The IAE, French University Business Schools are a network of 31 business schools across France that offer a range of management programs from bachelor's to PhD levels. They focus on research, teaching excellence, and internationalization. Their goal is to be among the top European business schools while maintaining ties to the university system. They have over 1000 international partnerships and exchange agreements to increase student and faculty mobility worldwide.
The IAE, French University Business Schools are a network of 31 business schools across France that offer a range of management programs from bachelor's to PhD levels. They focus on research, teaching excellence, and internationalization. Their goal is to be among the top European business schools while maintaining ties to the university system. They have over 1000 international partnerships and exchange agreements to increase student and faculty mobility worldwide.
The IAE, French University Business Schools are a network of 31 business schools across France that offer a range of management programs from bachelor's to PhD levels. They focus on research, teaching excellence, and internationalization. Their goal is to be among the top European business schools while maintaining ties to the university system. They have over 1000 international partnerships and exchange agreements to increase student and faculty mobility worldwide.
The IAE, French University Business Schools are a network of 31 business schools across France that offer a range of management programs from bachelor's to PhD levels. They focus on research, teaching excellence, and internationalization. Their goal is to be among the top European business schools while maintaining ties to the university system. They have over 1000 international partnerships and exchange agreements to increase student and faculty mobility worldwide.
The key takeaways are that IAE, French University Business Schools are dedicated to research, development and graduate education in management. They offer a variety of programs from bachelor's to PhD levels across many business fields. IAE has 31 business schools across France with the goal of being a leader in business education and research in Europe.
The goals of IAE are to lead business schools in Europe while maintaining their identity within universities. They aim to be a leader in management research and host a reputed international faculty. IAE also wants to increase student mobility and attract the best international students.
IAE's international strategies are threefold - to be a leader in management research, host an international faculty from prestigious global institutions, and increase student mobility. Their programs include courses taught in English, over 250 international guest teachers, and exchanges with over 1000 partner institutions in 50 countries.
IAE, French University Business Schools,
are dedicated to research development
and graduate education in management. Bachelor Master MBA Ph.D Among the best programs in Management in France IAE, French University Business Schools
Thanks to the quality of the teaching, most IAE, French University Business Schools, have become world-renowned high level education centers. My vision for the IAE, French University Business Schools, is clear, namely to lead business schools in Europe while maintaining our specicity and foothold within the university. Our international strategy is threefold : to be a leader in research in the eld of management ; to host a highly reputed faculty, including international scholars from prestigious institutions across the globe ; to increase student mobility and attract the best international students. The internationalization of programs includes courses taught entirely in English and more than 250 international guest teachers. It is also supported by the dynamism of an active network of 1000 rst-level partners, some of them AACSB or EQUIS accredited, exchanges of students and teachers in 50 countries. The IAE are part of a French association, named Rseau IAE that offers partners the possibility to develop a specic and unique cooperation opportunity with several business schools in France. IAE offers the attend courses from more than 800 programs in French, (undergraduate, graduate and PhD program) or in English. The English offering includes more than 50 undergraduate and graduate programs in Management, Finance, Marketing or Human Resources. Some of these schools or programs benet from prestigious international accreditation such as EQUIS or EPAS. If you would like to explore the opportunity of collaborating with us, please contact us. Jrme Rive President of Rseau IAE Association of University business Schools France
Think and live International 3
IAE keeps an international focus The cooperation with IAE lyon was rst initiated in 1994 and now takes on various dimensions in Teaching and Research. We educate together French-speaking Czech elites within the framework of the IAE Lyon off-shore Masters in Management & Business Administration in Prague. In 2008, we jointly designed a double-degree in English at the Masters level focusing on international Business - European Business Realities. Both Degrees in international Management are now EPAS accredited by the EFMD. Research is also an area of cooperation since we have been organizing since 2010 an annual Franco-Czech Research Seminar on the issue of Trends in International Business. Hana Machkova, director, French-Czech Institute of Management and vice-President for International Relations University of Economics Prague - VSE Bachelor double major program apprenticeship MBA Doctoral program The Rseau IAE is the rst French University network made up of 31 Business Schools offering a range of courses covering all elds of management and business administration : Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting, international Business, Procurement, supply Chain Management ... The First French University Network 4 Cooperation agreements Student exchange mobility (ERASMUS, Crepuq, bilateral and specic programs...) Off-shore programs Business Courses taught in English International research activities and projects Visiting Professors
