Bipolar I Disorder is a severe mental illness characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and depression. It has high rates of recurrence and suicide risk if untreated. Genetics and environmental factors both contribute to causation. Effective long-term treatment involves mood stabilizing medications and psychotherapy.
Bipolar I Disorder is a severe mental illness characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and depression. It has high rates of recurrence and suicide risk if untreated. Genetics and environmental factors both contribute to causation. Effective long-term treatment involves mood stabilizing medications and psychotherapy.
Bipolar I Disorder is a severe mental illness characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and depression. It has high rates of recurrence and suicide risk if untreated. Genetics and environmental factors both contribute to causation. Effective long-term treatment involves mood stabilizing medications and psychotherapy.
Bipolar I Disorder is a severe mental illness characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and depression. It has high rates of recurrence and suicide risk if untreated. Genetics and environmental factors both contribute to causation. Effective long-term treatment involves mood stabilizing medications and psychotherapy.
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Bipolar Affective Disorder F31 - ICD10 Description, World Health Organization
A disorder characterized by two or more episodes in which the patient's mood and activity levels are significantly disturbed, this disturbance consisting on some occasions of an elevation of mood and increased energy and activity (hypomania or mania) and on others of a lowering of mood and decreased energy and activity (depression). Repeated episodes of hypomania or mania only are classified as bipolar. F31.0 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic
The patient is currently hypomanic, and has had at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in the past.
F31.1 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms
The patient is currently manic, without psychotic symptoms (as in F30.1), and has had at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in the past.
F31.2 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms
The patient is currently manic, with psychotic symptoms (as in F30.2), and has had at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in the past.
F31.3 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mild or moderate depression
The patient is currently depressed, as in a depressive episode of either mild or moderate severity (F32.0 or F32.1), and has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the past.
F31.4 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms
The patient is currently depressed, as in severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (F32.2), and has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the past.
F31.5 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms
The patient is currently depressed, as in severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms (F32.3), and has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the past.
F31.6 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed
The patient has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed affective episode in the past, and currently exhibits either a mixture or a rapid alteration of manic and depressive symptoms. Excl.:single mixed affective episode (F38.0)
F31.7 Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission
The patient has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the past, and at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in addition, but is not currently suffering from any significant mood disturbance, and has not done so for several months. Periods of remission during prophylactic treatment should be coded here. Bipolar I Disorder - Diagnostic Criteria, American Psychiatric Association
An individual diagnosed with bipolar I disorder needs to meet all of the following criteria: For a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, it is necessary to meet the following criteria for a manic episode. The manic episode may have been preceded by and may be followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes.
Manic Episode
o A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently goal-directed behavior or energy, lasting at least 1 week and present most of the day, nearly every day (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary).
o During the period of mood disturbance and increased energy or activity, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) are present to a significant degree and represent a noticeable change from usual behavior:
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep).
More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing.
Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli), as reported or observed.
Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation (i.e., purposeless non-goal-directed activity).
Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments).
o The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features.
o The episode is not attributable to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or another medical condition.
A full manic episode that emerges during antidepressant treatment (e.g., medication, electroconvulsive therapy) but persists at fully syndromal level beyond the physiological effect of that treatment is sufficient evidence for a manic episode and therefore a bipolar I diagnosis.
The above criteria constitute a manic episode. At least one lifetime manic episode is required for the diagnosis of bipolar I disorder.
The occurrence of the manic and major depressive episode(s) is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder.
Bipolar I disorder is a very serious mental illness, but usually it has an excellent outcome when treated. The average age of onset of bipolar depression is 17-18, and 30 is the average age of onset of bipolar mania (but bipolar I disorder can start at any age). It usually starts as repeated episodes of depression which later are followed by one or more manic (or mixed manic and depressive) episodes. When untreated, this disorder often causes school/job failure, relationship/marital failure, and a 15% risk of suicide. Effective Therapies Untreated patients often must be hospitalized to assure their safety and that of others. Most patients respond to a combination of a mood stabilizer (lithium, valproate/divalproex, or carbamazepine) plus an antipsychotic medication. Medication should be taken lifelong. Clonazepam is added to treat mania. Antidepressant medication is often ineffective during depression, and must be stopped during mania (or it will increase the mania). Clozapine and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are used for treatment refractory patients. Psychological treatments are not a substitute for medication, but are helpful for depression (but not mania). Educating patients and their families about this disorder is always beneficial. Ineffective Therapies Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is not effective in preventing relapse in bipolar I disorder; however CBT is effective in reducing symptoms in major depressive episodes, although the effect size is small. Vitamins, dietary supplements, and acupuncture are all ineffective for mood disorders.
