Shariq Qamar: Career Overview

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Address: 10 Thomas Street, Unley, 5061 SA

Phone: 0470024358
E-mail: malikshariq.qamar@mail.!om
Career Overview:
"ata#ase A$ministrator % "e&elo'er, (ith 6 years o) e*'erien!e an$ as'irin to
take the ne*t hiher ste' in my !areer, (ith a s+!!ess)+l an$ 'roressi&e
orani,ation that 'ro&i$es a !hallenin, 'ro)essional en&ironment !on$+!i&e to
$emonstrate my inter'ersonal skills an$ 'ro&i$es me (ith the o''ort+nity to
Skills Summary
-*!e'tional 'ro#lem sol&in an$ analysis skills (ith a 'ro&en tra!k re!or$ o)
$e&elo'in lare $ata#ase s!hemas, (ritin $ata mani'+lation, !ontrollin
an$ other q+eries )or lare #+siness a''li!ations -nter'rise .eso+r!e
/lannin 0inan!ial /ro$+!ts, 1eneral 2e$er, an$ other so)t(are
a''li!ations 3!lients in!l+$e 4ealth 5are, 1eneral Tra$ers an$ others6.
-*'ert in "ata#ase S!hema "esin, -. "iaram, ."78S, /er)orman!e
T+nin +sin 8S S92 Ser&er 2008 .2%2012.
:+tstan$in $ata#ase a$ministration, maintenan!e, analysis, an$ re'ort
eneration skills +sin 8S S92 Ser&er 2008 .2 % 2012, TS92%/2;S92, -T2
'a!kaes, S92 Ser&er <nteration Ser&i!es 3SS<S6, S92 Ser&er Analysis
Ser&i!es 3SSAS6, S92 Ser&er .e'ortin Ser&i!es 3SS.S6, S92
:2T/%:2A/, an$ -r(in "ata 8o$eler.
-*'ert in +sin other 8i!roso)t 'ro$+!ts like Share/oint 2010%2013, .=-T
0rame(ork 32008%2010%2012%20136, 5>.=-T, 8S :))i!e, 8S /ro?e!t.
:+tstan$in skills in @a&a, :ra!le A''li!ation "e&elo'ment 0rame(ork, Ae#
2oi! Ser&er.
Employmen Hisory:
Software Engineer (Database Developer / Administrator):
12 March 2! to 1! March 21"
Sidat #$der Morshed Associates %vt& 'td&
(nformation Sol)tion Department
5reate an$ $esin $ata#ases, &ie(s, store$ 'ro!e$+res, T;S92 statements
an$ +ser;$e)ine$ )+n!tions o) &aryin !om'le*ity (ith a B#est 'ra!ti!esC
a''roa!h to keys, in$i!es an$ relationshi's in S92 Ser&er 2008.2%2012.
8anae 8S Ain$o(s Ser&er 2008%2012, <<S, 5:8D an$ S92 Ser&er 2008
.2 %2012 (ith rear$s to a$ministration an$ 'er)orman!e t+nin.
Use$ SS.S to !reate an$ $esin !om'le* #+siness an$ )inan!ial re'orts
35+stomer kno!k o)), 5+stomer%S+''lier 7alan!e, Trial 7alan!e an$ et!6.
Assist in !ontin+al im'ro&ement o) so)t(are !on)i+ration manaement
5ontri#+tes to the $e&elo'ment, installation, maintenan!e an$ mo$i)i!ations
o) so)t(are a''li!ation an$ % or s'e!ial 'ro?e!ts.
"ra(s +' a $etaile$ $esin $o!+ment )or the system, +sin !harts an$
$iarams that in$i!ate the &ario+s ste's <n&ol&e$ an$ $es!ri#e the system in
(ays that the !lient !an +n$erstan$.
.esear!h ho( in)ormation systems are +se$ an$ look at (ays to im'ro&e
+se an$ e))i!ien!y.
Aorkin !losely (ith 'ro$+!t manaer, q+ality ass+ran!e an$ other sta)).
Tests an$ maintains !om'+ter 'rorams to ens+re that the !om'+ter
a''li!ation meets the nee$s o) the +sers o) the !om'+ter system.