Key gures The IAE Tours and the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) from Brazil have engaged in a very dynamic partnership in France (Service Marketing program, MBA level). If many academic partnerships remain hardly change, we have found a solid partner that is fully aligned with demands of the newer generation concerning internationalization, scientic excellence, and cultural diversity. Today the partnership offers a much broader scope that will allow students to attend courses and internships in both countries to earn a double diploma, for professors to actively collaborate on research, and for institution to have greater dynamism. Jorge Cardoso - Director IAE / Executive Coordinator MBA Management - State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ double major program pre-experience education MBA executive education Master e-learning and off campus programs 5 31 IAE - French University Business Schools 800 degrees in French and English 40,000 Students 10% International Students 1,000 Exchange and cooperation agreements 1,200 Faculty members 6,300 Business experts 32 Research laboratories 400,000 Alumni 6 IAE offers the best possible studies abroad Discover the French way of life Earn a French graduate degree accredited by the French government Benet from excellent job placements rates Get a French degree abroad (off-shore programs) Study in schools with a leading role in Management Science Research Close links with companies (internship, ...) Benet from affordable registration fees Attend French-language courses Take Business course taught in English Study in small size classes Get assistance for accommodation and other services Enjoy a rich array of cultural and other activities IAE are in place in 31 locations across the whole French territory and are close to the sea, the mountains ans other European countries.... Study in a IAE is one of the best opportunities to combine high-level Business studiesn with a unique French Experience 6 7 The IAE Score Message is a test that allows to apply simultaneously in more than 300 degrees in management. This test measures candidates abilities in four key areas for future managers. This is an element of appreciation of the application to a university degree in management. This test is composed of a set of questions to which the candidate must answer within a given time. It has been created as a score, composed of 3 scores in French and 1 score in english. IAE score message There are 25 foreign test centers : Albania, Argentina, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Hungary, Israel, Lebanon, Madagascar, Morocco, Peru,Philippines, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, Vietnam. 7
English Programs Undergraduate Degrees LILLE - Bachelor in Business Administration MONTPELLIER - Bachelor of International Management and Business STRASBOURG - Bachelor in International Affairs Graduate Degrees First year of Master AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master General Management DIJON - Masters degree in International Business LYON - Master General Management Program PARIS-EST - International Master in Business Management PAU-BAYONNE International Master of Management TOULOUSE - Master International Management STRASBOURG - Master in International and European Business Second year of Master AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master Management International Business AIX-EN-PROVENCE - International Master of Management of Information Technology AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master in Global Innovation Management AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master International Finance AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master Marketing & Communication AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master Corporate Communication, Change Management AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Master General Management BORDEAUX - Master International Management BORDEAUX - Master of Business Administration (start in fall 2013) DIJON - Masters Degree in International Business GRENOBLE - Master Management - International Manager GRENOBLE - Master Empirical Finance and Accounting LILLE - Master Executive International Management LYON - Master International Management - European Business Realities LYON - Master General Management Program MONTPELLIER - Master of International Management NICE - Master of International Business NICE - Master - European and International Private Banking PAU-BAYONNE - International Master of Management POITIERS - Master International Management RENNES - Master of Business Administration in International Management RENNES - Master Finance - Advanced Studies and research in Finance RENNES - Master of Marketing - Franchising and Network Management STRASBOURG - Master in International and European Business TOULOUSE - Master International Management TOULOUSE - Master International Human Ressources Management TOULOUSE - Master Financial Markets 8
