A Clinical Review of Peritoneal Dialysis

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Clinical Practice Review

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 21(6) 2011, pp 605617

doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
Alexa M.E. Bersenas, DVM, MSc, Dip ACVECC
Objective To review the principles and practice of peritoneal dialysis in veterinary medicine.
Data Sources Clinical and experimental studies and current guideline recommendations from the human
literature; and original case studies, case reports, and previous reviews in the veterinary literature.
Summary Peritoneal dialysis involves the exchange of solutes and uid between the peritoneal capillary
blood and the dialysis solution across the peritoneal membrane. It requires placement of a peritoneal dialysis
catheter for repeated dialysate exchange. The ideal catheter provides reliable, rapid dialysate owrates without
leaks or infections. Catheter selection and placement are reviewed along with dialysate selection, exchange
prescriptions, and overall patient management. PD does not require specic or complex equipment, and it can
achieve effective control of uremia and electrolyte imbalances.
Conclusions Peritoneal dialysis is a potential life-saving measure for patients with acute renal failure. Peri-
toneal dialysis results in gradual decline in uremic toxins. Previously low success rates have been reported.
Improved success rates have been noted in dogs with acute kidney injury (AKI) secondary to leptospirosis. Cats
also have a good success rate when PD is elected in patients with a potentially reversible underlying disease.
Overall, PDremains a viable intervention for patients with AKI unresponsive to medical management. In select
patients a favorable outcome is attained whereby PD provides temporary support until return of effective renal
function is attained.
(J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2011; 21(6): 605617) doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
Keywords: acute kidney injury, AKI, cat, dog, renal replacement therapy
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) allows the removal of metabo-
lites and water by the administration of a large amount
of dialysis solution into the peritoneal cavity. It involves
the exchange of solutes and uid between the peritoneal
capillary blood and the dialysis solution across the peri-
toneal membrane (Figure 1). The physical properties of
diffusion, convection, and osmosis (ultraltration), ap-
ply to exchange uid and solute in PD.
Fluid exchange
occurs by osmosis, a process by which uid moves from
a solution of lower to a solution of higher osmolar con-
centration. The osmotic gradient is created by the pres-
ence of osmotic agents (ie, dextrose) in the dialysate
that draws uid across the peritoneal membrane. In PD,
this movement of water as a result of osmotic gradi-
ents is referredto as ultraltration. Solute exchange occurs
From the Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary College, Uni-
versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada.
The author declares no conict of interest.
Address correspondence and offprint requests to
Dr. Alexa Bersenas, Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada.
Email: bersenas@uoguelph.ca
Submitted July 26, 2010; Accepted August 8, 2011.
by way of diffusion and convection. Waste products in
higher concentration in the blood diffuse across the peri-
toneum into the dialysate and are removed with each
uid exchange during PD. The rate of diffusion across
the peritoneumdepends on the size andthe charge of the
particles, as well as their concentration gradient. Urea
(molecular weight 60 Daltons) is smaller and diffuses
more rapidly than creatinine (113 Daltons).
clearance of low molecular weight solutes is lower with
PD than with hemodialysis.
Convection is the move-
ment of solute across a membrane simply because it is
trapped in the ow of uid.
This movement of solutes
along with water through the peritoneal membrane by
solvent drag is in quantities similar to the solutes plasma
concentration. Convectionallows for additional solute to
be transferred beyond that achieved by diffusion alone.
In veterinary medicine, PD has traditionally been in-
dicated for patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) as-
sociated with oliguria (<0.25 mL/kg/h) or anuria. It
has also been recommended when the blood urea nitro-
gen (BUN) concentration >35 mmol/L (>100 mg/dL) or
the serum creatinine concentration >884 mol/L (>10
mg/dL) and medical management has failed to elicit a
positive response.
4, 5
These patients frequently have elec-
trolyte and acid-base disturbances (eg, hyperkalemia,
C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011 605
A.M.E. Bersenas
Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of ll and drain phases
in PD.
metabolic acidosis), plus or minus volume overload,
that can be corrected with PD. PD can also be used
for the accelerated elimination of certain dialyzable tox-
ins, for example, ethylene glycol, ethanol, barbiturate
overdose, sodium monouoroacetate poisoning and to
address severe hepatic encephalopathy, and hypo- or
Similarly, PD can be used for presurgi-
cal management of patients with uroabdomen or urinary
tract obstruction.
In human medicine, the classical indications for PD
are similar to veterinary medicine: azotemia: BUN
>35 mmol/L (>100 mg/dL), volume overload, elec-
trolyte imbalance, uremic symptoms, or acid-base
However, for human AKI patients, PD
has been largely replaced by veno-venous renal replace-
ment therapies (ie, intermittent hemodialysis or continu-
ous renal replacement) and optimal timing for initiating
renal replacement therapy (RRT) is currently under se-
rious investigation and re-evaluation.
From the hu-
man literature, solute clearance via veno-venous RRT is
higher than with PD and PD is considered less effective
in treating emergency situations (eg, acute pulmonary
edema, drug intoxication) including the AKI patient. Re-
gardless, the timing of veno-venous RRT remains uncer-
tain and there is wide variation in clinical practice. Data
fromrecent humanobservational andretrospective anal-
yses have suggested improved survival with early initi-
ation of renal support.
10, 11
Suggested earlier criteria in
these different studies have included BUN>27 mmol/L
(>75 mg/dL), or creatinine > 442 mol/L (>5 mg/dL)
in the asymptomatic patient, or oliguria dened as <100
mL of urine/8 h with diuresis (0.17 mL/kg/h over 8 h
for the average person).
Currently in human medicine,
without a consensus, different parameters are consid-
ered, including absolute and relative indications such
as BUN concentration, oliguria, and volume overload.
More than any numerical values, the progression of the
disease and the clinical condition and prognosis of the
patient should be considered.
These same ideas are
likely also appropriate for the veterinary patient, regard-
less of the type of dialytic therapy under consideration.
Although venovenous RRT has largely replaced PD
for AKI patients, PD remains a viable option and is
widely used in the medical profession throughout the
third world. It offers several advantages over venove-
nous RRT such as technical simplicity, excellent cardio-
vascular tolerance, absence of an extracorporeal circuit,
and decreased bleeding risk.