-arne$ a !areer re'+tation in a &ery short s'an o) time )or e*!e'tional
e))i!ien!y an$ timely $eli&ery o) 'ro?e!ts.
:))ere$ loi!al, )orthriht thinkin an$ a#le to 'ro&i$e e))e!ti&e sol+tions to
sol&e $i))i!+lt 'ro#lems. 5a'a#le o) o#?e!ti&e analysis an$ skille$ at makin
q+i!k $e!isions #ase$ on (is$om, e*'erien!e, an$ ?+$ment.
Ma*or %ro*ects:
Aorke$ a 15 'erson team to $e&elo'e$ Enterprise +eso)rce %lanning
System 3-./6. -./ is one o) the lea$in 'ro$+!ts o) Si$at 4y$er 8orshe$
Asso!iates 3/&t.6 2t$E <n$+stries in!l+$e 4ealth 5are, .i!e, 1eneral Tra$ers,
<m'orters, -*'orters, 8an+)a!t+rers, "istri#+tors, Te*tiles, an$
/harma!e+ti!al. < ha&e +se$ S92 Ser&er <nteration Ser&i!es an$ -r(in
"ata 8o$eler to $o re&erse enineerin an$ )or(ar$ enineerin 3$esine$
$ata#ase s!hema )or S92 Ser&er )rom :ra!le $ata#ase6. < ha&e $one
!+stomi,ation in that $ata#ase +sin +'$ate, insert an$ other q+eries. < ha&e
also ma$e s'e!ial re'orts 5+stomer 5losin 7alan!e, /+r!hase%Sales
Tra!kin .e'ort, Fno!k :)) .e'orts, Aork :r$er .e'orts, /ro$+!tion
.e'ort, /ro)ita#ility .e'orts, an$ other re'orts +sin 8S S92 Ser&er 2008
.2 3SS.S6. 0+rthermore, < ha&e +se$ AS/.=-T to $e&elo' the mi$$le tier
layer. < ha&e (orke$ on Se!+rity 8o$+le, /+r!hase 5ontra!t, /+r!hase
:r$er, 8./, Sales an$ -*'ort 5y!les in this system.
Aorke$ as a 'art o) 15 mem#er team to $e&elo'e$ %oint of Sales s$stem
)or F05, Fara!hi, /akistan 30oo$ 5hain6. < ha&e $esine$ the entire
$ata#ase s!hema, ma$e s'e!ial re'orts like <tem S+mmary%"etail, <n&entory
5losin 7alan!e, Sales .e'orts, Fno!k :)) re'orts an$ others +sin S92
Ser&er 2008.2.
/arti!i'ate$ as a &ery a!ti&e mem#er in the $e&elo'ment o) ,eneral ledger
'ro$+!t. <t is the #est sellin so)t(are 'ro$+!t o) Si$at 4y$er 8ors.he$
Asso!iates 3/&t.6 2t$. <n$+stries in!l+$e 7anks, Sto!k 8arket, <ns+ran!e
5om'anies, .i!e, 1eneral Tra$ers, <m'orters, -*'orters, 8an+)a!t+rers,
"istri#+tors, Te*tiles, an$ /harma!e+ti!als. < ha&e $esine$ the $ata#aseE
ma$e s'e!ial re'orts 5+stomer Trail 7alan!e, Fno!k o)) .e'orts, /ayment
.e'orts, an$ other re'orts +sin 8S S92 Ser&er 2012. 0+rthermore, < ha&e
+se$ AS/.=-T to $e&elo' the mi$$le tier layer. < ha&e (orke$ on Se!+rity
8o$+le, A!!o+nt .e!ei&a#le an$ A!!o+nts /aya#le 8o$+le in this system.
"e&elo'e$ an$ (orke$ (ith a 10 'ersonGs team to $e&elo' $i))erent portal
based an$ content management s$stems e.. "ash 7oar$ System,
"o!+ment 8anaement System, 2ea&e 8anaement System, 0inan!ial
8anaement Systems an$ other in)ormation systems )or $i))erent !lients.
