSE™ Duct/Industry (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 2 to 10 V DC or 4 to 20 mA (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm
eSENSE™ Duct Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

eSENSE™ Duct and eSENSE™ Ind are two infrared and maintenance-free CO2 transmitters, for climate control of
buildings and other processes. eSENSE™ Duct is for installation in the ventilation duct. eSENSE™ Ind is a wall-
mounted transmitter with protection class IP54 and is applicable in most large spaces.

Art. no. Product Additional features

050-8-0004 eSENSE™ Duct No display

050-8-0009 eSENSE™ Duct - Disp Display

050-8-0047 eSENSE™ Duct - OUT1 0-5 V No display, OUT1= 0 to 5V

050-8-0032 eSENSE™ Ind Protection class IP54, without duct probe

050-8-0033 eSENSE™ Ind - Disp Protection class IP54, without duct probe

eSENSE™ Slim (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO2)
OUT2 linear output None
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 106 x 67 x 26 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

eSENSE™ Slim is used to measure indoor air carbon dioxide concentration. This product is an ultra-compact
transmitter intended for factory mounting for both wall and duct applications with the protection class IP50. A 300
mm long cable connected to the PCB makes it possible to place the sensor where mounting is difficult.

Art. no. Product Additional features

050-8-0003 eSENSE™ Slim

050-8-0045 eSENSE™ Slim - OUT1 0-5 V OUT1=0 to 5 V

Ventilation Control
aSENSE™ (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA (°C)
Temperature measurement -20 to 60°C
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 120 x 82 x 30 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

aSENSE™ is an advanced transmitter for installation in the climate zone. It measures both CO2 concentration and
temperature in ambient air. The data is transmitted to a BMS system or controller. The transmitter is flexible and
suits many different ventilation strategies. All aSENSE™ can be configured with UIP Software.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0001 aSENSE™ No display

040-8-0002 aSENSE™ - Disp Display

040-8-0025 aSENSE™ - Disp RL Display, relay

040-8-0028 aSENSE™ - Ind Disp RL Display, relay, protection class IP54

040-8-0029 aSENSE™ - MB RS485 No display, Modbus RS485 communication

040-8-0096 aSENSE™ - Disp Lon Display, LON communication

040-8-0091 aSENSE™ - Disp MB RS485 LOG Display, Modbus RS485 communication, Logger

040-3-0002 SENSE™ - 10% Disp Display, measurement range 0 to 10%vol (CO2)

aSENSE™ Duct (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA (°C)
Temperature measurement -20 to 60°C
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm, probe 245 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

aSENSE™ Duct is an infrared and maintenance-free carbon dioxide transmitter for installation in the ventilation
duct. The unit has an industrial housing (protection class IP65) with duct probe.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0019 aSENSE™ Duct No Display

040-8-0031 aSENSE™ Duct - Disp Display

Ventilation Control
aSENSE™ VAV (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA, 600 to 900 ppm
(CO2) 23-24 oC
OUT2 linear output 2 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA, 600 to 900 ppm
Closed >600 ppm Open <500 ppm (CO2)
OUT3 Relay 0 to 10 V DC, 20 to 18 °C
OUT4 linear conversion -20 to 60°C
Temperature measurement 0 to +50 °C
Operation temperature 120 x 82 x 30 mm
Dimensions (H x W x D) ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Accuracy Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

aSENSE™ VAV is a stand alone controller that measures both CO2 concentration and temperature in ambient air
and has a terminal for extra functions for example manual override and it´s also prepared for Modbus. The unit
is a key component for energy-effective and healthy climate control of rooms with a varying number of people.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0011 aSENSE™ VAV - Hdisp Hidden display

040-8-0016 aSENSE™ VAV - Disp Display

040-8-0010 aSENSE™ VAV - Disp SL Display, screw locked lid

040-8-0040 aSENSE™ VAV - Hdisp MB RS485 Hidden display, Modbus RS 485 communication

040-8-0079 aSENSE™ VAV - Hdisp LON Hidden display, LON communication

040-8-0061 aSENSE™ VAV - Hdisp RH Hidden display, relative humidity 0 to 100%vol

aSENSE™ VAV Duct (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA, 600 to 900 ppm
(CO2) 23-24 oC
OUT2 linear output 2 to 10 V DC, 600 to 900 ppm (CO2)
OUT3 Relay Closed >600 ppm Open < 500 ppm (CO2)
OUT4 linear output 0 to 10 V DC or 0/4-20 mA, 20-18 °C
Temperature measurement -20 to 60°C
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 120 x 82 x 30 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

aSENSE™ VAV Duct is a stand alone controller with built-in sensors that measure CO2 and temperature for instal-
lation in the ventilation duct. eSENSE™ VAV Duct has an industrial housing and is also prepared for Modbus.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0024 aSENSE™ VAV Duct - Disp Display 6.

