The document provides guidance on key steps for answering science questions using the SPS (Seni Penilaian Sains) method. It includes:
1. Observing details from diagrams/tables and stating observations without inferences.
2. Making inferences by providing a reason for observations.
3. Identifying variables in investigations - what is changed, measured, and kept the same.
4. Stating a hypothesis relating the changing and measuring variables.
5. Drawing a conclusion based on results and what was learned.
6. Making predictions, identifying trends, and stating the purpose of investigations.
The document provides guidance on key steps for answering science questions using the SPS (Seni Penilaian Sains) method. It includes:
1. Observing details from diagrams/tables and stating observations without inferences.
2. Making inferences by providing a reason for observations.
3. Identifying variables in investigations - what is changed, measured, and kept the same.
4. Stating a hypothesis relating the changing and measuring variables.
5. Drawing a conclusion based on results and what was learned.
6. Making predictions, identifying trends, and stating the purpose of investigations.
Original Description:
Key concepts to guide pupils to answer Science UPSR section B
The document provides guidance on key steps for answering science questions using the SPS (Seni Penilaian Sains) method. It includes:
1. Observing details from diagrams/tables and stating observations without inferences.
2. Making inferences by providing a reason for observations.
3. Identifying variables in investigations - what is changed, measured, and kept the same.
4. Stating a hypothesis relating the changing and measuring variables.
5. Drawing a conclusion based on results and what was learned.
6. Making predictions, identifying trends, and stating the purpose of investigations.
The document provides guidance on key steps for answering science questions using the SPS (Seni Penilaian Sains) method. It includes:
1. Observing details from diagrams/tables and stating observations without inferences.
2. Making inferences by providing a reason for observations.
3. Identifying variables in investigations - what is changed, measured, and kept the same.
4. Stating a hypothesis relating the changing and measuring variables.
5. Drawing a conclusion based on results and what was learned.
6. Making predictions, identifying trends, and stating the purpose of investigations.
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What is your observation from the picture/graph/table above? What can you see from the diagram? What can you say about the figure above? State one observation... Use our 5 senses eg eyes, nose, ear, skin and mouth. Identify all the information given. Do not give reason . eg he number of elephant decrease !lant " is bigger than plant # State one inference$ %ive reason for your ans&er in $. '(planation from an observation &hy it happen ) give reasons. a* observation + &hy
hink &hy it happens , using our mind. #nimals e(tinct because of $$$$$$$$ not enough food illegal hunting
he plant getting &ithered because $. a* didn-t get enough.. b* didn-t get any$ c* didn-t get the right amount of$ d* there is no.. State t&o variables in the Investigation In the investigation state i &hat to change ii &hat to measure iii &hat to keep the same State t&o information gathered $$$$.. Identify the variables. What to hange (!ani"#$ate%) .ook for the things difference /changes in the diagram The weight of load hanged What to !eas#re (res"on%ing) .ook for the result The length of the spring What to &ee" the sa!e (ontro$) .ook for the things that are the same in the diagram The size of the spring /. Same type/si0e/ amount / volume of$ 1. he presence /absence of..&ater / food 2our variables must have$. eg
'ara!eter ( O)*ets Si0e of pot .ength of spring #mount of &ater 3umber of animal ype of food 100g 150g 200g A B O B S E R V A T I O N I N F E R E N C E C O N T R O L L I N G
V A R I A B L E S SPS QUESTION KEY STEPS ANSWER KEY State a hypothesis for this investigation Using the information above, &rite a hypothesis 4ypothesis can be made based on the inference. .ook for +hat to hange and +hat to !eas#re 5elates bet&een &hat to change and &hat to measure The heavier the $oa% the $onger the s"ring, he bigger / the smaller he longer / the shorter he thicker / the thinner he more / the least #s the -+eight o. the $oa% / increase, the -$ength o. the s"ring / also increase #s the number of pupil increase the classroom temperature also increase What can you conclude from this activity/fair test. State your conclusion based on the activity/fair test. What the result means? What have you learnt from this activity? he results/findings from an activity/ fair test It relates bet&een +hat is hange% and +hat is !eas#re%, Use Siene Cone"t When / If /#s 6+hat to hange7 increase / decrease, the 6 +hat to !eas#re8 increase / decrease. eg #s the ti!e to heat the +ater increase, the +ater te!"erat#re also increase 9rom the fair test, &e found out that$$$ plant needs sunlight to stay alive animals need food to stay alive
50g 100g 150g The temperature of the ca!!room "epe#" o# the #um$er of pup% cupboard & Y P O T & E S I S C O N C L U S I O N Ti!e (!in) 1 : ; < Water te!"erat#re := 5= ;= >= SPS QUESTION KEY STEPS ANSWER KEY What happens if$? !redict &hat &ill happen to$.after$.
?ake sure the ans&er ask to predict the previous or future results. .ook at the pattern. If the data are in figures, the ans&er must be in figures form. 9rom the pattern, predict your ans&er.