PD results in a gradual
decline in uremic toxins, and patients are less likely to
develop dialysis disequilibrium syndrome when com-
paredto intermittent hemodialysis. Human studies have
demonstrated that continuous PDcan provide adequacy
in urea control and volume balance.
Several case reports have documented the success-
ful use of PD in veterinary patients.
7, 1621
One research
study reported support of an anephric dog for 54 d with
ambulatory PD.
PDcan achieve effective control of ure-
mia and electrolyte disturbances. Full replacement of
kidney function cannot be achieved, but the basic goals
of PD in veterinary medicine are to remove enough so-
lutes and excess uid, andto control acid-base balance in
order to temporarily maintain homeostasis in an animal
until sufcient return of renal function is achieved. The
availability of different dialysis modalities plays an im-
portant role in treatment choice, and PD can be readily
performed in any 24-h veterinary intensive care unit.
PDdoes have some limitations. It is not recommended
for patients with severe coagulopathy, or peritoneal -
brosis or adhesions that preclude solute exchange or pre-
vent uid distribution throughout the abdomen. It is
contraindicated in peritonitis, and vascular leak states,
or severe hypoalbuminemia. Other relative contraindi-
cations include recent surgery or the presence of hernias
(diaphragmatic, inguinal, or abdominal).
4, 5
PD Therapy
Dialysate selection
Various solutes andwater canbe addedor removedfrom
plasma by altering the electrolyte composition and os-
molality of the dialysate uid.
Conventional PD solu-
tions contain glucose, lactate, sodium, potassium, and
calcium in differing concentrations. In general, these so-
lutions tend to have a high concentration of lactate and
glucose, a high osmolarity, and a low pH. Some human
patients react to infusion of the standard PD solution
suggesting a component of pain, the latter is thought to
be associated with the low pH. The application of new,
pH neutral solutions containing lactate, bicarbonate, or
606 C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
Table 1: Composition of conventional peritoneal dialysis solutions

versus lactated Ringers solution

in SI units and US units
SI units US units
Conventional Conventional
PD solution

LRS PD solution

Sodium 132134 mmol/L 130 mmol/L 132134 mEq/L 130 mEq/L
Calcium 1.251.75 mmol/L 1.4 mmol/L 2.53.5 mEq/L 2.8 mEq/L
Magnesium 0.250.75 mmol/L 0.51.5 mEq/L
Chloride 96104 mmol/L 109 mmol/L 96104 mEq/L 109 mEq/L
Lactate 3540 mmol/L 28 mmol/L 315360 mg/dL 252 mg/dL
Glucose 83236 mmol/L 1,5004,250 mg/dL
Osmolarity 340512 mOsm/L 272 mOsm/L 340512 mOsm/L 272 mOsm/L
pH 46.5 6.5 46.5 6.5
Potassium 4 mmol/L 4 mEq/L

Conventional dialysis solution, ie, Dianeal.

a combination of the 2 has shown better preservation
of peritoneal cells and better tolerance in adult and pe-
diatric human patients.
Use of acetate as a buffer
has been discontinued in human medicine because it
is associated with loss of ultraltration and sclerosing
Acetate is present in several balanced elec-
trolyte solutions (eg, Plasmalyte A,
Normosol R
) which
are therefore not recommended for PD therapy.
Glucose is the most commonlyusedosmotic agent and
draws uid across the peritoneal membrane. The stan-
darddialysis uidglucose concentrations are 1.5%(1,500
mg/dL), 2.5%(2,500 mg/dL), and 4.25%(4,250 mg/dL).
The use of glucose makes the solution hyperosmolar;
the osmolality of the solutions are 346 mOsm/L, 396
mOsm/L, and 405 mOsm/L, respectively.
the glucose concentration of the dialysis uid enhances
the osmotic gradient favoring the movement of uid
from the blood to the peritoneal cavity containing the
dialysis uid and increases uid removal. When select-
ing a PD solution, it is advisable to select a solution with
the lowest level of osmolarity consistent with the uid
removal requirements for that exchange to avoid the risk
of severe dehydrationandhypovolemia andto minimize
the loss of protein. Glucose is safe and inexpensive, how-
ever, its absorptionacross the peritoneal membrane leads
toshort-livedultraltrationandmetabolic complications
reported in human medicine include hyperglycemia, hy-
perinsulinemia, a decrease in plasma glucagon concen-
trations, hyperlipidemia, and potential weight gain.
23, 25
In the long term, high concentrations of glucose are dele-
terious to the peritoneal membrane;
this is only rele-
vant for the patient on chronic PD. The degradation of
large concentrations of glucose in PD solutions give rise
to cytotoxic glucose degradation products (GDPs), and
GDPs react with amino acids to produce advanced gly-
cosylation end products (AGEs) which cause brosis of
the peritoneal membrane and contribute to ultraltra-
tion failure.
In human patients receiving long-term PD, alterna-
tive osmotic agents to dextrose have been evaluated.
Icodextrin, a glucose polymer, has limited absorption
across the peritoneal membrane, and induces colloid
osmosis, which contributes to a slow but sustained
3, 22
A 7.5% solution is iso-osmolar (286
mOsm/L). It is indicated, in human PDpatients, for once
daily use during a long dwell time (816 h/overnight)
and is alternated with standard dextrose solutions. This
combination maintains solute removal using the dex-
trose solution, and optimizes ultraltration with the
icodextrin solution. More recently, amino acids have
been used as an osmotic agent mainly because of an
assumed positive effect on nutritional status.
Atotal of
1.1% amino acid solutions can only be used in a single
daily exchange or mixed with glucose solutions, since
they tend to worsen acidosis and increase urea load.
27, 28
They also have a high osmolarity and a low pH. To the
authors knowledge, icodextrin and amino acid contain-
ing PD solutions have not been clinically evaluated in
veterinary medicine.
Commercial dialysates (ie, Dianeal
) are available and
considered ideal for PD use. If a commercial dialysate
is not available, lactated Ringers solution
(LRS) can
be used in its place with additional dextrose, and ap-
propriate additions based on the patients metabolic
46,16, 17, 29
(Table 1). Normal saline (0.9%
NaCl) is another short-term, potassium-free alternative;
however, 0.9%NaCl predisposes tothe formationof peri-
toneal adhesions and brosis and is not recommended
for humanpatients who frequently require long-termPD
for chronic renal failure.