Air Quality Monitoring/ Safety

eSENSE™ FAI (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 100 x 80 x 28 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
eSENSE™ FAI Usage Classrooms, offices, living-rooms etc.

eSENSE™ FAI “Fresh Air Indicator” is an infrared and maintenance-free carbon dioxide alarm for installation in
areas where the carbon dioxide levels need to be monitored, such as classrooms and offices. The product meas-
ures the carbon dioxide concentration in ambient air and alarms with sound and light when the levels exceed
defined levels.

Art. no. Product Additional features

050-8-0061 eSENSE™ FAI Fits European standard J-boxes (mute button on the side)

050-8-0057 eSENSE™ FAI II Fits US standard J-boxes (visible red mute button on the front)

SenseAir® (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 6000 ppm
Power supply Battery (charger included)
Audiable alarm No
Measurement temperature 0 to 50 °C
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 125 x 52 x 32 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

Portable SenseAir® is a light-weight CO2 instrument with a digital display designed to measure the CO2 con-
centration and temperature in the surrounding air. A built-in data logger makes SenseAir® the perfect choice for
monitoring the carbon dioxide concentration in a number of different applications and environments. The Sen-
seAir® is also ideal for measuring carbon dioxide concentration in incubators, greenhouses, mushroom farms
etc., where correct levels are essential for the process outcome. Included in original purchase: unit with internal
battery, protective casing, communication cable, wall-plug battery charger.

Art. no. Product Additional features

07-1-0038 SenseAir® Display, grey


SenseAir® Alarm (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 3%
Power supply Battery (charger included)
Audiable alarm Yes
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 125 x 52 x 32 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Offices, schools, theatres, airports etc.

SenseAir® Alarm is is a hand-held, pocket-sized alarm instrument with a digital display designed to measure the
CO2 concentration in surrounding air. The large clear display presents both current carbon dioxide concentration
and the 8 hours Time Weighted Average (TWA) CO2 value. Integrated logging and alarm functions make Sen-
seAir® Alarm the perfect choice for personal safety applications. Included in origi¬nal purchase; unit with internal
battery, protective casing, communication cable, wall-plug battery charger.

Art. no. Product Additional features

07-2-0009 SenseAir® Alarm Display, orange

pSENSE (Standard Configuration)

Mesurement range 0 to 2000 ppm (extended 10 000 ppm)
Power supply 4 x AA type (UM-3)
Audiable alarm Yes
Temperature measurement 0 to 60 °C
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 209 x 70 x 58 mm
Accuracy ± 75 ppm ± 3 % of reading (0 to 2000 CO2)
Usage Greenhouses, incubators, offices etc.

Model pSENSE is a flexible and easy to use hand-held instrument designed to measure the CO2 concentration
and temperature in surrounding air. The model is also ideal for measuring CO2 concentration in incubators, green-
houses, mushroom farms etc. where correct levels are essential for the process outcome. Audible alarm, Max/
Min Average as well as TWA and STEL measurements are possible. With the pSENSE data cable accessory can
you simple log data for longer time .

Art. no. Product Additional features

00-0-0015 pSENSE Yellow

00-0-0018 Com Cable pSENSE RS232 Data cable and software for pSENSE

pSENSE RH (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range (CO2) 0 to 5000 ppm (extended 10 000 ppm)
Measurement range (RH) 10 to 90 %
Power supply 4 x AA type (UM-3)
Audiable alarm Yes
Temperature measurement 0 to 60 °C
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 209 x 70 x 58 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading (0 to 2000 ppm)
Usage Greenhouses, incubators, offices etc.

pSENSE RH works perfect for measuring the indoor air quality parameters CO2, temperature and RH%. Audible
alarm, Max/Min Average as well as TWA and STEL measurements are possible. With a battery capacity covering
more than 24 hours, the model works perfectly for diagnosing ventilation using carbon dioxide as the surrogate
ventilation index. With the pSENSE data cable accessory can you simple log data for longer time, (you can find
the data cable at p.14).

