Avoiding Storage Violations in CICS
Avoiding Storage Violations in CICS
Avoiding Storage Violations in CICS
Technote (FAQ)
How can you prevent storage violations in your CICS regions?
CICS provides facilities to help you prevent storage violations. When possible
you should turn these facilities on, at a minimum, in your development and test
environments. By catching the offenders in development and test, you can
protect CICS code, control blocks, and transaction storage from being
overwritten in your production regions.
Reducing storage violations can decrease down time and improve the data
integrity in your regions.
Click on the following links to learn how to prevent storage violations:
Storage protection
CICS Transaction Server
Software version:
2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
Operating system(s):
Reference #:
Modified date:
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Storage protection prevents user application programs defined to use user-key storage from directly
overwriting CICS code and control blocks.
Steps to turn on storage protection
1. Set the STGPROT system initialization table (SIT) parameter to YES. You can use CEMT INQ
SYSTEM to see the status of storage protection in a region. The value of "Storeprotect" will be set to
"Active" if storage protection is on.
2. Ensure that the majority of your application programs are defined as user-key applications; that is,
with EXECKEY(USER) on the program definitions and TASKDATAKEY(USER) on the associated
transaction definitions. USER is the default for both the EXECKEY and TASKDATAKEY options.
Therefore, in most cases you do not have to change the resource definitions.
3. See CICS-key applications to determine if you have any application programs that are using facilities
that require you to define them with EXECKEY(CICS) and TASKDATAKEY(CICS). Change the
resource definitions accordingly.
Transaction isolation
Transaction isolation prevents a user transaction from directly overwriting the user application storage of
other transactions.
Steps to turn on transaction isolation
1. Setup storage protection in your CICS region as described under Storage protection in this document.
2. Apply the PTF for MVS APAR OA24094 to improve performance by decreasing the overhead of
turning on transaction isolation.
3. Specify YES for the TRANISO SIT parameter to turn on transaction isolation globally; that is, for the
whole CICS region. You can use CEMT INQ SYSTEM to display the status of transaction isolation
in a region. The value of "Tranisolate" will be "Active" if transaction isolation is on.
4. Where necessary, specify ISOLATE(NO) on transaction resource definitions to allow transactions to
continue to function if they fail to meet the criteria for the default of ISOLATE(YES). See Subspaces
and basespaces for transactions to get a better understanding of the default and to determine whether
or not you have any programs that need to share common storage.
ISOLATE(NO) provides support for migration, allowing the separation of transactions into their own
unique subspaces to be staged gradually. The best approach is to remove transaction
interdependencies. However, some programs have a legitimate need for one task to access, or share,
the storage of another task. In that case, consider changing the program to use shared storage; that is,
storage obtained by GETMAIN commands with the SHARED option (SDSA or ESDSA).
Note that VSAM nonshared resources (NSR) are not supported for transactions that use transaction isolation.
You should specify ISOLATE(NO) when you define transactions that access VSAM files using NSR.
Command protection
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These facilities protect storage from user application code. They add no
benefit to a region with no user code; that is, a pure TOR or a pure FOR
(where no DPL requests are function-shipped).
Command protection prevents CICS from modifying storage on behalf of an application program.
Steps to turn on command protection
1. To protect CICS itself from modifying storage on behalf of an application program that passes an
invalid address in an EXEC CICS command, specify YES for the CMDPROT SIT parameter. This
causes CICS to validate the start address of the storage, and establishes that the application program
has write access to the storage that begins with that address. Only then does CICS execute the
If a program passes an invalid address to CICS as an output field on the EXEC CICS command, an
AEYD abend occurs. Command protection is completely independent of storage protection and
transaction isolation.
2. You can use CEMT INQ SYSTEM to display the value of CMDPROT in your region. The value of
"Cmdprotect" will be set to "Cmdprot" if command protection is active.
Reentrant program storage protection
Reentrant program storage protection prevents reentrant user application programs from being overwritten
by CICS and other user-key applications.
Steps to turn on reentrant program storage protection
1. To protect your application programs from being overwritten by CICS-key applications, specify
PROTECT on the RENTPGM SIT parameter for at least your production CICS regions.
RENTPGM=PROTECT causes CICS to obtain storage for the eligible programs from MVS key-0
read-only storage. The CICS loader automatically loads programs into the read-only DSAs (RDSA
and ERDSA) if you link-edit the programs as reentrant by using the RENT attribute. Programs that
you link-edit with RENT and RMODE(ANY) are loaded into the ERDSA. For more details about
program eligibility, see Running application programs in the RDSAs.
You must specify RENTPGM=NOPROTECT for development regions if you have a development aid
package that sets break points in your application programs. Note that the RENTPGM parameter does
not depend on storage protection being active in your region.
2. You can use CEMT INQ SYSTEM to display the value of RENTPGM in your region. The value of
"Reentprotect" will be set to "Reentprot" if read-only storage is allocated from key 0 storage.
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If your development and test regions are on the same LPAR as your
production regions then you must use caution when turning on these
facilities. In this case, it is possible that the overhead of turning on these
facilities might affect the performance of your production regions.
After these facilities are activated, you will receive message DFHSR0001
reporting a protection exception (0C4) when CICS detects and prevents an
attempted storage violation. The X'offset' into the program and the program
name will be included in the message. Examine the program to determine why
it is trying to modify storage that it is not allowed to modify. Also, make sure
that you do not have an error in the transaction or program definition.
Related information
MustGather for CICS storage violations
Overhead of storage protection facilities in CICS TS
Product Alias/Synonym
CICS/TS CICS TS CICS Transaction Server
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Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and
service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list
of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark
information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.
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