Summary Bipolar I Disorder is one of the most severe forms of mental illness and is characterized by recurrent episodes of mania and (more often) depression. The condition has a high rate of recurrence and if untreated, it has an approximately 15% risk of death by suicide. It Pathophysiology The pathophysiology of Bipolar I Disorder is poorly understood. However, a variety of imaging studies suggests the involvement of structural abnormalities in the amygdala, basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex. Research is now showing that this disorder is associated with is the third leading cause of death among people aged 15-24 years, and is the 6th leading cause of disability (lost years of healthy life) for people aged 15-44 years in the developed world. Causation Bipolar I Disorder is a life-long disease and runs in families but has a complex mode of inheritance. Family, twin and adoption studies suggest genetic factors. The concordance rate for monozygotic (identical) twins is 43%; whereas it is only 6% for dizygotic (nonidentical) twins. About half of all patients with Bipolar I Disorder have one parent who also has a mood disorder, usually Major Depressive Disorder. If one parent has Bipolar I Disorder, the child will have a 25% chance of developing a mood disorder (about half of these will have Bipolar I or II Disorder, while the other half will have Major Depressive Disorder). If both parents have Bipolar I Disorder, the child has a 50%-75% chance of developing a mood disorder. First-degree biological relatives of individuals with Bipolar I Disorder have elevated rates of Bipolar I Disorder (4%-24%), Bipolar II Disorder (1%- 5%), and Major Depressive Disorder (4%- 24%). The finding that the concordance rate for monozygotic twins isn't 100% suggests that environmental or psychological factors likely play a role in causation. Certain environmental factors (e.g., antidepressant medication, antipsychotic medication, electroconvulsive therapy, stimulants) or certain illnesses (e.g., multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, hyperthyroidism) can trigger mania. Mania can be triggered by giving birth, sleep deprivation, and major stressful life events. Symptoms In adults, mania is usually episodic with an elevation of mood and increased energy and activity. In children, mania is commonly chronic rather than episodic, and usually abnormal brain levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Prevalence Bipolar I Disorder affects both sexes equally in all age groups and its worldwide prevalence is approximately 3-5%. It can even present in preschoolers. There are no significant differences among racial groups in the prevalence of this disorder. Course The first episode may occur at any age from childhood to old age. The average age at onset is 21. More than 90% of individuals who have a single Manic Episode go on to have future episodes. Untreated patients with Bipolar I Disorder typically have 8 to 10 episodes of mania and depression in their lifetime. Often 5 years or more may elapse between the first and second episode, but thereafter the episodes become more frequent and more severe. There is significant symptom reduction between episodes, but 25% of patients continue to display mood instability or mild depression. As many as 60% of patients experience chronic interpersonal or occupational difficulties between acute episodes. Bipolar I Disorder may develop psychotic symptoms. The psychotic symptoms in Bipolar I Disorder only occur during severe manic, mixed or depressive episodes. In contrast, the psychotic symptoms in Schizophrenia can occur when there is no mania or depression. Poor recovery is more common after psychosis. Manic episodes usually begin abruptly and last for between 2 weeks and 4-5 months (median duration about 4 months). Depressive episodes tend to last longer (median length about 6 months), though rarely for more than a year, except in the elderly. Treatment And Outcome presents in mixed states with irritability, anxiety and depression. In adults and children, during depression there is lowering of mood and decreased energy and activity. During a mixed episode both mania and depression can occur on the same day. Comorbidity Comorbidity is the rule, not the exception, in bipolar disorder. The most common mental disorders that co-occur with bipolar disorder are anxiety, substance use, and conduct disorders. Disorders of eating, sexual behavior, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and impulse control, as well as autism spectrum disorders and Tourette's disorder, co-occur with bipolar disorder. The most common general medical comorbidities are migraine, thyroid illness, obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Associated Mental Disorders Bipolar I Disorder is often associated with: alcoholism, drug addiction, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Phobia. Diagnostic Tests There are no diagnostic laboratory tests for Bipolar I Disorder. Thus diagnosis is arrived at by using standardized diagnostic criteria to rate the patient's behavior. Onset of mania after age 40 could signify that the mania may be due to a general medical condition or substance use. Current or past hypothyroidism (or even mild thyroid hypofunction) may be associated with Rapid Cycling. Hyperthyroidism may precipitate or worsen mania in individuals with a preexisting Mood Disorder. However, hyperthyroidism in individuals without preexisting Mood Disorder does not typically cause manic symptoms. The usual treatment for Bipolar I Disorder is lifelong therapy with a mood-stabilizer (either lithium, carbamazepine, or divalproex / valproic acid) often in combination with an antipsychotic medication. Usually treatment results in a dramatic decrease in suffering, and causes an 8-fold reduction in suicide risk. In mania, an antipsychotic medication and/or a benzodiazepine medication is often added to the mood-stabilizer. In depression, quetiapine, olanzapine, or lamotrigine is often added to the mood-stabilizer. Alternatively, in depression, the mood-stabilizer can be switched to another mood-stabilizer, or two mood-stabilizers can be used together. Sometimes, in depression, antidepressant medication is used. Since antidepressant medication can trigger mania, antidepressant medication should always be combined with a mood-stablizer or antipsychotic medication to prevent