Art. no. Product Additional features

00-0-0016 pSENSE - RH Grey

00-0-0017 Calibration KIT RH Only for pSENSE RH

00-0-0018 Data cable pSENSE For pSENSE and pSENSE RH

aSENSE™ Alarm (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 4%vol
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output (CO2) 0 to 20 mA (CO2)
OUT2 linear output (CO2) 4 to 20 mA (CO2)
OUT3 (Relay 1) Open <1.4 % closed >1.5 % (CO2)
OUT4 (Relay 2) Open >2.9 % closed <3.0 % (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm
Accuracy ± 200 ppm ± 3 % of reading (0 to 3% )
Usage Wineries, breweries, sport arenas etc.

aSENSE™ Alarm is used to measure CO2 in high concentration. The sensor has dual relays and is a very flexible
alarm unit with a programmable output for linear control of fans as well as peripheral alarm equipment. The sensor
can also be connected to a central unit. The sensor can be configured with UIP Software.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-7-0019 aSENSE™ Alarm - Disp Display, Modbus RS 485 communication, Protection class IP54

Safety/ Agriculture
aSENSE™ MIII (Standard Configuration)
Measurement range (CO2) 0 to 2000 ppm
Measurement range (CO) 0 to 100 ppm
Power Supply 24 VAC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 10 V DC (CO)
OUT2 inear output 0 to 10 VDC (CO2)
OUT3 relay Closed <30ppm CO <1400ppm (CO2)
Open >35ppm CO >1500ppm (CO2)
aSENSE™ Duct MIII OUT 4 open collector Error detection
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm
Accuracy CO2 ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Accuracy CO ± 10 ppm
Usage Garages, tunnels, mines etc.

aSENSE™ MIII is a controller with built-in sensors to monitor carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide simultane-
ously. With these parameters, the programmable unit can control for example ventilation rates and generate alarm
signals. aSENSE™ MIII is designed for stand-alone operation, as well as being connected to larger building auto-
mation systems. The product has protection class IP54 and is applicable in most large spaces where combustion
is the source of the potential toxic danger. The sensor can be configured with UIP Software.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0064 aSENSE™ MIII - Disp Display

040-8-0066 aSENSE™ MIII Duct - Disp

aSENSE™ GH (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC/4 - 20 mA, (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 0/2 to 10 V DC/4 - 20 mA, (°C )
OUT3 relay Closed/open <900ppm >1000ppm (CO2)
OUT 4 open collector ON/OFF
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Green houses, incubators, stables etc.

Model aSENSE™ GH “Green House” is a transmitter for installation in the climate zone. The special coated PCB
and extra dust/water protection filter make aSENSE™ GH suited for all kinds of greenhouses, incubators and
similar environments. The unit measures both temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, both very important
parameters when trying to achieve an optimum growth, and has the ABC off as default.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-8-0063 aSENSE™ GH - Disp Display

Agriculture/ OEM Modules
aSENSE™ Incubator (Standard Configuration)
Mesurement range 0 to 3 %vol
Power supply 24 V AC/DC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 5 V DC, 0 to 3 %vol (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 0 to 5 VDC, 0 to 2 %vol (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 142 x 84 x 46 mm
Accuracy ± 200 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Hatcheries etc.

aSENSE™ Incubator is an all-digital transmitter and it is used to measure the carbon dioxide concentration inside
incubators. The linear output functions are pre-programmed for transmitting CO2 data for Direct Digital Control
(DDC) of climate chambers.

Art. no. Product Additional features

040-2-0001 aSENSE™ Incubator

CO2 Engine® K22 (Standard Configuration)

Measurement range 0 to 2000 ppm
Power supply 4.5 to 12.0 V DC
Operation temperature -5 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 35 mm x 60 mm x 65 mm
Accuracy ± 75 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Alarm applications, offices, schools etc.

K22 series is available in 3 different models: CO2 Engine® K22 LO with a linear output, CO2 Engine® k22 OC which
has an open collector and CO2 Engine® K22 PWM with pulsed wave modulation. K22 sensor module is designed
to be built into alarm or stationary ventilation equipment, such as window vent or duct exhaust actuators, serving
as a linear transmitter of CO2. In spite of being based on reliable infrared gas sensing technology, and being very
precise, the design is very cost-efficient.

