Yoga, Bladder Function, Spinal Cord Injury .
Spinal cord injuries commonly lead to paralysis; they involve damage to the nerves within the
bony protection of the spinal canal. The most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction is trauma
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Yogic practices on Bladder functioning in
incomplete Spinal cord injured patients.
Methods: This was a randomised control study. The study was conducted in the
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, C.S.M.M.U., Lucknow. A total of
60 patients were interviewed using a pre-tested semi-structured schedule between 16 to
60 years of age, diagnosed study cases of traumatic incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI)
with neurological (both sensory & motor) impairment below thoracic (T12 level) with
bladder & bowel involvement were included in the study. The duration of injury was
more than 2 months, were divided randomly using random number table into 2 groups
study group (received Yoga) (n=30) and control group (not received Yoga) (n=30) for 6
months. Patients were asked to come on 3rd and 6th month. Anthropometric
measurements were also recorded. The paired t-test was used to compare the changes
amongst follow-ups and unpaired t-test was used to compare between groups. The p-
value<0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: At the baseline both the groups were similar in anthropometric and
clinical parameters The bladder function score was insignificantly lower (p>0.05) in
study group (1.430.57) as compared to controls at the baseline (1.730.83) and it is
increased to 3.13 (0.78) in study group after 6 months of Yoga and became to 2.13
(0.78) in control group. The change in bladder function score was significantly
(p<0.0001) higher in study group as compared to s control group from baseline to 3 and
6 months. There was 54.3% increase in bladder function score from baseline to 6 months
in study group which was 18.8% in control group.
Conclusion: The finding of the study reveals that there is significant impact of
Yoga in the management of Bladder among spinal cord injured patients.
PhD Student, Deptt. of Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation, CSMMU (KGMU), Lucknow.
Prof , Deptt. of Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation, King George's Medical University ,Lucknow.
Prof., Deptt. of Psychiatry,King George's Medical University,Lucknow..
Prof., Deptt. of Neurology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow
Prof. and Head, Deptt. of Physiology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow.
Associate Professor, Deptt. of Yogic Science and Human Consciouness,
Devsanskriti Viswavidyalaya, Shantikunj, Haridwar,
Vol - 1, Issue - 23, Sept 25 2013
Website : http://reviewofprogress.org/
(including motor vehicle accidents, falls, shallow diving, acts of violence, and sports injuries). Damage can
also occur from various diseases acquired at birth or later in life, from tumors, electric shock, and loss of
oxygen related to surgical or underwater mishaps1. The spinal cord does not have to be severed in order for
a loss of function to occur. The spinal cord can be bruised, stretched, or crushed. Since the spinal cord
coordinates body movement and sensation, an injured spinal cord loses the ability to send and receive
messages from the brain to the body's system that controls sensory, motor, and autonomic function. Bladder
problems occur as a result of damage to the spinal cord. The sacral nerves at the base of the spinal cord
(s2,s3,s4 control bladder function, so virtually any level of spinal cord injury results in bladder control
problems. Complications of bladder problems resulting from SCI include urinary tract infections, sepsis,
dyssynergia, kidney stones or bladder stones and bladder cancer in those who use indwelling catheters for a
long period of time.
The management of acute SCI should seek primarily to protect the individual from additional
injury. It is mainly directed at the prevention of secondary injury and control of the systemic physiologic
derangements resulting from the original injury. Most traumatic SCI occurs as a result of rapid cord
compression because of a fracture-dislocation or burst fracture (Bunge et al, 1993). One necessary step is
to decompress the swollen cord by removing damaging bone, disc, and ligament fragments. Early surgery is
typically limited to individuals with continued neurologic decline and evidence from magnetic resonance
imaging of acute compression (Esce and Haines, 2000).3 However, there is no standard of care regarding
the role and timing of early surgical intervention because of insufficient data to support overall treatment
standards. However, the clinical American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) injury grade should not be
used in the equation of who should receive early surgery, as has been the case in the past. Because of spinal
shock, many individuals will present as ASIA A or a complete injury but will improve to a higher grade with
resolution of spinal shock. Some animal data strongly suggest that early decompression (24 hours) can
improve neurologic recovery and lower the rate of complications (Duh et al, 1994; Dimar et al, 1999).
