Part One Geometrical Optics: Light Rays

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Part One

Geometrical Optics
?why optics 1-1

.Why study optics? Lasers and fiber optics will soon replace most wires

:Light rays 1-2

Electromagnetic Spectrum
We can see from about 400 nm to 700 nm
This is known as the visible spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Shortest wavelengths
(Most energetic photons)

E = hν = hc/λ
[h = 6.6x10-34 [J*sec
(Planck’s constant)

Longest wavelengths
(Least energetic photons)


:The Theories of Light 1-3

The wave –particle Duality

Ray Wavelength(λ) Frequency (ν) Hz Energy (E) ev
Gamma 10-2 – 10-6 nm 3x1019-3x1022 19.86x104-19.86x107

X 10-6 – 10 nm 3x1022-3x1016 19.86x107-19.86x101

Ultra 10- 100 nm 3x1016-3x1015 19.86x101-19.86x100

Visible 100 nm – 1 µm 3x1015-3x1014 19.86x100-19.86x10-1

Infrared 1µm – 1 mm 3x1014-3x1011 19.86x10-1-19.86x10-4

Microwave 1mm – 10 cm 3x1011-3x1010 19.86x10-4-19.86x10-5

Radio wave 10 cm – 100km 3x1010-3x106 19.86x10-5-19/86x10-9

Light Waves

Until about 1900, the classical wave theory of light described most observed
:Light waves

:Characterized by

(Amplitude (A 
Frequency 
Wavelength 

:Wave /Particle duality for light(*)

Photon=elementary light particle
h=planck's constant=6.6262×10-34 J.sec
"c=λν "dispersion relation
(ν=frequency (sec-1
(λ=wavelength (m

…And then there was a problem

However, in the early 20th century, several effects were observed which could not be
.understood using the wave theory of light

:Two of the more influential observations were

The Photo-Electric Effect (1

The Compton Effect (2

(Photoelectric Effect (I -
Classical” Method“ ?What if we try this

Increase energy by Vary wavelength, fixed amplitude

increasing amplitude
electrons electrons
? emitted ?emitted
No Yes, with
low KE
Yes, with
No high KE

No electrons were emitted until the frequency of the light exceeded a critical
!frequency, at which point electrons were emitted from the surface
(Recall: small λ  large ν )

If light was really a wave, it was thought that if one shined light of a fixed wavelength on
a metal surface and varied the intensity (made it brighter and hence classically, a more
.energetic wave), eventually, electrons should be emitted from the surface

-(Photoelectric Effect (II

Electrons are attracted to the (positively charged) nucleus by the*
electrical force
In metals, the outermost electrons are not tightly bound, and can*
.be easily “liberated” from the shackles of its atom
…It just takes sufficient energy*
Classically, we increase the energy of an EM wave by increasing the intensity
(e.g. brightness)

Energy α A2

?? But this doesn’t work

.A=amplitude of the wave

-(PhotoElectric Effect (III
 An alternate view is that light is acting like a particle
 The light particle must have sufficient energy to “free” the
electron from the atom.
 Increasing the Amplitude is just simply increasing the number
of light particles, but its NOT increasing the energy of each one!
 Increasing the Amplitude does diddly-squat!
 However, if the energy of these “light particle” is related to their
frequency, this would explain why higher frequency light can
knock the electrons out of their atoms, but low frequency light cannot…

-Photo-Electric Effect (IV)

 In this “quantum-mechanical” picture, the energy of the
light particle (photon) must overcome the binding energy of the
electron to the nucleus.
 If the energy of the photon does exceed the binding energy, the
electron is emitted with a KE = Ephoton – Ebinding.
 The energy of the photon is given by E=hγ, where the
constant h = 6.6x10-34 [J s] is Planck’s constant.

“Light particle”

Before Collision After Collision

 Quantum theory describes light as a particle
called a photon
 According to quantum theory, a photon has
an energy given by
E = hγ = hc/λ h = 6.6x10-34 [J*sec]
Planck’s constant, after the scientist Max Planck.
 The energy of the light is proportional to the frequency, and inversely
proportional to the wavelength! The higher the frequency (lower wavelength)
the higher the energy of the photon!
 10 photons have an energy equal to ten times a single photon.
 The quantum theory describes experiments to astonishing precision,
whereas the classical wave description cannot.