If a commercial dialysate is not available, prepara-
tion of a dialysate solution in-house must follow strict
aseptic techniques. Dextrose should be added to these
solutions to make approximate 1.5%, 2.5%, or 4.25% so-
lutions (1.5% solution add 30 mL 50% dextrose to 1
L uid, 2.5% solution add 50 mL 50% dextrose to
C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x 607
A.M.E. Bersenas
1 L uid, 4.25% solution add 85 mL to 1 L uid).
The concentration of dextrose depends on the hydra-
tion status of the patient with higher dextrose concen-
trations achieving improved ultraltration and water
removal. A4.25%solution should only be used when pa-
tients are uid overloaded, and a 1.5% solution is gener-
ally adequate in normovolemic patients. Although infre-
quently required, potassium, magnesium, and calcium
can be added to the dialysate based on the patients elec-
trolyte status.
6, 24
The potassium concentration in LRS
is 4 mmol/L (4 mEq/L), this is generally low enough
to be used in hyperkalemic patients while still correct-
ing moderate-to-severe hyperkalemia. If normal saline
is used, sodium bicarbonate should be added as a buffer
solution at 3045 mmol/L (3045 mEq/L).
6, 23
The addi-
tion of heparin to the dialysate solution has previously
been recommended to decrease clot formation and im-
prove dialysate outow; however, commercial dialysate
does not contain heparin. The recommended dose of un-
fractionated heparin in veterinary medicine has ranged
from 250 U/L to 1,000 U/L.
4, 5, 31
The most recent recom-
mendations suggest 500 U heparin/L added during the
initial exchanges and up to 5 d thereafter.
5, 6
Heparin is
minimallyabsorbedat this dose range.
are not routinely added to dialysate. Addition of elec-
trolytes or medications to the dialysate should always
be from a new/uninvaded vial and all injection ports
should be cleaned with alcohol prior to injection. Ideally,
a mask and sterile gloves should be worn while prepar-
ing dialysate. Dialysate should be warmed to body tem-
perature (preferably 38

C, [100.4

F]) prior to infusion.

Peritoneal Access
Catheter selection
The ideal catheter provides reliable, rapid dialysate ow
rates without leaks or infections.
A multitude of PD
catheters and insertion techniques have been evaluated;
however, no consensus in human medicine regarding
optimal catheter type or implantation method has been
An ideal catheter type has not been estab-
lished in veterinary medicine. Most catheters are manu-
factured of silicone elastomer or polyurethane and have
numerous side holes to allow for the inux and outow
of dialysis uid. Catheter options are numerous, but in-
clude simple tube catheters with stylet/trocar (multipur-
pose catheters), Tenckhoff
catheters, the Blake silicon
uted drain,
the uted T catheter,
the acute PDcatheter
with coaxial design,
and Jackson Pratt surgical suction
Early outow failure is often noted in veteri-
nary PD patients, this may be due to improper catheter
placement (kinking, obstruction), omental entrapment,
or clot formation. Despite many newer catheter designs,
the conventional straight Tenckhoff catheter remains the
Figure 2: Tenckhoff peritoneal dialysis catheters (A) straight and
(B) coiled.
most widely used catheter in human PD patients.
catheter is a straight or coiled, multifenestrated silicon
catheter (Figure 2). The Tenckhoff catheter has not been
widelyevaluatedinveterinarypatients. Previous reports
have noted that when these catheters were used for dogs
and cats, the catheters often obstructed by the mesen-
tery or omentum.
The coiled catheter design provides
increased bulk of tubing to separate the parietal and
visceral layers of the peritoneum. Flow in and out of
the tip of the catheter is more protected and there are
more sideholes for outow. In human medicine, it is be-
lieved that this design allows for better ow and less
propensity for catheter migration and omental wrap-
ping; however, conclusive evidence for this is lacking.
Placement of the Tenckhoff catheter can be performed by
mini-surgical approach, via laparotomy, or by percuta-
neous blind or uoroscopy-guided placement. A recent
report evaluating PD in cats used Blake silicon drains
that were attached to a closed intermittent negative pres-
sure collection system.
j ,21
These drains use uted chan-
nels to replace the distal drainage holes of the Tenck-
hoff catheter. This set up achieved successful PD in all
cats with an average PD duration of 75 h.
The T-uted
like the Blake drain, uses long, inverted T-
shaped channels. It has both a cranial and a caudal seg-
ment from the point of abdominal insertion (T-shaped),
and is designed to drain the cranial peritoneal space and
avoid omental attachment. In veterinary medicine, the
T-uted catheter
has shown good results,
and is fa-
vored by some veterinary PD users. In human medicine
it is suggested that the uted T catheter may be a use-
ful alternative for patients at high risk of catheter failure
or for standard PD patients.
35, 37
The T-uted catheter
requires surgical placement (or a specialized peritoneo-
scope for mini-laparoscopic placement). Another option
is the acute PD catheter with a coaxial design
must be placed surgically. A historical alternative was
the column-disc catheter. This catheter was effectively
used in veterinary medicine
2, 7, 18, 39
and has experimen-
tally maintained PD in an anephric, omentectomied dog
for 54 d.
Despite its experimental long-term use, its
608 C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
Figure 3: Jackson Pratt surgical suction drain and active col-
lection system evacuator. Image provided by B. Brisson and
reprinted with permission.
clinical use has not been further reported on, and
the catheter has been discontinued. Other multipur-
pose catheters, percutaneous cystotomy tubes (ie, Male-
cot or Stamey catheters), or a pneumothorax catheter,
have been attempted in veterinary medicine when PD
catheters have not been readily accessible;
4, 17, 19
failure seriously limits their use. The author has also
used a 14-G chest tube
placed via Seldinger technique
for percutaneous peritoneal access for interim manage-
ment (<24 h), until a more permanent catheter can
be placed. These catheters invariably kink and become
obstructedwithin1224 h. Currently, JacksonPratt surgi-
cal suction drains
have been used in several institutions
with less occlusion than noted by other multipurpose
straight tube catheters. These catheters are very simi-
lar to the straight Tenckhoff catheter and are placed by
mini surgical approach. Several days of successful PD
have been achieved using these catheters and the au-
thor recommends these catheters to other alternatives
if commercial PD catheters are not readily accessible.
