Washington's Fury: Miniature Warfare American Revolution
Washington's Fury: Miniature Warfare American Revolution
Washington's Fury: Miniature Warfare American Revolution
2008 Alexander & Edgerton.
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
in the time of the
American Revolution
The Ambler Gamers
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 1
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
Washingtons Fury provides a fun, simple
American Revolutionary War miniatures game
that can be played with fifty figures or five
hundred figures in about two hours. The rules
are geared toward simplicity and ease of play
over detail. They attempt to provide a flavor of
the challenges met by commanders of the time in
a quick, fun and roughly historical game.
However, where history meets fun, fun wins.
Figure scale is not very important. The number
of figures per unit is completely up to the player.
We tend to like 25 mm figures massed in large
units but any scale will work. The rules
recommend size conventions based on our
preferences but the game mechanics work as
long as unit frontage remains proportional to
those given in the rules. Unit depth is less
important but should be consistent for each type.
If you compare unit frontage to weapon range, a
unit roughly represents a regiment. This gives a
lot of latitude for tabletop army organization.
Generic army lists are provided. They reflect our
vision of how to represent the armies within the
game system. They are by no means
exhaustively researched orders of battle. Please
alter the lists to your own liking.
These are not meant to be tournament rules.
Use common sense to resolve situations not
covered by the rules. If all else fails, roll a die to
resolve the situation.
Starting a Game:
Each player rolls one die to determine
deployment. The high roller determines who
deploys first. Whoever deploys first gets the first
initiative. Initiative then alternates back and forth
until one player concedes or an army breaks.
Turn Sequence:
1.0 Command Phase
Player with Initiative Determines
Command Points for each General.
Player with Initiative may attach or
detach any General(s) from a unit under
his command that is within 12 inches of
the general.
2.0 Order and Movement Phase
Player with Initiative issues Orders and
Moves units based upon Command
Points. Make Morale checks for Charge
attempts. Opposing player makes all
React moves and Morale Checks (Fear
Test) for units contacted by enemy
Player with initiative moves his
unattached Generals/CO up to 36
3.0 Fire Phase
First Fire: Player with Initiative may
First Fire based upon Command Points.
Resolve Morale results.
Defensive Fire: Opposing Player
resolves fire in order of his choice.
Resolve Morale results.
Offensive Fire: Player with Initiative
resolves remaining fire in order of his
choice. Resolve Morale results.
4.0 Close Combat Phase
Resolve close combat in order
determined by the Player with initiative.
Resolve Morale results.
All Fire, Close Combat and Morale results are
applied immediately.
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 2
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
0.0 The Armies
0.1 Organization and Deployment:
Each army is composed of units. Units are
the basic element of the game. They consist
of a number of figures mounted on a base.
Armies consist of multiple commands. A
command is typically 2-6 units. Armies are
normally 12-24 units strong, but any number
of commands will work.
Armies are built from Infantry, Cavalry and
Artillery Units. Each unit must be assigned
to a general at the beginning of the game.
This is the Generals command. Each army
has one Commanding Officer (CO).
The sample armies included show possible
organizations. Section 6.0 describes Unit
Characteristics in detail.
Armies typically deploy 36 inches from each
other. Otherwise, deployment distance is
determined by scenario. Terrain is
determined by scenario or mutual
0.2 Scale:
A typical army represents a force of about a
Division with attached cavalry and artillery.
Each unit represents roughly 300-600 men
or a Regiment in organizational terms.
Artillery represents 2-4 guns or roughly a
Each full turn (both players have completed
an initiative) represents 5-15 minutes of
actual time.
The game has been developed with 25mm
figures and a ground scale of 6 inches
equals 100 yards. This allows units to
consist of multiple DBX type stands.
However, any scale can be used as long as
the unit basing stays proportional.
Cavalry and infantry units consist of multiple
bases. Artillery has one base per unit.
Stand depth is less important but should be
consistent for the various unit types. Refer
to the Unit Basing table for recommended
base sizes.
The number of figures per base does not
matter to the game mechanics.
Unit Basing
Line Infantry
& Militia
4 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 6
Infantry &
4 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 4-6
Cavalry 3 2 inches 2 inches 2
Artillery 1 2 inches 3 inches 1 model
General 1 1 inch 2 inches 1
CO 1 2 inches 2 inches 1-3
All base dimensions are given for 25 or 28 mm
CO General
Artillery Unit
Cavalry Unit
Line Infantry or Militia Unit
Light Infantry or Irregular Unit
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 3
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
1.0 Command Phase
1.1 Command Points and Orders:
Generals issue from 1-3 Orders to units
under their command that have any portion
of the unit within their Command Radius.
The normal Command Radius is 12 inches.
The Command Radius may be extended to
18 inches by expending 1 Command Point.