<n$+stries in!l+$e 7anks, Sto!k 8arket, <ns+ran!e 5om'anies, other
0inan!ial <nstit+tions. < ha&e +se$ U2U 3tool +se$ enerate 5A82 q+eries6,
5A82 35olla#orati&e A''li!ation 8ark+' 2an+ae6, Share/oint, SS.S,
AS/.=-T an$ other te!hnoloies to $e&elo' this system.
:''ort+nity to (ork (ith a 15 'erson team to $e&elo'e$ Asset 8anaement
System )or /akistan <nternational 5ontainer Terminal 3/<5T6. <t is a
!+stomi,e so)t(are )or /re&enti&e an$ 5orre!ti&e 8aintenan!e o) $i))erent
kin$ o) ma!hines an$ &ehi!les o) the 5om'any. < ha&e $esine$ the
$ata#aseE ma$e s'e!ial re'orts @o# .eq+est, @o# :r$er, @o# 4istory,
8a!hine 8aintenan!e, an$ other re'orts +sin 8S S92 Ser&er.
0+rthermore, < ha&e +se$ AS/.=-T to $e&elo' the mi$$le tier layer. < ha&e
(orke$ on Se!+rity 8o$+le, A!!o+nt .e!ei&a#le an$ A!!o+nts /aya#le
8o$+le in this system.
/re'are$ all the $o!+mentation, )easi#ility re'orts )or S)per Store
Management S$stem. <t (as a me$i+m si,e #+siness 'ro?e!t. < ha&e +se$
8S :))i!e S+it, Sna' Shot, 8S /ro?e!t, an$ other te!hnoloies.
"e&elo'e$ -niversit$ Management S$stem. <t (as a small to me$i+m si,e
#+siness 'ro?e!t. < ha&e +se$ AS/.=-T, S92 Ser&er 2008 .2, SS.S an$
other te!hnoloies to $e&elo' this system.
"e&elo'e$ .inancial Model )or =ational 0oo$s /akistan. <t is a !+stomi,e$
so)t(are 'ro?e!t. < ha&e +se$ a$&an!e e*!el te!hniq+es an$ 'rorammin to
#+il$ this mo$el.
"e&elo'e$ /inomial 0ree model +se$ )or 'ri!in :'tions. <n$+stries in!l+$e
7anks, Sto!k 8arket, <ns+ran!e 5om'anies, other 0inan!ial <nstit+tions. <
ha&e +se$ -*!el, 8S A!!ess to $e&elo' this system.
"e&elo'e$ DES algorithm. This alorithm is +se$ )or en!ry'tion an$
$e!ry'tion o) $ata o&er the internet. Use$ H4"2 'rorammin lan+ae.
!ormal Edu"aion:
212 211: Master of /)siness Administration (M/A)
<nstit+te o) 7+siness A$ministration 3assesse$ #y Skills )or All Ser&i!es SA as
!om'ara#le to A+stralian 8aster "eree6
8anaerial 5omm+ni!ation an$ =eotiations
2ea$ershi', Team(ork an$ 5or'orate .es'onsi#ility
<n)ormation <n$+stry Str+!t+re an$ 5om'etiti&e Stratey
2" 3 24: /achelors of Science (5omp)ter Science)
Uni&ersity o) Fara!hi 3assesse$ #y Skills )or All Ser&i!es SA as !om'ara#le to
A+stralian 7a!helor "eree6
"ata#ase Systems
"istri#+te$ "ata#ase Systems
8anaement <n)ormation Systems
Statisti!s an$ "ata Analysis
So)t(are -nineerin
Pro#essional $evelopmen:
8i!roso)t 5erti)ie$ /ro)essional I /rorammin in 4T82 5 (ith @a&aS!ri't,
an$ 5SS 3
Mr& +i6wan -ddin
Senior 8anaer
Si$at 4y$er 8orshe$ Asso!iates /&t. 2t$.
Mr& .ahad -llah 7han
9+ality Ass+ran!e Analyst
Si$at 4y$er 8orshe$ Asso!iates /&t. 2t$.
Mr& Shaf8at Memon
Senior /ro?e!t A!!o+ntant
SA 4ealth
Mr& #adi #asan
Senior :ra!le -;7+siness S+ite 5ons+ltant
Dr& :asir 0o)heed
/ro)essor an$ mem#er o) A!a$emi! 7oar$
<nstit+te o) 7+siness A$ministration

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