When these catheters are used, they can be adapted to
active continuous suction collection evacuators (bulbs)
(Figure 3) or to a passive closed collection system (ie, IV
line and empty sterile IV bag). Some users feel that the
active suction helps minimize catheter occlusion. Larger
collection system reservoirs
j, n
are available for use in
medium-to-large size dogs that require the collection of
larger effusate volumes.
Most chronic commercial PD catheters have attached
Dacron cuffs that serve to anchor the catheter in place
and provide a barrier to infection. Current human
guidelines recommend the use of catheters with 1 or 2
33, 34
Cuffs are positioned in the musculature the
subcutaneous space, 23 cm prior to skin exit.
37, 40
several days, broblast ingrowth anchors the Dacron
cuff(s) however, the utility of the Dacron cuff is lessened
with immediate catheter use in acute PD management.
Dacron cuffs make catheter removal more difcult, as
surgical excision is needed. Alternative catheters to com-
mercial PDcatheters routinely do not have Dacron cuffs.
Catheter placement
Techniques described for insertion of the PD catheter
include: mini-surgical approach, blind percutaneous
placement using a trocar or using a guidewire (Seldinger
technique), or direct visualization by laparoscopic place-
ment. No method has proven to be more advantageous
in human medicine.
32, 33, 37
Laparoscopic catheter place-
ment has not been evaluated in veterinary medicine.
Catheter selection may dictate placement as previously
discussed. Omentectomies have beenrecommendeddue
to omental entrapment of the PD catheter. This proce-
dure requires a more extensive laparotomy than neces-
sary for catheter insertion. Omentectomies are strongly
advisedif a patient is already undergoing exploratory la-
parotomy. In addition, in veterinary medicine, omentec-
tomies have been recommended when PD is anticipated
for greater than 3 d when using simple tube catheters
or the Tenkhoff catheter.
5, 19, 40
However, new peritoneal
catheter designs may make this procedure unnecessary.
Catheter placement is performed using strict asep-
tic technique preferably in a surgery suite. A urinary
catheter should always be placed prior to PD catheter
placement to prevent bladder trauma on PD catheter
insertion. Most veterinary patients needing PDare men-
tally very depressed secondary to AKI, and mild seda-
tion and local anesthesia are frequently sufcient regard-
less of technique for catheter placement (percutaneous or
mini-surgical approach). Sedation protocols with mini-
mal cardiovascular depression are recommended and
include IV opioids (eg, hydromorphone, fentanyl)
benzodiazepines if necessary.
41, 42
Alternatively general
anesthesia using inhalant anesthesia can be utilized for
more alert animals. With the patient in lateral or dorsal
recumbency, the abdomen is clipped from the xiphoid
to the pubis and surgically prepared. It is essential that
the animal be draped and aseptic technique maintained
to prevent contamination of the peritoneal catheter and
system. Administration of a prophylactic dose of a rst
generationcephalosporin (ie, cefazolin) is recommended
prior to PD catheter insertion in human medicine;
37, 43, 44
this practice should be extended to veterinary patients.
Human medicine, has also strongly suggested a sub-
cutaneous tunnel for all types of catheter placement to
decrease the incidence of peritonitis and to decrease the
risk of dialysate leak;
this practice should also be en-
couraged in veterinary patients. Lidocaine is infused,
for analgesia, at the skin, and abdominal entry sites, and
over the length of the planned subcutaneous tunnel.
Percutaneous placement of a PD catheter can be per-
formed using a catheter with trocar, or via a modied
C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x 609
A.M.E. Bersenas
Figure 4: Catheter placement via mini-surgical paramedian ap-
proach. A skin incision, to the right of midline, is extended into
the peritoneal cavity. The PDcatheter is positionedextendinginto
the pelvis. The opposite (distal) endof the PDcatheter is tunneled
through the subcutaneous tissues to exit the skin approximately
5 cm from the abdominal incision.
Seldinger technique, with a system developed speci-
cally for placement of intraabdominal PD catheters. The
catheter can enter the abdomen on midline or via a para-
median approach, at the level of the umbilicus.
In hu-
manmedicine, a midline approachthroughthe linea alba
has been recommended for trocar insertions.
The hu-
man literature recommends prelling the abdomen with
sterile saline prior to blind puncture.
A small skin in-
cision (<0.4 cm) is made with a scalpel (ensure a small
incision such that a tight seal is maintained around the
catheter after its insertion). A fair amount of pressure is
required to advance the trocar into the abdomen, use the
gloved nondominant hand as a guard and allow only
12 cm of the trocar to penetrate the abdomen to avoid
accidental laceration of abdominal organs. Once in the
abdomen, the PDcatheter is advanced off the stylet, into
the abdomen, and directed caudally and positioned in
the lower pelvis, in an unobstructed location. Once the
intraabdominal portion of the catheter has been placed,
tunneling of the distal tip of the catheter within the sub-
cutaneous tissues is performed. Ensure catheter patency
prior to securing the catheter by instilling a small vol-
ume of dialysate (5 mL) and ensuring easy retrieval. The
catheter can be secured with a purse-string suture or
with xation provided in the PD kit (if available).
Whena mini-surgical approachis chosenfor PDplace-
ment, abdominal penetration should be approximately
35 cmto the right of midline through the rectus muscle,
at the level of the umbilicus (Figure 4). With the patient
in dorsal recumbency, a small, 35 cm primary para-
median skin and subcutaneous incision is made imme-
diately over the planned, blocked, abdominal entry site.
Astay suture may be placed in the rectus sheath to allow
manipulation of the body wall, and a 23 cm incision
through the rectus muscle is made into the abdominal
cavity. The parietal peritoneumis identied and incised.
The surgeon must ensure that full penetration into the
abdominal cavity is achieved as the parietal peritoneum
is discrete from the body wall off midline and accidental
placement of the PDcatheter betweenthe muscular body
wall andthe parietal peritoneumis possible. Once deni-
tive access to the abdomen is achieved, the catheter (with
stylet if available) should be directed caudally and posi-
tioned in the lower pelvis in an unobstructed location.