Command Points are determined by rolling a
die (see Command Points Table).
Command Points are expended to determine
the number of Orders. Each General rolls
for Command Points issue orders
independently from allied generals.
All units must execute their first Order,
before any can execute a second Order. All
units must execute their second order before
any can execute their third order.
Generals/Units do not have to use all their
available Orders.
Each unit within the Command Radius can
be given unique orders and a unique number
of Orders.
Available Orders: Charge, Move,
Reorganize, Change Formation, Limber/
Unlimber, First Fire and React. See the
Order Phase for descriptions.
1.2 Commanding Officer (CO):
The CO represents the highest-ranking
officer on the field for an army. The
Generals on the field report to him. All
armies must have a CO. For large games,
CO stands can be used to represent Corps
and Army commanders. CO stand AP cost
is always10% of their entire command AP
The COs Command Radius is 18 inches
and he moves 36 inches. The CO rolls for
Command Points and may issue Orders to
any unit within its Command Radius. Units
may not receive Orders from their General
and the CO in the same turn. The CO can
influence any General within his Command
Radius by expending Command Chips for
that General. The CO starts the game with 3
Command Chips.
A unit within the COs Command Radius
does not suffer the -1 Morale Check penalty
if it is outside its Generals Command
1.3 Command Chips:
If the optional Commander Ability rules (see
Section 8) are used, Command Chips may
be assigned to each general based on his
Command Chips can be expended to re-roll
any Morale Check within the Generals
command (and Command Radius) or the
Command Point die roll. Once expended, a
Command Chip is removed from play.
1.4 Generals and CO in Combat:
If Generals or the CO are contacted while
not attached to a unit, they evade up to 18
inches away from the enemy.
If a general or the CO is attached to a unit in
combat, the General is lost on a 1D6 roll of 1
or 2. Roll after the Close Combat has been
If a general or the CO is attached to a
Broken unit, the General is lost on a 1D6 roll
of 1, 2 or 3. Otherwise he evades up to 18
inches away from the enemy.
Lost Generals and COs are removed from
play and may not return. A replacement
General is created using the Commander
Ability table with a -1 modifier. The
replacement General does not receive any
Command Chips. A CO may not be
Command Points
1D6 Roll CP
1 or less 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 or more 6
Modify the roll +/- by the Generals ability
Command Points for Orders
One Order 1 CP
Two Orders 3 CPs
Three Orders 6 CPs
1 CP to extend Command Radius to 18 inches
1 CP if Militia are in the Command
2 CP if the General is attached to a unit in
Close Combat
3 CP to issue a First Fire Order
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 4
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
2.0 Order and Movement Phase
2.1 Charge Order:
A unit given a Charge Order may not be
given any other orders this turn. A unit
must pass a Charge Test on the Morale
Table to contact an enemy unit. If the
Charge is successful, the enemy unit
must take a Fear Test. The Fear Test is
resolved as a morale check on the Moral
Table. Breakthrough movement applies.
Units that contact an enemy unit must
conform to the edge contacted. Once
conformed, the closest two corners must
A unit may expend up to its full movement to
make contact. Any movement required to
conform to the enemy edge does not count
toward the normal movement allowance of
the unit.
The unit conforms to the enemy edge that it
faces with its greatest portion unless
obstructed by other units or terrain. If
portions are equal, the unit minimizes
movement to conform.
A unit may wheel into flank contact from
overlap as its full move regardless of the
wheel distance.
If the attacker cannot conform to the enemy
due to an obstruction (e.g. impassable
terrain - not unfavorable terrain), the enemy
unit will conform to the attacker with the
minimum possible movement.
Zone of Control rules apply during moves to
contact unless it is by Breakthrough
Artillery may not move into enemy contact.
A unit contacted by the enemy in flank or
rear is Disorganized.
Spent units may not Charge unless a
general is attached.
If two units contact an enemy, the units with
the greatest frontage in common contact
corners. If two units contact an enemy and
neither has greater frontage, the player with
initiative determines which units contact
Blue overlaps Reds flank. Blue may wheel to
face Reds flank as a normal move. Closest
corners are then contacted. Red is
The greatest portion of Blue faces the front of
Red so Blue conforms to Reds front.
The greatest portion of Blue faces the flank of
Red so Blue conforms to Reds flank. Red is
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 5
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
2.2 Move Order:
Possible maneuvers are Move Forward,
Oblique & Sideways, Retire, Change Face,
and Wheel. Fractional moves due to
Breakthroughs, terrain, etc. are always
rounded up to the nearest inch.
Movement is accomplished through one
maneuver or a combination of maneuvers.
The front corner that travels the furthest
distance in any maneuver determines the
distance moved for that maneuver. Total
movement for the turn is the sum of the
maneuver distances.
Move Forward: Move directly to the front if
in line. Columns may follow terrain features
such as roads or skirt around Bad Going.