4There is a lot of clinical uncertainty about surgical intervention and its time window in the setting of
human SCI. Most studies cannot identify a difference in clinical outcomes between operated and non-
operated patients (Fehlings et al, 2001).
Study design: Randomized controlled trial.
Study site: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, C.S.M.M.U., Lucknow
Study Subjects: A total of 60 patients were interviewed using a pre-tested semi-structured schedule
between 16 to 60 years of age, diagnosed cases of traumatic incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) with
neurological (both sensory & motor) impairment below thoracic (T12 level) with and without bladder &
bowel involvement were included in the study. The duration of injury was more than 2 months. All the
patients in the study group continued to receive medical/physical treatment as advised by the treating
surgeon. Study group (n=30) received additionally given specific yogic practices for a period of six months
and control group (n=30) received a simulation technique. Both groups completed their follow up,
considered for the analysis. The present study has the approval of the Institutional Review Board and
informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
Approach: The subjects are randomized equally in two groups by the lottery method. The age, sex,
duration of injury of the two groups were assessed at the baseline.
Outcome variable such as bladder function changes was observed under the supervision of its
corresponding expert. Follow up data is collected at 3rd month and final at 6 th month.. Test and retest of
the two groups were conducted in the same time and environment and the same time of the day. Before
experimentation, all subjects were well taught about the measurement variables and their outcomes. The
patients were also informed about the experimental risks, if any.
Procedure: After group allocation, respective subjects were experimented either with simulation or
yogic intervention included with their medical/physical treatment. Both interventions were given as
indivisual intervention by the same experimentor with the same intensity and capacity for 3 months (6 days
in week ). The duration of each individual session was 1 hour per day. The brief description and details of
yogic intervention and simulation technique areas follows:
Yoga Intervention Programme for study group: The Study group were given daily Yoga session on 5
days in a week. Each session lasted for 60 minutes. The components of each session were in the following
- Initiation prayer - 2min
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-Asanas- 30 min
-Pranayamas- 15 min
-Concentration with A-kar, U-kar and M-kar chanting- 10min
-Shantipath & closing prayer - 3 min
Simulation Technique for Control Group: This is the relaxation technique designed for the control
group. According to this technique, first sit in any relaxation posture. Inhale deeply and exhale after a short
while. Try to concentrate on past experiences full of sorrows. Concentrate on the same thought for some
time. Release the mind from the above thought. Now try to concentrate on past experiences full of
happiness. Concentrate on the same thought for some time. Now relax . This procedure takes 60 minutes
Outcome variables: The autonomic parameters including bladder function is assessed by the Autonomic
Function Examination Scale. (Alexander M, Biering-Sorensen F, Bodned D, Brackett N, Cardenas D,
Charlifue S , Creasey G, et. al. International standards to document remaining autonomic function after
spinal cord injury, Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 3643; doi:10.1038/sc.2008.121; published online 28 October
Statistical analysis: The results were presented in meansd and percentages. The repeated measures of
analysis was used to compare changes from baseline to follow-ups and paired t-test was used to compare
changes from baseline to 3 month, baseline to 6 month and 3 month to 6 month. The unpaired t-test was used
to compare between groups. The p-value<0.05 was considered as significant. All the analysis was done by
using SPSS 15.0 version.
Ethical consideration: The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of King George's Medical
University. The consent from each subjects were taken before the enrolment in the study.
The baseline characteristics of the study cases and controls were similar (Table-1).
Changes in Bladder function
The bladder function score was insignificantly lower (p>0.05) in study group (1.430.57) as
compared to controls at the baseline (1.730.83).
The bladder function score became 2.77 (0.63) in study group after 3 months of Yoga and this
became to 1.93 (0.83) in control group. This again increased to 3.13 (0.78) in study group after 6 months
of Yoga and this became to 2.13 (0.78) in control group. The change in bladder function score was
significantly (p<0.0001) higher in study group as compared to s control group from baseline to 3 and 6
months. There was significant impact of time (follow-ups) in the increase in bladder score (p<0.0001). The
increase in bladder score was significantly higher in study group as compared to control group from
baseline to 3 months (p<0.0001), 3 months to 6 months (p=0.001) and baseline to 6 months (p<0.0001).