English Programs MBA AIX-EN-PROVENCE - MBA Change & Innovation AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Executive MBA AIX-EN-PROVENCE - Euro MBA LYON - International MBA NICE - MIB (With San Francisco State University) NICE - MBA Global Finance NICE - MBA Global Marketing PARIS - International MBA PARIS - Global Partners MBA (Paris, Atlanta, Rio de Janeiro) University Degrees AIX-EN-PROVENCE - MSc in Management BORDEAUX - Business Management in Anglophone countries BORDEAUX - European Business Administration NICE - Graduate Degree in Business Administration RENNES - International Business - European Affairs Short Programs BORDEAUX - Summer program with NIU Northern Illinois University (3 weeks in Dekalb,Chicago, USA) BORDEAUX - Summer program with Saint-Marys University (3 weeks, in Bordeaux, Biarritz, San Sebastian, Paris, Bruxelles) BORDEAUX - Summer program with GreatLakes Institute of Management (6 weeks- start in 2013 or 2014) LYON - Strategic Business Developpement with Europe (2 weeks) LYON - International Business Policies and Practices : a European Perspective ( 2 weeks) LYON - Economic and cultural insight in Lyon (1 week) PARIS EST & LYON - Doing Business in Europe: a cross-regional and multi-sectoral approach (3 weeks - start in 2014) POITIERS - French for foreigners applied to Management (2 weeks) STRASBOURG - International Summer School Business in Europe ( 4 weeks) 9
10 A student at Mexico University (UNAM) I have wanted to study in France for a long time to complete my university career and also to improve my French level. I seized the opportunity to participate in an exchange when I heard that the UNAM had an international agreement with Pau-Bayonne IAE. I am currently following the second semester courses of the International Management Master and it is a very enlightening experience from the academic, cultural and personal view points. My integration was very good and I wish everybody to live the same experience ! Astrid Luyando(Mexico) IAE Pau-Bayonne I had the chance to be part of the double diploma program between the Bordeaux IAE and the Northern Illinois University. This program has given me an invaluable set of skills to pursue an international career. Throughout my formation I was able to apply the concepts developed in class by dealing with practical cases and real life consul- ting. This hands-on approach, as well as the partnership with interna- tional universities is what makes studying at the IAE a unique experience. The IAE International Management Degree has opened many professional doors for me and I would recommend it to anyone looking for an exciting interna- tional career. Leslie Debitus (United States) IAE Bordeaux Thanks to the international relations ofce, I quickly felt good within IAE. They guided all my steps even before I arrived in Poitiers. I also had the chance to benet from a scholarship offered by the region. The IAE of Poitiers offers a quality training in an excellent environment which is favourable for studies. As I was lucky to be in the most inter- national class of the Institute, I could discover such amazing cultures as the Egyptian, Canadian, Romanian ones and of course French culture. I had no time to get bored between studies, international parties and exploration of the region. Johann ROBISOA (Malagasy)- IAE Poitiers The International MBA Program at IAE Paris was a wonderful experience. The program was exactly what I hoped to nd: an af- fordably-priced MBA program from a renowned university, conve- niently situated in Paris, with small classes and excellent international faculty and students. In my class, there were 12 different nationalities; such diversity made for an interesting and informative experience. The program was highly benecial to my professional and personal develop- ment, and facilitated my promotion at work soon after the end of classes. Violeta de los Reyes (United States) IAE Paris Testimonies of Students
11 AIX EN PROVENCE T. 04 42 28 08 08 AMIENS T. 03 22 82 71 22 BORDEAUX T. 05 56 00 45 67 BREST T. 02 98 01 60 39 CAEN T. 02 31 56 65 00 CLERMONT-FERRAND T. 04 73 17 75 67 CORTE T. 04 95 45 00 63 DIJON T. 03 80 39 57 48 GRENOBLE T. 04 76 82 59 27 LA REUNION T. 02 62 21 16 26 LILLE T. 03 20 12 34 50 LIMOGES T. 05 55 14 90 27 LYON T. 04 78 78 70 66 METZ T. 03 87 37 84 81 MONTPELLIER T. 04 67 14 38 65 NANCY T. 03 54 50 43 00 NANTES T. 02 40 14 17 17 NICE T. 04 92 00 11 01 ORLEANS T. 02 38 41 70 28 PARIS T. 01 53 55 27 80 PARIS-EST (Gustave Eiffel) Crteil: T. 01 41 78 47 35 Marne-la-Valle: T. 01 60 95 78 05 PAU-BAYONNE T. 05 59 40 81 11 T. 05 59 40 81 10 PERPIGNAN T. 04 68 66 17 93 POITIERS T. 05 49 45 44 99 RENNES T. 02 23 23 77 77 REUNION T. 02 62 21 16 26 ROUEN www.univ-rouen/iae T. 02 32 76 95 84 STRASBOURG T. 03 68 85 80 00 TOULON T. 04 94 14 23 02 TOULOUSE T. 05 61 63 56 00 TOURS T. 02 47 36 10 10 VALENCIENNES T. 03 27 51 76 03 Directory of Schools 31 IAE, French University Business Schools Rseau IAE Association of University Business Schools France 21, rue Broca - 75005 Paris France Tl. +33 (0)3 59 31 29 94 Find IAE topicality on La Runion Brest Rouen Caen Lille Amiens Paris Paris-Est Strasbourg Nancy Valenciennes Orlans Rennes Nantes Tours Poitiers Dijon Lyon Limoges Clermont-Ferrand Grenoble Bordeaux Pau-Bayonne Montpellier Aix-en-Provence Nice Toulon Corse Perpignan Toulouse Metz