The lead base may make any number of
turns/wheels up to its movement distance.
Oblique & Sideways: Units in line may
oblique 3 inches for each full 6 inches they
Move Forward. Infantry and Cavalry units in
line may move directly sideways as a half
Retire: Half move by a unit in line directly to
the rear facing the enemy. Only if not in
enemy contact.
Change Face: Changing face consists of
turning each base in a unit 90 degrees in
either direction or 180 degrees. Turning
each base 90 degrees will result in a
formation change. Maneuver distances
should be measured.
Wheel: Wheels consist of one front corner
remaining stationary while the other corner
travels forward along the arc. Wheels are
always forward. Wheels are measured
along the arc of the moving front corner in 3
inch increments.
2.3 Reorganize Order:
Units become disorganized due to
circumstances outlined in the
Disorganization Table.
A General can reorganize a unit that is within
his Command Radius during the Order
Phase. The unit may make other movement
during this turn. The unit cannot be in
enemy contact.
Causes of Disorganization
Unit not in Column or not a Terrain Fighter
moves in Bad Going
Unit Retreats
Enemy contacts Flank or Rear in Close Combat
or by Stagger
Unit receives a hit by Fire (or Assist by Fire) to
Flank or Rear
Blue has advanced 6 inches so it can oblique
up to 3 inches. Red infantry has moved
directly sideways 3 inches.
6 inches
Blue has retired.
New Unit Front
& Formation
New Unit Front & Formation
Change Face can result in a formation
New Unit
Blue has wheeled one 3 inch increment.
Red has wheeled two 3 inch increments.
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 6
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
2.4 Change Formation Order:
A units Class (Cavalry, Infantry or Artillery)
determines its possible formations.
The units Class and formation determine its
Special Traits. Special traits are listed in the
Unit Characteristics table for each army.
Dismounting Cavalry, Limbering/Unlimbering
Artillery, Changing from Line to March
Column, from March Column to Line, into/out
of Skirmish Order or into/out of Attack
Column are formation changes.
March Column and Line: From Line, one
base is moved forward and the others deploy
in formation. From Column, the other bases
deploy around the lead base.
2.5 Limber/Unlimber Order
Limbered and unlimbered are the two
possible artillery formations. The status
should be marked on the unit or a model
limber should be placed adjacent to the unit.
2.6 React Order
Cavalry in Line may be given a React Order.
React allows the cavalry unit to Charge any
enemy unit that moves within its move
distance during the opposing players
Units attempting to Charge on React may
declare the charge at any time during the
enemy movement. The unit on React must
pass a Charge test on the Morale table.
A unit on React may counter-charge an
enemy unit. The counter-charge must be
declared when the enemy declares its
Charge Order. No Fear Tests are made if
both units pass the Charge Test. The units
meet 1/3 of the distance between the units
as measured from the unit on React.
2.7 First Fire Order (costs 3 CP)
The player with initiative may First Fire any
units capable of fire combat that have been
given the First Fire Order. First Fire must be
in combination if multiple units have the
same target. Units that First Fire may not
fire again this turn.
2.8 Terrain
Terrain is either good going, bad going, or
impassable and should be designated before
the game starts. Roads improve movement
through terrain to Good Going if the unit is in
Movement is at the Bad Going rate if any
portion of the units movement is in Bad
A unit is considered to be within/on a terrain
feature (a hill or wood for example) if two of
the units bases are fully within the feature.
All units are Disorganized when they move in
Bad Going unless they are in Column.
Disorganized units in Bad Going may
reorganize and remain organized as long as
the do not move.
A unit at the edge of a Bad Going terrain
feature that move into Good Going is not
2.9 Zone of Control:
All units have a Zone of Control (ZOC) of 6
inches directly to their front for the width of
the unit. Enemy units in the ZOC may move
directly into close combat with the unit, stay
stationary, or retire directly to their rear.
Units may not pass through an enemy ZOC
unless the unit is moving due to a Morale
Forming Line
Forming March Column
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 7
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
result or Breakthrough. Units in between
block ZOC.
2.10 Passage of Lines:
A unit must be facing the same or opposite
direction to interpenetrate a friendly unit.
Units that pass through a friendly unit and do
not have enough movement are placed in
the first open space behind or in front of the
friendly unit(s).
Artillery may be passed through by any from
any direction. Infantry may pass through
Infantry. Cavalry may pass through Cavalry.
Example Order Phase for a
6 inches
The red General has all units
within his command Radius
and rolls 3 Command Points
for two Orders.
Positions after the first
Order is completed. All
units have moved and
several have also use
Positions after the second
Order is completed. The
infantry in March Column
have formed Line.. The
infantry on the left flank has
Finally the General moves
to a new position. In this
case, all units will be within
his Command Radius at the
start of next turn.