As the PD catheter exits the abdominal incision, it
can be secured to the rectus sheath using a purse-string
43, 45
this has improved early catheter use and has
reducedthe risk of dialysate leakage in human medicine.
Additional measures include a 3 purse-string approach
reportedin human medicine where a purse-string suture
is placed in each of the following layers: parietal mem-
brane, inner, and outer sheet of the rectus fascia.
natively, reports in human pediatric medicine document
the application of brin glue
(1 mL), at the peritoneal
Dacron cuff, if present, to prevent dialysate leak and of-
fer early catheter use; no secondary adverse effects were
Subsequently, the distal tip of the PD catheter
is tunneled through the subcutaneous tissues to exit the
skin approximately 5 cm from the abdominal incision.
Alternatively, for snug abdominal wall closure, once
the PD catheter exits the abdominal incision, the author
recommends tunneling the sterile distal end of the PD
catheter immediately under the external sheath of the
rectus abdominus muscle (Figure 5), through a segment
of the muscle, prior to its exit through the subcutaneous
tissues and skin. The trocar is angled enough to prevent
Figure 5: Example of isolating the external sheath of the rectus
abdominus muscle, and tunneling, with a trocar, the distal end
of the PD catheter under the external rectus sheath through a
segment of the muscle prior to its exit through the subcutaneous
tissues andskin. The trocar is angledenoughtoprevent accidental
abdominal penetration.
610 C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
Figure 6: PD catheter after tunneling under the rectus sheath.
For complete abdominal wall closure, the visible overlying edges
of the rectus sheath are completely closed over the underlying
PD catheter.
accidental abdominal penetration. This method allows
complete closure of the external rectus sheath of the rec-
tus abdominus muscle, at the abdominal entry site, over
the underlying PD catheter (Figure 6). The rectus sheath
is closed with a simple continuous or simple interrupted
suture pattern using an absorbable monolament suture
(eg, PDS,
). Similar tunneling within the rectus
sheath has shown improved early PD success in a recent
human report.
Regardless of method of catheter placement, prior to
nal closure of the abdominal entry site, catheter ow
should be checked. The catheter is connected to the
dialysate solution in a sterile fashion and a small vol-
ume of dialysate (25 mL) is infused into the abdomen.
This small volume of dialysate should easily be retrieved
via the collection system to ensure unoccluded catheter
placement or the catheter should be redirected. Subse-
quently, the skin is closed routinely over the abdom-
inal insertion site. Table 2 summarizes the key points
involved in PD catheter placement.
Catheters can be secured at the skin exit site with a
purse-string suture and ngertrap suture. Reports in hu-
man medicine discourage the use of external suture x-
ation to decrease the risk of exit-site infection, such a
recommendation would be ideal in veterinary medicine;
Table 2: Recommendations for PD catheter placement
Prophylactic use of a rst generation cephalosporin at the time of PD
catheter placement.
Catheter placement using a subcutaneous tunnel.
Use of a catheter with 1 or 2 Dacron cuffs.
Deep cuff placed at an intramuscular location.
Catheter directed caudally and positioned in the lower pelvis.
Dialysate ow ensured/conrmed at time of catheter placement.
however, xation may be warranted if Dacron cuffs are
not present on the catheter, and giving consideration to
the noncompliant nature of some veterinary patients,
particularly as clinical improvement is noted. A nonoc-
clusive sterile dressing (ie, Opsite
), including several
layers of sterile gauze, is applied over the catheter exit
site. Catheter movement should be prevented at the exit
site to allow healing and decrease the risk of exit-site
infections. The surgical dressing should ideally not be
changed for several days unless there is obvious bleed-
ing or evidence of infection.
During PD insertion, reported human complications
can include hemorrhage, perforation of the intestine,
kinking of the catheter with drainage problems, catheter
malplacement within fascial planes, leakage of dialysate,
peritonitis, and wound infection.
Postimplantation dialysis
Once placed, the PD catheter is attached to a commer-
cial closed Y connection system.
Alternatively, a closed
Y-system can be achieved using a 3-way stopcock and
IV uid sets. The PD catheter is attached to the 3-way
connector, with one luer lock adapter attached to the
dialysate line, and the second line attached to a sterile
collection system (empty sterile IV bag or active evac-
uator). A ush before ll technique is recommended
where by on each occasion that a new dialysate bag is
attached, a portion of the dialysate is rst ushed into
the collection system, to allow the line to be ushed free
of any bacterial contamination, before dialysate infusion
into the patient is begun.
Aseptic technique should be
followed for all bag exchanges.
Dialysate exchanges
To initiate PD, warmed dialysis uid is placed into the
peritoneal cavity where it remains for a predetermined
time (ie, dwell time). This dwell time in human medicine
ranges anywhere from 20 min to 6 h depending on the
renal status of the patient.
During the dwell time, so-
lute and uid are exchanged across the peritoneal mem-
brane. At the conclusion of the dwell time, the dialy-
sis uid, containing the solutes and uid removed from
the blood, is drained and discarded. Once the dialysis
uid is drained, the process is repeated with fresh dial-
ysis uid. Each cycle of ll, dwell, and drainage is an
exchange and must be accurately recorded.
a dialysis-free period of 1015 d is recommended after
catheter insertion, when possible.
This is impractical in
the setting of AKI where hemodialysis is unavailable. In
reality, immediate use of PD catheters is much more ex-
tensive and several human studies have tried to identify
catheter insertion techniques that allowmore rapid initi-
ationof abdominal exchanges while decreasingdialysate
C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x 611
A.M.E. Bersenas
Table 3: Approach to early catheter use
Snug catheter placement.
Good abdominal closure.
Three purse-string suture technique.
Catheter placement using a subcutaneous tunnel.
Use of Dacron cuff(s).
Smaller initial infusion volumes.
Patient positioning.
Table 3 summarizes recommendations for suc-
cessful early catheter use.
Initially infusion volumes are small, approximately
1020 mL/kg to decrease the risk of dialysate leakage
and to minimize cardiovascular complications. Warmed
dialysate is infused into the abdominal cavity by grav-
ity ow or using an IV infusion pump over a 5- to 10-
minperiod. Throughout the dialysate infusionanddwell
time, the patient is monitored for any signs of discom-
fort, nausea, or respiratory compromise, which would
necessitate smaller infusion volumes. Initially, the au-
thor recommends that infused dialysate remains in the
abdomen for approximately 45 min. Others have recom-
mended shorter (3040 min) dwell times.