Art. no. Product Additional features

022-6-0007 CO2 Engine® K22 LO Linear output 0 to 5 V

022-6-0012 CO2 Engine® K22 OC Open collector open >800 ppm closed <1000 ppm (CO2)

022-6-0005 CO2 Engine® K22 PWM Open collector with pulsed wave modulation

OEM Modules
CO2 Engine® K30 (Standard
Measurement range 0 to 5000 ppm
Power supply 4.5 to 12.0 VDC
OUT1 linear output 0 to 4 V DC, 0 to 2000 ppm (CO2)
OUT2 linear output 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 2000 ppm (CO2)
OUT3 digital output 700/800 ppm (CO2)
OUT4 digital output 900/1000 ppm (CO2)
Operation temperature 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 14 mm x 57 mm x 51 mm
Accuracy ± 30 ppm ± 3 % of reading
Usage Medicals, containers etc.

CO2 Engine® K30 can be customized for a variety of sensing and control applications. This platform is designed
to be an OEM module for built-in applications in a host apparatus. K30 is a flexible product with 2 analog outputs
and 2 digital outputs that can be configured with SADK or other custom software to meet your requirement.

Art. no. Product Additional features

030-8-0006 CO2 Engine® K30 STA Standard

030-7-0001 CO2 Engine® K30 3% 0 to 3%vol (CO2)

CO2 Engine® platform K33

Measurement range 0 to 30 %vol
Power supply 4.5 to 12.0 V DC
Operation temperature 0 to 50°C
Dimensions (H x W x D) 19 mm x 57 mm x 51 mm
Accuracy ± 0,2 % ± 3 % of reading
Usage Alarm applications, containers etc.

The K33 sensor platform CO2 Engine® K33 can be customized for a variety of sensing, control and alarm applica-
tions. This platform is designed to be a low power OEM module for built-in applications in a host apparatus.

Art. no. Product Name Additional features

033-9-0001 CO2 Engine® ICB Open Collector with PWM, Linear 0 to 5 V (0-20 %vol)

033-9-0006 CO2 Engine® ICB-F Open Collector with PWM, Linear 0 to 5 V (0-20 %vol), Tube In/Out

033-9-0002 CO2 Engine® BLG Internal Logger, RH+Temp, Sleep mode ability

033-9-0009 CO2 Engine® BLG-F Internal Logger, RH+Temp, Sleep mode ability, Tube In/Out

033-8-0007 CO2 Engine® ELG 0 to 5000 ppm (CO2), Internal Logger, RH+Temp, Sleep mode ability

Zero Calibration Kit
Dimensions (H x W x D) 26 x 156 x 89
Rechargeble battery Li-Ion 7.2 V 1550mAh
CO2 cartridge filter 6 Included
Net adapter Included

The Zero Calibration Kit produces a calibration gas, free of CO2 through chemical adsorption. It can be used
to calibrate the zero point of any SenseAir® CO2 sensor. The zero calibration bag offers a fast, cost-effective
and simple calibration. The CO2 cartridge filter lasts for 8.5 hours calibration and then needs to be replaced.
(The sensor in the image is not included).

Art. no. Product Additional features

00-0-0022 Zero Calibration Kit

SADK - SenseAir Development Kit

• Log data • SADK Interface
• Configure outputs • SADK Program
• Configure ABC function • USB Cable
• Configure FRAC • Instruction Manual

The SADK is a configuration and test utility to assist you in your work with our CO2 Engine® products and
eSENSE™ (K50 platform). The program gives you access to the main features of the connected prod-
uct. Because of the different functions of the models, various options will be displayed during the op-
eration of each instrument. The product allows you to change settings and make calibrations. You can eas-
ily change all associated parameters and how often the ABC-function should calibrate. What can be
done may vary depending on the model that is connected. (The sensor in the image is not included).

Art. no. Product Additional features

00-0-0012 SADK For calibration and configuration of CO2 Engine® and eSENSE (K50)

100471 Data cable aSENSE™ For computer connection with UIP etc.

SenseAir® AB SenseAir® Chengdu Gas Sensors Co. Ltd

Stationsgatan 12 The first floor of No.8, Xingke South Road

Box 96 Jinniu High-tech, Industrial park
820 60 Delsbo Post code 610036
Sweden Chengdu, China

Phone: +46-(0)653 - 71 77 70
Fax: +46-(0)653-71 77 89 Phone: +86-028 - 875 928 85
E-mail: Fax: +86-028 - 875 928 85
Home page: E-mail:

Save Life and Energy 2009-03-29

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