mania. Research has shown that the most effective treatment is a combination of supportive psychotherapy, psychoeducation, and the use of a mood-stabilizer (often combined with an antipsychotic medication). There is no research showing that any form of psychotherapy is an effective substitute for medication. Likewise there is no research showing that any "health food store nutritional supplement" (e.g., vitamin, amino acid) is effective for Bipolar I Disorder. Since a Manic Episode can quickly escalate and destroy a patient's career or reputation, a therapist must be prepared to hospitalize out- of-control manic patients before they "lose everything". Likewise, severely depressed, suicidal bipolar patients often require hospitalization to save their lives. Although the medication therapy for Bipolar I Disorder usually must be lifelong, the majority of bipolar patients are noncompliant and stop their medication after one year. At 4-year follow-up of bipolar patients, 41% have a good overall outcome and 4% have died. Differential Diagnosis Bipolar I Disorder must be distinguished from: Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g., due to multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyroidism, or brain tumor) Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (e.g., due to drug abuse, antidepressant medication, or electroconvulsive therapy) Other Mood Disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder; Dysthymia; Bipolar II Disorder; Cyclothymic Disorder) Psychotic Disorders (e.g., Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, or Delusional Disorder) Since this disorder may be associated with hyperactivity, recklessness, impulsivity, and antisocial behavior; the diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder must be carefully differentiated from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder Women with bipolar disorder lose, on average, 9 years in life expectancy, 14 years of lost productivity and 12 years of normal health Best Recoveries The best recoveries are achieved when individuals with Bipolar I Disorder: 1. Get the correct diagnosis (since many are misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia or "just borderline personality") 2. Get effective treatment and faithfully stay on it for a lifetime (most individuals require the combination of a mood-stabilizer plus an antipsychotic medication) 3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle (regular sleep and exercise; no alcohol or drug abuse; low stress) 4. Regularly see a supportive physician who is knowledgeable about the psychiatric management of this disorder 5. Learn which symptoms predict the return of this illness, and what additional "rescue" medication should be taken 6. Learn to trust the warnings given by family and friends when they see early signs of relapse 7. Learn as much as possible about this illness from therapists, the Internet, books, or self-help groups
Depressive Episode
Manic Episode
Proven (Better Than Placebo) Treatments for Proven (Better Than Placebo) Treatments for Bipolar Depression Lithium and anticonvulsants prevent suicide [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] Lithium (for prevention of future depression and suicide) Carbamazepine (for prevention of future depression) Lamotrigine (for depression) Olanzapine (for suicidal ideation in bipolar I manic or mixed-episode patients) Quetiapine (for depression) Fluoxetine (for depression) Imipramine (for depression but not prevention of future depression) Tranylcypromine (for depression) Mania Monotherapy (treatment with just one medication) for Bipolar Disorder is usually inadequate, and most patients require a combination of a mood- stabilizer and antipsychotic medication Lithium (for mania & prevention of future mania (59% success rate), but increases risk of diabetes insipidus and hypothyroidism) Carbamazepine (for mania & prevention of future mania) Divalproex sodium (for mania but not prevention of future mania, but increases risk of polycystic ovaries and hyperinsulinemia) No difference between in generic valproic acid and divalproex sodium in hospitalization Olanzapine (for mania but increases risk of weight gain & diabetes) Olanzapine (for suicidal ideation in bipolar I manic or mixed episodes) Quetiapine (for mania) Risperidone (for mania) Haloperidol (for mania) Caution: is the increased use of atypical antipsychotic medication (e.g., olanzapine) causing an increased risk of stroke, heart disease and hypertension? Promising (But Unproven) Treatments for Bipolar Depression Amitriptyline (with mood-stabilizer) Cognitive Therapy (with mood- stabilizer) Electroconvulsive Therapy (no placebo-controlled trials) Family Psychoeducation (with mood- stabilizer) Group Psychoeducation (with mood- Promising (But Unproven) Treatments for Mania Clozapine (but increases risk of diabetes and agranulocytosis) Electroconvulsive Therapy Lamotrigine (for prevention of future rapid-cycling) Phenytoin (with neuroleptic for mania} stabilizer) L-Sulpiride (with mood-stabilizer) Moclobemide (with mood-stabilizer) Paroxetine (with mood-stabilizer) Psychotherapy (with mood-stabilizer) Venlafaxine (with mood-stabilizer) Ineffective Treatments for Depression No additional benefit of adding antidepressant medication to a mood stabilizer Do certain medications for Bipolar Disorder increase suicidal risk? [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] Ineffective Treatments for Mania Gabapentin Verapamil Topiramate monotherapy or adjunctive therapy with Topiramate (and has serious side-effects) Illness Course for Depression Bipolar Disorder and severe Major Depressive Disorder are episodic, life-long illnesses that need life-long prophylactic treatment Untreated depressive episodes usually last 11 weeks Usually there are multiple episodes of depression if untreated Suicide rate for bipolar patients is 15- 22 times the national average Suicide rate in first year off lithium therapy is 20 times the rate when on lithium Illness Course for Mania Untreated pure manic episodes usually last 6 weeks Untreated mixed (manic+depressive) episodes usually last 17 weeks Usually there are multiple episodes of mania if untreated Mania usually returns 5 months after stopping lithium therapy Within 2-4 years of first lifetime hospitalization for mania, 43% achieved functional recovery, and 57% switched or had new illness episodes