For dialysate
retrieval, the collection system is placed below the pa-
tient and the uid is allowed to drain by gravity over
approximately 15 min. Drain as much uid as possible.
The procedure is repeated hourly until the patient im-
proves and stabilizes. After the rst 24 h, the infusion
volume can be increased to 3040 mL/kg if this is toler-
ated by the patient. In the authors experience, patients
often display signs of discomfort once greater than 20
mL/kg of dialysate is infused; should signs of discom-
fort/respiratory compromise be noted, smaller volumes
(eg, 20 mL/kg) are continued indenitely.
The amount of solute and uid removed during PD
depends on the volume and tonicity of the dialysis uid,
the amount of time the uid is left in the peritoneal
cavity before it is exchanged, and the intrinsic solute
transport characteristics of the peritoneal membrane.
The rate of uid removal is greatest at the beginning
of each exchange and becomes less effective with time
as the osmotic gradient dissipates due to the absorp-
tion of glucose from the dialysis uid and due to the
dilution of the glucose by the movement of uid from
the blood to the dialysis uid. Therefore, the amount of
uid removed during PDcan be enhanced by increasing
the glucose concentration of the dialysis uid and/or
maintaining a maximally effective osmotic gradient by
increasing the frequency and decreasing the dwell time
of the exchanges. Solute exchange during PD results pri-
marily from diffusion of solutes from the blood to the
dialysis uid. The most important determinant of so-
lute exchange is the volume of the dialysis uid instilled
into the peritoneal cavity. As the ll volume increases,
more surface of the highly vascularized peritoneal mem-
brane is available for solute exchange.
Optimizing PD
efciency includes increasing the ll volume to the max-
imal tolerable volume and if this does not achieve an-
ticipated improvement in patient status and/or renal
parameters, then increasing the number of exchanges
to enhance solute clearance.
A continuous around-the-
clock PD regime is preferred to an intermittent sched-
ule whenever possible.
Once patient improvement is
noted, andtarget values are met, dialysis canbe extended
to every 46 h but should continue throughout the 24-h
day. For these later uid exchanges, the dialysate should
remain in the abdomen between exchanges (46 h).
As a general rule of thumb, dialysate (effusate) vol-
ume should equal infused volume if a 1.25% dextrose
solution is used, and effusate volume should be more
than infused volume if a 2.5%or 4.25%dextrose solution
is used for correction of over-hydrated patients. Should
effusate be less than infusate at any given cycle, consider
patient hydration or catheter occlusion. Patient reposi-
tioning may allow successful drainage. Ultimately, if the
patient is well hydrated, the author recommends that
a single attempt at dialysate re-infusion be performed,
without alteration, and frequently the difference in vol-
ume is recovered at the next effusion. Records should be
kept and the volume of uid lled and drained is care-
fully recorded to allow close monitoring of patient uid
1, 4
Analgesia, postoperative care
Patients undergoing PD should be monitored closely
and require 24-h care, preferably in an acute critical care
setting. Analgesia is essential and should be adminis-
tered as necessary. Opioids are generally the preferred
analgesics due to minimal cardiovascular effects; non-
steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are con-
traindicated. Ketamine is renally excreted in cats, and
its duration of action may be prolonged in cats with re-
nal injury.
Nausea may be encountered and antiemet-
ics are strongly recommended. Catheter immobilization
is imperative to allow healing at the catheter exit site
and to decrease the risk of dialysate leakage. Other re-
quirements include excellent nursing care and particular
attention to nutritional status and hydration of the ani-
mal. Therapy for the underlying disease process is also
necessary. If systemic antibimicrobials are indicated, ad-
justments inantimicrobial dosage andfrequencymust be
considered. Renally compromisedpatients may have de-
creasedantimicrobial eliminationbut PDcanleadto sub-
therapeutic antimicrobial concentrations.
For patients
in renal failure, antimicrobial dose adjustment are based
on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic proles. For
612 C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
example, the half-lives of beta-lactams are prolonged in
patients with renal failure, but beta-lactams exhibit time-
dependent antibacterial activity; consequently, mainte-
nance doses should be smaller but given at the same
However, when incorporating PD, antimicro-
bial elimination is increased and these adjustments can-
not be relied upon. Ultimately the use of serum drug
concentration is ideal but not frequently possible.
Serial body weight measurements are recommended
to assess patient hydration (body weight should be
recorded a minimum of twice daily). Continuous ECG,
blood pressure, and central venous pressure monitor-
ing is also suggested. Packed cell volume, total plasma
protein, colloid osmotic pressure, blood glucose, blood
gases, and electrolytes are monitored a minimum of ev-
ery 1224 h; electrolyte abnormalities (eg, hypo-, hyper-
kalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyper-hypophosphatemia)
are addressed as needed. Creatinine is initially mon-
itored daily. On initiating PD, a measured osmolality
should also be monitored daily to help guide the dex-
trose concentration/osmolality of the dialysate selected
to approximate the osmolality of the patient. Acomplete
blood cell count should be evaluated routinely, and re-
peated if any indication of patient deterioration is noted.
Finally, dialysate effusate should be evaluated at each
exchange. Should a cloudy dialysate develop, cytology,
gram stain, and culture of the dialysate should be per-
The adequacy of dialysis is evaluated by interpret-
ing all relevant clinical data including both the patient
status (eg, hydration status, appetite, energy level) and
laboratory status (eg, electrolyte and acid-base status,
and renal parameters [urea and creatinine]).
to therapy and an increase in urine production are signs
of some renal recovery. For additional prognostication,
renal biopsy can determine the severity of the lesion
and the integrity of the tubular basement membrane
in patients with AKI.
Renal biopsy may also aid in
establishing an accurate histologic diagnosis. Con-
traindications to renal biopsy include the presence
of an uncorrectable coagulopathy, severe anemia, hy-
dronephrosis, uncontrolledhypertension, large or multi-
ple renal cysts, perirenal abscess, extensive pyelonephri-
tis, and end-stage renal disease.