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 8
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
3.0 Fire Phase
3.1 Fire:
All units may fire if eligible. An Order is not
required to fire. A unit cannot fire if it is in
Close Combat. Fire at units in Close Combat
is resolved during the Close Combat Phase
by Assisting. Artillery may only fire if it is
A unit must shoot at the closest target most
directly to its front. An enemy unit can be
targeted if any portion is in range and within
30 degrees of the firing units front. In
addition, the target can not be fired upon if
another unit is even partly between the full
front edge of the firing unit and any full edge
of the target.
If multiple units have the same target, they
must combine fire factors to resolve fire
combat. A unit can only be attacked once by
Pre-emptive Fire and once in the Fire Phase
each turn. The Fire Combat Outcome table
shows fire results.
Fire is resolved by adding the fire factor of
each unit firing on a target, adding any
modifiers, rolling 1D6, and obtaining the
result from the Fire Combat Outcome table.
Morale checks are performed immediately. A
hit results in an immediate morale check.
Stagger, Stagger/Hit, Retreat, Retreat/Hit
results during a morale check are applied
3.2 Enfilade Fire:
Enfilade fire occurs if the firer is completely
behind the front edge of the unit being fired
upon. Enfilade fire doubles the fire factor.
3.4 Terrain
Woods and Towns are bad going that
provide cover. Fire range into and out of
woods and towns is 3 inches unless the
target/firer is at the edge of the feature.
Roads do not change the terrain type for
Combat resolution.
Fire Arc
Red fires enfilade at Blue. Grey is not completely
behind Blues front edge so Grey fires normally.
Blue fires at Red
because Red is most
directly to Blues
Blue fires at either
because Grey is closer
and Red is most
directly to Blues
Blue fires at either
because they are the
same distance and
neither are more to
Blues front
Blue fires at Red
because Red is closest
and neither is more to
Blues front
Blue may not fire at Grey because Red is partly
between the full front edge of Blue and any full
edge of Grey. This applies even if Red is a
friendly unit.
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 9
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
4.0 Close Combat Phase
4.1 Close Combat Resolution
Units in contact are in Close Combat and
must participate in close combat resolution.
Multiple units may participate in a single
close combat. The player with initiative
designates the primary combat units. All
others provide support. Unless overlapping,
a unit can only participate in one close
combat each turn.
Flank/Rear attacks occur if the enemy is in
contact with the flank or rear of the unit.
Each player rolls 1D6 and adds the
appropriate Close Combat Modifiers.
Results are determined in the Close Combat
Outcome table. A modified roll 3 or greater
than the enemy results in a hit. If a Quick Hit
(see Unit Characteristics) applies, a roll
greater than the enemy results in a Hit.
Morale checks are performed immediately. A
hit results in an immediate hit on the unit and
then a morale check.
Units supporting close combat roll separately
for morale results. Only the primary unit
receives hits from the close combat.
4.2 Assisting Close Combat:
Units can assist in Close Combat without
being in contact with the enemy. Units may
assist in multiple close combats by Overlap
but in only one close combat by fire. This is
not the same as Close Combat Support.
Assisting units are not considered to be in
close combat and are eligible fire targets.
Overlaps occur when a second friendly unit
that is not in close combat extends the front
line of a unit in close combat or a second
friendly unit has flank or front toward the
enemy and occupies the enemy flank zone
or is directly to the enemy rear. The second
friendly unit not in close combat must be at
or within 4 inches of the enemy in close
combat. There can be only one Overlap per
Flank and only one to the rear.
Units that could not fire in the Fire Phase
may now assist in close combat if the normal
fire eligibility requirements are satisfied. Unit
may not assist by fire and overlap in the
same combat.
Assisting units do not roll for morale results
from close combat.
Flank Zone
Grey and Blue are in close Combat. Both Green
units overlap Blue but they only add +1 since
there can be only one overlap per flank. Red
overlaps the other flank for an additional +1.
Yellow does not impact the combat because it is
not in the flank zone or directly to Blues rear.
Grey combats at +2 and Blue at +0.
Blue has initiative and
chooses Grey as the
primary unit. Green
is part of the Blue
army. Red attacks in
Flank (+1 for Grey),
Supports Grey (+1 for
Grey), and
Disorganizes Blue (+1
for Grey). Green may
Assist by Fire into
Red (+1 for Blue).
Grey combats at +3
and Blue combats at
Red can only
participate in one Close
Combat. Blue combats
Grey and remains
Disorganized (+1 for
Grey). Green attacks
Red in Flank (+1 for
Green) and
Disorganizes Red (+1
for Green). Grey
combats at +1 against
Blue at +0. Green
combats at +2 against
Red at +0.
