Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty

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Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty


Learning Objectives
After reading Chapter 15 and working the problems for Chapter 15 in the textbook and in
this Workbook, you should be able to:
! Distinguish between decision making under uncertainty and under risk.
! Compute the expected value, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of
variation of a probability distribution.
! Apply the expected value rule, the mean-variance rules, and the coefficient of
variation rule to make decisions under risk.
! Define three risk preference categories: risk averse, risk neutral, and risk loving,
and relate these attitudes toward risk to the shape of the utility of profit curve.
! Find the optimal level of a risky activity (when the variances of marginal benefit
and marginal cost are constant) by setting E(MB) = E(MC).
! Apply (1) the maximax rule, (2) the maximin rule, (3) the minimax regret rule, and
(4) the equal probability rule to make decisions under uncertainty.

Essential Concepts
1. Conditions of risk occur when a manager must make a decision for which the
outcome is not known with certainty. Under conditions of risk, the manager can
make a list of all possible outcomes and assign probabilities to the various
outcomes. Uncertainty exists when a decision maker cannot list all possible
outcomes and/or cannot assign probabilities to the various outcomes.
2. In order to measure the risk associated with a decision, the manager can examine
several characteristics of the probability distribution of outcomes for the decision.
A probability distribution is a table or graph showing all possible outcomes or
payoffs for a decision and the probability that each outcome will occur.
3. In order to measure the risk associated with a decision, several statistical charac-
teristics of the probability distribution can be employed:
a. The expected value (or mean) of a probability distribution is
( )
i i
E X Expected value of X p X
= =

where X
is the i
t h
outcome of a decision, p
is the probability of the i
t h

Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
outcome, and n is the total number of possible outcomes in the probability
distribution. The expected value of a distribution does not give the actual
value of the random outcome, but rather indicates the average value of the
outcomes if the risky decision were to be repeated a large number of times.
b. The variance (a measure of absolute risk) of a probability distribution
measures the dispersion of the outcomes about the mean or expected
outcome. The variance is calculated as
2 2
( ) ( ( ))
x i i
Variance X p X E X !
= = "

The higher (lower) the variance, the greater (lower) the risk associated with a
probability distribution.
c. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance:
( )
Variance X ! =
The higher (lower) the standard deviation, the greater (lower) the risk.
d. When the expected values of outcomes differ substantially, managers should
measure the riskiness of a decision relative to its expected value using the
coefficient of variation (a measure of relative risk):

! =
"#$%&$'& &()*$#*+%
,-.(/#(& )$01(
E( X)

4. While no single decision rule guarantees that profits will actually be maximized,
there are a number of decision rules that managers can use to help them make
decisions under risk. Decision rules do not eliminate the risk surrounding a
decision, they just provide a method of systematically including risk in the process
of decision making. The three rules presented in this chapter are (1) the expected
value rule, (2) the mean-variance rules, and (3) the coefficient of variation rule.
These three rules are summarized below:
Summary of Decision Rules Under Conditions of Risk
Expected value rule Choose the decision with the highest expected value.
Mean-variance rules Given two risky decisions A and B:
If decision A has a higher expected outcome and a
lower variance than decision B, decision A should be
If both decisions A and B have identical variances (or
standard deviations), the decision with the higher
expected value should be made.
If both decisions A and B have identical expected
values, the decision with the lower variance (standard
deviation) should be made.
Coefficient of variation rule Choose the decision with the smallest coefficient of

Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
5. Which rule is best?
When a decision is to be made repeatedly, with identical probabilities each
time, the expected value rule provides managers with the most reliable rule for
maximizing (expected) profit. The average return of a given risky course of action
repeated many times will approach the expected value of that action.
When a manager makes a one-time decision under risk, there will not be any
follow-up repetitions of the decision to average out a bad outcome (or a good
outcome). Unfortunately, there is no best rule to follow when decisions are not
The rules for risky decision making should be used by managers to help
analyze and guide the decision-making process. Ultimately, making decisions
under risk (or uncertainty) is as much an art as it is a science.
6. The actual decisions made by a manager depend upon the managers willingness to
accept risk. To allow for different attitudes toward risk-taking in decision making,
modern decision theory treats managers as deriving utility or satisfaction from the
profits earned by their firms. Just as consumers derived utility from consumption of
goods in Chapter 6, in expected utility theory, managers are assumed to derive
utility from earning profits.
7. Expected utility theory postulates that managers make risky decisions in a way that
maximizes the expected utility of the profit outcomes, where the expected utility of
a risky decision is the sum of the probability-weighted utilities of each possible
profit outcome:
1 1 2 2
[ ( )] ( ) ( ) ... ( )
n n
E U pU p U p U ! ! ! ! = + + +
U(!) is the managers utility function for profit that measures the utility associated
with a particular level of profit. The utility function for profit gives an index value
to measure the level of utility experienced when a given amount of profit is earned.
The relation between an index of utility and the level of profit earned is assumed to
be an upward-sloping curve.
8. A managers attitude toward risk is determined by the managers marginal utility of
( ) / MU U ! ! = " "
Marginal utility, then, measures the slope of the upward-sloping U(!) curve. It is
the slope of the utility curve, or marginal utility, that determines a managers
attitude toward risk:
a. People are said to be risk averse if, facing two risky decisions with equal
expected profits, they choose the less risky decision.
b. Someone who chooses the more risky of two decision when the expected
profits are the same is said to be risk loving.
c. A risk neutral person is indifferent between risky decisions that all have the
same expected profit.
9. A managers attitude toward risky decisions can be related to his or her marginal
utility of profit. Someone who experiences diminishing (increasing) marginal
utility for profit will be a risk averse (risk loving) decision maker. Someone whose
marginal utility of profit is constant is risk neutral.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
10. If a manager maximizes expected utility for profit, the decisions can differ from
decisions reached using the three decision rules discussed for making risky
decisions. In the case of a risk-neutral manager, however, the decisions are the
same under maximization of expected profit and maximization of expected utility
of profit.
11. In the case of uncertainty, decision science can provide very little guidance to
managers beyond offering them some simple decision rules to aid them in their
analysis of uncertain situations. Four basic rules for decision making under
uncertainty are summarized in the following table.
Summary of Decision Rules Under Conditions of Uncertainty
Maximax rule Identify the best outcome for each possible decision and
choose the decision with the maximum payoff.
Maximin rule Identify the worst outcome for each decision and choose
the decision associated with the maximum worst payoff.
Minimax regret rule Determine the worst potential regret associated with
each decision, where the potential regret associated with
any particular decision and state of nature is the
improvement in payoff the manager could have
experienced had the decision been the best one when
that state of nature actually occurred. The manager
chooses the decision with the minimum worst potential
Equal probability rule Assume each state of nature is equally likely to occur
and compute the average payoff for each equally likely
possible state of nature. Choose the decision with the
highest average payoff.

Matching Definitions

certainty equivalent mean-variance analysis
coefficient of variation minimax regret rule
coefficient of variation rule payoff matrix
equal probability rule potential regret
expected utility probability distribution
expected utility theory risk
expected value risk averse
expected value rule risk loving
marginal utility of profit risk neutral
maximax rule standard deviation
maximin rule uncertainty
mean of the distribution variance

Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
1. ___________________ A decision-making situation in which a manager can list
all possible outcomes and assign probabilities to the
occurrence of each one.
2. ___________________ A situation in which the manager cannot list all possible
outcomes and/or cannot assign probabilities to the
3. ___________________ A table or graph showing all possible outcomes for a
decision and the probabilities that each outcome will
4. ___________________ The weighted average of the outcomes, with the prob-
abilities of each outcome serving as the respective
5. ___________________ Expected value of a distribution.
6. ___________________ A measure of the dispersion of a distribution around its
7. ___________________ Square root of the variance.
8. ___________________ Standard deviation divided by the expected value of the
probability distribution.
9. ___________________ Choosing the decision with the highest expected value.
10. ___________________ Method of decision making that uses both the mean and
the variance to make decisions.
11. ___________________ A decision-making method that chooses the decision
with the lowest coefficient of variation.
12. ___________________ A decision-making theory that accounts for the decision-
makers attitude toward risk.
13. ___________________ The sum of the probability-weighted utilities of each
possible profit outcome.
14. ___________________ The amount by which total utility increases for each
additional dollar of profit that the firm makes.
15. ___________________ A decision maker who chooses the less risky project
when two projects have an equal expected profit.
16. ___________________ A decision maker who chooses the project with the
higher risk when two projects have an equal expected
17. ___________________ The decision maker who ignores risk and focuses only
on the expected value of decisions.
18. ___________________ The dollar amount to be received with certainty that a
manager would be just willing to trade for the
opportunity to engage in a risky decision.
19. ___________________ A decision-making guide in which the manager iden-
tifies for each possible decision the best outcome that
could occur and then chooses the decision that would
give the maximum payoff of all the best outcomes.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
20. ___________________ A table with rows corresponding to the various decisions
and columns corresponding to the various states of
21. ___________________ A decision-making guide in which the manager iden-
tifies the worst outcome for each decision and makes the
decision associated with the maximum worst payoff.
22. ___________________ For a given decision and state of nature, the
improvement in payoff the manager could have
experienced had the decision been the best one when that
state of nature actually occurred.
23. ___________________ A decision-making guide that requires managers make to
the decision with the minimum worst potential regret.
24. ___________________ A decision-making guide that assumes each state of
nature has an equal probability of occurring; the
manager then calculates the average payoff for each
decision and chooses the decision with the highest
average payoff.

Study Problems

1. Consider the following two probability distributions for sales:

Distribution A
Distribution B
100 20 5
200 40 20
300 20 50
400 15 20
500 5 5

a. Calculate the expected sales for both of these probability distributions.
) = __________
) = __________
b. Calculate the variance and standard deviation for both of the probability
! = __________ and !
= __________
! = __________ and !
= __________
Distribution _____ is more risky than distribution _______.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
c. Calculate the coefficient of variation for both distributions
= __________
= __________
Distribution _____ has greater risk relative to its mean than distribution
2. Texas Petroleum Company is a producer of crude oil that is considering two
drilling projects with the following profit outcomes and associated probabilities:
Drilling Project A Drilling Project B


$300,000 10 $600,000 15
100,000 60 100,000 25
500,000 20 300,000 40
600,000 10 1,000,000 20

a. Compute the expected profit for both drilling projects.
) = __________ and E(Profit
) = __________
b. Based on the expected value rule, Texas Petroleum should choose drilling
project _______.
c. Compute the standard deviations of both projects:
= __________ and !
= __________
d. Which drilling project has the greater (absolute) risk?
e. Use mean-variance rules, if possible, to decide which drilling project to
undertake. Explain.
f. Compute the coefficient of variation for both projects:
= __________ and !
= __________
Using the coefficient of variation rule, Texas Petroleum should choose
project _____.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
3. A managers utility function for profit is U( ! ) = 35! , where ! is the dollar
amount of profit. The manager is considering a risky decision with the four
possible profit outcomes shown below. The manager makes the following
subjective assessments about the probability of each profit outcome:

0.05 $15,000
0.40 $1,000
0.50 $5,000
0.05 $10,000
a. The expected profit is _______________.
b. The expected utility of profit is _____________.
c. The marginal utility of an extra dollar of profit is ________.
d. The manager is risk ___________ because the marginal utility of profit is

4. Suppose the manager of a firm has a utility function for profit U( ! ) = 12ln( ! ),
where ! is the dollar amount of profit. The manager is considering a risky project
with the following profit payoffs and probabilities:

Utility of Profit
0.10 $1,000 xx
0.20 $2,000 _________
0.30 $3,000 _________
0.40 $4,000 _________

a. The expected profit is _______________.
b. The expected utility of profit is _____________.
c. Fill in the blanks in the following table showing the marginal utility of an
additional $1,000 of profit.
d. The manager is risk _________ because the marginal utility of profit is
5. A firm is making production plans for next quarter, but the manager does not know
what the price of the product will be next month. She believes there is a 30 percent
chance that price will be $500 and a 70 percent chance that price will be $750. The
four possible profit outcomes are
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
Profit (loss) when price is
$500 $750
Option A: produce 1,000 units $12,000 $80,000
Option B: produce 2,000 units $20,000 $150,000
a. Option ______ maximizes expected profit.
b. Option ______ is the riskier of the two options.
c. The manager _____________ (can, cannot) apply mean-variance rules in this
decision. If the manager can use mean-variance rules, the manager would
choose Option ______.
d. Using the coefficient of variation rule, the manager chooses Option _____.
6. Suppose the manager in Problem 5 has absolutely no idea about the probabilities of
the two prices occurring. Which option would the manager choose under each of
the following rules?
a. Maximax rule _________________
b. Maximin rule _________________
c. Minimax regret rule _________________
d. Equal probability rule _________________

