Microsoft Exchange Transport Dumpster

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Let's take a look at the four ways of determining quorum in Windows Server 2008:

Node Majority-- With the Node Majority model, each of the nodes that make up the
server cluster gets a vote that counts toward quorum. The quorum disk itself does not
have a vote. The cluster will function when more than half of the nodes in the cluster
are operational, which means this model is used only when there are an odd number of
nodes in the cluster. Remember that although the Node Majority model doesn't give its
disk a vote, that disk is still a requirement for cluster operations.
Node and Disk Majority -- The vast majority of Windows clusters are two-node clusters.
This has traditionally been the case because of the complexities of creating multi-node
clusters as well as their cost. Two-node clusters cannot be created using the Node
Majority mode -- as they have an even node count -- so in this alternate architecture,
the disk resource itself also gets a vote. Used for server clusters that have an even
number of nodes, the Node and Disk Majority requires more than half of the nodes plus
the quorum drive itself to be operational for quorum to be achieved.
Node and File Share Majority -- Windows Server 2008 now includes support for
geographically distributed clusters, those that are not bound by the length of the
physical cables separating the nodes. Among other things, this support comes about
with the conversion of cluster heartbeat communications from broadcast traffic to TCP-
based traffic, which allows that portion of cluster communication to span subnets.
However, to create such a geo-cluster, both nodes can no longer functionally share the
same storage. Thus, a special type of quorum drive was created that resides on a file
share that is accessible by both nodes. This special cluster type also works for workloads
that do not require shared storage, such as Exchange CCR clusters and some limited
Hyper-V clustering arrangements.
No Majority: Disk Only -- This last quorum model relies only on the availability of the
shared disk itself for determining quorum. It is effectively the same as what's used in
older versions of Windows clustering. Because of its single point of failure reliance on
the disk's presence, this model is rarely recommended for use in production

Microsoft Exchange Transport Dumpster

The Exchange Transport Dumpster is a feature that exists in Exchange 2007
andExchange 2010 to prevent data loss. The transport dumpster has been revamped
in Exchange 2013 and is now known as the Safety Net.
First introduced in Exchange 2007, the transport dumpster exists on the hub
transport server and is only enabled for continuous cluster replication (CCR) and
local continuous replication (LCR). Administrators can configure either so that after a
clustered mailbox server goes down, it comes back online with limited data loss
because messages stored in the dumpster are still sent to users.
Similarly, in Exchange 2010 the transport dumpster still exists on the hub transport
server, but because CCR and LCR were replaced by database availability
groups(DAGs), it now works with them. When a message is sent from the hub
transport server to a DAG, the message is stored in the transport dumpster so in
case of failure, messages can still be sent to users.

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