Student Application Form
Student Application Form
Student Application Form
1. Students should be regular and punctual in classes. If he/she not able to attend the classes, topics will not be
2. An application in writing should be submitted to the concerned faculty, if a leave is required.
3. Smoking, Tobacco Chewing, Consumption of alcohol and use of narcotics are strictly prohibited in the premises
of Institute. Students founded in the case will be dismissed from the Institute.
4. Mobile phones should be switched off during Lectures, and on Silent mode in the Institute premises.
5. Damage to the property of the Institute like tampering with fixtures, will be viewed seriously and cost of damage
will be recovered from the concerned students.
6. Students should carry the identity and shall produce it on demand by the authorities.
7. The authorized media of communication between the students and college is the Notice Board; the students
are expected to read the notice board regularly. The institute will not be responsible for any loss of the students
due to their negligence.
8. Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
9. Proper use of computer lab is mandatory in a given time. Extra time for the use of computers will not be allowed.
10. Computers are given to the students for practice purpose only. Using of Social networking will not be entertained
to students under any circumstances.
11. Students must make all possible efforts to conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights & fans
when they leave the class room, lab etc. Students must help keep the institute neat and clean.
12. Students must pay their fee/dues on or before the prescribed deadline failing which appropriate disciplinary
action will be taken. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded/ adjusted. If a student leaves
the course before completion, he/she will be required to pay the fee for the entire course.
13. No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of
14. Students are bound by the rules and regulations framed by the Institute from time to time. Any violation of the
rules on the part of the student shall result in disciplinary action taken by the management.
15. Students are not allowed to go outside the class during Lecture sessions. Permission of the lecturer should be
taken in unavoidable conditions.
16. Students are encouraged to voice their opinion and engage each other in healthy debate. But they must be
polite to other students and teachers in the class.
17. Students should arrive in the class 5 minutes before the lectures.
18. If the lecture is unattended by the faculty for any reason, the C.R. should communicate with the class Co
Coordinator; under no circumstances students are not allowed to leave the class.
19. Copying of Institutes materials, videos, presentations, assignments, and projects will be viewed seriously. Strict
action will be taken against students who are found guilty.
I have read and understand all rules & regulations of the ELITE Institution. I declare
that I will abide and follow all rules & regulation of the institution.
Place: Signature of Student: ______________________
Name of Student: _________________________