Multiple Choice / True-False

Answer questions 13 using the following probability distribution for profit:
Profit Probability
$30 0.10
$40 0.30
$50 0.50
$60 0.10

1. The expected profit for the profit distribution above is ________.
a. 0.10(30) + 0.3(40) + 0.5(50) + 0.10(60)
b. 0.10
(30) + 0.3
(40) + 0.5
(50) + 0.10
c. 0.10(30 46)
+ 0.30(40 46)
+ 0.50(50 46)
+ 0.10(60 46)

d. (30 + 40 + 50 + 60)/2
e. both b and d.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
2. The variance for the profit distribution above is _______.
a. 64
b. 46
c. 54
d. 8
3. The coefficient of variation for the distribution above is __________.
a. 0.17
b. 5.75
c. 0.50
d. 1.39
Answer questions 410 using the following table that shows the various profit outcomes
for different projects when the price of the product is $10 or $20.

Project P = $10 P = $20
A $40 $120
B $55 $70
C $10 $200

4. Using the maximax rule, a manager would choose __________.
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
d. Either Project A or Project C
5. Following the maximin rule, a manager would choose __________.
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
6. Which project has the minimum worst potential regret?
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
7. Under the equal probability rule, which project should be chosen?
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
d. Either Project A or C
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
Now suppose the manager in questions 47 above is able to determine that product price
is likely to follow the probability distribution below:

Price Profitability
$10 60%
$20 40%
8. Which project should be chosen under the expected value rule?
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
9. Using mean-variance rules, which project would the manager choose?
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
d. Cannot apply mean-variance rules for these projects
10. Which project should be chosen under the coefficient of variation rule?
a. Project A
b. Project B
c. Project C
11. Risk exists when
a. all possible outcomes are known but probabilities cant be assigned to the
b. all possible outcomes are known and probabilities can be assigned to each.
c. all possible outcomes are known but only objective probabilities can be
assigned to each.
d. future events can influence the payoffs but the decision maker has some
control over their probabilities.
e. both c and d.
12. Using the minimax regret rule the manager makes the decision
a. with the smallest worst-potential regret.
b. with the largest worst-potential regret.
c. knowing he will not regret it.
d. that has the highest expected value relative to the other decisions.
13. In the maximin strategy, a manager choosing between two options will choose the
option that
a. has the highest expected profit.
b. provides the best of the worst possible outcomes.
c. minimizes the maximum loss.
d. both a and b.
e. both b and c.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
14. In making decisions under risk
a. maximizing expected value is always the best rule.
b. mean variance analysis is always the best rule.
c. the coefficient of variation rule is always best.
d. maximizing expected value is most reliable for making repeated decisions
with identical probabilities.
e. none of the above.
15. A probability distribution
a. is a way of dealing with uncertainty.
b. lists all possible outcomes and the corresponding probabilities of occurrence.
c. shows only the most likely outcome in an uncertain situation.
d. both a and b.
e. both a and c.
16. The variance of a probability distribution is used to measure risk because a higher
variance is associated with
a. a wider spread of values around the mean.
b. a more compact distribution.
c. a lower expected value.
d. both a and b.
e. all of the above.
The next three questions refer to the following probability distribution for profit:

Profit Probability
17. What is the expected profit for this distribution?
a. $11,875
b. $46
c. $47.50
d. $48.75
e. none of the above.
18. What is the variance of this distribution?
a. 48.75
b. 2,376
c. 525
d. 70
e. 11.875
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
19. What is the coefficient of variation for this distribution?
a. 1.67
b. 0.675
c. 18.6
d. 0.147
e. 1.03
20. T F Given two projects, A and B, if E( !
) > E( !
) and
! >
! , then the
manager should select project A using mean-variance analysis.
21. T F Given two projects, A and B, if
E( ) ! =
E( ) ! and,
! ! <
, then
the manager should select project A using mean-variance analysis.
22. T F Employing the expected value rule guarantees that a manager will
always earn the greatest return possible, a return equal to the expected
23. T F Suppose a person has two alternatives: (A) receive $1,000 with
certainty, or (B) flip a coin and receive $2,000 if a head comes up or
nothing ($0) if a tail comes up. A risk-averse person will take the
$1,000 with certainty (alternative A).
24. T F When net benefit has the same variance at all relevant levels of
activity, a risk-loving manager will undertake more of the risky activity
than will a risk-averse manager.


1. risk
2. uncertainty
3. probability distribution
4. expected value
5. mean of the distribution
6. variance
7. standard deviation
8. coefficient of variation
9. expected value rule
10. mean-variance analysis
11. coefficient of variation rule
12. expected utility theory
13. expected utility
14. marginal utility of profit
15. risk averse
16. risk loving
17. risk neutral
18. certainty equivalent
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
19. maximax rule
20. payoff matrix
21. maximin rule
22. potential regret
23. minimax regret rule
24. equal probability rule

1. a. E (Sales
) = (0.20 ! 100) + (0.40 ! 200) + (0.20 ! 300) + (0.15 ! 400) + (0.05 !
500) = 245
E (Sales
) = (0.05 ! 100) + (0.20 ! 200) + (0.50 ! 300) + (0.20 ! 400) + (0.05 !
500) = 300
! = (100 245)
(0.2) + (200 245)
(0.4) + (300 245)
(0.2) + (400 245)
+ (500 245)
(0.05) = 12,475
= (12,475)
= 111.69
! = (100300)
(0.05) + (200 300)
(0.2) + (300 300)
(0.5) + (400 300)
+ (500 300)
(0.05) = 8,000
= (8,000)
= 89.44
Distribution A is more risky than distribution B because
2 2
! ! < .
c. "
= standard deviation / expected value = 111.69/245 = 0.456
= standard deviation / expected value = 89.44/300 = 0.298
Distribution A has greater relative risk than distribution B because !
> !
2. a. E(Profit
) = (300,000 ! 0.10) + (100,000 ! 0.60) + (500,000 !0.20) + (600,000 !
0.10) = $190,000
) = (600,000 !0.15) + (100,000 ! 0.25) + (300,000 ! 0.40) + (1,000,000 !
0.20) = $255,000
b. Project B (It has the larger expected profit.)
c. Variance
= (300,000 190,000)
(0.10) + (100,000 190,000)
(0.60) + (500,000
(0.20) + (600,000 190,000)
= 64,900,000,000
= (64,900,000,000)
= 254,755
= (600,000 255,000)
(0.15) + (100,000 255,000)
(0.25) + (300,000
(0.40) + (1,000,000 255,000)
= 27,475,000,000
= (27,475,000,000)
= 165,756
d. Project A has higher (absolute) risk than Project B since !
> !
e. The expected profit in project B exceeds the expected profit in project A, but project
B has a higher variance than A. The manager at Texas Petroleum must make a
tradeoff between risk and return in order to decide which of the two projects to
choose. Mean-variance rules cannot be employed to make decision when a tradeoff
between risk and return is involved.
f. !
= 254,755/190,000 = 1.34 and !
= 476,943/255,000 = 1.87
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
Project B has higher relative risk. Under the coefficient of variation rule, Project A is
3. a. E( ! ) = 0.05($15,000) + 0.40($1,000) + 0.50($5,000) + 0.05($10,000)
= $1,850
b. E[U( ! )] = 0.05 ! U($15,000) + 0.40 ! U($1,000) + 0.50 ! U($5,000) +
0.05 ! U($10,000)
= 0.05(525,000) + 0.40(35,000) + 0.50(175,000) + 0.05(350,000)
= 64,750
c. 35
d. neutral; constant
4. a. E( ! ) = 0.10( $1,000) + 0.20($2,000) + 0.30($3,000) + 0.4($4,000)
= $3,000
c. E[U( ! )] = 0.10 ! U($1,000) + 0.20 ! U($2,000) + 0.30 ! U($3,000) +
0.40 ! U($40,000)
= 0.10(82.89) + 0.20(91.21) + 0.30(96.08) + 0.40(99.53)
= 95.17
c. 8.32; 4.87; 3.45 (in the three blanks)
d. averse; decreasing
5. a. B
b. B
c. cannot; blank
d. B
6. a. B
b. A
c. B
d. B