Turn 1
In this example, Grey is worn. Blue has the
initiative and chooses Grey as the primary unit
because it is Worn (+1 for Blue). Blue is attacked
in flank (+1 for Grey), Disorganized from the
flank attack (+1 for Grey), Green Supports (+1 for
Grey). Red Assists by fire with a Fire Factor of 4
(+1 for Grey). Grey combats at +4 and Blue
combats at +1.
Flank Zone
Turn 2
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 10
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
5.0 Morale
5.1 Morale Test:
Test when contacted by the enemy in Close
Combat (Fear Test) or as a result of the
Close Combat Outcome and Fire Combat
Outcome Tables.
Stagger, Stagger/Hit, Retreat, Retreat/Hit
results during a morale check are applied
immediately (See Morale Results). Artillery
does not Stagger or Retreat but suffers hits
from a morale test.
5.2 Morale Status:
Units have four morale states: Fresh
(unaffected), Worn, Spent and Broken. The
morale states represent a combination of
losses, overall cohesion, and the units will to
fight. Morale checks are resolved in the
appropriate column of the Morale Results
When a unit receives a hit, a hit marker is
placed. The unit is fresh until enough hits
are received to make it Worn. It is then
Worn until enough hits are received to make
it Spent. After which, it is Spent until it
receives a hit to make it Broken. Artillery is
Broken on the second hit. Broken units are
removed. A unit that breaks as a result of
Retreat/Hit on the Morale Table completes
the Retreat and is then removed.
5.3 Breakthrough Movement:
Breakthrough Movement occurs if a unit is in
close combat and the enemy Staggers,
Retreats or is Broken. Units breakthrough
up to a half move (round up to the nearest
inch). Impetuous units always breakthrough.
Artillery never breakthrough. All others
breakthrough at will.
If the Breakthrough is the result of a Fear
Test (the unit was charged), any Close
Combat is resolved this turn with a +1
modifier for momentum. Otherwise, Close
combat resulting from Breakthrough
Movement is resolved next initiative with a
+1 modifier for momentum.
5.4 Support:
Rear support occurs if a friendly unit of the
same Type is in full front edge contact with
the rear edge or is within 6 inches directly
behind the rear edge of the unit testing
morale. A unit can provide rear support by
to multiple units.
5.5 Push Backs:
Units Stagger/Retreat through friendly units if
interpenetration is permitted. Otherwise,
units that Stagger/Retreat push back
friendly units facing the same or opposite
direction. Units that Stagger/Retreat into
friendly units they cannot push back or
interpenetrate due to facing, terrain, etc.
receive a hit.
Units that Stagger/Retreat into enemy units
receive a hit and are destroyed if Spent. If
the enemy unit is contacted in side or rear,
the enemy unit receives a hit or is destroyed
if Spent.
Unit Morale Status
Fresh - Hit 1 Hit 1-2 -
Worn Hit 1 Hit 2 Hit 3 Hit 1
Spent Hit 2 Hit 3 Hit 4 -
Broken Hit 3 Hit 4 Hit 5 Hit 2
Blue has broken an enemy unit in close combat
and chooses to follow up into close combat with
Grey. Close combat is resolved next initiative.
Blue gets +1 for momentum.
6 inches
In all cases, Red infantry supports Blue infantry
(+1) for morale checks.
Blue can push back or pass through Green.
Blue cannot push back or pass through Red or
Yellow due to the facing of Red and takes a hit.
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 11
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
6.0 Unit Characteristics
6.1 Basic Characteristics:
All units must have the following Basic
Characteristics listed below.
Type: Cavalry, Line Infantry, Militia, Light
Infantry, Irregular Infantry or Artillery
Class: Foot or Mounted
Quality: Training, motivation and
experience of the unit
Good Going Move (GG): Maximum the unit
may move in Good Going
Bad Going Move (BG): Maximum the unit
may move in Bad Going
Range: Fire range in inches
Fire Factor (FF): Factor for Fire Combat
Outcome table
Army Points (AP): Cost per unit used for
army creation and breakpoint calculation.
Base AP Cost for Cavalry, Line Infantry,
Militia, Light Infantry, Irregular Infantry:
3 Bases Mounted = 4 AP
4 Bases Foot = 4 AP
Base AP Cost for Artillery:
Galloper = 3 AP
4 lb Gun = 3 AP
6 lb Gun = 4 AP
12 lb Gun = 6 AP
Siege Gun = 8 AP
6.2 Type:
A unit must have only one of the Quality
Characteristics listed below.
Cavalry: Represents all varieties of
mounted units. Used for scouting,
skirmishing, pursuit and sometimes on the
Cavalry Units can be mounted or
dismounted. The appropriate stands should
be substituted as needed. Mounting and
Dismounting is considered a formation
change so costs one Command Point.
Dismounted Cavalry becomes Light Infantry.