The decision to
pursue renal biopsy must consider the risks and benets
to the patient. Concerns include complication from re-
nal biopsy (eg, hemorrhage, clot obstruction of the renal
pelvis or ureter, renal infarction, loss/worsening of renal
and delay in histopathological results where
response to therapy may precede histopathology nd-
ings. Hemorrhage has been reported post renal biopsy
in 9.9%and 16.9%of dogs and cats, respectively;
and it
is reported to be more likely in dogs weighing less than
5 kg, and in patients with severe azotemia (creatinine >
442 mol/L [5 mg/dL]), uncontrolled systemic hyper-
tension, or coagulopathy (thrombocytopenia [platelet
count < 80 10
/L [80 10
/L]] [cats and dogs],
prolonged prothrombin time [dogs], and a prolonged
activated partial thromboplastin time [cats]).
53, 54
ndings are frequently identiedin the severe oliguric to
anuric AKI patient; strict monitoring for perirenal hem-
orrhage post biopsy and availability of blood products
is suggested should the patient require transfusion.
Discontinuing dialysis
Dialysis should be continued until urine production is
noted, renal function is adequate, and the patient is
clinically improving. A specic creatinine value cannot
be suggested as animals will differ in their response
to azotemia. For patients with temporary renal failure,
urine production may return over several days (35 d),
over which time dialysis can be reduced, and intermit-
tent dialysis performed, with less frequent exchanges
extendedto every 46 h. As urine productionreturns, an-
imals generally become polyuric, and renal dysfunction
can thereafter be treated medically without continued
PD use.
Complications associated with PD include catheter ob-
struction and migration, dialysate leak, inadequate
dialysis, the development of hypoalbuminemia, elec-
trolyte abnormalities, pelvic limb edema, pleural effu-
sion, catheter exit-site infections, and peritonitis.
Noninfectious problems
Hypoalbuminemia may readily develop in patients dur-
ing PD. Hypoalbuminemia may be caused by low di-
etary intake, gastrointestinal or renal protein losses, loss
of protein in the dialysate, and uremic catabolism.
suring nutritional supplementation is key. Enteral feed-
ing is ideal, either by nasoesophageal feeding tube or
esophagostomy tube; however, patients are frequently
nauseous and/or vomiting and enteral feeding by these
routes may not be possible. In these circumstances, a
naso-jejunal feeding tube is ideal. Conversely, gastros-
tomy and jejunostomy tubes are contraindicated with
PD because of increased risk of infection and dialysate
Patients may require parenteral nutrition (PN).
This can be difcult to institute in oliguric patients
where volume overload is readily encountered. Also,
should hyperglycemia ensue post PN initiation, diffu-
sion/ultraltration ratios change and solute clearance
by PD can be diminished.
Catheter malfunction is one of the most frequent
complications of PD leading to the failure of therapy.
No reports have examined PD catheter malfunction in
C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x 613
A.M.E. Bersenas
veterinary medicine; therefore, the following discus-
sion reviews ndings in human medicine. These nd-
ings are likely similar in veterinary medicine and hu-
man interventions may apply. Common extraluminal
causes of catheter malfunction are malposition of the
catheter (catheter kinking or catheter migration out of
the pelvis), brous adhesions, omental wrapping, and
brin or blood clots (which can cause extra- or intralu-
minal obstruction).
Once the catheter has been placed, passive lling
should take no more than 10 min, drainage no more
than 15 min.
Two different types of slowing of the
dialysate ow may be observed: 1-way or 2-way ob-
struction. The outow obstruction is characterized by a
slow drainage ow making it impossible to drain the
peritoneal cavity of the patient properly. Most of the
time, this is a sign of catheter displacement.
obstruction is more common and the author has clini-
cally noted similar ndings in veterinary patients. In-
ow obstruction is generally due to catheter kinking
intraperitoneally or at the catheter tunnel or exit site.
Other causes of inow obstruction include intraluminal
blood or brin clots. Basic rules for preserving catheter
integrity suggest that one should never try to aspirate
liquid out of an occluded catheter with a syringe (unless
very gentle aspiration is used and immediately stopped
if any resistance is noted) as this is likely to cause denite
In human medicine, radiographs are rec-
ommended and/or dynamic catheterography for early
diagnosis of malfunction.
55, 56
Solutions for catheter mal-
function depend on the underlying cause extraluminal
occlusion may be relieved by a change in patient posi-
tion. For catheter kinking, catheter repositioning can be
performed surgically or uoroscopically. Several human
observational studies and reports allude to the useful-
ness of catheter manipulation under uoroscopic control
withupto a 60%success,
but no reports have beenpub-
lished in the veterinary literature. Catheters may require
replacement, and the frequent occurrence of catheter oc-
clusion suggests the consideration for omentectomy. In-
traluminal, 2-way occlusion, is usually due to partial
obstruction of the catheter by brin or tissue ingrowth
inside the lateral holes.
If brin clotting is responsi-
ble, human recommendations include introducing 10
20 mL of dialysate or saline solution several times into
the catheter vigorously, at high pressure (using a 20-mL
syringe, prelled with 20 mL solution).
If a mechanical maneuver does not work, brinolytic
agents have been used in human medicine. Catheter
occlusion occurs most often in pediatric patients (ie,
smaller lumen PD catheter), shortly after catheter place-
ment, although later occlusions can occur.
are utilized despite recent catheter implantation; how-
ever, increased risk for hemorrhage in the early post-
operative period must be considered. In human pa-
tients, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase and
heparin administration into the PD catheter have been
47, 55, 57
Thrombolytic therapy with hep-
arin has included the use of 250500 U/L in the instilled
peritoneal solution or 5,000 IU instilled into the catheter
for 24 h.
55, 57
More recently, the use of tPA has been re-
ported in both pediatric and adult human medicine;
47, 57
tPAdoses in pediatric medicine (age of 3 wk to 16 y) have
rangedfrom110 mg, total dose, using different tPAcon-
centrations (1 mg/5 mL up to 2 mg/mL, with 1 mg/mL
being used most frequently) diluted in normal saline, in
a volume sufcient to ll the catheter.
The tPA dilu-
tion is allowed to dwell for 12 h (or longer), and then
is aspirated, and an attempt is made to drain by gravity.