The percent change analysis showed that there was 48.4% increase in bladder function score in the
study group from baseline to 3 months of treatments which was 10.4% in control group. Similarly, there
was 11.5% increase in bladder function score from 3 months to 6 months in study group which was 9.4% in
control group. However, there was 54.3% increase in bladder function score from baseline to 6 months in
study group which was 18.8% in control group.
The study is a randomized controlled unmasked trial with two parallel limbs. Doing a randomized
controlled trial (RCT) on yoga involves some inevitable compromises. There is no placebo for yoga, and
the subject can not be blinded. Further, neither the control nor the experimental group can be denied the
conventional treatment, if available. Therefore, we decided, as is a common practice in RCTs on
yoga, to give only the conventional treatment to the control group, and to add the yogic treatment to
the conventional treatment in the study group (yoga group). Thus, any difference in the efficacy of
intervention in the two groups may be attributed to yogic intervention.
The various interventions administered under the omnibus title 'yoga' cover a very wide spectrum.
This is inevitable because yoga is not a system of medicine; it is a way of life, the implications of which
go beyond health and disease employed for prevention or management of disease, some convenient and
highly visible elements of yoga are used selectively. In the present study, there was significant
improvement in the bladder function scores of spinal cord injured patients. However, in our best
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knowledge, there is no study which study the impact of Yoga on spinal cord injured patients, therefore, we
could not compare our results with the findings of other studies.
Yoga is an ancient discipline that originated in early civilization on the Indian subcontinent and
has been practiced throughout East Asia for over 5000 years. While yoga is fairly a new addition to
evidence-based protocols in the U.S., Khalsa (2004) found over 150 studies, in which most demonstrated
efficacious treatment with yoga in studies conducted in the U.S. and other countries, and in particular in
India. Although many of these studies have not been empirically rigorous, much evidence implicates the
utility of yoga for healthy populations (Pal, 2004) and for many health concerns, among them respiratory
and autonomic dysfunction (Morse, 1980). Relaxation training and yoga interventions have become
treatments of interest for the military. Anxiety and somatic symptoms have decreased following mind-body
interventions, including yoga.
Yoga has much to offer in this modern, multitasking, sensory-overload age, especially for
individuals with SCI. By cultivating a better presence in the entire body, yoga will cumulatively produce
benefits that will greatly enhance quality of life. A serious limitation of study is lack of adequate sample size
but this being the first study its kind on SCI patients, the error is deliberate as the objective of the study was
to collect and report baseline data for future reference. There is a need for multicentre trials for adequate
Bunge RP, Puckett WR, Becerra JL, et al. Observations on the pathology of human spinal cord injury: a
review and classification of 22 new cases with details from a case of chronic cord compression with
extensive focal demyelination. Adv Neurol. 1993;59:7589.
Esce PG and Haines SJ. Acute treatment of spinal cord injury. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2000;2:517524
Duh MS, Shepard MJ, Wilberger JE, et al. The effectiveness of surgery on the treatment of acute spinal cord
injury and its relation to pharmacological treatment. Neurosurgery. 1994;35:240248.
Dimar JR, Glassman SD, Raque GH, et al. The influence of spinal canal narrowing and timing of
decompression on neurologic recovery after spinal cord contusion in a rat model. Spine.
Fehlings MG, Sekhon LH, Tator C. The role and timing of decompression in acute spinal cord injury: what
do we know? What should we do? Spine. 2001;26(24 suppl):S101S110.
Khalsa, S. B. (2004). Yoga as a therapeutic intervention : A bibliometric analysis of published research
studies. Indian J Physiol Pharmacology, 48(3), 269285.
Pal, G. K., Velkumary, S., & Madanmohan. (2004). Effect of short-term practice of breathing exercises on
autonomic functions in normal human volunteers. Indian J Med Res 120, 115-21.
Morse, D. R., Cohen, L., Furst, M. L., & Martin, J. S. (1984). A physiological evaluation of the yoga
concept of respiratory control of autonomic nervous system activity. Int J Psychosom, 31, 3-19.
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Table-1: Baseline characteristics of the study group and control group
Table-2: Changes in Bladder function score
Between groups- p=0.003, follow- ups- p<0.0001, between groups with follow-ups- p<0.0001,
Baseline vs 3 months-p<0.0001, 3 months vs 6 months-p=0.001, Baseline vs 6 months-p<0.0001
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