-de Broglie’s Relation λ
 The smaller the wavelength the larger the photon’s momentum!
 The energy of a photon is simply related to the momentum by:

E = pc (or, p=E/c )
 The wavelength is related to the momentum by: λ= h/p
 The photon has momentum, and its momentum is given
by simply p = h /λ.

-Momentum of Photons
?If I have a photon with energy E=1 [GeV], what is its momentum
!p = E / c = (1 [GeV])/c = 1 [GeV/c] … That’s it

?If I have a photon with momentum 5 GeV/c, what is its energy

! E = pc = (5 GeV/c) * c = 5 [GeV] … whallah
So, the only difference between a photons’ energy and momentum is:
Energy  [GeV]
momentum  [GeV/c]

Don’t forget though that the “c” in [GeV/c] really means 3x108
Scattering Problem
Incident X- Electron
ray initially at
rest λ f
λ i= 1.5 [
e e

]KE=0.2 [keV
Before After

Compute the energy of the 1.5 [nm] X-ray photon.

E = hc/λ = (6.6x10-34 [J s])(3x108 [m/s]) / (1.5x10-9 [m])
= 1.3x10-16 [J]

Scattering Example (cont)

Express this energy in [keV].
1.3x10-16 [J] * (1 [eV] / 1.6 x10-19 [J]) = 825 [eV] = 0.825 [keV]

What is the magnitude of the momentum of this photon?

[p = E / c = 0.825 [keV]/ c = 0.825 [keV/c

After the collision the electron’s energy was found to be 0.2 [keV]. What is the energy of
the scattered photon?
A) 0.2 [keV] B) 0.625 [keV] C) 1.025 [keV] D) 0.825 [keV]

]Since energy must be conserved, the photon must have E=0.825-0.2 = 0.625 [keV

What would be the wavelength of the scattered photon?

HW exercise !

Summary of Photons
 Photons can be thought of as
“packets of light” which behave as a
 To describe interactions of light with matter, one generally has to appeal to the
particle (quantum) description of light.
 A single photon has an energy given by
E = hc/λ,
h = Planck’s constant = 6.6x10-34 [J s] and,
c = speed of light = 3x108 [m/s]
λ = wavelength of the light (in [m])
 Photons also carry momentum. The momentum is related to the energy by:
p = E / c = h/λ

Matter Waves ?
One might ask:
“If light waves can behave like a particle, might particles act like waves”?
The short answer is YES. The explanation lies in the realm of
quantum mechanics, and is beyond the scope of this course.
However, you already have been introduced to the answer.
λ = h/p = h / mv
Particles also have a wavelength given by:

That is,the
just likeaaphoton!
The maindifference
photons don’t! !

Matter Waves (cont)

Compute the wavelength of a 1 [kg] block moving at 1000 [m/s].

λ = h/mv = 6.6x10-34 [J s]/(1 [kg])(1000 [m/s]) = 6.6x10-37 [m].

 This is immeasureably small. So, on a large scale, we cannot

observe the wave
Compute behavior ofofmatter
the wavelength an electron (m=9.1x10-31 [kg])
moving at 1x107 [m/s].

λ = h/mv = 6.6x10-34 [J s]/(9.1x10-31 [kg])(1x107 [m/s])

= 7.3x10-11 [m].

This is near the wavelength of X-rays

Remarks on Particle Probes
 We have now asserted that high energy particles (electrons in the
case of a SEM) can provide a way to reveal the structure of matter
beyond what can be seen using an optical microscope.
 The higher the momentum of the particle, the smaller the
deBroglie wavelength.

 As the wavelength decreases, finer and finer details about the

structure of matter are revealed !
 We will return to this very important point.
 To explore matter at its smallest size, we need very high
momentum particles!
 Today, this is accomplished at facilities often referred to as
“atom-smashers”. We prefer to call them “accelerators”
 More on this later !
Huygens’ Principle
In the 17th Century, Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) proposed what we now know as
Huygens’ Principle, one of the fundamental concepts of waves and wave optics.

A typical statement of the principle is “every point on a wavefront acts as a source

of a new wavefront, propagating radially outward.”

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