1. a This follows directly from the definition of expected value. E(Profit) = $46.
2. a Var( ! ) = (30 46)2(0.10) + (40 46)2(0.30) + (50 46)2(0.50) + (60 46)2(0.10)
= 64
3. a The coefficient of variation = ! /E( ! ) = 8/46 = 0.17
4. c Project C has the greatest best-outcome.
5. b Project B has the maximum worst possible outcome (= $55).
6. c The worst regrets are 80, 130, and 65 for Projects A, B, and C, respectively. Project
C has the smallest potential regret.
7. c The average profit for Project C is 190/2 = $85, which is higher than for Projects A
or B.
8. c E( !
) = $72, E( !
) = $61, and E( !
) = $74. Project C has the highest E( ! ).
9. d Project C has the highest E( ! ) and the highest !
. Since a tradeoff between
expected return and risk is involved, mean-variance analysis cannot be applied.
10. b Project B has the lowest coefficient of variation: !
= 0.54, !
= 0.12, !
= 1.39.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
11. b This is the definition.
12. a This is the definition.
13. e Both statements are correct.
14. d Unless a decision is made repeatedly with identical probabilities, there is no clearly
best rule to follow.
15. b This is the definition of a probability distribution.
16. a The higher the variance, the greater the dispersion of outcomes and the greater is the
17. c $47.50 = 0.05(30) + 0.25(40) + 0.60(50) + 0.10(60)
18. a 48.75 = 0.05(3047.50)
+ 0.25(4047.50)
+ 0.60(5047.50)
+ 0.10(6047.50)

19. d 0.147 = (48.74)
/ 47.50
20. F Even though the expected value of Project A is higher than Bs expected value,
Project A has a higher variance (is riskier) than B. Projects A and B cannot be ranked
using mean-variance analysis in this case.
21. T Project A should be chosen since it has a lower risk and an equal expected return.
22. F The expected value rule only guarantees the greatest return on average, if the
decision is made a very large number of times. When the decision is made
repeatedly, the expected value rule provides the most reliable rule for maximizing
23. T Although the expected value of alternative B is $1,000, a risk-averse decision maker
takes the $1,000 with certainty (alternative A).
24. F When risk is the same at all levels of activity (i.e., constant variance of net benefit),
the optimal level of a risky activity is the same for both risk averse and risk loving
managers. It is also the same for risk-neutral managers.
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
Homework Exercises

Star Products, Inc. faces uncertain demand conditions in 2012. Management at Star
Products is considering three different levels of output for 2012: 1, 1.5, or 2 million units.
Management has determined that the following profit levels will occur under weak and
strong demand conditions:

Profit (in $millions) if
Demand is
Output Level Weak Strong
1 million units 60 175
1.5 million units 50 200
2.0 million units 50 400

1. Using each of the four rules for decision making under uncertainty, determine the
output level of 2012.

Maximax rule ______________ units of output

Maximin rule ______________ units of output

Minimax regret rule ______________ units of output

Equal probability rule ______________ units of output

2. Now suppose that management believes the probability of weak demand in 2012 is
25% and the probability of strong demand is 75%. Compute the expected profit,
variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for each level of output:

Output E(! )
! !
1 million units




1.5 million units




2.0 million units




3. Based on the expected value rule, Star Products should produce ________ units in
Chapter 15: Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
4. Using mean-variance analysis, which level of output should be chosen? Explain
your answer.

5. Using the coefficient of variation rule, Star Products should produce ______ units
in 2012. Explain briefly.

6. Suppose the managers utility function for profit is U( ! ) = 100! . Calculate the
expected utility of profit for each of the three output decisions:

Output E[U(! )]
1 million units __________
1.5 million units __________
2.0 million units __________

To maximize the expected utility of profit, the manger should choose to produce
___________ units in 2012. Explain why this decision is the same as the decision
in question 3 above.

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