Line Infantry: Infantry trained to fight in
close order and exchange volleys with the
enemy. Capable bayonet charges. Includes
British regulars, Continental troops and state
Militia: Raised for local defense and usually
fielded for short durations. For game
purposes, they are similar to Line Infantry in
formation but poorly trained and unreliable.
Light Infantry: Trained to fight in open
order as skirmishers and also in close order.
They move faster than Line Infantry and are
adept at fighting in wooded terrain and built
up areas.
Irregular Infantry: Individualistic fighters
that are not trained to combat in formation.
Used as skirmishers. Includes rifle-armed
woodsmen, Native Americans and some
types of militia units.
Artillery: Artillery units represent all types of
ordinance available during the American
Revolutionary War.
Unless a galloper gun, Artillery may only fire
if it is unlimbered and may only move if it is
limbered. Artillery may pivot up to 45
degrees without limbering as an order during
the Movement Phase.
Galloper guns may move and fire without
limber/unlimber orders.
Artillery checks Morale on the Artillery
column of the Morale Results table. Artillery
never Breakthrough and never Stagger or
Retreat. Artillery may not move into enemy
6.3 Quality:
A unit must have only one of the Quality
Characteristics listed below.
Elite: Highly trained units with extensive
combat experience. They have a +2 morale
modifier. (+2 AP)
Veteran: Trained units with significant
combat experience. They have a +1 morale
modifier. (+1 AP)
Reliable: Average units with good training
and experience or more experienced units
fighting undermanned or with many
replacements. The bulk of the troops fielded
by an army. (+0 AP)
Unreliable: Poorly trained units with little
experience. They have a -1 morale modifier.
(-1 AP)
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 12
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
Fanatic: Units with military zeal that causes
them to ignore losses until the situation is
utterly hopeless. Fanatics test morale as
Fresh until the unit is Broken and are always
impetuous. (+1 AP)
6.4 Special Traits:
A unit can have multiple Special Traits from
the list below. Mandatory traits are listed in
the Unit Characteristics Chart. Players can
purchase the Superior and Tough traits for
their units.
Superior: Units with the Superior trait
represent troops with exceptional close
combat skill. These units receive a +1 Close
Combat modifier. (+1 AP)
Tough: Units that are extremely determined
and never give ground without a fight to the
finish. They ignore Stagger and Retreat
results during Morale checks. (+1 AP)
Free Movement: Units with the Free
Movement trait may move in any direction
and face in any direction as long as no
corner of any of the units bases exceeds the
maximum movement allowance.
Terrain Fighter: Units with the Terrain
Fighter trait may move through Bad Going
without becoming Disorganized.
Impetuous: Impetuous units always
breakthrough the maximum allowable
distance. They may also pursue units that
Evade beyond the point of contact.
Evade: When contacted by the enemy, units
and with the Evade trait may move directly to
their rear up to a full move facing the enemy.
If Impetuous, the enemy unit that moved to
contact must continue its full move forward.
Units that are not impetuous must stop at the
point of contact.
No Charge: Units with the No Charge trait
may not purposely move into contact with an
enemy unit. Units in March Column and
Artillery have this trait.
No Fire: Units with the No Fire trait may not
fire. Units in March Column or Limbered
Artillery have this trait.
360 Enfilade: Units with the 360 Enfilade
trait are always fired upon in enfilade. Units
in March Column or Limbered Artillery have
this trait.
6.5 Large Units (Optional):
A units size may be increase by up to two
bases. Additional bases increases the units
Fire Factor and improves Close Combat.
(+2 AP each additional base)
Large Units
Morale +1 Base +2 Bases
Fire Factor
+1 +2
Close Combat
+1 +2
Fresh Hit 1 Hits 1-2
Worn Hit 2 Hit 3
Spent Hit 3 Hit 4
Broken Hit 4 Hit 5
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 13
2008 Alexander &. Edgerton
8.0 Characters
Characters are mounted as individuals or
small groups on distinctive stands so they
can be distinguished from normal units.
Only one character may be attached to a
unit. Characters other than Generals must
be attached at deployment.
Other than generals (which are purchased
with army points), the number and types of
characters are determined by mutual
consent at the start of the game.
Standards: When individual stands
containing a Standard are attached to a unit,
the unit becomes Fanatic. Cost = 1 AP
Musicians: When individual stands
containing a Musician are attached to a unit,
the unit can reorganize without expending 2
Command Points. All other command radius
limitations apply. Cost = 1 AP
Sharpshooters: Men trained to skirmish in
advance of the unit and target enemy
officers if possible. When individual stands
containing a sharpshooter are attached to a
unit, enemy morale checks due to fire from
the unit have a 1 modifier. Cost = 1 AP
Generals: Generals already add +1 to
Morale and +1 to Close Combat when
attached. Any General may also have a
characteristic. Characteristics can be
initiated at any time during the players turn.