6 >=)5=@1= 1=A1@/= 5=+/=@01/ !redict the number /= kg, ;= o B !redict the situation ) Will gro& healthy / ) be e(tinct / ) stay alive State the changes in trend/ pattern Cbserve the trend/ pattern arrangement Identify the differences
9rom small getting bigger or larger
9rom bigger/larger getting smaller Inreasing Dereasing Di% not hange What is the "#r"ose of carrying out this activity? What is the ai! of this investigation? What do you &ant to find out from this fair test? .ook for +hat to hange in the diagram .ook for +hat to !eas#re in the diagram 5elate your ans&er
What to changeD a!o#nt o. +ater What to observeD si2e o. )$a& "athes o find out the relationship bet&een the a!o#nt o. +ater on the bread and the si2e o. )$a& "athes, PRACTICE $ac' patche! 5 drips of wa!r
15 drips of wa!r
25 drips of wa!r ' R E D I C T I N G T R E N D
' A T T E R N
A I 4
' U R ' O S E Ti!e (!in) 1 : ; < Water te!"erat#re := 5= >= Ti!e (!in) 1 : ; < Water te!"erat#re := 5= ;= >= Ti!e (!in) 1 : ; < Water te!"erat#re E= <= >= 5= Ti!e (!in) 1 : ; < Water te!"erat#re 5= 5= 5= 5= 1" T#! figur! s#ows apparaus us!d i$ a$ i$%!sigaio$" S!ps& 1" S! up #! apparaus as s#ow$ abo%!" 2" Swi$g #! p!$du'u( s'ow')" *" R!cord #! i(! a+!$ for 20 swi$gs" ," R!p!a #! aci%ii!s wi# #! diff!r!$ '!$g# of sri$gs" R!su's& Le#(th of !tr%#(! )cm* 10 20 *0 ,0 50 T%me ta'e# for +, !-%#(! )!* - 1. 2, *2 ,0 a/ 0#a is #! a%m of #is i$%!sigaio$. To fi$d ou #! r!'aio$s#ip b!w!!$1111111111111111111111111111 a$d111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 b/ I$ #! i$%!sigaio$2 sa! i" -hat %! cha#(e"&111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii -hat %! mea!ure"&11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 c/ 0#a is #! tre#" i$ #! i(! a+!$ for 20 swi$gs3 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 d/ The #um$er of !-%#(! "epe#"! o# the e#(th of !tr%#(! Sa! o$! h/pothe!%! for #! sa!(!$ abo%!"
If #! 1111111111111111111 1111111111111112 #! 11111111111111 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 !/ 0#a co#cu!%o# ca$ b! (ad! bas!d o$ #! sa!(!$ abo%!3 As #!11111111111111111111 1111111111111112 #! 11111111111111 1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2" 4iagra( b!'ow s#ows a$ i$%!sigaio$ carri!d ou b) Fi5a" S#! pus #r!! diff!r!$ si5!s of spo$g! i$ #r!! co$ai$!rs" Eac# co$ai$!r co$ai$s 500 (' wa!r" Af!r 15 (i$u!s2 s#! r!cord!d #! %o'u(! of wa!r '!f i$ #! co$ai$!r" T#! r!su' is s#ow$ i$ #! ab'! b!'ow" Co#ta%#er P 6 R Voume of -ater eft 0 m ,00 250 100 a/ 0#a is #! a%m of #! i$%!sigaio$3 To fi$d ou #! r!'aio$s#ip b!w!!$11111111111111111111111111 a$d 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 b/ I$ #is i$%!sigaio$ sa!& i" -hat %! cha#(e"&1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii" -hat %! mea!ure"&111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 c/ 0#a is #! tre#" of c#a$g! i$ #! %o'u(! of wa!r '!f3 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 d/ Sa! #! r!'aio$s#ip b!w!!$ #! si5! of spo$g! a$d #! %o'u(! of wa!r absorb b) #! spo$g!" As #!111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111112 #! 111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 !/ 0#a co$c'usio$ ca$ )ou (a+! bas!d o$ #! ab'! abo%!3 As #!1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111112 #! 111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 500 (' wa!r 500 (' wa!r Co#ta%#er P Co#ta%#er Q Co#ta%#er R *" T#! ab'! b!'ow s#ows #! (ass of sugar disso'%!d i$ #! wa!r" Temperature of -ater 0 o C 1a!! of !u(ar "%!!o2e" 0 ( *5 25 ,5 50 55 75 .5 100 75 125 a/ 0#a is #! tre#" i$ #! (ass of sugar disso'%!d3 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 b/ I$ #is i$%!sigaio$2 sa!8 i" -hat %! cha#(e"111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii" -hat %! mea!ure"111111111111111111111111111111111111111 b/ 0#a is #! r!'aio$s#ip b!w!!$ #! wo %ariab'!s i$ #! ab'!3 As #!1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111112 #! 111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111
The t%me ta'e# for the !u(ar to "%!!o2e "epe#"! o# the 2oume of -ater u!e"" c/ 0ri! o$! #)po#!sis bas!d o$ #! sa!(!$ abo%!" If #!1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111112 #! 111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 d/ 0#a co$c'usio$ ca$ b! (ad! bas!d o$ #! sa!(!$ abo%!3 As #! 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111112 #! 111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111