If the occlusion is resolved, the catheter is ushed with
heparinized solution before resuming routine dialysis.
To the authors knowledge, clot dissolution via these
methods has not been reported in veterinary medicine.
Dialysate leakage may be noted. Care in placing
PD catheters is critical to decreasing the likelihood of
dialysate leakage. If dialysis is required immediately, it
should be initiated with small exchange volumes (10
mL/kg) with gradual increase in ll volumes, patients
should be kept immobile, and patient positioning may
help to minimize the leak.
Pleuroperitoneal communication has been reported
in human PD therapy.
The increased intraabdominal
pressure may result in a leak of PD uid from the peri-
toneal cavity, through the diaphragm, into the pleural
space. The pathogenesis probably depends on a local-
ized absence of muscle bers in the hemidiaphragm. The
incidence is very low (<5% in human medicine),
should be a differential for patients that develop pleural
effusion during PD treatment.
Inadequate dialysis may also be noted. PD may not
provide adequate solute removal, especially in larger pa-
tients and in patients with declining residual renal func-
tion. PD is ultimately limited by the surface area and
permeability characteristics of the peritoneal membrane
as well as the volume it can contain.
Infectious problems
Adequate care is required to prevent exit site and tunnel
infections. The catheter should be immobilized to avoid
traumatic lesions and the exit site and subcutaneous tun-
nel should be inspected and palpated regularly.
Prevention is the most important method for dealing
with peritonitis in PDpatients. Aseptic technique should
be followed at all times when dealing with the PD
614 C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2011.00679.x
A clinical review of peritoneal dialysis
catheter, the exchange set, connections, and while spik-
ing new dialysate bags. Turbidity of efuent is the ear-
liest sign of probable infection.
Diagnosis is based on
the presence of cloudy uid with inammatory cells,
presence of organisms on cytology, and positive bacte-
rial growth on culture. The main sources of infection
are through the lumen of the PD catheter or around
the outside of the catheter. In human medicine, infec-
tion is predominantly caused by grampositive skin con-
taminants such as Staphylococcus.
3, 32
The veterinary lit-
erature also reports that Staphylococcus spp. is the most
common organism,
5, 19, 31
but gram negative infections
have also been reported and include Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter, Proteus, and Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa.
Empiric treatment in human and
veterinary medicine involves the addition of antimi-
crobials to the dialysate;
31, 43, 59
current evidence states
that the intraperitoneal route is more effective than
the IV route in preventing treatment failure.
In vet-
erinary medicine, a rst generation cephalosporin is
added to the dialysate as a loading dose of 1,000 mg/L
dialysate and is followed by a maintenance dose of 250
mg/L of dialysate, with appropriate dialysate volumes
delivered based on body size (proportion of drug to
dialysate remains unchanged).
Treatment should be
continued for 10 d based on culture and sensitivity re-
sults. Gram negative and mixed infections are sugges-
tive of intraabdominal pathology and intestinal contam-
ination; surgical exploration is recommended.
domonas and fungal peritonitis are the most serious
infectious complications.
3, 31, 44, 55
Culture and sensitivity
results shoulddictate use of other antimicrobials. Unsuc-
cessful management of peritonitis necessitates catheter
The prognosis for dogs treated with PD for AKI is rela-
tivelydiscouraging. Ina studyof 27 dogs andcats treated
with PD for AKI or azotemia, only 22% (6 of 27 patients)
survived to discharge from hospital.
More recently, 4
out of 5 dogs (80%) treated for AKI secondary to lep-
tospirosis survived to discharge from hospital suggest-
ing that PD is effective for the management of uremia in
dogs with acute renal failure caused by leptospirosis.
Isolated case reports also document successful treat-
ment of patients with acute ischemic renal failure, and
ethylene glycol intoxication.
7, 17
More recently, a case se-
ries evaluating PD in cats revealed a good success rate
(5 of 6 cats discharged from hospital) when PD was
elected in patients with a potentially reversible under-
lying disease.
Patients recovering fromoliguric/anuric
kidney injury will frequently require several days (37 d)
of PD before a positive response in urine production can
be noted/assessed. Several more days of hospitalization
for ongoing IV uid support should be anticipated as
renal recovery typically involves severe polyuria in the
recovery process. Owners of patients willing to under-
take PD should be forewarned of a protracted hospital
stay and signicant expense. Ultimately, the success of
PD relies on the intrinsic solute transport characteristics
of the peritoneal membrane, and recovery depends on
the residual renal function of the patient. Despite low
success rates, PDcan be an effective tool for treatment of
AKI. Owners must be well appraisedof the commitment,
cost, and prognosis associated with PD. If elected, PD
does not require complex equipment, and it can achieve
effective control of uremia and electrolyte disturbances
in select cases. Therapy results in a gradual decline in
uremic toxins, and can provide a temporary measure to
control uid and acid-base balance to maintain home-
ostasis in an animal until sufcient return of renal func-
tion is achieved.
The author would like to thank Drs. Judy Brown and
Brigitte Brisson for providing the images.
Plasma-Lyte A Injection, Baxter, Mississauga, Ontario.
Normosol R, Abbott, Abbott Park, IL.
Dianeal, Baxter Healthcare, Deereld, IL.
Lactated Ringers Injection USP, Baxter.
Tenckhoff catheter, Quinton, Kendall, Covidien, Manseld, MA.
Hubless Blake silicon (uted) drain (7 or 10 mm), Ethicon, Markham,
T-style uted catheter, Ash Advantage, Medigroup Inc, Aurora, IL.
Acute PDCatheter withCoaxial Design, SurgiVet, Smiths Medical, Dublin,
Hubless Silicon Flat Drain (7 or 10 mm width), Bard, Covington, GA.
J-VAC Reservoir (300 or 450 mL), Ethicon.
Pneumothorax catheter, Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN.
Mila Chest Tube 14-G, Mila International Inc, Erlanger, KY.
Silicone Closed Wound Suction Evacuator, Bard.
Snyder Hemovac wound drainage device (400 mL), Zimmer, Dover, OH.
Fibrin glue Tissucol; Baxter, Deereld, IL.

II Suture, Ethicon.
Maxon, Syneture, Covidien.
Opsite, Smith & Nephew, St. Laurent, Quebec.
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