Characteristics remain in effect for the entire
game. Cost = 6 AP
Commander Characteristics and Abilities are
optional. Generals cannot have more than
one Characteristic in a game:
Tactical Genius: May re-roll a command
die once per turn.
Charisma: +1 Morale modifier to any unit
within 12 inches.
Valor: Additional +1 to combat die if
Boldness: May add up to 50% to all unit
movement in his command radius regardless
of formation.
Influence: Command radius is increased
from 12 inches to 18 inches. Units within 18
inches are in command without the extra CP.
Tough: All units within 12 inches have the
Tough Trait.
Generals can also have Ability. This reflects
how well they can command their troops.
The Ability modifier is applied to the
Command Point die roll. Command Chips
can be expended to re-roll any Morale Check
or Command Point die roll. Once expended,
a Command Chip is removed from play.
Creating Generals:
Roll once on each table for each general
Commander Ability
Command Die
Incompetent -2 2
Cautious -1 1
Competent 0 0
Aggressive +1 0
Exceptional +2 0
Commander Characteristic
1D6 Roll Characteristic
1 Tactical Genius
2 Charisma
3 Valor
4 Boldness
5 Influence
6 Tough
Commander Ability
1D6 Roll Ability
1 Incompetent
2 Cautious
3 Competent
4 Competent
5 Aggressive
6 Exceptional
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 14
2008 Alexander & Edgerton
9.0 Hidden Units
Hidden Reserve: Up to 1/4 of the army
points may be kept off-table in reserve.
Units in the reserve may enter by expending
one command point per unit. The unit is
placed anywhere along the players own
board edge and may not be moved until next
turn. Reserves may not enter within 18
inches of an enemy unit
Hidden Force: One unit may be placed in a
wood or town large enough to conceal the
unit that is within 18 inches of the players
board edge. The unit can be revealed at any
time during the players movement phase.
The unit must be revealed if an enemy unit
passes within 12 inches.
10.0 Victory Conditions
Armies run the risk of breaking once they
lose 20% of their army points due to routed
units. Roll 1D6 on the Army Break Table to
determine if the army breaks.
Units that pursue the enemy off the table do
not count toward army point loss. Units that
pursue off the table may not return to the
game. Fortifications, Obstacles, etc. do not
count toward army point loss. Characters do
count toward break points.
Generals and units that stagger or retreat off
the table count full points toward army point
loss. Commanding Officers count as 10% of
the total Army Points if they are lost.
Army points and army compositions are
listed in the individual army lists.
Match Play: Two games are played. After
the first game, players switch sides. Terrain
and army composition must stay the same.
However, deployment may be changed. The
player with the highest victory points wins
the match.
Army Break Table
Pts Lost Level Result
20% one Breaks on 2 or less
30% two Breaks on 3 or less
40% three Breaks
Victory Points Table
Situation Result Points
Enemy breaks and
victor has not reached
break level one
Enemy breaks and
victor has already
passed a lower break
Enemy breaks and
victor has already
passed the same
break level
Enemy breaks but
victor has passed a
higher break level
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 15
2008 Alexander & Edgerton
Sample American Army
Order of Battle Unit Class Unit Quality Special Traits 100 Points
CO General 10%
1st Brigade General 6
Marines (5 bases) Line Infantry Elite Superior 9
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
4 lb Gun Artillery Reliable 4
Brigade General 6
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Continentals Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
4 lb Gun Artillery Reliable 4
Light Horse Cavalry Reliable 4
Brigade General
State Regiment Line Infantry Reliable 4
State Regiment
Line Infantry Reliable 4
State Regiment
Line Infantry Reliable 4
State Regiment
Line Infantry Reliable 4
Militia Militia Unreliable 3
Militia Militia Unreliable 3
4 lb Gun Artillery Reliable 4
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 16
2008 Alexander & Edgerton
Sample British Army
Order of Battle Unit Class Unit Quality Special Traits 100 Points
CO General 10%
1st Brigade General 6
Grenadiers Line Infantry Elite Superior 7
Grenadiers Line Infantry Elite Superior 7
British Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
British Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
4 lb Gun Artillery Veteran 5
Brigade General 6
British Line (5 Bases) Line Infantry
British Line (5 Bases) Line Infantry
British Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
British Line Line Infantry Veteran 5
Rangers Light Infantry Veteran 5
4 lb Gun Artillery Veteran 5
Brigade General 6
Tory Regiment Line Infantry Reliable 4
Tory Regiment Line Infantry Reliable 4
Indians Irregulars Unreliable 3
Indians Irregulars Unreliable 3
Dragoons Cavalry Veteran 5
Generic Army Organization
Organization Components Game Command
Army 2+ Divisions CO
Division 2+ Brigades CO
Brigade 3-6 Regiments/Battalions General
Regiment Basic Game Unit Assumed in Unit
Cavalry Assumed in Unit
Attached Units
Artillery Assumed in Unit
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Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 17
2008 Alexander & Edgerton
Close Combat Outcome
If the modified rolls are Equal:
Each take a Hit and do not test Morale
If the modified roll is Less than the Enemy: Check for a Hit below then test Morale
Disorganized Units take 1 Hit
Quick Hits take 1 Hit
If the modified roll is 3 (or more) Less than the Enemy:
Take 1 Hit and then test Morale
Close Combat Factors:
+2 if Foot in Bad Going (on or off road) and in combat with Mounted
+2 if Foot defending a Town, Linear Obstacle or Fortification
+1 Better Morale: Fresh>Worn>Spent (Fanatics considered Fresh until Spent)
+1 if enemy Disorganized
+1 if General or CO attached
+1 if uphill or defending a riverbank
+1 every 3 Fire Points (round down) from friendly units assisting by fire
+1 each flank attack, each supporting unit and each unit overlapping the enemy
+1 Breakthrough
+1 Charging this turn
+1 Superior
Fire Combat Outcome
One Hit Two Hits
1 or less 6
2 5,6
3 5 6
4 4,5 6
5 4 5,6
6 3,4 5,6
7 3 4,5,6
8 2,3 4,5,6
9 2 3,4,5,6
10 1,2 3,4,5,6
11 1 2,3,4,5,6
12+ 1 2,3,4,5 6
Per Unit Fire Factor Modifiers:
2x firing enfilade
! against Fortifications unless Artillery
! Disorganized
-1 per hit
-1 per firing unit if target in cover unless
Artillery is firing
Morale Results
Fresh or
Worn Spent Arty Charge
Hit Refuse
2 Stagger
Hit Refuse
3 Stagger Stagger
4 Stagger Stagger Retreat
Stagger Stagger
Morale Die Modifiers:
+2 Elite
+1 Veteran
+1 Supported to Rear
+1 Commander Attached
-1 Each Overlap and Contact to Flank/Rear
-1 Disorganized
-1 Unreliable
-1 Out of Command Radius
-2 Spent Unit in Close Combat
Plus these modifiers ONLY for a Charge Test:
+1 Fresh unit
+1 Superior
+1 due to a React Order
Washingtons Fury
Miniature Warfare
Version 2.0 18
2008 Alexander & Edgerton
Morale Results:
Stagger: Move 3 inches for foot or 6 inches for mounted directly away from the enemy unit causing the
Stagger. Facing does not change. Ignore terrain movement modifiers. Ignore if contacted in Flank by
enemy. Push Back rules apply.
Retreat: Face away from the enemy unit causing the retreat and complete the remainder of one full
move directly away from the enemy. Ignore terrain movement modifiers. Push Back rules apply. Units
that retreat are Disorganized.
Broken: Remove the unit from play
Refuse: Unit refuses to Charge and stays in place. It may Fire in the Fire Phase.
Failed Charge: Unit moves half the distance to the enemy but does not make contact. It may still fire
in the Fire Phase. Units on React do not move.
Charge Full: Unit moves into contact with the enemy.
Unit Characteristics
Type Formation Class GG BG Range FF Special Traits Quick Hits On
Cavalry Line Mtd 12 6 6 1/base Impetuous, Evade All in GG
March Column Mtd 18 9 - -
360 Enfilade, No
Charge, No Fire
Line Infantry Line Foot 6 6 8 1/base None
March Column,
Militia, Irregular,
Light Infantry Line Foot 9 9
8 Mu
12 Rifle
1/base Terrain Fighter
March Column,
Militia, Irregular,
Militia Line Foot 6 6 8 1/base None
March Column,
March Column Foot 9 9 - -
360 Enfilade, No
Charge, No Fire
Irregular Infantry Line / Column Foot 9 9
8 Mu
12 Rifle
Impetuous, Terrain
Fighter, Free
Movement, Evade
March Column,
Artillery Unlimbered
4 lb
6 lb
12 lb
- -
Pivot 45
Limbered Foot 9 - -
360 Enfilade, No
Charge, No fire
Galloper Mtd 18 - 4/8/12 3/2/1 Free Movement
Unit Morale Status
Fresh - Hit 1 Hit 1-2 -
Worn Hit 1 Hit 2 Hit 3 Hit 1
Spent Hit 2 Hit 3 Hit 4 -
Broken Hit 3 Hit 4 Hit 5 Hit 2
Causes of Disorganization
Unit not in Column or not a Terrain Fighter moves
in Bad Going
Unit Retreats
Enemy contacts Flank or Rear in Close Combat or
by Stagger
Unit receives a hit by Fire (or Assist by Fire) to
Flank or Rear